Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial relationships"" "subject:"bsocial relationships""
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En tid av väntan före döden : En litteraturstudie - Tre människors sista tid i livet / Awaiting Death : A literature review - The last year of three livesPersson, Maria, Falk, Karolina January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns en tid av väntan före döden. För att kunna vänta på döden krävs det från individen en acceptans och medvetenhet kring att man ska dö.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa patienters upplevelse av väntan när de befinner sig i ett palliativt skede. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie av tre biografier, Den utmätta tiden, Tisdagarna med Morrie och Ro utan åror. En teoristyrd analys utifrån de sex S:n, samt en systematisk textkondensering användes. Resultat: I analysen framkom två teman: Viktiga inslag i väntan på döden och Reflektioner kring liv och död. Det framkom att väntan är en process med fyra stadier: Acceptans, Väntan på sjukdomens väg, Förberedande inför döden och När bara väntan finns kvar. De två teman finns genomgående i de tre första stadierna. Diskussion: I diskussionen speglas resultatet mot bakgrunden och egna reflektioner påtalas. Diskussionen avslutas med reflektioner kring hur studien kan kopplas till sjuksköterskans perspektiv.
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Barnen som flyr ensamma är de mest utsatta : En kvalitativ studie av fyra ensamkommande afghanska flyktingbarns upplevelse av integrationsprpcessen i SverigeAbdullah, Arya January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelse för hur fyra ensamkommande flyktingbarn upplever det nya samhället, samt det som görs för att underlätta deras integrering i Sverige. Att lämna sitt hemland och vara på flykt för en bättre framtid är ett beslut som varje ensamkommande flyktingbarn har tvingats möta, och lämna sin komfort zon. Denna forskning utvärderar effekterna av påtvingad invandring och de copingmekanismer som fyra ensamkommande barn använde när de påbörjar sin resa till frihet och en fristad i Sverige. Dessutom så undersöker denna uppsats det mottagandelandet Sverige, och tillgången till resurser för att underlätta deras integration i det svenska samhället, både på kommunal och nationell nivå. Fokus i denna uppsats är delvis på de svårigheter dessa ungdomar genomgår i hemlandet och den kulturchock och det tryck att anpassa sig som de möter i det nya landet. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod används i denna uppsats, som undersöker subtila nyanser av bilden på ensamkommande flyktingbarn. I denna uppsats används semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att samla in kvalitativa data, vilket gör att de svarande får tid och utrymme att dela sina känslor. Fokus i intervjun bestäms av forskaren då det finns områden som bedöms behöva en djupgående undersökning. Berättelserna analyseras med hjälp av kristeori och teorier om invandrings- och flyktingprocesser som en ämnesteori, och vi skiljer på två olika faktorer, 1. Resan bestående av dramatiska konsekvenser, såsom trauma, frustration, förföljelse, och sist men inte minst ”separationsångest". 2. Stress till följd av den nya kulturen och trycket för snabb anpassning och förändring. / The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how four unaccompanied refugees experience their new society and what is being done to facilitate their integration in Sweden. To leave and escape a homeland to try to find a better future is a decision that every unaccompanied minor refugee has been forced to face, leaving his/her comfort zone. This research evaluates the impact of forced migration and the coping mechanisms that four unaccompanied minors use as they embark on their journey to freedom and a safe haven in Sweden. Additionally, this essay examines the host country Sweden, and its availability of resources to better facilitate the integration of migrants to Swedish society both at the municipal and national level. The focus of this essay is partly on the difficulties these youngsters undergo in their home country and the culture shock and pressure to adapt they face when living in their new country. Furthermore, by choosing qualitative research method for this essay, we examine subtle nuances of the image of unaccompanied refugee children, both as a concept and as a denominator that creates an identity crisis for them. In this essay semi-structured interviews are utilized to collect qualitative data, allowing respondents the time and scope to examine and share their sentiments. The researcher who directs the conversation to areas deemed to require closer in depth exploration decides the focus of the interview. Analyzing stories using the crisis theory and theories about immigration and refugee processes we distinguish two distinct denominators, 1. A journey with dramatic consequences, such as trauma, frustration, persecution, and, last but not least, ‘separation anxiety’. 2. Stress arising from the new culture and pressure for quick adaptation and change.
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DEN SOCIALA SITUATIONEN OCH RELATIONERS BETYDELSE FÖR ÅTERHÄMTNING : - En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om upplevelser hos personer med allvarlig psykisk störningModig, Sara, Beijer, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Genom historien har personer med allvarlig psykisk störning ofta tvingats leva avskilda och utstötta från samhället, en stigmatisering som finns kvar än idag. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa hur personer med allvarlig psykisk störning upplever sin sociala situation samt hur dessa personer upplever att sociala relationer påverkar återhämtningen från allvarlig psykisk störning. Metod: Till studien eftersöktes kvalitativa artiklar i relevanta databaser, nio stycken artiklar som passade studiens syfte valdes ut. Artiklarna genomgick manifest innehållsanalys, två huvudkategorier och ett flertal underkategorier kunde urskiljas. Resultat: I litteraturstudien framgick att personer med allvarlig psykisk störning känner sig utstötta från samhället och upplever fördomar riktade mot sig. Svårigheter med sociala kontakter leder till ensamhet. Önskan om meningsfulla aktiviteter fanns för att få en mer meningsfull vardag och lättare kunna knyta kontakter med andra. De sociala relationernas betydelse för återhämtningen från allvarlig psykisk störning framkom tydligt i litteraturstudien. Familj, vänner och vårdare bidrog samtliga till återhämtningsprocessen. Slutsats: Personerna upplevde en stigmatisering som bidrog till att försämra deras sociala situation, vilket bidrar till ökat lidande. Alla inom vården är en viktig del för att minska detta. Sociala relationer som medför att bli sedd och bekräftad som människa är viktigt för återhämtningen från allvarlig psykisk störning.
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Heldygnsvård för missbrukare – en aktstudie av utfall och dokumentationGustavsson, Catrin, Karlsson, Sandra January 2008 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka insatsers utfall för missbruksklienter efter avslutad vistelse på behandlingshem/ familjehem. Ett delsyfte är också att undersöka några variablers inverkan på utfallet samt hur dokumentationen ser ut. Utifrån detta har vi formulerat följande frågeställningar. (1) Hur har insatserna utfallit i stort? (2) Hur har sociala relationer beskrivits i anslutning till detta? (3) Hur har klientens delaktighet och motivation beskrivits? (4) Hur har den samlade dokumentationen av insatserna fungerat? För att besvara dessa har 14 akter studerats, metoden har varit såväl kvalitativ som kvantitativ. Resultatet visar att sex av klienterna har en förbättrad missbrukssituation sex månader efter avslutad behandling. Andelen kvinnor är ansenligt större än andelen män som har förbättrad missbrukssituation. Tidigare forskning gällande sociala relationer och motivation har visat att dessa variabler har betydelse för utfallet. Gällande sociala relationer tycks det i vår studie ha haft betydelse för missbrukssituationen. I det material vi har tagit del av har dokumentationen varit bristfällig varför vi har haft svårt att besvara frågeställningarna. Vår studie framhåller vikten av systematiska metoder för dokumentation då detta är en förutsättning för utvärdering och vidareutveckling av socialtjänstens verksamhet. Vidare framhålls betydelsen av att arbeta och dokumentera med klientens sociala relationer och behandlingsmotivation, detta för att påverka utfall i positiv riktning. / The purpose of this study is to examine the results of substance abusers after they have completed their visit in an institution/foster home. Parts of the purpose are to examine specific variables and their effects on the results as well as what the documentation looks like. From this we have formulated these following questions. (1) Generally, what have these efforts resulted in? (2) How have the social relationships been described in connection to this? (3) How has the client’s participation and motivation been described? (4) How has the collected documentation of these efforts been functioning? To answer these questions 14 files have been studied and the method has been both qualitative and quantitative. Our findings show that the result, regarding the abuse situation, has improved six months after completed treatment for six of the clients. The proportion women are considerably larger than the proportion of men with improved abuse situation. Previous research regarding social relationships and motivation has shown that these variables have significance for the result. Our findings regarding social relationships show that they were of importance for the abuse situation. The documentation in our research material has been insufficient and this has led to difficulties when trying to answer our questions. This study points out the importance of systematic methods of documenting because this is a prerequisite for the social services to be able to evaluate and to develop their activity. It seems like documenting and working with the client’s social relationships and motivation for treatment could influence the result to a more positive outcome.
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Engagemang i Föreningsaktivitet, Stress ochSociala Relationer bland Högskolestudenter : - en enkätstudieGustafsson, Calle, Lindberg, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
Föreningsengagemang, sociala relationer och stress är ofta omnämnda tillsammans och relateras ofta till varandra. Eftersom befintlig forskning är begränsad vad gäller sambanden dem emellan, var det av intresse att undersöka dessa. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga föreningsengagemang bland högskolestudenter på en högskola i södra Sverige samt undersöka eventuella samband mellan föreningsengagemang, sociala relationer och stress. Metoden för studien var deduktiv med ett kvantitativt angreppssätt. Enkäter med frågor om föreningsengagemang, stress och sociala relationer genomfördes på 230 studenter. Att avsluta snarare än att påbörja föreningsengagemang var vanligare vid högskolestudier. Aktivitet i idrottsförening innebar lägre grad av upplevd stress. Studenter som var tillfreds med sitt umgänge, upplevde att de har vänner som visar stort intresse för det hon/ han gör samt umgås dagligen med vänner upplever lägre grad av stress. En slutsats kan vara att börja studera på högskola har en negativ inverkan på föreningsengagemang. Att vara aktiv i en idrottsförening samt att ha goda sociala relationer har en positiv inverkan på studenters upplevelse av stress. Denna nya kunskap kan användas vid arbete med och rådgivning till stressade studenter. Studien kan även informera högskolor om att fysiska aktiviteter genom skolan kan ha en positiv inverkan för studenters psykiska hälsa. / Extracurricular participation, social relationships and stress is often mentioned together and are related to each other. Because of insufficient research of the correlation between these three, there was an interest to study this subject. The aim for this study was to investigate the degree of extracurricular participation among college students and also to investigate potential correlations between extracurricular participation, social relationships and stress. The method for this study was deductive whit a quantitative approach. A questionnaire about extracurricular participation, social relationships and stress was performed among 230 college students. The result showed that withdrawal from extracurricular activities was more common among students than to begin. Students who were active in sport associations experienced lower stress than students that did not participate in sport associations. The result also showed correlations between the student’s satisfaction with their friends and how they reported stress. Students who felt that their friends show them a big interest also reported lower stress. Also students who meet their friends on daily basis reported lower stress. A conclusion could be that entering college has a negative influence on extracurricular participation. Involvement in sport activities and to have satisfying social relationships has a positive influence on students stress. This knowledge can be used for work and guidance of stressed college students. This study can also inform colleges that physical extracurricular participation can have a positive influence on student’s mental health.
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Socialinių ryšių vaidmuo emigracijoje ieškant darbo / The role ofsocial relationsof emigration in Great Britain to find workSasnauskaitė, Airida 04 January 2013 (has links)
Darbo tema: Socialinių ryšių vaidmuo emigracijoje ieškant darbo.
Problema. Lietuvos gyventojų emigracija laikoma viena rimčiausių grėsmių šalies demografinei raidai, ūkio augimui ir kultūrinio savitumo išsaugojimui. Viena iš emigracijos priežasčių glūdi Lietuvos gyventojų nepasitenkinime savo pilietiniu statusu bei esama ekonomine bei politine situacija. Žmogus dirba tam, kad užtikrintų šeimos materialinę gerovę. Lietuvos ekonominė ir darbo rinkos situacija šiuo metu yra tokia, kad žemą kvalifikaciją turintis asmuo negali išmaitinti šeimos, o aukštą kvalifikaciją turintys nesugeba patenkinti šeimos poreikių.Emigracijoje labai svarbus yra socialinių ryšių vaidmuo. Tik bendraujant su draugais, draugų draugais ar pažįstamais gali atsirasti didesnė galimybė susirasti geresnį darbą užsienyje taip patgalima lengviau adaptuotis.
Šio darbo tikslas: ištirti, kaip emigrantų turimi socialiniai ryšiai įtakoja jų darbo paieškas Didžiojoje Britanijoje.
Darbo hipotezės:
1. Tikėtina, kad pagrindinė emigracijos iš Lietuvos į Didžiąją Britaniją priežastis yra ekonominė, t.y. siekimas financinės ir materialinės gerovės.
2. Tikėtina, kad ne visuomet sėkmingos darbo paieškos rezultatas priklauso tik nuo socialinių ryšių t.y. draugų, giminių, pažįstamų ar institucijų pagalbos; labai didelę reikšmę turi paties žmogaus noras bei įdėtos pastangos sėkmingai susirasti darbą.
3. Tikėtina, jog emigravus į Didžiąją Britaniją, Lietuvoje įgytas išsilavinimas netenka vertės, t.y. norint rasti geriau apmokamą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Thesis: The role ofsocial relationsof emigration in Great Britain to find work.
Problem: Lithuanianmigration of the populationis consideredone of themost serious threats tothe country'sdemographic development,economicgrowth andpreservation ofculturalidentity. Nowadays, emigrationis oneof the most pressing social problems.One of thecauses ofemigrationlies inthe Lithuanian population not being content with theircivilstatus andthe currenteconomic and politicalsituation. Data onthe number ofemigrants is constantly changing,it is not always accurate and the reasons foremigrationare not stable and detailedanalysis is in sufficient. Man works for the familywealth. Lithuania's economic and labour marketsituation is nowsuch thatlow-qualified person cannotfeed afamily, and even a highly qualified person fails tomeetfamily needs. Emigrationisa very importantrole insocial relations. Just communicating with friends, friends of friends or acquaintancesmaybe an increasedpossibility of findinga better jobabroad andcanbe easily adopted.
The aim of this work is to analyse howimmigrantsaffect theexistingsocial relationsin theirsearch for employmentin GreatBritain.
1. It is likelythat the mainemigrationfrom Lithuaniato Great Britain is for economic reasons and the cost of living and pursuit of wealth.
2. It is likely that it is not always a lucky job search result, as it may depend only on the social networking for example friends, relatives, acquaintances or institutional support... [to full text]
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"Jag skulle aldrig få för mig att hjälpa någon som dig" : - En kvalitativ studie om före detta kriminellas upplevelser av stigmatiseringenKasha, Olivia, B. Edlund, Sophie January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att förstå de före detta kriminellas problematik relaterat till stigmatiseringsprocessen. Studien vill bidra med en förståelse till hur före detta kriminella upplever den stigmatisering som finns i samhället. Frågeställningarna bygger kring stigmatiseringsprocessen och behandlar områden på organisatorisk, social och teknisk nivå av denna process. Den organisatoriska nivån hanterar de samhälleliga organisationer som bidrar till utanförskapet. Den sociala nivån beskriver de sociala relationerna som är av betydelse för integreringen. Den tekniska nivån belyser den tekniska övervakningen i samhället. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer som genomfördes på två frivilligorganisationer inom KRIS och Unga KRIS. Den intervjuform som använts är semistrukturerade intervjuer. De teoretiska perspektiv som var till hjälp i studien är stigmatiseringsprocessen, etablerade & outsiders, generaliserade andre och panoptikon. Det huvudsakliga resultatet visar att före detta kriminella stigmatiseras på olika nivåer i samhället. Stigmatiseringen sker genom praktiker som utövas på mikro-nivå. De olika nivåerna av stigmatisering innebär ett nedsatt värde av före detta kriminella som resulterar i en outsidergrupp. / This study aims to understand the former criminals problems related to the stigmatization process. The study wants to contribute with an understanding of how former criminals experience the stigma that exists in society. The main question is based on the stigmatization process and covers the areas of organizational, social and technical level of this process. The organizational level deals with the societal organizations that contribute to exclusion. The social level describes the social relationships that is important for the integration. The technical level highlights the technical supervision in the community. The empirical data were collected through qualitative interviews conducted in two voluntary organizations in KRIS and Unga KRIS. The interview form is semi-structured interviews. The theoretical perspective that is helpful in this study is the stigmatization process, established and outsiders, generalized other, and panoptikon. The main result shows that former criminals are stigmatized at various levels of society. The stigmatization takes place by practitioners exerted on the micro- level. The different levels of stigma implies a reduced value of former criminals, resulting in an outsider group.
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Agroindústrias rurais familiares e a rede de relações sociais nos mercados de proximidade na região do Corede Jacuí Centro/RSAgne, Chaiane Leal January 2010 (has links)
A diversificação das atividades produtivas e sociais é uma realidade da agricultura familiar brasileira. O processamento da produção agropecuária e a inserção do produto agroindustrial nos mercados são formas desta diversificação. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo descrever as relações que formam a rede social dos mercados de proximidade, ou seja, demonstrar as relações que as ARFs mantêm com outros agentes para realizar as ações de troca e comercialização de produtos agroindustriais. A região estudada compreende os municípios que compõe o Corede Jacuí Centro: Cachoeira do Sul, Cerro Branco, Novo Cabrais, Paraíso do Sul, Restinga Seca, São Sepé e Vila Nova do Sul. O estudo caracterizouse como exploratório-descritivo, com a coleta de informações secundárias e primárias. As informações do IBGE sobre as indústrias rurais serviram de suporte para definir o número de entrevistas que seriam efetuadas em cada município. Foram realizadas 41 entrevistas, com o auxílio de um formulário semiestruturado e diários de campo. Utilizou-se de metodologia qualitativa (análise de conteúdo) e quantitativa (medidas de dispersão: média aritmética simples e desvio padrão; medidas de localização: máximo e mínimo) para a análise dos dados. A formação social da rede dos mercados de proximidade envolve interações dos produtores com atores de instituições e da comunidade, com intermediários, pontes de inserção, consumidores e demais agentes da sociedade civil. Destaca-se a venda direta para consumidores urbanos, representando uma média de 51% da produção vendida, cujas formas de comercialização são: de porta em porta, por encomenda, em feiras, em eventos e na propriedade. Nas relações de comercialização e trocas com parentes e vizinhos, as famílias comercializam uma média de 14% e 1%, respectivamente. Estas interações são evidenciadas pela troca de produtos, matéria-prima e serviços na atividade agroindustrial. Quanto às relações comerciais com as pontes de inserção e intermediários, correspondem a 19% e 15% da produção vendida, respectivamente. Para os agricultores, as características de diferenciação dos seus produtos são: o natural, o jeito de fazer, o sabor, o trabalho do agricultor para produzir, o preço, a certificação SIM e a produção ecológica. Dentre as inovações destacamse: a embalagem, a consistência, o tempero, os sabores, a produção light, o tamanho, a concentração do produto e a modificação da receita. / The diversification of the social and productive activities is what usually happens in the Brazilian household agriculture. The agricultural production processing and the agro industrial product insertion in the markets are manners of this diversification. This paper had as main objective to describe the relations that constitute the social networking of the proximity markets to the change and merchandising of the agroindustrial products. The region studied comprehends the cities that belong to Corede Jacuí Centro: Cachoeira do Sul, Cerro Branco, Novo Cabrais, Paraíso do Sul, Restinga Seca, São Sepé and Vila Nova do Sul. This study was characterized as an exploratory-descriptive analysis, with the gathering of secondary and primary information. The data about agrobusiness provided by IBGE gave a support to define the number of interviews that would be done in each city. 41 interviews have been accomplished, with the assistance of a semi-structured form and field diaries. Qualitative methodology has been used (content analysis) and quantitative (disperse measurements: simple arithmetic average and standard deviation; localization measurements: maximum and minimum) for the data analysis. The social formation of the proximate market networking involves interactions of the producers with actors of institutions and the community, with middlemen, insertion bridges, consumers and other agents of the civil society. The direct sale to the urban consumer has been highlighted, representing an average of 51% of the sold production, whose merchandising forms are: door to door, by order, at fairs, at events and at the property. In the relationships of marketing and exchanges with relatives and neighbors, the families commercialized an average of 14% and 1% respectively. These interactions are spotlighted by the exchange of products, raw material, and services at the agroindustrial activity. Concerned with the commercial relationship with the insertion bridges and middlemen, it corresponds to 19% and 15% of the commercialized production, respectively. According to the peasants, the characteristics that differ their products are: the natural, the way to make, the flavor, the farmer’s work to produce, the price, the SIM certification and the ecological production. Among the innovations some are pointed out: the package, the consistency, the seasoning, the flavors, the light production, the size, the product concentration and the recipe modification.
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Juventude e jogos digitais : envolvimento e relações sociais através dos Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Play GamesCruz, Daniel Viana Abs da January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa possui como objetivo geral o estudo do envolvimento e das relações sociais de jovens através dos Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Play Games. Para tanto foram realizados três estudos, um qualitativo e dois quantitativos. O primeiro estudo foi conduzido com 20 estudantes de escolas públicas e particulares da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre e teve como objetivo descrever como ocorre a construção e desenvolvimento de avatares por jovens jogadores para a interação nos MMORPGs. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e analisadas posteriormente com Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados deste estudo apontaram 7 sub-categorias relativas à elaboração dos avatares e que foram agrupadas em 3 categorias maiores: Imagem, Função e Motivação. O segundo estudo foi realizado em quatro etapas e teve como objetivo desenvolver instrumentos de mensuração do envolvimento e das relações sociais nos MMORPGs. A primeira etapa foi a construção dos itens baseados na literatura e nos modelos teóricos de Calleja (2007) e de Hinde (1997). A segunda etapa compreendeu o uso de três juízes experts na área. A terceira etapa consistiu em um estudo piloto para a compreensão dos itens com cinco adolescentes jogadores de MMORPG. A quarta etapa compreendeu a análise da consistência interna utilizando-se o alpha de cronbach e das estruturas fatoriais das escalas através de análises de componentes principais e análises fatoriais confirmatórias com uma amostra coletada online de 467 jovens jogadores de MMORPG, com idades entre 12 e 30 anos, de diferentes regiões do país. Os resultados apontaram bons índices de estrutura fatorial e fidedignidade, indicando-se o uso das escalas para pesquisas futuras. O terceiro estudo contou com a mesma amostra do segundo estudo e teve os objetivos de descrever um perfil de usuários de MMORPG; descrever como os jovens usuários vivenciam as relações sociais estabelecidas por eles com outros jovens usuários nos MMORPG; e de averiguar se as características de envolvimento e de relações sociais dos participantes estão relacionadas. Análises estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais foram realizadas, através de correlações de Pearson, e do uso de modelagem de equações estuturais. Os resultados finais da tese indicaram um modelo de relações entre os jovens, seus avatares, o envolvimento no jogo e suas relações sociais no jogo. / This research aims study the youth involvement and yours social relationships across the Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Play Games. Therefore, we conducted three studies, one qualitative and two quantitative. The first study was conducted with 20 students from public and private schools in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre and aimed to describe how is the construction and development of young players avatars for interaction in MMORPGs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and later analyzed with content analysis. The results of this study reveal 7 subcategories approaching the avatars construction, grouped in 3 major categories: Image, Function and Motivation. The second study was conducted in four stages and aimed to develop scales to measure the involvement and social relations in MMORPGs. The first step was the construction of sentences based on literature and the theoretical models of Calleja (2007) and Hinde (1997). The second stage was the use of three judges, experts in the area. The third step was a pilot study to review the sentences with five teenagers MMORPG players. The fourth step included analysis of internal consistency and factorial structure of the scales with a total sample of 467 young people online MMORPG players, aged between 12 and 30 years, from different regions of the country. The third study involved the same sample of the second study had and the objective of describing a profile of users of MMORPG; describe how young users experience social relationships they established with other youth in the MMORPG users, and to investigate whether the characteristics of involvement and social relations of the participants are related. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes were performed. The results indicated a final model of relations between young people, their avatars, the involvement in the game and their social relations in the game.
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Agroindústrias rurais familiares e a rede de relações sociais nos mercados de proximidade na região do Corede Jacuí Centro/RSAgne, Chaiane Leal January 2010 (has links)
A diversificação das atividades produtivas e sociais é uma realidade da agricultura familiar brasileira. O processamento da produção agropecuária e a inserção do produto agroindustrial nos mercados são formas desta diversificação. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo descrever as relações que formam a rede social dos mercados de proximidade, ou seja, demonstrar as relações que as ARFs mantêm com outros agentes para realizar as ações de troca e comercialização de produtos agroindustriais. A região estudada compreende os municípios que compõe o Corede Jacuí Centro: Cachoeira do Sul, Cerro Branco, Novo Cabrais, Paraíso do Sul, Restinga Seca, São Sepé e Vila Nova do Sul. O estudo caracterizouse como exploratório-descritivo, com a coleta de informações secundárias e primárias. As informações do IBGE sobre as indústrias rurais serviram de suporte para definir o número de entrevistas que seriam efetuadas em cada município. Foram realizadas 41 entrevistas, com o auxílio de um formulário semiestruturado e diários de campo. Utilizou-se de metodologia qualitativa (análise de conteúdo) e quantitativa (medidas de dispersão: média aritmética simples e desvio padrão; medidas de localização: máximo e mínimo) para a análise dos dados. A formação social da rede dos mercados de proximidade envolve interações dos produtores com atores de instituições e da comunidade, com intermediários, pontes de inserção, consumidores e demais agentes da sociedade civil. Destaca-se a venda direta para consumidores urbanos, representando uma média de 51% da produção vendida, cujas formas de comercialização são: de porta em porta, por encomenda, em feiras, em eventos e na propriedade. Nas relações de comercialização e trocas com parentes e vizinhos, as famílias comercializam uma média de 14% e 1%, respectivamente. Estas interações são evidenciadas pela troca de produtos, matéria-prima e serviços na atividade agroindustrial. Quanto às relações comerciais com as pontes de inserção e intermediários, correspondem a 19% e 15% da produção vendida, respectivamente. Para os agricultores, as características de diferenciação dos seus produtos são: o natural, o jeito de fazer, o sabor, o trabalho do agricultor para produzir, o preço, a certificação SIM e a produção ecológica. Dentre as inovações destacamse: a embalagem, a consistência, o tempero, os sabores, a produção light, o tamanho, a concentração do produto e a modificação da receita. / The diversification of the social and productive activities is what usually happens in the Brazilian household agriculture. The agricultural production processing and the agro industrial product insertion in the markets are manners of this diversification. This paper had as main objective to describe the relations that constitute the social networking of the proximity markets to the change and merchandising of the agroindustrial products. The region studied comprehends the cities that belong to Corede Jacuí Centro: Cachoeira do Sul, Cerro Branco, Novo Cabrais, Paraíso do Sul, Restinga Seca, São Sepé and Vila Nova do Sul. This study was characterized as an exploratory-descriptive analysis, with the gathering of secondary and primary information. The data about agrobusiness provided by IBGE gave a support to define the number of interviews that would be done in each city. 41 interviews have been accomplished, with the assistance of a semi-structured form and field diaries. Qualitative methodology has been used (content analysis) and quantitative (disperse measurements: simple arithmetic average and standard deviation; localization measurements: maximum and minimum) for the data analysis. The social formation of the proximate market networking involves interactions of the producers with actors of institutions and the community, with middlemen, insertion bridges, consumers and other agents of the civil society. The direct sale to the urban consumer has been highlighted, representing an average of 51% of the sold production, whose merchandising forms are: door to door, by order, at fairs, at events and at the property. In the relationships of marketing and exchanges with relatives and neighbors, the families commercialized an average of 14% and 1% respectively. These interactions are spotlighted by the exchange of products, raw material, and services at the agroindustrial activity. Concerned with the commercial relationship with the insertion bridges and middlemen, it corresponds to 19% and 15% of the commercialized production, respectively. According to the peasants, the characteristics that differ their products are: the natural, the way to make, the flavor, the farmer’s work to produce, the price, the SIM certification and the ecological production. Among the innovations some are pointed out: the package, the consistency, the seasoning, the flavors, the light production, the size, the product concentration and the recipe modification.
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