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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dengue spatial dynamics : the example of Northern Vietnam / Dynamique spatiale de la dengue : l'exemple du Nord Vietnam

Le Viet, Thanh 15 December 2015 (has links)
Alors que l’épidémiologie de la dengue dans le sud du Vietnam est caractérisée par un régime d’hyper-endémicité, la maladie est en train d’émerger dans le nord du pays depuis une quinzaine d’années. Les incidences annuelles augmentent de façon constante d’année en année et la maladie diffuse à partir de Hanoi vers les zones rurales environnantes. Le travail de recherche effectué durant cette thèse s’intéresse aux déterminants spatiaux et temporels de la transmission de la dengue dans un contexte d’émergence. Les résultats sont organisés en 3 parties. La première se concentre sur l’étude d’une épidémie qui frappa à l’automne 2013 l’île de Cat Ba, au large du Vietnam dans la baie d’Halong. Cette île est caractérisée par une population de petite taille vivant essentiellement de l’exploitation des produits de la mer ainsi que du tourisme. Une grande proportion de cette population vit sur des villages flottant au large de l’île. Nous avons comparé l’épidémiologie de la dengue sur les villages flottants et sur l’île. Pour cela nous avons testé l’agrégation spatio-temporelle des cas de dengue. Nos résultats montrent une incidence de dengue sur les villages flottant plus forte que sur l’île, malgré des densités de moustiques plus faibles. Les cas de dengue étaient également extrêmement agrégés dans le temps et l’espace, suggérant une importation de moustiques infectés plutôt qu’un cycle de transmission local complet.La seconde partie de cette thèse s’est intéressée aux déterminants environnementaux de la transmission de la dengue dans la province de Hanoi. Cette étude est basée sur l’analyse de 31906 cas de dengue géospatialisés de 2008 à 2013 et utilise des méthodes de SIG couplées avec des techniques modernes d’apprentissage automatique dans le but de quantifier en détail les influences de chaque covariable environnementale sur le risque de dengue. Nos résultats montrent une forte influence de la densité de population sur l’incidence de la dengue, comme précédemment documenté dans d’autres régions du monde. L’incidence de la dengue augmente avec la couverture végétale pour de faibles niveaux de couverture végétale et atteint de très faibles niveaux lorsque la couverture végétale est au-dessus d’un certain seuil. Une telle relation est cohérente avec ce qui est actuellement connu sur l’écologie des vecteurs de dengue. Finalement, nos résultats ont montré une forte association entre les incidences de dengue et les zones résidentielles universitaires. Ces zones sont peuplées d’étudiants venant des régions autour de Hanoi où l’incidence est faible. La susceptibilité à la dengue de cette population estudiantine est donc plus forte que dans le reste de la population de Hanoi.La dernière partie de cette thèse s’est intéressée aux relations entre les épidémies successives de dengue à Hanoi de 2011 à 2014. L’épidémiologie de la dengue à Hanoi est très saisonnière avec de très faibles incidences en hiver. Une question majeure dans une telle situation est de savoir si les virus de dengue persistent localement entre chaque épidémie. Si non, alors les cas de dengue observés en hiver correspondraient à des cas d’importation qui pourraient démarrer une nouvelle épidémie chaque été lorsque les conditions climatiques locales deviennent à nouveau favorables pour la transmission de la dengue. Nous avons utilisé une approche de phylogénie moléculaire de virus échantillonnés à Hanoi ainsi que dans d’autres localités en Asie du sud-est d’où les virus de dengue pourraient migrer. L’idée d’une telle approche consiste à comparer les distances phylogénétiques entre des virus circulants dans une localité une année donnée et des virus circulants soit la même année dans d’autres localités, soit durant les années précédentes dans la même localité. Nos résultats suggèrent que, chaque année, les épidémies de dengue à Hanoi démarrent à partir des virus de dengue importés depuis Ho Chi Minh ville. Ce schéma semble être le cas pour les 4 sérotypes de dengue. / While high dengue transmission has been documented in the southern part of Vietnam since the late seventies, the disease started to emerge in the northern part of the country 15 years ago only. In northern Vietnam, annual incidences are consistently increasing from year to year and progressively spreading from Hanoi to the surrounding rural areas. Very little is known on the causes of this recent emergence.The research carried out in this PhD revolves around the spatial and temporal determinants of dengue epidemiological transmission in a context of emergence and the results are organized in 3 parts. The first one focuses on a single epidemic of dengue that occurred during the autumn of 2013 on the small island of Cat Ba, off the coast of Vietnam in Ha Long bay. Cat Ba island is characterized by a population of a small size mostly living from sea farming and tourism. Dengue transmission on this island has been historically rare until the major epidemics that stroke the island in 2013. The population of Cat Ba has this specificity that a large proportion of it lives of floating villages off the island coast. We were interested in investigating whether the epidemics had different behavior on the island and the floating villages. To achieve this aim, we focused on the identification of spatio-temporal clusters of cases. Our results show a higher dengue incidence on the floating villages than on the island despite lower mosquito densities. Dengue cases were also highly clustered in space and time suggesting importation of infected mosquitoes rather than a local complete transmission cycle.The second part focuses on the environmental determinants of dengue transmission in the province of Hanoi. This study is based on the use of 31,906 geospatialized cases of dengue from 2008 to 2013 and applies GIS techniques coupled with modern machine learning techniques in order to quantify in detail the influences of each environmental covariate on dengue risk. Our results showed a strong influence of population density on dengue incidence as previously reported in other parts of the world. Dengue incidence increased with tree coverage for low levels of tree coverage and then reached very low levels for tree coverage above a given threshold. This pattern is consistent with the current knowledge of the dengue vector ecology. Finally we showed a strong association of dengue incidence with academic residential areas. Such areas are populated with students coming from locations around Hanoi with low dengue incidence. The susceptibility of this student population to dengue infection is thus higher than the rest of the Hanoian population.The final part looked at the relationships between the successive epidemics in Hanoi from 2011 to 2014. Dengue epidemiology in Hanoi is very seasonal with very few cases documented in winter. A major question in such situations is whether viruses actually persist locally between epidemics. If not, then observed cases during the winter would correspond to imported cases igniting new epidemics every summer when the local climatic conditions are favorable again for local dengue transmission. To do so, we used phylogenetic analyses of virus sampled in Hanoi combined with virus sampled in other locations in Southeast Asia from where dengue viruses could migrate. The rationale behind this method is to compare the phylogenetic distances between sequences circulating in a given location in a given year and sequences circulating either the same year in other locations or previous years in the same location. Our results suggest that every year dengue epidemics in Hanoi are started from viruses imported from Ho Chi Minh city. This seems to be the case for the 4 dengue serotypes.

La gestion de crise tsunami dans la Caraïbe : contribution géographique aux dispositifs d’alerte et d'évacuation des populations / Tsunami crisis management in the Caribbean : a geographical contribution to warning and evacuation procedures

Péroche, Mathieu 14 October 2016 (has links)
Le contexte géodynamique du bassin de la Caraïbe, du fait notamment de la présence de zones de subduction et de nombreux édifices volcaniques, est favorable à la génération de tsunamis. La connaissance historique de ce phénomène dans la région, associée à de récents résultats de simulation numérique, confirme ce fort potentiel. Les amplitudes de vagues modélisées à l’approche des côtes avoisinent les 10 m pour certains scénarios. L’aléa tsunami est une menace pour l’ensemble du littoral des territoires du bassin de la Caraïbe. Les enjeux humains, structurels et stratégiques, concentrés massivement sur ce littoral, sont particulièrement exposés à ce phénomène, notamment aux Antilles où le risque associé est très élevé. Aujourd’hui, un système de surveillance et de détection des tsunamis à l’échelle régionale assure la diffusion de messages d’information en cas d’événement. Néanmoins, il n’existe pas de dispositifs pour guider localement les autorités dans leurs prises de décisions pour mettre en sécurité des populations, ou bien ils restent très généralistes, notamment pour les territoires français. Afin d’anticiper ce besoin, nous avons accompagné la planification opérationnelle de la gestion des crises pour les phases d’alerte et d’évacuation temporaire des populations à terre et de la mise en sécurité des navires en mer. Cette démarche, engagée à différentes échelles, repose sur une approche géographique et intégrée de la gestion de crise tsunami, à l’interface des connaissances entre le domaine scientifique et opérationnel. Notre expertise scientifique a débouché sur l’élaboration de documents opérationnels pour le traitement des avis de tsunami dans le domaine terrestre et maritime et a permis d’établir une méthode de planification des évacuations pédestre. La méthode proposée est en cours d’application sur 60 communes littorales dans les Antilles Françaises. / The geo-dynamics of the Caribbean Sea area, particularly due to the presence of subduction zones and numerous volcanic faults is prone to the generation of tsunami's. Historical knowledge of this phenomenon in the region, coupled with recent modeling results, confirms this potential. The amplitudes of the modeled waves approaching the coast came close to 10m in some scenarios. The tsunami is a threat to the entire coastline of the Caribbean Sea. Human, structural and strategic installations, which are focused heavily on the coast, are particularly vulnerable to this phenomenon, especially in the Caribbean where the associated risk is very high. Today, at a regional level, a tsunami warning system is effective. However, there are no plans to guide the local authorities in their decision making to keep their population safe. At best they are very general, notably in the Antilles. So that we can anticipate their needs, we accompanied the operational planning of crisis management for the alert phases and the temporary evacuation of people on land and the security procedures for ships at sea. This initiative, undertaken on different levels, based on a geographical and integrated approach to the management of tsunami crisis, is at the interface of knowledge between scientific and operational domain. Our scientific expertise has led to the development of operational documents for the application of the tsunami warning on land and sea. It has helped to establish a method of pedestrian evacuation planning. The proposed method is already being implicated in 60 coastal municipalities in the French Antilles.

Répartition et utilisation des pierres et géomatériaux de construction dans le bâti du Pays rémois - analyse spatiale et propriétés pétrophysiques - / Distribution and use of building stone and geomaterials in the Pays rémois - spatial analyses and petrophysical properties -

Turmel, Aurélie 21 November 2014 (has links)
Les relations entre l'utilisation, l'origine et les propriétés des matériaux de construction peuvent être définies comme des éléments de cohésion territoriale. Elles sont en outre des questions inhérentes à la conservation et restauration du patrimoine culturel. L'objectif de ce travail est d'évaluer cette relation dans le Pays rémois (Bassin Parisien, France). Ce dernier est un exemple concret de zone d'étude limitée (1 400 km², 140 communes) mais dotée d'une géologie et d'un patrimoine très variés. 26 matériaux de construction différents (craie, grès, calcaires, meulière et briques etc.) ont été décrits macroscopiquement et recensés afin de construire une base de données géoréférencées (via ArGis®). Leurs répartitions spatiales ont été analysées à l'aide d'outils de distribution et d'autocorrélation. Par ailleurs, des caractérisations pétrophysiques ont été réalisées en laboratoire sur une sélection de calcaires lutétiens. Les résultats montrent une cohésion territoriale d'utilisation des matériaux répartie selon 6 microrégions et une évolution de leur utilisation du XIe au XXe siècle. La diversité pétrophysique des matériaux du Lutétien est importante, avec différents niveaux de sensibilité aux sels et au gel. L'étude apporte des clefs pour comprendre les critères de choix des matériaux et des conseils pour la gestion du patrimoine dans le territoire d‘étude. / The relationship between uses, origins and properties of building materials can be defined as an element of territorial cohesion of. This is an inherent matter of the preservation and restoration of the cultural heritage. The aim of the study was to highlight this relationship in The Pays rémois (Paris Basin, France). This is a specific zone of 1400 km² with around 140 villages, with an important geological and historical background. Twenty-six building materials (chalk, sandstones, limestones, cherts and bricks) were macroscopically described and field observations werecompiled in a GIS-database (via Arcgis®). Repartition analyses were made with distribution and spatial autocorrelation tools. Petrophysical characterizations were realized on selected lutetian limestones. Results showed 6 areas of building material uses and temporal tendencies use from XIe to XXe centuries. Petrophysical datas were very different between and inside these four limestone groups. Their salt and freeze durability were variable too. The study highlighted some clues to understand choice criteria of building stones and provided guidance for the management and restoration in the Pays rémois.

"Genom ASL-arbetet är man inte styrd av en lärobok" : Att skriva sig till läsning; ASL jämfört med traditionell läs- och skrivundervisning

Andersson, Kristin January 2017 (has links)
I takt med att samhället förändras erbjuds fler möjligheter i undervisningen. Från att skolan tidigare haft fokus på att lärandet styrts av läraren och läroboken har det lagts mer vikt på att eleverna ska vara med och påverka undervisningen och därmed bli kunskaps-producenter istället för kunskaps-konsumenter. En metod som förespråkar detta arbetssätt, som används mer och mer i skolor runt om i Sverige är Att skriva sig till läsning, ASL. I denna metod byts det traditionella arbetssättet med penna och papper ut i den tidiga läs- och skrivinlärningen och ersätts av datorn som skrivverktyg. Studien är en jämförande analys där syftet är att ta reda på hur lärare i årskurs F-3 beskriver metoden ASL jämfört med den traditionella läs-och skrivundervisningen samt vilken påverkan dessa metoder enligt lärarna har på elevernas lärande. Följande frågeställningar har undersökts och besvarats: Hur utformas ASL-metoden i undervisningen respektive den traditionella läs- och skrivundervisningen? Vad anser lärare om ASL-metoden jämfört med den traditionella läs- och skrivundervisningen?   Kvalitativa intervjuer har valts i studien och fyra verksamma lärare i årskurserna 1 och 3 har intervjuats. Resultatet visar att lärarna i studien upplever att arbetet med ASL bidrar till att eleverna får kombinationen bokstav - ljud till sig på ett bra sätt eftersom eleverna hör hur bokstaven på tangentbordet låter då de trycker ner knappen.  Lärarna i studien är också eniga om att de elever som har svårt och sitta still gynnas av denna metod då de blir fängslade framför skärmen, även elever med motoriska svårigheter gynnas av metoden då de upplever det lättare att skriva på datorn än för hand. Diskussionerna som skapas via elevernas texter på datorn upplevs även som givande och de texterna eleverna skriver på datorn blir längre än de texter de producerar för hand. Resultatet visar dock på att tre av de fyra lärarna i studien har valt att komplettera ASL-metoden med vanlig traditionell läs- och skrivundervisning i årskurs 1 med motiveringen att eleverna även bör träna finmotoriken då de har nytta av det hela livet.

Avaliação e seleção de área para implantação de aterro sanitário utilizando lógica fuzzy e análise multi-critério: uma proposta metodológica. Aplicação ao município de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim- ES / Evaluation and selection of area for implantation of sanitary landfill using logical fuzzy and analysis multi-criterion: an proposal methodology. Application to the city of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Melo, André Luis Oliveira de 21 September 2001 (has links)
Submitted by Nathália Faria da Silva (nathaliafsilva.ufv@gmail.com) on 2017-07-14T11:28:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.PDF: 941737 bytes, checksum: 471a150e3976d04c7e0b4c7c069f66fb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-14T11:28:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.PDF: 941737 bytes, checksum: 471a150e3976d04c7e0b4c7c069f66fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001-09-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Um dos maiores problemas urbanos enfrentados pela sociedade contemporânea é a disposição adequada dos resíduos sólidos, a qual se agrava pelo crescimento populacional e pelo incremento da produção de lixo per capita, devido, principalmente, ao consumo excessivo de produtos industrializados. Resolver adequadamente a disposição final dos resíduos sólidos é de fundamental importância para o meio ambiente e saúde pública, mas não é o suficiente. Estes resíduos devem ser gerenciados de forma integrada, o que pressupõe a redução da quantidade gerada, reutilização ou reciclagem e disposição dos resíduos finais em áreas apropriadas, como os aterros sanitários. Estes últimos, além de envolverem projetos tecnicamente corretos, devem estar situados em locais ambiental, operacional e sócio- economicamente adequados. É nesse contexto que as técnicas de geoprocessamento, em especial, os sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG), podem auxiliar na realização de avaliações complexas em grandes extensões territoriais. O presente trabalho compreende uma proposta metodológica de avaliação e seleção de áreas para implantação de aterros sanitários utilizando lógica fuzzy e análise multi-critério, que aumentam consideravelmente o potencial analítico do SIG. Os procedimentos adotados envolvem manipulação de dados cartográficos e temáticos, definição de critérios (ambiental, operacional e sócio-econômico), análises espaciais e seleção das áreas mais adequadas. O resultado final demonstra a potencialidade do SIG como apoio à tomada de decisão quanto à instalação do empreendimento impactante. / One of the majors urban problems faced by the contemporary society is the adequate disposal of the solid wastes, which aggravates for the population growth and the increment of the per capita waste production, in result of, mainly, to the extreme consumption of industrialized products. Adjusting adequately the final disposal of the solid wastes is of basic importance for the environment and public health, but it is not the sufficient. These wastes must be managed of integrated form, what it estimates the reduction of the generated amount, reusing or recycling and disposal of the final wastes in appropriate areas, as the sanitary landfill. These last ones, besides involving technical correct designs, must be situated in adequate places ambient, operational and partner-economic. It is in this context that the geoprocessing techniques, in special, the geographic information systems (GIS), can assist in the accomplishment of complex evaluations in great territorial extensions. The present work understands a proposal methodology of evaluation and selection of areas for implantation of sanitary landfill using logical fuzzy and analysis multi-criterion, that considerably magnifies the analytical potential of the GIS. The adopted procedures involve manipulation of cartographic and thematic data, space definition of criteria (ambient, operational and partner- economic), analyses and selection of the more adjusted areas. The final result demonstrates the potentiality of the GIS as bracket to the taking of decision in relation the installation of the enterprise.

Simulação de demandas de recursos hídricos utilizando o método de simulação MIKE BASIN, no trecho do reservatório de Ibitinga no rio Tietê e seus afluentes / Simulation of water resources demand using geographical information system model and simulation MIKE BASIN in the excerpt from the reservoir in the Tietê river Ibitinga and its tributaries

Francisco César Dalmo 17 August 2009 (has links)
O presente projeto de pesquisa levantou e analisou os dados de demandas para diversos usos em sub-bacias das quais Jacaré-Guaçu, Jacaré-Pepira e Rio Claro que fazem parte da UGRHI 13 (Bacia Hidrográfica Tietê-Jacaré) e que deságua no trecho médio do rio Tietê, no reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Ibitinga. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi fornecer resultados baseados em critérios técnicos científicos para auxiliar no processo de direito de uso da água subsidiando assim o respectivo Comitê de Bacias Hidrográficas que compõem a região de estudo na determinação das vazões de outorgas requeridas. Os dados das demandas de abastecimento público, dessedentação (pecuária), irrigação, industrial, diluição de esgoto doméstico e diluição de esgoto industrial, bem como a demanda para geração de energia da UHE Ibitinga, subsidiaram a entrada de dados no programa de simulação computacional MIKE BASIN. O programa MIKE BASIN encontra-se disponível no Núcleo de Hidrometria do Centro de Recursos Hídricos e Ecologia Aplicada da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo, e é composto de um sistema de informações geográficas, um modelo de simulação quantitativo capaz de integrar técnicas de otimização, e um banco de dados georreferenciado. Com o software MIKE BASIN foi possível identificar as disponibilidades hídricas para atender diversos usos dos recursos hídricos diante das crescentes demandas e das diferentes condições hidrológicas, definindo assim um planejamento para os diferentes usuários da água, minimizando os conflitos entre os usos múltiplos desta e quantificando o grau de compromisso existente entre eles. Por fim, os resultados foram apresentados através de gráficos, tabelas que podem subsidiar o comitê de bacia, auxiliando no processo de planejamento e gestão dos usos dos recursos hídricos para diversos cenários futuros. / This research project examined the data and raised the demands for various uses in sub-basins of which Jacaré-Guaçu, Jacaré-Pepira and Claro river that are part of UGRHI 13 (watershed Tietê-Jacaré) and reaching the average sentence Tietê river, the reservoir of the hydroelectric plant Ibitinga. The objective of this research was to provide results based on scientific technical criteria to help in the right to use water as subsidizing the watershed committee of the component to the study region in determining the flow of grant requested. The data demands of the public supply, livestock, irrigation, industrial, dilution of domestic sewage and industrial sewage dilution, and the demand for energy generation of HPP Ibitinga, subsidized the entry of data in the computer simulation program, MIKE BASIN. MIKE BASIN program is available at the Center for Hydrometers the Center for Water Resources and Applied Ecology, School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, and is composed of a geographic information system, a simulation model capable of quantitatively integrate optimization techniques, and a georeferenced database. With the software MIKE BASIN was possible to identify the available water to meet various uses of water resources in the face of growing demands and the different hydrological conditions, thus defining a plan for the different users of water, minimizing conflicts between the multiple uses of and quantifying the degree of compromise between them. Finally, the results were presented through graphs, tables that can support the committee of basin, assisting in the planning process and management of the uses of water resources for various future scenarios.

Social interaktion vid påtvingad distansundervisning : En kvalitativ studie om studenters uppfattningar av begränsningar i social interaktion och dess betydelse för att tillgodogöra sig undervisning.

Khazzoum, Carol, Lindqvist, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka studenternas uppfattningar om social interaktion och dess betydelse i distansundervisning. För att undersöka fenomenet social interaktion har Illeris (2018) teori och den fenomenografiska ansatsen tillämpats. Tio studenter från tre olika lärosäten har intervjuats. Studenternas uttalanden har varit en grund till fem beskrivningskategorier och är utfallsrummet av social interaktion. Kategorierna skapades genom att uppmärksamma likheter och skillnader i deras uttalanden. Resultatet tolkades för en djupare analys med Illeris (2018) teori. I resultatet framgick att social interaktion i distansundervisning uppfattas som ensamt. De interaktioner som begränsas av distansundervisning är kroppsspråk och ögonkontakt samt att befinna sig i det fysiska rummet. De begränsade interaktionerna som uppfattas som främst saknade för att tillgodogöra sig undervisningen är direktkontakt med lärare och samtal med kurskamrater. Studiens resultat visar ett behov av social interaktion för studenter som studerar på distans och har betydelse för att tillgodogöra sig undervisningen.

Mapeamento geotécnico como base para o planejamento urbano e ambiental: município de Jaú/SP / Engineering geological mapping for urban and environmental planning: the case of Jaú city/SP

Rodrigues, Valéria Lopes 29 February 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho discute os resultados de pesquisa direcionada à elaboração de mapa geotécnico do perímetro urbano e de sua área de expansão no município de Jaú (SP). O método de mapeamento aplicado baseia-se na utilização de geofatores para a classificação das áreas quanto ao grau de restrição à ocupação urbana, conforme proposto originalmente por Matula (1976). Os mapas produzidos foram classificados em 1ª, 2ª, 3ª e 4ª ordens conforme sugerido por Mathewson & Font (1974). Em todo o trabalho fez-se uso de sistema de informações geográficas - SIG como ferramenta básica para o armazenamento e análise dos dados de interesse, e a produção dos mapas. A pesquisa insere-se no aprimoramento das técnicas e métodos para fornecer os subsídios do meio físico para os instrumentos de planejamento urbano e municipal, e em particular, os planos diretores. Os estudos foram desenvolvidos na escala principal de trabalho de 1:10.000. / The paper discusses the results of a research focusing on the elaboration of engineering geological map comprising the urban perimeter and its expansion area in the Jaú city, located at São Paulo state, Brazil. The mapping method is based on the utilization of the geofactors to classify the restriction degree for urban occupation, such as originally proposed by Matula (1976). The produced maps had been classified in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th orders suggested by Mathewson & Font (1974). Geographic information system GIS was employed to store to analyze the concerned data and to produce the maps in all the stages of the work. The research aims to improve the techniques and the methods to supply inputs related to physical environment to the urban and municipal planning instruments detaching the managing plans. The studies are being carried out at the main scale of 1:10.000.

Limiares topográficos de processos erosivos na bacia do Rio Bonito (SP) obtidos a partir de modelo digital de elevação de dados de radar (PALSAR/ALOS) /

Arantes, Leticia Tondato January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: José Augusto Lollo / Resumo: A erosão é um fenômeno complexo, uma vez que envolve a ação direta ou indireta de diversos fatores, tais como tipos de solos, clima, vegetação, declividade e ações antrópicas. O estudo acerca da dinâmica, agentes desencadeadores e fatores condicionantes é uma importante ferramenta para uma tomada de decisão. A proposição de índices que indicam o limiar crítico para determinar a ocorrência de processos erosivos, é uma das vertentes dos estudos acerca de processos erosivos, cuja pressupõe-se uma relação entre a declividade (S) e área de contribuição (A), que condiciona os processos de erosão. Considerando os avanços na geração dos produtos de Sensoriamento Remoto, este trabalho objetivou realizar um estudo sobre o desencadeamento das erosões lineares, no qual propõe a avaliação da empregabilidade do Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) gerado por meio de imagem de radar interferométrico (ALOS/Palsar) para obtenção dos parâmetros topográficos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Bonito, inserida no município de Descalvado e Porto Ferreira no estado de São Paulo. Com isso o MDE, o mapa de declividades e direção de fluxo foram elaborados em ambiente SIG, com pixels de saída de 2m, possibilitando obter os valores de A versus S, utilizando o algoritmo D-Infinity para o processamento dos dados hidrológicos. Os valores obtidos forma representados em um gráfico, permitindo identificar a declividade mínima para a ocorrência de um processo erosivo, bem como estabelecer de forma empírica o limiar top... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Erosion is a complex phenomenon as it involves the direct or indirect action of various factors such as soil types, climate, vegetation, slope and anthropic actions. The study about dynamics, triggering agents and conditioning factors is an important tool for decision making. The proposition of indices that indicate the critical threshold to determine the occurrence of erosive processes is one of the strands of studies on erosive processes, whose assumption is a relationship between slope (S) and contribution area (A), which conditions the erosion processes. Considering the advances in the generation of Remote Sensing products, this work aimed to conduct a study on the triggering of linear erosions, which proposes the evaluation of the employability of the Digital Elevation Model (MDE) generated by interferometric radar imaging (ALOS / Palsar) to obtain the topographic parameters of the Bonito River Watershed, inserted in the municipality of Descalvado and Porto Ferreira in the state of São Paulo. With this the MDE, the slope map and flow direction were elaborated in GIS environment, with 2m output pixels, allowing to obtain the values of A versus S, using the D-Infinity algorithm for the hydrological data processing. The values obtained were represented in a graph, allowing to identify the minimum slope for the occurrence of an erosive process, as well as to establish empirically the topographic threshold. The index obtained in this work from the analysis was S = 0.0333A-0.0... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Ett hållbart ledarskap : en litteraturstudie om ledarskapets påverkan på sjuksköterskors intentioner att lämna sin arbetsplats

Liljeqvist, Camilla, Djurfeldt, Monica January 2021 (has links)
Rapporter visar på att det saknas sjuksköterskor inom vården idag och att det i framtiden kommer fortsätta vara så. Sjuksköterskor uppger att arbetssituationen är ohållbar och att där finns brister på flera plan. Arbetsmiljö, hög stressnivå, personalomsättning och ledarskap är faktorer som bidrar till sjuksköterskors intentioner att lämna sin arbetsplats. Studiens syfte handlar om att undersöka hur ledarens egenskaper kan påverka sjuksköterskans intention att lämna sitt arbete. Det är en kvalitativ litteraturstudie där tio stycken artiklar ingår. Både ostrukturerade- och strukturerade sökningar av artiklar gjordes i vetenskapliga databaser för att ge en så trovärdig bild av kunskapsområdet som möjligt. Studiens resultat visar på att ledarskapet och ledarens egenskaper kan påverka sjuksköterskans intentioner att lämna sin arbetsplats. Det är viktigt att ledaren är delaktig i utformandet av relationer dels mellan ledare och sjuksköterska men dels även mellan de kollegiala relationerna. Arbetsmiljön är också en viktig förutsättning för sjuksköterskan och som ledaren också bör vara delaktig i för att gynna sjuksköterskans arbetssituation. För att skapa en hållbar sjukvård måste ansträngning göras för sjuksköterskans hållbarhet. Chefer och ledare som arbetar inom hälso- och sjukvård skulle behöva utveckla både sitt ledarskap och chefskap för att synergi dem emellan ska träda fram.

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