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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designing the management systems for offices

Alfadhl, Seiam S. January 2011 (has links)
An initial review of literature concerned with commercial and industrial office design indicated the need to research and develop a method for the design of the management systems of offices with the purpose of improving the operational effectiveness and alignment to strategy. In particular the literature review indicated that the application of lean methods, in non-manufacturing areas is comparatively rare. A critical review of the literature identified that Value Stream Mapping has been used to map mechanistic task activities, however, a need was identified for a new generation of Value Stream Mapping to map mixed mechanistic and organic task activities. To complement the literature survey and discover if there were significant variables (e.g. task uncertainty, interdependence, task complexity, mechanistic / organic structures, risk, task analysability etc) influencing office design, pilot studies were carried out in a mechanistic and organic office. Several additional variables were identified. From the pilot studies combined with the literature review a conceptual model was formulated which provides guidelines for managers enabling them to design the management systems fully taking all the variables into account. The conceptual model was then tested using a multiple case study design of two small consulting type offices that exhibited mixed mechanistic and organic characteristics. This resulted in an improved version of the model which was then further validated. This validation based upon the opinions of office managers focused mainly on identifying the practical usefulness of the model from an industrial perspective. Following the validation a final form of the model has been proposed in this research. It remains for future researchers to fully test the model by applying it in a wider range of offices. This study makes an explicit contribution to the redesign of offices as well as the utilisation of Value Stream Mapping to the mechanistic and the organic task activities within commercial and industrial offices.

Digitalisering och kundnytta : En undersökning om digitaliserings effekt på ett företag och dess kunder

Andersson, Joakim, Bizimana, Mike January 2017 (has links)
In today’s society, businesses and organizations are facing increasing challenges to change and adapt to a digitizing world. In order to stay relevant in the market, businesses need to work constantly on developing and improving the efficiency of its various processes. This study is designed as a case study at MittSverige Vatten & Avfall which is a municipal corporation in Sundsvall municipality. Its goal is to be a leader in its sector by the year 2021. The study’s objective was to investigate if the digitization of information gathering could bring benefit to a company and its customers. The investigation has focused on the digitization of information gathering from the customer's water meter. The study's objective has been to identify and analyze how digitization impacts business processes and its financial condition with help from value stream mapping and a customer survey. The study was conducted with the support of written and web based literary sources. A survey as well as interviews was conducted. An investment analysis has been conducted to study and evaluate the benefits that the investment brings the customer and MittSverige Vatten & Avfall regarding cost. The study proved that the digitization of water meters would mean an improvement for both MittSverige Vatten & Avfall and its customers. / Verksamheter och organisationer står i dagens samhälle framför ökande utmaningar till förändringar och anpassning till en digitaliserande värld. För att kunna fortsätta vara relevant på marknaden så behöver verksamheter arbeta ständigt med utveckling och effektivisering av dess olika processer. Denna studie är utförd som en fallstudie hos MittSverige Vatten & Avfall som är ett kommunalt bolag i Sundsvall kommun. Studien hade som syfte att undersöka vad digitalisering av informationsinhämtning kunde tillföra för nytta för ett företag och dess kunder. Undersökningen har fokuserat på digitalisering av informationsinhämtning från kundens vattenmätare. Studien har haft som mål att kartlägga och analysera digitaliseringens effekt på verksamhetens processer och ekonomiskt tillstånd med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys och kundundersökning. En enkät och intervjuer har utförts. En investeringsanalys har utförts för att studera och värdera nyttan som investeringen tillför kunden och MittSverige Vatten & Avfall med hänsyn till kostnaden. Studien bevisade att en digitalisering av vattenmätare skulle innebära en förbättring för både MittSverige Vatten & Avfall och dess kunder.

Modelo de mapeamento de fluxo de valor para implantações de lean em ambientes hospitalares: proposta e aplicação / A value stream mapping model for lean projects in healthcare environments: proposal and application

Henrique, Daniel Barberato 05 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta conceitos relacionados ao pensamento enxuto, e mais especificamente, ao mapeamento de fluxo de valor (MFV), inseridos no contexto hospitalar, destacando exemplos encontrados na literatura e a análise de um caso prático conduzido pelo autor. Com a elaboração do trabalho, foi possível concluir que não existe um modelo de mapeamento de fluxo de valor padronizado para aplicações de lean em ambientes hospitalares. De maneira geral, a utilização do MFV em hospitais se dá através de adaptações da manufatura que não levam em conta todas as atividades que interferem no fluxo dos pacientes, como o fluxo de informações e de materiais. Para contornar esse problema, esta dissertação visa propor um novo modelo de MFV, voltado para ambientes hospitalares, que consiga contemplar em um único mapa todos os fluxos que interferem diretamente na duração do tratamento do paciente e sirva como modelo padrão para aplicações de lean em hospitais. Para isso, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico, que buscou identificar, no período de 2000 a 2013, os principais modelos de MFV atualmente empregados em implantações de lean healthcare e identificar as principais características e pontos positivos de cada um. Estes pontos positivos serviram como requisitos para a elaboração do novo modelo, passando a integrar um único mapa. Com a aplicação prática desse novo MFV, foi possível identificar os gargalos operacionais e inúmeros desperdícios que interferem no tratamento do paciente e que não poderiam ser identificados pelos outros modelos de mapeamento estudados. É possível concluir, com os resultados alcançados, que o modelo proposto atendeu aos objetivos definidos e demonstrou ser uma ferramenta valiosa para identificação de desperdícios em ambientes hospitalares. / This thesis presents lean thinking concepts focused on healthcare environments and more specifically on the value stream mapping (VSM). The research could concluded that there is no value stream map standardized for lean healthcare applications. In general, the use of VSM in hospitals are made by manufacturing adaptations that do not take into account all activities that interfere in the patient flow, such as information and material flow. To solve this problem, this research aims to propose a new VSM model for healthcare, which could contemplate all activities that directly affects the treatment time and also be a template for lean healthcare applications. Therefore, the focus in the literature review was to identify the main healthcare VSM models published between 2000 and 2013 and the key characteristics and strengths of each. These strengths were used as requirements for the new mapping model elaboration and were integrated in a single map. The practical application, conducted by the author, identified operational bottlenecks and numerous wastes that interfere in the patient\'s treatment that could not be identified by the other mapping models studied. In conclusion, the new VSM model proposed has achieve the defined goals and proved to be a valuable tool for identifying waste in hospital environments.

Production System waste reduction using Value stream mapping : An Industrial case study / Production System waste reduction using Value stream mapping : An Industrial case study

Devarakonda, Rakesh Raghavendra, Ramachandrareddy, Sumanth January 2019 (has links)
The rapid rise in global population and market demands have mandated industries to introduce better and quality products to meet up their rushing needs. However, achiev-ing such goals need optimal production system and robust strategies. Exploring in depth it can be visualized that most of the manufacturing set ups suffers losses or relatively lower benefits due to improper and high wastages. Hence it is very important for man-ufacturing industries to explore the techniques which help them to improve their pro-duction system. The key techniques from Lean Manufacturing (LM) such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and Ishikawa diagram were explored in this work for enhanc-ing production capacity, reducing rework, reducing wastages and arriving to a well-defined optimal process flow which in turn help in achieving higher productivity. How-ever, the implementation of Lean and Value stream mapping depends on the production scale and has its own significance to different manufacturing setup. With that motive, in this thesis work the emphasis was made on exploring VSM technique for better pro-duction optimization in manufacturing sector.

Modelo de mapeamento de fluxo de valor para implantações de lean em ambientes hospitalares: proposta e aplicação / A value stream mapping model for lean projects in healthcare environments: proposal and application

Daniel Barberato Henrique 05 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta conceitos relacionados ao pensamento enxuto, e mais especificamente, ao mapeamento de fluxo de valor (MFV), inseridos no contexto hospitalar, destacando exemplos encontrados na literatura e a análise de um caso prático conduzido pelo autor. Com a elaboração do trabalho, foi possível concluir que não existe um modelo de mapeamento de fluxo de valor padronizado para aplicações de lean em ambientes hospitalares. De maneira geral, a utilização do MFV em hospitais se dá através de adaptações da manufatura que não levam em conta todas as atividades que interferem no fluxo dos pacientes, como o fluxo de informações e de materiais. Para contornar esse problema, esta dissertação visa propor um novo modelo de MFV, voltado para ambientes hospitalares, que consiga contemplar em um único mapa todos os fluxos que interferem diretamente na duração do tratamento do paciente e sirva como modelo padrão para aplicações de lean em hospitais. Para isso, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico, que buscou identificar, no período de 2000 a 2013, os principais modelos de MFV atualmente empregados em implantações de lean healthcare e identificar as principais características e pontos positivos de cada um. Estes pontos positivos serviram como requisitos para a elaboração do novo modelo, passando a integrar um único mapa. Com a aplicação prática desse novo MFV, foi possível identificar os gargalos operacionais e inúmeros desperdícios que interferem no tratamento do paciente e que não poderiam ser identificados pelos outros modelos de mapeamento estudados. É possível concluir, com os resultados alcançados, que o modelo proposto atendeu aos objetivos definidos e demonstrou ser uma ferramenta valiosa para identificação de desperdícios em ambientes hospitalares. / This thesis presents lean thinking concepts focused on healthcare environments and more specifically on the value stream mapping (VSM). The research could concluded that there is no value stream map standardized for lean healthcare applications. In general, the use of VSM in hospitals are made by manufacturing adaptations that do not take into account all activities that interfere in the patient flow, such as information and material flow. To solve this problem, this research aims to propose a new VSM model for healthcare, which could contemplate all activities that directly affects the treatment time and also be a template for lean healthcare applications. Therefore, the focus in the literature review was to identify the main healthcare VSM models published between 2000 and 2013 and the key characteristics and strengths of each. These strengths were used as requirements for the new mapping model elaboration and were integrated in a single map. The practical application, conducted by the author, identified operational bottlenecks and numerous wastes that interfere in the patient\'s treatment that could not be identified by the other mapping models studied. In conclusion, the new VSM model proposed has achieve the defined goals and proved to be a valuable tool for identifying waste in hospital environments.


Edh, Nina January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

A model for Assessing Cost Effectiveness of Applying Lean Tools - A case study

Alhamed, Heba, Qiu, Xiaojin January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a model for assessing cost effectiveness of applying lean tools. The model consists of eight phases: it starts by understanding customers' requirements using Voice of Customer (VOC) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) tools. In phase 2, the current state of plant is assessed using lean profile charts based on Balanced Scorecard (BSC) measures. In phase 3 and phase 4, identification of critical problem(s) and generating of improvement suggestion(s) are performed. Phase 5 provide evaluation of the cost effectiveness of implementing the suggested lean methods based on life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and phase 6 prefers the right alternative based on multiple criteria decision making (MCDM). In phase 7 the selected alternative is supposed to be implemented and finally the user should monitor and control the process to make sure that the improvement is going as planned. The model was verified successfully using a case study methodology at one Swedish sawmill called Södra Timber in Ramkvilla, one part of Södra group. Results obtained from the study showed that the production and human resources perspectives are the most critical problem areas that need to be improved. They got the lowest scores in the lean profile, 63% and 68%, respectively. Using value stream mapping (VSM) it was found that the non value added (NVA) ratios for the core and side products are 87.4% and 90.4%, respectively. Using the model, three improvement alternatives were suggested and evaluated using LCCA and MCDM. Consequently, implementing 5S got the highest score, second came redesigning the facility layout. However, it was estimated that 4.7 % of NVA for the side product would be reduced by redesigning the facility layout. The recommendations were suggested for the company to improve their performance. The novelty of the thesis is based on the fact that it addresses two main issues related to lean manufacturing: firstly, suggesting lean techniques based on assessment of lean profile that is based on BSC and QFD, and secondly assessing the cost effectiveness of the suggested lean methods based on LCCA and MCDM. This thesis provides a generalized model that enables the decision-maker to know and measure, holistically, the company performance with respect to customer requirements. This will enable the company to analyze the critical problems, suggest solutions, evaluate them and make a cost effective decision. Thus, the company can improve its competitiveness.

A model for Assessing Cost Effectiveness of Applying Lean Tools - A case study

Alhamed, Heba, Qiu, Xiaojin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to develop a model for assessing cost effectiveness of applying lean tools. The model consists of eight phases: it starts by understanding customers' requirements using Voice of Customer (VOC) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) tools. In phase 2, the current state of plant is assessed using lean profile charts based on Balanced Scorecard (BSC) measures. In phase 3 and phase 4, identification of critical problem(s) and generating of improvement suggestion(s) are performed. Phase 5 provide evaluation of the cost effectiveness of implementing the suggested lean methods based on life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and phase 6 prefers the right alternative based on multiple criteria decision making (MCDM). In phase 7 the selected alternative is supposed to be implemented and finally the user should monitor and control the process to make sure that the improvement is going as planned. The model was verified successfully using a case study methodology at one Swedish sawmill called Södra Timber in Ramkvilla, one part of Södra group. Results obtained from the study showed that the production and human resources perspectives are the most critical problem areas that need to be improved. They got the lowest scores in the lean profile, 63% and 68%, respectively. Using value stream mapping (VSM) it was found that the non value added (NVA) ratios for the core and side products are 87.4% and 90.4%, respectively. Using the model, three improvement alternatives were suggested and evaluated using LCCA and MCDM. Consequently, implementing 5S got the highest score, second came redesigning the facility layout. However, it was estimated that 4.7 % of NVA for the side product would be reduced by redesigning the facility layout. The recommendations were suggested for the company to improve their performance. The novelty of the thesis is based on the fact that it addresses two main issues related to lean manufacturing: firstly, suggesting lean techniques based on assessment of lean profile that is based on BSC and QFD, and secondly assessing the cost effectiveness of the suggested lean methods based on LCCA and MCDM. This thesis provides a generalized model that enables the decision-maker to know and measure, holistically, the company performance with respect to customer requirements. This will enable the company to analyze the critical problems, suggest solutions, evaluate them and make a cost effective decision. Thus, the company can improve its competitiveness.</p>

Improving Cocoa Production Through Lean: A Case Study of the Ghanaian Cocoa Industry

Boateng, Kwasi 01 May 2014 (has links)
Cocoa has been useful in several ways, especially to countries that produce it and consumers all over the world. Its benefits range from improving economies to satisfying millions all over the world who desire one cocoa product or the other. The production of cocoa however is not without its own attendant problems. Aging tree stock, spread of diseases, and production capacity problems are, but a few of many challenges that seed gardens that produce cocoa face. This study investigated the pollination process on selected seed gardens in Ghana, the second largest world producer of cocoa. The purpose of this study was to investigate the artificial pollination process of cocoa on seed gardens in Ghana, and explore ways by which the Lean principle of Value Stream Mapping could be applied in improving the process. The process of pollination was observed on eighteen seed gardens, and a current value stream map depicting the existing process developed to give an indication of the current state of affairs. Subsequently, a future value stream map based on the current map was developed to show aspects of the process that could be improved to enhance the operations of the seed gardens. The future value stream map revealed that operational procedures relating to cleaning and preparation of trees, choosing male and female trees for pollination, harvesting of pollen, and manually pollinating practices presented various avenues for improving the pollination process and hence seed production output.

Godshantering av flygunderhållsartiklar - En värdeflödesanalys ur ett förbättringsperspektiv / Aircraft MRO logistics - A value stream analysis of continuous improvement

Stjernberg, Niclas January 2013 (has links)
Saab Component Maintenance in Linköping, Sweden, offers maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services for civilian and military aircraft components. Lately, the department has struggled with slow throughput rates, despite various counteracting attempts. Studies show, that large parts of the delays derive from the logistics department where goods arrive and dispatch. Therefore, Saab wants to carry out an extensive analysis of the department in order to further investigate what is causing its slow throughput rates. The thesis begins with extensive mapping over Component Maintenances whole value stream to find out how departments interact with each other and which role individual departments have in the total supply chain. Out of 13 000 different part numbers, components were divided into five product families. From statistical history of package frequency, two value streams were chosen as scientific research objects, where improvements of which show great potential to have serious positive effects. From activity studies, observations, workshops and interviews various elements were identified as obstructing in the logistics department’s material and information flow. Activity studies show, that 55, 8% of activities performed in the arriving goods department were considered as value adding time. In addition, 67, 9% of activities performed in the dispatch goods department were considered as value adding time (where over half of the value adding time was spent in administrative systems). 11 critical challenges and five associated root causes have been identified in the arriving goods department. 14 critical challenges and five associated root causes have been identified in the dispatch goods department. To reduce and prevent further waste, the thesis recommends 14 critical actions in order to reduce the amount of elements obstructing the flow of material and information at Component Maintenance. In addition, recommended changes have been illustrated in a Future State Map for each department respectively on a process level. By performing tasks in new sequences where material and information flow progresses in a parallel synchronized rate, the benefits of a balanced lean flow could be demonstrated in the dispatch department. Shortest lead time, from finished component to packaged and booked shipment, was noted for small units and took 20 minutes.

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