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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comment les Russes sont-ils devenus (co)propriétaires ? : illégalismes administratifs et socialisation au droit en Russie postcommuniste / How did Russians become home (co)owners ? : illegal bureaucratic practices and legal socialization in post-Communist Russia

Richard, Helene 02 July 2014 (has links)
Instauré en 1991, le droit à la privatisation gratuite de son logement a favorisé l'accession des anciens locataires soviétiques au statut de propriétaire, transformant du même coup les immeubles collectifs en copropriétés. Sur la base d'une enquête ethnographique, cette thèse étudie la mise en œuvre du nouveau Code du logement (2005) à Moscou, qui réorganise la gestion publique de l'habitat collectif autour de l'assemblée générale des copropriétaires. Contribution à l'analyse du changement social postcommuniste, cette recherche examine comment la copropriété passe du statut de texte abstrait au statut de pratiques sociales situées. Combinant les apports de la sociologie de l'État, de la sociologie des mobilisations et de l'étude des rapports ordinaires au droit, ce travail se focalise sur trois groupes d'acteurs : les agents subalternes de l'administration de Moscou ayant recours à des pratiques illégales pour mettre en œuvre localement la nouvelle législation ; des acteurs politiques tournés vers la vulgarisation et le conseil juridique dans la perspective de défendre les droits des habitants et, enfin, certains habitants particulièrement engagés dans les affaires de leur immeuble. En s'appuyant sur une approche wébérienne des usages sociaux du droit, cette recherche montre que infractions légales, batailles d'interprétation de la législation, ainsi qu'appropriations profanes du droit sont autant de mécanismes à travers lesquels le régime copropriétaire acquiert une véritable existence sociale. L'analyse de ces rapports et concurrences donne à voir la fabrique de nouvelles pratiques habitantes et subjectivités postcommunistes, reconfigurant les rapports ordinaires à l'État et au marché. / Introduced in 1991, the right to free privatization of own’s own housing favored a double transformation: of tenants into owners, and of collective housing into condominium buildings. Based on an ethnographic investigation in Moscow, this dissertation examines the implementation of the new Housing Code (2005). This legal shift led to a renewed governance of collective housing, now centered around the general meeting of owners. A contribution to post-communist social change, this research is also an investigation into the sociology of law. Based on a Weberian approach to the social practices of the law, it examines how the legal regime of joint ownership went from being abstract text to the status of social practices located. Drawing upon the sociology of the State, the study of mobilizations and researches on legal consciousness, the dissertations focuses on three groups of actors central to the construction of the new legal system. The first one consist of the lower-level agents of the Moscow administration, who resort to illegal practices in an attempt to locally implement the new legislation. The second includes local politicians, geared towards the dissemination of legal knowledge and literacy in an attempt to defend the rights of the inhabitants. The third one encompasses inhabitants particularly involved in the organization of their buildings’ administration. The dissertation focuses on three mechanisms through which the new legal system came into being: legal offenses, controversies around the interpretation of the legislation, and layperson’s appropriation of the law. The analysis sheds lights onto the making of these new was of inhabiting the space, as well as on the crafting of postcommunist subjectivities that reconfigure the relationships between the State and the market.

Vývoj urbanonymie Litoměřic / The Development of the Urbanonymy of Litoměřice

Nešev, Toma January 2015 (has links)
The task of this thesis is to describe the dynamics and evolution of street terminology in Litomeřice, with a focus on its motivation and semantic structure of word formation. The material will be obtained with excerpts from archival materials, urban plans, lists of streets and squares, records of the municipal council and other historical and newer sources. When classifying a material, which will allow an overview of the motivational circuits, which are involved in the development of urbanonyms and used word-formation processes, it will underpin Šmilauer's semantic classification of anoikonyms and Dejmek's word formation and semantic classification of urbanonyms. The Development of the street terminology will be analyzed after each time period, the definition is determined by the circumstances, which had an considerable impact in the studied urbanonymia. Quantitative changes in the use of each motivation circuit and word-formation process will be illustrated by graph, all partial findings will be incorporated into the final synthetic whole. An important part of the work will consist an alphabetical list of names of current Litoměřice streets, squares and other public spaces including the time of their formation, interpretation of the names and brief overview of all urbanonyms, which preceded the...

La médiation socionumérique du street artivisme en Egypte (2010-2013) et sa contribution à l’émergence d’un public politique : approche sémiotique d’une expérience esthétique révolutionnaire / The sociodigital mediation of street artivism in Egypt (2010-2013) and its contribution to the rise of a political public : semiotic approach of an aesthetic revolutionary experience

Abdel Hamid, Mohammad 26 January 2017 (has links)
La transgression discursive que constitue le street art peut s’exprimer dans divers espaces. Si les œuvres apparaissent tout d’abord dans la rue, leurs reprises sur les réseaux socionumériques leur octroient de nouvelles spatialité et temporalité ; elles sont alors non seulement inscrites dans la durée, mais également intégrées dans un nouvel « effet de sens ». Passant d’un mur urbain à un mur socionumérique, cet acte subversif engage à la constitution d’une communauté autour d’une thématique ou un centre d’intérêt plus ou moins politisé. L’Egypte voit le street art soudainement apparaître dans ses rues et se répandre comme une traînée de poudre sur les réseaux socionumériques dès le soulèvement insurrectionnel de janvier-février 2011. A partir de ce constat, il s’agit d’étudier la contribution de la médiation socionumérique du street art, prise en charge par des communautés activistes, à un agir des collectifs politiques. Ce travail de thèse a pour principal objectif de vérifier dans quelle mesure ces collectifs s’instituent en un public politique revendiquant la chute d’un régime ainsi que la mise en place d’un pouvoir civil et démocratique. Une approche pragmatiste, associant une « théorie de l’action » deweyienne à une sémiotique peircienne, est mise à l’œuvre afin d’observer les actions d’un public. Celles-ci sont suscitées par des dispositifs médiatiques, dont les auteurs insèrent dans leur discours des images street artivistes, générant des récits mythographiques victimaires et martyrologiques. / The discursive transgression of street art can be expressed in various spaces. In the street for a first appearance, but the coverings on the social networks give new spatiality and temporality to a work, they now inscribe it in duration as well as in a new "effect of meaning". Moving from an urban wall to a sociodigital wall, subversion commits to the constitution of a community around a thematic or a more or less politicized center of interest. Egypt in 2010 sees street art suddenly appearing in its streets and spreading like wildfire on the sociodigital networks from the insurrectional uprising of January-February 2011.From this observation, it will be necessary to study the contribution of the social media mediation of street art, taken over by activist communities, to incite political collectives to an action. This work of thesis will try to verify to what extent these collectives are instituted in a political public demanding the fall of a political regime as well as the establishment of a civil and democratic power. A pragmatist approach will combine a deweyian "theory of action" with a Peircian semiotics in order to observe the actions of a political public. These are aroused by media devices, which include street artivist images in their speeches, generating victimary and martyrological mythographic narratives.

Le commerce ambulant et son espace social à Nankin (Chine) : enjeux et perspectives urbanistiques / Street commerce and its social space in Nanjing (China), China : challenges and urban perspectives

Guan, Lida 23 November 2015 (has links)
L'objet de cette recherche urbanistique se situe à l'intersection de deux grandes dynamiques : la production officielle de l'espace public dans la ville contemporaine et le développement de l'activité commerciale dans les rues. Il s'agit d'une coproduction de l'espace public de facto. Cette thèse, en se construisant à partir d'études de différents types de terrain à Nankin (Chine), souhaite lancer une réflexion sur l'image et l'usage, la régulation et l'inventivité du quotidien. Elle cherche à démontrer les dimensions cachées du commerce de rue et son impact dans la vie quotidienne des habitants, car sa valeur sociale a souvent été ignorée, voire méprisée, dans la régulation de l'espace public ou dans la mise en place de projets urbains / The core topic of this urban research is situated at the crossing of two important dynamics: the official production of public space in the contemporary city and the development of commercial activities in the streets. It is a co-production of public space de facto. The thesis, originated from studies conducted on different types on land in Nanjing (China), wants to encourage a reflection on the image, the use, the regulations and the creation of everyday life. The scope is to demonstrate the hidden dimensions of street commerce and its impact in the daily lives, because its social value has often been ignored or even despised in the regulation of public space or in urban projects operations

Patterns and predictability of visual attention in different street types : An eye tracking study exploring the predictability of the distribution of  human visual  attention based on the spatial arrangements of buildings in a two-dimensional plan.

Månsson, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Streets are the most resilient elements in a city. While buildings are replaced and property borders redrawn, the streets remain. The primary means of planning new streets and the built environment surrounding it is by the creation of a two-dimensional plan - in a Swedish context called a detailed development plan. The two-dimensional plan is sometimes criticized for its inability to take the three-dimensional world into account and thus its inability to predict the actual outcome of the plan. To address this critique and provide additional understanding for this planning device, this paper empirically explores if the distribution of visual attention can  be predicted from a two-dimensional plan.  Visual attention is explored due to sight being the most prominent means used by humans to gather information in the urban environment. Fifteen subjects performed a simple, computerized eye-tracking experiment, whereby their visual attention was measured as they looked at 40 images on a monitor. The 40 images depicts four different street types: blocked, open, curved and angled, each of which was represented with a simple figure image, as per interpretation from a two-dimensional plan, as well as a photograph of the same environment, representing the actual outcome of the plan. The results show that the simple figure images have effective predictive capabilities, as  the distribution of visual attention exhibited a similar pattern in both the figure image and the photograph. The results also show that different patterns of visual attention are evoked by each of the four different street types. In sum, the results indicate that two-dimensional plans are able to predict the future three-dimensional outcome of a given plan in terms of visual attention. These indications are valuable for planners, architects, engineers and decision-makers when planning for new urban environments. The results are also valuable for understanding human perception of streets in a wider context.

Enfants et jeunes en situations de rue au Népal et leurs capabilités : des stratégies de survie urbaine aux carrières dans les dispositifs de protection / Children and youth in street situations in Nepal and their capabilities : from strategies of urban survival to careers within the protection system

Ryckmans, Jean-Christophe 13 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse approche par une lecture interactionniste la manière dont les enfants et les jeunes en situation de rue au Népal négocient leur identité sociale face à un processus de domination,d’étiquetage et de violences. Leur capabilité à survivre en rue détermine leur carrière mais celle-ci est également influencée par leur capacité à jouer avec le maillage institutionnel supposé les aider ou les contrôler. Leurs parcours de vie seront abordés par une analyse poussée des identités héritées (caste, religion, bagage familial et communautaire), de leurs identités acquises en situation de rue (activités quotidiennes, groupe de survie, drogues et violences physiques, morales et sexuelles) et de leurs identités espérées (rêves, projections). Présentant une typologie des dispositifs d’intervention existants, cette recherche abordera leurs carences et les effets de conversion ou de retour à la norme portés ou suscités par les ONG et les pouvoirs publics népalais. Les transformations en cours des politiques de protection de l’enfant seront analysées ainsi que leur impact réel ou ressenti par les enfants et les jeunes à la marge. Le paradoxe entre les discours institutionnels présentant l’enfant comme acteur de sa vie et de ses droits et la réalité des dispositifs intégrants trop marginalement les perspectives individuelles et le contexte interactionnel des sujets concernés sera décrypté. / This thesis uses an interactionist approach to understand how Nepalese children and youth in street situations negotiate their social identity while confronted with dynamics of domination, labelling and violence. Their capability to survive on the street determines their career, which is also influenced by their capacity to play with the institutional network supposed to help or control them. These life stories will be approached with a deep analysis of: their inherited identity (e.g., cast, religion, family and community background); the identity developed by street situations (e.g., survival group, regular activities, drugs, physical, moral and sexual violence); and their projected identity (e.g., dreams, expectations, projections). Presenting a typology of the existing intervention system, this research will shed light on the existing gaps and the effect of conversion « back to the norm », carried out or encouraged by NGOs or public authorities in Nepal. The current transformation of the Child Protection System will be analyzed, along with their real or felt impact on marginalized children and youth. The paradox will be explored between the institutional discourse, which presents the child as an actor of his life and rights, and the reality on the ground, where intervention tools integrate little of the individual’s perspectives and the interactional context surrounding concerned subjects.

Možnosti a bariéry v povolání sociálních pracovníků Ústeckého kraje / Capabilities and bariers in social worker's profession in Usti region

Novák, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This theses, called "Chances and restrains in social worker's profession in Ústí region" is dealing with social worker's profession in self-government context. It's setting off social workers from non-profit organizations. During beginning it's talking about theoretical basis, inevitably bound with social work's field, with focusing on social worker as part of assisting profession. It is, in particular, about opportunities or on the contrary about restrains/limits/barriers, which affects this field of specific self- governing area - Štětí city. Concretely it is about participants, which have here influence on life of local people/potential clients. All under surveillance of superior agency - higher self-government area - social work's methodologists of Ústí region. Research part of this thesis is based on semi-structured interview of previously mentioned participants, which gives overlook how each and every one of them sees limitations in practical social work's overlooks. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Street-racing: Snabbt och vårdslöst : En fallstudie i Helsingborg / Street-racing: Fast and reckless : A case study in Helsingborg

Brodén, Markus, Ranby, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Street-racing är ett världsomspännande och växande fenomen, som är en källa till mycket nöje för de deltagande, men samtidigt orsakar åtskilliga dödsfall och skador på både person och egendom varje år. I Sverige innebär de medföljande problemen med street-racing framför allt brott mot trafikförordningen och andra trafikrelaterade lagar, samt den fara det utgör för både förare, åskådare och allmänheten. Helsingborg som stad har länge figurerat på den svenska street-racing-scenen, och varit förknippat med ett starkt motorintresse, inte minst tack vare den årligen återkommande Vallåkraträffen, och detta tar sig uttryck i form av ostrukturerade fordonsträffar, drifting, och street-racing. Denna studie undersöker och klarlägger förekomsten av street-race i Helsingborg, i såväl omfattning som form, samt hur berörda myndigheter och institutioner har arbetat för att motverka detta. Det centrala frågeställningarna i studien var att undersöka hur street-racing beskrivs i Helsingborg, vilken problematik och brottslighet det medför, och hur kan det brottsförebyggande arbetet förbättras och utvecklas? För att åstadkomma detta hölls semistrukturerade intervjuer med nyckelinformanter vid Polismyndigheten, Helsingborgs Kommuns Trafikenhet och Brottsförebyggande samordning, samt Svenska Motorklubbens Helsingborgsgren. Utöver detta analyserades även rapportering av street-race i Helsingborg i nyhetsartiklar. Denna studie tar formen av en explorativ fallstudie och har därmed en kvalitativ och induktiv ansats. I resultaten från intervjuerna och nyhetsartiklarna framkom det att Street-racing är ett ökande problem i Helsingborg och det lockar både deltagande och publik inte bara nationellt, utan även från andra länder. Street-racing beskrivs som svårarbetat, och att problemet har en tendens att förflytta sig när insatser görs. Genom att se till tidigare forskning från länder där street-racing är ännu starkare rotat, i kombination med nyinhämtad kunskap om hur arbetet sker på lokal nivå i Sverige, ges förslag på hur ett effektivt arbete mot street-racing kan ske. / Street-racing is a worldwide and growing phenomenon, and is the source of a lot of amusement for the participants, although at the same time it is the cause of several deaths and injuries on both people and property every year. In Sweden, the problems that follow street-racing are mainly crimes against the traffic ordinance and other traffic-related laws, as well as the danger posed for both drivers, bystanders and the general public. Helsingborg as a city has long appeared on the street-race scene, and been associated with a large interest in motor and vehicles, a lot thanks to the yearly recurring Vallåkraträffen, which expresses itself through unstructured vehicle gatherings, drifting and street-racing. The following study examines and clarifies the presence of street-racing in Helsingborg, in its fullest extent, and also how affected authorities and institutions have worked to combat the problem. The most central subject of the research questions of the study was to look into how street-racing is described in Helsingborg, what kind of non-criminal problems as well as crimes it brings, and in which way can the crime preventive work improve and develop? To accomplish this, semistructured interviews were held with key informants from the Police, Helsingborg municipalities Traffic Office and crime preventive coordinator as well as representatives of The swedish motorclub. In addition to this, reports of street-racing in news articles from Helsingborg were also analyzed. This study takes the shape of an explorative case study and therefore has a qualitative and inductive focus. The results of the interviews and news-articles showed that street-racing is an increasing problem in Helsingborg and it attracts both participants and spectators not just nationally but also from other countries. Street-racing is described as a difficult challenge to solve, and the problem has a tendency of moving rather than being solved when an effort is made. By looking at previous research from countries where street-racing is even more strongly rooted, in combination with newly gathered knowledge on how the work continues on a local level in Sweden, suggestions are given on how to work effectively against street-racing.

Konstens plats i det urbana rummet : En studie av Hammarkullen Urban Art 2017 / The Arts Place in the Urban Space : A study of Hammarkullen Urban Art 2017

Ahrnbom, Ellen, Gauffin Jatta, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie menar att det i arkitekturens mellanrum, där vardagslivet tar plats, sker intressanta handlingar som sätter sin prägel på staden och dess invånare. Med ett fokus på urban konst och främst konstfestivaler i det urbana rummet undersöks den offentliga konstens olika ingrepp på platsen och de sociala gemenskaperna i målet att skapa en socialt hållbar stad. Offentlig konst kan i många fall ses som ett estetiskt och vackert inslag i områden. Denna uppsats hävdar dock att den offentliga konsten kan tillskrivas ytterligare ett värde, nämligen det instrumentella.  Urbana konstfestivaler är ett återkommande fenomen och används ofta som ett verktyg i främjandet av en socialt hållbar stad. Ur ett stadsbyggnads- och socialt investeringsperspektiv ska konsten, vare sig det är muralmålningar, skulpturer eller mosaikplattor, göra staden mer sammanlänkad, öka gemenskapen mellan invånare och förhöja känslan av tillhörighet. Den konst som fyller de urbana rummen tillskrivs därför både ett socialt och instrumentellt värde. Genom att studera konstfestivalen Hammarkullen Urban Art 2017 undersöks just denna relation mellan det samhälleliga målet om en socialt hållbar stadsutveckling och de urbana konstverken. Studien menar att det i denna förbindelse uppstår en rad dilemman rörande platsidentitet, platsskapande och platsautenticitet. Frågan som ställs är om urban konst är ett verktyg som är väl lämpat för att nå en sammanlänkad och socialt hållbar stad med högt deltagande? Studien är byggd på empiriskt material insamlat genom en fallstudie av Hammarkullen Urban Art 2017. Genom kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer har personer direkt länkade till konstfestivalen blivit hörda. Då festivalen ägde rum under 2017 har dessa intervjuer i kombination med dokumentanalyser och fältanalyser gett oss en förståelse att urbana konstfestivaler kan bidra med stärkt social hållbarhet. Dock kan nyttjandet av konsten i detta avseende bära med sig dilemman rörande platsers säregna kvalitéer. Avslutningsvis visar studien att urbana konstfestivaler har en inneboende motstridighet. Trots att den urbana konsten tenderar att vara ett demokratiserande verktyg för att öppna upp staden rum, syns även spår av marknadens intrång. Den offentliga konsten har blivit ett verktyg för städer och områden att profilera sig på. Detta går även att se i studiens fokusområde Hammarkullen. I och med inkorporerandet av Hammarkullen Urban Art 2017:s konstverk i stadsbilden förstärks bilden av området som kulturellt nav. / With a focus on urban art, and especially street art festivals, this study examines the various impacts public art can have on urban spaces and the social communities. This study suggests that, in the interspaces of urban architecture, interesting phenomena connected to urban art makes its mark on the city and its inhabitants. Public art can in many cases be seen as an aesthetic and beautiful element. However, the authors behind this work claim that public art can be attributed another value, namely the instrumental. From an urban planning perspective, art should make the city more interlinked, increase fellowship between residents and increase the sense of belonging. Moreover, it also increases welfare, profit and health. The question asked is whether urban art and street art festivals are a tool that is well suited to reach an interconnected and socially sustainable city?  The study is based on empirical material collected through a case study of Hammar- kullen Urban Art 2017. Through qualitative research interviews, the voices of people with a connection to the street art festival have been collected through interviews. As the festival took place in 2017, these interviews in combination with analyses of documents and field studies gave the study a reliable result on how urban art festivals can contribute to strengthening social sustainability. However, with the use of art in this aspect, dilemmas can follow concerning the peculiar qualities of places. Street art festivals are often used as a tool in the promotion of a socially sustainable city. By studying the street art festival Hammarkullen Urban Art 2017 the relationship between the societal goal of a socially sustainable city and the urban works of art is examined. Public art has become a tool for cities and areas to profile themselves in a different way from their previous image. The study claims that a number of dilemmas arise in the context between the societal goal and the urban art regarding place identity, placemaking and authenticity.  The study concludes that street art festivals have an inherent contradiction and are rather a tool for cities to promote themselves to fulfil the dominant culture’s desire for authenticity than a means to beautify the urban spaces. This position can also be seen in the Hammarkullen area as the incorporation of Hammarkullen Urban Art 2017’s artwork strengthens its identity as a cultural hub.

The challenge of managing street vendors in South Africa: a case of Thulamela Municipality

Mulondo, Thivhulawi Albert 11 October 2013 (has links)
Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies

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