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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quality assurance challenges for private providers in post-school education and training in South Africa

Baumgardt, Jacqueline 09 1900 (has links)
Quality assurance has been a vexed and troubled journey for private providers in South Africa in a complex and burdensome educational environment. It is well recognised that private providers are significant role-players in the provision of education and training in South Africa and the stated intention is to create a more enabling regulatory framework The focus of this thesis is on the private providers at the post-school level. The quality assurance regime was examined and contextualised to analyse what is required, and to determine how the private provider is impacted by the regulatory requirements for the establishment and operation of a private tuition provider in South Africa. The experience of private providers, CEOs of professional bodies, ETQA managers and ETD practitioners was investigated using a mixed methods research approach. The conclusion is a call for a far more streamlined system with a centralised oversight body, greater stakeholder consultation, less political interference and a deeper appreciation for the contribution that private providers make to the education of learners in South Africa. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

The Story of Phosphorus : Sustainability implications of global phosphorus scarcity for food security / Historien om fosfor : Långsiktig inverkan av fosforbrist på global matsäkerhet

Cordell, Dana January 2010 (has links)
The story of phosphorus began with the search for the philosopher’s stone, and centuries later the critical role of phosphorus in soil fertility and crop growth was highlighted. Eventually, phosphorus was implicated in the global environmental challenge of eutrophication. Now, we are on the brink of yet another emerging chapter in the story: global phosphorus scarcity linked to food security. Through a transdisciplinary and systemic inquiry, this thesis has analyzed, reconceptualized and synthesized the physical and institutional dimensions of global phosphorus scarcity in the context of food security, leading to a new framing, ‘phosphorus security’ to guide future work towards a more sustainable and food secure pathway. In a world which will be home to nine billion people by the middle of this century, producing enough food and other vital resources is likely to be a substantial challenge for humanity. Phosphorus, together with nitrogen and potassium, is an essential plant nutrient. It is applied to agricultural soils in fertilizers to maintain high crop yields. Phosphorus has no substitute in food production. Therefore, securing the long-term availability and accessibility of phosphorus is crucial to global food security. However the major source of phosphorus today, phosphate rock, is a non-renewable resource and high quality reserves are becoming increasingly scarce. This thesis estimates peak phosphorus to occur before 2035, after which demand will exceed supply. Phosphorus scarcity is defined by more than just physical scarcity of phosphate rock and this thesis develops five important dimensions. For example, there is a scarcity of management of phosphorus throughout the entire food production and consumption system: the global phosphorus flows analysis found that only 20% of phosphorus in phosphate rock mined for food production actually reaches the food consumed by the global population due to substantial inefficiencies and losses from mine to field to fork. There is also an economic scarcity, where for example, while all the world’s farmers need access to sufficient fertilizers, only those with sufficient purchasing power can access fertilizer markets. Institutional scarcity, such as the lack of governance structures at the international level that explicitly aim to ensure long-term availability of and access to global phosphorus resources for food production that has led to ineffective and fragmented governance of phosphorus, including a lack of: overall coordination, monitoring and feedback, clear roles and responsibilities, long-term planning and equitable distribution. Finally, geopolitical scarcity arising from 90% of the world’s remaining high-grade phosphate rock reserves being controlled by just five countries (a majority of which are subject to geopolitical tensions) can limit the availability of phosphorus on the market and raises serious ethical questions. The long-term future scenarios presented in this thesis indicate that meeting future global food demand will likely require a substantial reduction in the global demand for phosphorus through not only improved efficient use of phosphorus in agriculture, but also through changing diets and increasing efficiency in the food chain. The unavoidable demand for phosphorus could then be met through a high recovery and reuse rate of all sources of phosphorus (crop residues, food waste, manure, excreta) and other sources including some phosphate rock. A ‘hard-landing’ situation could involve further fertilizer price spikes, increased waste and pollution (including eutrophication), increased energy consumption associated with the production and trade of phosphorus fertilizers, reduced farmer access to phosphorus, reduced global crop yields and increased food insecurity. A preferred ‘soft landing’ situation will however require substantial changes to physical and institutional infrastructure, including improved governance structures at the global, national and other levels, such as new policies, partnerships and roles to bring together the food, fertilizer, agriculture, sanitation and waste sectors for a coordinated response. Finally, this thesis proposes a new global goal – phosphorus security – to be integrated in the dominant research discourses and policy debates on global food security and global environmental change. Among other criteria, phosphorus security requires that phosphorus use is decoupled from environmental degradation and that farmers’ access to phosphorus is secured.

Ефикасност примене системичког приступа у средњошколској настави органске хемије / Efikasnost primene sistemičkog pristupa u srednjoškolskoj nastavi organske hemije / Efficiency of systemic approach in secondary organic chemistry teaching

Hrin Tamara 01 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Многе студије посвећене настави и&nbsp;<br />учењу органске хемије истичу<br />чињеницу да ученици средњошколског<br />узраста показују значајне тешкоће<br />током савладавања концепата из овог<br />домена. На основу тога, циљ овог<br />истраживања био је да се помогне<br />ученицима у превазилажењу тих<br />тешкоћа, применом системичких<br />задатака (СЗ) као инструкционог<br />метода.<br />У истраживању су учествовали<br />ученици III разреда гиманзије &bdquo;Јован<br />Јовановић Змај&rdquo;&nbsp; из Новог&nbsp; Сада, а<br />истраживање је спроведено током<br />школске 2012/13. године. За потребе<br />истраживања конструисани су тестови<br />знања који су садржали два основна<br />типа задатака: конвенционалне,<br />линеарне задатке (ЛЗ) и системичке<br />задатке (СЗ).&nbsp; Поред тестова знања<br />примењена је и седмостепена<br />Ликертова скала за&nbsp; самопроцену<br />уложеног менталног напора.<br />Резултати истраживања су показали да<br />ученици&nbsp; обучавани системичким<br />приступом&nbsp; (експериментална група),<br />остварују&nbsp; боља&nbsp; постигнућа на<br />финалном тесту знања (како у ЛЗ, тако<br />и у СЗ) од ученика контролне групе,<br />који су обучавани применом<br />традиционалног приступа.&nbsp; Виша<br />постигнућа&nbsp; ученика експерименталне<br />групе праћена су&nbsp; нижим&nbsp; нивоима<br />уложеног менталног напора, у односу<br />на ученике контролне групе.<br />Испитана веза&nbsp; између постигнућа и<br />менталног напора&nbsp; резултовала је<br />високом релативном ефикасношћу за<br />инструкциони метод заснован на<br />примени СЗ, и ниском релативном<br />ефикасношћу за традиционални<br />приступ. При томе је установљено да је<br />инструкциони метод примењен у<br />експерименталној групи више погодан<br />за испитанике женског пола, него за<br />испитанике мушког пола.&nbsp; Са друге<br />стране, традиционална настава је била<br />једнако неповољна за испитанике оба<br />пола.<br />Надаље, након примене експлораторне<br />факторске анализе, СЗ су<br />окарактерисани као&nbsp; валидни и<br />релијабилни&nbsp; алати за процену<br />ученичког смисленог разумевања.<br />Поред СЗ, конвенционални есејски<br />задаци, као и задаци допуњавања са<br />више од два захтева такође су се<br />показали ефикасним за процену<br />ученичког смисленог разумевања.<br />На крају&nbsp; овог&nbsp; истраживања,&nbsp; СЗ су<br />окарактерисани као алати који<br />ефикасно процењују нивое ученичког<br />системског мишљења. У овом делу<br />истраживања је потврђено да су управо<br />испитаници женског пола у оквиру<br />експерименталне групе достигли<br />највиши&nbsp; очекивани&nbsp; ниво системског<br />мишљења&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; ниво комплексног<br />повезивања концепата у домену<br />органске хемије.</p> / <p>Mnoge studije posvećene nastavi i&nbsp;<br />učenju organske hemije ističu<br />činjenicu da učenici srednjoškolskog<br />uzrasta pokazuju značajne teškoće<br />tokom savladavanja koncepata iz ovog<br />domena. Na osnovu toga, cilj ovog<br />istraživanja bio je da se pomogne<br />učenicima u prevazilaženju tih<br />teškoća, primenom sistemičkih<br />zadataka (SZ) kao instrukcionog<br />metoda.<br />U istraživanju su učestvovali<br />učenici III razreda gimanzije &bdquo;Jovan<br />Jovanović Zmaj&rdquo;&nbsp; iz Novog&nbsp; Sada, a<br />istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom<br />školske 2012/13. godine. Za potrebe<br />istraživanja konstruisani su testovi<br />znanja koji su sadržali dva osnovna<br />tipa zadataka: konvencionalne,<br />linearne zadatke (LZ) i sistemičke<br />zadatke (SZ).&nbsp; Pored testova znanja<br />primenjena je i sedmostepena<br />Likertova skala za&nbsp; samoprocenu<br />uloženog mentalnog napora.<br />Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da<br />učenici&nbsp; obučavani sistemičkim<br />pristupom&nbsp; (eksperimentalna grupa),<br />ostvaruju&nbsp; bolja&nbsp; postignuća na<br />finalnom testu znanja (kako u LZ, tako<br />i u SZ) od učenika kontrolne grupe,<br />koji su obučavani primenom<br />tradicionalnog pristupa.&nbsp; Viša<br />postignuća&nbsp; učenika eksperimentalne<br />grupe praćena su&nbsp; nižim&nbsp; nivoima<br />uloženog mentalnog napora, u odnosu<br />na učenike kontrolne grupe.<br />Ispitana veza&nbsp; između postignuća i<br />mentalnog napora&nbsp; rezultovala je<br />visokom relativnom efikasnošću za<br />instrukcioni metod zasnovan na<br />primeni SZ, i niskom relativnom<br />efikasnošću za tradicionalni<br />pristup. Pri tome je ustanovljeno da je<br />instrukcioni metod primenjen u<br />eksperimentalnoj grupi više pogodan<br />za ispitanike ženskog pola, nego za<br />ispitanike muškog pola.&nbsp; Sa druge<br />strane, tradicionalna nastava je bila<br />jednako nepovoljna za ispitanike oba<br />pola.<br />Nadalje, nakon primene eksploratorne<br />faktorske analize, SZ su<br />okarakterisani kao&nbsp; validni i<br />relijabilni&nbsp; alati za procenu<br />učeničkog smislenog razumevanja.<br />Pored SZ, konvencionalni esejski<br />zadaci, kao i zadaci dopunjavanja sa<br />više od dva zahteva takođe su se<br />pokazali efikasnim za procenu<br />učeničkog smislenog razumevanja.<br />Na kraju&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; SZ su<br />okarakterisani kao alati koji<br />efikasno procenjuju nivoe učeničkog<br />sistemskog mišljenja. U ovom delu<br />istraživanja je potvrđeno da su upravo<br />ispitanici ženskog pola u okviru<br />eksperimentalne grupe dostigli<br />najviši&nbsp; očekivani&nbsp; nivo sistemskog<br />mišljenja&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; nivo kompleksnog<br />povezivanja koncepata u domenu<br />organske hemije.</p> / <p>Many studies dedicated to the teaching and<br />learning of organic chemistry courses have<br />emphasized that high school students have<br />shown significant difficulties in mastering the<br />concepts of this discipline. Therefore, the aim<br />of our study was to help students to overcome<br />these difficulties by applying systemic<br />questions (SQs) as the instructional method.<br />Тhis study included third grade students from<br />one high school (&bdquo;Jovan Jovanović Zmaj&rdquo;) in<br />Novi Sad, Serbia. The experiment was<br />conducted during the 2012/13. school year.<br />For the purpose of this research, knowledge<br />tests with conventional, linear questions (LQs)<br />and systemic questions (SQs) were<br />constructed. In addition to knowledge tests, the<br />seven-point Likert scale for measuring of<br />mental effort was applied.<br />This work shows that students from the group<br />exposed to the new teaching method<br />(application of SQs) achieved higher scores on<br />final testing than students from the control<br />group,&nbsp; who were taught by the traditional<br />method, when students&rsquo; achievements in LQs<br />and in SQs, were studied. These results were<br />followed by observation of lower levels of<br />mental effort by students from the<br />experimental&nbsp; group, and higher levels of<br />mental effort&nbsp; in the control group, invested<br />during solving both types of questions.<br />This correlation between achievement and<br />mental effort resulted in high instructional<br />efficiency for the applied method in the<br />experimental group, and low instructional<br />efficiency for&nbsp; the traditional teaching and<br />learning method applied in the control group.<br />In addition it was found that the application of<br />SQs was more suited to female students than<br />for male students in experimental group, while<br />traditional method was less effective for both<br />genders in control group.<br />Furthermore, after conducting an exploratory<br />factor analysis on the obtained data, SQs were<br />characterized as valid and reliable tools for<br />assessing students&rsquo; meaningful understanding.<br />Apart from&nbsp; this, essay questions and<br />completion type of questions with three or<br />more requests were found to be useful in<br />assessing students&rsquo; meaningful understanding.<br />At the end of this study, SQs were<br />characterized as effective tools for assessing<br />different levels of students&rsquo; systems thinking.<br />These results emphasized the fact that female<br />students from experimental group reached the<br />highest expacted level of systems thinking &ndash;<br />level of complex connection of concepts from<br />organic chemistry domain.</p>


JULIA TELES DA SILVA 02 May 2019 (has links)
[pt] A tese investiga os princípios da pesquisa experimental para a criação de objetos em harmonia com o meio ambiente físico e social. A base para este estudo é a pesquisa realizada no Laboratório de Investigação em Livre Desenho (LILD) da PUC-Rio. Defendemos a tese de que a metodologia experimental para a pesquisa dessas técnicas se beneficia tanto de elementos da cultural material pré-industrial, quanto de técnicas informatizadas e do conhecimento universitário moderno. A partir do encontro desses diferentes saberes, a pesquisa experimental pode enriquecer seus parâmetros e ter maior potencial para a geração de objetos em harmonia com o meio ambiente físico e social. A tese conta com o resultado da pesquisa em dois campos - uma aldeia indígena na Amazônia e o laboratório CPI (Construction Process Investigation), da Universidade do Havaí. Também é feita a descrição de oficinas realizadas para o compartilhamento de técnicas desenvolvidas no laboratório. A partir dos elementos, apresentamos um debate acerca da pesquisa e do desenvolvimento de objetos em harmonia com o meio ambiente físico e social e concluímos que o encontro entre os conhecimentos da cultura material de sociedades pré-industriais e da pesquisa acadêmica ligada à indústria potencializa a metodologia da pesquisa de técnicas em harmonia com o meio ambiente físico e social. / [en] This thesis investigates the principles of the experimental research for the creation of objects that are in harmony with the physical and social environments. The base for this study is the research done in the Laboratório de Investigação em Livre Desenho (LILD). We defend the idea that the experimental methodology in this kind of research is enrichened both by elements of pre-industrial material culture and by modern academic knowledge. With these different knowledges, experimental research can enrich its parameters and have greater potential to create objects in harmony with the physical and social environments. Thus, the thesis has the result of two fiel researches - and indigenous village in the Amazon and the CPI (Construction Process Innovation) lab of the University of Hawaii. There is also a description of workshops that have been done to share the techniques developed in the laboratory. Based on these elements, we present a discussion about the experimental research and about the development of objects in harmony with the physical and social environments, and we come to the conclusion that the integration of elements of pre-industrial societies and of academic research related to the industry favors to the development of the methodology for research of techniques in harmony with the physical and social environments.

Processes of nurturing and maintenance of multicultural identity in the 21st century : A qualitative study of the experience of long-term transcultural sojourners

Vallazza, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
<p>In today’s world, exposure to other cultures has become a symbol of increasing globalization processes. Many people leave their home area to embark on a voyage of discovery and learning that affects their original cultural identity.</p><p>This study explores the life experience of independent transcultural sojourners, i.e. people who freely decide to relocate to different cultural contexts after their formative years. The inquiry covers three major themes of their intercultural experience: Multicultural identity, processes of intercultural adaptation, and change and transformation ensuing from multiple intercultural relocations. The aim of this study is to show the effects of multiple intercultural experiences on the identity of transcultural sojourners, and how they dealt with relevant emerging processes of intercultural adaptation.</p><p>Following a format suggested by Seidman (1996), five respondents were asked to recount and reflect on their transcultural experience in three separate, asynchronous interviews that covered three dimensions of their intercultural experience: past, present, and reflections. The ensuing text comprised about 16,000 words and was analyzed using both a narrative and a thematic approach using a mixed typology of categories and sub-themes made up of indigenous typology stemming from relevant scholarly literature and researcher-constructed typology suggested by the researcher and the respondents.</p><p>The analysis indicates that personal factors like mindfulness, motivation, resourcefulness, and intercultural awareness strongly influence processes of Intercultural communication competence and Multicultural identity development. Contextual factors are also relevant, as they include issues of avowed and ascribed identity. The analysis also shows no specific, generalizable link between the presence of intercultural stimuli in the original cultural milieus and the decision to relocate across cultural boundaries. Furthermore, it points to a strong relation between Piagetian constructivist learning theories and the development of ICC competence. The study also indicates that independent transcultural sojourners are in a position to negotiate the level of their integration and marginality, which in turn affects the spectrum of their Intercultural communication competence.</p><p>Finally, this study indicates the limited applicability of traditional functionalist approaches to understanding and conceptualizing processes of intercultural adaptation and multicultural identity building. It also suggests the need for a shift towards a dialogical perspective informed by systems-thinking and Chaos theory.</p> / The author would like to acknowledge the inspiration and passion for intercultural issues provided over the years by the Intercultural Insights on-line community.Seattle, summer 2010.

Processes of nurturing and maintenance of multicultural identity in the 21st century : A qualitative study of the experience of long-term transcultural sojourners

Vallazza, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
In today’s world, exposure to other cultures has become a symbol of increasing globalization processes. Many people leave their home area to embark on a voyage of discovery and learning that affects their original cultural identity. This study explores the life experience of independent transcultural sojourners, i.e. people who freely decide to relocate to different cultural contexts after their formative years. The inquiry covers three major themes of their intercultural experience: Multicultural identity, processes of intercultural adaptation, and change and transformation ensuing from multiple intercultural relocations. The aim of this study is to show the effects of multiple intercultural experiences on the identity of transcultural sojourners, and how they dealt with relevant emerging processes of intercultural adaptation. Following a format suggested by Seidman (1996), five respondents were asked to recount and reflect on their transcultural experience in three separate, asynchronous interviews that covered three dimensions of their intercultural experience: past, present, and reflections. The ensuing text comprised about 16,000 words and was analyzed using both a narrative and a thematic approach using a mixed typology of categories and sub-themes made up of indigenous typology stemming from relevant scholarly literature and researcher-constructed typology suggested by the researcher and the respondents. The analysis indicates that personal factors like mindfulness, motivation, resourcefulness, and intercultural awareness strongly influence processes of Intercultural communication competence and Multicultural identity development. Contextual factors are also relevant, as they include issues of avowed and ascribed identity. The analysis also shows no specific, generalizable link between the presence of intercultural stimuli in the original cultural milieus and the decision to relocate across cultural boundaries. Furthermore, it points to a strong relation between Piagetian constructivist learning theories and the development of ICC competence. The study also indicates that independent transcultural sojourners are in a position to negotiate the level of their integration and marginality, which in turn affects the spectrum of their Intercultural communication competence. Finally, this study indicates the limited applicability of traditional functionalist approaches to understanding and conceptualizing processes of intercultural adaptation and multicultural identity building. It also suggests the need for a shift towards a dialogical perspective informed by systems-thinking and Chaos theory. / The author would like to acknowledge the inspiration and passion for intercultural issues provided over the years by the Intercultural Insights on-line community.Seattle, summer 2010.

Σχεδιασμός και ανάπτυξη δυναμικού συστήματος επιχειρηματικής αρίστευσης - ολικής ποιότητας / Design and implementation of a dynamic system of business excellence - total quality management

Μαυροειδής, Βασίλειος 09 September 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη ενός δυναμικού συστήματος επιχειρηματικής αρίστευσης το οποίο μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί σε οποιοδήποτε περιβάλλον (γεωγραφικό, κλαδικό, οικονομικό) υιοθετώντας τις αρχές της Ποιότητας, της Συστημικής Προσέγγισης και των Δυναμικών Συστημάτων. Ως μελέτες περίπτωσης δίνεται η ανάπτυξη του Ελληνικού Μοντέλου Επιχειρηματικής Αρίστευσης και ενός κλαδικού μοντέλου στις Τηλεπικοινωνίες. / The aim of the dissertation is the development of an integrated system of business excellence which can be applied to any environment (geographical, sector and economical) by adopting Quality Management priciples, Systemic Approach and System Dynamics. Case studies have been developed for both the Hellenic Business Excellence framework and the Telecommications sector.

A framework for the implementation of total quality management in the South African Air Force

Oschman, Jacobus Johannes 30 November 2004 (has links)
The quest for excellence in institutions is nothing new. Most of the twentieth century saw management sciences grappling with the question how to improve the productivity and general health of institutions through sound management principles and practice. In recent research, proponents of Total Quality Management have identified it as an essential strategy of successful institutions in a highly competitive and rapidly changing business environment. The overall aim of this study is the development of a framework for the implementation of Total Quality Management in the South African Air Force. As a first prerequisite, a theoretical and conceptual analysis is undertaken of Total Quality Management as it is discussed in a vast volume of published literature. In the process, Total Quality Management philosophy and principles are described within the context of organisational theory, mainly based on so-called quality guru prescriptions. The variety of definitions of Total Quality Management is studied to find an appropriate definition for this study. The primary and supportive Total Quality Management dimensions are identified in the available literature, and integrated into a framework, which is called the "Total Quality Management telescopic framework" for the purposes of the study. This framework is formulated for use in the development of an appropriate methodology to implement Total Quality Management in South African Air Force Bases. As a basis for the understanding of the empirical part of the thesis, the context and nature of the SA Air Force are also discussed, followed by the self-assessment methods already in use in the institution. The Total Quality Management telescopic framework is meant to provide a mechanism for the adoption of a systematic and ordered approach to the implementation of Total Quality Management in SA Air Force Bases. To achieve this objective, a structured questionnaire survey is undertaken to establish the nature and extent of Total Quality Management as an internal organisational arrangement for personnel in SA Air Force Bases. The framework developed from the study of the available literature is used as a basis for the survey research, which attempts to determine the main hypothesis of the study: "The attitude of personnel of the South African Air Force Bases towards the primary and supporting dimensions of the framework for the implementation of Total Quality Management is positive." With the aid of computerised reliability analysis (Alpha Cronbach) for the test, the above hypothesis is proven to be true on a statistical basis. The attitude of personnel at SA Air Force Bases towards the nature and scope of Total Quality Management is that it enables them to perform their daily tasks better, and that they accept the Total Quality Management effort positively, in spite of specific deficiencies, which the study has brought to light. With these deficiencies as a guide, recommendations are made for their elimination. The research undertaken during the course of writing the thesis has led to the deduction that the greater the extent to which Total Quality Management principles is applied, the greater the improvement in work performance among personnel. / Public Administration and Management / DADMIN (PUBLIC ADMIN)

Assessing the adaptive capacity of Sweden's environmental governance

Tomas, Cusicanqui January 2016 (has links)
Different challenges arising from increasingly uncertain and unpredictable environmental and economicconditions have been shifting the focus of public governance and socio-economic development. Morerecently, empirical studies have demonstrated a transitional epoch in which humanity is currently in: TheAnthropocene, as well as its harmful effects that degrade the biosphere, and thus our economic, political,social well-being. The casual dynamics of climate change and its impacts on life-supporting ecosystemshas increasingly been recognized by a resilient approach which incorporates adaptive processes andschemes, allowing public governance to embrace the changes rather than control uncertainty. Thisresearch introduces the interwoven concepts of adaptive capacity, adaptive governance, and resiliencewithin a social and environmental framework. It provides a review of how these concepts support aparadigm shift to mitigating current and future challenges—understood through a multidisciplinaryapproach, and how scholars have sought to develop a blueprint to improve the need to foster and mobilizeadaptive capacity within the governance of the commons. In Sweden, key governmental and businessleaders have shown the ability to foster environmental governance that is capable of developing analternative form of planning, implementing, and managing public policy. Moreover, Sweden’s concertedmultilevel governance and public policy efforts have promoted an all-encompassing generational, mainlythrough: coordinated environmental policies and private, public, and civil society partnerships. Theseinitiatives have led to innovative technologies and projects (e.g. urban vertical farming technology) as wellas cross collaboration and integration of companies and industries in order to achieve economic, social,and environmentally symbiosis.

Dual Leadership: Perspectives of African American Women Leaders in Ministry and the Workplace

Lewis, YoLanda S. 04 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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