Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eprint."" "subject:"3dprint.""
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The effect of sprint interval training on non-invasively determined peak cardiac output and the role of biological sexBostad, William January 2023 (has links)
Sprint interval training (SIT) increases peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) but the mechanistic basis is unclear. The Fick principle broadly attributes increases in VO2peak to changes in peak cardiac output (Qpeak) and/or peak arteriovenous oxygen difference (peak a-vO2diff). The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate the role of Qpeak, measured non-invasively using inert gas rebreathing (IGR), on SIT-induced changes in VO2peak. It also considered the time course of these responses and the influence of biological sex. The SIT protocol involved 3 x 20-s “all out” sprints performed within a 10-min session of low-intensity cycling. Study 1 measured Qpeak after 2, 6, and 12 weeks of SIT and found it was increased after 12 weeks and associated with the change in VO2peak. Peak a-vO2diff, estimated based on the Fick equation (peak a-vO2diff = VO2peak/Qpeak), was also increased after SIT and associated with the change in VO2peak. Study 2 found that a novel constant-load protocol elicited Qpeak values that were non-inferior to an established step protocol, within a margin of 0.5 L/min. Both protocols elicited VO2 values at Qpeak that were similar to VO2peak. The constant load protocol had similar day-to-day repeatability as the VO2peak test (typical error = 6.6 and 6.4%, respectively). Study 3 investigated an exploratory finding from Study 1 that suggested Qpeak was increased in male but not female participants. The design was similar, but Study 3 employed suggested best practices for making sex-based comparisons. Contrary to our hypothesis, Qpeak was unchanged after 12 weeks of SIT and there was no sex-based difference. Like Study 1, peak a-vO2diff was increased and correlated with VO2peak. This thesis advances knowledge regarding the influence of SIT on Qpeak determined non-invasively and highlights the need for more mechanistic work to comprehensively assess the basis for the increase in VO2peak. / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy / Sprint interval training (SIT) is a form of exercise that involves brief bursts of near-maximal to “all out” efforts separated by short recovery periods. The method improves cardiorespiratory fitness — an important health marker that is quantified as the highest amount of oxygen used by the body during strenuous exercise (VO2peak) — but the mechanisms are not well understood. This thesis examined the effect of SIT on peak cardiac output (Qpeak), which is the highest rate of blood pumped by the heart each minute, and the relationship to changes in VO2peak. Qpeak was measured non-invasively by having participants breathe an inert gas mixture. Two separate 12-week training studies confirmed that SIT increased VO2peak but yielded conflicting results regarding the role of Qpeak. The findings also suggest that the capacity of skeletal muscles to extract oxygen is increased after SIT. Biological sex does not appear to influence SIT-induced changes in Qpeak or VO2peak.
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The effect of short sprint interval training on skeletal muscle metabolism and performance during intense aerobic cyclingHughes, Scott 07 1900 (has links)
Two weeks of sprint interval training (SIT) increased maximal aerobic power (VO2peak), however maximal anaerobic power (Wmax; 30-sec “all out” Wingate test) was unaffected, possibly due to chronic fatigue induced by 14 daily training bouts (Rodas et al. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 82:480-86,2000). The effect of fewer SIT bouts on these parameters is unknown, and no study has assessed changes in performance or muscle metabolism during intense aerobic exercise after SIT. PURPOSE: We examined whether 6 bouts of SIT, performed over 2 wks with 1-2 d rest between bouts, elicited changes in endurance performance or metabolism during a “challenge ride” to exhaustion @ ~80% VO2peak· METHODS: 8 subjects (6 men; 23±2 yr) were studied before and 2-3 d following the SIT protocol (6 bouts x 4-8 Wingate tests, 4 min rest). RESULTS: VO2peak was unchanged by SIT (Post: 45.5 ± 5 vs. Pre: 44.6 ±3.2 ml/kg/min) as was mean power during 4 repeated Wingate tests (Post: 574.8 ± 29.9 vs. Pre: 569.8 ±31.3 W). Wmax during 4 repeated Wingate tests increased by 14% following SIT (Post: 1067.0 ± 234 vs. Pre: 934.3 ± 173.6 W; p < 0.05). Most strikingly, cycle time to exhaustion increased by 101% after SIT (Post: 51.1 ± 30.8 vs. Pre: 25.4 ± 14.4 min, p < 0.01). Biopsies obtained prior to, and during the challenge rides revealed that resting muscle glycogen was higher after SIT (Post: 614 ± 39 vs. Pre: 489 ± 57 mmol/kg dry wt., p < 0.02), and glycogen degradation during exercise was attenuated (p < 0.05). The maximal activity of CS was 29% higher following training (Post: 16.7 ± 2.3 vs. Pre: 11.5 ± 1.8 mmol/kg wet wt., p < 0.05) which is indicative of a higher muscle oxidative potential. CONCLUSION: 6 bouts of SIT (~15 min total exercise time) markedly increased intense aerobic cycling performance and peak anaerobic power. The physiological mechanisms that account for these improvements remain to be fully elucidated, but include alterations in glycogen metabolism and an increased muscle oxidative potential. / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)
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Delkropp- eller helkroppsarbete som återhämtningsstrategi efter upprepade högintensiva arbetsbelastningar på stakergometer hos svenska elitlängdskidåkare. : En kvantitativ studie om återhämtningsstrategierTynell, Rikard January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka skillnaden mellan två olika återhämtningsstrategier, delkroppsarbete (cykelergometer) och helkroppsarbete (rullskidor), avseende effektutveckling vid upprepade högintensiva arbeten på stakergometer. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka om hjärtfrekvensen och blodlaktatkoncentrationen skiljer sig åt mellan återhämtningsstrategierna. Metod: Sju elitaktiva manliga skidåkare på nationell nivå rekryterades till studien där en crossovermetod tillämpades. En prolog och tre heat med tre minuter högintensivt arbete genomfördes under varje prestationstillfälle. Återhämtningsstrategierna genomfördes med 16 min arbete på en arbetsbelastning vid ≈ 55% av VO2max. De testvariabler som samlades in var laktatkoncentration, effektutveckling samt hjärtfrekvens. Resultat: En signifikant lägre laktatkoncentration påvisades efter helkroppsarbete som återhämtningsstrategi. Dock kunde ingen skillnad mellan strategierna påvisas avseende effektutveckling under heaten. Det kunde heller inte påvisas någon skillnad i hjärtfrekvens före eller under heaten. Slutsatser: Ingen utav de undersökta återhämtningsstrategierna kan rekommenderas framför den andra avseende att optimera sprintprestationsförmågan i längdskidåkning. Däremot visade det sig att helkroppsarbete medförde en lägre blodlaktatkoncentration inför nästkommande heat jämfört mot delkroppsarbete som återhämtningsstrategi. / Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the difference between two recovery strategies, lower-body work (cycle) and whole-body work (roller skiing), regarding to power development in repeated maximum workout on double-poling ergometer. Moreover, the study also aims to investigating whether the heart rate and the blood-lactate concentration differ between the recovery strategies. Method: Seven elite-active male skiers at national level were recruited to the study where a crossover method was applied. A prologue and three heats with three minutes of high-intensity work were performed during each performance. Recovery strategies were carried out with 16 min work at a workload for ≈ 55% of VO2max. The collected test variables in this study were lactate concentration, effect development, and heart rate. Results: A significant difference was found in the lactate concentration after whole-body work as a recovery strategy. However, there was no difference between the strategies in power development during the heats. Furthermore, no difference in heartrates was detected before or during the heats. Conclusions: None of the investigated recovery strategies can be recommended above the other in order to optimize the sprint performance in cross-country skiing. However, whole-body work resulted in a lower blood-lactate concentration prior to next heat compared to lower-body work as recovery strategy.
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Den intrinsica fotmuskelstyrkans inverkan på sprint- och hopprestanda samt balans hos friska individer i åldern 14 till 55 år: En systematisk litteraturgranskning och narrativ syntetiserande analys / The effect of intrinsic foot muscle strength on sprint, jump and balance performance among healthy individuals between the age of 14 and 55 year. A systematic literature review and narrative analysisJansson, Christer, Milton, Ludvig January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: De intrinsica fotmusklerna (IFM) har potential att påverka idrottslig prestation som hopp, sprint samt balans direkt genom påverkan av muskelstyrkan eller indirekt genom påverkan på det mediala-longitudinella fotvalvet. Ett växande antalet studier visar samband mellan träning av IFM och idrottslig prestation, dock råder ingen konsensus och motstridiga resultat finns. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kritiskt granska litteratur och undersöka det aktuella vetenskapliga kunskapsläget för sambandet mellan muskelstyrka i IFM och friska individers sprint- och hopprestanda samt balans. Metod: En litteratursökning med noga valda sökord genomfördes i fyra databaser. Efter genomgång av in- och exkluderingskriterier inkluderades 10 studier vilka kvalitetsmässigt bedömdes med Joanna Briggs Institute granskningsmall för tvärsnittsstudier. En narrativ syntetiserande analys genomfördes. Resultat: Kvalitén i inkluderade studier bedömdes i genomsnitt vara medelgod. Det som främst drog ner betyget var hanteringen av confounders och användandet av ej valida mätinstrument. Generellt visade inkluderade studier på ett samband mellan tåflexor styrka/storlek och hopp- och sprintprestanda samt balans. Svårigheten att isolerat mäta IFM försvårar möjligheten att utreda IFMs betydelse för inkluderade studiers utfallsmått. Slutsats: Genomförd litteraturstudie visar möjliga samband mellan styrka/tåflexorstorlek och prestation i hopp och sprint såväl som balans. För att nå en ökad förståelse för hur IFM påverkar idrottslig prestation och balans behövs en större kunskap om hur IFM styrka direkt eller indirekt kan mätas isolerat och hur muskelstorlek kan översättas till styrka. Genomförd litteraturgranskning stödjer ett redan identifierat behov av valida mätinstrument för att nå en ökad förståelse av IFMs betydelse för idrottslig prestation och balans. / Background: The intrinsic foot muscles (IFM) have the potential to improve sprint, jump and balance performance by direct muscle power or indirectly by supporting the medial longitudinal arch. A growing number of studies show the association between exercising the IFM and athletic performance. However, there is no consensus if athletes can benefit from IFM training and inconsistent results are published. Aim: The aim of this study was to conduct a critical systematic review to evaluate the current knowledge of the association between IFM strength and performance in jump sprint and balance in healthy individual’s. Methods: Four data bases were searched for eligible studies. After screening for exclusion and inclusion criteria ten studies were included. The scientific quality was analyzed using the Joanna Briggs Institute ”Critical Appraisal tools” for Cross Sectional Studies, and a narrative synthesis was conducted. Results: The average quality score for the included studies was “moderately good”. The main reason for the low scores was insufficient attention to confounders and the use of non-valid instruments. An association was found in most of the studies between toe flexor strength/size and jump, sprint and balance performance. Difficulties in selectively measuring the IFM activity complicated the possibility to evaluate the impact of IFM on studied outcome measures. Conclusion: The presented study shows an association between toe flexor strength/size and athletic performance. However, to understand how IFM strength training affects athletic performance, both directly and indirectly, more studies focused on how to measure the IFM using valid methods for isolated IFM measures of strength and size is needed.
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Sebekoučování-dosahování cílů metodou "malých kroků" / Self-coaching-attainment of goals by "small steps"Englertová, Klára January 2014 (has links)
1 UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA KATEDRA PSYCHOLOGIE DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Klára Englertová Sebekoučování - dosahování cílů metodou "malých kroků" Self-coaching - attainment of goals by "small steps" Praha, 2014 Vedoucí práce: doc. MUDr. Mgr. Radvan Bahbouh, PhD. 2 ABSTRACT: This diploma thesis deals with methods of achieving goals and methods of increasing efficiency within the postponed activities in the context of self-coaching and self-management and this specifically for university population, which is indicated by the high prevalence of this phenomenon. The strategy of "small steps" or "quick wins" is described as possible self- coaching and self-management intervention. The validity of Procrastination scale is verified within the overview study by comparison with different studying strategies divided into those with and without delay. At the same time the techniques increasing students' efficiency are mapped, based on their subjective responses. Within the experimental study is then verified "efficient sprint" method, as a strategy of intense concentration on a short-term actions to achieve the goal. There are observed differences in subjectively rated advance toward the target and perceived difficulty of its attainment, specifically in severely procrastinating students. The results show a...
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Vliv současných trendů na determinanty sportovního výkonu v triatlonu / The influence of the current trends on the determinants of sports performance in triathlonČervenka, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
Name: The influence of the current trends on the determinants of sports performance in triathlon. Aim: Main aim of the diploma thesis was to find out the influences of current trends in triathlon and how they can influence the determinants of a sports performance and predict in which direction the triathlon will go in the future. Methods: According the historical method by Hroch it was used to determine the historical context. The results were properly interpreted in the context of a problem definition, data collection and analysis based on inductive- deductive reasoning. The research deals with the search, processing, and analysis of data for various types of triathlons within the International Triathlon Union (ITU). The results from several selected triathlon races of the world championship are also analyzed, from the shortest format (super sprint) to the longest, which is a long triathlon (Ironman). The research also included an interview with an employee of the Commission of the International Triathlon Union (triathlon development committee) Outcome: According to the analysis of historical development, triathlon competitions are shortening, and the share of triathlons is rising at the expense of Olympic triathlons. There is no fundamental difference in BMI values between the best super sprint...
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Measuring Sprint Speed with Ultra-wideband Technology / Mätning av sprinthastighet med ultrabredbandsteknikArenander, Johannes January 2023 (has links)
Sprinting can be an important ability in sports, and there are many methods for measuring sprint performance. Two common methods are hand-held timing and fully automatic timing systems. However, hand-held timing is inaccurate due to reaction time, and fully automatic timing can be impractical since it involves complex equipment. Another way of measuring sprint performance is to obtain an athlete's velocity curve with a laser speed gun, although this requires that the laser is aimed towards the sprinter at all times. In this project, ultra-—widebandwhich is a radio technology capable of accurate —rangingis evaluated in a practical experiment by observing an athlete sprinting over a short distance. First, a pair of communicating ranging devices are developed. Measurements are then collected from the athlete and compared to video analysis to estimate the ranging error. The results suggest that ultra-wideband may be an alternative to laser speed guns for measuring sprint velocity. In the future, research should be focused on calibrating devices and testing ultra-wideband technology for longer sprint distances. / Att kunna springa snabbt kan vara en viktig egenskap inom sport och det finns många metoder för att mäta en sprint. Några exempel är manuell tidtagning, automatiska tidtagningssystem eller laserpistol för att mäta hastighet. Ofta är manuell tidtagning inte tillräckligt noggrann på grund av reaktionstid och automatisk tidtagning kan vara opraktisk för de flesta utövare. Dessutom måste en laserpistol alltid vara riktad mot atleten för ge mätningar. I det här projektet testas ultrabredbandsteknik – vilket är en typ av radioteknik som kan ge noggrann distansmätning – i ett praktiskt experiment genom att observera en atlet i en kort sprint. Först utvecklas ett par apparater som kan avläsa distansen mellan varandra. Därefter samlas mätningar från atleten som jämförs med videoanalys för att bestämma mätningsfelet. Det erhållna resultatet föreslår att ultrabredbandsteknik kan vara ett alternativ till laserpistoler för hastighetsmätning inom sprint. Framöver borde fokus inom forskningen ligga på att kalibrera apparater och testa tekniken över längre sprintdistanser.
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Periodic Inhalation of Carbon Monoxide Prior to Repeated Sprint Training – a Nuanced Way for Improving Repeated Sprint AbilitySundqvist, Christoffer January 2022 (has links)
Background: Repeated sprint training in hypoxia has shown to be superior to training in normoxia. However, both natural and simulated altitude training are strategies that are not always accessible and expensive due to traveling or the need for advanced equipment. A possible way of simulating hypoxic conditions is to administer carbon monoxide (CO) prior to training as it has been shown to reduce the oxygen transport and delivery to the muscle similar to systemic hypoxia. It is therefore hypothesized that inhaling a small bolus of CO prior to repeated-sprint exercise will potentiate the acute physiological responses during the training, thus induce performance improvements associated with repeated sprint ability compared to placebo control. Methods: 23 endurance-trained individuals (18 men and 5 women), age 33.2 ± 6.9 years, body mass 78.3 ± 11.0 kg, height 180.7 ± 7.3 cm, performed a 3-week supervised repeated sprint exercise protocol on electromagnetically braked cycle ergometers. A repeated sprint ability test was conducted pre-and post-training intervention. Participants were randomly assigned to either inhaling CO (INCO group) or inhaling a sham gas (NOCO group). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted to determine statistical significance by controlling for pre-test values. Results: Periodic inhalation of CO prior to repeated sprint exercise led a medium, significant difference in mean power decrement (INCO -2.63%, NOCO 8%; p <0.05, ηp2 = 0.19) and fatigue index (INCO 0.28%, NOCO 8.2%; p <0.05, ηp2 = 0.24) compared to sham gas, despite that both groups increased in number of sprints (INCO 16.58%, NOCO 27.60%; p <0.05; ηp2 = 0.71) with no difference between groups. Conclusion: Our findings in this study showed a positive effect on an improved ability to sustain power output during repeated sprints when periodic inhalation of CO is administered. Therefore, it is suggested that periodic inhalation of CO prior to repeated sprint exercise might be a nuanced way to induce favorable physiological adaptations, thus improving performance associated with repeated sprint ability.
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Föräldrars frågor till barn : En analys av dialoger med 2-åringar med olika utvecklat ordförrådEdlund, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur föräldrar ställer frågor till barn i en ålder av 2;3- 2;5 år med olika utvecklat ordförråd. Ett annat syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka om barnen ger respons på föräldrarnas frågor samt om barnen själva ställer frågor. De frågeställningar som står i fokus är: Hur många ord och yttranden säger barn och föräldrar? Vilka typer av frågor ställer föräldrarna? Ställer barnen frågor och i så fall i vilken omfattning? Ger barnen respons på föräldrarnas frågor och i så fall i vilken omfattning? Är frågor överlag effektivt för att få barn i åldersgruppen att tala? Frågeställningarna besvaras genom språkanalyser av transkriberade dialoger mellan föräldrar och barn. Transkriptionerna omfattar tre timmar dialoger totalt och materialet har analyserats med hjälp av CLAN. Deltagarna är nio familjer från SPRINT-projektet vid Stockholms universitet. Deltagarna är utvalda för att representera barn med låg- respektive hög ordförrådsnivå baserat på SECDI data, ett svenskt normerat instrument i syfte att mäta barns ordförråd. Resultatet visar totalt cirka 2 500 yttranden från föräldrarna och drygt 900 från barnen. I ord räknat omfattar materialet totalt cirka 11 000 ord från föräldrarna och drygt 2 000 ord från barnen. Det råder stora procentuella skillnader mellan den högpresterande gruppen (höggruppen) och den lågpresterande gruppen (låggruppen) vad angår barnens antal yttranden och ordförråd till fördel för höggruppens barn. Föräldrarna visar inte på lika tydliga skillnader som barnen, men föräldrarna till barnen i höggruppen gör fler yttranden och använder ett mer varierat ordförråd än i låggruppen. Frågor är vanligt förekommande i föräldrars kommunikation med barn. Det framkommer att totalt för båda grupperna utgör frågor cirka en tredjedel av föräldrarnas yttranden. Vanligt förekommande frågor är ja/nej- frågor, produktiva frågor och frågor med hjälpverb. Barnen i höggruppen ger oftare respons på föräldrarnas frågor än barnen i låggruppen. Likaså ställer barnen i höggruppen oftare egna frågor än barnen i låggruppen. Den tydliga diskrepansen mellan grupperna indikerar att det finns samband mellan kvantitetsfaktorer i föräldrarnas och barnens tal samt att frågor är en metod som kan generera tal från barnen. Det kan finnas anledning att fundera över frågors olika komplexitet i förhållande till barnets ålder och övriga utveckling eftersom det framkommer att föräldrar generellt ställer komplicerade frågor. / The primary purpose of this paper is to explore how parents ask questions to toddlers (in this paper 2;3-2;5 year old children) with different vocabulary development. Another purpose of this paper is to explore if the children respond to questions given by their parents, and if the children ask questions themselves. Questions in focus for this paper are: How many words and utterances are said by the children and the parents? What kind of questions do the parents ask? Do the children ask questions, and if so, to what extent? Do the children respond to the parents’ questions, and if so, to what extent? Are questions generally effective in getting children to talk? The questions are answered through language analysis by transcribed dialogues between parents and children, where the transcriptions cover three hours of dialogues in total. The material has been analyzed in CLAN. The participants are nine families from the SPRINT-project at Stockholm University. The participants are selected to represent children with low- or high vocabulary based on SECDI data, a Swedish standardized instrument for measuring children’s vocabulary. The result shows about 2 500 utterances by the parents, and more than 900 by the children, while the number of words is approximately 11 000 words by the parents and more than 2 000 by the children. Concerning the children’s utterances and vocabulary there are large differences in percentage between the groups, with an advantage for the children in the high performing group (HP group). The parents don’t show such distinct differences, but the parents in the HP group make more utterances and use more variation in their vocabulary than the parents in the low performing group (LP group). Questions are frequently used in parents’ communication with children. In total, for both groups, questions constitute one third of the parents’ utterances. Commonly occurring are yes- no questions, productive questions and questions with auxiliary verbs. The children in the HP group more frequently respond to their parents’ questions than the children in the LP group. Similarly, children in the HP group more frequently ask questions than the children in the LP group. The distinct discrepancy between the two groups indicates causality between quantity factors in parents’ and children’s speech. It also indicates that the use of questions may in general be an effective method for triggering children’s speech. In general parents ask complicated questions, and therefore it may be appropriate to consider variations in question complexity in relation to the child’s age and overall development.
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Efeitos de pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto sobre o desempenho durante o sprint de longa duração no ciclismo : aspectos fisiológicos e metabolismo energético / Effects of remote ischemic preconditioning on long sprint cycling performance: physiological aspects and energy metabolismCruz, Rogério Santos de Oliveira 18 June 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-06-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A group of recreationally trained cyclists (26 ± 5 years, 176 ± 5 cm, 78 ± 8 kg, n = 15) took part in this repeated measures design, which aimed to evaluate the effects of remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) on physiological, metabolic and performance variables during the 1-min cycling time-trial. The subjects attended to the Human Performance Research Laboratory on six separate occasions within a two week period, with at least 48 h separating each test session. After an incremental test and a familiarization visit (sessions 1 and 2), subjects were randomly submitted in sessions 3 and 4 to a performance protocol preceded by either intermittent bilateral cuff inflation to 220 mm Hg (i.e., RIPC) or to 20 mm Hg (i.e., control). To increase data reliability, each intervention was replicated in visits 5 and 6, also in a random manner. In addition to cycling performance (mean power), the pulmonary oxygen uptake (VO2) and blood lactate responses were analyzed during the 1-min time trial and throughout 45-min of passive recovery to estimate the absolute and relative energy contribution from the three energy systems, as well as the total energy provision during performance. There was a substantial enhancement in performance after RIPC (1.9%, 90%CL of ±0.8%, n = 14), which was accompanied by improvements in the anaerobic glycolytic metabolism, even though it was insufficient to account alone for the observed change in performance. Our calculations therefore suggest that about 65% of the improvement after RIPC could be associated to an unnoticed higher lactic ATP turnover in the active muscles, while a supposed ATP sparing effect would be responsible for the remaining 35%. / Um grupo de ciclistas recreacionais treinados (26 ± 5 anos, 176 ± 5 cm, 78 ± 8 kg, n = 15) participou deste delineamento de medidas repetidas, o qual teve como objetivo principal avaliar os efeitos do pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto (RIPC) sobre variáveis fisiológicas, metabólicas e de desempenho durante o teste de 1-min contra-o-relógio (1-min CR) no ciclismo. Os sujeitos compareceram ao Laboratório de Pesquisas em Desempenho Humano da UDESC em seis ocasiões distintas dentro de um período de duas semanas, com intervalos mínimos de 48 h entre cada sessão. Após um teste incremental e uma visita de familiarização com o teste de 1-min CR (visitas 1 e 2), os ciclistas foram submetidos randomicamente a um protocolo precedido ou não por restrição intermitente de fluxo sanguíneo (visitas 3 e 4). Para aumentar a confiabilidade dos dados, cada intervenção (RIPC ou controle) foi replicada nas visitas 5 e 6, também de maneira aleatória. Além do desempenho (potência média gerada), foram analisadas as respostas do consumo de oxigênio a nível pulmonar (VO2) durante o desempenho e ao longo dos 45-min de recuperação, juntamente com o comportamento da concentração de lactato no sangue arterializado. A partir destas variáveis, foram estimadas a contribuição relativa e absoluta dos três sistemas energéticos e a quantidade total de energia fornecida pelo organismo durante o desempenho. Houve uma melhora substancial no desempenho após a aplicação do RIPC (1,9%, LC90% de ±0,8%, n = 14), acompanhada por prováveis aprimoramentos nas variáveis associadas ao metabolismo glicolítico. Nossos cálculos sugerem que aproximadamente 65% da melhora no rendimento pode ser atribuída à maior capacidade muscular de ressíntese lática de ATP, enquanto uma suposta economia de ATP seria responsável pelos 35% restantes.
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