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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tout le monde en parle : un miroir révélateur de la société québécoise?

Blouin, Marie-Christine January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La télévision a fait son apparition au Québec en 1952 et dès lors elle provoqua un séisme culturel. Elle a progressivement pris de plus en plus de place et de temps dans notre vie personnelle et sociale. C'est durant les années 1970 et 1985 que l'industrie télévisuelle québécoise connut un essor marqué. Son évolution fulgurante tient à ses rapides progrès technologiques qui lui permirent d'accroître ses choix offerts aux téléspectateurs. La quantité et la diversité des produits télévisuels au Québec en font un cas unique. Rares sont les régions du monde ayant accès à autant de canaux et de diversité dans leur programmation. Les Québécois font partie des bien nantis de la télévision et sont particulièrement avides de celle-ci, puisqu'ils en consomment tout près de 24 heures par semaine. La télévision, très rassembleuse, a toujours occupé une place centrale dans la construction de l'identité et de la culture québécoise. Celle-ci projette la réalité dans ces productions, et offre en quelque sorte un miroir de notre société. Elle met en scène une histoire, un récit et des personnages selon ses propres repères. Ainsi, les téléspectateurs ont devant eux un espace où s'observer. Les grands succès populaires comme Lance et compte, les Beaux Dimanches, les Bougons, la P 'tite vie ou encore Un gars, une fille, sont tous des concepts télévisés qui offrent une image symbolique de l'identité de la nation. Ils font partie et feront partie de nos grands classiques télévisuels. Tout le monde en parle est un concept télévisé qui, selon nous, fera partie de notre répertoire télévisuel. L'émission est sans contredit l'un des succès de l'heure. Sa popularité n'est toutefois pas sans heurts, puisque chaque jour de nouvelles critiques jaillissent de la presse écrite. Jamais une émission n'a fait autant l'objet de polémiques de toutes sortes. Compte tenu de la popularité indéniable de l'émission et de son influence sur la scène publique, Tout le monde en parle demeure un objet d'analyse incontournable. Nous vous présentons donc une étude de Tout le monde en parle, puisque nous croyons que l'émission n'est pas un talk show ordinaire. L'émission a une âme et véhicule des normes et des modèles sociaux révélateurs de l'identité et de la société québécoise. Ce présent mémoire sera l'occasion de découvrir la formule de l'émission et son déroulement. Il sera également question d'observer comment se présente les prises de paroles, afin de comprendre les mécanismes discursifs au Québec. Enfin, ce mémoire sera aussi l'occasion de réfléchir au tournant que prend la télévision québécoise. Cette étude n'a pas la prétention d'expliquer l'envoûtement et le mépris face à ce talk show, mais elle se veut être un effort de compréhension quant aux représentations culturelles et sociales véhiculées par l'émission. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Identité, Télévision, Talk show, Québec, Culture, Valeur.

Implementation of the LMS and NLMS algorithms for Acoustic Echo Cancellationin teleconference systemusing MATLAB

Nguyen Ngoc, Hung, Dowlatnia, Majid, Sarfraz, Azhar January 2009 (has links)
In hands-free telephony and in teleconference systems, the main aim is to provide agood free voice quality when two or more people communicate from different places.The problem often arises during the conversation is the creation of acoustic echo. Thisproblem will cause the bad quality of voice signal and thus talkers could not hearclearly the content of the conversation, even thought lost the important information.This acoustic echo is actually the noise which is created by the reflection of soundwaves by the wall of the room and the other things exist in the room. The mainobjective for engineers is the cancellation of this acoustic echo and provides an echofree environment for speakers during conversation. For this purpose, scientists designdifferent adaptive filter algorithms. Our thesis is also to study and simulate theacoustics echo cancellation by using different adaptive algorithms.

What Facilitates Client Motivation for Change? : A critical look at self-determined behavior change

Fridner, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centered, directive approach for behavior change. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a theory of human motivation and self-determined growth. Both of these social-cognitive theories aim to explain motivation and health behavior change and have generated a lot of research on how to increase human motivation. However, MI lacks a definite theory on mechanisms of behavior change and SDT offers a theory of motivation based on extensive research on human interactions. This paper aims to critically look at facilitators of client motivation for behavior change in-session from a social-cognitive perspective on one hand, and neural correlates related to client behavior change on the other hand. MI and SDT somewhat similarly explain what most importantly determines client motivation for change in-session. However, SDT mainly focus on psychological needs such as fostering client autonomy, and MI focus on the therapeutic alliance and on generating client change talk in-session. Efforts to bridge the two methods aim at generating a clearer definition of motivation in MI, and a better framework of practice in SDT. Studies on neural correlates of behavior change support and challenge elements of both approaches, indicating the importance of autonomy and relatedness for motivating positive behavior change.

Imaginative distance: reconsidering young children's playful social language

Lee, Megan Maureen 17 December 2009 (has links)
Traditionally, research about young children has been shaped by developmental approaches which persist in framing them as incomplete adults. This dissertation proffers a relatively new image of childhood that celebrates the possibilities inherent in childrens multiple ways of knowing. It is drawn from a 2006 study of the playful social language of, and interviews with, grade one children attending an urban Canadian school.<p/> Two questions drive this inquiry: a) What is the significance of childrens social language in a primary classroom? b) What is the role of play within childrens social language and within their culture? To maintain a sense of children as collaborators in research and to bring childrens talk into mainstream education discourse, Bakhtinian concepts of dialogicity and responsivity are foregrounded.<p/> The dissertation begins with a literature review that relates extant theory, research, and praxis to the study of language, discourse, and play. Then, participants perceptions of play, as articulated in the interviews, are presented. Because the study focuses upon childrens ability to make sense of their lived experience, their perceptions of play guide subsequent interpretations. Theory is reconsidered, and interpretative analysis is presented as dialogic response to the childrens ways of knowing, as points of contact between texts, as dialogue. Vignettes, drawn from videotapes of the participants social language in class, provide concrete examples of the role of play within the childrens local culture. Three key ideas emerge: children are able, dialogic interpreters of their lived experience and research participants in their own right; play discourse is agentive behaviour; and agentive play discourse is childrens response to problematic life experiences, for example, the worlds gendered texts.<p/> This study illustrates how childrens playful social talk places an imaginative distance between them and entrenched assumptions about what counts as knowledge. And, it challenges readers to distance themselves from the way things are, to redefine what is considered to be legitimate classroom conversation, and to reconsider how, together, children discursively make meaning and imagine themselves as social actors.<p/>

Implementation of the LMS and NLMS algorithms for Acoustic Echo Cancellationin teleconference systemusing MATLAB

Nguyen Ngoc, Hung, Dowlatnia, Majid, Sarfraz, Azhar January 2009 (has links)
<p>In hands-free telephony and in teleconference systems, the main aim is to provide agood free voice quality when two or more people communicate from different places.The problem often arises during the conversation is the creation of acoustic echo. Thisproblem will cause the bad quality of voice signal and thus talkers could not hearclearly the content of the conversation, even thought lost the important information.This acoustic echo is actually the noise which is created by the reflection of soundwaves by the wall of the room and the other things exist in the room. The mainobjective for engineers is the cancellation of this acoustic echo and provides an echofree environment for speakers during conversation. For this purpose, scientists designdifferent adaptive filter algorithms. Our thesis is also to study and simulate theacoustics echo cancellation by using different adaptive algorithms.</p>


簡余晏 Unknown Date (has links)
2004年總統大選前後台灣出現許多電視政論節目,其中以劇作家汪笨湖主持年代MUCH台「台灣心聲」節目曾帶動台語政論風潮,引發「台灣心聲現象」,這個現象之後隨政治情勢變化等原因結束節目。政論節目召喚閱聽人的「認同」,閱聽人也對政論節目產生「迷」現象。政論節目與政治、國族認同結合,節目內容呈現特定符碼與意識形態。 / 本研究依據Hall的媒介文化模型,從這個概念研究產製流程、文本、與接收者解碼,了解其中的儀式性參與及最後形成的認同,透過「台灣心聲」政論節目的意義生產(編碼)與消費(解碼)面向,來觀察政論節目的文化產品意義。 / 本研究由研究者參與並觀察政論節目的運作流程,發現影響政論節目運作的因素包括收視率、主持人、政經大氣候、電視台小氣候等,呈現動態變化。本研究採論述分析法分析「台灣心聲」節目文本所呈現的認同意涵與意識形態建構。研究發現,當涉及族群及國族認同時,政論節目展演者在國家、台灣、中華民國、拚經濟等議題與符號上,呈現出運作差異範疇,透過符號運作政論節目區分出我者與他者的差異認同。 / 本研究深入訪問長期收看「台灣心聲」節目的閱聽人,了解閱聽人觀看節目的動機及認同;並採問卷調查法抽樣大台北地區大學生了解閱聽人選擇觀看的政論節目與其政治認同的關連性。深度觀看「台灣心聲」的受訪者強調認同「台灣主體意識」,台灣心聲的節目呈現形式、主持人風格、台語說書式模式並進一步產生了「迷」現象。 / Many political talk shows were brought forth in Taiwan before and after the 2004 presidential campaign. One of the shows, “Taiwanese Hearty Voice” in the channel “MUCH”, hosted by a playwright, Wang Ben Hu, surged the political talk shows in Taiwaness native tongue that caused the so-called “the phenomenon of Taiwanese Hearty Voice”. The phenomenon has waned while the political fever dropped and the show has ceased. Political talk shows arouse a sense of ‘identity’ among the audience and the audience is prone to be ‘fans’ of the shows. Political talk shows combined with politics and national identity present special encoding and ideology. / The thesis is based upon the Media Culture Model by Dr. Stuart Hall. From the model on the media process of production, text and the decoding of audience, the audience’s ritual participation and the finalized identity are studied. Through the political talk show case of “Taiwaness Hearty Voice”, I studied the media production of meaning “encoding” and comsuming “decoding” to explore the culture insight of the political talk show production. / The author of this thesis played both roles as participant and the observer in the show’s operation process and found the factors that affect the operation of political talk shows, such as ratings, who’s the host, political and economical climate at the moment, the atmosphere in the TV company, etc. They are dynamical. The method applied is discourse analysis, that analyses the identity insight and ideological structure presented by the text of “Taiwanese Hearty Voice”. It is found that, when involving ethnic and national identity, the participants of the show characterized distinct differences in the issues and encoding on “country”, “Taiwan”, “Republic of China” and “straining for economy”, etc. Manipulating the endcoding of political talk shows can distinguish the different identity between ‘we-group’ and ‘they-group’. / In order to understand the audience’s motivaton and identity, a survey is conducted to interview long-term audience of “Taiwanese Hearty Voice”. It adopted questionnaire survey and sampled college students in Grand Taipei area to correlate the choice of which political talk show to view and his/her political identity. In the survey, the audience who admits to be loyal audience of “Taiwanese Hearty Voice” emphasizes ‘the ideology of Taiwan’s identity’. “Taiwanese Hearty Voice” has presented its special form, host manner, and talk- show style in native Taiwanese tongue, which further produced a ‘fans’ phenomenon.

記者的過度商品化──以台灣電視新聞性談話節目中的記者為例 / The Hyper-commodification of Reporters: take the Reporter Guest in Taiwan’s Television News Talk Show as Example

彭后諦 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代,知識成為傳統土地、勞力、資金之外的另一項生產元素。其次,媒體社會形成,符號的力量和價值提高,有時甚至超越真實。最後,市場導向的資本主義經營方式,使得媒體走向絕對的商業化:以上三點讓包括媒體在內的各行各業出現轉變。身為知識/資訊工作者的記者,其工作性質讓賦予他公眾知識份子的角色,讓他除了在所屬的媒體上生產訊息換取薪資之外,還能夠佔用社會中其他發言管道,將他自己變成具有使用、交換價值的商品。本文亦以台灣電視新聞性談話節目中的記者來賓為例,體現記者運用他本身的附加價值,使得自身成為可被消費的商品。 本文回顧了記者的發展史,歸納出記者在商業化媒體下的變化。然後本文整理知識經濟、知識政治、知識社會的相關文獻,加上符號學的分析,重新討論傳播商品化理論,提出記者(過度)商品化的模式。為了驗證此一模式的有效性,本文分析談話節目的來賓身份和出息次數、談話節目的內容言說及訪談閱聽人,一方面指出上節目記者的商業屬性,另一方面從閱聽人角度點出記者特殊社會地位權力。綜合理論分析和實際觀察資料,本文提出記者商品化的論述,也期待未來能有更多相關的研究。 / In an era of knowledge economy, knowledge, aside from land, labor and money, has become another productive element. Moreover, with the establishment of media society, the power and value of signs sometimes even surpass those of the reality. Finally, market-driven capitalism transforms the media into commercial-oriented companies. The above three phenomena change all walks of life. As an information worker, reporters are granted the role of public intellectual. They not only earn money by producing reports for its newspaper, they also make use of their use and exchange value by presenting themselves on other media channels. The dissertation takes the reporter guests in Taiwan’s TV news talk shows as example. Reporters make themselves commodities by the surplus value they carry. This dissertation reviews reporters’ history and the changes that industry has gone through. The dissertation then deals with theories such as knowledge economy, knowledge politics, knowledge society and semiology in order to re-discuss the commodity theory in communication studies. The result is a model of reporter’s “(hyper-) commodification.” The dissertation applies theories to analyze the background of talk show’s guests, and the discourse on the show. Interviews of the audience were conducted to further discuss the social power of reporters. The above analysis and theories finally give birth to a theory of the “hyper-commodification of reporter.”

Att samtala om texter: från träteknik och svetsteori till antikens myter : Textsamtalets möjligheter som närmaste zon för läsutveckling i en klass på gymnasiets industritekniska program / Talking about Texts: from Carpentry Technology and Welding Theory to Ancient Myths : Text-talks as a potential zone of proximal development for reading in upper secondary vocational education

Visén, Pia January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation reports on results from case studies of how text-talks in a Swedish upper secondary school vocational programme, function as a zone of proximal development for reading. The aim was to investigate how text-talks function as a basis for discussion about the text content and thereby have a potential for developing understanding for the subject-specific text content in the subjects of Carpentry Technology, Welding Technology and Swedish in one class in the first year of the Industrial Technology Programme. The study is qualitative with an explorative approach (Burns 2011). Ordinary teaching and learning contexts were observed. The theorectical frame work is based on sociocultural (Säljö 2000) and sociosemiotic perspectives (Halliday 1978), a hermeneutical frame consisting mainly of the concepts of the zone of proximal development (Vygotskij 1934/2001), scaffolding (Wood, Bruner &amp; Ross 1976), dialogicity (Bachtin 1986), and pedagogical codes (Bernstein 2000), as well as an analytical frame deriving from systemic-functional linguistics (Halliday &amp; Matthiessen 2004) and reception theory (Langer 1995, 2011a, 2011b). Three research questions were posed: How do the teachers organise and conduct the text-talks? What linguistic connections with the text are constructed when text content is introduced and developed in the text-talk? In what ways does movement in the text manifest in the text-talk? Data were collected through class-room observations and interviews. Field notes and recordings were made of eight text-talks, and three teacher interviews. Analyses of intertextual cohesion (Eggins 2004), and activity sequences (Martin &amp; Rose 2007) were conducted. Analyses of text-based, associative and interactive text-movability (Liberg et al. 2012b) show the collaborative meeting with the text as expressed in the text-talk. The results indicate that built-out cohesion and progressive text-movability can widen the discourse around the text and thereby scaffold reading development. / <p>Delfinansierat av Ovanåkers kommun.</p>

Making Questions and Answers Work : Negotiating Participation in Interview Interaction

Iversen, Clara January 2013 (has links)
The current thesis explores conditions for participation in interview interaction. Drawing on the ethnomethodological idea that knowledge is central to participation in social situations, it examines how interview participants navigate knowledge and competence claims and the institutional and moral implications of these claims. The data consists of, in total, 97 audio-recorded interviews conducted as part of a national Swedish evaluation of support interventions for children exposed to violence. In three studies, I use discursive psychology and conversation analysis to explicate how interview participants in interaction (1) contribute to and negotiate institutional constraints and (2) manage rights and responsibilities related to knowledge. The findings of study I and study II show that child interviewees actively cooperate with as well as resist the constraints of interview questions. However, the children’s opportunities for participation in this institutional context are limited by two factors: (1) recordability; that is, the focus on generating recordable responses and (2) problematic assumptions underpinning questions and the interpretation of interview answers. Apart from restricting children’s rights to formulate their experiences, these factors can lead interviewers to miss opportunities to gain important information. Also related to institutional constraints, study III shows how the ideal of model consistency is prioritized over service-user participation. Thus, the three studies show how different practices relevant to institutional agendas may hinder participation. Moreover, the findings contribute to an understanding of how issues of knowledge are managed in the interviews. Study II suggests the importance of the concept of believability to refer to people’s rights and responsibilities to draw conclusions about others’ thoughts. And the findings of study III demonstrate how, in evaluation interviews with social workers, children’s access to their own thoughts and feelings are based on a notion of predetermined participation; that is, constructed as contingent on wanting what the institutional setting offers. Thus, child service users’ low epistemic status, compared to the social workers, trumps their epistemic access to their own minds. These conclusions, about recordability, believability, and predetermined participation, are based on interaction with or about children. However, I argue that the findings relate to interviewees and service users in general. By demonstrating the structuring power of interactive practices, the thesis extends our understanding of conditions for participation in the institutional setting of social research interviews.

Writing work as social practice: examining instructional conversations within a Reading Recovery® lesson

Paterson, Marnie Leigh 13 April 2015 (has links)
Framed by Social Constructivist theories of learning, this project employed a descriptive case study approach to investigate the types of social and verbal interactions that occurred as four Reading Recovery teachers worked with their respective students to devise and record a brief message during the 10-12 minute writing section of a Reading Recovery lesson. Data was collected over a period of two months and each teacher was observed working with the same student on two separate occasions. The conversations that transpired were audiotaped and transcribed and the cognitive and affective dimensions of the teachers’ communications were specifically examined. Findings indicate that effective teaching interactions more often arose when the teachers continually endeavored to understand the meanings behind their students’ words and actions. When teachers considered their students’ perspectives, when they gave them cognitive space to think, speak, and act, and when they designed literacy activities that centered on children’s demonstrated understandings, they ensured their students’ continued motivation thereby fostering cognitive development.

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