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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

First person theatre : how performative tactics and frameworks (re)emerging in the digital age are forming a new personal-as-political

Nicklin, Hannah January 2014 (has links)
This study sets out to explore first person theatre as a means of opening the individual to the problems of contemporary capitalism and its increasing pervasion of the personal in an era of embeddedness enabled by networked pervasive technology. Firstly setting out key definitions and a theoretical analysis of the problems of being in the digital age in chapter 1, and then setting this against the history of interaction in performance in chapter 2. The study then goes on (in chapters 3-5) to investigate three key aspects of first person performance as personal-as-political; sound and the city, play and games, and interactive theatre. In the final chapter, The Umbrella Project develops a piece of first person theatre as practice, a method of investigation that is vital to a thesis that discusses politics, late capitalism, and the means to resist the message-sending of private interests as fundamentally only to be understood in practice. For this reason, too, chapters 3, 4 and 5 are supported by key case studies discussing other first person theatre practice. By placing the participant at the centre of the world-constituting process of theatre in the hot space between what is and what if this study suggests that first person theatre is able to open the contemporary individual to an inbetween where they might re-see, reflect and react to what is. To imagine and, if wished, act upon a what if. In an age of the disrupted near and far, the vanishing of the interface, of the false rhetoric of choice of personalisation , and the often false rhetoric of agency at the end of the era of broadcast, first person theatre offers the subject a route to individual agency, an understanding of the urban environment as construct, and to their relationship with the subjective other something which this thesis suggests is a personal-as-political practice to rival the Spectacle of late capitalism.

A produção espetacular do espaço: as cidades como cenário da Copa do Mundo de 2014 / The Spectacular production of the space: the cities as cenary to the 2014

Gonçalves, Glauco Roberto 05 February 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda as condições da produção do espaço urbano e sua imagem a partir da realização da Copa do Mundo de Futebol da Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) de 2014, e as contradições entre elas. Para tal, recorre, sobretudo, às bases teóricometodológicas advindas de Henri Lefebvre, Guy Debord e outros membros da Internacional Situacionista (IS), bem como a Karl Marx e Robert Kurz. As cidades sede da Copa de 2014, mais notadamente São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e São Lourenço da Mata/Recife, constituem o espaço de análise para compreender as relações entre Estado e capital, bem como suas formas de efetivação no cotidiano e no espaço. Em busca de desvendar o papel do Estado na reprodução (crítica) do capitalismo, foram analisadas as leis federais voltadas para a Copa de 2014; a carta de crédito do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) destinada à construção das arenas; o Regime de Diferenciado de Contratações Públicas (RDC); as Parcerias Público-Privadas; e os Certificados de Incentivo ao Desenvolvimento (CID) concedidos pela prefeitura de São Paulo. Os resultados e consequências desse processo efetivam-se na espacialidade urbana e em seu cotidiano por meio de estratégias como, por exemplo, FIFA Fan Fest,smart city,naming right,áreas de restrição comercial, crime por marketing de emboscada,ranking de cidadesmarcas, direitos de imagem e de marketing da FIFA. Diante disso irrompe a hipótese de que a produção do espaço espetaculariza-se, e a cidade torna-se cenário na medida em que sua imagem é produzida e comercializada autonomizada de seus conteúdos e contradições. Reduzida a cenário, a cidade vê-se diante de novos processos de fragmentação e segregação, o que possibilita avançar na compreensão de novos negócios com o urbano e sua paisagem. / This research approaches the conditions and contradictions between the production of urban space and its image, based on the FIFAs Football World Cup 2014 event. For this purpose, uses the theoretical and methodological bases arising from Henri Lefebvre, Guy Debord and other members of the Situationist International, as well as Karl Marx and Robert Kurz. The Cup host cities in 2014, especially Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and São Lourenço da Mata/Recife, constitute the scope of analysis to understand the relations between state and capital as well as their ways of realization in daily life and space. Seeking to unravel the States role in the (critical) reproduction of capitalism, we have analyzed the Federal Laws aimed at the 2014 World Cup, the BNDESs line of credit granted for the construction of the World Cup stadiums; the Differentiated Contracting Regime; the Public-Private Partnerships; and the Development Incentive Certificates granted by São Paulos City Hall. The results and consequences of this process are materialized in urban spatiality and in daily life through strategies such as the FIFAs Fan Fests; smart city; naming right; areas of trade restraint; crime of ambush marketing; ranking city-brands; FIFAs image rights and marketing rights. In light of this arises the hypothesis that the production of space becomes spectacular, and the city becomes scenario to the extent that its image is produced and marketed autonomized of its contents and contradictions. Reduced to scenario, the city faces new processes of fragmentation and segregation, which enables us to a better understanding of the new business with the urban and its landscape.

A produção espetacular do espaço: as cidades como cenário da Copa do Mundo de 2014 / The Spectacular production of the space: the cities as cenary to the 2014

Glauco Roberto Gonçalves 05 February 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda as condições da produção do espaço urbano e sua imagem a partir da realização da Copa do Mundo de Futebol da Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) de 2014, e as contradições entre elas. Para tal, recorre, sobretudo, às bases teóricometodológicas advindas de Henri Lefebvre, Guy Debord e outros membros da Internacional Situacionista (IS), bem como a Karl Marx e Robert Kurz. As cidades sede da Copa de 2014, mais notadamente São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e São Lourenço da Mata/Recife, constituem o espaço de análise para compreender as relações entre Estado e capital, bem como suas formas de efetivação no cotidiano e no espaço. Em busca de desvendar o papel do Estado na reprodução (crítica) do capitalismo, foram analisadas as leis federais voltadas para a Copa de 2014; a carta de crédito do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) destinada à construção das arenas; o Regime de Diferenciado de Contratações Públicas (RDC); as Parcerias Público-Privadas; e os Certificados de Incentivo ao Desenvolvimento (CID) concedidos pela prefeitura de São Paulo. Os resultados e consequências desse processo efetivam-se na espacialidade urbana e em seu cotidiano por meio de estratégias como, por exemplo, FIFA Fan Fest,smart city,naming right,áreas de restrição comercial, crime por marketing de emboscada,ranking de cidadesmarcas, direitos de imagem e de marketing da FIFA. Diante disso irrompe a hipótese de que a produção do espaço espetaculariza-se, e a cidade torna-se cenário na medida em que sua imagem é produzida e comercializada autonomizada de seus conteúdos e contradições. Reduzida a cenário, a cidade vê-se diante de novos processos de fragmentação e segregação, o que possibilita avançar na compreensão de novos negócios com o urbano e sua paisagem. / This research approaches the conditions and contradictions between the production of urban space and its image, based on the FIFAs Football World Cup 2014 event. For this purpose, uses the theoretical and methodological bases arising from Henri Lefebvre, Guy Debord and other members of the Situationist International, as well as Karl Marx and Robert Kurz. The Cup host cities in 2014, especially Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and São Lourenço da Mata/Recife, constitute the scope of analysis to understand the relations between state and capital as well as their ways of realization in daily life and space. Seeking to unravel the States role in the (critical) reproduction of capitalism, we have analyzed the Federal Laws aimed at the 2014 World Cup, the BNDESs line of credit granted for the construction of the World Cup stadiums; the Differentiated Contracting Regime; the Public-Private Partnerships; and the Development Incentive Certificates granted by São Paulos City Hall. The results and consequences of this process are materialized in urban spatiality and in daily life through strategies such as the FIFAs Fan Fests; smart city; naming right; areas of trade restraint; crime of ambush marketing; ranking city-brands; FIFAs image rights and marketing rights. In light of this arises the hypothesis that the production of space becomes spectacular, and the city becomes scenario to the extent that its image is produced and marketed autonomized of its contents and contradictions. Reduced to scenario, the city faces new processes of fragmentation and segregation, which enables us to a better understanding of the new business with the urban and its landscape.

Vertus et éducation morale

Gagnon, Alex 08 1900 (has links)
L’éducation morale est un aspect central de l’éthique de la vertu de tradition aristotélicienne. De nombreux auteurs sont attachés à l’idée qu’une bonne théorie éthique doit nous informer sur la manière de former de meilleurs agents moraux. Les éthiciens de la vertu considèrent que c’est par une éducation du caractère que l’on peut façonner des agents vertueux. Or, une telle éducation est-elle vraiment possible? Et si elle l’est, en quoi consiste-t-elle? Ce mémoire entend répondre à ces questions en explorant les horizons de la théorie des vertus, horizons qui dépassent maintenant les limites de la philosophie. En s’interrogeant d’abord sur le naturalisme moral en théorie des vertus, le naturalisme libéral est retenu comme la position métaéthique la plus réaliste pour l’avenir de la théorie. Celle-ci doit tenir compte des avancées scientifiques, notamment en psychologie sociale, si elle souhaite accomplir ses objectifs éducatifs. Pour suivre cette démarche, les caractéristiques centrale du concept de vertu sont identifiés, puis mis à l’épreuve par la critique situationniste des vertus. Selon le situationnisme, de nombreuses études empiriques montreraient que les comportements moraux des agents sont déterminés par des facteurs circonstanciels et arbitraires. Par conséquent, une caractéristique centrale de la théorie, la robustesse des vertus, est abandonnée. Cet abandon ne marque toutefois pas la fin de la théorie des vertus : elle est alors orientée vers l’éducation morale où elle demeure pertinente grâce à la littérature sur l’expertise et sur l’intelligence émotionnelle. Ce cadre théorique et empirique permet de donner une solide fondation pour l’éducation de vertus. Certaines difficultés demeurent présentes quant à l’implantation de programmes concrets d’éducation des vertus dans les écoles. Pour le futur, les chercheurs devront relevés les défis que représentent l’environnement scolaire et la mesure de vertus. / Moral education is a central aspect of the virtue ethics of Aristotelian tradition. Many authors are attached to the idea that a good ethical theory should inform us about how to form better moral agents. The ethicists of virtue consider that it is through an education of character that virtuous agents can be fashioned. But is such an education really possible? And if it is, what does it consist of? This thesis aims to answer these questions by exploring the horizons of the theory of virtues, horizons that now exceed the limits of philosophy. By first questioning moral naturalism in the theory of virtues, liberal naturalism is retained as the most realistic metaethical position for the future of the theory. It must take into account scientific advances, particularly in social psychology, if it wishes to achieve its educational objectives. To follow this approach, the central characteristics of the concept of virtue are identified and then tested by the situationist critique of virtues. According to the situationism, many empirical studies would show that the moral behaviors of the agents are determined by circumstantial and arbitrary factors. Therefore, a central feature of the theory, the robustness of virtues, is abandoned. This abandonment, however, does not mark the end of the theory of virtues: it is then oriented towards moral education where it remains relevant thanks to the literature on expertise and emotional intelligence. This theoretical and empirical framework makes it possible to give a solid foundation for the education of virtues. Some difficulties remain in implementing concrete curricula for the education of virtues in schools. For the future, researchers will have to take up the challenges of the school environment and the measurement of virtues.

Freedom of Interpretation

Ivanov, Georgi 11 May 2012 (has links)
The photographic series Ideal Cities that I started in 2011 is inspired by the conflict between my idea of the “west” and my evolving experience in the United States. What struck me was the popularity of what I see as model experience – a spatial experience controlled by the Spectacle. In the terms of the Situationist International and its most prominent figure Guy Debord, the Spectacle is the collapse of reality into the streams of images, products and activities sanctioned by centralized monopolist business or state bureaucracy. Thus, personal experience is replaced with preconceived notions, which control the way people perceive and understand their surroundings.

L'art comme jeu : pratiques et utopies / Art as play : practices and utopias

Schmitt, Florent 26 September 2015 (has links)
L'art comme jeu n'est pas une simple métaphore. Il correspond à la forme que prennent de nombreuses œuvres d'art notamment les maquettes et miniatures contemporaines et aujourd'hui le jeu est représenté ou mis en scène dans de nombreuses expositions. Cependant l'artiste n'est pas un joueur comme les autres mais un joueur professionnel qui s'oppose à la figure du non-artiste ou de l'artiste amateur défendue par les artistes des avant-gardes qui avaient élevé le jeu au rang d'art. Alors que la consommation de l'art prend la forme d'un divertissement à grande échelle et que l'on assiste à une Disneylandisation des musées, l'art contemporain comme jeu ne semble plus aussi subversif que celui des années soixante. Pourtant l'art comme jeu en tant que modèle et outil de changement social perdure. C'est un art d'attitude, héritier des dernières avant-gardes, se tenant en dehors des frontières habituelles de l'art et réalisant le dépassement souhaité par les situationnistes ou Allan Kaprow. / Art as play is not only a metaphor. It is the particular form of many works of art, especially contemporary models and miniatures. Play itself is nowadays represented or staged in numerous exhibitions. However, the artist is not a player like any other but a professional player in contrast to the figure of the non-artist or amateur artist defended by avant-garde artists who had raised play to the level of art. While the consumption of art takes the form of large-scale entertainment and we witness a Disneylandisation of museums, contemporary art as play no longer seems as subversive as it did in the sixties. Yet art as play as model and tool for social change endures. It is an art of attitude, heir to the last avant-gardes, standing outside the usual boundaries of art and an art that achieves the desired by Allan Kaprow and the Situationists.

Situerad Moral : Är det tanken som räknas? / Situated Morals : Is it the thought that counts?

Molander, Fanny January 2020 (has links)
Hur tillskriver vi moraliskt ansvar, och varför? Inom filosofin debatteras häftigt huruvida vi har fri vilja eller ej, och således ifrågasätts om vi kan tillskrivas moraliskt ansvar över huvud taget. Ett av argumenten som sägs hota den fria viljan är den omfattande situationistiska litteraturen, som verkar visa på att människors beteende påverkas mer av situationella faktorer än av personlighetsdrag. EH (Explanation Hypothesis) är en psykologisk hypotes som, förutom att redogöra för vardagliga moraliska bedömningar, kan reda ut filosofiska frågor såsom varför våra intuitioner kring moraliskt ansvar ter sig inkonsekventa. Denna studie testade EH experimentellt med en enkätstudie som dessutom undersökte folks intuitioner i moraliskt signifikanta situationer med kopplingar till den situationistiska litteraturen. Resultaten stärkte EH i enlighet med tidigare resultat, samt visade på att folks moraliska bedömningar inte påverkades av vetskapen om starka psykosociala fenomen som kan ha haft inverkan på agenternas beteenden. Implikationerna för den filosofiska debatten kring fri vilja och moraliskt ansvar, liksom begreppet determinism, diskuteras och förslag på fortsatt forskning läggs fram. / How do we attribute moral responsibility, and why? The notion of free will is heavily debated within philosophy, thus questioning whether we can truly be morally responsible for our actions. One of the arguments said to threaten the notion of free will is the vast collection of situationist literature that seem to show that human behavior is often more influenced by situational factors rather than personality traits. The Explanation Hypothesis (EH) is a psychological hypothesis that make general claims about everyday moral judgements, as well as accounting for philosophical issues such as the inconsistency of folk-intuitions on these issues. This study used surveys to test EH experimentally, also investigating folk-intuitions on moral responsibility in scenarios related to the situationist literature. The results support the hypothesis according to an earlier, similar study, as well as showing that the participants moral judgements were not influenced by being made aware of strong, psychosocial phenomena that seem to have had an impact on agents behaviors. The implications for the philosophical debate on free will and moral responsibility as well as the notion of determinism is discussed and further research is proposed.

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