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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os trabalhadores da Light São Paulo, 1900-1935 / The workers of Ligh São Paulo, 1900-1935

Santos, João Marcelo Pereira dos 12 April 2009 (has links)
Orientador : Michael McDonald Hall / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T17:42:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos_JoaoMarceloPereirados_D.pdf: 28162587 bytes, checksum: c1b18f52b2be852ebd6106ebe67cc89a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa de doutorado foca a ação coletiva dos trabalhadores da unidade da Light em São Paulo nas três primeiras décadas do século XX. Reconstituímos a trajetória da empresa e suas estratégias de expansão no eixo São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro com a perspectiva de estabelecer as conexões existentes entre a indústria de energia elétrica e os processos de urbanização e industrialização. Fomos explícitos em apontar o entrelaçamento entre os interesses dos acionistas e administradores da Light e o poder político que hegemonizou a estrutura de estado em São Paulo durante a Velha República. Investigamos a estrutura organizacional da empresa e traçamos um perfil de sua força de trabalho. Isso foi fundamental para dimensionarmos com maior precisão os constrangimentos impostos à organização dos trabalhadores e à construção de identidades coletivas. Através da análise dos acidentes de trânsito, descobrimos como se formou uma opinião pública contrária aos motorneiros e condutores. Geralmente apontados como causadores imediatos dos acidentes, os operários dos bondes desenvolveram mecanismos de autodefesa que dificultaram o estabelecimento de alianças com os usuários em momentos de protesto contra a empresa. A análise dos acidentes também contribuiu para acrescentarmos alguns detalhes sobre a condição de trabalho desses operários e sobre aspectos relacionados à mobilidade nas ruas paulistanas nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Na segunda parte da pesquisa, acompanhamos a trajetória das organizações dos trabalhadores lightianos, as situações de enfrentamento, as pautas de reivindicação e as relações de distanciamento e proximidade com o conjunto do operariado paulistano. Remontamos as disputas travadas entre sindicalistas revolucionários e comunistas no momento de transição para um sistema de relações de trabalho e sindical regulado pelo estado. Acompanhamos as ambiguidades da União dos Trabalhadores da Light (UTL) em torno da legislação trabalhista e sindical e de sua falência enquanto entidade de classe. Em paralelo, abordamos as diversas tentativas do Sindicato dos Operários em Tração, Luz e Força de São Paulo para se estabelecer na complexa conjuntura dos primeiros anos do governo Vargas. Finalmente, investigamos as articulações entre a Light e a Delegacia Estadual de Ordem Política e Social de São Paulo (DEOPS/SP) e demonstramos o quanto o padrão de relações de trabalho foi marcado pela violência institucionalizada, pela cultura de intransigência e recusa de negociação. / Abstract: This doctoral research focuses on the collective action of workers of the unity of Light in Sao Paulo in the first three decades of the twentieth century. Reconstructed the trajectory of the company and its expansion strategies in the axis São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro with a view to establishing the connections between the electric power industry and the processes of urbanization and industrialization. This piece of research points out the links between the interests of shareholders and directors of the Light and the political power, such net of connections hegemonies the structure of state in São Paulo during the Old Republic. The structure of the company was investigated, which provided a profile of its workforce. This was essential to scale with greater precision the constraints imposed on the organization of workers and the construction of collective identities. Through the analysis of traffic accidents was found that such accidents formed a public opinion against the "motorneiros" and drivers. Often described as immediate causes of accidents, the workers of the tramway developed mechanisms for self-defense that hampered the establishment of partnerships with users in times of protest against the company. The analysis of accidents also helped to add some details about the condition of workers and work on issues related to mobility in the São Paulo streets in the first decades of the twentieth century. In the second part of the research follows the trajectory of the organizations of workers "lightianos", situations of confrontation, the rules of claim and the relations of distance and proximity to the entire workforces of the city. The reconstruction of the back disputes was created, precisely those between union and communist revolutionary at the time of transition to a system of labour relations and union regulated by the state. The study follows the ambiguities of the Union of Workers of Light (UTL) around labour laws and union and its failure as a union. Furthermore, the attempts of the Union of Workers in Traction, Light and Force of São Paulo to establish itself in the complex political environment of the early years of the Vargas government. Finally, was investigated the links between the Light and DEOPS in order to demonstrated how the pattern of labour relations of Light was marked by a culture of intransigence and refusal to negotiate. / Doutorado / Historia Social / Doutor em História

Uma alternativa sindical? : a negação do "propositivismo" no sindicalismo metalurgico paulista / An alternative to mainstream unionism? : the denial of propositive practices in the paulista metal-workers' unions

Figueiredo, Mariana Leite 26 December 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Angela Maria Carneiro Araujo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T09:39:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Figueiredo_MarianaLeite_M.pdf: 1454026 bytes, checksum: 84cb20aae364ea2ee2099ae7546c03f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O propósito desta dissertação de mestrado é realizar um estudo sobre o que se convencionou denominar, nos anos 90 e início dos anos 2000, a ¿esquerda da CUT¿, a partir de três dos mais importantes representantes dessa fração do movimento sindical brasileiro: os sindicatos dos metalúrgicos de Campinas, Limeira e São José dos Campos. O objetivo específico é analisar a prática concreta dessas entidades e seus resultados na defesa dos trabalhadores de suas bases. O objetivo geral da dissertação é, por sua vez, oferecer, ao debate sobre o sindicalismo brasileiro nos anos 90 e 2000, elementos empíricos e uma discussão teórica sobre a prática sindical ¿não propositiva¿, estes relativamente ausentes na produção nacional sobre a questão sindical. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a positividade das táticas e da estratégia das entidades estudadas, cujo norte foi a resistência à qualquer redução de direitos, a manutenção de um discurso classista e da crítica sistemática ao neoliberalismo, além da ênfase na organização e na formação política dos trabalhadores. Os resultados positivos foram verificados empiricamente a partir da análise dos acordos coletivos e da observação da manutenção de índices significativos de sindicalização. A esses, soma-se a negação da premissa segundo a qual ¿não há alternativa¿ à acomodação e moderação do sindicalismo brasileiro imposta pela conjuntura desfavorável aos trabalhadores, que suporte a pressão e o poder ¿dos mercados¿. Por outro lado, os resultados apontam também para as dificuldades colocadas aos sindicatos estudados, que decorreram, em grande medida, do processo de aprofundamento da exploração capitalista e do aumento do desemprego e da precarização do trabalho com a implementação de novas técnicas de gestão e do avanço das políticas neoliberais, cujos resultados mais visíveis foram: a dificuldade de realizar mobilizações significativas e de incorporar novos militantes, em especial os mais jovens, a falta de rotatividade da diretoria e a impossibilidade de refrear a tendência à burocratização das entidades. Enfim, a limitação da ação sindical ao campo da resistência / Abstract: The purpose of this dissertation is to exam the ¿CUT leftwing¿, through the analysis of the tree most important representatives of this section of Brazilian unionism: the Metal Trade Union of Campinas, of Limeira and of São José dos Campos. The main purpose is to analyze the concrete practices of these unions and its results in the defense of workers. The general objective is, on turn, to offer, to the academic debate about Brazilian unionism, some empirical aspects and a theorical analysis about the ¿non propositive¿ union practice, relatively absent in the national literature on unionism. The research¿s results point out the benefits of the strategy and tactics of the studied unions whose objectives were the resistance to any right's reduction, the maintenance of class perspective, a strong anti-neoliberal perspective and the emphasis on worker's organization and political training. Those gains were empirically verified, specially, through the analysis of collective bargaining agreements and the maintenance of a significant union density. In addition, there is the refusal of the idea that ¿there is no alternative¿ to the unions¿ adjustment and moderation caused by the unfavorable worker's situation. Besides the research results also point out the difficulties posed to the leftist union¿s leaders by the deepening of capitalist exploitation processes and the increasing unemployment and work degradation fostered by new management techniques and the advance of neoliberal politics. These difficulties are related to organizing significant mobilizations and to have new militants, specially younger workers joining in, the lack of union¿s leaders regular rotation and the impossibility to avoid union¿s burocratization tendencies. In short, the limitation of union¿s action to the field of resistance / Mestrado / Relações de Trabalho e Organização de Interesses / Mestre em Ciência Política

La mise en place du syndicalisme contemporain et des relations sociales nouvelles en Belgique, 1910-1937 / Establishing contemporary trade-unionism and the renewal of labour relationships, Belgium, 1910-1937

Bolle, Francine 25 September 2013 (has links)
En dépit de son importance dans la formation de la société contemporaine, le syndicalisme apparaît comme l’un des parents pauvres de l’historiographie en Belgique. Il y a plus de trente ans, Jean Puissant déplorait que l’historiographie syndicale était essentiellement « produite par le milieu syndical lui-même » et que sa fonction était généralement « la commémoration, la légitimation, la contestation ou encore la célébration » (Archivium, vol.XXVII, 1980). Plusieurs auteurs ont, à partir des années 1960 et surtout des années 1980, entamé une approche scientifique de l’histoire syndicale. Mais, en raison du manque cruel d’études systématiques préalables, cette production historique récente, plus riche de perspectives scientifiques, est demeurée largement monographique, ne dépassant que partiellement les clivages sectoriels, régionaux et politiques. « Des synthèses restent à faire, écrivait Antoine Prost en 1997 à propos de la France, [car] aucun de ces travaux ne réussit à lier de façon pleinement satisfaisante l’histoire du travail, celle des travailleurs et celle du mouvement ouvrier. [.] Les nouveaux paradigmes de l’histoire ouvrière continuent à se chercher » (Cahiers d’Histoire, n°66, 1997). Ce constat s’applique incontestablement à l’historiographie syndicale belge.<p><p>L’ambition de la présente thèse est de pallier l’absence d’étude d’ensemble sur le mouvement syndical belge de l’entre-deux-guerres, période essentielle dans le processus de mise en place du syndicalisme contemporain en Belgique. Cette période est en effet non seulement marquée par l’avènement d’un syndicalisme de masse, par l’intégration des syndicats dans des nouveaux systèmes de relations industrielles (reconnaissance généralisée des syndicats par le patronat et l’État comme interlocuteurs privilégiés dans la négociation du contrat de travail), par leur attribution à l’échelle nationale d’un rôle officiel dans la redistribution des secours étatiques de chômage, mais également par de profondes réformes des structures et des fonctionnements syndicaux (centralisation, concentration et rationalisation accrues). <p><p>Notre étude tente d’analyser comment et suivant quelles modalités les diverses composantes du mouvement syndical ont participé à ces transformations sociétales (y compris en ce qui concerne le nouveau rôle qu’elles y acquièrent) en même temps qu’elles se sont trouvées transformées par elles. Globalement, elle propose une évaluation des influences réciproques sur la construction du fait syndical belge :<p>-\ / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Fångna i begreppen? : Revolution, tid och politik i svensk socialistisk press 1917–1924 / Trapped in concepts? : Revolution, time and history in Swedish socialist press 1917–1924

Jonsson, Karin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis studies the uses of the concept of revolution in Swedish socialist press from 1917 to 1924. Political revolution and civil wars shook several countries. The Russian February and October Revolutions were soon followed by uprisings in countries such as Germany and Finland. While the social and political history of this period, with its mass demonstrations for bread and voting rights, often called the Swedish revolution, has been covered extensively in existing research, we know much less about the theoretical understanding of revolution among Swedish socialists. This thesis examines the concept of revolution from a perspective inspired by the Begriffsgeschichte of German historian Reinhart Koselleck. This foundation in the history of concepts aims at understanding how Swedish socialists, in a wide sense, understood their own time, how they related to the past and what they expected from the future, during the years of the First World War and the immediately following years. By focusing on what might be the most central, but also the most contested and most difficult to define, concept I hope to complement earlier research focusing on the social and political history of the period and its socialist movements. The main purpose of the thesis is to analyse how the labour movement understood revolution with particular weight placed upon the theoretical and ideological tensions between revolution and reform, determinism and voluntarism and localized and universal revolution. The starting point is the political and social changes in Sweden and abroad at that time and the place of the political press as opinion leaders capable of negotiating the space of political action. A secondary aim is to discuss how focusing on temporality can inspire new perspectives on the use of conceptual history. My research shows that how the concept of revolution was used was shaped both by already established notions regarding the socialist revolution as well as by the political situation at hand. The October Revolution forced a sharpening of its meaning, wherein different factions elaborated their understanding of it in relation to each other, which in turn determined how the concept was used fom that point on.

Les syndicats, le chômage et les chômeurs: raisons et évolution d'une relation complexe / Trade unions, the unemployment and the unemployed: reasons and evolution of a complex relationship

Faniel, Jean 20 March 2006 (has links)
En Belgique, 85% des chômeurs sont affiliés à une organisation syndicale. Cette situation inhabituelle est principalement due à la fonction d’organisme de paiement des allocations de chômage que remplissent les trois syndicats interprofessionnels. L’objet de la thèse est d’examiner les origines de la relation particulière qui découle de cet état de fait et de questionner ses implications tout à la fois pour les syndicats et pour les chômeurs.<p><p>Les développements théoriques se penchent sur le mode de fonctionnement et sur les déterminants de l’action des organisations syndicales, sur les causes du chômage et ses conséquences pour les travailleurs salariés et leurs organisations, ainsi que sur les obstacles et les incitants à l’action collective contestataire des sans-emploi.<p><p>Ces outils d’analyse sont ensuite utilisés pour examiner, depuis l’origine des organisations syndicales contemporaines et de l’indemnisation du chômage, au XIXe siècle, jusqu’à la réforme du mode de contrôle des chômeurs en 2004, les fondements et l’évolution de la relation que les syndicats belges entretiennent avec les questions de l’emploi et du chômage d’une part, avec les chômeurs d’autre part.<p><p>In Belgium, 85% of the unemployed are unionised. This peculiar situation is mainly related to the specific position of the trade unions, as the jobless can choose to receive their benefits through the intervention of one of the three national unions. The Ph.D. dissertation aims at examining the origins of that specific relationship and its implications on both the trade unions and the unemployed.<p><p>The theoretical part explores the features of union action and functioning, the causes of unemployment and its consequences for the workers and their organisations, as well as the impediments and impetus to the contentious mobilisation of the unemployed.<p><p>Based on that theoretical framework, the Ph.D. dissertation then examines the origins and the evolution from the 19th century till 2004 of the union positions on the issues of employment and unemployment on the one hand, and their links with the jobless on the other.<p> / Doctorat en sciences politiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Histoire socio-politique du Chili : une interprétation depuis la revue Mensaje entre 1958-1973 / Socio-political history of Chile : an interpretation from the magazine Mensaje’s between 1958-1973 / Historia Socio-política de Chile : una lectura desde la revista Mensaje entre 1958-1973

Salas Aguayo, Francisca Andrea 25 October 2017 (has links)
La présente recherche vise à reconstituer la position de la revue Mensaje, pendant 15 ans d'histoire du Chili (1958-1973). Ainsi, par le biais d’une méthodologie inductive et qualitative, l’étude effectue une analyse de l’interprétation de cette publication. De cette façon, par la codification de tous les articles par sujet ou par thématique, ce travail met en évidence les concepts centraux utilisés par Mensaje, au moyen desquels la revue a analysé la période étudiée. En outre, la recherche établit une relation entre ces concepts et propose un scénario fondé sur un terme transversal, celui de “changement social”, propre à tous les articles. L’étude, est composée de deux sections: «L'importance du changement social» et «Deux modèles de changement social». Ces deux sections sont complémentaires ; les débats et les concepts qui émergent dans la première section sont analysés, approfondis et mis en perspective sur le territoire chilien au cours de la seconde section. Chacune de ces sections est subdivisée en trois chapitres, qui examinent chronologiquement les concepts centraux, commentés par Mensaje.Le premier chapitre de la section initiale « L’importance du changement social » examine le concept de «communisme» et la façon dont la publication présente le « communisme » comme «une urgence» et «un problème» en raison de son «impact croissant». Le magazine Mensaje a interprété cette influence progressive du «communisme» en tant que symptôme d'un problème: «le malaise social en expansion». Dans ce contexte, Mensaje propose en réponse le renforcement des corps intermédiaires et l'application de la théorie du développement économique, en faveur de la modification des structures économiques et sociales. Le deuxième chapitre propose une analyse relationnelle entre la Révolution Cubaine et Alliance for Progress (ALPRO). Les deux événements ont favorisé, mais pas par la même voie, une valeur ajouté pour le «changement social». Le troisième chapitre traite de la mise en place de la «réforme agraire » au Chili comme un signe de l'arrivée du « changement social » sur le territoire. Dans ce contexte, l’analyse porte sur l'influence et l'impact de l'expérience de la répartition et distribution des terres de la hiérarchie de l'Église parmi ses travailleurs, comme un symbole d'approbation d’un modèle spécifique de « changement social ».La deuxième section traite spécifiquement de deux modèles chiliens de «changement social»: le premier revolución en libertad (révolution en liberté), le deuxième transición al socialismo (transition vers le socialisme). Dans ce scénario, le premier chapitre analyse l'émergence et la consolidation du parti démocrate-chrétien (PDC) dans l'arène politique et sa victoire présidentielle en 1964. Le magazine Mensaje soutiendra le gouvernement d'Eduardo Frei (PDC) et son projet «révolution en liberté» jusqu'à 1967. Le deuxième chapitre étudie la désillusion de la revue concernant le projet PDC, ainsi que l'explication de son échec. Néanmoins, la publication confirme l'existence de transformations dans la société chilienne, mais ceci par la multiplication des mouvements sociaux. La dernière partie de cette section étudie le succès de Unidad Popular (Unité Populaire) - l'union des mouvements et des partis de gauche, certains marxistes - lors des élections présidentielles de 1970. La revue finit par analyser la présence éventuelle d'une «extrême-droite fasciste» au Chili. Enfin, le dernier chapitre, commente directement les trois ans de gouvernement de l'UP et son projet de "transition vers le socialisme", en quatre moments: «Situation continentale», «Construction d'un espace social dominant», «Crise de confiance dans le jeu politique des partis» et enfin «Coup d'état (1973)». / The present research aims to reconstruct the position of the magazine Mensaje throughout fifteen years of Chile’s history (1958-1973). Through an inductive and qualitative methodology, a review on the interpretation of this publication has been reached. In this way, through the codification of all articles by topic, this work introduces the central concepts used by Mensaje, which the journal employed to analyse this historical period. In addition to this, the research proposes a relationship or storyline between these concepts, born from a transversal term throughout the articles: "social change". In regard to the structure of the study, the work is divided into two sections: "the importance of social change" and "two models of social change". Both sections are complementary: while debates and concepts emerge in the first section, the second pursues them and delves into them in Chilean soil. Each one of these sections is subdivided into three chapters, which chronologically examine the central concepts commented by Mensaje.The first chapter of the initial section “the importance of social change” examines the concept of "communism" and how it constitutes “an urgency” and a “problem" for the publication due to its "growth". Mensaje interprets the progressive influence of “communism” as a symptom of a problem: the "expanding social malaise". In this scenario Mensaje proposes the strengthening of intermediary bodies and the application of the theory of economic development in favour of changing the social and economic structures as an answer. The second chapter propose a comparative analysis between the Cuban Revolution and the Alliance for Progress (ALPRO). Both events promoted, although not in the same way, a greater value for "social change". The third chapter deals with the implementation of the "agrarian reform" in Chile, as a sign of the arrival of "social change” to the territory. In this context, we analyse the influence and impact of the experience of the distribution of land owned by the Church’s hierarchy amongst its workers, as a symbol of approval of a specific model of "social change".The second section deals with two specific Chilean models of "social change": the first “revolución en libertad" (revolution in freedom), the second “transición al socialismo” (transition to socialism). In this context, the first chapter analyses the emergence and consolidation of the Christian Democratic Party (PDC) in the political arena, through the gain of the presidency in 1964. The magazine Mensaje explicitly supports the government of Eduardo Frei (PDC) and its project "revolution in freedom". The second chapter studies the magazines disillusionment in respect to the PDC’s political project, and gives an explanation for its failure. Nevertheless, the publication confirms the existence of transformations in Chilean society by the multiplication of social movements. The last part of this section studies the success of “Unidad Popular” (Popular Unity) -a union of left-wing movements and parties, some of them Marxist- in the presidential elections of 1970. The magazine ends by analysing the possible presence of a "fascist right" in Chile. Finally, the last chapter comments directly on the three years of government of the UP and its project to "transit to socialism” in four moments: "continental situation", "construction of a dominant social area", "crisis of confidence in the political game of parties" and finally "coup d'état (1973)". / La presente investigación tiene como objetivo reconstruir la postura de la revista Mensaje a lo largo de 15 años de la historia de Chile (1958-1973). Así, mediante una metodología inductiva y cualitativa, el presente trabajo analiza el discurso de la publicación en el periodo. De tal modo, el trabajo por medio de la codificación de los artículos por temáticas recoge los conceptos centrales a través de los cuales la revista interpretó los diversos sucesos. Por otra parte, esta reflexión establece una relación entre estos conceptos a partir del término “cambio social”, noción recurrente en los artículos. Respecto a la estructura este estudio se organiza en dos secciones complementarias: “la importancia del cambio social” y “dos modelos de cambio social”. En la primera sección el trabajo relaciona debates y conceptos socio-políticos, mientras que la segunda se aparta de una esfera más teórica para ponerlos a prueba en el contexto chileno. Cada uno de estos apartados se subdividen en tres capítulos que examinan cronológicamente las temáticas comentadas por Mensaje.Así, el primer capítulo de la sección inicial estudia el concepto de “comunismo” y cómo para la publicación este constituyó una “urgencia” y un “problema” debido a su crecimiento, interpretado como síntoma del “creciente malestar social”. Así, Mensaje propone como respuesta el fortalecimiento de los “cuerpos intermedios” y la aplicación de la “teoría del desarrollo” a favor del cambio de la estructura económica y social. El segundo capítulo propone un análisis relacional entre la Revolución Cubana y Alianza para el Progreso (ALPRO). Ambos acontecimientos que promocionaron, aunque no del mismo modo, un mayor valor por el “cambio social”. El tercer capítulo aborda la implementación de la “reforma agraria” en Chile como signo de la llegada del “cambio social” al territorio. En este contexto, se analiza la influencia e impacto que tuvo el reparto de tierras de la jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica entre sus trabajadores como señal de aprobación de modelo específico de “cambio social”. La segunda sección trata específicamente sobre dos modelos chilenos de “cambio social”: “revolución en libertad” y “transición al socialismo”. El primer capítulo considera la consolidación del Partido Demócrata Cristiano (PDC), el cual logra la presidencia en 1964 con el candidato Eduardo Frei y el proyecto “revolución en libertad”, a los que la revista Mensaje apoyó explícitamente. El segundo capítulo expone la desilusión de la revista respecto al proyecto, así como la explicación sobre su fracaso. No obstante, la publicación confirma la existencia de transformaciones en la sociedad chilena por la multiplicación de los movimientos sociales. La última parte de esta sección, estudia el éxito en las elecciones presidenciales de 1970 por la Unidad Popular (UP) –unión de movimientos y partidos de izquierda, algunos marxistas–. La revista termina analizando la posible presencia de una derecha “fascista” en Chile. Finalmente, el último capítulo, analiza, en cuatro momentos, los tres años de gobierno de la UP y su proyecto “tránsito al socialismo”: “situación continental”, “construcción del un área social dominante”, “crisis de confianza en el juego político de partidos” y “golpe de estado (1973)”.

Les stratégies de l'euro-syndicalisme sectoriel: étude de la coordination salariale et du dialogue social / Euro-trade union sectoral strategies: study of wage coordination and social dialogue

Dufresne, Anne 13 December 2006 (has links)
The main contribution of my thesis is the analysis of substantial empirical material that I have collected from Community trade union actors. My analysis focuses on the institutional strategies of the sectoral European trade union federations and their implications for the Europeanisation of wages policy. I have demonstrated that the development of European coordination processes of national collective bargaining, particularly at sectoral level, has contributed to reviving the concept of collective bargaining and professional relations in the European Area, which until then had been covered in the literature by the social dialogue. I have identified three obstacles to collective negociations at a European level: the “depoliticised” wage in the economic partnership, employers identified as the “lobby partner” in the sectoral social dialogue, and the difficulties encountered in the Europeanisation of trade unions.<p><p>L’apport majeur de notre thèse est l’analyse d’un matériel empirique conséquent que nous avons collecté auprès des acteurs syndicaux communautaires. Notre analyse se concentre sur les stratégies institutionnelles des fédérations syndicales sectorielles européennes et sur leurs implications en matière d’européanisation de la politique salariale. Nous avons démontré que le développement des processus de coordination européenne des négociations collectives nationales, en particulier au niveau sectoriel, peut contribuer à renouveler la conception de la négociation collective et des relations professionnelles dans l’espace européen jusqu’alors appréhendée dans la littérature par le dialogue social. Nous avons identifié trois obstacles à la négociation collective européenne :le salaire « dépolitisé » dans le partenariat économique, le patronat devenu « partenaire-lobby » dans le dialogue social sectoriel, et la difficile européanisation syndicale.<p><p><p> / Doctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation sociologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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