Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atemsystem hinking"" "subject:"atemsystem chinking""
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e-Health 2.0發展策略分析:科技政策觀點 / Strategic Analysis of e-Health 2.0 Development: Technology Policy Perspective王復中, Wang, Fuchung Unknown Date (has links)
e-Health(電子化健康)透過資訊與通訊科技的使用,得以用較低的成本,將不同的健康照護服務加以整合,減少使用者接受服務時的障礙,並協助服務的遞送、改變服務的面貌。現今,由於消費者意識的抬頭以及網路資訊的普及,e-Health的使用者逐漸由醫療人員轉變為一般大眾,並由病人擴大到一般的健康者,其功能也由生病後的醫療照護延伸至生病前的健康促進,內容則包括了有形與無形的健康資訊服務,並以主動參與及知識分享為運作核心。透過這些的新觀念的引入,e-Health已產生本質上的改變,未來的科技將以更積極有效的方式,幫助民眾及早取得可信賴的健康資訊,提升健康資訊素養,進而對健康價值的觀念產生轉變,強化自我健康照護能力,本研究中將這個現象或過程稱之為e-Health 2.0。e-Health 2.0與過去的e-Health(或稱為e-Health 1.0)最大的不同,在於e-Health是以病人為主,並強調資訊科技可以運用在生病的過程中,提供診斷、治療與照護上的幫助,而e-Health 2.0則是藉由資訊科技,特別是Web 2.0,協助健康的民眾透過社會網絡(Social Network)及虛擬社群,主動參與其個人的健康管理,並透過個人健康資訊素養的提升,進而促使社群、服務提供者、產業以及政府機構改變健康照護思維的現象或過程。
醫療新科技的不斷進展以及人口老化、民眾對健康日益重視等社會環境多重影響下,世界各國在醫療上的支出均不斷地成長。透過資訊與通訊科技的快速發展,健康照護服務已產生重大的變革,因此,多數國家開始發展與建立國家e-Health政策,並期望透過政策的規劃及制定,因應未來環境與民眾的需求,提供前瞻、低成本高品質的服務,達到提升國家整體健康照顧系統能力的目標。然而,e-Health 2.0現象方興未艾,其影響與範圍雖大但卻缺乏有系統的評估,故本研究透過文獻回顧、次級資料分析及專家深度訪談,建構出e-Health 2.0的定義、內涵與決定因子,並進行發展策略分析,評估未來環境可能發生的情況及其中的影響層次,整理政策制定時有用的資訊,協助公私部門決策及因應,最後,也歸納提出具體可行暨可管理的短中長期目標,供後續研究與實務應用時參考。 / E-Healh is a revolution to drive the radical change in health care services delivery. In spite of using the information and communication technologies, e-Health could integrate the different health care services into a customer-oriented service delivery system and benefit the different stakeholders. However, the mind set of e-Health is gradually changed as the services and applications extend from patients to healthy people. In order to provide better services and applications, e-Health needs to focus on not only supporting proper and trusted health care services but consolidating the value of prevention and health promotion. Internet developments that brought us sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Wikipedia are now set to revolutionize health care. The idea of web 2.0 is now driving far-reaching changes in healthcare systems, a trend it terms e-health 2.0. Compared with e-Health which is mainly aimed at patients’ medical care services, e-Health 2.0 is a process or phenomenon of paradigm shift by means of that health information diffusion and social networking to improve the citizens’ health literacy in order to redefine the value of health care among stakeholders.
Meanwhile, medical expenditure grows up continually as a result of the new technologies, aging population and social environment in many countries. The financial pressure of medical care already impacted national health care services policy so that governments are developing their national e-Health policy to fit the future need. The goal of e-Health policy is a reengineering process of health care to provide proactive, low cost and high quality services. As the e-Health 2.0 can reduce the gap among stakeholders and speed up the social change, it is a truly important role in the reengineering process. Our study based on literature review, secondary data analysis and in-deepth interview with expertise to construct the definition, content and factors of e-Health 2.0. According to the strategic analysis of e-Health 2.0 development, the study proposed several important goals and suggestions. They can be used as a template or guideline for such evaluation by researcher and practicer both before, during and after the implementation of e-Health 2.0.
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Modely pro podporu rozhodování managementu destinace cestovního ruchu / Models Supporting Decision Making of a Tourism Destination ManagementSTUDENÝ, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the application of system thinking and its methods to the issues of decision making within destination management and its organizations. The main aim of the thesis was to create a model to support decision making of destination management organization and to plan sustainable and responsible tourism development in the destination. A partial aim was to create a simplified model in which a simulation of the given system was performed. This aim has been applied to the destination of Cesky Krumlov. The contribution of the work is to find optimal decisions, policies and individual processes in order to assess the subsequent impacts and manage the development of tourism destination towards sustainability.
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Dynacorp Prototyp deskové manažerské hry pro podporu systémového myšlení / Dynacorp Prototype of managerial board game for teaching of system thinkingČapek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on promoting the training of systems thinking using board game. The primary goal is to create a board game, useful for training of the information managers. The secondary objective is to describe process of the design and creation of board game. The theoretical basis of the thesis is to define the profile information manager and demands for his skills further description of the principles of systems thinking and game theory. External work output is a prototype board game. The theoretical part of the paper discusses in particular the principles of board game , systems thinking and psychological effect on the player so that it can pass through the game players more experience. From the perspective of the theory of systems thinking are discussed and applied basic principles of feedback, causal thinking and system archetypes. Theory of board games then processes the options and mechanisms to transmit the necessary knowledge and experience. In the practical part thesis focuses on the description of the mechanisms used in the game Dynacorp and their justification in terms of teaching systems thinking. Conclusion The paper evaluates the fulfillment of the set objectives, the potential of game and describes future goals.
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Matematické modely vlivu vybraných faktorů na rychlost fotosyntézy pro střední odborné školy a gymnázia / Mathematical models of effects of selected factors on photosnythesis for highschoolsCinibulková, Renata January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this Master thesis was development of teaching materials that are focusing on mastering the fundamentals of mathematical modelling on the examples of photosynthetic processes and influence of selected environmental factors on these processes. Developed models of photosynthetic response to select environmental factors, worksheets, methodical manuals and other supporting materials belong to the teaching materials for secondary schools and serve as a basis of work with models. This teaching materials are aimed to introduce modelling and its significance not only in science but also in education. The present thesis was accomplished on the basis of participation of the Department of Experimental Plant Biology of Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague in international project NSF within programme GLOBE - The Carbon Cycle. The present thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part includes a literary review and an introduction to the mathematical modelling (in software Stella) that are elaborated considering the teaching purposes and serve as a theoretical background for practical part of present thesis. The chapters that deal with increasing interest in mplementing of modelling in education and with philosophical background of software...
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Material sustainability on scenographies for theatre performances : Sustainability assessment for scenographic activitiesBanal-Fernández, Marta January 2023 (has links)
Theatrical scenography is developing its methods to address its ecological impacts. This research observes the stages already accomplished by certain theaters and scenographers. Also acknowledges how expertise in sustainable product design can be transferred to scenography design and processes. The results of this research offer insights into how to apply sustainability criteria in relation to scenographic processes analysing how international practitioners work. The study also offers a qualitative assessment tool as a means of estimating the overall sustainability of scenographic practices. This tool monitors the entire scenographic cycle from conception to recycling and helps to visualize and compare weaknesses and achievements. / La escenografía teatral está desarrollando sus métodos para hacer frente a sus impactos ecológicos. Esta investigación observa las etapas ya cumplidas por algunos teatros y escenógrafos. También reconoce cómo la experiencia en el diseño de productos sostenibles puede transferirse al diseño y los procesos de la escenografía. Los resultados de esta investigación ofrecen ideas sobre cómo aplicar criterios de sostenibilidad en relación con los procesos escenográficos analizando cómo trabajan los profesionales internacionales. El estudio también ofrece una herramienta de evaluación cualitativa como medio para estimar la sostenibilidad global de las prácticas escenográficas. Esta herramienta supervisa todo el ciclo escenográfico, desde la concepción hasta el reciclaje, y ayuda a visualizar y comparar los puntos débiles y los logros. / L'escenografia teatral està desenvolupant els seus mètodes per a fer front als seus impactes ecològics. Aquesta recerca observa les etapes ja complertes per alguns teatres i escenògrafs. També reconeix com l'experiència en el disseny de productes sostenibles pot transferir-se al disseny i els processos de l'escenografia. Els resultats d'aquesta recerca ofereixen idees sobre com aplicar criteris de sostenibilitat en relació amb els processos escenogràfics analitzant com treballen els professionals internacionals. L'estudi també ofereix una eina d'avaluació qualitativa com a mitjà per a estimar la sostenibilitat global de les pràctiques escenogràfiques. Aquesta eina supervisa tot el cicle escenogràfic, des de la concepció fins al reciclatge, i ajuda a visualitzar i comparar els punts febles i els assoliments. / <p></p><p>www.uniarts.se/folk/studenter/marta-banal-fernandez</p><p>www.sustainablescenography.com/</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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Participatory Modelling for Carbon Footprint Analysis : A Case Study at DeLava / Participativ modellering för analys av koldioxidutsläpp : En fallstudie på DeLavalDeckner, Emil, Mailer, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Because of global warming, companies have started to tackle sustainability issues within their operations, but major uncertainties exist on how to establish a quantitative baseline of the current environmental performance of companies. Numerous investigations have been made to assess the carbon footprint of companies with a variety of methods, tools and strategies. However, the lack of transparency in the methods used and the assumptions made could prevent companies to replicate methods and to analyse the results. Because of this, we will investigate how participatory modelling could be used to create a model of the carbon emissions of a company, but also how this method enables the company to understand the methods used and the results from the investigation. By doing this, we also aim to clarify how the process could be set up, which stakeholders that need to be involved and what data sources that could be used. The thesis was conducted as a single case study at a manufacturing company named DeLaval. A participatory modelling process with three major phases was carried out according to proposed methodologies in previous research. In the first phase, a conceptual model of the system accounting for the emissions was created. In the second phase, a quantitative model of the system was developed by gathering data and validating the calculation methodologies with operational stakeholders within the company. In the third phase, the results were verified, and the company could set up sustainability targets based on the findings. The outcomes of the case study showed that there are major benefits with applying participatory modelling because different perspectives throughout the organisation could be gathered efficiently to create a representable model of the company. The modelling strategy had more benefits in organisational areas characterised by high complexity with numerous of different stakeholders with different roles or by geographical distribution. To create the model, primary data consisting of master product data and transactional data was used, together with secondary data, consisting of carbon emission coefficients and gap filling data created by the modellers. By basing the calculations on the methodology set up by the GHG protocol and anchoring the root definition of the system with strategic stakeholders, the results were trusted by the organisation. / På grund av den globala uppvärmningen har företag börjat att hantera hållbarhetsutmaningar inom sin verksamhet, men stora frågetecken kvarstår gällande hur en kvantifierad bild av företagets nuvarande utsläpp ska beräknas. Flertalet studier har genomförts för att undersöka koldioxidavtrycket på företag, med flertalet olika metoder och verktyg. Metoderna och antaganden som gjorts har dock bristande transparens, vilket hindrar andra företag från att replikera beräkningarna och att göra analyser av resultatet. Baserat på detta kommer denna studie att undersöka hur participativ modellering kan användas för att skapa en modell av koldioxidutsläppen från ett företag, men också hur denna metod underlättar för företaget att förstå metoderna som använts och resultaten från undersökningen. Genom detta ämnar vi att bringa klarhet gällande hur processen kan se ut, vilka intressenter som ska vara delaktiga och vilka datakällor som kan vara användbara. Studien genomfördes som en enkel fallstudie på det producerande företaget DeLaval. En participativ modelleringsprocess med tre faser genomfördes i enlighet med etablerade modelleringsprinciper från tidigare studier. I den första fasen utvecklades en konceptuell modell av systemet för estimering av koldioxidutsläppen. I den andra fasen utvecklades en kvantitativ modell as systemet genom att samla in data och validera beräkningsmetoderna tillsammans med operative intressenter på företaget. I den tredje fasen verifierades resultaten och företaget hade möjlighet att sätta upp hållbarhetsmål baserat på resultatet. Utfallet av fallstudien visar att det finns stora fördelar med att använda participativ modellering eftersom olika perspektiv i organisationen kunde inhämtas på ett effektivt sätt för att skapa en representativ modell av företaget. Modelleringsstrategin hade större fördelar i delar av företaget som karakteriserades av hög komplexitet, med många olika intressenter med olika roller eller av geografisk utspriddhet. För att skapa modellen krävdes primärdata innehållande produktinformation och transaktionsdata samt sekundärdata, innehållande utsläppsfaktorer och överbryggande data skapad av modellerarna. Genom att basera beräkningarna på metodiken skapad av GHG protocol och förankra syftet med systemet tillsammans med strategiska intressenter, skapades en tillit till resultaten inom organisationen.
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Understanding the Significance of Patient Empowerment in Health Care Services and DeliveryBani Hani, Saad Mohammed Fahed 12 1900 (has links)
To address emerging challenges in empowering patients through telehealth, this dissertation has the following objectives: (a) find the key characteristics that enable patient empowerment [PE], (b) determining when will PE work as a solution, (c) find the optimal telehealth care method that enables PE, and (d) evaluate the impact of telehealth on health care outcomes (such as, patient satisfaction, patient trust with primary care providers, etc.) that ultimately enhances PE. These objectives are addressed in three studies presented here as three essays. Collectively, these essays contribute to the knowledge on PE, patient trust, and telehealth by providing insights on leveraging PE towards better health care services and delivery systems. Essay 1 aims to systemically map the concept of PE using principles of systems thinking with the Boardman soft systems methodology that enables a graphical visualization (i.e., systemigrams). Essay 2 investigates the practical and theoretical implications of connecting patients to empowerment care plans and minimizing wait times in healthcare service delivery using electronic prescriptions (s-scripts), phone calls, and video calls. In Essay 3, the mediating role of telehealth services between patient empowerment and patient satisfaction was analyzed, along with patient trust was assessed as a moderator between telehealth usability and patient satisfaction. Two hundred sixty-two responses from patients in North America with chronic illnesses were collected through an online survey questionnaire were analyzed using partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings of the research show that patients with chronic illnesses in North America feel empowered by using telehealth as they can get diagnosis of the illness even in remote areas and face no obstacle.
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Storskalig förändring i komplexa system : Utforskande av en förändringsresa, från traditionell förvaltning till offensivkvalitetsutveckling i en kommunStenmark, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Utifrån att samhället genomgår stora förändringar och står inför nya utmaningar finns ett behov av förmåga att möta framtiden på ett nytt sätt. Det ställs nya krav på hur organisationer behöver jobba med utveckling då transformationen skapar nya beteenden hos oss människor. Offentlig sektor utmanas precis som andra myndigheter och företag. Ambitionen med examensarbetet har varit att utforska och beskriva en förändring i stor skala utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. En kommunal verksamhet, som i två års tid arbetat med att åstadkomma en storskalig förändring, har varit föremål för denna fallstudie. Fallstudien har genomförts genom bland annat djupintervjuer, workshops och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen har hämtat inspiration från Kuipers, Higgs, Kickert, Tummers, Grandia, och van der Voets (2013) rekommendationer till forskning om förändring i offentlig sektor. Rekommendationerna handlar om att inkludera förändringens kontext, innehåll, process, resultat och ledarskap. Den förändring studieobjektet genomgår inkluderar värderingar och kultur, arbetssätt och verktyg och drivs med målet att öka professionaliseringen, öka graden av personcentrering och för att etablera ett kontinuerligt lärande. Studiens resultat har visat att flera händelser och insatser är avgörande i en storskalig förändring mot offensiv kvalitetsutveckling som stämmer överens med tidigare forskning som rekommenderar att flera olika modeller och strategier bör användas beroende på situation. Studiens resultat visar också att framgång kan uppnås genom att bedriva flera förändringsprocesser parallellt och på kort tid. Tidigare forskning talar istället om att förändring behöver ta tid. Flera upplevda framgångsfaktorer har identifierats och de flesta framgångsfaktorerna är inte desamma som lyfts i den tidigare forskning som studerats. De framgångsfaktorer som är unika för fallstudien är: modigt ledarskap, systemtänkande, att utgå från kundens fokus istället för kunden i fokus, användning av teoretiska förändringsmodeller för att förankra förändringsarbetet, att driva flera förändringsprocesser parallellt i högt tempo och att inkludera organisationens kontext och historia. Studiens resultat har visat att fallorganiastionens förändringsprocess kan beskrivas i fjorton steg. Vissa av stegen återfinns i de teorier som studerats och vissa återfinns inte. Att stegen skiljer sig åt kan bero på att detaljnivån skiljer sig mellan studiens resultat, som mer specifik och de teoretiska förändrinsmodellerna, som är mer generella. Hörnstenarna i hörnstensmodellen har utifrån studiens resultat kunnat sekvenseras i en viss ordning och beskrivas med olika tyngdpunkt och betoning. Hörnstensmodellen skulle enligt studien kunna användas som en värderingsmodell i ett storskaligt förändringsarbete men också utifrån arbetssätt och verktyg. / Society is going through rapid change and social transformation is taking place. This is a result of mega trends such as individualization and digitalization. People are behaving in new ways and our future desires are harder than before to predict. New business models need to develop both within the private and the public sector. The ambition with this master thesis has been to take a whole system perspective and explore and describe a large scale transformation taking place within a large organization. A case study at the elderly care within public sector has been made to accomplish the ambition. The organization which has been studied has purposely been working with a large scale change program for two years with the determination to achieve a higher level of professionalism and customer orientation. The research design has included in-depth interviews, workshops, observations and semi-structured interviews. The analysis has been inspired from Kuipers, Higgs, Kickert, Tummers, Grandia, och van der Voets (2013) recommendations to include context, content, process, result and leadership in change-oriented research within the public sector. The results from the case study shows that many different efforts and activites are crucial to achieve a large scale change implementing TQM. This finding is in line with previuos reasearch. Another finding from the case study, that differs from previous research, is many simultaneously initiatives and efforts managed in a relatively short time seems to be a success factor for large scale change in large organizations and complex systems. Previous research says in contradiction that change needs time. Many more perceived success factors was identified. Some of them are slightly similar to previous research but many of the findings are not found in theories studied. Critical success factors uniqe for this case study are: courageous leadership, systems thinking, a perspective taken from the customers point of view instead of a customer oriented perspective, the practical use of theorethical change models, many change projects simultaneously driven in a fast speed and the organisations history of change projects included as well as the organisations unique context. The findings from the case study also shows a change process that can be described in fourteen steps. Some of these steps are found in the change management theories and others are not. The descpription of the steps from this case study are somewhat more detailed and related to the context whereas the theoretical change models have a more general characteristic. The change process was also viewed through the TQM-model named The corner stone model, and this showed that the cornerstones can be sequenced in a certain order based on the results of the study. The stones can also be described with different highlighting due to the change context. Different emphasis and content among the cornerstones could also been seen. The corner stone model could, accoring to this case study, could therfore be used as a value model in large scale change, but also as a change model for working ways and tools. / <p>2017-06-28</p>
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