Spelling suggestions: "subject:"btanding"" "subject:"5standing""
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Le condizioni dell'azione nel processo amministrativo. Un'indagine comparata tra Italia e GermaniaFranca, Simone 06 March 2020 (has links)
The research analyses the locus standi before administrative courts in Italy and Germany, in the perspective of the evolution of the aim and the scope of the judicial review of the administrative action.
Starting from an examination of the historical outlines regarding the judicial review in the two systems, the current research explores the theoretical contours of the concepts of standing and interest to act, focusing also on the analysis of the judicial understanding of both these concepts.
The analysis is conducted from a comparative point of view, through the study of the case law in the Italian and German legal systems.
The aim pursued is to verify, through a comparison between the different experiences, the existence of a possible ongoing mutation - attributable to the Europeanisation of the administrative process - that alters the characteristics of the Italian and German administrative judgment in the access to protection.
The comparative investigation shows how the changes that can be found in the judicial review of are in part analogous in the two legal systems and are connected to the importance of certain interests of a general nature at the legal level. It also makes it possible to reflect on the identification of a model capable of overcoming the difficulty regarding the compatibility between interests of a general nature and the predominantly subjective logic of the judicial review of administrative action in Italy and Germany.
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Quand les promoteurs immobiliers produisent la ville de demain : étude de deux projets urbains de standing en France et au Mexique / The "city of tomorrow" by real estate developers : two Flagship urban projects in France and MexicoPeynichou, Lorraine 04 May 2018 (has links)
Les entreprises de promotion immobilière sont devenues depuis plusieurs années des acteurs importants de l’aménagement urbain. Elles s’orientent progressivement vers de nouveaux secteurs et enjeux de la production de la ville. Ainsi seraient-elles passées de leur métier d’origine à celui « d’opérateurs urbains ». Cette évolution se situe au croisement de l’exigence d’une compréhension des évolutions du marché de l’aménagement des villes, liée au retrait ou au changement de mode d’intervention des acteurs publics, et d’une rentabilité financière qui structure l’action de ces entreprises. Cela représente un changement de paradigme, pour certaines entreprises de promotion immobilière, dans leur façon de penser et d’appréhender la production la ville ainsi que dans leur positionnement au sein des organisations qui se structurent pour aménager les villes. Dans le champ de l'aménagement urbain, ce positionnement s’organise souvent au travers de la mobilisation des notions d’innovation et d’expérimentation. Cette mobilisation peut s’élaborer dans le cadre d’organisations spécifiques de l’action collective où les promoteurs immobiliers sont régulièrement présents. C’est le cas, par exemple, des consortiums publics-privés réunissant des acteurs institutionnels, des grands groupes internationaux de promotion immobilière, des startups et des experts, entre autres. Ces organisations qui sont elles-mêmes présentées comme novatrices s’organisent pour produire un ensemble de dispositifs dits innovants, qui vont du think-tank au projet urbain. Nous nous intéressons en particulier au projet urbain, car l’investissement des promoteurs immobiliers y est singulier : il s’articule de plus en plus couramment autour de la fonction de coordinateur du projet lors de ses différentes phases. Nous avons étudié des projets urbains présentés, par les promoteurs immobiliers, comme innovants en France dans la commune d’Issy-les-Moulineaux et au Mexique au sein de la délégation Miguel Hidalgo. Les façons dont l’innovation et l’expérimentation sont mobilisées, au sein de ces contextes, traduit des ambitions et des perspectives tout à fait différentes. À Issy-les-Moulineaux, le discours de la collectivité territoriale et des promoteurs immobiliers de l’écoquartier du Fort s’articule plutôt autour de la référence aux multiples variantes de la ville intelligente et des nouvelles technologies alors qu’à Miguel Hidalgo, il s’agit avec le projet Plaza Carso, d’un renouvellement de la rhétorique sécuritaire autour du concept, déjà bien connu, du « all included ». Ce que nous avons également pu observer, en France comme au Mexique, c’est que ces projets ont le plus souvent vocation à être positionnés sur le segment de marché du haut de gamme afin, entre autres, d’amortir les investissements qu’ils ont engendré. Ainsi, nous les identifions comme des « projets urbains de standing ». Il s’agit d’opérations qui, au travers de leurs ambitions, de leur médiatisation et des moyens financiers mobilisés par les acteurs du projet, se distinguent des autres modalités d’intervention sur le territoire. Nos questions de recherche reposent sur l’idée que les projets urbains de standing sont des analyseurs des transformations à l’œuvre dans la façon de concevoir et de gérer la ville, car ils reposent sur un investissement important des grandes entreprises de promotion immobilière, sur une évolution de leurs relations avec les responsables politiques locaux et, plus généralement, sur l’ambition de capter des comportements émergents et de commercialiser des produits innovants. On assiste à un processus qui relève en même temps d’un phénomène marketing et d’une évolution des enjeux et des normes de la production du projet urbain. Celui-ci, envisagé comme un laboratoire in vivo, participe, en France comme au Mexique, du développement d’un urbanisme dérogatoire dont l’une des finalités et de libérer l’action de certains opérateurs privés de l’aménagement urbain / Real-estate companies became important stake holders within the city planning process. They moved to new stakes and spaces of urban planning. We suggest that one of the reasons of these new challenges is that some big real-estate companies are focused the themes of innovation and experimentation and are more and more characterized by their involvement within the public – private organizations. This search for innovative proposals has led several organisational transformations within the mix of urban project stakeholder groups. The hegemonic tendency of the real-estate companies can be organized around several phases of urban projects: conception, construction, monitoring, management, etc. Its means that some real-estate companies are not only in charge of the construction phase of urban projects – like they use to be – because they also conquered new phases that participate to the elaboration and to the operational process of urban projects. This recent evolution is linked with strategic views, coming from these companies, on the way they think about urban planning and on the notion of quality of life. It represents, for this type of companies, a change of paradigm in the way of conceiving the production of urban space, but it also represents an evolution of the internal organization of public – private partnership. As several members of a French real-estate companies put it during our interviews, this change involves a new title: they evolve from real estate developers to “urban operators”. We saw, in our fieldwork, that it has led to various developments, such as: a change of temporal perspective, from short term commitment they move towards mid or long-term outlooks. Being “urban operators” also means that they have to be very cognisant about new lifestyles, new kinds of behaviours and needs, because it affects their marketing power. Thirdly, companies are sensitive and even greedy about information that concerns how people react to their proposals. This has led to several organizational transformations with, for instance, the emergence of new kinds of “research and development” areas, specific investments funds, contracts with social science researchers, etc. We studied two contexts in particular: flagship urban projects within the urban renovation process in France and in Mexico. With two cases: Plaza Carso in Mexico and the eco neighbourhood du Fort in Issy-les-Moulineaux near Paris. The ranking of flagships projects is a strong trigger for innovation. Plaza Carso and the Fort are characterized by a very strong involvement of real-estate companies that rebuilt the relationship with the local authorities. In both situations, real-estate companies had benefitted from legal specificities, and even legal liberalization in the Mexican case, to develop the project
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Effekten av träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden på kvantitativa rörelsetester hos friska kvinnor / The effect of training for increased movement-awareness according to the Feldenkrais method on quantitative movement-tests in healthy womenKarlsson, Alfred, Shorter, David A. January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Medvetenhet om kropp och rörelse nämns ofta som en viktig fakor i att öka prestationsförmåga, undvika skador, nå högre livskvalitet och förbätta sjukdomstillstånd. Det har länge funnits ambitioner att förbättra rörelse genom ökad medvetenhet. Feldenkraismetoden är en metod för att förbättra rörelse genom förhöjd rörelsemedvetenhet och är förenlig med nutida vetenskap men förhållandevis lite empirisk forskning stöder metodens effektivitet. De flesta tidigare studier har varit på någon form av dysfunktion och ofta subjektiv upplevelse snarare än objektiva värden. Det har varit svårt för Feldenkraispedagoger att finna rätt mätmetoder för att utvärdera metoden. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utvärdera effekten av träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden på rörelse hos friska personer genom kvantitativ mätning. Metod: Friska kvinnor i en experimentgrupp (n=4, 30±7 år) och en kontrollgrupp (n=4, 26±2 år) testades med fem kvantitativa rörelsetester; one-leg standing balance, one-leg standing long jump, standing triple jump, star excursion balance test och upper quarter Y-balance test, innan och efter en intervention ledd av en auktoriserad Feldenkraispedagog där experimentgruppen genomgick tio träningsfällen enligt Feldenkraismetoden under fem veckors tid. Resultat: Signifikant förbättring (P≤0,05) i förhållande till både förtest och kontrollgrupp sågs vid star excursion balance test för vänster ben. Slutsats: Träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden verkar kunna leda till förbättring i kvantitativt mätt rörelse hos friska kvinnor. Vidare forskning med fler deltagare är nödvändig för att bättre besvara hypotesen att träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet genom en intervention med Feldenkraismetoden leder till förbättrade resultat i de utvalda testerna hos friska personer. / Background: Awareness of body and movement is often mentioned as an important factor in increasing performance ability, avoiding injury, reaching a higher quality of life and improving conditions of illness. There has long been an ambition to improve movement through increased awareness. The Feldenkrais method is a method for improving movement through increased movement-awareness and is compatible with modern science. but comparatively little empirical research supports the methods effectivity. Most earlier studies have been on subjects with some form of dysfunction and often on subjective experience rather than objective measurements. It has been challenging for Feldenkrais-practitioners to find suitable ways of measurement for evaluating the method. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of training for increased movement-awareness according to the Feldenkrais method on movement in healthy subjects by quantitative measurements. Method: Healthy women in an experiment-group (n=4, 30±7 years) and a control-group (n=4, 26±2 years) were tested with five quantitative movement-tests; one-leg standing balance, one-leg standing long jump, standing triple jump, star excursion balance test and upper quarter Y-balance test, before and after an intervention where the experiment-group went through ten training sessions according to the Feldenkrais method during five weeks time. Results: Significant improvement (P≤0,05) in comparison to both pre-test and change in the control-group was seen for star excursion balance test of the left leg. Conclusion: Training for increased movement-awareness according to the Feldenkrais method seem to be able to improve quantitatively measured movement in healthy women. Further research with more participants is necessary to better answer the hypothesis that training for increased movement-awareness in accordance with the Feldenkrais method leads to improved results in the chosen tests in healthy persons.
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Respostas cardiovasculares e biomecânicas aos efeitos do tilt test ativo e passivo em indivíduos saudáveis / Cardiovascular and biomechanics responses caused by active and passive tilt test in healthy subjectsLiporaci, Rogério Ferreira 22 November 2011 (has links)
Para avaliação da sincope neurocardiogênica, testes ativos e passivos de mudança postural são utilizados, e verificar o comportamento da musculatura e da oscilação do corpo pode auxiliar no melhor entendimento das respostas cardiovasculares e biomecânicas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar protocolos ativo e passivo de mudança postural, padronizado de 15 minutos, associado a três manobras de Valsalva intervaladas, para os testes de mudança postural ativa, Acive Standing test (AS) e passiva, Head-Up Tilt test (HUT), utilizados no diagnóstico da síncope neurocardiogênica (SNC), em relação às mudanças nos valores de frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos reto abdominal (RA), eretores da espinha (EE), tibial anterior (TA) e gastrocnêmio porção medial (GM) bilateral, em 23 mulheres saudáveis, além de analisar o deslocamento e velocidade média do centro de pressão do corpo sobre uma plataforma de força. Verificamos alterações com relevância estatística para todas variáveis ao longo dos testes, principalmente durante o período onde as manobras de Valsalva eram realizadas, sendo estas alterações maiores durante o teste ativo, além do centro de pressão do corpo demonstrar um maior deslocamento e velocidade de movimento durante o mesmo período. Concluímos que este protocolo proposto para os dois testes causa mudanças tanto cardiovasculares quanto biomecânicas, mas que foram mais evidentes no teste de mudança postural ativa. / To evaluate the neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS), active and passive postural change tests are used and verify the muscles and body oscilation behavior´s can be helpful to better understand the cardiovascular and biomechanics responses. The aim of the present study was compare a standard 15 minute tilt test protocol associated with three Valsalva maneuver during both Active Standing (AS) and passive Head-Up tilt test (HUT). These tests are used to diagnosis of neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS). We analysed the effects of orthostatic position in relation to changes in the values of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, electromyographic activity of the rectus abdominis (RA), erector of spinae (ES), tibialis anterior (TA) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) bilateral in 23 healthy women, and analyze the displacement and average velocity of the body\'s center of pressure on a force platform. We found changes with statistical significance for all variables during the tests, especially around the period where the Valsalva maneuvers were performed, and these major changes occurred during the active test, beyond the center of body pressure what indicates a greater movement and speed of movement during the same period. We conclude that the proposed protocol for the two tests produce both cardiovascular and biomechanical changes and these alterations were more evident in active postural test.
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Modeling the Discharge Loading of Radio Frequency Excited CO2 Slab lasersAhmad, Saad 06 November 2011 (has links)
"RF excited CO2 lasers are widely used in industry. They provide relatively high power discharge levels while maintaining compactness, simplicity, and durability with respect to other competing laser technologies. To attain high power levels in the range of 5-10 KW, lasers with large electrode areas have to be designed. Unfortunately, due to the large electrode length requirements, transmission line effects make the discharge loading nonlinear, adversely affecting the efficiency of the CO2 laser. A standard approach to linearize the discharge loading is to introduce shunt inductors across the length of the electrodes in an effort to counter the capacitive nature of the discharge behavior. This thesis investigates and improves the theoretical models found in the literature in an effort to predict the discharge non-uniformity and allow for multiple shunt inductors installation. Specifically, we discuss the coupling of a CO2 laser discharge model with an electrical circuit solving scheme and how it can be characterized as one dimensional (1-D) and two dimensional (2-D) systems. The 1-D system is modeled using transmission line (TL) theory, where as the 2-D system is modeled using a finite difference time domain (FDTD) scheme. All our models were implemented in standard MATLAB code and the results are compared with those found in the literature with the goal to analyze and ascertain model limitations."
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Respostas cardiovasculares e biomecânicas aos efeitos do tilt test ativo e passivo em indivíduos saudáveis / Cardiovascular and biomechanics responses caused by active and passive tilt test in healthy subjectsRogério Ferreira Liporaci 22 November 2011 (has links)
Para avaliação da sincope neurocardiogênica, testes ativos e passivos de mudança postural são utilizados, e verificar o comportamento da musculatura e da oscilação do corpo pode auxiliar no melhor entendimento das respostas cardiovasculares e biomecânicas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar protocolos ativo e passivo de mudança postural, padronizado de 15 minutos, associado a três manobras de Valsalva intervaladas, para os testes de mudança postural ativa, Acive Standing test (AS) e passiva, Head-Up Tilt test (HUT), utilizados no diagnóstico da síncope neurocardiogênica (SNC), em relação às mudanças nos valores de frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos reto abdominal (RA), eretores da espinha (EE), tibial anterior (TA) e gastrocnêmio porção medial (GM) bilateral, em 23 mulheres saudáveis, além de analisar o deslocamento e velocidade média do centro de pressão do corpo sobre uma plataforma de força. Verificamos alterações com relevância estatística para todas variáveis ao longo dos testes, principalmente durante o período onde as manobras de Valsalva eram realizadas, sendo estas alterações maiores durante o teste ativo, além do centro de pressão do corpo demonstrar um maior deslocamento e velocidade de movimento durante o mesmo período. Concluímos que este protocolo proposto para os dois testes causa mudanças tanto cardiovasculares quanto biomecânicas, mas que foram mais evidentes no teste de mudança postural ativa. / To evaluate the neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS), active and passive postural change tests are used and verify the muscles and body oscilation behavior´s can be helpful to better understand the cardiovascular and biomechanics responses. The aim of the present study was compare a standard 15 minute tilt test protocol associated with three Valsalva maneuver during both Active Standing (AS) and passive Head-Up tilt test (HUT). These tests are used to diagnosis of neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS). We analysed the effects of orthostatic position in relation to changes in the values of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, electromyographic activity of the rectus abdominis (RA), erector of spinae (ES), tibialis anterior (TA) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) bilateral in 23 healthy women, and analyze the displacement and average velocity of the body\'s center of pressure on a force platform. We found changes with statistical significance for all variables during the tests, especially around the period where the Valsalva maneuvers were performed, and these major changes occurred during the active test, beyond the center of body pressure what indicates a greater movement and speed of movement during the same period. We conclude that the proposed protocol for the two tests produce both cardiovascular and biomechanical changes and these alterations were more evident in active postural test.
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Modelovn kmitoÄtovÄ selektivnch povrch v programu COMSOL Multiphysics / Modeling frequency selective surfaces in COMSOL MultiphysicsH¶hn, Tom January 2008 (has links)
Metoda koneÄnch prvk implementovan v programu COMSOL Multiphysics je vyuvna k analze tzv. free-standing kmitoÄtovÄ selektivnch povrch ve 3D. Tyto modely jsou nslednÄ doplnÄny o periodick© okrajov© podmnky. Dle jsou free-standing povrchy doplnÄny o vrstvy dielektrika a je zkoumn jejich vliv na modul Äinitele odrazu. V analytick© Ästi jsou vyhodnoceny vlivy poÄtu element diskretizaÄn mky na pesnost vsledku a d©lku vpoÄt. Vsledky jsou srovnvny vzhledem k vsledkm uvedenm v literatue [5]. V zvÄreÄn© Ästi prce je vysvÄtlen postup pi generovn m-file pro obd©lnkov element a pouit globlnho optimalizaÄnho algoritmu PSO, kter automaticky upravuje rozmÄry vodiv©ho motivu tak, aby bylo dosaeno prbÄhu modulu Äinitele odrazu podle poadovan©ho prbÄhu.
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The Design of Continuous Chromatography for Separation and PurificationDavid M Harvey (8782685) 30 April 2020 (has links)
Continuous chromatography is an attractive alternative to traditional batch chromatography because it can have higher productivity, solvent efficiency, and product concentrations. However, several barriers prevent further use of continuous chromatography. There are many operating parameters that must be determined when designing continuous systems making it difficult to achieve high purity, yield, and productivity. Through the identification and strategic combination of the key dimensionless groups that control a continuous separation, it is possible to design highly productive systems that produce products with high yield and high purity. In this dissertation, three examples were selected to demonstrate the significance of a model-based method when designing continuous chromatography systems. (1) The Speedy Standing Wave Design and simulated moving bed splitting strategies for the separation of ternary mixtures with linear isotherms. (2) The Standing-wave Design of Three-Zone open-loop non-isocratic SMB for purification. (3) The Continuous Ligand-Assisted Displacement for the separation of Rare Earth Elements.<div>In the first example, the Speedy Standing Wave Design equations were developed for multicomponent separations with linear isotherms and a systematic splitting strategy was developed for the design of multiple sequential Simulated Moving Beds (SMBs). By performing the easiest split first, the overall productivity and solvent efficiency can be significantly improved. Rate model simulations were used to verify that the SSWD equations achieved target yields and purities. In systems where only one component is desired, the sorbent should be selected such that this component is the most or least retained so that it can be separated in a single SMB.</div><div>In the second example, the Standing Wave Design method was extended to non-isocratic three zone open loop SMBs. The standing wave design equations were derived and then verified using rate model simulations. In two case studies it was shown that non-isocratic SMBs designed using the standing wave design method show an order of magnitude higher productivity than a comparable batch system when the impurities are weakly adsorbing. When the impurities are competitive, the SWD method produces SMB systems with 2 orders of magnitude higher productivity than comparable batch systems. Because the design is based on dimensionless groups, the resulting designs are easily scalable and no rate model simulations are required to design high yield, high purity, and high productivity SMBs.</div><div>In the third example, the constant pattern design method was extended to continuous LAD systems. A continuous operation mode was developed that reduced the cycle time of LAD systems to further increase the productivity. In cases where the feed was equimolar, the continuous configuration increased the productivity between 20-50%. A multizone continuous LAD configuration was developed for the separation of a complex mixture of Dy, ND, and Pr that simulated a crude magnet feed. The resulting overall productivity for this system was 190 kg/m<sup>3</sup>day which was two orders of magnitude higher than a single column batch system and 70% higher than a multizone batch system. The robustness of the constant pattern design method was demonstrated through a simulated case study and it was determined that adding a safety factor through the reduction of the flowrate was more effective than reducing the design length.</div><div>Using a model-based design allows for the consistent design of continuous chromatography systems. The effects of a change in a feed or operating condition can be more easily understood through the lens of the model. This means that adjustments can be made pre-emptively when necessary and the new designs can be tested with virtual experiments before being implemented. The understanding of key dimensionless groups allows for designs that meet key design criteria at all scales of operation and thus allows for the easy transition from one scale to another.</div>
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Standing long jump compared to vertical jump as a field test for assessing leg power in firefighter trainees : A correlation study from a gender equality perspectiveBringsén-Bornegrim, Mimmi January 2021 (has links)
Background: Within the rescue service, a varied background is needed to increase the possibility of delivering equal service to the citizens. At present, there is a skewed gender distribution within the municipal rescue services, with only a couple of percent of the firefighters being women. Many women find it difficult to meet the physical limit values on recruitment tests. The standing long jump (SLJ) is used as a part of recruitment tests on many rescue services, to assess leg power. It is not clear though whether SLJ is the most appropriate field-test to assess leg power in firefighter trainees, with men and women mixed in the same group, as it has been argued that anthropometric factors, such as body height (BH), affects the result. Thereby we wanted to study the relationship between BH and SLJ, and compere SLJ with another field-test for measuring leg power, one that omits the variable BH. Aim: The aim was to study the strength of the relationship between body height and the jump length at standing long jump, for firefighter trainees. A second aim was to study the strength of the relationship between firefighter trainees' jump results of the two tests: standing long jump and vertical jump. Methods: The study was executed as an observational cross-sectional study. Three different measurements were carried out: BH, vertical jump (VJ) and SLJ. Correlation analyzes, with Pearson's correlation coefficient, were performed on BH in relation to SLJ, and VJ in relation to SLJ. Results: Fourteen (n = 14) firefighter trainees (women n = 5, men n = 9) met the inclusion criteria and participated in the study. Subjects' age, body mass index (BMI) and number of workouts per week were 29 ± 7 years old, 25 ± 2 kg/m2 and 4 ± 1 workouts (at least 30 minutes) per week. Results showed a significant moderate correlation between BH and SLJ (r = 0.572). Between the variables VJ and SLJ there were a significant strong correlation (r = 0.862). However, the results changed substantially when the analyzes were performed separately for men and women, with a very low correlation level (r = 0.106 respective r = 0.166) between BH and SLJ. For VJ and SLJ there were a moderate correlation level for men and low for women (r = 0.414 respective r = 0.387). Conclusion: The result from this study is in line with aforementioned work and supports the hypothesis that BH to some extent can affect the jump result at SLJ. Our study complements earlier work and indicates that these results are also applicable to firefighter trainees. The findings in this study indicates VJ could possibly be an alternative field test for SLJ, to assess leg power when recruiting new firefighters. Additional studies are required to investigate the correlation between SLJ and VJ with ad- ditional confounders, such as actual leg power, and also the correlation between VJ and fire- fighters heaviest among most common work tasks.
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Federal Circuit Courts and the Implications of the Doctrines of Procedure, Jurisdiction, and JusticiabilityBrazelton, Shenita 12 August 2014 (has links)
Political scientists have conducted much work examining a court's decision on the merits of a case. We have concluded that ideology has a strong influence on the outcome on the merits of a decision. Furthermore, courts seek to render a decision that is closest to their own policy preferences. However, federal circuit courts within the judicial hierarchy are constrained by other actors according to the strategic model. There is an abundance of evidence showing that superior actors constrain courts' ideological preferences when such courts render decisions on the merits. However, there is a dearth of scholarship regarding judicial decision making on threshold issues. I argue that federal circuit courts set their judicial agendas by transforming their mandatory appellate jurisdiction into one that is discretionary. They achieve this goal by controlling the type of litigants who gain access to the courts by deciding cases on threshold grounds. I also argue that federal circuit courts are responsive to changes in Congress's ideology because Congress has power to control threshold issues through various mechanisms. I seek to establish that the grounds upon which as case is dismissed -- jurisdictional, justiciable, and procedural -- defines the parameters that constrain federal circuit courts.
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