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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How to Maximize Your Small Business's Impact on Social Media

Arnaud, Brianna J 20 December 2018 (has links)
This thesis is meant to be a learning tool to help small businesses use free social media accounts as business marketing tools. The manual is broken down into chapters highlighting the importance of “Knowing your Audience,” “Branding,” “Constructing a Post,” “Using Visual Rhetoric,” and “Expanding your Audience.”. This thesis is inspired by scholars of English, internet linguistics, journalism, gender theory, professional writing, and rhetoric. It is also inspired by a survey of 18 small businesses in the Lafayette, Louisiana area. The survey helped to focus my research on the social media issues of small businesses in the southern region of the U.S. Little academic attention is given to the continued statistical analysis of language in social media from a critical compositional standpoint. I have written this thesis to inspire continued research in the area of internet linguistics and to help small businesses maximize profits by improving their social media impact.


Contreras, Richard Anthony 01 June 2018 (has links)
Incarceration rates and the release rate of ex-offenders into the community are both increasing. Studies have shown, on a consistent basis, that, while incarcerated, ex-offenders experience lower literacy levels than the general population, suffer emotional and mental distress from a harsh prison life, and suffer from the negative effects of public perception. Ex-offender anger abounds. These factors interfere with an inmate’s ability to communicate effectively. Notwithstanding, upon release from custody, how do we help such ex-offenders communicate? Many handbooks exist to help former inmates. However, the vast majority only offer assistance with locating government social services agencies, obtaining documents, and helping with jobs. A few offer help with finding mentors. However virtually none assist with communication techniques. Utilizing clear and simple language, A Communication Guide for Ex-Offenders fills this gap. The guide consists of three sections: the first defines basic concepts of communication, including contextual and cultural aspects. Additionally, it contains information on how ex-offenders can communicate more effectively despite suffering from various mental and emotional issues. Finally, a theoretical application focuses on the importance of disclosing information and making a favorable impression. At the end of each section, there is a review of concepts. This manual will also contain two new features in the application of communication studies and the ex-offender population: A communication ‘Bill of Rights’ for ex-offenders and a pledge on ex-offender responsibilities

The Role of Network Position for Peer Influences on Adolescents' Academic Engagement

Johnson, Price McCloud 28 March 2014 (has links)
Academic engagement has been found to significantly predict students' future achievement. Among adolescents, the peer context becomes an increasingly important point of socialization and influence on beliefs and behavior, including academic engagement. Previous research suggests that those peers with whom an adolescent spends much of their time significantly predict change in engagement over time (Kindermann, 2007). Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 1998) postulates that exosystem effects (those influencing factors that are not directly connected to individuals) play an important role in development, and social network theorists have suggested that the position one occupies within the greater network is a key factor that determines one's power of influence (Borgatti, 2005). An individual's own position in a network emerges from his or her own connections, as well as from the structures formed by the connections of his or her affiliates (the exosystem). Utilizing an existing dataset, social networks analysis techniques were used to examine how three different forms of centrality (degree, closeness and eigenvector), which are markers for micro- and exo-system effects, relate to classroom engagement and its change over time. Results showed that although centrality in a network is positively related to academic characteristics at one point in time, students who have large numbers of immediate connections (degree centrality) tend to decrease in engagement over time. In contrast, eigenvector centrality showed a positive interaction with peer group influence on change in engagement over time. For those students who had highly interconnected peers the positive effect of peer group engagement was increased.

The Media, Education, and the State: Arts-Based Research and a Marxist Analysis of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Zhao, Meng 19 August 2019 (has links)
By 2019, the Syrian civil war has lasted for nearly eight years and it has created the largest humanitarian crisis since WWII (Achlume, 2015). Using the siege of Aleppo in 2016 as a case study, the author applied a Marxist-humanist theoretical framework and incorporated arts-based research methodology to examine how US news media supports capitalist social relations. The research question for this study was: how do the US media depictions of the siege of Aleppo, Syria in 2016 reflect capitalist social relations? There were three sub-questions that followed: (1) Which elements of the siege of Aleppo in 2016 get the most attention in the specific outlets examined? In what ways do these depictions support the US government and/or corporate interests? (2) What are some of the ways in which Syrian refugees are depicted in the various outlets examined? How and in what ways is US humanitarian policy reflected? How are Syrian’s racialized through these depictions? and (3) How are corporate and government interests tied to these media outlets? This study used narrative inquiry, visual analysis, and critical discourse analysis as research methods to discover five major themes found in US news media’s reporting on the siege of Aleppo in 2016. The author then examined these five main themes through a Marxist-humanist lens to discover how the US news media, the supposed “gatekeeper” for the public, establishes, maintains, and reinforces an ideology that supported hegemony for the dominant class.

War of words: Framing of the United States in Selected Belarusian newspapers in 2009

Manayeva, Natalie 01 December 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the peculiarities of framing of the United States in selected Belarusian newspapers during first six months of the Obama administration. The concepts of anti-Americanism, authoritarian model of mass media and framing were chosen as a theoretical framework. This study was focused on the two main questions: first, what is the difference in how Belarusian state-run and independent newspapers frame the U.S., and second, what is the mechanism of creating negative image of the U.S. in Belarusian newspapers. In order to provide comprehensive answers to both questions the multi-method approach (involving methods of content and framing analysis) was chosen. As this study demonstrated, the state-run and independent newspapers present a very different image of the U.S.: state-run newspapers present the U.S. within a scope of strong negative frames. However, the picture in the independent newspapers is the opposite: out of four general frames three were positive and one was neutral-positive. The results of the content analysis showed that negative images of the United States do not necessarily have to be promoted through direct judgmental statements, but could rather be initiated by means of selecting certain negative facts for publication, often from unidentified sources. By concentrating their attention on crime, natural catastrophes, manipulating statistical data, omitting sources of information and selecting foreign experts who are critically inclined against the U.S media create a negative image of the United States.

Factors relacionats amb l'ús del casc en adolescents i aspectes canviants després d'un accident amb ciclomotor

Fuentes Pumarola, Concepció 19 December 2007 (has links)
Les lesions cerebrals per traumatismes craniencefàlics són la causa més freqüent de defunció en els accidents de trànsit en els que estan implicats vehicles de dues rodes. Malgrat la provada eficàcia de l'ús del casc per amortir les lesions en cas d'accidents, molts adolescents i joves no el fan servir o fan un ús incorrecte. El principal objectiu d'aquesta investigació és identificar les variables que millor prediuen l'ús del casc entre els adolescents. En la recerca es combinen la metodologia quantitativa i qualitativa i consta de dues fases. A la primera fase participen 876 estudiants de secundària (46,8% nois) amb edats compreses entre 14 i 18 anys. A la segona fase, s'estudien quatre casos d'adolescents que han patit un accident greu circulant amb ciclomotor i que no portaven el casc o feien un ús incorrecte. Els resultats suggereixen que l'edat i la influència social són les variables més rellevants per predir l'ús continuat del casc entre els adolescents. De l'estudi se'n deriven estratègies d'intervenció per incrementar l'ús del casc entre els dolescents. / The cerebral injuries as a result of cranio-encephalic traumatism are the most frequent cause of death in two-wheel vehicle accidents. In spite of the proven effectiveness of the use of the helmet to deaden injuries in the event of accidents, many teenagers and youngsters do not use it or use it incorrectly. The main goal of this research is to identify the variables that best predict the use of the helmet among adolescents. The research combines the use of quantitative and qualitative methodology and consists of two phases. 876 secondary students (46,8% boys) between 14 and 18 took part in the 1st phase. The 2nd phase consists in the study of 4 cases of teenagers who have suffered severe moped accidents while driving without helmet or using it incorrectly. The results suggest that the age and the social influence are the most relevant variables to predict the regular use of the helmet among the teenagers. The study results in intervention strategies to increase the use of the helmet among adolescents.

Patrons de consum d'alcohol en estudiants universitaris

Salamó Avellaneda, Anna 10 June 2011 (has links)
L’objectiu general d’aquesta tesi és conèixer la prevalença i el patró de consum d’alcohol d’una mostra de 2,137 estudiants de la Universitat de Girona (17-35 anys). S’utilitzà un disseny multimètode integrant la metodologia quantitativa (estudi d’enquesta) amb la metodología qualitativa (grups focals). Un 65% dels joves són consumidors habituals d’alcohol. La influència social de pares, germans i amics és una variable crucial en la iniciació i manteniment del consum d’aquesta droga. El consum habitual és més freqüent entre aquells que van experimentar més precoçment amb la substància. Entre els homes és més habitual el consum massiu, però més dones efectuen consums considerats d’alt risc. Els joves reconeixen algunes repercussions socials de l’abús de l’alcohol però no en perceben per a la salut física. Aquests resultats mostren la necessitat de: endarrerir l’edat de primera experimentació, informar del risc del consum d’alcohol i fomentar un oci nocturn alternatiu i saludable. / The main objective of this thesis was to determine the prevalence and patterns of alcohol consumption in a sample of 2137 college students from Girona (17-35 years old). A multimethod design using a quantitative methodology (survey) and qualitative methodology (focus groups) was employed. 65% of the participants were regular users of alcohol. The social influence of parents, siblings and friends was a crucial variable in the initiation and maintenance of alcohol use. In addition, regular use was more common amongthose who were younger when they first experimented with the substance. Binge drinking was more common among men, while high risk alcohol consumption was more common among women. However, participants acknowledged negative social consequences of alcohol abuse but they did not perceive any physical consequences. These results show the need to: delay the age of first experimentation, inform of the risks of alcohol consumption and promote a healthy alternative nightlife.

War of words: Framing of the United States in Selected Belarusian newspapers in 2009

Manayeva, Natalie 01 December 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the peculiarities of framing of the United States in selected Belarusian newspapers during first six months of the Obama administration. The concepts of anti-Americanism, authoritarian model of mass media and framing were chosen as a theoretical framework. This study was focused on the two main questions: first, what is the difference in how Belarusian state-run and independent newspapers frame the U.S., and second, what is the mechanism of creating negative image of the U.S. in Belarusian newspapers. In order to provide comprehensive answers to both questions the multi-method approach (involving methods of content and framing analysis) was chosen. As this study demonstrated, the state-run and independent newspapers present a very different image of the U.S.: state-run newspapers present the U.S. within a scope of strong negative frames. However, the picture in the independent newspapers is the opposite: out of four general frames three were positive and one was neutral-positive. The results of the content analysis showed that negative images of the United States do not necessarily have to be promoted through direct judgmental statements, but could rather be initiated by means of selecting certain negative facts for publication, often from unidentified sources. By concentrating their attention on crime, natural catastrophes, manipulating statistical data, omitting sources of information and selecting foreign experts who are critically inclined against the U.S media create a negative image of the United States.

Exploratory study on factors impacting job satisfaction among ethnic minority employees

Koo, Lamont Bon-gul 27 February 2012 (has links)
As organizations are being confronted with the pool of people seeking employment that are increasingly diverse in terms of ethnicity (Oerlemans et al. 2008), and as job satisfaction has been one of the important drivers for work-related well-being in employees, there have been a number of studies about job satisfaction among ethnic minorities (Spector 1997). Although there is a growing body of research on job satisfaction and ethnic minorities at work, there is still a paucity of studies regarding factors impacting job satisfaction among ethnic minorities specifically. The present study explores contributing factors impacting ethnic minorities’ job satisfaction, using qualitative method based on Motivator-Hygiene Theory (Frederick 1966, 2003) and Job Characteristics Theory (Hackman and Oldham 1976). Three Hispanic/Latino Americans and three Asian Americans, all workers in construction sites in Samsung semiconductor in Austin, Texas, were individually interviewed with open-ended questions by the author in the summer of 2010. Participants reported professional development opportunities and appropriate and well-deserved compensation as the main factors impacting job satisfaction, while heavy workload, not being recognized, time constrains, and stressful work environment were reported as factors in dissatisfaction. Family, personal goals and money were the three most important personal values that participants considered when making decisions about their career paths. It is important to continue to examine other predictors of and contributing factors to job satisfaction of ethnic minority employees, so that their employers and managers in the work place can form a better understanding of these populations and work effectively with them. It is also important to educate human resources professionals about ethnic minorities’ needs and how those needs can be met for work-related well-being. / text

Leadership and mestizaje : a case study of three Latino public school superintendents in Texas

Cisneros, John Steven, 1958- 20 September 2012 (has links)
This study described and analyzed the characteristics of three Latino public school superintendents in the state of Texas and gained insight into their leadership behaviors; particularly their leadership styles, and the influences of cultural, familial, social, and other environmental factors on the leadership behaviors of the participants. This study considered the notion of mestizaje, that social, cultural, and historical experience of persons of Latino (Iberoamerican) extraction; how mestizaje informs leadership behaviors. The study followed qualitative research design and protocols, and utilized the case study method. Data gathered through three semistructured interviews with each of the three participants, direct observations, and document reviews informed the findings. Findings regarding the characteristics of Latino public school superintendents and the influence of mestizaje on their professional behaviors surround four themes: empowering for leadership; informing leadership behaviors; leading for social justice; and school district functions in action. The notion of agency emerged as a primary consideration in the conclusions, reflecting the imperative relation between social, cultural, and historical experiences, and one’s position as a superintendent. The multiple subjectivities inherent in mestizaje are conversely opportunities for being transformational; thereby the locus of forging multiple objectivities. / text

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