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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un miroir aux alouettes ? : Stratégies pour la traduction des métaphores

Hagström, Anne-Christine January 2002 (has links)
This dissertation has three goals : to establish an inventory of translation strategies applicable to the translation of metaphor, to investigate how the application of these strategies affects the balance in metaphorical quality between source text and target text, and, finally, to determine whether this balance is a useful indicator of the direction of the translation as a whole, towards either adequacy or acceptability. To carry out this research the author has established a corpus comprising 250 metaphors from the novel La goutte d’or by Michel Tournier and its Swedish translation, Gulddroppen by C.G. Bjurström. Based on the criteria thematical and contextual connection 158 metaphors from this corpus have been selected for analysis.The strategy used in the translation of each metaphor has been established. The degree of balance in metaphorical quality between the two texts has then been determined and its significance as an indicator of the direction of the translation as a whole has been discussed. The underlying theory and methodology of the study are those of Gideon Toury as outlined in his book Descriptive Translation Studies and beyond. The study is thus essentially descriptive in nature. The dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part gives a survey of well known research within the fields of metaphor theory and translation theory. Various theories concerning the requested equality between a text and its translation are presented, as well as inventories of translation strategies established by a number of researchers. The second part contains the analysis of the selected metaphors and establishes a set of strategies for this purpose.

Conciencia y temporalidad : Un estudio sobre la concepción del tiempo en seis poemarios de José Hierro

Sörstad, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to analyze the conception of time in six books of poems by José Hierro (1922-2002): Tierra sin nosotros (1947), Alegría (1947), Con las piedras, con el viento… (1950), Quinta del 42 (1952), Cuanto sé de mí (1957) and Libro de las alucinaciones (1964). It is suggested that the theme of time in Hierro´s poetry can be approached from three different points of view: existence, essence and consciousness. Furthermore, these three different perspectives are reflected in a chronological division of Hierro´s books of poems into three periods: existential poetry, intimist poetry and hallucinatory poetry. In order to develop and reinforce the thematic study, on the one hand, a comparative study is carried out that focuses on the relationship between poetry and philosophy, and, on the other, the thematic configuration on the surface level is considered. The methodological foundations that make it possible to achieve this objective are provided by Jean-Pierre Richard´s thematic criticism, Edmund Husserl´s phenomenology and Paul Ricoeur´s phenomenological hermeneutics. The dissertation concludes that Tierra sin nosotros and Alegría represent Hierro´s existential poetry, written during the post-war period and the reigning atmosphere of existentialism. Alegría, Con las piedras, con el viento… and Quinta del 42 constitute his intimist poetry. The second book, Alegría, is described as a “bridging book” between the first two periods. When the immediacy of the Civil War begins to fade, the literary scene shifts towards the more intimate theme of knowledge, and in Hierro´s poetry especially the phenomenon of time. In Quinta del 42, Cuanto sé de mí and Libro de las alucinaciones the reader encounters Hierro´s hallucinatory poetry. Quinta del 42 is another example of a “bridging book” between two periods. His hallucinatory poems transmit an extreme form of the search for inner truth which entails the deconstruction of time and space.

Intryck, uttryck, avtryck : en studie av två formgivares designmetodiker, formspråk och inspirationskällor och sambandet mellan deras trädgårdar och konstnärliga uttryck.

Stagman, Siv, Adolfsson Hörberg, Karina January 2008 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är en studie av glas- och silverformgivaren Gunnar Cyréns och modedesignern Gunilla Ponténs designmetodiker, formspråk och inspirationskällor.  Det undersöker också om de uttrycker sig konstnärligt i sina privata trädgårdar.  Kan deras formspråk spåras i trädgården och har trädgården inspirerat dem i deras formgivningsarbete?  Utifrån vad vi har funnit har vi skissat på trädgårdsidéer och tematrädgårdar med utgångspunkt i hur vi uppfattat deras formspråk.  I det arbetet har vi tillämpat de av dem beskrivna designmetodikerna. / This degree thesis studies the design methodology, artistic expression and source of inspiration of two renowned Swedish designers: Gunnar Cyrén, glass artist and silversmith, and Gunilla Pontén, fashion designer.  It also investigates if they express themselves artistically in their private gardens.  Can their artistic expressions be seen in their gardens?  Has the garden inspired them in their design work?

體驗經濟之真實性研究-以體驗展示的場所營造為例 / The Authenticity Study of Experience Economy-in the case of Place Making for the Rendering Experience

巫基福, Wu, Chi Fu Unknown Date (has links)
在體驗經濟 (Experience Economy)時代中,消費者敏感點(Consumer Sensibility)已由服務導向的「品質」(Quality),轉為體驗導向的「真實性」(Authenticity)展現。因為惟有企業滿足消費者真正需求-提供真實且客製化的產品與服務時,才可以確實打動消費者;並在「控制成本」及「提升品質」的市場競爭中,切割出一個價值型利基的市場區隔。 體驗型企業必須依其「產業特性」與「競爭優勢」,針對目標消費者進行產品與服務的真實性展現。特別是在產品設計、傳達研究、空間設計三個領域中,建構一個有利於消費者辨別的企業識別系統-「行銷美學」(Marketing Aesthetics),以透過各式各樣的感知經驗來吸引顧客,並與競爭對手產生差異化區隔。 以行銷美學展現企業真實性的「差異化」策略中,最具有效力的方式是「場所營造」(Placemaking)。使潛在與既有顧客在極為吸引人的場所進行體驗,一方面無可抗拒地注意到企業的產品與服務,進而消費購買,另一方面潛移默化地接受其傳遞的企業形象與價值認同,提高品牌忠誠度。 本文試圖結合行銷美學的「風格與主題分析」方法,以及聯合國文教組織(UNESCO)世界遺產公約作業準則中「真實性」研究,建立一個研究體驗型企業在「場所營造」構面,展現企業真實性的初步評估架構。並且以台灣現今較具產業特色與競爭強度的體驗型企業-肯園、食養文化山房、夏姿采采食茶文化等作為研究個案,藉以剖析市場現況及驗證評估架構。 在場所營造的風格與主題分析架構中,五種「真實性表現」-天然的、原創的、獨特的、參照的、影響的,充分對應於「場所營造」的材料、設計、手工藝、場所及精神/情感的五大構面,形成不同的企業特質(風格與主題)。亦即此一分析架構應可有效協助企業進行系統性、架構性設計思考與服務流程規劃。 在個案分析驗證中,因台灣多為小型文化創意或中型品牌跨界型公司,並無迪士尼或環球影城等類似組織成熟的大型企業,所以創新者的個人價值觀與美學傾向,易即是企業的行銷美學;卻也更易產生出獨特且展現真實性的場所空間。 綜言之,本文為研究體驗經濟之場所真實性展現的初探,並展開「美學行銷」與「建築場所」的首次跨界對話,未來若能再從「使用者體驗規劃」及「服務設計」等不同角度進行分析,必能加強場所營造之真實性研究的完整性。 / In the era of experience economy, the consumer sensibility has transferred from the service-orientation of quality management to the experience-orientation of rendering “authenticity”. Only when enterprises satisfy what consumers really want-real and customized products / services, then they can touch consumers . They can split a value-based business niche market segments in the “cost control” and “quality management” of competitive market. The experience enterprises have to follow its industrial characteristics and competitive advantages to render their authenticity of products and services to target consumers. Especially in the three fields of product and graphic design, communications, and spatial design, they have to build a corporate identity system – “Marketing Aesthetics”, easily distinguished by consumers. Then they can touch and inspire customers through a variety of perceptual experiences and differentiate from their competitors. The best way is the “Placemaking” for the marketing aesthetics of differentiation strategy. That is for potential (and current) customers to experience that offering in a place so engaging that they can’t help but pay attention, and then pay up as a result by buying that offering. Thus it make customers imperceptibly accept the corporate identity and value recognition, drive brand loyalty. The thesis attempts to build the preliminary assessment system of rendering authenticity about the placemaking of experience-based enterprises. This system combines “the style and theme analysis of marketing aesthetics”, and ”the authenticity research of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (UNESCO)”. In order to analyze the current market and test the authenticity assessment system, there are some experience-based enterprises (with industrial features and competitiveness) case studies-Canjune international Inc., Shi-Yang Culture Restaurant, and Cha Cha Thé Culture international Co.. In the style and theme analysis of placemaking , the five factors of authenticity-natural, original, unique, referable, and influential, is correctly mapping to the five dimensions of placemaking-materials, design, crafts, places, and spirit/emotions. It forms different characteristics of the corporation (style and theme). Besides, this analysis system which will be effective in helping enterprises systematic/architectural design thinking and service process planning. In the case studies of Taiwan experience-based enterprises, innovator's personal values and aesthetic tendency that is the company's marketing aesthetics. Because there are no the mature and large-scale enterprises such as Disneyland or Universal Studios. But it is easy to show the uniqueness and authenticity of place for customers. In conclusion, this is the preliminary research about the place of the authenticity rendering on the experience economy. And this is the cross-border “Marketing” and “Place” dialogue. Then, more "user experience " and "service design" studies should be able to strengthen the integrity of the placemaking authenticity research.

Valda verkligheter : En studie av svenska och engelska tidningars konstruerande av verklighet i rapporteringen kring Julian Assange

Farneman, Matilda January 2011 (has links)
This is an analysis of how the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet and the English newspapers The Independent and The Guardian reported about the sexual molestation and rape charges that were alleged against the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in August 2010. Through a critical discourse analysis, a theme- and proposition analysis and a process analysis this paper aims to investigate how the above mentioned newspapers create reality in their articles. The purpose is to shed light upon with what means the journalists through the inherited structures of the newspaper illustrate actions and events, how they let other people get visible in the text and who is described as responsible for current events.    The results of the analysis shows that Aftonbladet uses a relatively large amount of propositions and speech cues to create an image of the reality that is almost explicitly angled. Dagens Nyheter and The Independent claims a higher degree of objectivity and through micro themes with different perspectives and few explicit statements they create a reality with plenty of room for the reader to make her own conclusions. The Guardian creates an image of the world where the Wikileaks is a great force of democracy and where actions are performed by humans as well as by objects and organizations.

以主題為基礎的音樂結構性分析 / Theme-Based Music Structural Analysis

何旻璟, Ho, Min-ching Unknown Date (has links)
音樂分段在研究音樂分析相關的領域是很重要的研究題目。音樂的分段可以提供作音樂結構分析、音樂瀏覽、音樂內容查詢與音樂摘要等應用。本論文的研究目的就是對音樂作自動分段,以幫助使用者能快速瀏覽音樂的內容。因此,我們針對音樂的主題作主題式的分段。 音樂的主題是取決於作曲者的動機,動機是構成音樂主題的基本因素。為了能夠以主題為基礎作音樂分段,我們必須找出決定音樂主題的因素。動機會有規則性的出現在整首音樂當中,所以我們可以利用動機出現的規則來探勘音樂的動機。 我們提出一個以主題對音樂作分段的方法,總共分為四個主要的步驟。第一,我們從原始的音樂資料擷取出主旋律的部分。第二,將主旋律做粗略分段。我們利用探勘Non-trivial重複樣式的技術[17],來找出粗略段落。第三,從粗略段落中探勘動機。我們利用Stein所提出來的動機變化規則,修改傳統探勘重複序列的方法,做動機的探勘。最後,我們利用探勘出來的動機對主旋律作精細分段。我們針對MIDI音樂檔案利用提出來的方法,實做出一個系統,找出音樂的主題段落。 先前研究在評估實驗結果時,多採用Precision與Recall去評估實驗的結果。然而,這樣的評估方法並不能表現出實驗結果與正確答案之間的相似程度。所以我們提出新的評估方法,根據實驗結果與正確答案之間的相似程度來評估實驗的準確率。根據實驗結果顯示,我們的方法準確率約65%。 / Music segmentation is one of the important issues in music analysis. Music segmentation can be utilized for music structure analysis, music browsing, content-based music retrieval, and music summarization. In this theis, we proposed a music segmentation method based on the music theme to provide users the capability to browse music segments by theme. Motives, the concepts of the composer, are the basic elements of music themes. Music themes were constructed by motives. In order to segment music by themes, we have to discover motives. Most motives repeated in the music by some motivic treatment rules. Therefore, motives can be discovered by these rules. We proposed the theme segmentation method. There are four steps. Firstly, we extract main melody from original music. In the second step, rough segments are generated from main melody by mining non-trivial repeating patterns. Then, motives are detected from rough segments. We modify the mining algorithm for discovering frequent patterns by applying motivic treatment rules proposed by Stein. Finally, we segment main melody based on the generated motives. Moreover, a system for segmentation of music in MIDI format was implemented. Concerning the effectiveness evaluation of music segmentation, precision and recall are used in previous research. We proposed an effectiveness measure and corresponding algorithm to evaluate the accuracy of music segmentation. Experimental results show that our proposed music segmentation method achieves 65% accuracy.


Nardin, Ana Claudia de 25 March 2011 (has links)
This dissertation aims at evaluating the dialogical problematizing potential of Probio/EA educational materials focusing in the Environment topic. To do so, we highlight its potentialities in the interface with the dialogical problematizing education, the didactic procedures that constitute the different knowledge to be taught and the understanding perspective associated to te thematic and unifying conceptual approach. We emphasize the good epistemological consonance between the crosscutting theme  Environment  and the importance of free technological mediation in the teaching and learning virtual environment Moodle because it is a hyprmediatic possibility for Probio/EA materials. While emphasizing the methodological procedures the investigationaction and the need to plan study activities are explained. In this way, a course for teachers from the last year in fundamental education was implemented aiming to evaluate the dialogical problematiing potential about the knowledge on Brazilian Biodiversity conservation present in the materials and, its mediating potential in the school practices on the environmental topic. The analysis and reflections made highlight the significant potential of theses materials to break up with transmissive practies in favor to the dialogical problematizing feature about problemsituations. / Essa dissertação propõese a avaliar o potencial dialógicoproblematizador dos materiais didáticos Probio/EA para a abordagem do tema Meio Ambiente. Para tanto, destacamse as potencialidades dos mesmos na interface com a educação dialógicoproblematizadora,  os procedimentos didáticos que constituem os saberes a ensinar e a perspectiva de entendimento em associação com a abordagem tmática e conceitual unificadora. Enfatizase a boa consonância epistemológica com o tema transversal  Meio Ambiente  e a importância da mediação tecnológica livre do ambiente virtual de ensinoaprendizagem Moodle,  por se constituir numa possibilidade hipermidiática para os materiais Probio/EA. Ao ressaltar os procedimentos metodológicos são explicitadas as etapas da investigaçãoação e a necessidade do planejamento da  atividades de estudo. Nesse sentido, foi implementado um curso com professores das séries finais da escolaridade fundamental no intuito de avaliar o potencial dialgicoproblematizador dos conhecimentos sobre conservação da Biodiversidade Brasileira  presente nos materiais e seu potencial mediador para as práticas escolares da temática ambiental. As análises e reflexões suscitadas destacam potencial significativo dos referidos materiais para romper com práticas transmissvas, em prol do diálogoproblematizador sobre situaçõesproblemas.

Tema transversal orientação sexual, prática pedagógica do professor de educação física: trajetórias e desafios / Cross - sectional theme sexual orientation, pedagogical practice of physical education teacher: trajectories and challenges.

Bianco, Adalto Perpétuo [UNESP] 07 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by ADALTO PERPÉTUO BIANCO null (adaltobianco@hotmail.com) on 2018-01-05T17:35:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao pre textuaisnumerada ok.pdf: 1180392 bytes, checksum: e3b3038bcae9a1d575b05daa597a16b2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Aparecida Matias null (alinematias@fclar.unesp.br) on 2018-01-05T17:57:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 bianco_ap_me_arafcl.pdf: 1180392 bytes, checksum: e3b3038bcae9a1d575b05daa597a16b2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-05T17:57:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 bianco_ap_me_arafcl.pdf: 1180392 bytes, checksum: e3b3038bcae9a1d575b05daa597a16b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-07 / A educação sexual está entremeada no ambiente escolar por meio do tema transversal Orientação Sexual dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Formação de valores positivos, discussão de posturas preconceituosas e segregadas são alguns pontos do trabalho pedagógico do professor para com esse tema. As questões de pesquisa levantadas são: como os professores de Educação Física trabalham com o tema transversal Orientação Sexual em sua prática pedagógica; quais os desafios encontrados por estes profissionais em sala de aula junto à temática e quais trajetórias estes profissionais elucidaram de forma empírica a respeito do assunto em questão . O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o tema ―Educação Física e Orientação Sexual‖, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, investigando como a prática pedagógica do professor de Educação Física vem se desenvolvendo em relação ao referido tema transversal, nos Ensinos Fundamental I e II, bem como apresentar quais são as abordagens feitas por este grupo de profissionais em sua prática pedagógica. A presente pesquisa se caracteriza como uma um pesquisa qualitativa e o recurso aplicado para a coleta de dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada, cujo instrumento de análise fica ao encargo da análise temática. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram uma carência na formação inicial e continuada dos profissionais envolvidos, de modo a atravancar a sua prática pedagógica junto à temática em evidência. Demonstram também uma relativa vulnerabilidade desses profissionais com relação ao entendimento familiar de suas práticas para com temas relacionados à sexualidade. Por fim, denotam, ainda , uma possível proposição de intervenção através de meios que possam criar condições para a superação dos desafios encontrados. / Sex education is embedded in the school environment through the cross-cutting theme Sexual Orientation of National Curricular Parameters. Formation of positive values, discussion of preconceived and segregated postures are some points of the teacher's pedagogical work on this theme. The research questions raised are: how Physical Education teachers work with the cross-cutting theme Sexual Orientation in their pedagogical practice; the challenges faced by these professionals in the classroom and the trajectories of these professionals elucidated in an empirical way about the subject in question. The present study aims to study the theme "Physical Education and Sexual Orientation", through a bibliographical review, investigating how the pedagogical practice of the Physical Education teacher has been developing in relation to the aforementioned transversal theme, in Elementary Teachings I and II , as well as to present what are the approaches made by this group of professionals in their pedagogical practice. The present research is characterized as a qualitative research and the applied resource for the collection of data was the semistructured interview, whose instrument of analysis is the responsibility of the thematic analysis. The results of the research demonstrate a lack in the initial and continuous training of the professionals involved, in order to clutter their pedagogical practice with the subject in evidence. They also demonstrate the relative vulnerability of these professionals in relation to the family understanding of their practices regarding issues related to sexuality. Finally, they also denote a possible intervention proposal through means that can create conditions for overcoming the challenges encountered

ADOLESCÊNCIA E TRANSTORNO DE CONDUTA: ESTUDO DO FUNCIONAMENTO PSÍQUICO E DA PERCEPÇÃO DA FIGURA PATERNA DE ADOLESCENTES INFRATORES / Adolescence and conduct disorder: a study of psychic functioning and perception of father figure for young offenders.

Rodrigues, Juliana dos Santos 28 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:34:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana dos Santos Rodrigues.pdf: 2088820 bytes, checksum: fd6919c865546c92bf784e0c783ef908 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to: a) investigating the contents psychodynamics of adolescent offenders; b) describing the perception of affective and relational interactions with respect to paternal figure of adolescents. For this we are studied six cases of adolescents who have committed violations and have met educational measures, five of them aged 17 and one aged 14. These adolescents attended CEDECA (Center for Defense of the Rights of the Child and Adolescent) town of Mauá (São Paulo), where data were collected. The instruments used were the Procedure for Drawing-Story with Theme and semi structured interview. The procedure was performed using the following instructions: Draw a teenager Mauá and draw the father of a teenager from Mauá, and after each drawing, the teenager was asked to tell a story about it. In general, the results showed that the primitive and childish caracteristics were present in the production of six teenagers, since the defense mechanisms such as idealization, denial, splitting and other defense mechanisms schizoid. It was also evident the difficulty of growth and development of personality as well as the antisocial behavior are associated with the quality of the introjection of the father and the relationship that adolescents have with it. It is concluded that psychic development is a determining factor for which the person is a criminal conduct in the future. Therefore, further studies are needed on the personality of adolescents in conflict with the law, so that scientific knowledge can contribute to actions within the family, as well as programs for primary and secondary prevention of conditions which may give a good psychic development to people before they reach adolescence and adulthood. / O presente estudo teve por objetivos: a) investigar conteúdos da psicodinâmica dos adolescentes infratores; b) descrever a percepção das interações afetivo-relacionais dos adolescentes em relação à figura paterna. Para isso foram estudados seis casos de adolescentes que cometeram infração e que cumprem medidas sócioeducativas, sendo cinco deles com 17 anos e um com 14 anos. Esses adolescentes freqüentavam o CEDECA (Centro de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente) da cidade de Mauá (São Paulo), local onde os dados foram coletados. Foram utilizados como instrumentos o Procedimento de Desenho-Estória com Tema e entrevista semi-estruturada. A aplicação do procedimento foi feita com base nas seguintes instruções: desenhe um adolescente de Mauá e desenhe o pai de um adolescente de Mauá e, após cada desenho, foi pedido que o adolescente contasse uma história sobre o mesmo. De um modo geral, os resultados mostraram que o primitivismo e esteve presente na produção dos seis adolescentes, visto a presença de mecanismos de defesa como idealização, negação, cisão e outros mecanismos de defesa esquizóides. Também ficou evidente que a dificuldade de crescimento e evolução da personalidade, assim como a conduta anti-social estão associadas à qualidade da introjeção da figura paterna e a relação que estes adolescentes estabelecem com ela. Concluiu-se que o modo como se dá o desenvolvimento psíquico é fator determinante para que indivíduo seja levado á conduta delituosa. Por isso, são necessários mais estudos sobre a personalidade de adolescentes em conflito com a lei, para que o conhecimento científico possa contribuir em ações no âmbito familiar, bem como em programas de prevenção primária e secundária que possam dar condições de um bom desenvolvimento psíquico às pessoas antes que cheguem à adolescência e à idade adulta.

La demeure (in)habitable : imaginaires de la maison dans l'oeuvre romanesque d'Élise Turcotte

Castonguay, Karine 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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