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An Integration Study of Quality Management System and Performance Management System On TFT LCD IndustryHuang, Li-Yuan 09 June 2005 (has links)
After the ISO9000 series of quality management standards was released by the International Organization of Standard, certificate of ISO9001¡G1994 was deemed by enterprises as a guarantee for performance improvement. Ironically, not until recently is the implementation of ISO9001: 2000 substantially depreciated and suspected as an obstacle to efficient operation.
Since the certificate of ISO9001 still represents the passport to be a candidate in international trade, enterprises bear to implement ISO9001 even under the circumstance that they do not understand the value of ISO9001. This not only violates the basic requirements of ISO9001: 2000 but also leads to employee¡¦s careless attitude about the practice.
The prevalence of different evaluation tools such as Key Performance Index (KPI), Management By Objectives (MBO) and etc. tells the story that enterprise nowadays puts performance before anything. However, most enterprises fail to integrate the similar concepts behind evaluation indexes and ISO like quality goal, quality review, human resource, and process management and treat each index as an independent system. This has caused enterprises serious waste and cost. Also, there is always lacked an objective evaluation method between human resource development and performance management.
Enterprise performance management system is often criticized for its isolation from the real competitive environment and helplessness in staff encouragement or efficiency improvement. The fact that the current quality system and performance management system cannot reflect customer¡¦s voice, the main source of profit improvement, undermines the benefits of system implementation and is against the expectation of persistent development.
Through in-depth interview, this study specifies how enterprises in LCD industry implement performance evaluation and ISO9001: 2000 and clarify the correlation between these internal systems and the disconnection occurred. Based on bibliography and theory study, then conduct to an integrated operation system that has two major parts, including mixed-construction and process management. The process oriented management flow could easy to connect the performance evaluation gap between enterprise and customer concern. The mixed-construction could meet the performance evaluation request of LCD industry which is customers¡¦ satisfaction¡Bspeed and competence. Through this kind of operation system, enterprise could easy to put customer concern in the enterprise internal system and also could achieve a closed loop of continuous improvement. That is also called as system synergy.
In enterprises operation, cost reduction stands as important as profit seeking. The concept of integration of performance management system and ISO9001¡G2000 quality management system indicated in this research provides a way to meet the targets of performance and cost while promoting employee satisfaction, enterprise competitiveness and customer satisfaction.
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A Rearch on the strategy transformation & development of an old generation TFT-LCD factory--A case of a TFT-LCD company in TaiwanLu, Chiung-Sen 10 August 2006 (has links)
Recently years, TFT-LCD industry has become the major development policy in Taiwan, and the scale of investment of the TFT-LCD¡¦s industry has become more and more in Taiwan, Japan and Korea. The Profit of the TFT-LCD monitor and television industry has been compressed very seriously to injure the chance and cost advantage of the second-string companies to run above business. Hence, this research is focused on a case of a TFT-LCD company termed ¡§A company¡¨ owns two old generation factories, and uses the strategy theories of scenario analysis, competition advantage, five forces analysis, resource-based view, value chain and so on and strategy tools of strategy map and balanced scorecard to analyze and find out the transformation strategy of the case of the ¡§A company¡¨ to build up the best competition advantage.
To realize the competition status of outside and internal environment of TFT-LCD industry, and the resources base of the case of ¡§A company¡¨ in Taiwan, and the development situation using scenario analysis in order to define the direction of the operation strategy of the case of ¡§A company¡¨ that owns two third generation factories. The result is using strategy development tools of strategy map, balanced scorecard, key performance indicator management to develop the execution plan and performance measure indicators of the transformation strategy.
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台灣TFT-LCD產業上市公司投資價值之研究陸家宇 Unknown Date (has links)
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以五力分析為基探討Value Analysis Tear-Down 對光電產業競爭優勢之影響-以Z公司為例 / A Study on the Impacts of Competitive Advantages using Value Analysis Tear-Down Method – A Case Study on Company Z賴威光, Lai,William Unknown Date (has links)
Even though TFT-LCD is a high-tech industry, it is a highly competitive business and the average selling price has been dropping year over year. The high technology no longer guarantees high profit margin due to intensive direct competitions among overflowing TFT-LCD makers. Every TFT-LCD maker is aggressively migrating to next generation fabrication and working rapidly to vertically integrate component suppliers to lower the cost. It is believed that in the manufacturing industry such as TFT-LCD is facing the toughest competition ever and all TFT-LCD companies are thinking of possible ways enhance their competitiveness regardless of their scales.
To analyze the current industry situation and provide suggestions to current players in the field, this research proceeds with the approach of case study. Using Porter’s Five Forces Model as competitive advantage measuring factors, we apply Value Analysis Tear-down method to see how it can influence each force.
Based on the case analysis, the author has reached the following findings:
1.Creating sustainable competitive advantages is very difficult by using cost reduction strategy only
2.Top management’s involvement of a new method or strategy can expedite the execution process and stimulate more innovative ideas
3.Future improvements derived from Value Analysis Tear-Down process must be constantly monitored and implemented to create sustainable advantages
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由液晶面板的供需看產業的未來策略發展藍東昇 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的面板產業所謂的面板五虎,從各家的財務獲利、資本支出,到之後的產能規劃與擴建計劃,已經明顯的成為兩個不同層級的競爭態勢與格局。面板產業的規模正在迅速擴張中,面板產業龍頭友達與奇美在公司規模、營收的表現上,已正式超越各家成為產業龍頭。因此本研究以這兩家面板大廠為代表,針對其發展沿革之策略進行分析與比較,以對映台灣面板廠的競爭策略與未來發展。 / The TFT LCD industry is the star business in Taiwan recently. With billions investment and high-tech entry barrier, however, this industry usually suffers huge loss and worries the price drop. So far, the profit rate of LCD is still limit but the new Fab investment can’t be stopped to lose competition in this giant field. The main reason is balance of supply-demand issue still existing in the whole TFT LCD industry.
From demand point of view, there are more and more new applications in LCD products; on the other hand, LCD makers must keep investing new Fab in supply. The equilibrium of supply line and demand line has been varied by different timing and various price. The original TFT LCD manufacturers are from Japan, Koran, and Taiwan but only few companies have capability to extend production line. Now, the LCD industry is in the kind of competitive olig-monopolistic market. To analyzing by the game theory of economics, the severe competition among few LCD makers, who bear the critical challenge, have to face up to surplus, price war, and product devaluation due to unbalanced investment.
This research is to study the current capacity and their new Fab outputs of all LCD makers as well as to consider vertical and key component sources. Meanwhile, the new application, marketing plan and strategy, future price trend, and brand competence can be reviewed from supply-demand, market equilibrium, and crystal cycling. Further, to study what is the LCD future according to the new strategy, technologic development and competitive environment.
Taiwan TFT LCD makers have so-called “Five Tigers”. The LCD business is rapid growing. From each company financial profit, capital investment, capacity plan and new Fab investment, there are two main distinguished level and scale. The leading companies are AUO and CMO, no matter in economic scale, and revenue performance, which are on the top position. This report is also studied these two companies as benchmark to cross-check each company stage and compare each own strategy in order to reflect Taiwan TFT LCD industry and future.
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台灣TFT-LCD產業因應供應鏈管理與全球運籌現況之對策古昌平 Unknown Date (has links)
Samsung/LG是台灣面板廠最大勁敵,其垂直整合至LCD TV品牌,已直指台灣面板廠之罩門,如何突破下游應用產品品牌之發展與通路,是我國面板業者外銷重大課題之一。
惟考量兩岸分工整合,及未來全球最大四個客戶區域市場─歐洲、美國、中國與日本之JIT/VMI送貨,則如何同時滿足兩岸生產與全球配銷之消費性電子快速D2D(Door to Door)物流運籌特性,乃成為本產業之國際經營最大考驗。
目前業者最殷切之物流需求為:(1)兩岸間快速物流運輸之改善與提供 (2)大陸VMI/JIT/JMI之儲配服務 (3)東/西歐之需求端發貨配送服務。
海運直航後,兩岸中小船快運業務將迅速興起,陽明海運等已針對奇美(高雄-寧波)規劃大船接中小船再接陸運之一條龍配送。未來亦將針對統寶/瀚宇彩晶之南京/武漢配送,再進行內河航運或內陸運輸之Door to Door服務,使產業與物流業雙雙得利。
加速與物流業者聯盟合作,建立兩岸Door to Door海空陸聯運快速暢達之一條龍運輸配送體系,使此關鍵快捷運輸體系,成為面板業贏過日、韓“ Samsung / LG / Sharp / SONY ”之秘密武器。
建議46吋以上之LCD TV及高品質NB、智慧型手機之前期製造,能於台灣研發、製造及全球服務,使我國之高端製造業能重返台灣本土,並持續帶動及增強我國物流運籌業之發展。
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台灣TFT-LCD大尺寸液晶面板廠商研發效率與影響因子分析謝榮明 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇主要是研究大型TFT-LCD產業的研發活動進行效率分析的論文,本研究採取二階段的方法來對大型TFT-LCD產業進行分析,研究期間為2001~2003年,第一階段採用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis;DEA),其產出項為專利件數,其投入項為研發人力,研發資本,一般研究TFT-LCD的經營績效都以研發費用當作投入,而本研究以研發效率為為討論對象,研發資本當作投入,為其特殊之處。
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內外部技術網路與組織知識流通之研究-以TFT LCD產業為例 / Knowledge flow process of TFT LCD industry in Taiwan from the perspectives of organizational internal networking and external networking楊晴媚, Yang, Ching-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
台灣TFT LCD產業在國內六家主要廠商的帶動下,由草創期邁向快速成長期,成為世界舞台上矚目的焦點。本研究以台灣TFT LCD產業為研究對象,一方面為台灣TFT LCD產業記錄略盡微薄之力,一方面藉著技術知識特質與內外部技術網路的探討,深入瞭解台灣TFT LCD產業組織知識流通以及能耐打造的情況。
本研究以個案訪談為主要研究方式,共訪問六家主要的TFT LCD廠商。本研究以「技術知識特質」、「外部技術網路」、「內部技術網路」探討其對台灣TFT LCD產業廠商「組織知識流通」的影響。本研究之研究發現如下:
二、本研究發現當組織技術知識路徑相依度不同時,組織在吸收供應商的技術知識上採取不同的模式。當台灣TFT LCD廠商技術知識路徑相依度愈高時,其在吸收技轉廠商的技術知識上採取共同開發模式。當台灣TFT LCD廠商技術知識路徑相依度愈低時,其在吸收設備供應商的技術知識上採取交付模式,且設備供應商會提供文件資料、派人駐廠協助。
一、本研究發現當組織與技術知識來源關係緊密程度不同時,組織在管理知識吸收上會採取不同的互動方式。當台灣TFT LCD廠商與技術知識來源關係緊密時,其在管理知識吸收上會採取持續互動的方式。當台灣TFT LCD廠商與技術知識來源關係寬鬆時,其在管理知識吸收上不會採取持續互動的方式。
二、本研究發現組織擁有知識創造型團員有助於組織知識的流通。台灣TFT LCD產業的知識操作員在知識共同化過程中,藉著親赴日本實地學習促進組織知識的吸收。台灣TFT LCD產業的知識操作員在知識外化過程中,藉著將受訓內容進行文件化記錄,促進組織知識的蓄積。台灣TFT LCD產業的知識主管屬於T型人,透過會議傳遞、溝通組織願景,有助於知識的創造。
三、本研究發現組織內研發部門與生產部門間的連結與轉移,有助於解決知識創造過程中的問題。台灣TFT LCD各家廠商皆藉著研發部門與生產部門間人員的互動來促成問題的解決。
肆、台灣TFT LCD產業創新特色
一、本研究發現台灣TFT LCD產業這兩年快速發展的過程中,廠商為了避免技術風險與市場風險,採取下列的作法:以共同開發、獨家授權、合資等模式,與獨有的日本技轉廠商維持緊密的合作關係來降低技術風險;以產品銷售母公司、為技轉廠商進行代工等方式來降低市場風險。
二、本研究發現當母公司進行跨業投資台灣TFT LCD產業時,會透過集團協助組織知識流通,其中包括高階主管、生產人才的調任,以及技術知識、管理經驗的提供。
三、本研究發現在產品開發能力移轉上,台灣TFT LCD廠商成功邁向第二個層次—調適與零件本土化的能力移轉,並建構本身在實體系統、管理系統、技術與知識、價值觀各方面的核心能力。
四、本研究發現在台灣TFT LCD產業崛起過程中,工研院除了提供技術知識給廠商外,亦扮演人才提供的角色,協助台灣TFT LCD產業組織知識的流通。
五、本研究發現在台灣TFT LCD產業崛起過程中,創新的CEO透過容忍智慧型失敗、塑造關懷(Care)與學習的組織環境,協助組織內知識的流通。
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論TFT LCD 產業之專利挑戰與因應-以LCD Monitor Controllers 之專利爭訟為例許雅芬, Hsu, Ya-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
自一九九九年投入大型TFT LCD之生產以來,台灣的TFT LCD產業急速成長為全球僅次於南韓的重要生產地。隨著產業聚落的形成,更引發零組件市場就地取材的驅勢。台灣控制IC廠商挾其研發經驗與半導體產業在產能上的支援下,甫一投入控制市場便造成主要大廠Genesis的嚴重威脅。為迫使台灣廠商安於已無利潤可言之低階產品市場,Genesis針對台灣之晶磊、晶捷、創品以及晨星等四家廠商提起一連串的專利訴訟行動,除於聯邦地院提出民事之侵權告訴,復於美國國際貿易委員會連續提出兩件侵權控訴。
因在TFT LCD產業的下游產品中,美國仍為最重要的市場地,為使業者能避免再蹈覆轍,本文除就控制產業之競爭環境做基本說明外,即以美國之專利法制為主要介紹目標。內容包括專利之申請、維護以及救濟程序之因應策略。希望能有助於相關業者於專利規畫以及侵權爭議因應方式上之考量。
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