Spelling suggestions: "subject:"smart phone"" "subject:"kmart phone""
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Informed storage management for mobile platformsKim, Hyojun 22 August 2012 (has links)
Storage devices are rapidly changing, and we need to adapt the OS storage software stack to keep up with the changes.
Such a re-evaluation of the storage software stack is especially required for mobile platforms because they are relying on inexpensive flash storage devices having very different performance characteristics from the familiar hard disk.In this thesis work, we first show the importance of storage in mobile platforms; contrary to conventional wisdom, we find evidence that storage is a significant contributor to application performance on mobile devices.
Then, we explore the solution space for flash storage;
user-level library for selective logging, host-side write buffering layer, and OS buffer replacement scheme for flash storage have been studied.
Finally, we build an integrated solution for smartphone storage, named Fjord. In the Fjord study, we re-design logging and RAM buffering solutions for smartphones, and also propose fine-grained reliability control mechanisms. We prove that non-volatile logging can improve storage performance remarkably. Understanding the characteristics of cloud-backed applications and controlling the reliability constraint for chosen cloud-backed applications can achieve additional significant performance gain.We implement and evaluate our solution on a real Android smartphone, and demonstrate significant performance gains for everyday apps on such platforms.
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手機使用者於電量管理之行為模式分析 / User Behavior Analysis of Power Management from Smart-Phone User Logs張錦生, Chang, Chin Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的進步與智慧型手機的普及,使得人們通訊方式改變,生活也更加依賴智慧型手機。然而,電池技術卻未能支援智慧型手機長時間使用,因此手機使用者在電量管理上的行為就變得相對重要。欲研究探討手機使用者的電量管理行為模式,須建立一個包含軟、硬體及使用者的實驗平台,本研究採用經麻省理工學院驗證的Funf Framework開放性原始碼框架,作為蒐集使用者操作紀錄資料,以情境假設觀察這些資料,定義出各情境行為模式的特徵,並根據實驗數據進行所有資料驗證。根據實驗結果,大致歸納出電量管理行為模式,此結果可提供使用者使用手機在電量管理上參考,或發展智慧型電量管理應用程式,以最佳化電量管理。 / The innovation of information technology and the spread of smart phones are changing the way that people communicate and how their livings rely on smart-phones. However, the technology of battery nowadays is still insufficient to meet the need of heavy smart-phones users; therefore, it be-comes relatively important to observe and analyze the user behavior on power management. This research aims to study the patterns of user be-havior on power management by building an experimental platform with appropriate software, hardware and users. We use the Funf Open Sensing Framework, which is originally developed at the MIT Media Lab, to collect user logs on smart phones. We have observed collected data under contex-tual assumptions, identified characteristics within the context of each be-havior pattern, and validated with the experimental data. With the result of the experiment, several patterns of power management have been classified. The experimental result can be used as a reference for the users to manage battery life, or for developing applications on smart power management that best optimizes energy consumption.
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新興市場創新模式之研究-以中國手機市場為例 / Study of Innovation Models in Emerging Market – A Case of Smart Phone in China.林俊伸, Lin, Chun Shen Unknown Date (has links)
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Morgondagens handel : Smartmobilen länken till en sömlös upplevelse / Tomorrow's Commerce : Smart phones the link to a seamless experienceNilsson, Morgan January 2018 (has links)
Konkurrensen inom detaljhandeln har blivit allt tuffare sedan internets uppkomst vilket har lett till att kunders beteende har börjat förändrats, samtidigt som upplevelsen både på internet och iden fysiska butiken har hamnat alltmer i fokus. En bra användarupplevelse och kundupplevelseär idag en av de viktigaste konkurrensfördelarna ett företag kan ha inom detaljhandeln. Forskning inom detaljhandeln har visat att kunder idag efterfrågar bättre personliga upplevelser vid rätt tidpunkt och plats, vilket smartmobilen potentiellt skulle kunna uppfylla i den fysiskabutiken. Studiens syfte är således att undersöka om upplevelsen i den fysiska butiken potentiellt skulle kunna förbättras av dagens smartmobiler, studien har avgränsats till kläd- och skobutiker. Genom att besvara problemformuleringen kan studien inte endast förhoppningsvis hjälpa dagens fysiska butiker att potentiellt förbättra upplevelsen för sin kunder utan även ge forskningen nya insikter om hur den digital och fysiska världen kan sammanföras i ett. Resultatet av examensarbetet indikerar att smartmobilen kan förbättra upplevelsen för kunden genom attsammanväva den personliga informationen från internet med den fysiska butikens sortiment och layout. / <p>57 s. totalt, inkl. bil.</p>
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A proof-of-concept of the audio tour guide application, SoundTracker, aimed at friends and familyBassam Abdulhamid, Ansam, Jamshaid Gill, Namra January 2018 (has links)
Kontextmedvetenhet kan användas i turistguide applikationer för att bidra användare med information och tjänster. Majoriteten av turistguide applikationer utvecklas vanligtvis för utbildnings eller historiska ändamål. Den här studien presenterar en konceptvalidering av den opublicerade ljuvandrings applikationen "SoundTracker", i syfte att förbättra den. Den nya "SoundTracker" prototypen inriktar sig inte på utbildnings eller historiska ändamål, utan den är inriktad på inspelning, uppspelning, och delning av personliga ljudvandringar med vänner och familj. Konceptvalideringen är begränsad av de definierade forskningsfrågorna i den här uppsatsen. Det handlar i korta drag om en förbättring av noggranheten på de inlästa GPS koordinaterna från en användares position, för att förse användaren med en trevlig användarupplevelse. Dessutom är grafiska användargränssnittet av den originala prototypen förbättrat, och testat genom webb enkäter. Vad gäller delnings funktionaliteten, en test applikation är skapad för att hitta essentiella aspekter som behöver tas hänsyn till i den nya "SoundTracker" prototypen när en användare vill dela ett ljudspår med vänner och familj. Test applikationen testas baserat på samlade svar genom en semi strukturerad interview på människor i åldersgruppen 20-30 år.De erhållna resultaten indikerar på att genom användning av Kalman filter, förbättras noggrannheten på användarens position, vilket resulterar i en ljudvandring med mindre avvikelser jämfört med en GPS-sensor. Vad gäller det förbättrade grafiska användargränssnittet, det var enklare för användarna att förstå den förbättrade prototypen såväl som navigera igenom den, än fallet med den originala prototypen. Användarna finner det även intressant när en delningsfunktion implementeras med designen som diskuteras i det här arbetet. / Context-awareness can be used in tour guide applications in order to provide users with information and services. The majority of tour guide applications are usually developed for educational or historical review purposes. This paper presents a proof-of-concept of the unpublished audio tour guide application, “SoundTracker”, with the aim of improving it. The new “SoundTracker” prototype does not aim for educational or historical review purposes, instead it is aimed for recording, listening and sharing personal audio tour guides with friends and family. The proof-of-concept is limited by the defined research questions found in this paper. In summary, the accuracy of the read-in GPS coordinates of a user’s position is enhanced with Kalman filter, to give an enjoyable user experience. Additionally, the graphical user interface of the original prototype is improved and tested through web-surveys. As for the sharing functionality, a test application is created in order to find what necessary aspects need to be considered in the new "SoundTracker" prototype when a user wants to share a sound-walk with friends and family. The test application is tested based on responses obtained through a semi-structured interview from people in the age of 20-30 years.The obtained results indicate that, with use of Kalman filter, the location accuracy of the user is enhanced, which results in a sound-walk with less deviations compared to location accuracy of only GPS-sensor. Regarding the improved graphical user interface, users found the new "SoundTracker" prototype easier to understand, as well as to navigate through it, than the case in the original prototype. Users also find it interesting when a sharing function is implemented with the design that is discussed in this work.
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A Lateral Flow Smart Phone Image Analysis DiagnosticTyrrell, Christina Holly 01 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A low cost compact diagnostic has many implications in today’s society. Smart phone technology has exponentially grown and with it the imaging capabilities associated with smart phones. The goals of this research are i) to determine the feasibility of combining in the field smart phone images with color dependent assay results, ii) to develop a MatLab® image analysis code to analyze these results, and iii) compare limits of detection between the un-aided eye and MatLab® image analysis software.
Orange G dye is used to create a stock solution and subsequent titers for analysis. Autocad is used to design an assay platform of 10x10 wells that are printed via a Xerox® Phaser printer with wax ink onto nitrocellulose paper. Dilutions are performed and pipetted into the wells. The image analysis code is used to determine hue, saturation, and value (HSV) values of wells. A limit of detection study using the dye is performed. HSV values are used to form calibration curves. The resulting curve fit equations are then integrated into the image analysis code to determine dye concentration. Finally, the complete capability is demonstrated by using an analogous 10x10 well experimental nitrocellulose sheet, which included a follow-up experiment via a spot check analysis.
This study illustrates the feasibility of a low cost image analysis as a tool for lateral flow assay diagnostic versus the unaided eye. Future work includes using this protocol in conjunction with a lateral flow immunoassay and developing an application for the analysis.
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“Mobiltelefonen har förstört hela min koncentrationsförmåga” : Fem studenters upplevelser av mobiltelefonanvändning på Malmö Universitet / "The mobile phone has ruined my ability to concentrate" : Five Students Experiences of Mobile Phone Usage at Malmö UniversitySelmani, Paulina, Ismail Arif, Zina January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates students' experiences of mobile phone usage at Malmö University. The purpose of this study is to investigate how students use their mobile phones and if the usage has an effect on their education. The study is conducted through qualitative unstructured interviews with five students at Malmö University and interpreted through a phenomenological perspective. Some similarities are shown in the results, however, the vast majority is overall varying. Similarities that have been concluded are that students mostly use the same applications while being physically present at the University and the majority of the applications that are used are social media based. Facebook Messenger is heavily valued by all participants to communicate with others. There are differing results as to when the usage is most frequent and if the Mobile Phone acts as a distraction or a tool for the student. All participants stated that the Mobile Phone has a tendency to distract. Varying results are explained by the individuals’ level of discipline. Individuals with higher discipline are not as affected by the Mobile Phone as individuals with a lower level of discipline. The reason behind a high usage of the Mobile Phone is explained by Mobile Phone Depandance and a conflict of interest by prioritizing personal goals over academic goals. / Studien undersöker studenters upplevelser av mobiltelefonanvändning vid Malmö universitet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur studenter använder sina mobiltelefoner och hur de upplever att det påverkar dem i utbildningen. Studien har ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv och utförs genom kvalitativa ostrukturerade intervjuer med fem studenter på Malmö Universitet. Både likheter och mönster kunde urskiljas. En likhet innefattar att studenterna använder liknande applikationer vid universitetet. Majoritenen av applikationerna som används är sociala medie-applikationer. Facebook messenger används i stor utsträckning av samtliga studenter för att kommunicera med andra studenter, vänner och familj. Skillnader i resultaten omfattar till vilken grad mobiltelefonen distraherar studenten respektive fungerar som ett verktyg. Utifrån samtliga studenters upplevelser är mobiltelefonen ett distraktionsmoment. Studien visar att variationer i resultaten beror på disciplinnivå hos studenterna. Individer med högre disciplin påverkas inte i samma grad av mobiltelefonen som individer med lägre disciplinnivå. Anledningen till omfattande mobiltelefonanvändning förklaras av mobiltelefonberoende samt en intressekonflikt i form av att studenterna prioriterar personliga mål framför akademiska mål.
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¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿PROGNOSIS: A WEARABLE SYSTEM FOR HEALTH MONITORING OF PEOPLE AT RISKPantelopoulos, Alexandros A. 28 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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A Framework and Prototype of a Telehealth System via Fusion of Advanced Technologies and Open Source ApplicationsNaeemah, Ali Jaber 08 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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影響智慧型手機應用程式先進者優勢之因素 / Factors Affecting the First Mover Advantages of Smartphone Apps李振瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 市場的先佔及高轉換成本為App先進者主要優勢來源;而較低的成本、市場不穩定性及先進者可能失誤,則為App後進者主要優勢。
2. 較佳的產品功能與產品創新能力,或較能提供更多附加價值之App,對App先進者優勢的維持有正向之影響。
3. 不同種類的App在先進者優勢之維持上略有差異,簡要歸納如下
(1) 遊戲類:受先進者優勢、產品優勢及行銷策略影響甚鉅,快速先占市場,並擁有良好產品功能及完整行銷策略較易帶來成功。
(2) 工具類:透過較佳的產品功能、產品品質與產品創新來維持先進者優勢,才能保持長期競爭力。
(3) 娛樂類:先進者優勢與產品優勢同等重要,快速先占市場將有助於發展與競爭力維持。
(4) 社交類:深受網路外部性之影響,故快速先佔市場並持續滿足使用者需求,才能避免被後進者淘汰。 / As more people use smart phones, the number of mobile applications (Apps) is increasing rapidly. However, with so many similar Apps, how Apps can stand out from competing products is an important issue.
This study adopts theories related to First-Mover Advantages, Product Advantages and Marketing strategies to develop a general framework for analyzing factors that affect the success of first movers. We chose several well-known apps and used document analysis to analyze the secondary data collected from the Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, etc.
Our major findings are as following:
1. Market preemption and high user switching costs are the main source of advantages for first-movers. Lower development costs, risks and the chance to avoid failure are the main source of advantages for the follower to succeed.
2. Better product functions and innovative features have positive effects on keeping First-Mover Advantages. Meeting customer needs and providing more added values also help maintain the advantage.
3. Different factors exist for different types of apps. Product advantages and marketing strategies are keys for Games Apps; app functionality, product quality and innovative features are important for productivity tools; first-mover and product advantages are important for entertainment apps; while network externality is the most critical one for social networking apps.
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