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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing quality inside a high-technology project organization

Jokinen, T. (Tauno) 19 March 2004 (has links)
Abstract This action research addresses the deployment of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles in a high-technology new product development organisation. During the period of study, the organisation grew fast. High-technology product development and hypergrowth provided a unique combination of extreme conditions for the study. The existing concepts of TQM are presented as an organised map enabling strategic analysis for an implementation plan. The history of TQM dates back to the manufacturing industry. The key differences between product development as an operating environment and the industrial manufacturing environment are described. The deployment of TQM is described from the perspective of learning theories, leadership theories, studies of organisational culture and studies of teamwork. Based on the learning, a psychodynamic model of organisation is presented for better understanding the challenges of implementation. The results show that, in these specific conditions, organisational culture and leadership are of essential importance for the implementation of TQM. The study also shows that, in the given conditions, TQM is specifically a learning challenge. The results of this study are presented as a framework supporting the selection of TQM implementation objectives and the planning of a strategy for organisational learning.

Fysik och Teknik i förskolan : Barnens diskussion om fysikaliska och tekniska fenomen / Physics and Technology in preschool : Children's discussion about physical and tecnical phenomena

Dorotea, Bjuhr January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur barnen i förskolan diskuterar sina kunskaper i ämnena fysik och teknik, samt om de använder fysikaliska och tekniska fenomen när de försöker att lösa ett konstruktionsproblem. Studien är utförd på en förskola i ett brukssamhälle i Sverige där fjorton barn i ålder 3 till 6 år deltog. Metoden i studien är en småskalig kvalitativ etnografisk studie där materialet har samlats in genom att göra fältanteckningar och att spela in barnens diskussioner. Litteraturdelen i studien presenterar tidigare forskning samt vad den tidigare forskningen visat. En sociokulturell teoretisk utgångspunkt används till grund för studien. Studiens resultat visar att barnens kunskaper och erfarenheter om fysikaliska och tekniska fenomen kommer fram genom diskussioner. Studiens slutsats är att barnen har kunskaper och erfarenheter om fysiska och tekniska fenomen, som de använder för att förstå sin omvärld och för att hitta lösningar på liknande problem. / The purpose of the study is to examine how the children in preschool discuss their knowledge in the subjects physics and technology, and whether they use physical and technical phenomena when they try to solve a construction problem. The study was conducted at a preschool in an industrial community in Sweden, where fourteen children aged 3 to 6 participated. Method of the study was a small-scale qualitative ethnographic study where the material has been collected by making field notes and recording children's discussions. The literature part of the study presents previous research as well as what the previous research showed about the subject. A socio-cultural perspective is used as the base for the study. The results of the study show that children's knowledge and experiences of physical and technological phenomena emerges through discussions. The study's conclusion is that children have knowledge and experience about the physical and technological phenomena that they use to understand their world and to find solutions to similar problems.

Jaetun ymmärryksen rakentuminen moniammatillisten oppilashuoltoryhmien kokouksissa

Kontio, M. (Mari) 30 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract This study examined student welfare teams in elementary, middle and junior high schools where a staff of group members tried to build a shared understanding of clients' problems and the solutions through conversation. The goal of the study was to identify what kind of socio-cognitive processes the welfare teams used and in which situations during the social interaction these processes occured in order to achieve the shared understanding. The goal of the first research question was to explore student welfare teams' shared understanding of their clients' problems and what kind solutions were constructed with the help of these socio-cognitive processes. The second study question focused on student welfare teams' decision making methods. The goal was to investigate how the teams chose certain solutions for the client. The third part of the research was to investigate how the team members as individuals use argumentation and actions to build the solution for the client. The study was qualitative in nature and was conducted by a case study influenced by research tradition of social constructionism and also tradition of fenomenology. The research data consisted of student welfare team meeting in elementary, middle and junior high schools. The data was collected in two schools during 2009–2010 and consisted of 28 student welfare team meetings, 16 hours in total. In the study there were 39 participants. The analysis was done by using content analysis. The results showed that the student welfare teams built the shared understanding of the task and the solutions through construction of knowledge and constructive conflicts. These socio-cognitive processes occured when the teams built the shared understanding of client's problems, solutions or both. According the results of this study the shared understanding that had been built of client's problem in the beginning of the meeting improved the construction of shared understanding of the solution. The constructive conflicts enabled the creation of a more qualified result provided all the team members co-operated when constructive conflict appeared. The research revealed that the majority of decision making processes in student welfare teams were based on expertise of client's problem area and the existing rules and regulations. The procedures for the client were built in a way which often required argumentation of the listeners. Arguments included team member's expertise on similar situations and the problems and effects of the presented procedure. The results of this study enable deeper understanding of student welfare teams in schools; how shared understanding of client's problems and the procedures suitable for the situation are built in student welfare teams by social interaction. The research opens a new perspective to be considered in the development of multidisciplinary groups. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tutkimusaiheena on jaetun ymmärryksen rakentuminen moniammatillisten oppilashuoltoryhmien kokouksissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisten sosiokognitiivisten prosessien avulla oppilashuoltoryhmä rakentaa jaettua ymmärrystä käsiteltävästä tehtävästä ja asiakkaalle sopivista ratkaisumalleista. Ensimmäisen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla haluttiin saada selville, missä tilanteissa sosiokognitiiviset prosessit esiintyvät moniammatillisen oppilashuoltoryhmän vuorovaikutuksessa sekä millainen jaettu ymmärrys asiakkaan ongelmista ja tilanteeseen sopivista ratkaisumalleista muodostuu sosiokognitiivisten prosessien avulla. Toinen keskeinen tutkimusongelma liittyi pienryhmän päätöksentekoprosessiin. Tutkimuksen avulla haluttiin selvittää, miten moniammatillisen oppilashuoltoryhmän jäsenet tekevät päätöksen asiakkaalle suunnattavista ratkaisumalleista Lisäksi tutkimuksen kolmannen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla haluttiin saada selville, miten moniammatillisen oppilashuoltoryhmän jäsenet rakentavat asiakkaalle suunnattavia ratkaisumalleja yksilötasolla. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena, joka nojautui ontologiselta lähestymistavaltaan sosiaalisen konstruktionismin tutkimuksen traditioon. Lisäksi se oli yhteneväinen joiltakin osin fenomenologisen tutkimustradition kanssa. Tutkimuksen aineisto muodostui sekä yläkoulun että alakoulun oppilashuoltoryhmän kokouksista sekä hojks-arviointikokouksista. Lukuvuoden 2009–2010 välisenä aikana kokouksia videoitiin 28, yhteensä 16 tuntia. Tutkimukseen osallistui kaiken kaikkiaan 39 henkilöä. Tutkimuksen aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että moniammatillisen oppilashuoltoryhmän jäsenet rakensivat jaettua ymmärrystä tehtävästä ja tilanteeseen sopivista ratkaisumalleista tiedon konstruoinnin ja konstruktiivisten konfliktien avulla. Sosiokognitiivisia prosesseja hyödynnettiin joko asiakkaan ongelmien, ratkaisumallien tai ongelmien ja ratkaisumallien rakentamisessa. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että jaetun ymmärryksen muodostuminen asiakkaan ongelmasta keskustelun alussa selkeytti tehtävän tavoitetta, jolloin mahdollisuus onnistua tehtävän suorittamisessa parani. Konstruktiivisten konfliktien avulla oppilashuoltoryhmillä oli mahdollisuus saavuttaa uusia ja parempia tulkintoja asiakkaasta ja tilanteeseen sopivista ratkaisumalleista. Ilmiön toteutuminen edellytti kuitenkin ryhmän jäsenten osallistumista esille tuodun epäkohdan muokkaamiseen yhdessä. Tutkimuksessa kävi myös ilmi, että moniammatillisten oppilashuoltoryhmien päätöksenteko perustui useimmiten asiakkaan ongelma-alueen asiantuntijuuteen ja olemassa oleviin sääntöihin ja määräyksiin. Asiakkaalle suunnattavat ratkaisumallit rakennettiin tavalla, joka edellytti usein kuulijoiden argumentointia. Ratkaisumalleihin liitetyissä perusteluissa oppilashuoltoryhmän jäsenet toivat esille asiantuntemuksensa, joka sisälsi tietoa vastaavanlaisissa tilanteissa käytetyissä ratkaisumalleista, niiden ongelmista ja vaikuttavuudesta. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset nähdään syvemmän ymmärryksen mahdollistajana moniammatillisista oppilashuoltoryhmistä peruskouluissa. Tutkimustulokset ovat lisänneet ymmärrystä siitä, kuinka moniammatillisissa oppilashuoltoryhmissä rakennetaan jaettua ymmärrystä asiakkaan ongelmista ja tilanteisiin sopivista ratkaisumalleista vuorovaikutuksen avulla. Tutkimus tuo esille myös uusia moniammatillisten verkostojen kehittämistyössä huomioon otettavia näkökulmia.

Operationssjuksköterskors och kirurgers uppfattning om samarbete i operationslaget / OR nurses and surgeons perception on collaboration in the OR

Elmberg, Susanne, Käller, Barbro January 2011 (has links)
Fel i operationssalen kan få stora konsekvenser. Enligt både WHO och Socialstyrelsen är kommunikation och koordination den främsta orsaken till vårdskador inom sjukvården. Operationsavdelningen är den plats inom sjukvården där flest vårdskador händer och de beror ofta på dåligt samarbete i operationslaget. Studier har visat att störst skillnad i uppfattning om effektivt samarbete finns hos operationssjuksköterskor och kirurger. Operationssjuksköterskor beskriver gott samarbete som när deras arbetsinsats respekteras medan ett gott samarbete för kirurger kännetecknas av att ha operationssjuksköterskor som förutser deras behov och följer instruktioner. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka operationssjuksköterskors och kirurgers uppfattning om samarbete i operationslaget. Det är en deskriptiv kvantitativ studie baserad på datainsamlande genom frågeformulär. Urvalet bestod av 25 operationssjuksköterskor och 42 kirurger. Den mest påtagliga skillnaden i uppfattning om samarbete mellan operationssjuksköterskor och kirurger visade sig i frågan om det är läkaren som ansvarar för samordningen. De ansvariga måste bli medvetna om och komma till rätta med de skillnader i uppfattning om samarbete som finns mellan kirurger och operationssjuksköterskor för att WHO:s checklista och andra interventioner för ökad patientsäkerhet ska kunna få önskad effekt. / Errors in the operating room (OR) may have major consequences. According to the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare and WHO, communication and coordination are the most common cause of harm to patients. Studies in the US have shown that the OR is the most common site in hospitals for adverse events to occur. Differences in perceptions of teamwork exist in the OR, with physicians rating the teamwork with others as good, and at the same time, nurses perceive teamwork as poor. Nurses often describe good collaboration as having their work respected, and physicians often describe god collaboration as having nurses who anticipate their needs and follow instructions. The aim of this study was to investigate Swedish nurses’ and physicians’ perception of teamwork. Operating room personnel, 25 nurses and 42 physicians where surveyed using a questionnaire. The most substantial difference where shown in the perception of who should be in charge of the team. To increase the likelihood of success when implementing the World Health Organization’s Surgical Safety Checklist, leaders should anticipate that differences in perception between members of different professions must be overcome if teamwork is to be improved.

Die rol van spanleierskap in die effektiwiteit van bestuurspanne (Afrikaans)

Breytenbach, Carika Magdel 26 August 2003 (has links)
The business environment is currently typified by rapid and ongoing change, which causes the future to be increasingly unpredictable and unsettled. Companies are struggling to maintain their competitive edge and to survive. It is therefore important that management should ensure that the necessary competencies and abilities are available to enable the coordination of both diversified and specialised functions within the company. This underlines the importance of effective teamwork in organizations. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of team leadership in the effectiveness of management teams. In order to attain this goal, the primary focus of the literature study was team leadership. Chapter 2 comprehensively discusses the most important aspects determining effective teams and team efficiency in organizations. The analysis of the literature was focused specifically on the general factors determining team efficiency and twenty critical factors were identified. In chapter 3 team leadership is discussed. A comprehensive literature study was done in order to identify the characteristics of an effective team leader, as well as the roles he/she is expected to play in the team. Qualitative analysis of the literature indicated 17 discernable roles which are discussed comprehensively in this chapter. Qualitative as well as quantitative research methodologies were used in order to achieve the objective of this study. Qualitative methodology was used mainly to analyze the available literature. Quantitative research involved a random sample of 19 teams, which were selected from all divisions of the organization. A dual criterion, consisting of an evaluation of the group dynamics in the teams and also of quantifyable team output was used. On the basis of the criterion these teams were divided into nine effective and ten ineffective teams. The team leaders were assessed by means of a 360° questionnaire. The head of the team, team members and the team leaders themselves were required to do the assessment according to five identified dimensions describing team leadership. The effective and ineffective teams were compared using the Mann-Whitney U-test to determine whether any significant differences between the teams exist in terms of the following five dimensions: "management of attention" (dimension 1); "management of meaning and motivation" (dimension 2); "management of trust" (dimension 3); "management of self" (dimension 4) and "management of empowerment" (dimension 5). From the comparison between the effective and ineffective teams the following results were apparent: There is a clear tendency to indicate that in the case of effective teams, when assessing the team leader, the assessment by team members and team leaders coincide. In the case of ineffective teams, leaders tend to rate themselves considerably higher than the team members do. This leads to the conclusion that leaders of effective teams have a realistic view of their ability as team leaders. Significant differences were also discernable in the following dimensions: "management of attention" (dimension 1); "management of trust" (dimension 3); "management of self" (dimension 4) and "management of empowerment" (dimension 5). The most significant differences were found in terms of dimensions 3 and 5. Results indicate that leaders of effective teams have a realistic concept of their ability; that they have the ability to purposefully lead their team members; that they can inspire trust in their team members; that they manage themselves effectively and that they empower their team members in all areas and aspects. / Thesis (MCom (Human Resources Management))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

The influence of relationships among, and skill levels of, school governors on the performance of school governing bodies

Poo, Freda Mmapula 18 December 2006 (has links)
Trust enlarges the scope of action on any playing field (O’ Brien, 2001:1). The trusted leader is a great asset in forging and maintaining relationships, and lending support to other team players, which can be on-going with little effort. According to Covey (1989: 188), an emotional bank account is the amount of trust that has been built up in a relationship. It’s the feeling of safety you have with other human beings. If one makes deposits into an emotional bank account through courtesy, kindness honestly and keeping commitments, the trust increases. The researcher conducted a research project on the influence that relationships among, and skill levels of, school governors on the performance of school governing bodies; the rationale being as a result of various problems she encountered and experienced as an SGB and SMT member. The literature review indicates that ignorance and inability to perform functions turn SGBs into crisis committees, and that most of the SGBs are not fulfilling their role but relying on the principal who plays the dominant role. Four SGBs were identified, two with good performance and positive relationships, and two with poor performance and negative relationships. In both categories a primary and a secondary school were selected. A qualitative research design was used for the study. Data collection strategies used were semi-structured, open-ended interviews and structured observations. The analysis of the data showed the differences in the feelings about the relationships. Non-functioning SGBs with poor relationships experience anger, fear, anxiety, disrespect, and mistrust. The respondents indicated coldness, neglect, isolation and disjointedness, in contrast to functioning SGBs who demonstrated mutual trust, respect love, happiness, cooperation, collaboration, shared decision-making and inclusion. These attributes are confirmed by the literature review on the link between trust relationships and performance. The research study indicated that productive workers are happy. The model of school effectiveness confirmed that functional SGBs are effective, and non-functional ones are ineffective. Happiness is derived from being productive, thus yielding positive contributions and the realisation of aims and objectives. Where there is no productivity, there is a negative influence on the relationships. Members concentrate on their fights and forget about their functions as SGB members. It has emerged that the poor performance and poor relationships are probably the results of attitude and behaviour, and not illiteracy as indicated in the literature review. The data collected indicated that all the SGB members are literate, and can read, write and interpret policies; except one non-teaching staff member who contributes positively by creating a clean environment conducive for teaching and learning. / Dissertation (Magister Educationis (Educational Leadership))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Sjuksköterskans ansvar att leda omvårdnadsarbetet

Sjögren, Sofia, Söderström, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Legitimerade sjuksköterskor har i sin yrkesroll ansvar för ledarskapet i omvårdnadsarbetet. Teamarbete har blivit en alltmer populär och etablerad arbetsform där ledarskapet är av stor vikt. Det handlar om att kunna leda, prioritera och samordna omvårdnadsarbetet utifrån patientens behov och sina medarbetares kompetenser, vilket ger en förutsättning för en god och säker vård. Syfte: Att identifiera faktorer som inverkar på sjuksköterskors ledarroll i omvårdnadsarbetet. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt, där artiklar av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats har granskats och analyserats. Likheter och skillnader har jämförts och sammanställts i resultatdelen. Resultat: Resultatet visade på aspekter som påverkar sjuksköterskor i sin ledarroll som sedan avspeglas i olika kategorier. De kategorier som framkom var brister i yrkeserfarenhet och kunskap, effektiva kommunikationsstrategier samt stöd och samarbete. Slutsats: Det är av vikt att sjuksköterskors ledarroll identifieras. Dels för att det inte ska förekomma några otydliga krav och att inga oklara arbetsuppgifter ska uppstå, som leder till otrygghet i omvårdnadsarbetet. En ökad kompetens ger sjuksköterskor en större självkänsla att våga agera i svåra situationer.

Aplikace pro podporu týmové spolupráce dostupné volně přes internet / Applications for team cooperation support

Bachmann, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The topic of the presented diploma thesis revolves around team cooperation support applications, also known under the term groupware. The author first explains the common terms pertaining to the issue at hand and subsequently places these applications into the information system infrastructure of an organization. Afterward, the functions of these applications are listed and characterized in more detail. The core of this thesis lies in outlining a method of evaluating these applications in terms of their meeting predetermined criteria (groupware, the SaaS model, free of charge, general scope of functions). From the user's perspective, the applications are evaluated by criteria divided into four areas (graphic design, user-friendliness, functionality, technological compatibility). Weighted average is instrumental to the analysis. The method puts accent on flexibility, fair-mindedness, reusability. The final part of the present diploma thesis is devoted to the underlying principles of the manual which would help team leaders to choose the right groupware application.

Analýza týmové práce vybraného pracovního týmu ve společnosti Coca-Cola HBC Česká republika, s.r.o. / Teamwork analysis of selected work team in the company Coca-Cola HBC ČR Ltd.

Hertík, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The content of this thesis is an analysis of a selected work team in the company Coca-Cola HBC Czech Republic Ltd. The main aim of the work is to provide materials and recommendations to the team manager helping him improve the teamwork effectiveness and develop the team. In the introductory part of the thesis theoretical principles related to teamwork are presented. The next part deals with processing methodology of empirical investigation. The practical part is focused on the analysis of work team and provides recommendations for improving the effectiveness of teamwork and team development.

Analýza možností a využití IT v týmové práci na školních projektech / The Analysis of IT possibilities and utilization in teamwork on the school projects

Navrátil, Karel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis "The Analysis of IT possibilities and utilization in teamwork on the school projects" deals with a problem of teamwork cooperation of the students of the University of Economics in Prague. The students worked on school projects, using information technologies. The introduction of the thesis deals with the basic theoretical knowledge of formation, functioning and team communication. Then some specification of collaborative software is given. Fundamental subject matter of the practical part of this thesis shows the outcome of a survey by questionnaire which analyses students' general view on teamwork. It is followed by the team origin aspect, organization of teams and the analysis of information technology possibilities and utilization in the cooperation of students. In conclusion the author makes some suggestions resulting from gained information on the school team creation and on the information technologies utilization in teamwork projects.

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