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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det är svårt att springa milen tillsammans på distans : En intervjustudie om ledarskap på distans i Försvarsmakten / It is hard to run a 10K together while teleworking : An Interview Study about Leadership for Telework in the Armed Forces

Olevik Dunder, Peter, Jonasson Vikberg, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion: Syftet var att undersöka hur Försvarsmaktens ledarskapsmodell lämpar sig vid distansarbete. Den globala trenden med ökat distansarbete, som förstärktes av Coronapandemin, har gjort distansarbete till ett aktuellt ämne. Officeren är skolad i det militära ledarskapet, anpassat efter krigets krav. På grund av Försvarsmaktens uppgifter återfinns förutsättningar för distansarbete först på stabsnivå, men även där påverkas förutsättningarna av nuvarande tekniska lösningar samt krav på sekretess. Denna studie fokuserar på möjligheter och utmaningar när militärt ledarskap appliceras på distansarbete. Metod: Data insamlades genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med marinofficerare, medan armé, flygvapen och försvarsmaktsgemensamma stridskrafter avgränsades bort. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys gjordes på materialet. Resultat: För att utöva Försvarsmaktens ledarskapsmodell lyckas chefer bättre om de fysiskt befinner sig på samma plats som sina underställda. Distansarbete över tiden skulle inte vara möjligt, dock del av tid, under förutsättning att den personliga relationen byggts upp tidigare. Vid distansarbete krävs ökad tydlighet i kommunikation gällande uppgifter och ledarskap. Diskussion: Fjärråtkomst till IT-system och utvecklade arbetsmetoder skulle möjliggöra för yrkesofficerare och reservofficerare att utföra stabsarbete på distans. Men för att ledarskapet ska fungera behöver chefer utbildas och tränas i att leda på distans, vilket nu inte sker. Kulturen samt Försvarsmaktens huvuduppgifter har lett till att distansarbete sällan förekommer. Annan forskning på ledarskap vid distansarbete antyder samtidigt att de förutsättningar som finns med Försvarsmaktens ledarskapsmodell lämpar sig väl för distansarbete. / Introduction: The aim of the study was to investigate how the Swedish Armed Forces’ leadership model functions in telework. The global trend of increased teleworking, reinforced by the Covid-19 pandemic, has made telework a hot topic. Officers are trained in military leadership based on the requirements of war. Due to the tasks of the Armed Forces, it is not until at staff level conditions for telework are found. And even there, the conditions are restricted by security demands and present technical solutions. This study focuses on possibilities and challenges when military leadership is applied on telework. Method: Data was collected through seven semi-structured interviews, limited to naval fleet and marine officers, excluding army, air force and joint forces. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on the data collected. Results: In order to practice the Swedish Armed Forces’ leadership model, leaders will perform better if they are physically in the same place as their subordinates. Full time telework would not be possible. However part of time it would be, provided an interpersonal relationship has been established prior to starting. For teleworking, greater clarity is required in communication regarding tasks and leadership compared to working under normal circumstances. Discussion: Remote access to IT-systems and developed methods would enable teleworking for career officers and reserve officers while performing staff duties. But, in order for leadership to function, officers need training in leading telework, and such training is not being done at present. The Armed Forces’ core tasks and culture has resulted in teleworking scarcely being used. At the same time, other research on leadership for telework suggests that the conditions in place with the Swedish Armed Forces’ leadership model are well suited for teleworking.

Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Musculoskeletal Pain and/or Discomfort in Teleworking Office Workers : A quantitative cross-sectional study performed in Sweden.

Nugent, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Background: Telework has become a frequent form of work for a large part of the workforce. However, research regarding public health aspects is lacking in this area. The purpose of this study was to examine how physical active teleworkers are and if they achieve WHO guidelines. A second aim of the study was to investigate relationships between telework and physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and musculoskeletal pain/discomfort. Method: A cross-sectional survey was performed in Sweden. In total 375 individuals were included in the sample. Logistic regressions were performed to determine association between telework and physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and musculoskeletal pain/discomfort (current and during the last 12 months). Results: 83 % of teleworkers reported physical activity levels that met the WHO guidelines. The results showed no significant relationships between telework and physical activity, sedentary behaviour, or musculoskeletal pain/discomfort. Conclusion: A large part of the studied sample of teleworkers reported achieving the WHO recommendation for physical activity. As no associations could be found between telework, and physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and musculoskeletal issues, telework could be deemed to be as safe as any other work form. However, as this was not a prospective study, with a random sample, further studies are required to investigate whether teleworking has an impact on public health. / <p>Betyg i Ladok 210603.</p>

FROM ABRUPT CHANGE TO DAILY ROUTINES : The organizational effect of one year with COVID-19

Andersson, Oscar, Pamin, Genefra January 2021 (has links)
The way we work has changed rapidly since the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down. Remote work and telecommuting have become the new norm, a trend many of us have not asked or wished for. In this sense, this research is a reassessment of how IT companies in Sweden approached and managed the sudden transition to working remotely. With the support of previous literature on the topics of crisis management, organizational routine dynamics, and telecommuting, a set of seven semi-structured interviews were conducted to better understand the long-term challenges companies face during a crisis-induced shift into remote work. Our research reveals that organizations manage to quickly adapt the core business routines and operations, while social interactions and communication issues seem to be the biggest bottleneck when moving entirely remote. This leads to a perceived loss in overall productivity and the suffering of the work-life balance among all our respondents and their teams.

Vi är ju ändå designade att vara sociala varelser : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares upplevelser av distansarbete under coronapandemin

Bengtsson, Anna, Lundahl, Liselotte January 2021 (has links)
Title: “After all, we are designed to be social beings” - A qualitative study on employees’experience of teleworking during the corona pandemic Authors: Anna Bengtsson &amp; Liselotte Lundahl Abstract The aim of this study is to examine how employees in the white-collar sector experience their work situation during mandatory teleworking caused by the corona pandemic. The aim is to answer four questions concerning self-discipline, employer control, work requirements, decision-making space, social support and impact on well-being. The empirical material comprises semi-structured interviews with eight officials who share the experience ofteleworking. The theoretical framework includes Karasek's &amp; Theorell's demand-control-support model and Foucault's theory of power. The results show that self-discipline varies and changes among the employees, with the exception of a few, who continue to have a high level of self-discipline. Great self-discipline is also required to maintain social relations during teleworking. Further, the results show a reduced level of employer's control; there was an uncertainty among the employees about the extent of the employer's supervision. The results also show increased demands for independence, self-determination and decision-making space. There are experiences of reduced decision-making space in connection with difficulties in getting help from colleagues during remote work. Social support has decreased during teleworking, which also affects well-being.The main reason for reduced well-being is the feeling of loneliness and isolation. The conclusions are that teleworking primarily changes communication from being personal to becoming work-related during the corona pandemic. Furthermore, it appears that digital gatherings cannot replace the physical ones. Keywords: Krav, Kontroll, Stöd, Självdisciplin, Teleworking, Telecommuting, Distansarbete,Covid-19, Job demands, Self-control, Self-discipline, Emotional support, Wellbeing, Flexiblework. / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur medarbetare inom tjänstemannasektorn upplever sin arbetssituation under tvingande distansarbete orsakat av coronapandemin. Syftet är att besvara fyra frågeställningar om självdisciplin, arbetsgivarens kontroll, arbetskrav ochbeslutsutrymme, socialt stöd samt påverkan på välbefinnande. Det empiriska materialet består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta tjänstemän som delar med sig av sina upplevelser. Det teoretiska ramverket innefattar Karaseks &amp; Theorells krav-kontroll-stöd-modell och Foucaults maktteori.Resultaten visar att självdisciplinen varierar och förändras hos informanterna med undantag av ett fåtal som har fortsatt hög självdisciplin. En hög självdisciplin krävs även för att bibehålla de sociala relationerna under distansarbetet. Resultaten visar en minskad kontroll från arbetsgivaren. Dock råder en osäkerhet kring omfattningen av arbetsgivarens övervakning. Resultaten visar ökade krav på självständighet och självbestämmande och ökat beslutsutrymme. Likväl framkommer upplevelser av minskat beslutsutrymme i samband med svårigheter att få hjälp från kollegor under distansarbetet. Det sociala stödet har minskat under distansarbetet, vilket även påverkar välbefinnandet i någon form. Den främsta orsaken till minskat välbefinnande är känslan av ensamhet och isolering. Slutsatserna blir att distansarbetet under särskilda omständigheter framför allt förändrar kommunikationen från att vara personlig till att bli arbetsrelaterad under coronapandemin. Vidare framkommer att digitala sammankomster inte kan ersätta de fysiska. Sökord: Krav, Kontroll, Stöd, Självdisciplin, Teleworking, Telecommuting, Distansarbete,Covid-19, Job demands, Self control, Self discipline, Emotional support, Wellbeing, Flexiblework.

Las innovaciones en la producción audiovisual publicitaria dentro del contexto de la Covid 19 / The perception of changes in the production of audiovisual content in production houses due to the context of Covid 19

Torres Galván, Sebastián Alonso 22 October 2021 (has links)
La Covid 19 es una enfermedad que ha alcanzado mucha expansión en el año 2020. Tanto así, que se ha convertido en una pandemia y ha provocado una de las peores crisis sanitarias en el mundo. Varios sectores laborales han sido golpeados por ella, logrando así, afectar su capital como su forma de trabajo, limitándolos a adaptarse a protocolos y nuevas modalidades laborales para evitar peores consecuencias. Entre estas situaciones, la industria audiovisual no ha sido excepción de esta pandemia y ha tenido que adaptarse a dichas medidas para continuar con su gestión y producción de material audiovisual, dando énfasis en el caso de las casas realizadoras peruanas. Este trabajo de investigación se enfoca en conocer sobre los procesos de la realización audiovisual, el teletrabajo o trabajo remoto y la situación actual que vive dicha industria a partir de la pandemia. Particularmente, conocer los cambios que han tenido que adaptar dichas casas realizadoras, sus herramientas utilizadas para la elaboración de contenido en medio de dicha problemática y las oportunidades creativas conseguidas a partir de aquel contexto sanitario. / Covid 19 is a disease that has reached a high expansion in the year 2020. So much so it has become a pandemic and has caused one of the worst health crises in the world. Many labor sectors have been struck by it, thus being able to affect their capital as their way of working, limiting them to adapt to protocols and new ways of working in order to avoid worse consequences. Among these situations, the audiovisual industry has not been an exception to this pandemic and has been forced to adapt itself to these measures in order to continue with its management and production of audiovisual material, especially in the case of Peruvian production houses. This research work is focused on knowing about the processes of audiovisual production, teleworking or remote work and the current situation that this industry lives from the pandemic. Particularly, to know the changes that have had to adapt these production houses, their tools used for the development of content during this problem and the creative opportunities achieved from that health context. / Trabajo de investigación

Relación entre bienestar laboral y satisfacción laboral en empresas de seguros que usan teletrabajo en Lima Metropolitana el año 2021

Ortiz Talavera, Jesús Ramón, Quino Omonte, Karen Keila 03 December 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación de las prácticas de gestión de bienestar laboral y la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores que realizan teletrabajo en empresas de seguros en Lima Metropolitana en el año 2021. La investigación cuantitativa correlacional se llevó a cabo con la participación de 150 trabajadores que laboran en el sector de seguros privado peruano, que realizan o que hayan realizado teletrabajo, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario de 47 preguntas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que sí existe una relación positiva entre las prácticas de bienestar laboral y satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores. Además, se concluye que el factor afectivo y el factor cognoscitivo sí se relacionan positivamente con la satisfacción laboral de los teletrabajadores. / This research aims to evaluate the relationship between the practices for workplace wellbeing management and the job satisfaction of employees who work remotely in insurance companies in Metropolitan Lima in 2021. The correlational quantitative analysis was based on the participation of 150 employees, who work or have worked remotely in the Peruvian private insurance sector, filling a survey form with 47 questions. The results show that the practices for workplace wellbeing management are positively related to the job satisfaction of remote employees. Furthermore, it is concluded that the affective factor and cognitive factor are related to remote employees’ job satisfaction. / Tesis


Castro Chávez De Sáenz, Verónica, Hilares Selgueron, Andrea, Orellana Ortiz, Diego Enrique, Takaezu Morales, Julio Andrés, Vicuña Zambrano, Julissa Minerva 19 July 2021 (has links)
En los últimos años, el incremento del uso de pantallas digitales por parte de los niños se ha incrementado, provocando un desasosiego social y alta preocupación en los padres por los efectos adversos que su exposición genera en los más pequeños de casa. La pandemia causada por el COVID 19, ha agudizado la problemática; las medidas restrictivas y nuevas realidades, tanto en el trabajo como en el aprendizaje de los niños, han generado una nueva realidad en los hogares, donde se está perdiendo tiempo de calidad e interacción, una dura realidad que hoy en día los padres deben afrontar y para lo cual buscan alternativas de mayor interacción con sus hijos que permita reducir el tiempo de contacto con las pantallas digitales. Ante esta realidad, muchos hogares han cambiado sus rutinas y horarios, buscando evitar que los niños incrementen aún más su conectividad con la tecnología; por ello, nace Galletea, una forma muy divertida de interactuar con los miembros de la familia; donde se desarrolla la creatividad e imaginación de los niños, sin necesidad de salir de casa; una sana diversión donde se puede compartir un momento agradable con sus hijos, afianzando el lazo familiar, despertando emociones y sobre todo una experiencia diferente y sana. Galletea busca ser parte de la solución ande esta realidad por ello cuenta con un plan estratégico con grandes proyecciones de crecimiento y un equipo humano altamente capacitado para el logro de los objetivos. / In recent years, the increase in the use of digital screens by children has increased, causing social unrest and high concern in parents due to the adverse effects that their exposure generates in the smallest of the house. The pandemic caused by COVID 19 has exacerbated the problem; Restrictive measures and new realities, both at work and in children's learning, have generated a new reality in homes, where quality time and interaction are being lost, a harsh reality that parents must now face and for which they look for alternatives of greater interaction with their children that allow reducing the time of contact with digital screens. Faced with this reality, many households have changed their routines and schedules, seeking to prevent children from increasing their connectivity with technology even more; For this reason, Galletea was born, a very fun way to interact with family members; where the creativity and imagination of children is developed, without the need to leave home; a healthy fun where you can share a pleasant moment with your children, strengthening the family bond, awakening emotions and above all a different and healthy experience. Galletea seeks to be part of the solution in this reality, which is why it has a strategic plan with great growth projections and a highly trained human team to achieve the objectives. / Trabajo de investigación

Relación del teletrabajo y el equilibrio vida-trabajo en los colaboradores millennials de empresas de consumo masivo en Lima, 2021 / Relationship between telework and work-life balance in millennial employees of mass consumption companies in Lima, 2021

Aguilar Ruiz, Nicole Stephanie Fernanda, Arroyo Milart, Sofia Ana Paula 30 November 2021 (has links)
La finalidad que tiene la investigación es determinar la relación del teletrabajo y el equilibrio vida-trabajo en los colaboradores millennials de empresas de consumo masivo en Lima en el año 2021. La variable teletrabajo está constituida de tres dimensiones: lugar de trabajo ágil, trabajadores flexibles y liderazgo virtual, y como objetivos específicos se ha planteado analizar la relación que tiene cada una de las dimensiones mencionadas anteriormente con el equilibrio vida-trabajo. Para alcanzar el objetivo principal, los autores examinaron a una muestra de 324 millennials que trabajan en empresas de consumo masivo tomando como base de referencia a las 6 empresas más representativas de Lima dentro del sector. La investigación es cuantitativa de tipo correlacional y con un tipo de diseño no experimental transversal; experimental, ya que no se manipulan variables sobre determinada muestra, y transversal, dado que se desarrolla en un mismo momento en el tiempo, 2021. Asimismo, realizaron un cuestionario con escala de tipo Likert, el cual está conformado por 13 enunciados para la variable teletrabajo y 12 enunciados para la variable equilibrio vida-trabajo. Finalmente, los resultados de la investigación evidencian que la hipótesis general fue aceptada, ya que la muestra representativa encuestada presentó una correlación Rs de 0,671. Ello quiere decir, que existe una relación directa entre ambas variables, por lo que cuando se incrementa el teletrabajo, se incrementa el equilibrio vida-trabajo en los colaboradores millennials de empresas del sector consumo masivo. / The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between telework and work-life balance in millennial workers of mass consumption companies in Lima in 2021. The telework variable is made up of three dimensions: agile workplace, flexible workers and virtual leadership, and as specific objectives it has been proposed to analyze the relationship, that each of the dimensions mentioned above has with the work-life balance. To achieve the main objective, the authors examined a sample of 324 millennials who work in mass consumption companies, taking as a reference base the 6 most representative companies in Lima within the sector. The research is quantitative of the correlational type and with a type of non-experimental cross-sectional design; experimental, since variables are not manipulated on a certain sample, and cross-sectional, since it is developed at the same moment in time, 2021. They also carried out a questionnaire with a Likert-type scale, which is made up of 13 statements for the variable teleworking and 12 statements for the work-life balance variable. Finally, the results of the research show that the general hypothesis was accepted, since the representative sample surveyed presented a correlation Rs of 0.671. This means that there is a direct relationship between both variables, so that when teleworking increases, the work-life balance increases in millennial workers of companies in the mass consumption sector. / Tesis

Relación del teletrabajo y la satisfacción laboral en los trabajadores de Consultoras de tecnología en contexto COVID-19, Lima 2021 / Relationship between Telework and Job Satisfaction in technology consultants workers in the COVID-19 context, Lima 2021

Baca Palomino, Sonia Lizbeth, Cebreros Salazar, Ana Lucía 06 December 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre el teletrabajo y la satisfacción laboral en empresas consultoras de tecnología, principalmente aquellas que pertenecen a APESOFT, durante el contexto COVID-19, en Lima Metropolitana. APESOFT es la Asociación Peruana de Software y Tecnologías y está constituida por las principales empresas desarrolladoras de software en el mercado peruano. El estudio es de enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional y de diseño no experimental. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 364 colaboradores de las empresas actualmente activas y afiliadas a APESOFT. Para recabar la información necesaria, se realizó un cuestionario compuesto por 35 preguntas medidas por una escala de Likert y agrupadas en cuatro dimensiones por cada variable. Se determinó la fiabilidad del instrumento mediante el coeficiente del Alfa de Cronbach, donde se obtuvo un valor de 0.938 para Teletrabajo y 0.918 para Satisfacción Laboral, similares al resultado que obtuvo el instrumento en general (0.954), por lo que el instrumento es altamente confiable al tener valores cercanos al 1. Finalmente, se realizó la correlación entre ambas variables obteniendo un valor de 0.963. Por lo cual, la hipótesis general es aceptada y se establece que si existe una relación significativa entre el teletrabajo y la satisfacción laboral en los trabajadores de consultoras de tecnología. / The purpose of the present study is to determine the relationship between telework and job satisfaction in Technology Consulting companies, mainly to those that belong to APESOFT, during the COVID-19 context, in Metropolitan Lima. APESOFT is a Peruvian Association of Software and Technologies and is made up of the main software development companies in the Peruvian market. The study has a quantitative approach, correlational scope, and non-experimental design. The sample was composed of 364 employees from the companies currently active and affiliated to APESOFT. To collect the necessary information, a questionnaire consisting of 35 questions was made, measured by a Likert scale, and grouped in four dimensions for each variable. The reliability of the instrument was determined using the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, where a value of 0.938 was obtained for Telework and 0.918 for Job Satisfaction, similar to the result obtained by the instrument in general (0.954). In other words, the instrument is highly reliable since it has values close to 1. Finally, the correlation between both variables was made obtaining a value of 0.963. Therefore, the general hypothesis is accepted, and it is established that there is a significant relationship between teleworking and job satisfaction in employees of technology consulting companies. / Tesis

Vad hade Ingvar gjort? : En kvalitativ studie om svenska IKEA-bolags kulturstyrning vid distansarbete. / What would Ingvar do? : A qualitative study of swedish IKEA firms cultural management during telecommuting

Selskog, Jesper, Valfridsson, Joakim January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Företagskultur är de trossystem, normer, värderingar och underliggande antaganden vars syfte är att bidra till en målkonkgruens inom organisationen. Litteraturen talar således för vikten av kulturstyrning, det framgick dock att det fanns en brist på studier kring hur företag aktivt styr sin företagskultur vid distansarbete. Något som Covid-19 pandemin gav upphov till genom restriktioner för att minska smittspridningen, då det tvingade bolag att flytta arbetet från kontoret till hemmet. Studien ämnar således i att undersöka hur kulturstyrning genomförs vid en övergång till distansarbete och specifikt till följd av covid-19 pandemin. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap kring hur chefer aktivt arbetar med att styra med kultur under vid distansarbete, tillika hur den kan skilja sig gentemot när arbetet äger rum på plats.  Metod: Studien har genomförts genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie där empirin insamlats via semistrukturerade intervjuer med ledare på IKEA. Slutsats: Kulturstyrning vid distansarbete skiljer sig inte i någon avsevärd utsträckning som sådan, gentemot hur den bedrivs på plats. Vid distansarbete så styr dock företag i en större utsträckning genom ett formaliserande av informella ritualer- och processer. De styr likväl kulturen med hjälp av de formella ritualer och symboler som de haft innan distansarbetet, men med skillnaden att det praktiska genomförandet av dem nu sker digitalt.  Rollen som kulturspridare får likväl en mer prominent roll under distansarbetet då det finns ett behov av att framföra kulturen ytterligare när den inte manifesterar sig lika tydligt som på kontoret. / Background: Corporate culture is defined by the belief systems, norms, values, and underlying assumptions whose purpose is to contribute to goal congruence within the organization. The literature thus speaks of the importance of cultural management but there’s a lack of studies regarding how companies actively control their corporate culture during telecommuting. The Covid-19 pandemic led to restrictions to reduce the spread of infection and thus, forced organizations to work from home. The study, therefore, aims to investigate how cultural management is implemented during a transition to teleworking and specifically because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate how leaders actively work with cultural management during tele-work and thus how cultural management is affected by a transition to telecommuting. Method: The study was conducted through a qualitative interview study. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with leaders from swedish IKEA firms. Conclusion: Cultural management during telecommuting does not to any significant extent differ from how it is conducted in the office. Companies tend however to a greater extent, to control corporate culture through a formalization of informal rituals and processes. Corporate culture is still controlled through formal rituals and symbols during telecommuting but with the difference that the practical implementation of them takes place digitally. Furthermore, is the role of a cultural spreader given a more prominent role during telecommuting due to a greater need to promote the culture since it does not manifest itself as clearly as in the office.

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