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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Práticas de marketing de relacionamento entre fabricantes e distribuidores de defensivos agrícolas / Relationship marketing practices between agrichemical\'s producers and distributors

Flávio Ruhnke Valerio 21 September 2015 (has links)
O marketing relacional tem se apresentado como uma alternativa muito promissora para empresas de diversos setores, pois desenvolve chances maiores de fidelização de clientes e promove a competitividade das organizações envolvidas. Apesar dessas vantagens, a maioria dos estudos encontrados sobre o tema, principalmente no setor do agronegócio e para mercados B2B, não se aprofundou na parte operacional de um relacionamento: as práticas e atividades. Com o intuito de explorar essa lacuna na literatura, o trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as práticas mais utilizadas pelos fornecedores e mais valorizadas pelos distribuidores de defensivos agrícolas em seus relacionamentos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa por meio da aplicação de questionários com canais de distribuição de defensivos agrícolas. Esses questionários continham diversas práticas de relacionamento identificadas na literatura, variáveis de satisfação e caracterização das revendas. As práticas mais utilizadas e mais bem avaliadas são provenientes dos fatores comunicação, especificação dos papéis e motivação dos funcionários; por outro lado, as que apresentaram baixas taxas de utilização e de valorização foram a de laços, monitoramento e planejamento. A satisfação com os relacionamentos na amostra é afetada positivamente pelos fatores alinhamento, comunicação, especificação dos papéis e monitoramento. Também foram encontradas outras correlações com a satisfação e o tempo de duração do relacionamento. Concluiu-se que os relacionamentos nesse setor ainda são muito focados e concentrados nas vendas, mediante práticas e programas que estimulam resultados de vendas para os agricultores. Basicamente, dois grupos de práticas foram identificados: um em que as práticas são bastante usadas e valorizadas e, trazem satisfação; e as que não são tão usadas e valorizadas, porém aumentam o grau de fidelidade dos distribuidores e são fontes de poder e controle do fabricante. / Relational marketing has emerged as a very interesting alternative for companies from various industries because as it is more likely to develop customer loyalty and promote the competitiveness of the organizations involved. Nevertheless, most studies found on the subject, particularly in agribusiness and the B2B markets have not deepened on the operationalization of relationships: activities and practices. In order to exploit this gap in the literature, the study aimed to identify practices most used by suppliers and more valued by distributors of agrichemicals in their relationships. A quantitative survey was conducted through questionnaires with distribution channels for crop protection. These questionnaires contained several relationship practices identified in the literature, satisfaction variables and characterization of dealers. The most used and best evaluated practices were from the factors communication, role specifications and motivation of employees, on the other hand the ones with low utilization rates and poorest evaluations were the bonds, monitoring and planning. Satisfaction with relationships in the sample is positively affected by the factors alignment, communication, role specification and monitoring. Other correlations with the satisfaction and the time duration of the relationship were also found. It was concluded that relationships in this sector are still very focused and concentrated on sales, through practices and programs that stimulate sales results for farmers. Basically, two groups of practices were identified: one in which the practices are quite used and valued, and bring satisfaction; and those who are not as used and valued, but increases the degree of loyalty of distributors and are sources of power and control to the manufacturers.

Marketingová stratégie vybranej spoločnosti / Marketing Strategy of the chosen company

Sekeráková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis was to provide management of XERTEC and its marketing department for possible improvements of the current marketing strategy. Optimal propose ideas starts with a planning phase of the strategic marketing process that is focused on understanding the business and its environment. It has helped the processing of the situational analysis. Macro-analysis was conducted by using the PEST analysis, micro environment was assessed by using Porter five forces model and for the mapping of the internal situation was used the background of the VRIO analysis. The results of these processes I have summarized in the SWOT analysis. After subsequent reminding the targets and key customer segments, I approached marketing strategy through marketing mix to describe the current situation in this area and suggest what could be improved. The most significant change should be focusing on pull strategy, instead of the current push one.

Strategický marketingový plán začínající společnosti / Strategic Marketing Plan for a Starting Company

Třesohlavý, Karel January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this Master's Thesis is the application of principles of strategic marketing planning for specific business plan. Marketing planning is described in the first part of this thesis based on literature sources. It is followed by a practical part, in which the principles of marketing planning are applied for a specific business plan. Result of this thesis is a comprehensive marketing plan covering all the important areas that are necessary for a start-up company. The market, which the company will enter, is characterized. Based on this information, objectives and strategic plans of the company are set. Segmentation of potential customers is determined and strategic and tactic tools are set. In the final part of this thesis an action plan and budget is drawn up. This thesis demonstrates that the business plan is feasible and the company has the potential to become a successful player in the market.

Marketingová strategie společnnosti Xella na českém trhu / Marketing strategy of the company Xella CZ on the Czech market

Vlková, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to develop a marketing strategy of Xella CZ s.r.o, a leading producer of white aerated concrete blocks on the Czech market, for YTONG -established brand and a new brand Hebel. The theoretical part deals with the concept of strategic marketing planning, describes its phases and stages. It explains the terms segmentation , targeting, positioning and multi-brand strategy. The end of the theoretical part focuses on the specifics of marketing in the construction industry. In the practical part the reader gets to know the company Xella CZ and the products it offers. There is also analyzed the current situation of the Czech construction industry including outline of possible future developments, there are defined target groups of the company, depicted its competitors, set the company's targets. There is also carried out SWOT analysis. On the basis of collected data a marketing strategy is created including marketing mix for both brands.

Creating Sustainability Through Corporate Branding

Ritz, Hayley Lynn 01 January 2007 (has links)
This thesis provides a thorough definition of corporate branding, including its benefits when used as a strategic marketing tool. There are many who believe that the logo of a corporation is its brand. However, the logo is only one interpretation of the brand. The brand is the corporation's ethos. It is the fundamental character or spirit of the corporation. It is an expression of who the corporation is. It is the essence that links the corporation's product or service with its consumer through loyalty and emotional attachments. Corporations use various processes and methodologies when they begin to create and enhance their corporate brand. Corporations must define their corporate personality, build recognition, standardize, and fulfill brand promises. There are also obstacles and challenges that corporations face in their endeavor to implement a branding guideline, and the chance of overcoming them without defined leadership is unrealistic. This study focuses specifically on existing literature about corporate branding and cites case study examples to show what makes the best brands successful and where failing brands could have been more successful. The study concludes by providing insight into the future for corporate branding and offering suggestions for technical communication professionals who find themselves a part of the brand building and defining process. There are various rules to branding and traits that are common to every top brand in the world. By instilling its brand with such traits, and following certain processes with focus, passion, and persistence, and most of all a long-term commitment to the brand, a corporation will find its brand among the most recognized brands in the world.

群眾募資平台之策略行銷分析:以Kickstarter、flyingV為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Crowdfunding Platforms: The Cases of Kickstarter and flyingV

梁育馨, Liang,Yu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在網際網路普及率日益升高的現今,各式各樣以網路作為媒介的商業模式快速興起,而平台的概念更顛覆了過往的使用習慣,藉由將使用者群聚在同一虛擬環境中,使他們之間產生互動與交流,許多商業價值便從中應運而生。透過同邊與跨邊網路效應的發酵,不斷累積用戶數、建構使用平台的慣性,久而久之便加深了用戶的黏著度,也增加了移轉成本。 本研究便著重於近年來平台商業模式的新概念:群眾募資,探討其如何跨越過往繁複的籌資手續,創造出一個可供擁有創意專案的提案者及擁有資金的贊助者媒合的場域。先分別對全球群眾募資產業和台灣群眾募資產業概況做出簡單的分析,知曉目前的大環境趨勢及台灣的市場發展潛力,並以美國的Kickstarter和台灣的flyingV兩間群眾募資平台作為個案研究對象。在了解兩個案的發展現況、營運模式後,再以策略行銷4C架構剖析兩者建立出平台機制以處理用戶的四項交易成本。 而研究結果發現,雖然兩者在政經環境及市場規模上的差異造成經營成效上的落差,但除去外在的先天因素後,Kickstarter相較於flyingV,建構出的4C循環更加完善,也使其自創立以來一直穩居全球群眾募資界的龍頭地位。而flyingV雖然在台灣擁有最高的市佔率,但在平台本身的4C架構上仍有許多成長空間,因此本研究最終以Kickstarter為範本,對flyingV在現行環境下的營運模式以4C架構做出建議,期許flyingV未來能持續發展,成為亞洲群眾募資平台的領導品牌。

共享型平台企業之策略行銷分析 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Sharing Platform Companies

吳其錚 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於行動科技的盛行以及共享經濟的浪潮之下,有越來越多企業改變了以往的商業模式,從傳統的加工製造,轉向媒合產業中的供給和需求,銷售有形的產品和硬體設備不再是其主要的獲利來源,共享型的平台企業開始大量在市場中出現,企業開始透過提供媒合供需的服務,轉型成為共享型的平台企業。 雖然共享型的平台企業開始大量在市場中出現,但真正能夠成功並且持續成長的卻少之又少,因此,本研究以目前全球最大的出租私人房屋平台Airbnb,以及中國相應失敗案例愛日租等兩家具有經營與流量規模的共享型平台企業做為研究個案,以策略行銷4C架構來分析,在其創業初期雙邊市場群體所面對的交易成本,並探討兩家個案在經營上採用的相異行銷策略產生的4C正向循環以及負向循環。 最後,本研究給予即將發展共享型平台企業之新創事業及中小型企業未來策略發展方向,在發展初期,平台企業若仿效愛日租個案在極短期內透入大量資金完全複製其他成功個案的商業模式是存在失敗風險的,應該效仿Airbnb長期動態的分階段、分項解決行銷交換成本,建立一個正向的4C循環,將雙邊市場群體皆突破用戶臨界數量,以觸發網路效應,以幫助其在有限的資源之中達到有效快速的成長。 / Recently, due to the advanced internet technology and the trend of sharing economy, more and more company has changed their usual business model, from the traditional manufacturing to the service of gathering demands and supplies. Selling the tangible products and equipment is no longer the main source of profit. More and more sharing platform companies have appeared in the market and the business has transformed its business model by degrees. Although there are more and more sharing platform companies emerge in the market, very few company can maintain the growth. This study takes the largest global house-renting platform, Airbnb, and the corresponding platform, Airizu, for comparison. And use the 4C framework to identify the transaction costs that the sharing platform companies and the bilateral party faced and further discover the different strategies used by the two cases. Finally, this study provides the sharing platform companies some recommending strategy of future development. For those startups in the very beginning stage, if the platform companies go for the strategy that Airizu took, by throwing in capitals to copy the entire business model from others, it will undertake huge financial risks, and on the other hand, if the platform companies go for the strategy that Airbnb took, by solving the transaction costs step by step in the long term, it will have better chance to get a 4C positive cycle. To not only raise the number of users from the bilateral parties to reach the network effect, but also help the company to achieve great success within limited resources.

從承包商角度探討應用系統開發委外產業行銷策略:4C架構觀點 / From Contractor Viewpoint Probe into Marketing Strategy for Application Development Outsourcing Industry – From 4C Framework Aspect

高添水 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊系統的運用已是現代企業經營不可或缺的一環,然而,應用系統的開發通常不是一般企業的核心能力,故委外開發是大多數企業在建置資訊系統時最常用的選項。企業在進行委外開發之前,可能因未將資訊系統的建置與企業經營策略校準、或因缺乏理性的選商流程與評估標準、或因在議約時純粹以殺低價格為主要考量,而錯選到一個不合格的承包商。如果再加上使用者的需求說不清楚,開發人員的質與量不符所需,雙方對各自的權責沒有共識,專案管理能力不足等,則這種委外開發必然會問題不斷,最終以失敗收場。 為提高委外開發的成功率,本論文首先將「應用系統委外開發」重新定義為「在合約關係下,承包商依據客戶的需求,為其規劃、開發、導入、維護所需的資訊應用系統。在系統建置過程中,客戶的主要人員,必須積極地參與承包商的開發活動,包括提供需求說明,驗證與確認(verify & validate;V&V)階段性產出的正確性及可用性等,以確保承包商可以如期、如質、如需求地在預算內完成所委託的交付項目及服務。」以導正觀念。然後再透過「應用系統開發委外專案之業務及開發流程」的介紹,分別從客戶及承包商的角度,提出正確的業務及開發流程,期以拉近雙方的共識,並印證應用系統委外開發的成功,必須靠雙方的共同努力。 當承包商了解客戶在委外決策時所面臨的問題及顧慮後,即可透過4C策略行銷的分析,設計出能夠解除客戶疑慮的方案,建立共識,降低雙方的交易成本及風險,以確保委外合作有個好的開始。本論文從承包商的角度以4C架構進行行銷策略分析,最終得出46個策略,並依照專案的生命周期歸類,以協助承包商隨著專案進展也可以很方便地檢視各種策略組合,故即使是在多專案併行時,依然能有效掌握各種策略的執行,提高應用系統委外開發專案的成功率。 / The use of information systems is an absolutely necessarily in a modern business operations, however, application development usually is not a core competency of the most of enterprises, thus making development outsourcing becomes the most common option for the most of enterprises while they are establishing information systems. But, before the enterprises move forward development outsourcing, they may not align the establishment of information system with the strategies of business operations, or lack of rational processes and evaluation criteria in vendor selection, or only solely consider the lowest-priced while in contract negotiation, thus wrongly selected an unqualified contractor. In addition, if users cannot express requirements clearly, the developers’ quality and quantity do not match the requirement, no consensus on respective responsibilities of the parties, and project management skills shortage, etc., then this kind of development outsourcing shall have problems at every moment, and they will definitely end in failure. To increase the success rate of development outsourcing, this paper firstly redefines “Application Development Outsourcing” (ADO) as "Under a contractual relationship, the contractor shall, pursuant to customer’s requirements, performing the tasks of planning, developing, implementing, and maintaining of the required application system. In the course of the system development, the customer’s key personnels must actively participate in the contractor's development activities, including provide requirement specification, verify and validate the correctness and usability of the output by phases, etc., to ensure that the contractor will be able to deliver the deliverables and service on time, as required quality, as required functionalities, and within budget." The purpose of this redefinition is going to correct perceive of ADO. And then thru the content of “ADO project business and development process”, describes, from the point of view of the customer and the contractor, the “shall-be” business and development process, for closing the gap of the parties, to reached a consensus, and proving the success of ADO, must rely on the concerted efforts of both sides. When the contractor realizes custome’s problems and concerns while deal with ADO decision, then can based on 4C strategic marketing analysis theory, design the solution that can reolving customer’s misgivings scenario, to build consensus, to reduce the transaction costs of both sides and risks, to ensure that outsourcing cooperation there is a good start. This paper, from the point of view of the contractor, based on 4C marketing strategic analysis theory, resulting 46 strategies, and classify them in accordance with the project life cycle, to assist the contractor can also be easily to review the various strategic groups, as alogn with the project progress, thus making even in a multiple project circumstance, still be able to keep track of the implementation of various policies, to improving the success rate ADO projects.

小型建商在台北市精華區預售屋市場之策略行銷分析 / Strategic marketing analysis of small builders in the pre-sale housing market of Taipei’s wealthiest districts

許景翔, Hsu, Ching Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
台北市房地產延續前幾年全球景氣,加上海峽兩岸前所未有的和諧狀態,2008年上半年房市仍持續樂觀且交易熱絡,房地價大漲直到下半年全球金融風暴來襲而急轉直下。而金融風暴的起因恰好就是美國經營房地產次級貸款公司倒閉所引發的連鎖效應。金融風暴襲捲全世界經濟,以出口為導向的台灣首當其衝,台北市房地產景氣也隨之急速降溫,但雖經濟環境造成需求萎縮,台北市土地價格卻未受影響反而屢創新高,加上政府救經濟的財政與貨幣政策,使得台北市預售屋房價並未明顯下跌,2009年甚至因兩岸交流頻仍、中資來台等議題發燒,精華區房地產市場一掃2008下半年陰霾而帶頭上揚。但在消費需求面卻因實質薪資所得並未提升,使得實際自用住宅市場追價力道薄弱,房地產泡沫危機隱約呈現。 因台灣房地產市場存在如此詭譎的內外在環境,供給與需求、作多與看空的勢力拉扯,本篇論文研究從外部環境觀察鄰近各國總體經濟與房地產景氣連動關係的歷史軌跡,進而探究近年與未來台北市房地產業景氣發展趨勢,瞭解建商面對外在經濟環境變動下所存在之機會與威脅,來發現適合小型建商生存之利基市場所在。而內部環境則以房地產預售市場之賣方與買者交易關係探討,分別從廠商供給面與消費者需求面之成本觀點進行研究,尋找小型建商本身擁有的優劣勢所因應之預售屋消費者注重的各項成本屬性,藉由4C策略行銷分析降低消費者各項購屋成本,最後提出策略建議,提升小型建商之核心競爭力。 / The real estate market in Taipei was booming during the first half of 2008, during which time the economy was good and tensions between Taiwan and China began to ease. Housing prices had been rising until they were hit by the global financial crisis in late 2008. The storm of economic downturn, resulted mainly from the chain reaction caused by the collapse of US financial institutions, had swept through the world. Taiwan was deeply affected due to its export-oriented economy. As a result, the once prosperous real estate market had slowed down because of the decrease in demand. However, in 2009, not only had the prices of lands in Taipei not fallen, the presale home prices in the wealthiest districts began to rise again, due to the government’s stimulus financial policy that heavily relied on its friendlier stance with China and the belief that there would be a flow of cash coming from China. Nevertheless, the rise of housing prices could be a gigantic bubble since the median household income has not gained and demand for new homes have not increased. Under the unusual and unpredictable economic circumstances, this thesis focuses on the research and analysis from the viewpoints of maximizing the competitive edges, profits and surviving advantages of small builders in the current housing market in Taipei. Historic macroeconomic trends in real estate in Taiwan and nearby countries were analyzed. Supply and demand in the presale housing market in Taipei were examined, with an emphasis on not only the cost analysis between small builders and buyers, but also the advantages and disadvantages faced by both sides. 4C strategic marketing analysis was carried out to minimize the buying cost from the consumer’s viewpoint; at the same time, tactical marketing recommendations to success are provided to small builders to meet the present challenges.

策略行銷4C分析品牌活化策略-以A食品公司在台為例 / Strategic marketing 4C analysis of brand revitalization strategies- an example of food corporation A in Taiwan

陳盈臻, Chen, Yin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣食品產業市場競爭激烈,許多歷史悠久的老字號品牌為維持自身的競爭優勢,必須不斷地因應外在環境改變與消費者喜好轉變,達成品牌活化之目標。本研究的食品產業指公司將食品產品製造完成並送往各通路販售,為零售業中的食品類別。而本研究以A食品公司為研究主體,A公司原先定位為藥廠,但隨著通路結構的改變促使其推出食品級產品販售於一般零售通路,故此研究主要探討的是A公司推出食品級產品後轉型成為食品公司後的具體作法。 本研究透過深度訪談法了解A食品公司在面對品牌老化的危機之下,落實哪些品牌活化的實際作法,撰寫成個案,並以策略行銷4C架構探討其成效;進一步針對四種成本提出建議,以供A食品公司制訂未來發展策略時參考。 結果發現,A食品公司在四個成本都有多項具體措施,然在專屬陷入成本這一塊目前較沒有強調,又食品產業中若能漸進地提升顧客的專屬陷入成本,有利於品牌商維繫舊顧客關係。因此,本研究在第五章個案研究分析部分針對四種成本各自提供品牌商未來發展建議,包含因應消費者生活型態調整產品與通路策略、聘請專人經營臉書粉專、將可信度納入為代言人選擇標準之一等;其中,本研究提供A食品公司兩個具體解決方案以增加顧客的專屬陷入成本,如屬於促銷相關專屬資產的「建立分級會員制」,以及加強心理層面認同的專屬資產「舉辦主題影片募集活動」,希望提升本學術研究對於實務上之貢獻。 / Lots of new brands provide similar products to the food market, making the Taiwanese food market become more competitive. Some food companies, especially for those historic brands, need to react to those external environment changes and the changes of consumer's taste to achieve the goal of brand revitalization. The food company in this paper refers to companies that produce food products and sell them in general retail stores. Food Company A is the main research target of this paper. Because of the shift in retail channels, Food Company A started to provide food products in new retail channels as opposed to traditional pharmacies. Therefore, this paper analyzed actions after Food Company A started to provide food products in the new channels. This paper conducted in-depth interviews to discuss the practical actions taken by Food Company A and then analyzed them by using the "Strategic Marketing 4C Analysis". After a complete analysis, this paper provided several recommendations to help Food Company A develop a further plan. In chapter five, this paper provided different recommendations to different costs, including constantly changing products and channels strategies bases on changes of consumer’s taste, recruiting an expert operating the Facebook page, and considering the credibility of the brand representatives. Moreover, it found that Food Company A did not put enough emphasis on the cost of addiction; therefore, this paper provided two practical plans to enhance the cost of addiction in chapter five to contribute to Food Company A; for example, the different levels of membership and the competition of theme video.

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