Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apecial educational needs"" "subject:"epecial educational needs""
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Vidutinių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių gebėjimai ir įgūdžiai atliekant veiksmus su matiniais skaičiais / Skills and abilities of pupils with medial special educational needs in performing actions witch flat numbersMažonienė, Valdonė 04 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojama praktinių ir papildomų užduočių (mokymas sverti, matuoti) įtaka vidutinių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių gebėjimams ir įgūdžiams atliekant veiksmus su matiniais skaičiais ugdyti. Lyginama, kaip mokiniams sekėsi atlikti užduotis su matiniais skaičiais, pateiktas raštu ir atliekant specialias pratybas. Suformuluota hipotezė, kad praktinių užduočių ir specialių pratybų taikymas matematikos ugdymo procese padeda vidutinių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintiems mokiniams geriau įsisavinti mokomąją medžiagą apie matus ir matinius skaičius, formuoti teisingus įgūdžius atliekant veiksmus su matiniais skaičiais.
Tyrime dalyvavo 6 Šiaulių miesto Specialiojo ugdymo centro XI klasės vidutinių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintys mokiniai, kurie ugdomi pagal adaptuotą matematikos mokymo programą.
Tyrimas atliktas nestandartizuoto testo raštu metodu, pokalbio, kokybinio duomenų analizės metodu.
Tyrimo pradžioje mokiniai testo užduočių nesugebėjo atlikti savarankiškai, todėl iš pradžių buvo pasiūlyta atlikti praktines užduotis. Specialios pratybos (svėrimo, matavimo) padėjo ugdytiniams savarankiškai atlikti užduotis. Atlikdami kiekvieną testo užduotį mokiniai prisimindavo praktinių užduočių atlikimą ir remdamiesi įgytomis žiniomis bandė atlikti testo užduotis raštu. Pokalbio ir pratybų metu mokiniai gebėjo atlikti nesudėtingus veiksmus su matiniais skaičiais, suvokė, kokiu būdu ir kaip reikia matuoti bei sverti daiktus. Tačiau mokinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the bachelor‘s final work there are researched the influence of practical tasks (teaching to weight, measure) for educating abilities and skills in performing actions with flat numbers of pupils with medial special educational needs. There is compared how pupils can to perform tasks with flat numbers in writing and in special practice. There was formulated the hypothesis that using practical tasks in the mathematics education process help pupils with medial special educational needs to master schoolwork about measurements and flat numbers and to form skills in performing actions with flat numbers.
Six pupils of eleventh class with medial special educational needs which are educated according to the adapted mathematics educational program from Šiauliai Special Education Centre took part in the research.
Doing this research there were used nonstandard test (in written), conversation, quality data analysis and practical methods (practice).
At the beginning of the research pupils couldn’t carry out tasks independently therefore they were proposed to fulfill practical tasks at the first. Special practice tasks (weighting, measuring) helped pupils to perform tasks independently. Caring out each task of the test pupils remembered practical tasks fulfilling and on the basis of their acquired knowledge tried to perform writing tasks. During the conversation and practice pupils could to fulfill actions with flat numbers and recognized how to measure and weight things. However... [to full text]
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Didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių bendravimas ir kalba / Communication and speech of the students having big and very great special educational needsBaranauskienė, Laura 30 May 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių bendravimo ir kalbos ypatumai, pedagoginė patirtis ugdant lavinamųjų klasių mokinių bendravimą ir kalbą bei taikant augmentinę bei alternatyviąją komunikaciją. Suformuluota hipotezė, kad dauguma didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių turi nors minimalius bendravimo ir kalbos gebėjimus. Hipotezė pasitvirtino.
Tyrime dalyvavo po 20 vidutiniškai ir žymiai sutrikusio intelekto mokinių (bendravimui ir kalbai įvertinti) bei 26 juos ugdantys pedagogai (mokytojai, auklėtojai, logopedai).
Anketinės apklausos metodu atliktas tyrimas, kuriuo siekta nustatyti didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių kalbos ir bendravimo lygmenį bei apibendrinti pedagoginę šių mokinių bendravimo ir kalbos ugdymo patirtį.
Paaiškėjo, jog daugumos didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių kalbos ir komunikacijos sistema turi žymių trūkumų, o jos ugdymui pedagogai derina įvairius ugdymo metodus ir priemones. Dominuojantys didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių bendravimo gebėjimai yra žemo lygio, tačiau dauguma šių mokinių turi bent menką poreikį bendrauti. Dauguma vidutiniškai ir žymiai sutrikusio intelekto mokinių kalba neaiškiai ir sunkiai suprantamai bei patiria didelių sunkumų norėdami išreikšti save per kalbą. Dalis vaikų kalba nebendrauja, kai kurie nereaguoja į beveik jokius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Bachelor’s work analyzes the peculiarities of communication and language of the students having big and very great special educational needs, pedagogic experience in educating the communication and language of the students of the educable classes and in applying augmentative and alternative communication. The hypothesis was formulated that most students having big and very great special educational needs have at least minimal communicative and linguistic skills. The hypothesis was proved.
20 students of moderately and considerably disordered intellect participated in the study (for assessment of communication and language) as well as 26 pedagogues educating them (teachers, educators, speech therapists).
The study was accomplished via the questionnaire method which aimed to determine the level of language and communication of the students having big and very great special educational needs, and to summarize the pedagogical experience in educating the communication and language of these students.
It emerged that the system of the language and communication of most students having big and very great special educational needs has significant drawbacks, and for its development, pedagogues combine various educational methods and means. Predominant communicative skills of the students having big and very great special educational needs are of low level, but most of these students have at least slight need of communication. Most students of moderately and significantly... [to full text]
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Tonårsflickor berättar om att vara eller inte vara i behov av särskilt stöd : En longitudinell fallstudie / Teenage girls’ narratives regarding to be or not to be in need of special educational supportJohansson, Barbro January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to describe teenage girls’ experiences and perceptions of participation and influence during learning processes. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the view that children are social actors with their own agency were central to the study. The girls, who were 13 years old when the study began, and 16 when it ended, were interviewed once per semester for three years. Classroom observations formed the basis of the interviews, which provided insight into the learning environment and its working methods. These, in turn, were discussed during the interviews. Nine girls were selected through the IEPs that the school had established for them. They attended regular classes for most of the school day, but received at least one session of special education in smaller groups each week. Their special needs were due to reading and writing difficulties. All of them received special support in English, while seven of the girls also received special support in mathematics. The girls described current events in their life, regarding both school and their spare time, as well as their thoughts about the future, and how efforts to accommodate their special educational needs have affected their schooling. In addition to the girls’ narratives, the IEPs and grades provided the school’s narrative about the girls. The theoretical basis of the thesis comprises cultural-historical ideas of teaching and learning, and the importance of relationships to group-based learning. Descriptive qualitative analyses were based on the teenage girls’ narratives and resulted in five themes; a sixth theme discussed the school’s assessment of the girls through the IEPs and their grades from lower secondary school. Feeling included or not in the group was the overarching theme of all the stories, which involved the girls’ perceptions of how they were treated by the people around them. The results indicate that the girls needed to have instructions repeated to them. There was also a need for continuous encouragement and affirmation in order for them to dare to take on assignments. When it came to collaborative learning together with classmates, the girls preferred to hide their perceived weaknesses, which only made them more dependent on the teacher’s aid. In addition, the girls felt that the teachers were unhappy with the way they handled their school work, and felt overlooked rather than “seen”. In both the stories and the IEPs, concentration difficulties were highlighted as a consistent problem. The analyses show that it is not possible to speak of concentration difficulties without further specification. Since the girls also explained that they were able to maintain concentration, it is necessary to identify which conditions allow pupils to maintain their skills, and when these skills are lost. One finding was that experiences of playing sports created unexpected development opportunities for performing under pressure, even in test situations. According to the girls, visual strengths could compensate for difficulties remembering comprehensive information. The teaching provided opportunities to demonstrate an understanding of facts through visual expression, but creative elements were not included in graded assessments. The study shows that the girls’ leisure-time experiences created opportunities for generalisation regarding learning strategies in school situations.
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Mokinių, turinčių specifinių mokymosi sutrikimų, gebėjimas spręsti ekonominio pobūdžio matematinius uždavinius / Ability of Pupils with Specific Learning Disorders to Solve Mathematics Tasks of Economic NatureŠiukščiuvienė, Vilija 17 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami mokinių, turinčių specifinių mokymosi sutrikimų, gebėjimas spręsti ekonominio pobūdžio matematinius uždavinius. Teorinėje darbo dalyje pabrėžiama, kad vienas iš veiksmingiausių ekonominio pobūdžio matematinio raštingumo ugdymo aspektų – mokymas spręsti gyvenimiško turinio tekstinius uždavinius, kuriuose vyrauja veiksmai su procentais. Empiriniu tyrimu siekiama įvertinti dešimtos klasės mokinių, turinčių specifinių mokymosi sutrikimų, gebėjimą spręsti ekonominio pobūdžio matematinius uždavinius.
Tyrimui atlikti naudojama anketa/kontrolinis testas. Kiekybiniame tyrime (anketinėje apklausoje) dalyvavo 34 Panevėžio bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose dešimtose klasėse besimokantys šešiolikos-septyniolikos metų mokiniai, turintys specifinių mokymosi sutrikimų. Visiems mokiniams nustatyti nedideli specialieji ugdymosi poreikiai.
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad geriausiai mokiniams sekėsi atlikti atlyginimo ir atskaitymo, asmens ir šeimos pajamų, išlaidų, santaupų bei praktines biudžeto planavimo bei skaičiavimo užduotis. Šias užduotis mokiniai atliko gana produktyviai ir pakankamai savarankiškai. Daugiausia keblumų iškilo skaičiuojant paprastųjų palūkanų normą, sudėtines palūkanas, pirkimo išsimokėtinai, sudėtinių procentų skaičiavimo uždavinius. Didžiajai daliai prireikė skirtingo intensyvumo mokytojo pagalbos, o nemaža dalis mokinių užduočių net ir po suteiktos pagalbos nesugebėjo atlikti.
Tyrimo metu išryškėjo, kad pasiekę dviejų metų laikotarpiui nurodytus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Pupils who have specific learning disorders and their ability to solve Mathematics Tasks of Economic nature is analyzed in this bachelor‘s thesis. The theoretical part of the final work emphasizes that one of the most effective economic nature mathematical literacy education‘s aspect is a teaching how to solve the real-life content‘s text tasks in which dominate operations with percentages. It is seeked to evaluate students of the tenth grades who have specific learning disorders to solve mathematics tasks of economic nature by empirical research.
Questionnaire and control test are used to accomplish the research. In the quantitative investigation (questionnaire interrogation) participated 34 pupils of sixteen-seventeen years of age who are studying in the tenth forms at Panevėžys co- educational schools and have specific learning disorders. There are determined minor special educational needs for all these students.
According to research it‘s determined that the most successful tasks for students were: remuneration and deduction, person and family proceeds, expenditure, savings, practical budget planning and counting. The students accomplished these tasks sufficiently productive and by one selves. The biggest quandaries came to the front, when schoolchildren had to count the simple interest rate, compound interest, hire purchase composite percent tasks. The most students needed the different intensity of the teacher‘s help, unfortunately a considerable part of the students... [to full text]
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Informacijos apie vaiko specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius pateikimo ugdymo dalyviams ypatumai / The features of presenting information about child’s special education needs to education participantsJankauskienė, Sonata 27 February 2014 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami informacijos apie vaiko specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius pateikimo ugdymo dalyviams ypatumai. Interviu metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - atskleisti informacijos apie vaiko specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius pateikimo ugdymo dalyviams ypatumus. Tyrime dalyvavo 17 4 – 11 metų amžiaus vaikų, turinčių SUP; 16 tėvų, auginančių vaikus, turinčius SUP; 7 bendrojo ugdymo pedagogai, ugdantys vaikus, turinčius SUP; 6 pagalbos mokiniui specialistai. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami ikimokyklinio ir mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, turinčių SUP, jų tėvų, bendrojo ugdymo pedagogų, pagalbos mokiniui specialistų informacijos apie vaiko SUP pateikimo ypatumai. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Vaikams, turintiems SUP, dažniausiai nepateikiama informacija apie jų specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius. Tai liudija nepakankamą mokinio įtraukimą į ugdymo procesą., Informaciją vaikui dažniau teikia pagalbos mokiniui specialistai (specialieji pedagogai, logopedai ir kt.). 2. Pateikiama informacija apie vaikų vidutinius, didelius ir labai didelius SUP labiau neigiamo pobūdžio, dominuoja informacija apie negalias, sutrikimus ir kt. 3. Informuojant apie vaikų SUP realizuojamos tokios nuostatos kaip pozityvumas, orientacija į ugdymosi procesą; nepakankamai realizuojamos tokios svarbios nuostatos kaip mokinio ir tėvų įtraukimas ir dalijimasis informacija, tėvų kompetencijos vertinimas, atsakomybės už vaiko ugdymą pasidalijimas, bendras problemos sprendimas. / This paper analyses the features of presenting information about child’s special educational needs to education participants.
By the method of interviewing there was a study made with an aim to find out the features of presenting information about child’s special educational needs to education participants.
In the study participated 17 children between the ages of 4 and 11 who have special educational needs; 16 parents of children with SEN; 7 pedagogues of general education who educate children with SEN; 6 specialists of pupil’s help.
In the empirical part there is an investigation of features of how the information was given to pre – school and school children with SEN, their parents, pedagogues of general education, specialists of pupil’s help.
The most important conclusions of empirical investigation:
1. The information about children’s special educational needs in most cases is not presented to them. It witnesses the insufficient child’s inclusion into the education process. The information is more frequently given to the child by specialists of pupil’s help. (Special pedagogues, speech – language pathologists, etc.)
2. Given information about children’s medium, big, or very big SEN is mostly negative, dominates information about disabilities, disorders, etc.
3. Such aspects as positiveness and orientation to education process are realized by informing about children’s SEN; such important aspects as involving child and his parents and sharing information, estimation of... [to full text]
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Informacinių komunikacinių technologijų naudojimas ugdant specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius mokinius bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Applying information & communication technologies in educating students with special educational needs in a school of general educationValentonienė, Inga 27 February 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas informacinių komunikacinių technologijų naudojimas ugdant
specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius vaikus bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Darbe atlikta mokslinės ir
metodinės literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa.
Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti informacinių komunikacinių technologijų naudojimą, ugdant
specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius mokinius, bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Pristatyti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių sampratą.
2. Išanalizavus mokslinę ir metodinę literatūrą įvertinti informacinių komunikacinių technologijų
naudojimą specialiųjų poreikių turinčių vaikų ugdymosi procese.
3. Ištirti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių mokinių ir pedagogų požiūrį į informacinių komunikacinių
technologijų naudojimą ugdyme.
4. Atskleisti pedagogų požiūrį į informacinių komunikacinių technologijų veiksmingumą ugdant
specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius vaikus.
Tyrimo metodai - mokslinės literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa raštu, kiekybinių ir kokybinių
duomenų analizė.
Tyrime dalyvavo 38 pedagogai ir 64 specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintys mokiniai. Tiriamieji
atrinkti iš anksto atlikus žodinę apklausą ir nustačius pedagogus, kurie dirba su specialiųjų ugdymosi
poreikių turinčiais mokiniais. Anketinė mokinių apklausa vykdyta specialiųjų pedagogų ir logopedų
užsiėmimų metu prieš tai išaiškinus pildymo metodiką.
Atlikus tyrimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bachelor’s paper analyses the appliance of information and communication technologies in
educating students with special educational needs in a school of general education. Analysis of scientific
and methodological literature and questionnaire survey have been done.
Research aim: analyse the appliance of information and communication technologies in
educating students with special educational needs in a school of general education.
Research tasks:
1. Introduce the concept of students with special educational needs.
2. After having analysed scientific and methodological literature, evaluate the appliance of
information and communication technologies in an educational process of students with
special educational needs.
3. Analyze the attitude of students with special educational needs and pedagogues towards the
appliance of information and communication technologies in education.
4. Reveal the attitude of pedagogues towards the effectiveness of information and
communication technologies in educating students with special educational needs.
Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey in writing, analysis of
quantitative and qualitative data.
The research was attended by 38 pedagogues and 64 students with special educational needs.
Attendants were selected after a verbal interview was done in advance and pedagogues working... [to full text]
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ICT and inclusion. : Teachers’ perceptions on the use of information and communication technology for students with special educational needs in general educational settings.Josjö, Helena January 2013 (has links)
Informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) är ett aktuellt ämne i skolor världen över och denna studie kan vara av intresse för lärare, specialpedagoger, skolledare och lärarutbildare. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva och analysera lärares erfarenheter och uppfattningar av användningen av IKT för elever i behov av särskilt stöd som går i vanliga klasser, och att finna sambandet mellan IKT och inkludering. Vidare identifierades omständigheter och strategier för att göra arbetet med IKT mer inkluderande. En enkätstudie genomfördes med 92 lärare och kvalitativa intervjuer gjordes med fyra lärare i tre olika kommuner i norra Sverige. Resultatet indikerade att IKT användes för elever i behov av särskilt stöd i alla åldersgrupper, vanligast användes datorn för skrivande och ordbehandling. IKT skulle kunna användas för att kompensera för olikheter och bidra till inkludering för elever i behov av särskilt stöd, men då behöver undervisningen anpassas med tanke på elevers behov samt att tekniken bör integreras med pedagogiken. Uppfattningarna om vad inkludering innebär varierar och inkludering ses huvudsakligen som kunskapsmässig, vilket kan leda till både social och fysisk exkludering. Undervisningen i vanliga klassrum anpassades inte alltid för alla elevers behov och IKT verktyg användes ofta av elever i exkluderande miljöer. För att göra IKT användningen mer inkluderande behöver kunskap till lärare, utrustning och tid. Implikationer för praktiken är att lärare behöver mer utbildning i att använda IKT för elever i behov av särskilt stöd och att specialpedagogen bör ses som en handledare för lärarna. Förslag till fortsatt forskning skulle kunna vara fler liknande studier eller studier om möjligheterna med en-till-en för elever i behov av särskilt stöd. / Information and communication technology (ICT) is a current issue in schools around the world and this study may be of interest to teachers, special education teachers, school leaders and teacher educators. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze teachers’ experiences of and perceptions on information and communication technology (ICT) use for students with special educational needs (SEN) in general educational settings and to find the relationship between ICT and inclusion. In addition to that, conditions and strategies in order to make ICT use more inclusive were identified. A questionnaire survey was carried out with 92 responding teachers and qualitative interviews were made with four teachers. The results indicated that ICT was used for SEN students in all age groups, most commonly the computer was used for writing and word processing. ICT could be used as a way to bridge the gap to inclusion and compensate for differences and contribute to inclusion of students with special needs but in order to do that teaching should be adapted to students’ needs and pedagogy ought to be integrated with technology. Though, the perceptions of what inclusion is differs and inclusion is mainly seen as didactic, which can lead to social and physical exclusion. Teaching in mainstream classrooms was not always adapted to all students’ needs and assistive technology was often used by students in exclusive settings. In order to make the use of ICT more inclusive, teachers need knowledge, equipment and time. Implications for teachers and teacher educators are that teachers should become more educated about ICT for SEN and that special education teachers should be seen as supervisors for teachers. Suggestions for further research could be more similar studies or studies about the possibilities with one-to-one for students with special educational needs.
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Optimalizace sociálních služeb pro děti se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v Mikroregionu Bystřicko / Optimization of social services for children with special educational needs in the Microregion of BystřickoBERANOVÁ, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Thesis deals with location, diversity and capacity of social services for children with special educational needs in the Microregion of Bystřicko. It characterizes the current situation of target group and number of children with special educational needs in the microregion. It also surveys the current state of providers and services offered to the target group. It responds to data collected from interviews with chiefs of institutions and head of section of social affairs and health. The proposal represents solutions to community social services plan for the city of Bystřice nad Pernštejnem during the years from 2008 to 2016 and it reacts by optimizing of social services with its own draft resolution, which takes into account the number of children with special educational needs and priorities in providing comprehensive care for the target group.
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Aportes conceituais sobre a dialética inclusão/exclusão: possibilidades de convivência com a diversidade no espaço escolarVagno Batista Ribeiro 07 January 2013 (has links)
Educação Inclusiva na contemporaneidade expressa um dos desejos de uma
sociedade que, ainda, estigmatiza e discrimina pessoas portadoras de alguma
necessidade educativa especial. Maior dignidade, respeito e integração é o que
as políticas de educação inclusiva brasileira procuram propiciar à sua
sociedade. Seu maior desafio é transformar a mentalidade preconceituosa
instalada, por meio da ação de profissionais da educação para mudar esse
quadro. Diante deste desafio, da escola estar estruturada para trabalhar com a
homogeneidade e nunca com a diversidade, o presente trabalho tem como
objetivo defender a perspectiva de educação inclusiva com vistas à construção
de uma escola para todos, focalizando a dialética da inclusão/exclusão. Por
isso, sua origem, seus graus, suas sequelas, bem como suas incoerências
serão tematizados por meio de uma pesquisa teórica descritiva, que caracteriza
o perigo de uma inclusão que desconhece a diferença na lida cotidiana dos
profissionais de educação. Levando em conta os paradigmas conceituais e
princípios que vêm sendo progressivamente defendidos em documentos
nacionais e internacionais, a inclusão é um movimento de abrangência global
que reúne pessoas na luta em favor das pessoas portadoras de necessidades
educacionais especiais (PNEES) e seus familiares na busca dos seus direitos e
de um lugar na sociedade. Contudo, o que de fato pode ser considerado
inclusão? O que leva os profissionais da educação terem compreensões e
significados tão diferenciados sobre esta questão? E quais são as principais
dificuldades encontradas, do ponto de vista conceitual? / Inclusive Education in contemporaneity expresses one of the desires of a
society which still stigmatizes and discriminates against people with special
educational needs. Greater dignity, respect and integration are what the
Brazilian inclusive education policies seek to propitiate for its society. Their
greatest challenge is to transform the installed prejudiced mentality through
actions of education professionals to change this situation. Faced with this
challenge of schools being structured to work with homogeneity and never
with diversity the goal of this paper is to defend the perspective of inclusive
education aiming at the construction of a school for all, focusing on the dialectic
of inclusion/exclusion. That is why its origins, its levels, its consequences as
well as its incoherencies will be thematicized through descriptive, theoretical
research which characterizes the danger of an inclusion which does not take
into account the differences of the daily situations of the education
professionals. Taking into account the conceptual paradigms and principles
which are increasingly being defended in national and international documents,
inclusion is a movement of global scope which gathers together people
struggling for the people with special educational needs (PNEES) and their
families in their quest for their rights and a place in society. However, what can
actually be considered inclusion? What makes education professionals have
such different comprehensions and meanings of this issue? And what are the
main difficulties encountered from a conceptual point of view?
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Charakteristika životního stylu studentů odborného učiliště (studentů se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami) / Life style characteristic of vocational school students (students with special educational needs)HÁKOVÁ, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The thesis presents the results of theoretical and empirical study. The thesis deals with primary monitoring of lifestyle of students with special educational needs, the creation of an educational program designed for dormitory of secondary vocational school and the program's impact on quality of life. The work consists of several parts. The theoretical part describes the principles of a healthy lifestyle (healthy eating, physical activity, mental activity), special educational needs, the age period of 15-18 years, secondary vocational school and quality of life. The practical part analyzes the lifestyle of students at secondary vocational school in Soběslav. This part highlights the different attitudes of commuter students and students living in dormitories. The analysis is based on questionnaire my own creation. The results are shown in the graphs. For dormitory of secondary vocational school an educational program "A year in a dorm" was created. The program is aimed at a comprehensive understanding of health and healthy lifestyle. The influence of the educational process on the quality of life we investigated using a standardized questionnaire PedsQl. Data are evaluated by ANOVA and Tukey statistical method. In conclusion we disprove the hypothesis that commuter students have a healthier lifestyle than students staying at the dorms. We confirm the positive effect of educational program on quality of life for boarding students statistically significant in the group of girls. We also confirm that the effect of the program lasted three months
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