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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da percepção da paisagem em áreas úmidas - estudo de caso: Área Úmida Capellanía, Bogotá – Colômbia

Salamanca, Pedro Ignácio Salazar January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a percepção da paisagem da área úmida de Capellanía localizada na cidade de Bogotá Colômbia. A investigação mostra como a paisagem não se baseia simplesmente na estética e na sensibilidade do ambiente. Através de análise de documentos históricos, entrevistas e mapeamento participativo pela percepção dos moradores, entende-se que ela se sustenta em uma série de percepções e imagens mentais que historicamente os grupos dominantes têm imposto na sociedade para permitir um ordenamento territorial determinado, o que Cosgrove (1985) denominou exercício do poder sobre o espaço. Identificaram-se as imagens ambientais e os atores históricos que contribuíram para configurar e transformar a paisagem do banhado Capellanía através do tempo, os principais impactos ambientais acontecidos durante o século XX produto dos ordenamentos territoriais estabelecidos, finalizando com a percepção dos atores atuais que se relacionam direta ou indiretamente com este ecossistema. / This thesis analyzes the urban landscape perception of the Capellanía wetland located in Bogota, Colombia. Although the urban landscape is supported by the esthetic and the sensibility around it, this research shows that perception and the mental images have a high influence to set of laws that control the territorial space. These two variables have imposed by different dominant groups, which is related to power exercise over territorial space (Cosgrove 1985). The research identified the environmental images and the different agents that contributed in the current configuration and transformation of the Capellanía wetland landscape. It started with the evaluation of the environmental impacts during the XX century as a consequence of different set of laws that organized the territorial space; and finalized with the perception of the current agents that interact with the wetland ecosystem directly or indirectly. / Esta tesis analiza la percepción del paisaje del humedal Capellanía localizado en la ciudad de Bogotá Colombia. La investigación muestra cómo el paisaje no se basa simplemente en la estética y la sensibilidad del ambiente, sino que se sustenta en una serie de percepciones e imágenes mentales que históricamente los grupos dominantes han impuesto en la sociedad para permitir un ordenamiento territorial determinado, en lo que Cosgrove (1985) denominó como ejercicio del poder sobre el espacio. Para ello, se identificaron las imágenes ambientales y los agentes históricos que contribuyeron a la configuraron y transformaron del paisaje del humedal Capellanía a través del tiempo, los principales impactos ambientales acontecidos durante el siglo XX producto de los ordenamientos territoriales establecidos, finalizando con la percepción de los agentes actuales que se relacionan directa o indirectamente con este ecosistema.

Tree parameters’ impact on visual perception, preference, and recreation

Gerstenberg, Tina 20 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
There is a large body of empirical evidence that nature delivers benefits to people. In the face of progressive urbanisation, urban nature and its design are becoming increasingly important. At the same time, climate change endangers biological diversity and consequently ecosystem functioning. Thus, for urban landscape planners who consider both ecosystem health and residential well-being, it is attractive to simultaneously increase plant diversity and the recreational value of urban nature. The present dissertation investigates the role of tree parameters for perception, preference, and recreation and elucidates how findings can contribute to human and ecosystem health in cities. In a first study, the following tree parameters were identified to be relevant to perception: Conifers versus deciduous trees, crown height to crown width ratio, crown size to trunk height ratio, and crown density. These results add to previous studies, as they are based on more realistic-looking images. Furthermore, the parameters are metric, were generated by study participants and represent a hierarchy. Two further studies demonstrated that the greater the crown relative to trunk height, the more pleasant and the more beautiful a tree is perceived and the denser a crown, the heavier and the more rugged a tree is perceived. Both parameters predict tree preference. This is consistent with theories and previous findings on landscape perception and adds more precise parameters for tree preference prediction to the literature. A fourth study revealed no effects of tree characteristics’ diversity in urban green spaces on how fascinating and coherent they are perceived. This suggests that species diversity in green spaces can be increased without reducing restorativeness. The identified tree parameters can be used to select various, similar-looking species to increase both human well-being and ecosystem health. Furthermore, the knowledge on the tree parameters’ semantic meaning can facilitate expert-lay communication. The preferred tree characteristics can be used to increase residential satisfaction. Finally, tree species diversity in urban green spaces can be increased without mitigating the recreational value. / Die positiven Wirkungen von Natur auf den Menschen sind empirisch gut belegt. Angesichts steigender Urbanisierung wird Stadtnatur und ihre Gestaltung wichtiger. Gleichzeitig stellt der Klimawandel eine Bedrohung der biologischen Vielfalt und somit der ökosystemaren Funktionalität dar. Für urbane Landschaftsplanung, welche sowohl die ökosystemare Gesundheit als auch das Wohlbefinden der Stadtbewohner berücksichtigt, ist es daher attraktiv, zugleich die Pflanzenvielfalt und den Erholungswert von Stadtnatur zu erhöhen. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die Rolle von Baumparametern bei der Wahrnehmung, Präferenz und Erholungswirksamkeit und erläutert, wie die Ergebnisse zur Gesundheit von Mensch und Natur in Städten beitragen können. In einer ersten Studie wurden die folgenden Baumparameter als wahrnehmungsrelevant identifiziert: Nadelbäume versus Laubbäume, Verhältnis von Kronenhöhe zu Kronenbreite, Verhältnis von Kronengröße zu Stammlänge und Kronendichte. Diese Ergebnisse ergänzen bisherige Literatur, da sie auf realistischer aussehenden Bildern basieren. Zudem sind die Parameter metrisch, wurden von Probanden generiert und bilden eine Hierarchie ab. Zwei weitere Studien zeigten, dass je größer die Krone im Verhältnis zur Stammlänge desto angenehmer und schöner wird ein Baum wahrgenommen und je dichter die Krone desto schwerer und robuster wird ein Baum empfunden. Beide Parameter sagen die Baumpräferenz vorher. Dies stimmt mit Theorien und bisherigen Studien zur Landschaftswahrnehmung überein und ergänzt die Forschung um präzisere Parameter zur Vorhersage von Baumpräferenz. Eine vierte Studie ergab, dass sich die Vielfalt an Baumeigenschaften in städtischen Grünräumen nicht darauf auswirkt, wie faszinierend und kohärent sie wahrgenommen werden. Dies legt nahe, dass die Artenvielfalt in Grünräumen erhöht werden kann ohne die Erholungswirkung negativ zu beeinflussen. Die Baumparameter können dazu verwendet werden, verschiedene, ähnlich aussehende Arten zur Pflanzung auszuwählen, um das menschliche Wohlbefinden sowie die ökosystemare Gesundheit zu erhöhen. Des Weiteren kann das Wissen um die semantischen Bedeutungen der Baumparameter die Experten-Laien-Kommunikation erleichtern. Beliebte Baummerkmale können dazu herangezogen werden, die Zufriedenheit von Stadtbewohnern zu erhöhen. Schließlich kann die Baumartenvielfalt in städtischen Grünräumen erhöht werden ohne den Erholungswert zu mindern.

L'aménagement des espaces publics : objet de débat et d'antagonismes. Le cas des parcs Lezama et Micaela Bastidas à Buenos Aires / Debate and antagonisms on public space planning : Case of Lezama and Micaela Bastidas parks in Buenos Aires

Morel, Camille 27 June 2016 (has links)
L’aménagement de l’espace public urbain est devenu un sujet central du débat public à Buenos Aires sous le gouvernement de M. Macri ces dernières années par l’effet d’un double mouvement. Durant ses deux mandats (2007-2015), les responsables politiques ont fait de l’aménagement de l’espace public, notamment au centre-ville, l’un des leviers principal de leurs politiques urbaines. Parallèlement, une partie des mouvements sociaux portègnes a désigné l’organisation spatiale de la ville comme l’un des facteurs des inégalités sociales. De ce fait, la délibération autour de l’aménagement urbain a fait ressortir des antagonismes prenant leurs racines dans le reste de la société obligeant la sphère publique à évoluer. D’abord, la recomposition du jeu d’acteurs autour de nouveaux mouvements sociaux, les assemblées de quartier, a bousculé le partenariat traditionnel entre associations de vecinos et pouvoirs publics. Ensuite, de nouvelles oppositions ont émergé concernant la conception des espaces publics de la ville, et notamment autour de la politique de « récupération » du gouvernement qui détermine des usages légitimes de l’espace public. Enfin, le débat public s’est déplacé vers de nouveaux espaces de délibération : l’espace public urbain qui a confirmé sa dimension politique historique en Argentine, et les réseaux sociaux numériques qui ont accueilli de nouvelles formes de mobilisation. Ainsi, l’aménagement de l’espace public est débattu aujourd’hui dans une pluralité de sphères publiques qui sont toutes traversées par des antagonismes renouvelés / Public space planning has become a central and important topic of the public debate in Buenos Aires under the M. Macri government for the past few years, as a result of a double movement. During his two mandates (2007-2015), politic leaders use the public space planning, mostly in the downtown of the city, as one of their major tool for urban politics. At the same time, some of the Buenos Aires social movements attributed the spatial organization of the city as one of the factors of social inequality. Consequently, these political discussions on urban planning have revealed antagonisms taking root in the rest of society, forcing public sphere to evolve. Firstly, the appearance of new actors among social movements, called neighbourhood assemblies, modified and redefined the traditional partnership between the vecinos associations and public authorities. Then, new oppositions emerged around the conception of city’s public spaces, and mostly around the « recuperation » government politic, which determines legitimate uses of public spaces. Finally, the public debate has moved toward new spaces of deliberation such as: urban public space having confirmed his historical political dimension in Argentina; and the use of digital social networks resulting in new forms of mobilization. In conclusion, public space planning is negotiated today in several public spheres, all crossed by renewed antagonisms

Tree parameters’ impact on visual perception, preference, and recreation

Gerstenberg, Tina 20 June 2017 (has links)
There is a large body of empirical evidence that nature delivers benefits to people. In the face of progressive urbanisation, urban nature and its design are becoming increasingly important. At the same time, climate change endangers biological diversity and consequently ecosystem functioning. Thus, for urban landscape planners who consider both ecosystem health and residential well-being, it is attractive to simultaneously increase plant diversity and the recreational value of urban nature. The present dissertation investigates the role of tree parameters for perception, preference, and recreation and elucidates how findings can contribute to human and ecosystem health in cities. In a first study, the following tree parameters were identified to be relevant to perception: Conifers versus deciduous trees, crown height to crown width ratio, crown size to trunk height ratio, and crown density. These results add to previous studies, as they are based on more realistic-looking images. Furthermore, the parameters are metric, were generated by study participants and represent a hierarchy. Two further studies demonstrated that the greater the crown relative to trunk height, the more pleasant and the more beautiful a tree is perceived and the denser a crown, the heavier and the more rugged a tree is perceived. Both parameters predict tree preference. This is consistent with theories and previous findings on landscape perception and adds more precise parameters for tree preference prediction to the literature. A fourth study revealed no effects of tree characteristics’ diversity in urban green spaces on how fascinating and coherent they are perceived. This suggests that species diversity in green spaces can be increased without reducing restorativeness. The identified tree parameters can be used to select various, similar-looking species to increase both human well-being and ecosystem health. Furthermore, the knowledge on the tree parameters’ semantic meaning can facilitate expert-lay communication. The preferred tree characteristics can be used to increase residential satisfaction. Finally, tree species diversity in urban green spaces can be increased without mitigating the recreational value. / Die positiven Wirkungen von Natur auf den Menschen sind empirisch gut belegt. Angesichts steigender Urbanisierung wird Stadtnatur und ihre Gestaltung wichtiger. Gleichzeitig stellt der Klimawandel eine Bedrohung der biologischen Vielfalt und somit der ökosystemaren Funktionalität dar. Für urbane Landschaftsplanung, welche sowohl die ökosystemare Gesundheit als auch das Wohlbefinden der Stadtbewohner berücksichtigt, ist es daher attraktiv, zugleich die Pflanzenvielfalt und den Erholungswert von Stadtnatur zu erhöhen. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die Rolle von Baumparametern bei der Wahrnehmung, Präferenz und Erholungswirksamkeit und erläutert, wie die Ergebnisse zur Gesundheit von Mensch und Natur in Städten beitragen können. In einer ersten Studie wurden die folgenden Baumparameter als wahrnehmungsrelevant identifiziert: Nadelbäume versus Laubbäume, Verhältnis von Kronenhöhe zu Kronenbreite, Verhältnis von Kronengröße zu Stammlänge und Kronendichte. Diese Ergebnisse ergänzen bisherige Literatur, da sie auf realistischer aussehenden Bildern basieren. Zudem sind die Parameter metrisch, wurden von Probanden generiert und bilden eine Hierarchie ab. Zwei weitere Studien zeigten, dass je größer die Krone im Verhältnis zur Stammlänge desto angenehmer und schöner wird ein Baum wahrgenommen und je dichter die Krone desto schwerer und robuster wird ein Baum empfunden. Beide Parameter sagen die Baumpräferenz vorher. Dies stimmt mit Theorien und bisherigen Studien zur Landschaftswahrnehmung überein und ergänzt die Forschung um präzisere Parameter zur Vorhersage von Baumpräferenz. Eine vierte Studie ergab, dass sich die Vielfalt an Baumeigenschaften in städtischen Grünräumen nicht darauf auswirkt, wie faszinierend und kohärent sie wahrgenommen werden. Dies legt nahe, dass die Artenvielfalt in Grünräumen erhöht werden kann ohne die Erholungswirkung negativ zu beeinflussen. Die Baumparameter können dazu verwendet werden, verschiedene, ähnlich aussehende Arten zur Pflanzung auszuwählen, um das menschliche Wohlbefinden sowie die ökosystemare Gesundheit zu erhöhen. Des Weiteren kann das Wissen um die semantischen Bedeutungen der Baumparameter die Experten-Laien-Kommunikation erleichtern. Beliebte Baummerkmale können dazu herangezogen werden, die Zufriedenheit von Stadtbewohnern zu erhöhen. Schließlich kann die Baumartenvielfalt in städtischen Grünräumen erhöht werden ohne den Erholungswert zu mindern.

Freiräume in schrumpfenden Städten: Chancen und Grenzen der Freiraumplanung im Stadtumbau

Rößler, Stefanie 11 May 2009 (has links)
Schrumpfungsprozesse bestimmen seit Ende der 1990er Jahre zunehmend die Stadtentwicklung in den Neuen Bundesländern. Demografischer und ökonomischer Wandel gelten als wesentliche Ursachen für einen massiven Nachfragerückgang und erhebliche Leerstände im Wohnungsbestand. Im Zuge des Programms "Stadtumbau Ost“ werden die ungenutzten Wohngebäude abgerissen. Sowohl in Stadtzentren als auch in Randlagen erstrecken sich nicht mehr bebaute Areale, da sich nur für wenige Freiflächen eine bauliche Nachnutzung findet. Freiraumplanerische Konzepte und Maßnahmen werden möglich, aber auch notwendig für den Umgang mit den frei gewordenen Flächen und bieten gleichzeitig Potenziale zur Verbesserung der städtischen Umwelt- und Lebensqualität. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, welche Bedeutung Freiräume im Umgang mit räumlichen Schrumpfungsprozessen haben und wo die Chancen und Grenzen der Freiraumplanung beim Stadtumbau liegen. Die Autorin legt die gegenwärtigen Rahmenbedingungen der Freiraumplanung dar und setzt sich mit Stadtmodellen, städtebaulichen Leitbildern und dem Verständnis von Natur und Landschaft in der schrumpfenden Stadt auseinander. Am Beispiel der Großstädte Chemnitz, Halle und Leipzig werden die Strategien, Entscheidungen und Handlungsansätze der Freiraumplanungspraxis schrumpfender Städte analysiert. Die Ansätze werden beschrieben und mit Blick auf ihre Eignung und Zukunftsfähigkeit für die Gestaltung des Stadtumbauprozesses diskutiert. / Since the second half of the 1990’s, the new federal states of Germany have undergone dramatic demographic and economic change, which, among other things, has led to the ongoing phenomenon of shrinking cities. The work at hand deals with the issue of what the relevance of urban green spaces is in light of the spatial shrinking processes and where the opportunities and limitations are concerning green space planning within urban restructuring.

Möjligheter och svårigheter vid implementering av Generativ Design som en processmetodik i designprocessen / Opportunities and difficulties in implementation of Generative Design as a process methodology in the design process

Jansson Carling, Johanna, Allbäck, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify needs in the AEC industry of Generative Design as a process methodology in design processes in the initial stage, since the design process has not developed in line with digitalization. The aim is to compare Generative design as a process methodology in design processes with established methodology to investigate the need for a changed design process as well as its challenges in the AEC industry. Method: The study is executed as a field study and is based on a method triangulation between literature search, document study and qualitative interviews with five individuals semi-structured form. The informants have good experience in the subject area. Findings: The findings are of different ambiguity in individual perspectives, but if seen in combination a clearer result is shown. The study achieves following findings; A need for change in the AEC industry's design process exists and a multidisciplinary approach is sought. Implementation of needs begins with a parallel process between current methodology and GD, one need not exclude the other. An increased programming knowledge of architects and engineers is required. A clear strategy for valuing requirements and design alternatives is required. Today's (2020) established process tends to move towards projects of high complexity being sub optimized which gives generic consequences for design, but GD have the potential to break the trend. Implications: The authors believe that the study’s set goals answer the questions of concern with high reliability and validity based on the study's coordination. Potential for further and in-depth studies are considered and that the collected empiricism to a wider extent than initially desired. Limitations: The subject area studied is predominantly of a contextual nature, which is partly reflected in the results. Because the result is based on a small selection of informants, it cannot be assumed that the same results had been obtained from the perspective of other professional groups. The results can be perceived as subjective due statements are based on personal opinions and preconceived opinions. The collected empiricism can provide a basis for a deeper analysis but the study’s scope of 15 hp was limiting. / Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att kartlägga behovet i AEC-branschen av Generativ Designsom processmetodik i designprocessens initiala skeden eftersom designprocessen idaginte följt den digitala utveckling som snabbt går framåt. Målet är att utreda behovet aven förändrad designprocess samt dess utmaningar i AEC-branschen genom att jämföraGenerativ design som processmetodik i designprocessen med vedertagen metodik. Metod: En fallstudie av kvalitativ ansats med metodtriangulering mellanlitteratursökning, dokumentstudie och intervjuer med fem individer av semistruktureradform. Informanterna har god erfarenhet av ämnesområdet. Resultat: Resultaten är av varierande entydighet i enskilt perspektiv men ses resultateni kombination ges en tydligare resultatbild. Studien kommer fram till följande; Ettbehov av förändring i AEC-branschens designprocess existerar och etttvärfunktionellt arbetssätt eftertraktas. En implementering behöver inledas med enparallell process mellan nuvarande metodik och GD, det ena behöver inte utesluta denandra. En ökad programmeringskunskap hos arkitekter och ingenjörer krävs. En tydligstrategi för värdering av kravställningar och designalternativ krävs. Dagens (2020) vedertagna process tenderar att gå mot att projekt av högre komplexitetsgradsuboptimeras vilket ger generiska konsekvenser för utformandet men att GD harpotential att bryta denna trend. Konsekvenser: Författarna anser att studien besvarar uppsatt mål och frågeställningarmed hög reliabilitet och validitet utifrån studiens omfattning. Potential till vidare ochdjupgående studier anses finnas och att insamlad empiri är av högre omfattning än vadsom initialt planerades. Begränsningar: Ämnesområdet som studeras är till övervägande del av kontextuellkaraktär vilket delvis avspeglas på resultatet. Eftersom resultatet är baserat på ettmindre urval av informanter kan det inte utgås från att samma resultat hade erhållitsutifrån andra yrkesgruppers perspektiv. Resultaten kan uppfattas subjektiva eftersominformanternas uttalanden är baserade på personliga åsikter och förutfattade meningar.Den insamlade empirin kan utgöra en grund för en djupare och grundligare analys menarbetets omfattning på 15hp var begränsande.

老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之研究-以長庚養生文化村為例 / Public Space Planning for Senior Housing-An Example of CHANG GUNG SILVER VILLAGE

廖佳展, Liao, Chia Chan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣已於1993年邁入高齡化社會,因社會結構及傳統觀念的改變,高齡者逐漸重視自己退休後的個人生活,而選擇獨自或與配偶一起入住專為高齡者規劃設計之老人住宅的比例也逐年攀升;為有效促進高齡者從事對身心有益的休閒及社交活動,老人住宅應該配合提供安全、適當的日常活動公共空間及設施來支持。因此,老人住宅的公共空間規劃與設計就顯得相當重要。究竟老人住宅之公共空間是否可以真正滿足高齡者的使用需求?是否可促使高齡者積極使用?正是目前規劃、興建或改善老人住宅的重要課題之一,亦為本研究所欲探討之主要動機。 本研究運用資料調查、實地觀察、深入訪談及問卷調查等多元調查與評估方法,並選擇擁有多樣室內、室外之公共設施及共用空間的「長庚養生文化村」作為研究案例,分別針對「公共服務設施」、「室內休閒設施」、「戶外活動空間」及「共用服務空間」等4類公共空間進行使用及規劃等議題之探討,即藉由老人住宅用後評估,深入探討高齡者對於所居住的老人住宅現有公共空間規劃的滿意程度,探究高齡者對於老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之真實反應與感受;並依據評估分析成果,提出老人住宅公共空間之規劃原則建議,以供未來興建高齡者安居住宅之公共空間規劃參考。本研究結果及建議如下: 一、高齡者對公共空間需求滿意度以戶外森林步道及健康中心最高,以健康為主軸的休閒性設施仍為未來規劃重點。 二、老人住宅公共空間滿意度與「教育程度」、「身體狀況」、「子女探訪情形」等三項因素有關。 三、目前老人住宅公共空間議題,關心度低,容易被忽視及犧牲。 四、老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之主要議題包括: (一)餐廳為入住老人住宅之高齡者社交活動的重要空間,也是假日與探訪家人聚餐的重要場所,而餐廳的寬敞、舒適程度,及社交機會之提供,是高齡者關心的議題之一。 (二)設置報紙的交誼廳使用率較高,而設有書報的交誼廳,其照明及管理等議題必須加強考慮。 (三)中央式的走廊,因為通風及採光較不佳,降低了高齡者的社交機會。 (四)活動量大的活動休閒空間(如籃球場、桌球室等)僅能供探訪家人使用,效用不大,未符合高齡者需求。 五、規劃適合每一位高齡者的居住空間,建議朝向「通用設計原則」來進行規劃設計。 六、老人住宅基本生活之公共空間(如交誼室、洗衣室等),應配合生活單元作可及性高的簇群式配置,以增加高齡者使用機會;至於提供全部高齡者共同使用之休閒空間(如學習教室、娛樂室、會議室等),建議集中配置,以方便管理。 / Taiwanese society has become an aging society since 1993. Due to changes in societal structure and traditional concepts, phenomenon such as aging people started to emphasize more on their personal life after retirement and increasing ratio of aging population, either single or with domestic partner, move into specially designed retirement apartment have brought up to attention. In order to effectively encourage aging resident to exercise beneficial recreation and socialization activities, safe and proper common activity areas in retirement apartments are necessary and thus, the design and planning of the common recreation areas has become an essential issue. Questions regarding whether the retirement apartments will fully satisfy the needs of their aging resident and whether the aging residents actively utilizing those facilities are two of the most essential regards for planning, building, and improving retirement apartments; this is also the motivation for conducting this research. Our research focuses four main issues regarding as utilization and planning of public area such as “public service facility”, “in-door recreation facility”, “out-door activity space”, and “shared service space” in Chang Gung Health and Culture Village which possesses varieties of in-door and out-door public facilities and public areas; the research itself is conducted by data investigation, on-site observation, detailed interview, and paper-based survey to insightfully investigate the degree of satisfaction of aging residents toward existing planning of shared area and real feeling and reaction toward existing planning of public area. Suggestions for planning of shared areas, as results from analysis of conducted surveys, are provided for the reference of future planning of shared areas in aging resident village. The suggestions are as followed: 1.Out-door forest trails and healthcare centers are the two types of facilities that are listed among the highest degree of satisfaction by aging people. Health-oriented recreation facilities are still regarded as the most essential element in future planning of retirement apartment construction. 2.The degree of satisfaction in retirement apartment is directly associated to three factors which include “degree of education received”, “physical condition of the aging person”, and “the frequency of family visits.” 3.The current issues for public area in retirement apartments are low degree of attention and easily neglected or sacrificed. 4.Issues regarding the planning of public areas in retirement apartments includes: A.Cafeteria is one of the most important socializing space for aging residents in retirement apartment and an important space for family visits. Degree of comfortableness and spaciousness of cafeteria and whether the cafeteria offers socializing opportunities to aging residents are the two main concerns of aging residents. B.Utilization degrees in lobbies that provide newspaper are higher than lobbies that do not provide newspaper. The lighting and management of such lobbies are needed to be emphasized. C.Socialization opportunities decrease due to the facts that lighting and aeration in central hallway are not quite satisfactory. D.Recreation areas that involve physical activities such as basketball and table tennis are only for family members that visit the aging resident and are not satisfactory to the demand of aging residents. 5.Plan the resident area for each aging resident by utilizing principles of universal design is suggested. 6.The public space of retirement apartment for daily live, such as social room or laundering room, shall be disposed fitting Cluster of Living Style for accessibility to increase the using of the elderly; As for the common space of leisure for all elderly, Such as learning room, recreation room, conference room, it is suggested be allocated together for the convenience of management.

Optimising urban green networks in Taipei City : linking ecological and social functions in urban green space systems

Shih, Wan-Yu January 2010 (has links)
With the global population becoming more urban and less rural, increasingly research has argued for concepts such as establish Green Infrastructure (GI) as a tool for enhancing wildlife survival and human’s living quality (e.g. Harrison et al., 1995; Benedict and McMahon, 2006). However, an interdisciplinary planning approach underpinned by ecological and social evidence has not yet been fully developed. This research therefore seeks to integrate an ecological network with a green space planning standard by exploring the use of biotope and sociotope mapping methods. Seeking a comprehensive planning that takes all green resources into account, a green space typology is firstly developed according to Taiwanese contexts for identifying green spaces from land use maps. In order to specify effective features of these green spaces to bird survival and user preferences, an insight was conducted into the relationship of ‘birds and urban habitats’, as well as ‘human preferred urban green spaces’ in Taipei City. Important environmental factors influencing bird distribution and influencing human experiences in urban green spaces are respectively specified and developed into an ecological value index (EVI) to detail potential habitats and a social value index (SVI) to evaluate recreational green space provision. Interestingly, proximity to green space appears to plays a more critical role in human preferences than bird survival in Taipei city; size is important both as a habitat and for creating an attractive green space; and green space quality tends to be a more significant factor than its structure for both wildlife and people. Utilising the bio-sociotope maps, this thesis argues for a number of strategies: conserving, enlarging, or creating large green spaces in green space deficient areas; increasing ecological and recreational value by enhancing green space quality of specific characteristics; and tackling gravity distance by combining green space accessibility and attractiveness in optimising urban green structure. As these suggestions are a challenge to apply in intensively developed urban areas, barriers from land use, political mechanisms, technical shortages, and cultural characteristics are also explored with possible resolutions presented for facilitating implementation. It is clear that optimising a multifunctional GI for both wildlife and people requires interdisciplinary knowledge and cooperation from various fields. The EVI and SVI developed within this thesis create the potential for a more place-specific and quantifiable green spaces strategy to help better link ecological and social functions in urban areas.

Hållbara Hemtransporter : Fallstudie för leveranstransporter i täta bostadsområden ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv.

Kamsvåg, Amadeus January 2023 (has links)
During the last few years, the demand for deliveries in residential areas have increased dramatically due to an increase in online shopping and changed lifestyles where reduced car use among other things have led to people rely on home deliveries to a wider extent. The built environment thus faces a new set of requirements in order to accommodate these deliveries. At the same time, current sustainability-goals dictate that less emphasis is put on the car in the modern city, which is in part done by reducing space for cars in general, emphasizing a need for safe streets and reduced traffic. In order for these aspects to work together, the street and public space must be designed in such a way that deliveries can still reach their destination without inhibiting the social values of the street and public space. This study aims to explore the tools possessed by planners, as well as the designs available to accommodate these competing needs. In order to analyze the accessibility and how modern residential areas accommodate these needs, the study is applied to a physical context where availability of deliveries and social sustainability is tested. / Under de senaste åren har behovet av leveranser i bostadsområden ökat kraftigt till följd av ökad onlinehandel och ändrade livsstilar där bland annat minskad bilanvändning leder till att människor i högre grad behöver leveranserna. Detta sätter ett krav på den byggda miljön att tillgodose dessa behov. Samtidigt kräver rådande hållbarhetsmål att bilanvändningen i städerna minskar, vilket dels görs genom att minska ytan tillägnade motorfordon. Där ett behov av trygga gaturum och minskad trafik är av extra stor vikt. För att dessa aspekter ska kunna samspela krävs det att gaturummet utformas på ett sådant vis som samtidigt ser till att angöring tillgodoses, utan att de sociala aspekterna av gaturummet hämmas av detta.I den här studien undersöks de verktyg som planerare besitter, samt hur ytorna kan utformas för att tillgodose båda dessa behov. För att analysera tillgängligheten och analysera hur moderna bostadsområden hanterar detta appliceras en platsanalys på ett sådant område utifrån social hållbarhet och tillgängligheten av last och leveranser utifrån identifierade lösningar och deras anspråk på trafikrummet

Management postindustriálního vývoje / Management of the revitalization of the post-industrial areas

Pokorný, Filip Unknown Date (has links)
The theme of this dissertation is “Management of the regeneration of post-industrial areas”. The aim of the work is to identify support mechanisms for the redevelopment of post-industrial areas in the Czech Republic. Such support mechanisms were researched and analysed in those EU countries that have broad and varied experience with the regeneration of post-industrial areas. The most favourable case studies were selected from Germany, with a particular focus given to the districts around the city of Leipzig, and the United Kingdom, highlighting the city of Manchester. For these chosen examples, I have analysed the legislative, institutional, and financial tools of urban regeneration support. One chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the environmental assessment tools for buildings and urban communities as alternative approach to the support of municipal regeneration. Findings from all chapters are contrasted with the analysis of four typical examples of derivation of post-industrial areas in Czech cities, which were chosen as being typical of unsuccessful redevelopments. Based on these examples I have compiled recommendations gained from successful mechanisms for urban regeneration abroad which could be considered and put into practice here in the Czech Republic.

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