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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise espacial da mortalidade perinatal no Vale do Paraíba - São Paulo - Brasil (2004-2008) / Spatial analysis of perinatal mortality in the Paraiba Valley, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2004-2008)

Mukai, Adriana de Oliveira 12 September 2012 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Visualizar padrões espaciais de mortalidade perinatal e identificar os municípios com prioridade para intervenção no Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo ecológico e exploratório utilizando técnica de geoprocessamento com dados do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde sobre mortalidade perinatal no Vale do Paraíba nos anos de 2004 a 2008. Foram obtidas taxas por 1.000 nascimentos e, a partir das distribuições dessas, foram criados mapas temáticos. Foi utilizado o índice de Moran, que estima autocorrelação espacial e foram identificados os municípios com alta prioridade de intervenção pelo diagrama de espalhamento de Moran, representado em forma de box map. Foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman para estudar a variável social IPRS (Índice Paulista de Responsabilidade Social) dos municípios estudados e o coeficiente de mortalidade perinatal. RESULTADOS: No período estudado foram incluídos 141.293 nascidos vivos, com 2244 óbitos perinatais, coeficiente médio de mortalidade de 20,4 (DP 6,8) e mediana de 18,9. O índice de Moran identificou dependência espacial entre os municípios analisados quanto à mortalidade neonatal precoce (p < 0,05), sendo que para a mortalidade fetal e perinatal não houve significância estatística, apesar do mapa de distribuição espacial do coeficiente de mortalidade perinatal ter identificado um aglomerado de municípios com coeficientes mais elevados. Nas variáveis estudadas observamos contribuição maior da gestação na adolescência na mortalidade perinatal. Foram identificados cinco municípios com alta prioridade para intervenções. CONCLUSÃO: A análise espacial foi um instrumento útil para identificar os municípios onde há necessidade de intervenção em relação à mortalidade perinatal / OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze spatial standards of perinatal mortality and identify the priority cities for intervention in the Paraiba Valley, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: This is an ecological and exploratory study using a technique of geoprocessing with data of the Informatics Department of the Single Health System on perinatal mortality in the years of 2004 to 2008. Rates per 1000 births were obtained and, starting from the distribution of these rates, thematic maps were created. The global Moran index, which estimates the spatial autocorrelation was used, and the cities with high priority for intervention were identified according to the Moran scattering diagram, represented in box map. The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to study the socioeconomic variable IPRS (Social Responsibility Index of Sao Paulo State) of the cities studied and the perinatal mortality coefficient. RESULTS: During the study period, 141.293 live births were included, with 2244 perinatal deaths, with average coefficient of 20,4 and median of 18,9. The global Moran index was 0,24 (p < 0,05) for early neonatal mortality, demonstrating a spatial autocorrelation among the cities for these coefficient, while fetal and perinatal mortality have no statistical significance, despite the spatial distribution map of perinatal mortality coefficient have identified a cluster of cities with higher coefficients. In the variables studied, we observed a greater contribution of the variable adolescent pregnant. Five cities deserving special attention for future interventions were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The spatial analysis was a useful tool in identifying the cities in which an intervention is necessary regarding the perinatal mortality

Correlação entre títulos de anticorpos anti-D e desfecho gestacional adverso em gestantes com antecedente de doença hemolítica perinatal / Correlation between anti-D antibody titers and adverse pregnancy outcome in pregnant women with history of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn

Marcela Vieira Xavier Campos 14 October 2015 (has links)
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a correlação entre títulos de anticorpos anti-D em gestantes com antecedente de doença hemolítica perinatal (DHPN) e desfecho gestacional adverso. MÉTODOS: Coorte retrospectiva (2006-14) envolvendo gestantes Rh negativo, com antecedente de DHPN moderada ou grave, acompanhadas na Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Critérios de inclusão: gestação única com idade gestacional inferior a 32 semanas e ausência de derrames cavitários ou hidropisia fetal durante a 1a avaliação ultrassonográfica; e desfecho perinatal conhecido. Necessidade de transfusão intrauterina (TIU), ou ocorrência de óbito fetal (OF) foram considerados os desfechos de interesse. Análise por curva ROC foi utilizada para examinar a correlação entre os títulos de anticorpos e os desfechos; valores de sensibilidade, especificidade, preditivos positivo (VPP) e negativo (VPN), acurácia e razões de verossimilhança positiva (RVP) e negativa (RPN) foram calculados para diferentes níveis de corte. RESULTADOS: O estudo envolveu 58 gestações com antecedente moderado (n=18, 31%) ou grave (n=40, 69%) de DHPN. Um total de 29 (50,0%) gestações apresentaram desfecho adverso, sendo que TIU foi realizada em 28 (48,3%, 28/58) casos e OF ocorreu em 7 (12,1%, 7/58). A frequência de desfechos adversos foi diferente entre gestantes com título inicial baixo (< 16: 1/10, 10,0%), moderado (entre 16 e 64: 8/22, 26,9%) e alto ( >= 128: 20/26, 76,9%, p < 0,001). O comportamento dos títulos (declínio, estabilidade ou aumento) não se correlacionou com a necessidade de TIU ou OF (p=0,48). A curva ROC dos títulos iniciais de anticorpos apresentou área sob a curva de 0,78 (intervalo de confiança 95%, IC 95%: 0,66 - 0,90) para predição de desfechos gestacionais adversos, sendo 128 o melhor nível de corte, com sensibilidade de 69,0%, especificidade de 79,3%, VPP de 76,9%, VPN de 71,9%, acurácia de 74,0%, RVP de 3,33 (IC95%: 1,68-7,23) e RVN de 0,39 (IC95%: 0,21 - 0,66). CONCLUSÃO: Gestações com antecedente moderado ou grave de DHPN com títulos de anticorpos anti-D iniciais >= 128 apresentam aumento da chance de ocorrência de desfechos gestacionais adversos (TIU ou OF) de 3,33 vezes em relação àquelas com títulos iniciais baixos. Portanto, a titulação inicial de anti-D auxilia na triagem das gestações com maior chance de anemia fetal moderada ou grave, exigindo vigilância com avaliações mais frequentes do pico de velocidade sistólica da artéria cerebral média / OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between anti-D antibody titers in pregnant women with a previous history of hemolytic disease and adverse pregnancy outcome. METHODS: Retrospective cohort (2006-14) involving Rh negative pregnant women with a previous history of moderate or severe hemolytic disease, seen at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital das Clinicas, São Paulo University Medical School. Inclusion criteria: singleton pregnancies, without fetal effusions or hydrops, first evaluated before 32 weeks of gestation, and known perinatal outcome. Primary outcomes were: need for intrauterine transfusion (IUT) and/or stillbirth (SB). ROC curve analysis was used to examine the correlation between antibody titers and adverse pregnancy outcome. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive (PPV) and negative (NPV) values, accuracy and positive (PLR) and negative (NLR) likelihood ratios were calculated for different cut-offs. RESULTS: The study included 58 singleton pregnancies with a history of moderate (n=18, 31.0%) or severe (n=40, 69.0%) hemolytic disease in a previous pregnancy. Adverse outcome occurred in 29 (50.0%) pregnancies: IUT was performed in 28 (48.3%, 28/58) cases and SB occurred in 7 (12.1%, 7 / 58). The frequency of adverse outcomes was significantly different (p < 0.001) according to initial antibody titers: low ( < 16), 1/10 (10.0%); moderate (between 16 and 64), 8/22 (26.9%); and high ( >= 128), 20/26 (76.9%). ROC curve analysis showed an area under the curve of 0.78 (95% confidence interval, 95% CI: 0.66 to 0.90) for the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Initial antiD > 128 was considered the best cut-off level, with sensitivity of 69.0%, specificity of 79.3%, PPV of 76.9%, NPV of 71.9%, accuracy of 74.0%, PLR of 3.33 (95% CI: 1.68 to 7.23) and NLR 0.39 (95% CI: 0.21 to 0.66). Antibody levels trend throughout pregnancy (decrease, stability or increase) was not correlated with adverse outcome (p = 0.48). CONCLUSION: Pregnancies with a previous history of moderate to severe hemolytic disease, and initial anti-D antibody titers >= 128, present increased chance (3.33 times) of need for intrauterine transfusion and/or stillbirth compared to those with low initial titers. Therefore, initial anti-D titers improve the screening of pregnancies at higher risk of moderate/severe fetal anemia and will require more frequent monitoring of fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity

Análise espacial da mortalidade perinatal no Vale do Paraíba - São Paulo - Brasil (2004-2008) / Spatial analysis of perinatal mortality in the Paraiba Valley, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2004-2008)

Adriana de Oliveira Mukai 12 September 2012 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Visualizar padrões espaciais de mortalidade perinatal e identificar os municípios com prioridade para intervenção no Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo ecológico e exploratório utilizando técnica de geoprocessamento com dados do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde sobre mortalidade perinatal no Vale do Paraíba nos anos de 2004 a 2008. Foram obtidas taxas por 1.000 nascimentos e, a partir das distribuições dessas, foram criados mapas temáticos. Foi utilizado o índice de Moran, que estima autocorrelação espacial e foram identificados os municípios com alta prioridade de intervenção pelo diagrama de espalhamento de Moran, representado em forma de box map. Foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman para estudar a variável social IPRS (Índice Paulista de Responsabilidade Social) dos municípios estudados e o coeficiente de mortalidade perinatal. RESULTADOS: No período estudado foram incluídos 141.293 nascidos vivos, com 2244 óbitos perinatais, coeficiente médio de mortalidade de 20,4 (DP 6,8) e mediana de 18,9. O índice de Moran identificou dependência espacial entre os municípios analisados quanto à mortalidade neonatal precoce (p < 0,05), sendo que para a mortalidade fetal e perinatal não houve significância estatística, apesar do mapa de distribuição espacial do coeficiente de mortalidade perinatal ter identificado um aglomerado de municípios com coeficientes mais elevados. Nas variáveis estudadas observamos contribuição maior da gestação na adolescência na mortalidade perinatal. Foram identificados cinco municípios com alta prioridade para intervenções. CONCLUSÃO: A análise espacial foi um instrumento útil para identificar os municípios onde há necessidade de intervenção em relação à mortalidade perinatal / OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze spatial standards of perinatal mortality and identify the priority cities for intervention in the Paraiba Valley, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: This is an ecological and exploratory study using a technique of geoprocessing with data of the Informatics Department of the Single Health System on perinatal mortality in the years of 2004 to 2008. Rates per 1000 births were obtained and, starting from the distribution of these rates, thematic maps were created. The global Moran index, which estimates the spatial autocorrelation was used, and the cities with high priority for intervention were identified according to the Moran scattering diagram, represented in box map. The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to study the socioeconomic variable IPRS (Social Responsibility Index of Sao Paulo State) of the cities studied and the perinatal mortality coefficient. RESULTS: During the study period, 141.293 live births were included, with 2244 perinatal deaths, with average coefficient of 20,4 and median of 18,9. The global Moran index was 0,24 (p < 0,05) for early neonatal mortality, demonstrating a spatial autocorrelation among the cities for these coefficient, while fetal and perinatal mortality have no statistical significance, despite the spatial distribution map of perinatal mortality coefficient have identified a cluster of cities with higher coefficients. In the variables studied, we observed a greater contribution of the variable adolescent pregnant. Five cities deserving special attention for future interventions were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The spatial analysis was a useful tool in identifying the cities in which an intervention is necessary regarding the perinatal mortality

Correlação entre títulos de anticorpos anti-D e desfecho gestacional adverso em gestantes com antecedente de doença hemolítica perinatal / Correlation between anti-D antibody titers and adverse pregnancy outcome in pregnant women with history of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn

Campos, Marcela Vieira Xavier 14 October 2015 (has links)
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a correlação entre títulos de anticorpos anti-D em gestantes com antecedente de doença hemolítica perinatal (DHPN) e desfecho gestacional adverso. MÉTODOS: Coorte retrospectiva (2006-14) envolvendo gestantes Rh negativo, com antecedente de DHPN moderada ou grave, acompanhadas na Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Critérios de inclusão: gestação única com idade gestacional inferior a 32 semanas e ausência de derrames cavitários ou hidropisia fetal durante a 1a avaliação ultrassonográfica; e desfecho perinatal conhecido. Necessidade de transfusão intrauterina (TIU), ou ocorrência de óbito fetal (OF) foram considerados os desfechos de interesse. Análise por curva ROC foi utilizada para examinar a correlação entre os títulos de anticorpos e os desfechos; valores de sensibilidade, especificidade, preditivos positivo (VPP) e negativo (VPN), acurácia e razões de verossimilhança positiva (RVP) e negativa (RPN) foram calculados para diferentes níveis de corte. RESULTADOS: O estudo envolveu 58 gestações com antecedente moderado (n=18, 31%) ou grave (n=40, 69%) de DHPN. Um total de 29 (50,0%) gestações apresentaram desfecho adverso, sendo que TIU foi realizada em 28 (48,3%, 28/58) casos e OF ocorreu em 7 (12,1%, 7/58). A frequência de desfechos adversos foi diferente entre gestantes com título inicial baixo (< 16: 1/10, 10,0%), moderado (entre 16 e 64: 8/22, 26,9%) e alto ( >= 128: 20/26, 76,9%, p < 0,001). O comportamento dos títulos (declínio, estabilidade ou aumento) não se correlacionou com a necessidade de TIU ou OF (p=0,48). A curva ROC dos títulos iniciais de anticorpos apresentou área sob a curva de 0,78 (intervalo de confiança 95%, IC 95%: 0,66 - 0,90) para predição de desfechos gestacionais adversos, sendo 128 o melhor nível de corte, com sensibilidade de 69,0%, especificidade de 79,3%, VPP de 76,9%, VPN de 71,9%, acurácia de 74,0%, RVP de 3,33 (IC95%: 1,68-7,23) e RVN de 0,39 (IC95%: 0,21 - 0,66). CONCLUSÃO: Gestações com antecedente moderado ou grave de DHPN com títulos de anticorpos anti-D iniciais >= 128 apresentam aumento da chance de ocorrência de desfechos gestacionais adversos (TIU ou OF) de 3,33 vezes em relação àquelas com títulos iniciais baixos. Portanto, a titulação inicial de anti-D auxilia na triagem das gestações com maior chance de anemia fetal moderada ou grave, exigindo vigilância com avaliações mais frequentes do pico de velocidade sistólica da artéria cerebral média / OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between anti-D antibody titers in pregnant women with a previous history of hemolytic disease and adverse pregnancy outcome. METHODS: Retrospective cohort (2006-14) involving Rh negative pregnant women with a previous history of moderate or severe hemolytic disease, seen at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital das Clinicas, São Paulo University Medical School. Inclusion criteria: singleton pregnancies, without fetal effusions or hydrops, first evaluated before 32 weeks of gestation, and known perinatal outcome. Primary outcomes were: need for intrauterine transfusion (IUT) and/or stillbirth (SB). ROC curve analysis was used to examine the correlation between antibody titers and adverse pregnancy outcome. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive (PPV) and negative (NPV) values, accuracy and positive (PLR) and negative (NLR) likelihood ratios were calculated for different cut-offs. RESULTS: The study included 58 singleton pregnancies with a history of moderate (n=18, 31.0%) or severe (n=40, 69.0%) hemolytic disease in a previous pregnancy. Adverse outcome occurred in 29 (50.0%) pregnancies: IUT was performed in 28 (48.3%, 28/58) cases and SB occurred in 7 (12.1%, 7 / 58). The frequency of adverse outcomes was significantly different (p < 0.001) according to initial antibody titers: low ( < 16), 1/10 (10.0%); moderate (between 16 and 64), 8/22 (26.9%); and high ( >= 128), 20/26 (76.9%). ROC curve analysis showed an area under the curve of 0.78 (95% confidence interval, 95% CI: 0.66 to 0.90) for the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Initial antiD > 128 was considered the best cut-off level, with sensitivity of 69.0%, specificity of 79.3%, PPV of 76.9%, NPV of 71.9%, accuracy of 74.0%, PLR of 3.33 (95% CI: 1.68 to 7.23) and NLR 0.39 (95% CI: 0.21 to 0.66). Antibody levels trend throughout pregnancy (decrease, stability or increase) was not correlated with adverse outcome (p = 0.48). CONCLUSION: Pregnancies with a previous history of moderate to severe hemolytic disease, and initial anti-D antibody titers >= 128, present increased chance (3.33 times) of need for intrauterine transfusion and/or stillbirth compared to those with low initial titers. Therefore, initial anti-D titers improve the screening of pregnancies at higher risk of moderate/severe fetal anemia and will require more frequent monitoring of fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity

Rôle des ressources humaines dans la performance du système de référence-évacuation de Kayes au Mali

Dogba, Maman A. D. Joyce 10 1900 (has links)
La mortalité maternelle et périnatale est un problème majeur de santé publique dans les pays en développement. Elle illustre l’écart important entre les pays développés et les pays en développement. Les interventions techniques pour améliorer la santé maternelle et périnatale sont connues dans les pays en développement, mais ce sont la faiblesse des systèmes de santé et les défis liés aux ressources qui freinent leur généralisation. L’objectif principal de ce travail était de mieux comprendre le rôle des ressources humaines en particulier ceux de la première ligne dans la performance d’un système de référence maternelle. Au Mali, la mise en place d’un système de référence maternelle, système de référence-évacuation « SRE », fait partie des mesures nationales de lutte contre la mortalité maternelle et périnatale. Les trois composantes du SRE, soit les caisses de solidarité, le transport et la communication et la mise à niveau des soins obstétricaux, permettent une action simultanée du côté de la demande et de l’offre de soins maternels et périnatals. Néanmoins, la pénurie de personnel qualifié a conduit à des compromis sur la qualification du personnel dans l’implantation de ce système. La région de Kayes, première région administrative du Mali, est une région de forte émigration. Elle dispose d’une offre de soins plus diversifiée qu’ailleurs au Mali, grâce à l’appui des Maliens de l’extérieur. Son SRE offre ainsi un terrain d’études adéquat pour l’analyse du rôle des professionnels de première ligne. De façon plus spécifique, ce travail avait pour objectifs 1) d’identifier les caractéristiques des équipes de soins de première ligne qui sont associées à une meilleure performance du SRE en termes de survie simultanée de la mère et du nouveau-né et 2) d’approfondir la compréhension des pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines, susceptibles d’expliquer les variations de la performance du SRE de Kayes. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons, à partir du cadre de référence de Michie et West modélisé les facteurs liés aux ressources humaines qui ont une influence potentielle sur la performance du SRE de Kayes. L’exploration des variations du processus motivationnel a été faite à partir de la théorie de l’attente de Vroom. Nous avons ensuite combiné une revue de la littérature et un devis de recherche mixte (quantitative et qualitative). Les données pour les analyses quantitatives proviennent d’un système d’enregistrement continu de toutes les urgences obstétricales (GESYRE : Gestion du Système de Référence Évacuation mis en place depuis 2004 dans le cadre du suivi et de l’évaluation du SRE de Kayes) et des enquêtes à passages répétés sur les données administratives et du personnel des centres de santé. Un modèle de régression biprobit a permis d’évaluer les effets du niveau d’entrée dans le SRE et des équipes de soins sur la survie jointe de la mère et du nouveau-né. A l’aide d’entrevues semi-structurées et d’observations, nous avons exploré les pratiques de gestion des personnes dans des centres de santé communautaires « CScom » sélectionnés par un échantillonnage raisonné. Les résultats de ce travail ont confirmé que la main d’œuvre humaine demeure cruciale pour la performance du SRE. Les professionnels de première ligne ont influencé la survie des femmes et des nouveau-nés, à morbidités égales, et lorsque la distance parcourue est prise en compte. La meilleure survie de la mère et du nouveau-né est retrouvée dans les cas d’accès direct à l’hôpital régional. Les femmes qui sont évacuées des centres de première ligne où il y a plus de professionnels ou un personnel plus qualifié avaient un meilleur pronostic materno-fœtal que celles qui ont consulté dans des centres qui disposent de personnel peu qualifié. Dans les centres de première ligne dirigés par un médecin, des variations favorables à la performance comme une implication directe des médecins dans les soins, un environnement de soins concurrentiel ont été retrouvés. Concernant les pratiques de gestion dans les centres de première ligne, les chefs de poste ont mis en place des incitatifs pour motiver le personnel à plus de performance. Le processus motivationnel demeure toutefois très complexe et variable. La désirabilité de bons résultats des soins (valence) est élevée pour tous les professionnels ; cependant les motifs étaient différents entre les catégories de personnel. Par ailleurs, le faible niveau d’équipements et la multiplicité des acteurs ont empêché l’établissement d’un lien entre l’effort fourni par les professionnels et les résultats de soins. Cette compréhension du rôle des professionnels de première ligne pourra aider le personnel administratif à mieux cibler le monitorage de la performance du SRE. Le personnel de soins pourra s’en servir pour reconnaitre et appliquer les pratiques associées à une bonne performance. Dans le domaine de la recherche, les défis de recherche ultérieurs sur les facteurs humains de la performance du SRE seront mieux identifiés. / Although proven effective interventions have been transferred from the developed world, developing countries still face high maternal and perinatal deaths. Weak health systems and human resources crisis hinder the scaling up of those interventions. This study is aimed at improving the understanding of the role of human resources, especially the first line staff in a maternal referral system, the evacuation and referral system (ERS) of Kayes (Mali). The implantation of the ERS as part of major strategies for fighting maternal and perinatal deaths has been generalised in Mali’s eight administrative regions. The ERS main components are: upgrading of emergency obstetric care (EmOC); funding by a solidarity fund; and improving transport and communication by ambulance. These components allows for joint action regarding the supply and the use of maternal and perinatal services. Yet, due to the shortages in skilled birth attendants, the extension of the coverage in emergency obstetric services has been made with less qualified staff. Kayes is Mali’s first administrative region and a cradle of emigration. It therefore offers, with the support of its immigrants, a more diversified primary care provision than elsewhere in Mali. This gives an opportunity of studying the role of primary care staff in the ERS performance. More precisely, the objectives of this research were to: 1 identify characteristics of primary care teams that influenced the ERS performance assessed by the joint mother-child survival and 2) improve the understanding of human resources practices associated with ERS performance. We combined a systematic literature review with a mixed quantitative and qualitative research design. Kayes ERS performance was modelised using Michie and West conceptual framework and the motivational process was explored with Vroom’s expectancy theory. Data for the quantitative analyses derived from an ongoing system of registering all obstetric emergencies implemented since 2004 (GESYRE: Gestion du Système de Référence Évacuation / Management of the Evacuation Referral System) and periodic surveys. A biprobit regression model has been fitted to estimate the effects of the point of entry in the ERS and the primary care team composition on the joint mother-newborn survival. We also conducted semi structured interviews and non participant observations in order to explore human resources practices in purposely selected community health centers. This research confirmed the importance of human resources in ERS performance. When women’ individual risk factors are controlled for, there is a combined effect of distance traveled and the point of entry in the ERS on one side and the community health centers staff on the other hand, on the mother-child joint survival. The best prognosis of care was found in women who directly accessed care at the regional hospital. Having been transferred from a community health center where there is a physician or more than three professionals increased the mother-child survival probability. Physicians in community health centers develop strategies for a better performance of the health centers they managed: direct implication in care and a competitive care environment. Primary care managers set up incentives to motivate staff. The motivation process remains however a variable and complex one. The desirability of good results was common for all staff though its motivations varied according to the type of staff. Besides, due to insufficiency of material and multiples intermediate factors, perception of a linkage between effort and result was low. This increased understanding of the role of primary care human resources in the ERS performance would focus the management of ERS performance on targeted but effective interventions. The workforce could benefit from the study conclusions in identifying and applying best practices. Further research challenges would also be more precisely identified.

Accounting for the Distribution of Adverse Birth Outcomes in Ontario: A Hierarchical Analysis of Provincial and Local Outcomes

Williams, David Neil 29 April 2013 (has links)
Background: Adverse birth outcomes present a difficult and chronic challenge in Ontario, in Canada and in developed countries in general. Increasing proportions of preterm births, significant regional disparities and the high cost of treating all adverse birth outcomes have focused attention on explaining them and developing effective treatments. Methods: Birth outcomes and maternal characteristics for approximately 626,000 births, about 90% of births in 2005–2009, were linked to small geographic areas throughout Ontario. For each of four adverse outcomes: late preterm, moderate to very preterm, small for gestation age and still births, proportions of total births were calculated for the full province and for each small geographic area. Geographic hotspots of elevated rates were identified for each of the different adverse birth outcomes using the local Moran’s I statistic. Data for nine known ecologic and individual risk factors were then linked to the areas. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to model each of the outcomes for the full province and for dispersed local areas. The resulting models for the different outcomes were contrasted. Results: Significant geographic hotspots exist for each of the four outcomes. Hotspots for the different outcomes were found to be largely spatially exclusive. For like outcomes, predictive models differed markedly between local areas (i.e. local groups of hotspots) as well as between full-province and local areas. Ecologic level variables played a strong role in all models; the influence of individual level risk factors was consistently modified by ecologic risk factors except for small for gestational births. Conclusions: The finding of significant hotspots for different adverse birth outcomes indicates that certain geographic areas have aetiologies or patterns of predictors sufficient to create significantly elevated levels of particular outcomes. The finding that hotspots for the different adverse outcomes are largely exclusive implies that the aetiologies are specific; i.e., those that are sufficient to create significantly higher levels for one outcome do not also create significantly higher levels of others. The consistently strong role of ecologic level risk factors in modifying individual level risk factors implies that contextual characteristics are an important part of the aetiology of adverse birth outcomes. Differences in local area models suggest the existence of location-specific (rather than universal) aetiologies. The findings support the need for more careful attention to local context when explaining birth outcomes.

Accounting for the Distribution of Adverse Birth Outcomes in Ontario: A Hierarchical Analysis of Provincial and Local Outcomes

Williams, David Neil January 2013 (has links)
Background: Adverse birth outcomes present a difficult and chronic challenge in Ontario, in Canada and in developed countries in general. Increasing proportions of preterm births, significant regional disparities and the high cost of treating all adverse birth outcomes have focused attention on explaining them and developing effective treatments. Methods: Birth outcomes and maternal characteristics for approximately 626,000 births, about 90% of births in 2005–2009, were linked to small geographic areas throughout Ontario. For each of four adverse outcomes: late preterm, moderate to very preterm, small for gestation age and still births, proportions of total births were calculated for the full province and for each small geographic area. Geographic hotspots of elevated rates were identified for each of the different adverse birth outcomes using the local Moran’s I statistic. Data for nine known ecologic and individual risk factors were then linked to the areas. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to model each of the outcomes for the full province and for dispersed local areas. The resulting models for the different outcomes were contrasted. Results: Significant geographic hotspots exist for each of the four outcomes. Hotspots for the different outcomes were found to be largely spatially exclusive. For like outcomes, predictive models differed markedly between local areas (i.e. local groups of hotspots) as well as between full-province and local areas. Ecologic level variables played a strong role in all models; the influence of individual level risk factors was consistently modified by ecologic risk factors except for small for gestational births. Conclusions: The finding of significant hotspots for different adverse birth outcomes indicates that certain geographic areas have aetiologies or patterns of predictors sufficient to create significantly elevated levels of particular outcomes. The finding that hotspots for the different adverse outcomes are largely exclusive implies that the aetiologies are specific; i.e., those that are sufficient to create significantly higher levels for one outcome do not also create significantly higher levels of others. The consistently strong role of ecologic level risk factors in modifying individual level risk factors implies that contextual characteristics are an important part of the aetiology of adverse birth outcomes. Differences in local area models suggest the existence of location-specific (rather than universal) aetiologies. The findings support the need for more careful attention to local context when explaining birth outcomes.

Factors contributing to the increased perinatal mortality rate in Limpopo province

Maesela, Phogole Crawford 10 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine the causes, of the increased perinatal mortality, identify and describe other factors contributing to the increased perinatal mortality rate in a rural healthcare facility situated in Sekhukhune district in Limpopo province, and to formulate the recommendations that will reduce the perinatal mortality rate based on the results. A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective design was conducted. The study population was one hundred and sixty two (162) records of babies who died in the perinatal facility from the 1st January 2015 to the 31st December 2015 with a gestational age of about 28 weeks or more. No sampling was done, but a census was used. The sample comprised of one hundred and sixty two (162) of all the records related to perinatal mortality. Data were collected from patients’ records by using a checklist. Analysis of the data was performed by the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 14 computer software. Frequency tables and pie graphs were used to present the data. The results indicated that 75.3% (n=122) of the records were associated with health personnel as a factor contributing to perinatal mortality. Furthermore, preterm cases accounted for 45.1% (n=73) and prematurity accounted for 37.0% (n=60) of the cases of perinatal mortality. Therefore, preterm births and prematurity are risk factors that should be managed immediately after birth, and all babies should be managed prior to being transferred to the other healthcare institutions. The recommendations are that the education of patients about early antenatal visit, signs of labour and danger signs during pregnancy and training of healthcare workers on record-keeping have to be done on a continuous basis. Managers should conduct quality improvement programmes, benchmarking and implement maternal and neonatal guidelines in the clinical area throughout pregnancy. / Health Studies / M. P. H. (Health Studies)

Reproduktionsmanagement in Milchviehbetrieben

Przewozny, Agnes 07 March 2011 (has links)
Die Arbeit liefert eine umfassende Beschreibung der Managementmethoden von Milcherzeugerbetrieben unter dem Fokus Herdenfruchtbarkeit. Die Studie analysiert Einflüsse des Managements auf Reproduktions- und Milchleistung und verfolgt hierzu einen bio-sozialen Forschungsansatz. Die Daten wurden 2007 in Interviews mit Herdenmanagern und Stallrundgängen anhand von Fragebögen in 84 v.a. Brandenburger Milcherzeugerbetrieben erhoben. Die Fragen betrafen u.a. Haltungsumwelt, Stressvermeidung, Herden-, Reproduktions- und Personalmanagement. Die Leistungsdaten der Herden entstammen der Milchleistungsprüfung 2007. Die Datenanalyse umfasste qualitative und quantitative Methoden. Abhängige Variablen waren Zwischenkalbezeit (ZKZ) und 305-Tage-Milchleistung (ML). Im Mittel betrug die Herdengröße 306,3 Kühe (+/-238,3), die ZKZ 413,2d (+/-18,73) und die ML 8555kg (+/-1132,9). Die ZKZ sank tendenziell mit steigender ML (r=-0,188, p=0,10). Die ML stieg mit der Herdengröße (r=0,29, p=0,01). Die Laufgänge (LG) waren in 71,25% der Betriebe nass und rutschig. Hier war die ZKZ tendenziell länger (+16,6d, p=,055) als bei trockenen, rutschfesten LG. Die Liegeflächen (LF) waren in 29,9% der Betriebe trocken und elastisch. Hier war die ML höher (+1110kg, p=0,011) als bei nassen, harten LF. Eine eindeutige Zuordnung der Verantwortung für die Brunstkontrolle wirkte tendenziell positiv auf die ZKZ (-6,3d, p=0,129). Akademisch ausgebildete Herdenmanagerinnen erzielten eine höhere ML als gleichqualifizierte Männer (+752,9kg, p=0,005) bei gleicher ZKZ und damit eine günstigere Relation von Reproduktions- und Milchleistung. Motivierung durch materielle und soziale Anreize bzw. Verantwortungsübertragung und gute Kommunikation war mit einer höheren ML verbunden als Motivierung durch Leistungslohn (+ ca. 1000kg, p=0,009). Die Studie belegt die Notwendigkeit verbesserter Haltungsbedingungen und bietet eine Grundlage für vertiefende Studien zum Personalmanagement in Milchviehbetrieben. / This study provides a comprehensive characterization of current management methods of dairy farms, focusing on herd fertility. Relations of management factors to fertility and milk performance are analyzed following a bio-social approach. In 2007 a questionnaire survey including face-to-face interviews and direct observations was conducted in 84 East German dairy farms, mostly located in Brandenburg. Questions referred to housing, stress prevention, and management of herds, reproduction and personnel. Herd performance data stem from milk performance testing in 2007. Data analysis combined qualitative and quantitative methods. Calving interval (CI) and 305-day-milk yield (MY) were used as dependent variables. Mean values of herd size, CI and MY were, respectively, 306.3 cows (+/-238.3), 413.2d (+/-18.73d) and 8555kg (+/-1132.9). CI tended to decrease with increasing MY (r=-0.188, p=0.10). MY increased with rising herd size (r=0.29, p=0.01). Floors were wet and slippery in 71.25% of farms. In these farms CI tended to be longer (+16.6d, p=0.055) compared to farms with dry and non-slippery floors. Lying areas were in 29.9% of the farms dry and flexible. Here MY was higher (+1110kg, p=0.011) than in farms with wet and hard lying areas. A clear assignment of responsibility for heat detection showed a trend of decreasing CI (-6.3d, p=0.129). Female herd managers with academic qualification achieved a higher MY than likewise qualified men (+752.9kg, p=0.005), with no difference in CI. Thus, herds managed by highly qualified women showed a better MY:CI ratio. Employee motivation by material and social incentives or by allocating responsibility to workers and pursuing good communication was related to higher MY than motivation by performance pay alone (+1000kg, p=0.009); CI remained unaffected. Performance pay had no positive effect on targeted parameters. Results underscore the need for improved housing and recommend further study into personnel management in dairy farms.

Utomäktenskapliga födslar i Karlskrona Kommun : En kvantitativ studie av fyra socknar/församlingar från 1875 till 1925 / The birth of children out of wedlock in Karlskrona Municipality : A quantitative study of four parishes from 1875 to 1925

Adolfsson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
The study examines the occurrence of children born out of wedlock in four parishes belonging to the current Karlskrona municipality during the period 1875–1925. The parishes surveyed are Fridlevstad, Rödeby, Tving and Karlskrona city-parish. The period is divided into two parts where the first includes the years 1875–1890 and the second part includes the years 1910–1925. The proportion of children with unknown/known fathers, the mothers' occupations, the fathers' occupations, and the mothers' age are also used as survey variables. The proportion of known fathers increases significantly between the study periods, which could be explained by a reduced internal social control, while the study shows that the introduction of a child welfare officer in 1918 resulted in an increased proportion of known fathers. The mothers' occupational designations change between the periods, for example, the proportion of maids decreases while other occupations are added. In the city-parish, professions such as washerwoman and waitress are added during the second period. The proportion of women working in the industry also increases between the survey periods. The increased proportion of professions, especially in the city-parish, could be linked to the demographic transition. As more people settle in a city, new needs emerge and thus also new occupational categories. The age of the mothers decreases between the study periods. When it comes to class affiliation, it can be noted that most of the fathers and mothers belonged to the working class. However, the proportion of fathers belonging to the middle class was higher than the proportion of mothers belonging to the middle class.

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