Spelling suggestions: "subject:"8tudent misperspective"" "subject:"8tudent ke’sperspective""
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Outside the Box: Examining the School Experience from the Perspectives of Early LeaversArmstrong, Caitlin 01 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Public schools in America are experiencing a massive decline in student enrollment, resulting in school consolidations and closures across the nation. (Dee, 2023). This decline has many implications, particularly in rural areas, such as Northeast Tennessee. These implications and the public pressure to maintain high graduation rates and academic outcomes, require school leaders and policymakers to reflect on who is leaving public schools and why. This phenomenological study explored the school experiences and perceptions of individuals who left the traditional high school prior to graduation. In-depth interviews were conducted one-on-one with 13 participants via an online video conferencing platform who were formerly enrolled in traditional public high schools in Northeast Tennessee and either dropped out or enrolled in a nontraditional option prior to graduation. Nontraditional options included brick-and-mortar alternative schools offered by a public school district, separate credit recovery and graduation programs housed within the traditional high school, and online public schools. Dropping out was defined as leaving the traditional high school permanently and without obtaining a high school diploma, regardless of if the participant received a high school equivalency credential, such as a GED. Through the amplification of voices of those who left the traditional public high school, the findings of this study revealed themes of personal and familial barriers, negative associations with the school culture and environment, systemic and procedural barriers, and elements of positive teacher-student relationships.
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"Jag vill lära mig mer om hela världen!" : En intervjustudie om elevers perspektiv, tankar och motivation kring historieundervisningen på mellanstadietRobles Alcayaga, Paulina January 2024 (has links)
This study focuses on the students' perspective in contemporary history education, emphasizing the importance of their thoughts and opinions. The aim of this study is to benefit teacher trainees and practicing teachers who wish to develop their teaching methods, making them more relevant and meaningful for students. The study is based on focus group interviews with students from grades 5 and 6 at a school in Stockholm, with a total of 26 participants. The findings reveal that the majority of students are interested in the subject of history but desire certain changes. They particularly express a wish for a more global perspective in the curriculum and a desire to learn about more countries and cultures beyond the borders of Europe.
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"Det var stressigt, man visste typ inget" : Vägledningen inför gymnasievalet, ur ett elevperspektivBjärnsund, Ann, Segersson, Ida January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to study what students in in the first year of the social science program in high school think about the guidance they had access to during their time at primary school. This is to ensure that it the guidance students are entitled to and contribute to the development of the business. The survey was conducted at two different high schools in southern Sweden. A total of 57 students participated in the survey. The results show that 46 and 29 percent of students at the two schools did not feel they had the information they needed for their upper secondary school The results proving what previous research reached that students selection process can lead to stress and uncertainty associated with the choice to high school. The results of the present study showed that girls in particular have high standards for themselves and experience stress and anxiety associated with their selection to a greater extent than boys. The results also show that the majority of students do meet a counselor but the availability and quality of the counseling varied between schools. When the liability is delegated to the municipal level in terms of the organization of guidance activities are controlled quality and access to how much principals choose to prioritize activities. The study shows that students had access to similar counseling programs such as field trips, work experience, open houses and individual guidance and that the majority is happy with their choice. The results also show that students are asking for more activities related to education and employment. From a gender perspective, more girls than boys claimed that they felt unease and experienced difficulties selecting, confirming what the agency's report states.
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Tillgänglig lärmiljö med fokus på elevers läs- och skrivutveckling : En studie om elevers uppfattningar kring lärmiljön och inkluderande processer i det klassrum där de har sin svenskundervisning / Accessible learning environment focusing on the development of reading and writing skills : A study on student views concerning the learning environment, and the process of inclusive education, in the classroom in which they study SwedishAndersson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap kring hur några elever i årskurs 9 uppfattar lärmiljön och inkluderande processer i det klassrum där de har sin svenskundervisning, samt hur de anser att lärmiljön kan förbättras med särskilt fokus på läs- och skrivutveckling. Studien utgår ifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande. Den metod som används i undersökningen är en form av kvalitativ strukturerad gruppintervju. Frågeställningarna utgår ifrån syftet där elevperspektivet utgör en central del av innehållet. Resultatet i studien synliggör vikten av att undanröja hinder i den fysiska, pedagogiska och sociala lärmiljön för att skapa inkluderande och gynnsamma förutsättningar för elevers läs- och skrivutveckling. Åtgärder kring lärmiljön skapar en trygg och fungerande skola där alla elever får möjlighet att utvecklas. Resultatet visar även på betydelsen av att låta elever få vara med och ge sitt perspektiv på tillgänglig lärmiljö. Att lyssna på elever och att låta dem göra sina röster hörda är en viktig del av skolans uppdrag. Delaktighet är en rättighet för barn och elever, något som skapar trygghet, vilket är en förutsättning för att lärande ska kunna ske. / The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge about how some students in the 9th grade perceive the learning environment, and the process of inclusive education, in the classroom in which they study Swedish. It also aims to present their thoughts on how the learning environment can be improved to support the development of reading and writing skills. The theoretical framework of this study is a sociocultural perspective on learning. The method chosen is a form of qualitative structured group interview. The questions are based on the aim of the study, where the student perspective plays a central part of the content. The results of this study show the importance of overcoming obstacles in the physical, pedagogical and social learning environment to create inclusive and beneficial conditions concerning students´ reading and writing skills. Actions surrounding the learning environment create a secure and functioning school where all students have the possibility to develop. The results also show the importance of letting students provide their perspective on an accessible learning environment. To listen to students and to allow the students´ voices to be heard are significant parts of the school curriculum. Children and students have a right to participation as this creates a sense of security, which is a condition for learning to be acquired.
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”Ja det är en riktig jävla motivation!” : En fenomenologisk intervjustudie om motivation till ensemblespel på kulturskolan / “Yes, that's a real bloody motivation!” : A phenomenological interview study on motivation for playing in an ensemble at the cultural schoolOlsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilka motivationsfaktorer som elever i olika ensembler på kulturskolan erfar och om det skiljer sig något mellan fokusgrupperna. Bakgrundskapitlet belyser litteratur och tidigare forskning inom området motivation, instrumentalspel och gruppsykologi. Arbetets vetenskaps- och kunskapsteoretiska utgångspunkter är interpretativism och konstruktionism. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv är fenomenologi med inriktning mot livsvärldsperspektivet. Studiens forskningsmetod innefattar semistrukturerade interjuver med fyra olika fokusgrupper från fyra olika ensembler på kulturskolan. Materialet analyserades utifrån tematisk analysmetod. I analysen av resultatet har två övergripande teman, sociala- och musikaliska faktorer, framkommit. De sociala faktorerna berör elevers erfarande av att det är att umgås med vänner i ensemblen, träffa människor i olika åldrar, ha en god relation med sina lärare och att ha eget ansvar i ensemblen. Det framkom också att musicera tillsammans, att utvecklas på sitt instrument, lära sig av varandra och att medverka i konsertsamanhang var motiverande faktorer för att spela i ensemble. Ett antal icke motiverande faktorer framkom även bland annat tidsbrist, för svåra eller lätta låtar, olika åsikter i ensemblen och att vänner slutar i ensemblen. Skillnader gällande synen på medbestämmande, ensemblens funktion och medverkan på konserter har också framkommit. Avslutningsvis diskuteras, i förhållande till tidigare presenterad litteratur och forskning inom området, betydelsen av det sociala umgänget, musikaliska upplevelsen, medbestämmandet och tidsbristen. / The purpose of this study is to find out what motivational factors pupils in different ensembles at the cultural school experience and if there is any difference between the focus groups. The background chapter illustrates literature and previous research in the area of motivation, instrumental playing and group psychology. The work's scientific and knowledge theoretical principles are interpretativism and constructionism. The theoretical perspective of the study is phenomenology with a focus on the life-world perspective. The study's research method includes semi-structured interviews with four different focus groups from four different ensembles at the culture school. The material was analyzed based on the thematic analysis method. In the analysis of the result, two overarching themes, social and musical factors, have emerged. The social factors affect students' experience of being with friends in the ensemble, meeting people of different ages, having a good relationship with their teachers and having their own responsibility in the ensemble. It also emerged that playing music together, developing on their instrument, learning from each other and participating in concert contexts were motivating factors for playing in an ensemble. A number of non-motivational factors also emerged including lack of time, too difficult or easy tunes, different opinions in the ensemble and that friends quit the ensemble. Differences regarding the view of co-deciding the function of the ensemble and participation in concerts have also emerged. Finally, the results are discussed in relation to previously presented literature and research in the field. The significance of social interaction, musical experience, co-determination and lack of time was discussed in the concluding chapter.
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Dans, självförtroende och självkänsla : En fenomenologisk studie om danselevers upplevelse i dansundervisningNaglitsch, Tilde January 2022 (has links)
This study examines how dance education can affect a dance student’s self-efficacy and self-concept. The purpose is to shine light on the students perspective on their education. It is also to help educators to get an understanding of and interest in students perspective so that they are included in the work of adjusting the education to help develop dance students self-efficacy and self-concept. The study was done with a Merleau-Ponty phenomenological perspective through four semi structured interviews which were transcribed and analysed from Steinar Kvales methods. The results show four main factors that can affect dance students self-efficacy and self-concept and these are: The relationship to members of the group, Feedback, Comparing to others and The relationship to teachers. Since this study is limited to the perspective of four students, further research needs to be done to verify if these factors are important to the bigger population of dance students.
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Hur påverkas elevernas motivation av inomhusmiljön på fritidshemmet? : En jämförelse mellan fritidshem med egna lokaler och fritidshem som delar lokaler med skolverksamheten / How are students’ motivation affected by the indoor environment at the leisure-time center? : A comparison between leisure-time centers with their own premises and leisure-time centers that share premises with the school classroomsUludag, Yonca, Ulvblom, Jannika January 2022 (has links)
The physical environment is in our vicinity and our everyday lives. We have daily contact with the physical environment, not least with the physical indoor environment. The school is a place where the physical indoor environment is important for both students and staff in their everyday lives. The purpose of our study is to get an idea of how students' motivation to participate in teaching at leisure-time centers is affected by the physical indoor environment, by comparing two leisure-time centers with each other. One leisure-time center with premises intended for leisure-time center and one leisure-time center that shares premises with the school classrooms. We compare the similarities and differences in leisure-time centers regarding the students' perception and integration with the physical indoor environment and what in the environment that motivates the students to participate in the teaching. This study is conducted with the help of observations at the leisure-time centers and web surveys and to help analyze our collected material, we use an environmental psychological perspective; environmental psychology refers to humans and the environment and looks at their impact on each other. We also use Reeves' eight aspects to see motivation linked to behaviors, to study the motivation of students at the time of observation. The results show that there are more similarities than differences between the leisure-time centers. The conclusion is that the students in the general way of both leisuretime centers have a positive attitude towards the premises of the leisure-time centers. They also show a high level of motivation and that the physical indoor environment affects motivation.
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Läroboken som läromedel : Elevers upplevelser och attityder till läroböcker i historia på mellanstadiet / The textbook as a teaching aid : Pupils' experiences and attitudes towards the middle school history textbookLindahl, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra med ökad kunskap om hur elever upplever läroboken i historia i årskurs 4–6. Enligt forskning har lärarna en bred valmöjlighet när det kommer till val av läromedel, men av olika anledningar väljer de att använda läroböcker till stor del i undervisningen. Läroplanen (2022) skriver att skolans uppdrag är att främja lärande, där eleverna stimuleras och kan inhämta och utveckla kunskaper och värden. Det är därför intressant för studien att inta ett elevperspektiv. Den vetenskapsteoretiska ansats studien har inspirerats av är hermeneutisk fenomenologi, eftersom det är människors tankar, uppfattningar och åsikter som ska studeras och tolkas i studien. Underlaget för resultatet är fyra fokusgruppsamtal på två olika skolor, med totalt 17 elever på mellanstadiet. Resultatet visar att eleverna anser att läroböcker i stor utsträckning är bra men att den kan upplevas som tråkig. Det finns även saker i läroböckerna som eleverna upplever som onödiga och irrelevanta. Det kan handla om att läroböckerna innehåller gamla bilder eller är kopplade till en äldre läroplan men även några av namnen i läroboken upplever eleverna som onödiga. I diskussion kommer eleverna fram till att de lär sig bäst när de använder läroböcker men att det bästa är ett varierat arbetssätt. De kommer i sina diskussioner fram till att det bästa är ett varierat arbetssätt. Studiens slutsats är att eleverna har många bra idéer som kan användas i yrkesverksamheten. / The purpose of this study is to contribute with increased knowledge about how students experience the history textbook in grades 4–6. According to research, teachers have a wide choice when it comes to choosing teaching materials, but for various reasons they choose to use textbooks to a large extent in teaching. The curriculum (2022) states the school's mission is to promote learning, where students are stimulated and can acquire and develop knowledge and values. It is therefore interesting for the study to take a student perspective. The scientific theoretical approach the study has been inspired by is hermeneutic phenomenology because it’s about people's thoughts, perceptions and opinions that are to be studied and interpreted in the study. The basis for the results is four focus group interviews at two different schools, with a total of 17 students in middle school. The results show that the students consider the textbook to be good, but that it can be perceived as boring. There are also things in the textbooks that the students feel are unnecessary and irrelevant. It may be that the textbooks contain old pictures or are linked to an older curriculum, but the students also feel that some the names in the textbook are unnecessary. In conclusion, most of the students believe that they learn best when they use the textbook but that the best is a varied way of working. In their discussions, they conclude that the best is a varied way of working. The study's conclusion is that the students have many good ideas that can be used in professional activities.
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Hur vi kommer över talrädsla i svenskämnet : en fenomenografisk studie på gymnasieelever / How we overcome the fear of public speaking in the Swedish subject : - A phenomenographic study on upper secondary studentsPogulis, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att bidra med kunskap om de strategier som elever i gymnasiet ansåg vara stödjande för att övervinna talrädsla och svensklärares användningsområde för dessa strategier i klassrummet. Metoderna som användes var enkät och fenomenografisk intervju. Informanterna bestod av sex gymnasieelever från samma gymnasieskola men olika årskurser. Den teoretiska referensramen som studien utgick ifrån var fenomenografi. Det var även den fenomenografiska analysmodellen som användes vid analys av empiri. Utfallsrummen i studien resulterade i nio kategorier som besvarade de tre forskningsfrågorna. Resultatet visade att de faktorer som bidrog med talrädsla hos gymnasieelever var publikens beteende, om de skrattade eller agerade ointresserade. Vidare elevens osäkerhet gällande att bli analyserad och råka göra misstag framför publiken. Den sista påverkande faktorn var bedömning, att läraren skulle bedöma framförandet och hur det skulle påverka elevens betyg. De strategier som eleverna uppfattade som stöttande för att överkomma sin talrädsla var att det inte bara behöver finnas en trygghet i klassrummet utan även i klassen. Vidare att avdramatisera situationen och inse att ett misstag inte förstör framförandet. Slutligen att öva på framförandet innan och även veta var eleven kan fästa blicken under framförandet ansågs stöttande. Det eleverna ansåg att svensklärare kunde göra i klassrummet för att stötta talrädda elever var att ge positiv återkoppling för att höja elevens självförtroende. Svenskläraren kunde behandla publik och talare lika genom att även tilldela publiken en uppgift under det muntliga framförandet. Avslutningsvis kunde svenskläraren göra medvetna val gällande, gruppstorlek, tydlighet i instruktioner och svårighetsgrad. Sammanfattningsvis efterfrågar talrädda elever stöttning och respekt från svensklärare för att känna sig tryggare i sin rädsla. / The purpose of this study was to contribute with more knowledge about strategies that upper secondary students find supportive when trying to overcome their fear of public speaking and how Swedish teachers can use these strategies in the classroom. The methods used were a questionnaire and phenomenographic interviews. The participants were six students from the same Swedish upper secondary school but from different years. The theoretical framework that was used on the study was phenomenography. The analyzed material resulted in nine categories which answer the three research questions. The findings from this study indicate that the factors contributing to the fear of public speaking are the audience and how they behave, the students’ self-esteem and lastly that the performance is being graded. The strategies that the students found supportive were a safe classroom environment and class, as well as dedramatizing the situation and practicing on the performance and eye contact in advance. To help the students with speaking anxiety the Swedish teachers could make smaller groups, clear instructions, and adjust the difficulty of the speaking tasks. To summarize the students, request support and respect from their teachers to feel more comfortable facing their fear of speaking. / Examensarbete i samverkan
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"Historien går liksom att ta på, typ" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om högstadieelevers uppfattning av historiebaserade spel i undervisningen / "History is touchable, sort of" : A qualitative interview study on junior high school students perception of historical video games for teachingLund, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative interview study is to understand junior high school students' perception of the use of historical video games for learning and from this identify and analyze how the students perceives story-driven historical games in relation to developing historical empathy and a sense of history. The study also seeks to understand student’s perception of potential challenges with using historical digital games for learning purposes. The theoretical basis of the study is grounded in a history didactic perspective on game-based learning and a genealogical approach to history. The study uses semi-structured interviews with five junior high school students aged fourteen to fifteen years. The study found that all of the students who participated in the study had a perception that historical games may increase students’ understanding of history and that the increased sense of understanding takes place above all through the games ability to let students immerse themselves in the games story. Furthermore, the study shows that most students had a perception that the games allowed them to be virtually present in history, which can help students view the world and the people in it from different perspectives, to reflect on history, see connections between different historical events and to form their own thoughts about history. Perceptions of several potential challenges with using the games as teaching aids were also found. The most distinctive challenges according to the students were an increased distractibility, requirements for prior knowledge and interest in the games, structural challenges, and a perceived lack of historical accuracy in the games.
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