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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of walking and bicycling behavior in suburban multifamily housing: A case study in Eugene, Oregon

Belanger, Kevin M., 1985- 12 1900 (has links)
xi, 63 p. : ill. (some col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Walking, bicycling, and other modes of active transportation can be utilitarian modes of personal transport, but barriers exist that limit the ability of groups of people to use these modes. This research looks at the walking and bicycling behaviors and attitudes of residents of suburban multifamily housing, a housing type identified in previous literature as needing research. Particularly, the roles of pedestrian route distance and directness as well as physical route characteristics are explored in their effects on walking and bicycling behavior. Results show that both the pedestrian network distance and major arterials are significantly correlated with a person's mode choice. Recommendations include increasing density around suburban commercial centers and encouraging pedestrian and bicycle connections between developments to limit arterial interaction. / Committee in Charge: Nico Larco, Chair; Dr. Marc Schlossberg; Dr. Kathryn A. Lynch

Violência, educação, subcidadania e democracia na periferia da grande metrópole / Violence, education, uncitizenship and democracy in the suburb of the great metropole

Martins, Carlos Adalberto 15 October 2007 (has links)
A temática da formação da cidadania, conforme nossa legislação de ensino, mantém-se como um dos eixos básicos da finalidade da educação. Mas se a educação para a cidadania parece ser um imperativo social, o dilema é saber se a educação desenvolvida em instituições de ensino pública e privada da periferia da grande metrópole tem atingido seus objetivos. O presente trabalho estuda os resultados do processo de educação para o exercício da cidadania e prática da democracia em instituições escolares públicas e privadas dentro do contexto de violência da periferia de São Paulo. Para tanto, foi delimitada e caracterizada a região de Itaquera-Guaianases-Cidade Tiradentes, onde se buscou demonstrar o processo de exclusão social e carências históricas, bem como ausência de ação efetiva de determinados agentes do governo, no exercício de suas funções em prol da comunidade, com o seu descrédito junto à população. Neste quadro foram analisados e comparados o resultado de uma proposta escolar de educação com ênfase na preparação para o exercício da cidadania e a prática da democracia de uma instituição privada de ensino, com os resultados obtidos por uma escola pública, que desenvolve seu programa de educação para a cidadania dentro do contexto geral do Estado. As instituições que serviram de base para a realização do trabalho foram a Escola Estadual Aquilino Ribeiro e o Colégio Professor Augusto Alves Maia. A instituição pública atende o ensino fundamental, com ciclos I (1a a 4 ª séries) e II (5a à 8a séries); o ensino médio e além do ensino regular conta também com a modalidade Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Possui aproximadamente 1.100 alunos freqüentando regularmente seus cursos, que funcionam em três turnos: manhã, tarde e noite. A instituição particular de ensino mantém os cursos de educação infantil, fundamental, médio e técnico, tendo aproximadamente 1200 alunos, funcionando também em três turnos, manhã, tarde e noite. As fontes para a realização do presente trabalho foram as entrevistas com professores, alunos, coordenadores, diretores, pais de alunos e membros das escolas envolvidas. O trabalho abrangeu a ação desenvolvida no período de 1999 a 2006. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi a verificação da compreensão por parte dos alunos e dos membros da comunidade daquilo que foi trabalhado nas escolas sobre os direitos políticos, civis, sociais, econômicos e culturais que procuram assegurar ao indivíduo uma vida digna, com acesso a bens essenciais como moradia, educação, saúde, trabalho, lazer, previdência social, alimentação decente, acesso aos bens culturais e ao conjunto de bens de consumo que são oferecidos às sociedades modernas, identificando as dificuldades dentro de um quadro que sabe ser extremamente adverso. / The subject of the formation of citizenship, according to our legislation on education, remains one of the basic axes of the purpose of education. However, if education for citizenship seems to be a social imperative, the dilemma is to know if the education in public and private learning institutions in suburbs of the great metropolis has attained its objectives. This work studies the results of the education process for practice of citizenship and democracy in public and private learning institutions in the context of violence of the São Paulo suburbs. To this effect, the region of -Guaianases-Cidade Tiradentes was outlined and characterized, where it was sought to demonstrate the process of social exclusion and historical deficiency, as well as lack of effective action by certain government agents in carrying out their duties on behalf of the community, with their discredit by the population. In this setting, the result of an education proposal was analyzed and compared, with emphasis on preparing one for the practice of citizenship and democracy of a private learning institution, with results obtained by a public school, which developed its education program for citizenship in the general context of the State. The institutions that served as basis to conduct the work were Escola Estadual Aquilino Ribeiro and Colégio Professor Augusto Alves Maia. The public institution includes elementary education, with cycles I (2nd to 5th grades) and II (6th to 9th grades); high education and, besides regular education, it also has the modality Youth and Adult Education (EJA). It has approximately 1,100 students regularly attending its courses, which work in three shifts: morning, afternoon and night. The private learning institution maintains kindergarten, elementary school, high school and technical school, with approximately 1,200 students, also working in three shifts - morning, afternoon and night. The sources for this work were interviews with teachers, students, coordinators, directors, parents of students and members of the schools involved. The work covered activities in the period from 1999 to 2006. The overall goal of the work was to verify the understanding by the students and members of the community of what was taught in the schools on political, civil, social, economic and cultural rights that seek to assure the individual of a decent life, with access to essential assets like housing, education, health, work, leisure, social security, decent feeding, access to cultural assets and the set of consumer goods offered to modern society, identifying the difficulties within a setting one knows to be extremely adverse

Recycler les premières couronnes des villes globales : politiques d'aménagement urbain et restructurations des banlieues de Paris et New York / Recycling global citie's first suburbs : urban policies and restructuration of Paris and New York's pericentral areas

Albecker, Marie-Fleur 05 December 2014 (has links)
Les premières couronnes de banlieue parisienne et new-yorkaises, anciens espaces industriels, sont le territoire privilégié de l’expansion spatiale de la centralité parisienne recomposée par la globalisation de l’économie. Les conséquences spatiales de ces évolutions bouleversent les ordonnances et les hiérarchies existantes au sein des agglomérations urbaines. Les premières couronnes ont traversé une période de désindustrialisation et des phénomènes de crise économique, sociale et urbaine. Mais depuis les années 1980, elles sont confrontées à une recomposition économique du centre de l’agglomération, qui les confronte aux conséquences de la globalisation. Une typologie permet de distinguer différents types de choix. Certains espaces s’orientent résolument vers le tertiaire supérieur et l’installation d’une population de cadres aisés. A l’inverse, d’autres connaissent des évolutions économiques et sociales divergentes (intégration économique, pauvreté des habitants). Enfin, d’autres espaces s’orientent vers des fonctions résidentielles. Les politiques urbaines ont eu un rôle majeur dans l’évolution de ces premières couronnes, par le biais de régulations nouvelles entre les stratégies publique et privée. Cette thèse montre que les transformations récentes de ces territoires ne dépend pas seulement du contexte local, mais aussi d’héritages liés aux politiques urbaines, bien que les deux contextes étudiés soient très différents. De fait, les politiques urbaines tendent à produire des effets et des paysages urbains similaires, le paradigme de la croissance économique restant dominant. / In the core of Paris’ and New York metropolitan areas, former industrial spaces have undergone a massive restructuring of their productive and social profile. Global cities have dramatically changed for the past 30 years : their centres have regained economic power, and been gentrified. In particular, “peri-central spaces” or “first suburbs” faced a period of decline and deindustrialization, losing jobs and population, facing pauperization and unemployment. However, from the 1980s on, they are being restructured in connection with their specific spatial position neighbouring the center and are confronted with the impacts of globalization. Most spaces are oriented towards production, attracting office development and business services. Some poles of excellence have particularly gained from this restructuring while their population gentrified, and are competing fiercely for investment. Others are destructured urban areas where the economic and social evolutions are diverging (economic redevelopment versus increased poverty of the residents). Finally, other spaces remain more residential, with diverging social evolutions. Urban policies had a key impact on the evolution of first suburbs, the conjunction of private and public strategies creating the conditions for their redevelopment. This thesis shows that the recent transformation of these territories does not only depend on the local context, but also on long-term heritages and therefore on the choices implemented by local public strategies, be it in two very different contexts. As a matter of facts, urban policies tend to produce similar effects and urban landscapes, mostly because of the dominance of the growth paradigm.

Дефинисање и оцена критеријума утицаја саобраћајне приступачности на развој приградских насеља / Definisanje i ocena kriterijuma uticaja saobraćajne pristupačnosti na razvoj prigradskih naselja / Defining and Assessment of Criteria for Traffic Accessibility Impact onDevelopment of Suburb Areas

Stanković Milan 19 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Основни циљ рада јесте дефинисање и квантификација критеријума који имају<br />највећи утицај на саобраћајну приступачност приградских насеља. Овај модел<br />односи се на саобраћајну приступачност приградских насеља у којима<br />функционише систем јавног градског превоза и представља квалитативни<br />приступ истраживању. Истраживање је показало да мрежа линија јавног градског<br />превоза (ЈГП), мрежа приступних путева у насељу, време путовања и ред вожње,<br />имају највећи значај у описивању и генерисању новог модела. Као резултат<br />истраживања у овом раду, очекује се да ће примена модела омогућити развој и<br />одрживост приградских насеља, социјалну равноправност и укључивање<br />становника (посебно млађе популације) у друштвене активности, а све у циљу<br />квалитетнијег живота људи.</p> / <p>Osnovni cilj rada jeste definisanje i kvantifikacija kriterijuma koji imaju<br />najveći uticaj na saobraćajnu pristupačnost prigradskih naselja. Ovaj model<br />odnosi se na saobraćajnu pristupačnost prigradskih naselja u kojima<br />funkcioniše sistem javnog gradskog prevoza i predstavlja kvalitativni<br />pristup istraživanju. Istraživanje je pokazalo da mreža linija javnog gradskog<br />prevoza (JGP), mreža pristupnih puteva u naselju, vreme putovanja i red vožnje,<br />imaju najveći značaj u opisivanju i generisanju novog modela. Kao rezultat<br />istraživanja u ovom radu, očekuje se da će primena modela omogućiti razvoj i<br />održivost prigradskih naselja, socijalnu ravnopravnost i uključivanje<br />stanovnika (posebno mlađe populacije) u društvene aktivnosti, a sve u cilju<br />kvalitetnijeg života ljudi.</p> / <p>The main aims of the paper are to define and quantify the criteria which have the<br />greatest influence on traffic accessibility of suburban areas. This model refers to traffic<br />accessibility of suburban areas, where the system of urban public transport is<br />operational and represents a qualitative approach to research.The research has shown<br />that the factors such as a network of public transport (PT) lines, the network of<br />accessible roads in a settlement, travel time and the timetable have the greatest<br />importance in description and generation of a new model. Based on the results of<br />research presented in this paper, it is expected that the application of this model will<br />enable development and sustainability of suburban areas, as well as greater social<br />equality and involvement of dwellers (especially young generation) in social activities,<br />in view of achieving better quality of life among people.</p>

Novas conexões, velhos associativismos: projetos sociais em escolas de samba mirins

Ana Paula Pereira da Gama Alves Ribeiro 30 September 2009 (has links)
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Nas comunidades, a transmissão se dá via oral. No samba não é diferente. Desde a fundação das escolas de samba, crianças e adolescentes participam ativamente, junto com as suas famílias, das atividades dessas escolas, inclusive do desfile carnavalesco. Essas crianças e adolescentes têm, há décadas, espaços próprios nas escolas de samba: a ala das crianças e mais recentemente escolinhas de mestre-sala e porta-bandeira, e participação em baterias mirins, trazendo perspectiva de profissionalização e de renovação nas próprias escolas e por fim, a criação, a partir de 1980, das escolas de samba mirins, que atualmente abrem o carnaval do Rio de Janeiro. Hoje há 16 escolas, agregadas em uma associação específica, majoritariamente derivadas das escolas mães, que trazem nos desfiles mais de vinte e cinco mil crianças e adolescentes na sexta-feira que antecede o Carnaval. As Escolas de Samba Mirins tentam inserir-se nas políticas sociais para a juventude, principalmente a pobre, para a promoção da cidadania e a revitalização do sentido de comunidade. Fundadas nas áreas mais antigas do Rio de Janeiro, principalmente a área de planejamento três os subúrbios onde se concentram, estas escolas de samba mirins mantém estreito laço com sua vizinhança, estimulando a sociabilidade, as relações intergeracionais e a construção da confiança, fundamental para o surgimento da eficácia coletiva e do desenvolvimento do capital social nestes espaços. Além disso, suprem a ausência de áreas de lazer e equipamentos culturais destes espaços, fortalecendo os laços com os vizinhos e amigos e evitando, de alguma maneira, que o tráfico de drogas violento fragmente ainda mais a vida social e cultural da região. Nesse sentido, as escolas de samba mirins contribuem para a valorização da cultura carioca e se constituem enquanto proposta para promoção da saúde e prevenção da violência, principalmente a gerada pelo tráfico de drogas e a repressão policial contra este tráfico com um caráter desagregador nas vizinhanças onde essas escolas se organizaram originalmente. / In communities, the transmission occurs orally. Samba is no different. Since the founding of the samba schools, children and adolescents are actively involved, along with their families, the activities of these schools, including the carnival. These children and adolescents have, for decades, their own spaces in the schools of samba: the section for children and more recently small schools of feast and standard-bearer, and participation in junior batteries, bringing the perspective of professionalism and renewal in schools and Finally, the creation, from 1980, the samba school junior, who now open the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Today there are 16 schools clustered in a specific association, mostly derived from the parent schools, bringing the shows over twenty-five thousand children and teenagers in the Friday preceding the Carnival. The Samba Schools Mirins try to insert themselves into the social policies for youth, especially the poor, for the promotion of citizenship and the revitalization of the sense of community. Founded in the oldest areas of Rio de Janeiro, especially the planning area 3 - the suburbs - where they are concentrated, these samba schools junior maintain close ties with your neighborhood, encouraging sociability, intergenerational relationships and building trust is vital to the emergence of collective efficacy and social capital development in these areas. In addition, supply the absence of recreational areas and cultural facilities such space, strengthening ties with neighbors and friends and avoiding in some way, that drug trafficking violent shred further social and cultural life of the region. In this sense, the samba schools junior contribute to the promotion of culture and Rio are as a proposal for health promotion and prevention of violence, mainly generated by drug trafficking and police repression against this scourge with a divisive character in the neighborhoods where these schools organized originally.

Factors Influencing Ant Assemblages and Ant Community Composition in a Sub-Tropical Suburban Environment

Clough, Elizabeth Anne, n/a January 2004 (has links)
The main objective of this study was to examine the abundance and diversity of ants in suburban sites following vegetation removal or modification for development. This research examines the capacity of suburban sites to support ant diversity, which is dependent on the site characteristics and their surrounding environment. The study focused on 29 suburban garden and 3 suburban reserve sites on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. This region, through continuing land development, undergoes ongoing habitat disturbance and modification. Ground-dwelling ants were collected by pitfall trapping in study sites over three summers between 1997 and 1999. In total, 28,512 ants from 60 species in 31 genera were collected. Garden sites that maintain vegetation structural diversity were found to be most similar to reserve sites in terms of ant community composition. These sites were highest in ant richness and diversity and contained particularly high proportions of specialized ant species. Sites in close proximity to remnants of native vegetation contained higher species diversity and a greater proportion of specialized ant species. The introduced tramp ant, Pheidole megacephala was found in 28 of the 32 sites and was found to significantly reduce ant species richness and diversity and displace the dominant ant Iridomyrmex sp. 1 in suburban environments. This ant poses a serious threat to the recovery of a diverse ant fauna to suburban environments. Ant community composition was shown to vary significantly among suburban sites. The ant functional groups commonly found in disturbed sites were abundant in open sites with little canopy cover in this study. Sites that provided vegetation structural diversity and areas of closed canopy supported similar functional groups to natural vegetation remnants. These results indicate that ant communities in suburban environments respond to disturbance in a similar manner to ant communities in tropical forests and rainforests. The dominance by functional groups and presence of specialized species may therefore be used as an indicator of disturbance and the restoration of suitable habitat in suburban sites. The presence of specialized species of ants in suburban garden sites and their clear preference for particular site characteristics indicate that these species utilize resources available in the suburban matrix. These results indicate that residential suburban sites are of value in the enhancement of ant diversity in fragmented landscapes and that they may provide supportive habitat to, and act as corridors between, vegetation fragments. In order to preserve biodiversity within suburban environments, landowners should be advised to retain as much existing vegetation within a site as possible. Clearing should be limited to that necessary to allow construction of dwellings and for safety. In addition, landowners should be encouraged to establish or maintain structurally diverse vegetation layers within sites in order to provide diverse microenvironments for fauna habitat.

Den fula ankungen : En undrsökning om torghandelns vara i Stockholm 1990 - 2014

Bernström, Bonnie January 2014 (has links)
Undersökningens huvudfråga är hur den uråldriga torghandeln kan fortsätta existera i det svenska samhället där logik, ordning och välstånd ofta går på tvärs med torghandelns flyktighet, kortsiktighet och umbäranden. Oordning och informellt är två nyckelord i beskrivningarna av torghandeln historiskt och i den aktuella internationella forskningen. Praktik, utövare, materialitet, föreställningar och plats samverkar över tid i en ständig förändring av handeln. Ett teoretiskt ramverk lånat från forskning om de svenska torpens transformation kompletterar teorierna om globaliseringens, städers konkurrens och migrationens inverkan på omvärlden. Både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder har använts. En diskursanalysliknande granskning av tidningsartiklar och offentliga dokument beskriver den maktsfär som producerar en officiell föreställning som mer undergräver än stärker förtroendet för handeln. Observationer och samtal på fem salutorg i Stockholms stad har gett de annars marginaliserade torghandlarna en röst i studien. Det finns för närvarande ingen annan forskning om dagens torghandel i Stockholm.

Assessing the environmental impacts of a complex urban water system based on the life cycle assessment framework : development of a versatile model and advanced water deprivation indicators / Évaluation des impacts environnementaux d'un système d'eau urbain complexe dans le cadre de l'analyse du cycle de vie (ACV) - Développement d'un modèle polyvalent et d'indicateurs de privation d'eau avancés : développement d'un modèle polyvalent et d'indicateurs de privation d'eau avancés

Loubet, Philippe 27 November 2014 (has links)
La gestion intégrée de l'eau à l'échelle des grandes villes est un réel défi. Cependant, la quantification des flux et des impacts environnementaux liés à l'utilisation de l'eau n'est pas encore suffisamment développée. Dans ce contexte, la question de recherche de la thèse est: "comment modéliser le système d'eau urbain complexe d'une mégapole pour l'évaluation de ses impacts sur l'environnement et des services fournis aux usagers de l'eau, dans le cadre de l'analyse du cycle de vie (ACV)?" Le cœur de la thèse est le développement d'un cadre général définissant les flux d'eau et les impacts environnementaux associés aux trois composants principaux du système d'eau urbain, à savoir, les technologies de l'eau, les usagers de l'eau et les ressources en eau. Le modèle proposé de système d'eau urbain (nommé WaLA) se construit à travers une approche modulaire permettant l'interopérabilité des trois composants. Le modèle fournit des indicateurs d'impacts et de services rendus qui peuvent être utiles aux décideurs et aux parties prenantes. Il simplifie l'évaluation des scénarios et diminue la complexité du système tout en assurant sa bonne représentation du point de vue de l'ACV. En plus de cet objectif principal, la thèse vise à raffiner les indicateurs d'impact sur la privation d'eau afin qu'ils soient pertinents pour les systèmes d'eau urbains. Une méthode qui permet d'évaluer la privation d'eau à l'échelle du sous bassin versant en intégrant les effets en aval a ainsi été développée. Cette méthode permet de différencier les impacts selon les points de prélèvements et de rejets dans un même bassin versant. Enfin, le modèle WaLA et les indicateurs associés sont mis en œuvre pour évaluer les impacts environnementaux du système d'eau urbain de la banlieue parisienne (périmètre du Syndicat des Eaux d'Ile-de-France). L'intérêt et l'applicabilité du modèle pour évaluer et comparer des scénarios actuels et prévisionnels sont ainsi démontrés. / To improve water management at the scale of large cities is a real challenge. However, the quantification of flows and environmental impacts linked to water use are not yet sufficiently developed. This is the objective of the thesis: “how to model complex urban water system of a megacity for assessing its environmental impacts in relation to the provided services to water users, within the life cycle assessment (LCA) framework?” The core of the thesis is the development of a generic framework defining water flows and environmental impacts associated with 3 categories of items – i.e., water technologies, water users and water resources – from a LCA point of view. The UWS model (termed WaLA) is built through a modular approach allowing the interoperation of these three components in an integrated way. The model provides indicators of impacts on services which may be useful to decision makers and stakeholders. It simplifies the evaluation of forecasting scenarios and decreases the complexity of the urban water system while ensuring its good representation from a LCA perspective. In addition to this main objective, the thesis also aims at refining water use impact indicators at a relevant scale for UWS. A methodology that assesses water deprivation at the sub-river basin scale in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) integrating downstream cascade effects has been developed. It allows differentiating the withdrawal and release locations within a same river basin. The WaLA model and its associated indicators are applied to assess the environmental impacts of the water system of a Paris suburban area (perimeter of Syndicat des Eaux d'Île-de-France). It shows the interest and the applicability of the model for assessing and comparing baseline and forecasting scenarios.

La condition de la femme dans le roman Kiffe kiffe demain

Mucerenge, Sonia January 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la condition de la femme dans le premier roman de Faïza Guène: Kiffe kiffe demain (2004). Notre étude porte une attention particulière à la narratrice Doria et les autres personnages principaux originaires du Maghreb et vivant en banlieue parisienne. Le roman raconte la vie de Doria, une jeune adolescente française, issue de l’immigration maghrébine. La narratrice décrit les conditions difficiles des femmes maghrébines dans sa cité. Elle dépeint une image positive de la cité qui n’est pas celle de la criminalité, des préjugés et des stéréotypes. Le cadre théorique est basé sur les Gender studies ou « études féministes », mais aussi sur la situation de la population musulmane en France en général et la condition de la femme maghrébine musulmane en France en particulier. Nous avons choisi cinq thèmes-clés pour l’analyse afin de comprendre le rôle de la femme dans le roman: l’abandon, la famille, le mariage, le racisme et la discrimination ainsi que la banlieue parisienne. L’étude explique comment l’identité s’exprime à travers ces cinq thèmes. Nous pouvons dire que le roman Kiffe kiffe demain de Guène est féministe parce que la narratrice se bat pour les droits et les libertés des femmes maghrébines vivant en France. / This thesis focuses on the condition of women in Faïza Guène's first novel: Kiffe kiffe demain (2004). Our study pays particular attention to the narrator Doria and the other main characters all from the Maghreb living in the suburbs of Paris. The novel tells the story of Doria, a young French teenager, born of Maghrebi immigration. The narrator describes the difficult conditions of Maghrebi women in her city. She portrays a positive image of the city that is not of crime, prejudice and stereotypes. The theoretical framework is based on Gender Studies, but also on the situation of the Muslim population in France in general and the condition of the Maghrebian Muslim woman in France in particular. We chose five key themes for the analysis to understand the role of women in the novel: abandonment, family, marriage, racism and discrimination, and the Parisian suburbs. The study clarifies how identity is expressed through these five themes. We can say that the Guène’s novel Kiffe kiffe demain is feminist because the narrator is fights for the rights and freedoms of Maghrebi women living in France.

Novas conexões, velhos associativismos: projetos sociais em escolas de samba mirins

Ana Paula Pereira da Gama Alves Ribeiro 30 September 2009 (has links)
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Nas comunidades, a transmissão se dá via oral. No samba não é diferente. Desde a fundação das escolas de samba, crianças e adolescentes participam ativamente, junto com as suas famílias, das atividades dessas escolas, inclusive do desfile carnavalesco. Essas crianças e adolescentes têm, há décadas, espaços próprios nas escolas de samba: a ala das crianças e mais recentemente escolinhas de mestre-sala e porta-bandeira, e participação em baterias mirins, trazendo perspectiva de profissionalização e de renovação nas próprias escolas e por fim, a criação, a partir de 1980, das escolas de samba mirins, que atualmente abrem o carnaval do Rio de Janeiro. Hoje há 16 escolas, agregadas em uma associação específica, majoritariamente derivadas das escolas mães, que trazem nos desfiles mais de vinte e cinco mil crianças e adolescentes na sexta-feira que antecede o Carnaval. As Escolas de Samba Mirins tentam inserir-se nas políticas sociais para a juventude, principalmente a pobre, para a promoção da cidadania e a revitalização do sentido de comunidade. Fundadas nas áreas mais antigas do Rio de Janeiro, principalmente a área de planejamento três os subúrbios onde se concentram, estas escolas de samba mirins mantém estreito laço com sua vizinhança, estimulando a sociabilidade, as relações intergeracionais e a construção da confiança, fundamental para o surgimento da eficácia coletiva e do desenvolvimento do capital social nestes espaços. Além disso, suprem a ausência de áreas de lazer e equipamentos culturais destes espaços, fortalecendo os laços com os vizinhos e amigos e evitando, de alguma maneira, que o tráfico de drogas violento fragmente ainda mais a vida social e cultural da região. Nesse sentido, as escolas de samba mirins contribuem para a valorização da cultura carioca e se constituem enquanto proposta para promoção da saúde e prevenção da violência, principalmente a gerada pelo tráfico de drogas e a repressão policial contra este tráfico com um caráter desagregador nas vizinhanças onde essas escolas se organizaram originalmente. / In communities, the transmission occurs orally. Samba is no different. Since the founding of the samba schools, children and adolescents are actively involved, along with their families, the activities of these schools, including the carnival. These children and adolescents have, for decades, their own spaces in the schools of samba: the section for children and more recently small schools of feast and standard-bearer, and participation in junior batteries, bringing the perspective of professionalism and renewal in schools and Finally, the creation, from 1980, the samba school junior, who now open the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Today there are 16 schools clustered in a specific association, mostly derived from the parent schools, bringing the shows over twenty-five thousand children and teenagers in the Friday preceding the Carnival. The Samba Schools Mirins try to insert themselves into the social policies for youth, especially the poor, for the promotion of citizenship and the revitalization of the sense of community. Founded in the oldest areas of Rio de Janeiro, especially the planning area 3 - the suburbs - where they are concentrated, these samba schools junior maintain close ties with your neighborhood, encouraging sociability, intergenerational relationships and building trust is vital to the emergence of collective efficacy and social capital development in these areas. In addition, supply the absence of recreational areas and cultural facilities such space, strengthening ties with neighbors and friends and avoiding in some way, that drug trafficking violent shred further social and cultural life of the region. In this sense, the samba schools junior contribute to the promotion of culture and Rio are as a proposal for health promotion and prevention of violence, mainly generated by drug trafficking and police repression against this scourge with a divisive character in the neighborhoods where these schools organized originally.

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