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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Разработка методического подхода к формированию маркетинговой стратегии импортозамещения на предприятиях строительной отрасли : магистерская диссертация / Development of a methodological approach to the formation of a marketing strategy for import substitution in the construction industry

Веснина, В. С., Vesnina, V. S. January 2022 (has links)
В выпускной квалификационной работе рассматриваются теоретические аспекты формирования стратегии импортозамещения на предприятии, тенденции рынка многоквартирного жилищного строительства и проводится оценка рыночных позиций предприятия «АО «Корпорация «Атомстройкомплекс», по результатам которого разрабатывается методический подход по формированию стратегии импортозамещения. В рамках исследования предлагается проект по формированию маркетинговой стратегии импортозамещения в компании АО «Корпорация «Атомстройкомплекс» и обосновывается его целесообразность. / In the final qualifying work, the theoretical aspects of the formation of an import substitution strategy at the enterprise, the trends of the multi-apartment housing construction market are considered and the market positions of the Atomstroykomplex Corporation JSC are evaluated, according to the results of which a methodological approach to the formation of an import substitution strategy is developed. Within the framework of the study, a project is proposed for the formation of a marketing strategy for import substitution in the company of JSC Atomstroykomplex Corporation and its expediency is justified.

Analysis of the Motor Industry Development Programme (MIDP) as a promotional tool for the South African automotive industry in the global automotive environment

Lamprecht, Norman 30 June 2006 (has links)
The Motor Industry Development Programme (MIDP) was implemented on 1 September 1995 in the context of the country's political and economic liberalisation and the major structural shift in government policy and the trade regime. In an intensely competitive global environment, the strategies of a few dominant motor vehicle manufacturers, mainly operating from the Triad regions of North America, Europe and Japan, impact significantly on the developments of the global automotive industry. Over the past decade the small, highly protected and inwardly focused South African automotive industry has become fully integrated in the global strategies of foreign parent companies. As South Africa's leading manufacturing sector, the automotive sector is contributing significantly to the country's economy in terms of exports, investment, employment and the gross domestic product. The objective of the study was to establish and measure the relevance and value of the MIDP as a promotional tool in the global automotive environment by capturing the responses and perceptions of direct automotive industry exporters and stakeholders for * the South African automotive industry in general, and * the companies forming part of the empirical survey. To satisfy the objectives of the study, the research methodology incorporated an extensive primary and secondary research phase (qualitative and quantitative). A structured empirical survey was used to collect the primary data. The survey data were captured and processed by the Bureau for Market Research (BMR), Unisa. The main findings of the study are that: * The promotional relevance and value of the MIDP as a promotional tool is embedded in the programme's ability to trigger interest in the South African automotive industry, to generate business and to attract investments. * The MIDP is successful in contributing to the automotive sector's international competitiveness and is therefore a very important promotional tool for convincing foreign parent companies to consider South Africa as an investment destination. * The South African automotive industry would not be able to cope with global competition without the MIDP. * Different factors impact on the business operations of the South African automotive industry in general and the specific company in particular and the factors are viewed differently by the selected groups based on their demographic details. The process of trade liberalisation is forcing many South African companies to encounter both intensified competition and new forms of competition. The South African government's target of a 6 percent economic growth rate by 2010 will largely depend on the ongoing successes achieved in priority sectors such as the domestic automotive sector. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)

中信兄弟隊粉絲經營與球隊管理之策略分析 / The Strategic Analyses of Brother Baseball Club’s Fans and Team Management

張家銘, Chang, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
中信兄弟棒球隊為中華職棒元老球隊之一,為了能夠更瞭解球隊管理與粉絲經營的詳細情形,本研究採用質性研究方法,以深度訪談的方式與中信兄弟行銷企劃部球隊顧問張樹人先生進行約九十分鐘的訪談,並將訪談所得之結果與二手相關資料之蒐集,透過策略行銷4C分析模型架構的分析,整理如以下三點: 1. 中信兄弟隊現階段是將組織內大部分的運作功能,外包給其他公司合作,以簽訂合作契約的方式來進行。短期能即時發揮綜效,但中長期而言,中信兄弟隊必須還是要擁有自己的營運團隊,否則會仰人鼻息受到箝制。 2. 中信兄弟隊對於台灣職棒圈而言,是相當具有代表性的一支球隊。擁有近三十年的成軍歷史,奪下史上最多半季冠軍和二次三連霸的創舉,在台灣棒壇可說是史無前例;此外在易主之後,更具備相當豐沛的資源可供運用,不僅有資金可以簽下自由球員、與球員談薪資,在主場方面也擁有台中洲際棒球場,並將重心放在推廣區域經濟上。 3. 中信兄弟隊在營運管理方面遇到一些問題,如:與前東家兄弟大飯店之間的權利義務關係尚未完全釐清;供應商贊助的部分則是有中信兄弟自己堅持的想法,導致與供應商之間的關係有待努力;在主場認養上起步較晚,如何能夠順利趕上其他球隊的進度並且成功帶動區域經濟,是一項很重要的課題。 / Brothers Baseball Club is one of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) veteran teams. In order to better understand the detailed cases about team management and how to attract baseball fans, this study used qualitative research methods to design interview outlines, and conducted a ninety-minute interview with Edward Chang, the consultant of Brothers Baseball Club Marketing Planning Department. Based on the results obtained from interviews and the relevant second-hand information used are summarized as follows: 1. Brothers Baseball Club outsourced most of the operational function sectors and signed cooperation contracts with these companies. In fact, short-term synergies can be immediately evaluated; however, when it comes to long term scenarios, Brothers Baseball Club must cultivate their own operational teams; otherwise they would lose their competitive advantages and be threatened by other competitors. 2. Established more than thirty years, Brothers Baseball Club won the most Season Championship Titles and owned the record of two-time Third Consecutive in Taiwan CPBL series; these accomplishments are unique and honorable in Taiwan baseball history. Moreover, abundant resources can be manipulated by the Club such as salary policies and free agents competition. Also, Brothers Baseball Club manages Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium as its home court, and would focus on the promotion of the regional economy. 3. Brothers Baseball Club encountered in several operating issues, such as: the rights and obligations between the former owner, the Brother Hotel, has not been fully clarified; Supplier sponsorship is an another problem Brothers Baseball Club needs to solve, resulting in misunderstandings with suppliers; Home court adoption is a late start, how to catch up with the smooth progress of the other three teams and how to achieve regional economic success are both very important issues.

業務銷售與顧客關係管理-以I資訊服務公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Customer Relationship and Sales – A Case Study of I Information Service Company

郭庭華 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊服務產業的發展,攸關所有產業的轉型升級,是促進資訊化社會發展與國家競爭力的動能。在資訊技術不斷進步下,物聯網、巨量資料、智慧城市等概念興起,使得資訊產品與服務的需求越來越客製化,從過去的單一產品與服務,逐漸偏向提供整體的解決方案,而在面對交易金額龐大且需求複雜的B2B企業客戶時,就相當仰賴業務人員的知識與能力,透過與顧客溝通的過程,傳遞產品與服務內容的資訊。 本研究透過「策略行銷4C架構」與「銷售管理程序」,針對I資訊服務公司的銷售訪談案例進行分析,探討銷案案例成功的因素、瞭解資訊服務產品在銷售時所蘊含的各項交易成本,以及業務人員在經營新客戶與舊客戶時的異同。 研究結果指出,銷售成功的原因除了必須比客戶更瞭解他們的需求外,也要依照交易時的環境、條件與目標限制進行分析,才能掌握與發揮自身的競爭優勢。而從本研究結果中可發現,資訊服務產品在銷售時,主要應著重降低買方的資訊蒐集與道德危機成本,尤其是在面對新客戶,雙方尚未達到互信基礎下,買方會懷疑賣方是否有履行合約的能力,因此可透過成功案例的分享、合約的保證或是其他可降低道德風險成本的方式,來降低雙方的交易成本﹔而對於已有合作經驗的舊客戶,維持一定的售後服務水準與關係,增加買方的專屬陷入成本,雙方才能有更長期的合作。

以4C架構探討中國顧問式行銷策略運用 / Research the Operating of Consultant Marketing in China Based on 4C Strategic Marketing Analysis

向書賢, Hsiang, Austin Unknown Date (has links)

視頻網站先進者與後進者之策略行銷分析: 以樂視網、優酷網為例 / Marketing strategy analysis of first and late mover advantage in the video website industry the cases of LeTV, Youku

金肖序 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著web2.0的時代到來,很多基於互聯網的產品也發展迅速。分享性視頻網站YouTube誕生之後,中國大陸也開始了網絡視頻的發展。然而視頻網站在2006-2007年爆發式出現之後,又相繼沒落,真正能夠留下來並且流量大幅成長、甚至盈利的網站並不多。本研究以先進者樂視網,後進者優酷網為研究個案,以策略行銷4C架構來分析作為中國大陸視頻網站的先進者和後進者建立了哪方面的優勢從而在市場中立足,並且這些優勢是通過什麼樣的策略建立起來並可以支撐網站成為其核心競爭優勢。最終,本研究通過分析先進者樂視網和後進者優酷網兩家成功企業所建立的交換成本找到了其建立的核心優勢,並給出了視頻網站成立之後的實務建議。 / With the advent of web2.0, many Internet-based products are growing rapidly. After the birth of the sharing of video sites YouTube, mainland China also began the development of online video site. However, only few video sites can survive in the competitive market and grow successfully. This study examines the competitive advantage of the first mover, Letv and the late mover, Youku, based on the 4C framework. It also explore what kinds of strategies that the two video sites deploy to develop their core competitive advantages. In the end, the study finds the core advantage of the establishment of the two companies by analyzing the exchange cost established, and gives the practical suggestions after the establishment of the video website.

Marketingová strategie elektronického obchodu Fotodekorace.cz / Marketing strategy of the e-commerce fotodekorace.cz

Vlčková, Simona January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is analysing methods of increasing the visit rate of the internet shop fotodekorace.cz, especially it is concerned about the utilities of the internet marketing. The aim of the master's thesis is, on the basis of undertaken analysis suggest internet marketing strategy of this particular internet project, which should lead to an increase in sales. The premises of the thesis is to analyse the effectively of online marketing activities. One of the outcomes is the outline of the effective optimized advertising campaign in search engines. The master's thesis is relying mainly on mentioned theoretical project, which is subsequently applied. At the end there are formulated advices for the future development of the internet shop, which should be beneficial for the following increase in the potential of the website.

專案管理成功的關鍵因素 -- 以策略行銷4C理論分析 / Success factors of project management - analysis through strategic marketing 4C framework

蔡瑞文, Tsai, Ruei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討專案經理管理專案逐步完善的過程 (Progressive Elaboration)中,面對接踵而來的專案變更 (Change) 以及不確定性 (Uncertainty),如何能以客戶觀點來看待專案管理的利害得失 ( Advantage / Disadvantage / Gain / Lost ),滿足客戶需求以創造客戶價值。 本研究認為專案管理的重點在於專案變更管理。藉由策略行銷4C架構的思維,將能有效彌補專案經理在企管知識與經驗上落差,將專案管理的重點聚焦在客戶關心的專案管理重點上,透過行銷交換上四個成本問題的解決,來為客戶與專案創造價值。本研究透過以客戶與專案經理的不同觀點來回顧與檢討兩個實務個案,建議在管理專案時以策略行銷4C架構思維作為和客戶溝通的思考架構,聚焦於如何兼顧三重限制下,把專案管理的價值提升到同時滿足專案與商業的成功。換言之,藉由行銷交換四大成本問題的解決來“作對的事”(Do the right thing)以滿足客戶的期望,而讓專案管理方法論聚焦於專案管理團隊如何管理專案,來解決“把事作對”(Do the thing right) 的問題。

數位產品的通路服務需求與創新服務模式之研究 / Research for digital product's channel service demand and innovative service model

金學宗, Hank Jim Unknown Date (has links)
本研究回顧過去「資訊通路」相關研究發現,主要集中在幾個議題,例如:經營或競爭策略、通路管理、產品訂價模式、顧客忠誠度、通路服務品質、供應商關係管理、或個案公司之研究;而回顧關於「技術採用生命週期」與「跨越鴻溝」相關研究較少且多集中於高科技技術,如LED、IC設計、網站平台..或個案產品之研究,如iPod、筆記型電腦、電子書、網路電視..等。且大部研究的探討範圍較缺乏以產業角度研究數位產品之相關通路服務需求;且並未發現根據Geoffrey A . Moore(1991)跨越鴻溝一書所論述「高科技行銷通路」理論之提出有效履行「完整產品」之實務架構並進行可行性研究。   就實務面觀察,多數創新數位產品在通路推展成功機率很低且擴散速度緩慢,因此本研究針對影響數位產品成敗因素分為企業內部因素、外在環境因素與通路因素三部分,並針對品牌原廠非完全可控制之通路因素進行深入分析研究。關研究方法方面,本研究以通路服務業觀點先探討數位產品的演進趨勢對消費者與品牌原廠通路服務需求的影響,接著探討消費者與品牌原廠對現有主要數位產品通路型態之滿意度分析,找出「市場需求缺口」是否存在與各項服務需求與滿意度(放心度)之差異程度;再進一步驗證本研究提出創新服務模式-「官網下單&透過區域專業經銷商交貨」之適用性與滿意度改善之比較。本研究進一步分析可能影響各項通路服務需求與滿意度的因素,包括消費者類型與品牌原廠類型。   經過資料分析,本研究的主要研究結果有五點,包括:消費者與品牌原廠之通路服務需求的確存在且被數位產品的演進所影響、不同類型消費者會影響對通路服務需求與通路型態的放心程度、不同類型品牌原廠影響對通路服務需求的程度不大;但會影響推展新產品初期通路選擇之策略、創新通路服務模式(官網下單&透過區域專業經銷商交貨) 符合消費者與品牌原廠需求並提升滿意度、數位產品之採用生命週期曲線之「鴻溝現象」仍然存在,且與Geoffrey A . Moore(1991)之技術採用生命週期曲線之結構有所不同。 根據上述的研究結果,本研究提出下列建議給予實務界參考: 一、對數位產品通路服務公司:跳脫「競爭」與「去服務化」思維,以實際市場需求出發以建構企業價值鏈與提升附加價值、 有效整合數量龐大區域加值經銷商的在地力量建構「售後服務」機制、優先建構「導入時效」通路價值鏈。二、對創新數位產品之品牌原廠:運用創新通路服務模式彌補目前面臨通路服務滿意度之落差、以官網發展虛實整合的創新通路服務模式較可滿足消費者需求。 / In this study, we have reviewed the existing thesis and research about keyword of IT channel and found that focused on several issues , such as: business or competitive strategy, channel management, product pricing model, customer loyalty, channel service quality, supplier relationship management, or the case company the study; About the number of existing thesis and research of "technology adoption life cycle" and "Crossing the Chasm" is rare and found that more concentrated in high technology product, such as LED, IC design, web platform .. or some case studies, such as iPod, notebook, e-books, network TV .. and so on. And lack of research to explore the issue of digital products industry ‘s real demand for channel services; and we have not found according to the theory of "high-tech marketing channel" discussed by the book of Geoffrey A. Moore’s "Crossing the Chasm" to proposed the effective implementation architecture of "whole product" and do some research. Through the observations of the practical , most innovative digital products is very low probability of success in channel marketing and spread slowly, so the study of divided the success or failure factors of digital products into three parts,including business internal factors, external environmental factors and channel factors, and in this study focus and analysis depthly to the channel factor that the brand company ‘s non-completely control . About research methods, this research study first the impact of channel service demand of the consumers and brand company by evolution of digital products through channel service’s viewpoint. Then we analysis the the satisfaction of consumer and brand company to existing major channels of digital products to identify "market demand gap" and the difference degree between the service needs and satisfaction (comfort level); further validate the applicability and satisfaction improvement degree of the innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" . This study further analyzed the various factors that may affect the service needs and satisfaction, including types of consumers and the types of brand company. After data analysis, the main findings of this study have five points, including: The demand of consumer and the brand company for channel services are affected by the evolution of digital products; The demand for channel services and comfort level will be affected by the different types of consumers;The demand for channel services won’t be affected by the different types of brand company, but the choice of the initial channel strategy will be affected by the different types of brand company;The innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" can meet the demend and improve satisfaction of the customer and brand company;The " Chasm phenomenon" of " the digital product adoption life cycle curve " still exists, and different with the structure of Geoffrey A. Moore (1991) of the technology life-cycle curve . Based on the above findings, this study proposes to practitioners the following recommendations: First, for channel services company of digital products: Give up "competition" and "off service" thinking t o construct the enterprise value chain and value- up by actual market demand;To integrate the huge forces of local value-added- reseller to construct the "after-sale- service" mechanism;Give the high priority to construct the value chain of "Time to market". Second, for the brand company of digital product : Take advantage with the innovative service model - "place orders on the official website and delivery goods through the regional dealer in relatived field" to make up for the satisfaction of the channel service;To create the innovation virtual-physical- channel service model by the official website to meet consumer demand.

The study of Taiwan's biotechnology and pharmaceutical competitive advantage.

Lin, Yon-yu 06 July 2004 (has links)
Due to entrance of WTO and performance of cGMP, Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries has met with more challenge¡Bimpact and pressure that let enterprise must reflect the marketing concept rests on four pillars¡Gtarget market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and organizational objectives( profitability) that reflect completely and restructure the strategic marketing according to innovative rethinking and develop into vision and strategic target of enterprise. The high-performance of business competitive advantage is focused on delivering customer value and satisfaction. Given the importance of customer value and satisfaction, we need to discuss the concepts of a value chain and value-delivery systems. Every firm is a collection of activities that are performed to design¡Bproduce¡Bmarket¡Bdeliver¡Band support its product. The firm¡¦s task is to examine the value chain and look for ways to improve its cost and performance in each value-creating activity. The firm should estimate its competitor¡¦s cost and performance as benchmarks against which to compare its own cost and performance. To the extent that it can perform certain activities better than its competitors, it can achieve a business competitive advantage. Strong companies develop superior capabilities in managing these core competences. According to current healthy policy of Taiwan¡¦s government and promotional projects of developing biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, enterprise need to reflect and evaluate the core competence and focus on firm¡¦s resources. Enterprise need to find out and decide the strategic positioning and then fit with government¡¦s policy. How to combine about the low cost operation of business strategy and high profit of innovative strategy that develop and restructure the new business model that achieve the business competitive advantage. This study will explore meantime that Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms desire for reaching competitive advantage and occupying the market quickly, the firms should think that saving resources¡Brestructuring business model¡Bmanaging risk¡Banalyzing critical success factors¡Boperating the strategy of alliance and co-marketing are necessary.

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