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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The social responsibility of South African trade unions : a labour law perspective

Manamela, Makwena Ernest 06 1900 (has links)
Trade unions have been in existence for many years. Although their introduction was generally met with resistance, since their establishment trade unions have been important agents of social change worldwide. Over the years, trade unions have been involved in politics and other societal activities. In South Africa, trade unions for many years not only fought for worker’s rights within the workplace but also beyond the workplace. Trade unions started as friendly societies aimed at assisting their members with various matters, including offering financial help for education purposes and also in cases of illnesses. Although the main purpose of trade unions is to regulate relations between employees and their employers, trade unions perform other functions in society which can be broadly referred to as their social responsibility role. Unlike corporate social responsibility, which is recognised and formalised, trade union social responsibility is not, with the role and importance of social responsibility for trade unions having been largely ignored. This thesis aims at changing this by investigating their core responsibilities and their social responsibilities and subsequently making recommendations on how trade unions could recognise and accommodate their social responsibilities in their activities. It also considers factors that could assist trade unions in fulfilling their social responsibilities. Trade unions generally obtain legislative support for their core responsibilities, but not their social responsibilities; however this should not obstruct trade unions in such endeavours. As modern organisations it is high time that trade unions make a contribution towards sustainable development through their social responsibility role. / Private Law / LLD

La protection sociale de l'agriculteur victime d'accidents / The social welfare of the farmer victim of accidents

Meftah, Leïla 07 December 2018 (has links)
L’étude de la protection sociale de l’agriculteur victime d’accidents fait le constatd’inégalités manifestes entre les victimes elles-mêmes et entre le régime des accidents dutravail et celui du droit commun. Ces inégalités sont inhérentes à la qualité d’agriculteur ;qu’il soit salarié ou non, ce dernier ne bénéficie pas des mêmes droits. En outre, l’agriculteurblessé dans le cadre de son activité professionnelle n’aura qu’une réparation forfaitaire. Cettedernière tend à compenser la perte de revenu et l’incidence professionnelle de l’accident.L’indemnisation des préjudices personnels est exclue, sauf dans l’hypothèse d’une fauteinexcusable de l’employeur. Quant aux victimes d’accidents de droit commun, leur protectionsociale n’est optimisée que si elles possèdent une complémentaire prévoyance qui va parfaireles remboursements en espèces et en nature du régime agricole. En dehors de la prise encharge du régime légal de base, la réparation des accidents de droit commun tend à êtreintégrale. Afin que toutes les victimes d’accidents soient traitées de manière égale par le droitet qu’une réparation de tous leurs préjudices puisse être réalisée, nous préconisons dessolutions pour tenter de faire disparaître les inégalités entre les agriculteurs victimesd’accidents. / The study of the social welfare of the farmer victim of accidents reveals theexistence of disparities between the victims themselves and between the industrial accidentsand the common law. These disparities are inherent to farmer’s quality; whether he isemployed or not, the latter does not benefit from the same rights. In addition, the injuredfarmer in the course of his professional activity will have only a fixed compensation. Thelatter tends to compensate the loss of income and the professional incidence of the accident.Compensation for personal injury is excluded except in the hypothesis of unforgivablemisconduct of the employer. As for the victims of accidents of common law, their socialwelfare is only optimized if they possess a top up insurance plan that will completerepayments in cash and in kind of the agricultural system. Except the coverage of the basiclegal system, the compensation of accidents of common law tends to be complete. In order toensure that all accident victims are treated with equal manner by law and that compensationfor all their injuries can be achieved, we recommend solutions so that the disparities betweenthe farmers victims of accidents can disappear.

Assessing cost-of-illness in a user's perspective: two bottom-up micro-costing studies towards evidence informed policy-making for tuberculosis control in Sub-saharan Africa

Laokri, Samia 04 July 2014 (has links)
Health economists, national decision-makers and global health specialists have been interested in calculating the cost of a disease for many years. Only more recently they started to generate more comprehensive frameworks and tools to estimate the full range of healthcare related costs of illness in a user’s perspective in resource-poor settings. There is now an ongoing trend to guide health policy, and identify the most effective ways to achieve universal health coverage. The user fee exemptions health financing schemes, which grounded the tuberculosis control strategy, have been designed to improve access to essential care for ill individuals with a low capacity to pay. After decades of functioning and substantial progress in tuberculosis detection rate and treatment success, this thesis analyses the extent of the coverage (financial and social protection) of two disease control programs in West Africa. Learning from the concept of the medical poverty trap (Whitehead, Dahlgren, et Evans 2001) and available framework related to the economic consequences of illness (McIntyre et al. 2006), a conceptual framework and a data collection tool have been developed to incorporate the direct, indirect and intangible costs and consequences of illness incurred by chronic patients. In several ways, we have sought to provide baseline for comprehensive analysis and standardized methodology to allow comparison across settings, and to contribute to the development of evidence-based knowledge.<p><p>To begin, filling a knowledge gap (Russell 2004), we have performed microeconomic research on the households’ costs-and-consequences-of-tuberculosis in Burkina Faso and Benin. The two case studies have been conducted both in rural and urban resource-poor settings between 2007 and 2009. This thesis provides new empirical findings on the remaining financial, social and ‘healthcare delivery related organizational’ barriers to access diagnosis and treatment services that are delivered free-of-charge to the population. The direct costs associated with illness incurred by the tuberculosis pulmonary smear-positive patients have constituted a severe economic burden for these households living in permanent budget constraints. Most of these people have spent catastrophic health expenditure to cure tuberculosis and, at the same time, have faced income loss caused by the care-seeking. To cope with the substantial direct and indirect costs of tuberculosis, the patients have shipped their families in impoverishing strategies to mobilize funds for health such as depleting savings, being indebted and even selling livestock and property. Damaging asset portfolios of the disease-affected households on the long run, the coping strategies result in a public health threat. In resource-poor settings, the lack of financial protection for health may impose inability to meet basic needs such as the rights to education, housing, food, social capital and access to primary healthcare. Special feature of our work lies in the breakdown of the information gathered. We have been able to demonstrate significant differences in the volume and nature of the amounts spent across the successive stages of the care-seeking pathway. Notably, pre-diagnosis spending has been proved critical both in the rural and urban contexts. Moreover, disaggregated cost data across income quintiles have highlighted inequities in relation to the direct costs and to the risk of incurring catastrophic health expenditure because of tuberculosis. As part of the case studies, the tuberculosis control strategies have failed to protect the most vulnerable care users from delayed diagnosis and treatment, from important spending even during treatment – including significant medical costs, and from hidden costs that might have been exacerbated by poor health systems. To such devastating situations, the tuberculosis patients have had to endure other difficulties; we mean intangible costs such as pain and suffering including stigmatization and social exclusion as a result of being ill or attending tuberculosis care facilities. The analysis of all the social and economic consequences for tuberculosis-affected households over the entire care-seeking pathway has been identified as an essential element of future cost-of-illness evaluations, as well as the need to conduct benefit incidence assessment to measure equity.<p><p>This work has allowed identifying a series of policy weaknesses related to the three dimensions of the universal health coverage for tuberculosis (healthcare services, population and financial protection coverage). The findings have highlighted a gap between the standard costs foreseen by the national programs and the costs in real life. This has suggested that the current strategies lack of patient-centered care, context-oriented approaches and systemic vision resulting in a quality issue in healthcare delivery system (e.g. hidden healthcare related costs). Besides, various adverse effects on households have been raised as potential consequences of illness; such as illness poverty trap, social stigma, possible exclusion from services and participation, and overburdened individuals. These effects have disclosed the lack of social protection at the country level and call for the inclusion of tuberculosis patients in national social schemes. A last policy gap refers to the lack of financial protection and remaining inequities with regards to catastrophic health expenditure still occurring under use fee exemptions strategies. Thereby, one year before 2015 – the deadline set for the Millennium Development Goals – it is a matter of priority for Benin and Burkina Faso and many other countries to tackle adverse effects of the remaining social, economic and health policy and system related barriers to tuberculosis control. These factors have led us to emphasize the need for countries to develop sustainable knowledge. <p><p>National decision-makers urgently need to document the failures and bottlenecks. Drawing on the findings, we have considered different ways to strengthen local capacity and generate bottom-up decision-making. To get there, we have shaped a decision framework intended to produce local evidence on the root causes of the lack of policy responsiveness, synthesize available evidence, develop data-driven policies, and translate them into actions.<p><p>Beyond this, we have demonstrated that controlling tuberculosis was much more complex than providing free services. The socio-economic context in which people affected by this disease live cannot be dissociated from health policy. The implications of microeconomic research on the households’ costs and responses to tuberculosis may have a larger scope than informing implementation and adaptation of national disease-specific strategies. They can be of great interest to support the definition of guiding principles for further research on social protection schemes, and to produce evidence-based targets and indicators for the reduction and the monitoring of economic burden of illness. In this thesis, we have build on prevailing debates in the field and formulated different assumptions and proposals to inform the WHO Global Strategy and Targets for Tuberculosis Prevention, Care and Control After 2015. For us, to reflect poor populations’ needs and experiences, global stakeholders should endorse bottom-up and systemic policy-making approaches towards sustainable people-centered health systems.<p><p>The findings of the thesis and the various global and national challenges that have emerged from case studies are crucial as the problems we have seen for tuberculosis in West Africa are not limited to this illness, and far outweigh the geographical context of developing countries.<p><p><p>Keywords: Catastrophic health expenditure, Coping strategies, Cost-of-illness studies, Direct, indirect and intangible costs, Evidence-based Public health, Financial and Social protection for health, Health Economics, Health Policy and Systems, Informed Decision-making, Knowledge translation, People-centered policy-making, Systemic approach, Universal Health Coverage<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Essays on Development Policies : Social Protection, Community-Based Development and Regional Integration

Bah, Adama 31 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse de certaines des politiques considérées actuellement comme étant des éléments-clé de toute stratégie de développement, avec l’objectif de contribuer au récent débat sur le développement international. Je considère en particulier l’élaboration, la mise en oeuvre et l’évaluation des politiques de protection sociale, de développement participatif et d’intégration régionale. Le premier chapitre repose sur l’idée que, pour être efficaces en matière de réduction de la pauvreté, les politiques de protection sociale doivent avoir pour double objectif de permettre aux ménages pauvres d’accéder à des ressources suffisantes pour satisfaire leurs besoins de base, ainsi que de réduire le risque auquel les ménages non pauvres sont confrontés de voir leur niveau de bien-être diminuer sous le seuil de pauvreté. Je propose une méthode permettant d’estimer le degré de vulnérabilité à la pauvreté des ménages. La vulnérabilité est ici définie comme la probabilité pour un ménage de se trouver sous le seuil de pauvreté dans le futur, étant données ses caractéristiques actuelles. Dans le second chapitre, je me place dans un contexte de ciblage des programmes de protection sociale par un score approximant le niveau de vie (proxy-means testing). La précision, et donc l’efficacité, de cette approche pour identifier les ménages pauvres dépendent de la capacité à prédire avec exactitude le niveau de bien-être des ménages, laquelle découle de la sélection de variables pertinentes. Je propose une méthode basée sur l’estimation d’un échantillon aléatoire de modèles de consommation, pour identifier les variables dont la corrélation avec le bien-être des ménages est à la fois élevée et robuste. Ces variables appartiennent à différentes catégories, y compris la possession de biens durables, l’accès aux services d’énergie domestique et d’assainissement, la qualité et le statut d’occupation du logement, et le niveau d’éducation des membres du ménage. Les troisième et quatrième chapitres de cette thèse proposent une analyse ex-post des politiques de développement, et portent en particulier sur les conséquences inattendues d’un programme de développement participatif et les raisons de l’insuffisante performance de politiques d’intégration régionale, respectivement. Le troisième chapitre évalue dans quelle mesure la réaction des deux groupes rebelles présents aux Philippines face à la mise en oeuvre d’un programme participatif d’aide au développement est compatible avec l’idée que ces deux groupes ont différentes idéologies, caractéristiques et raisons pour lutter contre le gouvernement. Il utilise une base de données collectées en utilisant les reportages d’un journal local concernant les épisodes de guerre impliquant ces deux groupes, ainsi que les prédictions d’un modèle d’insurrection basé sur la recherche de rente (rent-seeking). Les résultats sont conformes à la classification proposée de ces deux groupes rebelles ; leur réaction face au projet dépend de leur position idéologique. Le dernier chapitre analyse l’impact des guerres civiles en Afrique sur la performance des communautés économiques régionales, approximée par la synchronisation des cycles économiques des différents partenaires régionaux. Les résultats montrent que la synchronisation des cycles économiques diminue avec l’occurrence de guerres civiles, non seulement pour les pays directement affectés, mais également pour leurs voisins en paix. / In this thesis, I aim to contribute to the recent international development debate, by providing an analysis of some of the policies that are considered key elements of a development strategy. Focusing on social protection, community-based development and regional integration, I consider aspects related to their design, implementation and evaluation. In the first chapter, I propose a method to estimate ex ante vulnerability to poverty, defined as the probability of being poor in the near future given one’s current characteristics. This is based on the premise that effective social protection policies should aim not only to help the poor move out of poverty, but also to protect the vulnerable from falling into it. In the second chapter, I consider the issue of identifying the poor in a context of targeting social protection programs using a Proxy-Means Testing (PMT) approach, which precision, and therefore usefulness relies on the selection of indicators that produce accurate predictions of household welfare. I propose a method based on model random sampling to identify indicators that are robustly and strongly correlated with household welfare, measured by per capita consumption. These indicators span the categories of household private asset holdings, access to basic domestic energy, education level, sanitation and housing. The third and fourth chapters of this thesis provide an ex-post analysis of development policies and focus in particular on the unintended consequences of a community-driven program and on the reasons for the lack of progress in regional economic integration. The third chapter assesses whether the reaction of the two distinct rebel groups that operate in the Philippines to the implementation of a large-scale community-driven development project funded by foreign aid is consistent with the idea that these two groups have different ideologies, characteristics and motives for fighting. It is based on a unique geo-referenced dataset that we collected from local newspaper reports on the occurrence of conflict episodes involving these rebel groups, and on the predictions of a rent-seeking model of insurgency. The findings are consistent with the proposed classification of the rebel groups; the impact of the foreign aid project on each rebel group depends on their ideological stance. In the last chapter, I analyze how civil conflicts affect the economic fate of African regional economic communities through its effect on the synchronicity of regional partners’ economies. I find that conflict decreases business cycle synchronicity when it occurs within a regional economic community, both for the directly affected countries and for their more peaceful regional peers.

Social assistance : legal reforms to improve coverage and quality of life for the poor people in South Africa

Tshoose, Clarence Itumeleng 19 January 2017 (has links)
The South African Constitution in section 27(1)(c) obligates the state to develop a comprehensive social security system. It affirms the universal right to access to social security, including appropriate social assistance for those unable to support themselves and their dependants. It orders the state to take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of these rights. The underlying normative commitment of social security is the improvement of the quality of life of the population by promoting economic or material equality. Social security ensures that all citizens have a stake in society and that each individual has an incentive to contribute to the development of the commonwealth. It plays a crucial role in the lives of communities and families viewed in the context of social transfers which provide broader development objectives and tackles income poverty transfers. The objectives of this study are threefold. Firstly, it examines the extension of social assistance coverage to the indigents in South Africa. Secondly, it looks at the legal mechanisms employed by courts and government in order to improve the social security rights of the poor in South Africa. Thirdly, the research investigates the possible reform and trends in India and Brazil with the aim of improving South Africa’s system of social security. For the avoidance of doubt, the law evaluated in this work is at 15 September 2015. / Jurisprudence / LL. D.

An exploration of the psychosocial needs of orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV and AIDS in Gokomere, Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe

Bande, Evidence 02 1900 (has links)
The study explored the psychosocial needs of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) affected by HIV and AIDS in Gokomere, a rural area of Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe. The participants of the study included OVCs, caregivers and members of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and faith-based organisations (FBOs). The data was gathered using semi-structured in-depth interviews and a focus group discussion. The audio-taped data was transcribed, coded and interpreted to generate themes, categories and sub-categories. The main psychosocial needs of OVCs affected by HIV and AIDS were found to be the need for relationships, succession planning, social protection and emotional and spiritual support. Kinship care emerged to be the most important form of care for OVCs while home-based care and child-headed households emerged as new forms of care for OVCs. This study recommends that coordinated efforts by the government, NGOs/FBOs/CBO and the community at large is needed to address the challenges facing OVCs affected by HIV and AIDS. / Health Studies / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

The social responsibility of South African trade unions : a labour law perspective

Manamela, Makwena Ernest 06 1900 (has links)
Trade unions have been in existence for many years. Although their introduction was generally met with resistance, since their establishment trade unions have been important agents of social change worldwide. Over the years, trade unions have been involved in politics and other societal activities. In South Africa, trade unions for many years not only fought for worker’s rights within the workplace but also beyond the workplace. Trade unions started as friendly societies aimed at assisting their members with various matters, including offering financial help for education purposes and also in cases of illnesses. Although the main purpose of trade unions is to regulate relations between employees and their employers, trade unions perform other functions in society which can be broadly referred to as their social responsibility role. Unlike corporate social responsibility, which is recognised and formalised, trade union social responsibility is not, with the role and importance of social responsibility for trade unions having been largely ignored. This thesis aims at changing this by investigating their core responsibilities and their social responsibilities and subsequently making recommendations on how trade unions could recognise and accommodate their social responsibilities in their activities. It also considers factors that could assist trade unions in fulfilling their social responsibilities. Trade unions generally obtain legislative support for their core responsibilities, but not their social responsibilities; however this should not obstruct trade unions in such endeavours. As modern organisations it is high time that trade unions make a contribution towards sustainable development through their social responsibility role. / Private Law / LLD

Le lien social en Arabie Saoudite : sociologie du secours aux familles des soldats victimes du terrorisme / The social link in Saudi Arabia : social assistance to the families of soldiers victims of terrorism

Alghanem, Abdullah 09 November 2017 (has links)
L’Arabie Saoudite a été exposée, pendant la dernière décennie, à des actes terroristes menés par une classe déviante de certains de ses enfants, influencés par une mauvaise pensée et une compréhension confuse. Le gouvernement a entrepris de réagir fermement et sévèrement contre ces groupes déviants par tous les moyens et en ayant recours aux forces de sécurité et aux militaires. Les affrontements entre les forces militaires et ce groupe déviant ont conduit à la mort d'un certain nombre de militaires pendant l'exercice de leur devoir de défense de la patrie. Toutes les nations, à travers l'histoire, ont eu à coeur d’honorer comme des héros nationaux ceux qui étaient morts dans les batailles et les guerres, qui avaient donné leur vie et versé leur sang pour sauver leur patrie et leur nation. Cette reconnaissance inclut d’honorer les familles des morts et leurs proches. Par conséquent, le gouvernement du Royaume d'Arabie Saoudite a tenu à offrir des services sociaux complets aux familles des victimes du terrorisme. Cette étude révèle les efforts déployés par le ministère de l'Intérieur dans la fourniture de l'aide sociale aux familles des victimes après la perte de leur soutien. Elle se concentre sur l'analyse de ces aides de l’Etat dans diverses situations et de l’influence qu’elles ont sur les familles. La société saoudienne se caractérise par sa foi dans les liens sociaux ; à ce titre, ces victimes méritent d'être reconnues, et leur famille, qui a été confiée à la communauté après avoir perdu le soutien que représentait, pour elle, la victime, mérite attention et protection sociale. / Saudi Arabia has been exposed, over the last decade, to terrorist acts on the hands of a deviant group of people, influenced by wrong thoughts and chaotic perspectives. The Government has undertaken to, firmly and strictly, respond to these deviant groups by all means through its security and military institutions. The combats between the military forces and this deviant group have led to the kill of a number of soldiers during doing their duty to defend their homeland. All nations, throughout history, have been keening on honoring their national heroes; the victims, those who had died in battles and wars against terrorism paying their lives and blood for the sake of their country, and consequently, their nation. This appreciation extends to include honoring the victims’ families. Therefore, the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been committed to providing them with a comprehensive social care as a kind of appreciation for their efforts. This study reveals the efforts of the Ministry of Interior to provide the victims’ families with social assistance as victims of their boundless loss. It focuses on analyzing the subsidies offered for those special cases in different situations and its influence on them socially and psychologically. Saudi society is characterized by its faith in social ties; as such, these victims and their families deserve recognition and appreciation especially after losing their own support.

Restructurations et droit social / Restructuring and social law

Gadrat, Magali 09 December 2014 (has links)
Dans un contexte économique instable, résultant notamment de la mondialisation des échanges, de la financiarisationde l’économie et de l’accélération des mutations technologiques, caractérisé de surcroît par l’apathie endémique de lacroissance économique française, la prospérité et la survie des entreprises dépendent de leur capacité à s’adapter enpermanence aux évolutions du marché pour pouvoir sauvegarder leur compétitivité, assurer leur développement etfaire face à une concurrence toujours plus vive. Si les restructurations sont indispensables pour assurer la pérennité desentreprises dont dépendent le maintien de l’emploi, le dynamisme du marché du travail et la création de richesse, ellesmettent fréquemment en péril les intérêts des salariés. Nombre d’entre elles menacent ainsi leur emploi et partant leursécurité économique et matérielle, mais également leurs droits collectifs qu’il s’agisse des avantages issus de leurstatut collectif ou de leur droit à participer à la détermination de leurs conditions de travail et à la gestion del’entreprise via leurs représentants, dont le mandat peut être affecté par une restructuration. Si ces opérations mettenten péril les intérêts des salariés et génèrent un coût social largement assumé par la collectivité nationale, le droit, enparticulier le droit social, ne peut remettre en cause les projets de restructuration. Ces décisions et leur mise en oeuvrerelèvent en effet de la liberté d’entreprendre des dirigeants de l’entreprise à laquelle le droit social ne saurait porteratteinte en s’immisçant dans leurs choix économiques et stratégiques. L’objet de cette étude est donc d’exposercomment, en dépit de son incapacité à influer sur les décisions de restructurations, le droit social tente d’en limiter lecoût social, en préservant au mieux les intérêts des salariés. / In an unsettled economic climate, the result in particular of globalisation of trade, the financialisation of the economyand accelerating technological change, further marked by the endemic apathy of French economic growth, theprosperity and survival of companies depend on their capacity to adapt constantly to market trends in order tosafeguard their competitiveness, to ensure their development and to stand up to ever increasingly harsh competition.Whilst restructuring is essential to ensure the long-term survival of companies, on which maintaining jobs, a dynamiclabour market and the creation of wealth all depend, it frequently endangers the interests of employees. Manyrestructuring operations thus threaten their employment and consequently their economic and material security, butalso their collective rights when it comes to advantages resulting from their collective status or their right to participatein determining their working conditions and in the management of the company through their representatives, whosemandate may be impacted by a restructuring operation. While such operations endanger the interests of employees andgenerate a social cost borne to a large extent by the national community, law, and in particular social law, cannotchallenge restructuring projects. Such decisions and their implementation fall within the purview of the freedom to actenjoyed by corporate managers that social law cannot in any way impede by interfering in their economic and strategicchoices. The purpose of this study is therefore to show how social law, despite its inability to influence restructuringdecisions, seeks to limit the social cost by preserving as best as possible the interests of employees.

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