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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fanfare and Pastoral Topics in Mozart's Così fan tutte

Vagts, Andrew 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores the use of topics for dramatic purposes in Mozart's Così fan tutte. The five analytical chapters are organized around a central question: how do pastoral and fanfare topics shape the plot of Così fan tutte? Chapter 2 highlights the role topics and tropes play in emplacing and nuancing emergent meaning in the Così fan tutte motto. Chapter 3 examines transformative topical tropes in "Ah guarda, sorella." Chapter 4 shows how the horn fifths and fanfare topics in "Per pietà, ben mio" frame Fiordiligi's choice: the Albanian or Guglielmo. Chapter 5 illustrates the relationship between fanfare topics and galant recitative schemas to articulate formal boundaries between accompanied recitatives and arias. The expectations of closure emplaced by the examples from Così fan tutte nuance a reading of "Hai già vinta la causa!" from Le nozze di Figaro. Chapter 6 discusses the role of recitative intrusions and their articulation of the Count's unrest in "Vedrò mentre io sospiro." Detailed analyses and close readings of the topics and tropes in this dissertation drawn from throughout Così fan tutte showcase Mozart's rich deployment of topics in varied musical and dramatic roles.

Implementace průřezového tématu Osobnostní a sociální výchova do dílen čtení / Implementation of the Cross-Curricular Theme of Social and Emotional Learning into a Reading Workshop

Saňáková, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and research part. The theoretical part is dedicated to reading workshops, specifically to their importance. Reading workshop is a teaching method that develops reading skills and creates a reading community in the classroom. Furthermore one of the cross-curricular themes, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), is introduced. The goal of the research part of the thesis is to identify the possibilities of connecting these two areas, to describe how reading workshops are led by elementary school teachers, to determine whether and how can the cross-curricular theme of SEL be incorporated into the reading workshop. This goal was achieved through semi-structured interviews with teachers. The interviews show that the teachers aim at various goals during the preparation for reading workshops, nevertheless they usually don't implement the outputs of the SEL. They would appreciate using inspiring lesson plans. In response to their need, eleven lesson plans for reading reading lessons were added to the thesis. They are aimed at fulfilling the objectives of SEL. KEYWORDS cross-curricular theme of social and emotional learning, reading workshop, reading literacy, reading comunity, sharing

Den osynliga : En analys av utanförskapet i Maria Gripes Agnes Cecilia – en sällsam historia

Bergqvist, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka utanförskapet som tema i Maria Gripes Agnes Cecilia – en sällsam historia (1981). Uppsatsen analyserar hur romankaraktärernas utanförskap hänger samman med deras utveckling samt hur detta kan kopplas till den kvinnliga utvecklingsromanen som genre. Vidare undersöks huruvida utanförskapet kan ses som romanens tema, vilket även innebär att uppsatsen reflekterar över olika definitioner av tema som begrepp.  Uppsatsen utgår inte från någon särskild teori, till hjälp tas därför en rad olika verk som behandlar tidigare forskning av Agnes Cecilia - en sällsam historia samt Maria Gripes författarskap i stort. Skuggornas förtrogna (2000) av Ying Toijer-Nilsson och Sökande, spegling, metamorfos (1994) av Carina Lidström är de verk som används mest frekvent. För att synliggöra olika definitioner av tema som begrepp används Peter Hallbergs Litterär teori och stilistik (1972) och Christian Mehrstams artikel ”Superhjältar och björnvarelser: temabegreppet och lärarens förberedande läsning från förskolan till mellanstadiet” (2019).  Analysen redogör först för hur utanförskapet kommer till uttryck i romanen. Därefter framgår hur utanförskapet ligger till grund för karaktärernas personliga utveckling men även för själva händelseförloppet i romanen. Vidare behandlas romanen utifrån den kvinnliga utvecklingsromanen som genre, där riktas fokus mot relationen mellan mor och dotter vilket visar sig vara starkt kopplat till romanens utanförskap. / The purpose of this bachelor’s essay is to examine the exclusion as a theme in Agnes Cecilia (1981) by Maria Gripe. The essay is analysing the exclusion of the characters in the novel and the way this might be linked to their personal development, which leads the essay to a further focus: the female development novel as a genre. The essay also examines whether the exclusion can be seen as the theme of the novel, which makes the essay reflect on ways to define theme as a concept. The essay is not based on any theory, but previous research on Agnes Cecilia and the authorship of Maria Gripe are frequently used. Skuggornas förtrogna (2000) by Ying Toijer-Nilsson and Sökande, spegling, metamorfos (1994) by Carina Lidström are the ones of most importance. Litterär teori och stilistik (1972) by Peter Hallbergs and the article ”Superhjältar och björnvarelser: temabegreppet och lärarens förberedande läsning från förskolan till mellanstadiet” (2019) by Christian Mehrstam are both used to clarify different definitions of theme as a concept.  The analysis examines how the exclusion is expressed in the novel and the way this exclusion is the basis of the characters personal development, as for the course of events in the novel. Furthermore, the analysis focuses on the female development novel as a genre. The relationship between mother and daughter is especially highlighted, since it turns out to be strongly linked to the exclusion of the novel.

Teamwork makes the Theme work : A qualitative study on theming and performative labour as a differentiation strategy on SME Cafés in Sweden

Hala, Zeeb, Luu, To Quan January 2023 (has links)
Servicescape is a physical setting where the performance, delivery and consumption are exchanged within a service marketplace. It includes sensory components, such as the theme of the place that has a high impact on customer perceptions and purchasing decisions and providing them with extraordinary experiences (Pine and Gilmore, 1999; Zeithaml, Bitner and Gremler, 2009). Therefore, the Disneyization concept which is influenced by the previous was applied as it focuses on providing differentiated services. However, the purpose of this research was to explore how theming and performative labour have been used in Small-Medium-Enterprises (SME) cafés as a differentiation strategy, thus only 2/4 Disneyization principles were looked into. Together with their teamwork differentiation was established against homogenised Fika cafés in Sweden. Three sub-questions have been created to allow the authors to answer the main question accurately. Deductive reasoning has been adapted for theory collection, while qualitative research was used when collecting primary data, through purposive sampling, due to criteria having to be met. A total of seven cafés participated through face-to-face semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis was followed to analyse, code, review, and define themes. The themes in the findings were cross-referenced with the literature review, thus the use of both interpretive and positivist research has shown slightly different results from previous studies. The findings state that when theming, all cafés cared about the different sensory elements such as interior design, sounds and smell for creating uniqueness. However, different from big enterprises, the passion of owners towards the theme was a significant factor in creating a successful theme as well. Nevertheless, theming alone was found to be not efficient enough as a differentiation strategy. Performative labour is needed to complement it which includes the concepts of emotional and aesthetic labour. Aesthetic labour had not a high effect on differentiating services, rather the extent of its application depends on the place and theme itself. On the contrary, emotional labour, which was connected with the service provided had a significant effect on instead, through interaction. Interaction is what is found to provide a unique service, creating a customer experience, thus loyal ones. Furthermore, the execution of theming and performative labour through a strong team is what creates a differentiation strategy in the face of competitors. Therefore, a Differentiation Strategy (DS) model for SME cafés was developed from the Disneyization model to include interaction and teamwork. The empirical data suggest that if a SME café successfully implements the model, it will create a differentiated strategy for itself.

Hotel tematico de la Cultura Paracas

Liza Lecca, Melisa 08 December 2020 (has links)
El proyecto es un hotel ubicado en el distrito de Paracas en la costa sur del departamento de Ica, Perú. Este distrito se caracteriza por su importancia histórica y natural. Es cuna de la cultura Pre-Inca Paracas emblemática por su arte arquitectónico y la utilización de las formas y colores en sus textiles. Además, gran parte del distrito conforma la Reserva nacional de Paracas ubicada en un desierto con clima cálido durante todo el año, vientos de alta velocidad y una vasta variedad de fauna. Por esto mismo, el diseño del hotel temático está inspirado en la arquitectura, textiles, formas y colores de esta cultura. Por otro lado, la infraestructura se ha diseñado en función al cuidado del medio ambiente y el respeto por el entorno natural que lo rodea. Por ello, se implementó energía solar, termas solares, utilización de los vientos para ventilación pasiva interna y reutilización del agua para el riego de la vegetación propuesta. / This project is a hotel located in the district of Paracas, in the south coast of Ica, Peru.A large part of the district contains the Paracas National Reserve, located in the desert, with a warm weather all year round, intense winds and lots of fauna variety. Paracas distinguishes for its natural and historical importance. It was the cradle of the Pre-Inca Paracas culture known for its architectonic art and the use of shapes and colours in their textiles. The design of this themed hotel is inspired in the architecture, textiles, shapes and colours of this culture. Finally, the infrastructure has being designed focused in being environmentally friendly. This is why the hotel has solar energy, solar panels, uses the wind for the internal ventilation and reuses water for the irrigation of the vegetation. / Tesis

Erfarenheter och uppfattningar av barndomstrauman, självskadebeteenden och relationen däremellan : Professionellas erfarenheter / Experiences and perceptions of childhood trauma, self-harm and the relationship between them : Professionals' experiences

Nesemann, Nesemann, Andersson, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
Barndomstrauma är en av de identifierade folkhälsoutmaningar som samhället står inför. Dagens samhälle har öppnat upp för diskussion gällande den psykiska ohälsan, där ett självskadebeteende inkluderas. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka yrkesverksammas syn på relationen mellan barndomstrauma, speciellt sexuella övergrepp och uppkomsten av ett självskadebeteende genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet indikerar att det finns ett samband mellan sexuella övergrepp och att senare utveckla någon form av självskadebeteende för att kunna hantera överväldigande känslor som kan uppstå efter att ha varit utsatt för sexuella övergrepp. Däremot är betoningen störst på barndomstrauma generellt och inte främst på sexuella övergrepp. I resultatet framkommer även att begreppet barndomstrauma är för brett för att det ska gå att garantera att samma definitioner används. Ett centralt fynd berör att de yrkesverksamma i denna studie inte definierar ett indirekt självskadebeteende som en form av självskadebeteende. Resultatet har visat motsägelsefulla meningar i form av att det indirekta självskadebeteendet inte anses vara en form av självskadebeteende samtidigt som intervjupersonerna beskriver att sin målgrupp ägnar sig åt beteenden och situationer som ingår i det indirekta självskadebeteendet. Därav finns ett tydligt behov att avgränsa begreppen ytterligare för att kunna bidra till en universell definition och en gemensam förståelse. / Child trauma is recognized as one of the prevailing public health challenges in society. Contemporary society has fostered an environment conducive to discussing mental health issues, encompassing self-harm. This study seeks to explore professionals' perspectives on the correlation between sexual abuse and self-harm through semi-structured interviews. The findings suggest a link between sexual abuse and the subsequent development of self-harm behaviors as a coping mechanism for dealing with overwhelming emotions following such abuse. However, it is evident that the terms "childhood trauma" and "self-harm" are perceived as overly broad, leading to variations in their definitions. A notable discovery is that the professionals in this study do not classify indirect self-harm as a form of self-harm. The results reveal conflicting meanings, as indirect self-harm is not officially recognized as such, despite interviewees describing behaviors within their target group that align with indirect self-harm. Therefore, there is a clear imperative to refine these concepts to foster a universal definition and shared understanding.

Опыт тематического анализа фанфика «Искусство обнажения» : магистерская диссертация / A Thematic Analysis Experiment on the «Bangtan Boys (BTS)» Fan-Fiction

Устюжанина, Д. И., Ustyuzhanina, D. I. January 2021 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена анализу тематического развертывания «сетературного» текста. В рамках исследования методом сплошной выборки выделены 1513 тематических номинаций в первых пяти главах фанфика «Искусство обнажения» по фэндому «BTS». Показано, как структурирование тематических цепочек в аспектах набора, комбинаторики и размещения способствует повышению читательского интереса к тексту. / This master’s thesis attempts at analyzing the thematic perspective of the «netrature» text. Within the study, the method of continuous sampling helped the author to identify 1513 thematic nominations in the first five chapters of the «Bangtan Boys (BTS)» fan-fiction. The structuring of thematic chains in the aspects of set, combinatorics and placement is proven to increase the reader’s interest in the text.

Form im Fluss: Das leitende Prinzip in Sibelius’ Siebter Symphonie

Mesquita, David 17 October 2023 (has links)
Sibelius’ Rezeption im deutschsprachigen Raum wurde lange Zeit von Theodor W. Adornos Glosse über Sibelius geprägt – so wurde Sibelius, ohne eine gründliche Auseinandersetzung mit seinem Werk, oft als zweitrangiger, konservativer Komponist betrachtet. Die analytische Untersuchung seiner Symphonien zeigt uns aber, dass sein Umgang mit Form besonders innovativ ist: Anstatt mehr oder weniger abgegrenzten ›Themen‹, die durch Ein- und Überleitungen miteinander verbunden werden, treten vor allem die ›leitenden‹ Teile in den Vordergrund. Diese Überwindung der traditionellen Formteile durch eine dynamische, ständig fließende Form, gipfelt in seiner siebten Symphonie, in der die einzelnen Sätze der symphonischen Form zu einem großen, einzigen Satz verschmelzen. Eine zentrale Rolle spielen dabei die Überleitungen, die quantitativ und qualitativ den Großteil der Symphonie ausmachen. / Jean Sibelius’s reception in German-speaking lands was for a long time influenced by Theodor W. Adorno’s commentary, such that, without a thorough examination of his work, Sibelius was often viewed as a second-tier, conservative composer. The analysis of his symphonies reveals, however, that his approach to form was especially innovative: instead of more or less clear-cut “themes” connected by introductions and transitions, it is especially the “connective” parts that come to the fore. This surmounting of traditional formal sections through a dynamic, constantly changing form reaches its peak in his Seventh Symphony, in which the individual movements of the symphonic form coalesce into a single, gigantic movement. Here the transitions play a central role, which make up the majority of the symphony, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Mapping Mark: Quantitative Study of Clause Thematization as a Means of Illuminating the Gospel Genre

Brown, Nathan L 11 1900 (has links)
This project exhaustively examines the first element (theme) of each clause in Mark and in samples from other roughly contemporaneous Jewish writings. The comparative documents are divided into two categories, referential and non-referential narratives. Then statistical analyses ( 2 and t-test) are used to determine with which category of comparative documents Mark more closely aligns. The raw results of these hypothesis tests were equivocal, but their corresponding effect sizes (Cramer's V and Cohen's d, respectively) clearly demonstrate that Mark more closely resembles referential narrative, although the difference is small.


RAMIREZ-CASTILLA, JAIME January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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