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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolan som samhällsrepresentant : En intervjustudie om lärares erfarenhet gällande inkludering av elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. / The school as a representative of society : An interview study regarding teachers' experience of including students with a neuropsychiatric disability.

Léonarde, Ida, Tossavainen, Kristin January 2011 (has links)
Ämnet neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar valdes eftersom det är aktuellt inom skolans värld. Tidigare forskning har visat att lärares kompetens inom området ofta brister och att den svenska skolan inte alltid lyckas i att vara en skola för alla. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka nio lärares erfarenhet gällande inkludering av elever med neuropsykiatriska diagnoser. Frågeställningarna var: Vilken kompetens har lärarna för att kunna inkludera diagnosticerade elever i sin undervisning och på vilka sätt har de erhållit den? Vilka möjligheter och hinder upplever lärarna att det finns i arbetet med inkludering av diagnosticerade elever? På vilka sätt anpassar lärarna sin undervisning för att elever med neuropsykiatrisk diagnos ska uppnå kursmålen? Kvalitativa intervjuer av nio informanter har utgjort metoden. Huvudresultatet har visat att lärare ansett sig sakna kunskap om NPF när de börjat jobba, de har erhållit kompetensen de besitter idag genom arbetet med elever som har en neuropsykiatrisk diagnos. En möjlighet lärarna upplever med att dessa elever inkluderas är att skolan blir en representant för hur samhället ser ut. Hinder kan vara ramfaktorer, främst tidsbrist. Anpassning av undervisning kan ske genom strukturerade lektioner med korta instruktioner, förlängd provtid och anpassade uppgifter. Undervisningen för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar skulle kunna förbättras genom att lärare får en större kunskap inom området och att de ges fler resurser, främst i form av tid och mindre klasser. / The topic of neuropsychiatric diagnoses was chosen because it is very current within the school today. Former research has shown that the competence of teachers very often tends to fail and the Swedish school does not succeed in being a school for everybody. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate nine teachers’ experience of inclusion of students with neuropsychiatric diagnoses. The problems were: What capability do the teachers have to include students with a diagnosis in their education and in what ways have they received it? What possibilities and what obstacles do the teachers believe there are with inclusion of students with diagnoses? In which ways do the teachers adjust their education in order to make the students with neuropsychiatric diagnoses achieve the goals of the curriculum? Qualitative interviews with nine informants have constituted the method. The main result has shown that the teachers have found themselves without knowledge within the neuropsychiatric area when they began their career, they have received the competence they possess today by working with students with neuropsychiatric diagnoses. Pros with inclusion of these students is that the school should be a representative of society as it really is, obstacles with inclusion may be lack of time and too large classes. Adjustment of the education might be done by structured classes with short instructions, extended time when writing tests and adjusted tasks. The conclusion is that teachers don’t get any education within this topic; instead they have to learn by themselves by trial and error. The education for students with neuropsychiatric diagnoses could improve by educating teachers and giving them better resources like time and smaller classes.

Mokyklos vadovo vadovavimas kaip prielaida mokytojų naujų kompetencijų įgijimo ir tobulinimo procese / The importance of the schoolmaster’s superintendence in the process of acquirement and perfection of the teacher’s new expertise

Jusionis, Jelena 23 January 2008 (has links)
Pagrindinis darbo tikslas- ištirti mokyklos vadovo vadovavimo reikšmę pedagogų naujų kompetencijų įgijimo ir tobulinimo procese. Tikslui pasiekti keliami šie uždaviniai: analizuojant mokslinę literatūrą išsiaiškinti vadovo vadovavimo, bei mokytojų kompetencijų sampratas; apibrėžti mokyklos vadovo vadovavimo reikšmę pedagogų naujų kompetencijų ugdymo aspektu; išanalizuoti pedagogų kompetencijų tobulinimo tendencijas, bei jų požiūrį į vadovo sukuriamus veiksnius tobulinimosi procese; ištirti įstaigos vadovo požiūrį į pedagogų naujų kompetencijų plėtojimo galimybes. Darbą sudaro 3 dalys. Pirmoje darbo dalyje yra nagrinėjamos vadovo samprata ir aplinka, įvairiais aspektais aptariamas sėkmingas vadovavimas mokytojų tobulinimo procesui, jį veikiančios socialinės sąveikos, pedagogų kompetencijų sampratos bei jų tobulinimo galimybės. Antroje dalyje yra pateikta tyrimo metodika, bei tyrimo algoritmas. Trečioje darbo dalyje apžvelgiami atlikto tyrimo rezultatai. Darbo apimtis 81 puslapiai. Darbas iliustruotas 33 paveikslais, 7 lentelėmis, 1 schema. Darbe panaudota 66 šaltinių. / The main aim of the work is to investigate the importance of the director’s superintendence in the process of acquirement and perfection of the educationalists’ new expertise. To meet the aim these tasks have to be considered: to ascertain the conceptions of the schoolmaster’s superintendence and the teachers’ expertise while analyzing the scientific literature; to define the importance of the schoolmaster’s superintendence in the education of the educationalists’ new expertise; to analyze the tendencies of the educationalists’ expertise perfection and their opinion towards the factors that the schoolmaster creates in the process of perfection; to explore the opinion of the institution’s director towards the educationalists’ new expertise development. The final master’s work consists of three main parts, 81 pages, 33 pictures, 7 frames, 1 schema.

Teachers’ competence while educating children gifted at mathematics in primary and basic schools / Pradinės ir pagrindinės mokyklos pedagogų kompetentingumas ugdant matematikai gabius vaikus

Bakanovienė, Tatjana 18 November 2010 (has links)
The education system of gifted children involves the recognition and education of capable children. The harmonious functioning of this system depends on teachers’ competences. While relating the quality of pedagogical activity with teacher’s capacities to effectively perform the operations, the problem of pedagogical competence of gifted children’s education is actualized. In the present dissertation, it is strived to theoretically substantiate and empirically investigate the teachers’ competence while educating the children gifted at mathematics. The theoretical basics of education of gifted children have been analyzed that allowed to compose and substantiate the theoretical model of competence. In the present study, the teachers’ competence in the education of children who are gifted at mathematics is conceived as the entirety of the recognition of children gifted at mathematics, the control of (self-)education, the assessment of advance and achievement, the competences of content planning and development as well as the correlation between personal features and professional experience. Applying the quantitative and qualitative methods, the realization of the components of teachers’ competence has been empirically investigated. The quantitative research (the questionnaire in written form) allowed to reveal the realization of competence components in teacher training practice. The application of qualitative research methods (the method of interview) allowed to assess the... [to full text] / Gabių vaikų ugdymo sistemos, apimančios gabių vaikų atpažinimą ir ugdymą, darnus funkcionavimas glaudžiai susijęs su pedagogo kompetencijomis šioje srityje. Pedagoginės veiklos kokybę siejant su jo gebėjimu efektyviai atlikti veiksmus aktualizuojama pedagoginio kompetentingumo ugdyti matematikai gabius vaikus problema. Disertaciniame darbe siekta teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti pedagogų kompetentingumą ugdyti matematikai gabius vaikus. Išanalizuoti gabių vaikų ugdymo teoriniai pagrindai, kurie leido sudaryti ir pagrįsti kompetentingumo teorinį modelį. Darbe pedagogų kompetentingumas ugdyti matematikai gabius vaikus suprantamas kaip matematikai gabių vaikų atpažinimo, ugdymo(-si) proceso valdymo, pažangos ir pasiekimų vertinimo, turinio planavimo ir tobulinimo kompetencijų bei asmeninių savybių ir profesinės patirties dermės visuma. Pedagogų kompetentingumo komponentų raiška empiriškai ištirta taikant kiekybinius ir kokybinius tyrimo metodus. Kiekybinis tyrimas (apklausa raštu) leido ją atskleisti ugdymo praktikoje. Kokybinių tyrimo metodų (interviu metodas) taikymas leido įvertinti kompetentingumo komponentų raiškos prasmingumą pagrindiniams ugdymo proceso dalyviams – pedagogams bei vaikams. Remiantis gautais empiriniais duomenimis suformuluotos išvados, rekomendacijos.

Pradinės ir pagrindinės mokyklos pedagogų kompetentingumas ugdant matematikai gabius vaikus / Teachers’ competence while educating children gifted at mathematics in primary and basic schools

Bakanovienė, Tatjana 18 November 2010 (has links)
Gabių vaikų ugdymo sistemos, apimančios gabių vaikų atpažinimą ir ugdymą, darnus funkcionavimas glaudžiai susijęs su pedagogo kompetencijomis šioje srityje. Pedagoginės veiklos kokybę siejant su jo gebėjimu efektyviai atlikti veiksmus aktualizuojama pedagoginio kompetentingumo ugdyti matematikai gabius vaikus problema. Disertaciniame darbe siekta teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti pedagogų kompetentingumą ugdyti matematikai gabius vaikus. Išanalizuoti gabių vaikų ugdymo teoriniai pagrindai, kurie leido sudaryti ir pagrįsti kompetentingumo teorinį modelį. Darbe pedagogų kompetentingumas ugdyti matematikai gabius vaikus suprantamas kaip matematikai gabių vaikų atpažinimo, ugdymo(-si) proceso valdymo, pažangos ir pasiekimų vertinimo, turinio planavimo ir tobulinimo kompetencijų bei asmeninių savybių ir profesinės patirties dermės visuma. Pedagogų kompetentingumo komponentų raiška empiriškai ištirta taikant kiekybinius ir kokybinius tyrimo metodus. Kiekybinis tyrimas (apklausa raštu) leido ją atskleisti ugdymo praktikoje. Kokybinių tyrimo metodų (interviu metodas) taikymas leido įvertinti kompetentingumo komponentų raiškos prasmingumą pagrindiniams ugdymo proceso dalyviams – pedagogams bei vaikams. Remiantis gautais empiriniais duomenimis suformuluotos išvados, rekomendacijos. / The education system of gifted children involves the recognition and education of capable children. The harmonious functioning of this system depends on teachers’ competences. While relating the quality of pedagogical activity with teacher’s capacities to effectively perform the operations, the problem of pedagogical competence of gifted children’s education is actualized. In the present dissertation, it is strived to theoretically substantiate and empirically investigate the teachers’ competence while educating the children gifted at mathematics. The theoretical basics of education of gifted children have been analyzed that allowed to compose and substantiate the theoretical model of competence. In the present study, the teachers’ competence in the education of children who are gifted at mathematics is conceived as the entirety of the recognition of children gifted at mathematics, the control of (self-)education, the assessment of advance and achievement, the competences of content planning and development as well as the correlation between personal features and professional experience. Applying the quantitative and qualitative methods, the realization of the components of teachers’ competence has been empirically investigated. The quantitative research (the questionnaire in written form) allowed to reveal the realization of competence components in teacher training practice. The application of qualitative research methods (the method of interview) allowed to assess the... [to full text]

Būsimų kūno kultūros mokytojų kompetencijų ugdymas / The development of competencies for the future physical education teacher

Dambrauskas, Edgaras 06 September 2013 (has links)
Bendrojoje kūno kultūros programoje pateikiamos tik svarbiausios kūno kultūros turinio gairės. Kūno kultūros mokytojas, tardamasis su moksleiviais, sukonkretina bendrąjį kūno kultūros ar pasirinktos sporto šakos turinį parengdamas individualiąją dalyko programą. Fizinis išsilavinimas – tai mokytojo ir moksleivio partnerystės, kūrybinio bendradarbiavimo rezultatas. Vis dažniau vertinamas ne mokytojo darbas, o jo veikla, pasireiškianti gebėjimais veikti įvairiose situacijose, nuolat plėtoti ar įgyti naują kompetenciją. Akivaizdu, kad mokytojui nebepakanka atlikti vien tik žinių perteikėjo, vertintojo ir teisėjo vaidmenis. Mokytojo veikla tampa plačia, įvairiapuse, todėl pamažu sukuriama savita ir nauja mokytojo veiklos aplinka, kurioje ypač reikšmingas paties mokytojo sistemingas ir nuolatinis mokymasis. Darbo objektas: būsimų kūno kultūros mokytojų kompetencijų ugdymas Darbo tikslas: atskleisti kūno kultūros mokytojų kompetencijų ugdymo ypatumus Uždaviniai: • Išanalizuoti kūno kultūros mokytojo veiklą. • Aptarti kūno kultūros mokytojo kompetencijas. • Išanalizuoti būsimų kūno kultūros mokytojų kompetencijų ugdymo ypatumus Išvados: 1. Mokytojas turi mokėti teisingai nustatyti ugdymo tikslus ir uždavinius, turi sugebėti organizuoti savo ir mokinių veiklą. 2. Išanalizavus įvairius literatūros šaltinius apie pedagogų profesines kompetencijas, apibendrintai galima teigti, kad tai gebėjimų sistema, susidedanti iš struktūrinių elementų: žinių, mokėjimų, įgūdžių, vertybinių nuostatų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Common physical education program shall include only the most important content of Physical Education Guidelines. Physical Education teacher, in consultation with students, fleshing out the general physical education or choice of sports content proprietorship completing a course program. Physical education - it is the teacher and student partnership, the result of a creative collaboration. Increasingly seen at the teacher's work, and its activities are characterized by the ability to act in various situations continuously develop or acquire new competencies. It is clear that the teacher is no longer sufficient to perform only traditional teacher, the evaluator and the role of judges. Teacher activity becomes widespread, diverse, and gradually created a special teacher and a new operating environment in which the teacher particularly significant systematic and continuous learning. The object: of future physical education teachers' competencies. The aim: to explain the physical education teacher competency development features. Tasks: • To analyze the physical education teacher's activities. • Discuss the physical education teacher. • Analysis of future physical education teacher competency development features Conclusion: 1. The teacher must know the correct set educational goals and objectives, must be able to organize themselves and student activities. 2. The analysis of the various sources of literature on teachers' professional competencies, in general we can say that this... [to full text]

Why is religious education so difficult to teach? : A textual study of the researchers and the Swedish schools inspectorates’ perspectives on religious education in Sweden / Varför är religionskunskapsämnet så svårt att undervisa? : Ett text studium av forskares och Skolinspektionens perspektiv på religionskunskapsundervisning i Sverige

Muir, Hollie January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is to examine and discuss the attitudes presented from different players involved in the development of religious education (RE) for upper secondary school in Sweden, and see if and what solutions are presented for solving these problems. A qualitative content analysis was used in order to investigate the different players, the Swedish schools inspectorate and the different researchers involved in the development of RE,attitudes and criticism towards religious education in Sweden.This study has shown that there are many fundamental issues with religious education in Sweden in such areas as different attitudes from both teachers and students towards RE, teachers competence in RE and towards the goal and criteria in the curriculum “outlooks onlife” (Swedish: Livsåskådningar). However, this essay has also proven that there have been no clear solutions presented by any of the players as to solving the issues of RE in Sweden, leaving a gap between schools, teachers and the other players involved in the development of religious education in Sweden.

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos pedagogų žinios ir gebėjimai ugdyti specialiųjų poreikių moksleivius / The knowledge and the ability of the secondaryschool teachers to teach students with special demands

Jokubauskienė, Ramunė 05 June 2006 (has links)
The conclusive scientific work of master of science consist of introduction, two chapters, conclusions, list of literature and additions. In the introduction is analysed social and academic urgency of the research, are discussed problematical questions, isintroduced hypothesis of research, the object, the purpose and tasks, methods of research, information summary methods and the sequence of research. In the first chapter of conclusive scientific work are discussed the competence and ability of secondary school teachers: is presented correlation of competence and qualification, the general influence of ability to develop teachers competence. Are discussed demands for teachers qualification, the matter of competence is opened for a special teaching. Also are presented possibilities to improve teachers qualification in a sphere of work with students of special demands. The first chapter is concluded with analysis about done researches where is included the teachers competence to satisfy teaching request for students with special demands. In the second chapter of conclusive scientific work is presented practical part of work the type of research, task, main questions and answers, group for study, the instrument to complete data, research urgency, its practical and theoretical meaning, research field, analysis the data research. At the time of research were questioned 238 teachers from Kaunas secondary schools. They are teaching students with special demands. Was... [to full text]

Lärares digitala kunskaper i teknikämnet : Förberedelsegraden hos tekniklärare i åk 4-6 inför Skolverkets digitalisering av skolan / Teachers’ digital knowledges within the subject of technology : The degree of preparation teachers of technology in grades 4-6 have to the process of digitalization by Skolverket

Svensson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur pass förberedda tekniklärare är inför de förändringar som digitaliseringen medför i ämnet och vad som påverkat förberedelsegraden. För att få svar på detta gjordes det både intervjuer och en enkät med tekniklärare i åk 4-6 som svarande. Man ska börja införa digitaliseringen i skolorna senast den 1 juli 2018, vilket är ungefär en månad efter att den här studien färdigställs. Studien visar att en majoritet av tekniklärarna inte är så förberedda som de egentligen skulle varit vid det här laget och att mycket beror på att tiden inte finns, att ekonomin inte räcker till och till viss del även på att skolledningen inte ger det stöd som behövs och därför får man inte den kompetensutveckling som är nödvändig. Det skolorna bör göra är att avsätta tid och pengar till utbildning av lärarna samt lägga resurser på digitala hjälpmedel. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how well prepared the teachers in technology are to the changes that the process of digitalization entails in the subject, and the factors that affect the degree of preparation. The methods of investigation have been interviews and surveys with teachers in technology as respondents.   The process of digitalization is supposed to get started July 1, 2018, at the latest, which is approximately one month after this study is completed. The study shows that a majority of the teachers in technology are not as prepared as they should have been at this time and that the reason for this is that there is not enough time available, there are not enough economic resources, and that the school management, to some extent, does not provide the necessary support. These factors cause the fact that the teachers do not get the professional development they need. What the schools should do is to set time and money aside to educate the teachers and to buy digital tools.

Med fokus på lärares lärande i Läslyftet : En kvantitativ studie om lärares lärande och utveckling av kompetens i Läslyftet / Highlighting teachers learning in Läslyftet. : Quantitative survey of teachers´ learning and competence development in Läslyftet (a Swedish Reading Enhancement Program)

Olsson, Katarina January 2022 (has links)
Research suggests that teachers´ professional development and learning is a key to develop teacher practice and improve students´ learning. The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge of teachers´ opinions on Läslyftet, a competence development program in reading and language enhancement, and it´s matter for competence development. Thereby possible explanations to the outcome of Läslyftet. Through Illeris theory of learning and Program Theory the study is conducted as a quantitative survey. Result suggests significant statistic correlations between all three of Illeris dimensions of learning and teachers´competence development. Findings are that Läslyftet has created good opportunities for learning, but at the same time teatchers´ competence development outcome differs. Despite the competence development program was a professional learning community, Illeris´dimensions functionality and sensitivity seem to have greater impact on competence development than integration (the dimension that focuses interaction). / I forskning finns stöd för att lärares professionella utveckling och lärande är nyckeln för att utveckla undervisningens kvalitet och därmed i förlängningen höja elevers resultat. Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån lärares uppfattningar om en kompetensutvecklingsinsats inom Läslyftet bidra med kunskap om lärares lärande och utveckling av kompetens genom Läslyftet, samt tänkbara förklaringar till resultatet i den studerade kompetensutvecklingsinsatsen. Utifrån Illeris teori om lärande och programteori genomfördes studien med en kvantitativ ansats och enkät. Resultatet pekar på statistiskt säkerställda samband mellan samtliga av de tre undersökta dimensioner av lärande och utveckling av lärares kompetens. Slutsatser från studien är bland annat att Läslyftet skapat goda förutsättningar för lärare, samtidigt som det i olika grad lett till lärares utveckling av kompetens. Trots att insatsen genomförts som kollegialt lärande verkar innehållet och drivkrafter för lärande spelat större roll för i vilken grad lärare utvecklar sin kompetens och sedan använder sina kunskaper.

Rozvíjení profesních kompetencí učitele / Development of teachers proffesional competencies

Soukupová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract (in English): Development of proffesional competencies The aim of the dissertation thesis is to analyze the needs of development of selected competence and to design a system of measures and methods to support its development in the undergraduate training of future teachers. The theoretical part of this thesis presents current knowledge regarding the issues of professionalisation of teachers and the development of their professional skills. Crucial for this thesis are studies on the standardization of the teaching profession and establishing a framework of professional qualities that the teacher should be equipped with at the beginning and also during his prefessional carrier. Based on empirical studies, the diagnostic competence was identified as the competence in which the trainee teachers feel the greatest handicap in his professional preparedness. Therefore, in this thesis, an extra attention is payed to this competence. The empirical part of this thesis is focused on analysis of needs of diagnostic competence of teachers in primary and secondary schools. The target of the research was made more accurate by formulation of research questions. The empirical part is based on the realization of miscellaneous research where methods of qualitative and quantitative research were combined. The...

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