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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perfil nutricional e níveis séricos de leptina de homens inférteis atendidos no setor de reprodução assistida do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre

Santos, Larissa Petry dos January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A infertilidade tem sido reconhecida como mais uma das patologias relacionadas à obesidade. O aumento da gordura corporal e a resistência à insulina (RI) são correlacionados inversamente com a testosterona sérica e afetam o pulso GnRH-LH/FSH, o que pode prejudicar as funções das células de Leydig e Sertoli, interferindo na liberação de hormônios sexuais, produção e maturação dos espermatozóides. A hiperleptinemia parece também influenciar a fertilidade do mesmo modo que a sua deficiência No entanto, a modulação da reprodução masculina pelo estado nutricional precisa ser melhor elucidada. Objetivo: Avaliar o estado nutricional e alterações metabólicas em indivíduos com subfertilidade atendidos no ambulatório de reprodução assistida de um hospital público. Métodos: Estudo caso-controle. Os pacientes foram selecionados através do setor de Reprodução Assistida do HCPA. Foram considerados casos aqueles com alterações no espermograma (OMS, 1999) e controles aqueles homens sem alterações no espermograma e/ou que já tenham filhos. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética do HCPA e todos assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Foram avaliados peso, altura, circunferência da cintura e quadril, e gordura corporal por dobras cutâneas seguindo protocolo de Jackson e Pollock (1978). Foram dosados: glicose, colesterol total, HDL-c, triglicerídeos (TG), hemoglobina glicada, leptina, hormônio folículo estimulante, hormônio luteinizante, prolactina, insulina, SHBG, estradiol, testosterona. Foram estimados: RI através do índice HOMA-IR e LDL-c pela fórmula de Friedewald. Resultados: Foram avaliados 68 homens (35 casos e 33 controles). Não houve diferenças no estado nutricional entre casos e controles, por parâmetros antropométricos e bioquímicos. A mediana do índice de massa corporal foi cerca de 26 kg/m2 para casos e controles. O perfil lipídico, glicêmico, insulínico e leptinemia não diferiram entre os grupos. Níveis mais elevados de FSH e estradiol foram detectados nos homens com sub-fertilidade. No entanto, os níveis de testosterona e SHBG foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Níveis aumentados de IMC, gordura corporal, circunferência de cintura e quadril, insulina, leptina e índice HOMA estão associados a níveis séricos mais baixos de testosterona, correlações estas que também podem ser observadas com a SHBG. Níveis séricos de testosterona e SHBG apresentaram correlação positiva com o HDL-col, enquanto que os níveis aumentados de TG se correlacionaram negativamente com os valores de SHBG. Apesar de não haver diferenças entre os valores de LH entre os grupos, surpreendentemente os níveis deste hormônio se correlacionaram negativamente com o IMC, níveis de insulina e índice HOMA apenas no grupo caso, evidenciando mais uma vez, a influência dos parâmetros antropométricos e metabólicos na reprodução masculina. Conclusões: Na população estudada, a presença de obesidade parece não ser uma característica da sub-fertilidade masculina. A leptinemia aumentada está associada à redução dos níveis séricos de testosterona e SHBG, independentemente da presença de obesidade. O aumento da adiposidade corporal e marcadores de RI estão fortemente associados a menores níveis séricos de hormônios sexuais como testosterona e LH, indispensáveis a uma espermatogênese adequada. Mais estudos são necessários para detectar alterações nutricionais e metabólicas nos homens brasileiros sub-férteis. / Introduction: Current evidence indicates that infertility is a disorder linked to obesity. Both the increased body adiposity and insulin resistance (IR) have been associated with lower serum concentrations of testosterone and the impairment of the Leydig and Sertoli cells functions by changing GnRH-LH/FSH pulsatility which modifies sex hormones releasing, production and maturation of sperm. The hiperleptinemia, also found in obese individuals seems to affect the fertility by the same way as its lack. However, the modulation of the male reproduction by the nutritional status needs more scientific evidence. Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status and metabolic alterations in subjects with sub-fertility who attended at the Assisted Reproduction Sector of a public hospital. Methods: Case-control study. Subjects: All the men who attended at the Assisted Reproduction Sector of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Cases: all the men with altered spermogram, according to WHO criteria (1999); controls: men who presented a normal spermogram and/or with children. The project was approved by the research ethics committee of the university hospital and an informed written consent was obtained from each man. Weight, height, waist and hip circumferences were evaluated. The body fat composition was obtained using seven skinfolds thickness according to Jackson and Pollock (1978). It was measured: glucose, total-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, glycated hemoglobin, leptin, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, insulin, sex hormone binding globulin, estradiol, testosterone. There were estimated: IR by HOMA-IR index and LDL-cholesterol using the Friedewald formula. Results: Sixty-eight men were analyzed (35 cases and 33 controls). Cases and controls were not different in relation to the nutritional status by anthropometric and biochemical parameters. The median for the body mass index (BMI) was 26 kg/m2 for both cases and controls. The lipid, glycemic, insulin and leptin profile did not differ between the two groups. Higher values for FSH and estradiol were detected in the men with sub-fertility. However, testosterone and SHBG values were similar for the two groups. Increased values for BMI, body fat, waist and hip circumferences, insulin, leptin and HOMA-IR are associated with lower testosterone and SHBG serum levels. These two hormones were positively correlated with HDL-col and SHBG correlated negatively with triglycerides. Despite the LH values not differ between cases and controls, the values correlated negatively with BMI, serum insulin and HOMA-IR exclusively for the men with sub-fertility, showing clear evidence for the influence of anthropometric and metabolic parameters in the male reproduction. Conclusions: In the studied population, obesity does not appear to be a characteristic of men with sub-fertility. The increased leptin is associated with decreased serum levels of testosterone and SHBG, regardless of the presence of obesity. Increased adiposity and markers of insulin resistance is strongly associated with lower serum levels of sex hormones such as testosterone and LH, which are essential to a proper spermatogenesis. More studies are needed to detect evidence of nutritional and metabolic changes in sub-fertile individuals in Brazilian men.

Efeitos da terapia hormonal com testosterona sobre IMC, pressão arterial e perfil laboratorial em homens transgêneros : uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise

Velho, Indiara da Rosa January 2016 (has links)
O transexualismo é caracterizado pelo desejo irreversível de viver e ser aceito como pertencente ao sexo oposto ao seu sexo biológico. Os transexuais masculinos (feminino para masculino) utilizam cronicamente hormônios androgênicos para promover alterações nas características sexuais secundárias compatíveis com o sexo de identidade, correspondendo à terapia hormonal cruzada.A testosterona é o principal hormônio usado na terapia hormonal cruzada desta população. Embora seja considerada segura, quando utilizada em doses adequadas, poucos estudos estão disponíveis na literatura a respeito dos efeitos da testosterona nessa população específica, além de incluir tamanhos amostrais pequenos. Assim, os objetivos desta dissertação foram os de revisar de forma sistemática a literatura a respeito dos efeitos do tratamento comtestosterona sobre o perfil clínico, metabólico, hematológico, lipídico e hepático de indivíduos transexuais masculinos.Nesta revisão sistemática e meta-análise, buscaram-se estudos publicados até maio de 2016 nas bases de dados Medline (PUBMED) and EMBASE. Foram incluídos estudos que relatassem intervenções com qualquer dose de testosterona e que apresentassem dados comparando variáveis clínicase metabólicas antes e depois do tratamento Para a meta-análise, somente artigos que tivessem analisado os efeitos do tratamento com undecanoato de testosterona por 12 meses foram incluídos. Desta forma, o tamanho do efeito foi calculado como alteração em 12 meses em relação ao valor médio basal. A busca resultou em 391 artigos potencialmente elegíveis. Destes, 13 alcançaram os critérios de eligibilidade e foram incluídos na revisão sistemática. Três foram elegíveis para a meta-análise. A qualidade destes estudos de acordo com a escala de Newcastle-Ottawa Scale foi boa. O tratamento com undecanoato de testosterona promoveu um significativo aumento nos níveis séricos de testosterona (tamanho do efeito 6.18, IC 95%: 4.59 à 7.76), hematócrito(4.80, IC95%: 4.06 à 5.54), hemoglobina(1.54, IC95%: 1.10 à 1.98), e pressão sistólica (4.74, IC 95%: 2.15 à7.33). Em conclusão, os resultados deste trabalho sugerem que o tratamento comundecanoato de testosteronaé efetivo e embora aumente significativamente hematócrito, hemoglobina e pressão sistólica no primeiroano de tratamento de homens transgêneros, estes achados são clinicamente aceitáveis evidenciando segurança deste tratamento. / Transsexualism is characterized by the irreversible desire to live and be accepted as belonging to the opposite sex to its biological sex. Male transsexuals (female to male) chronically use androgenic hormones to promote changes in secondary sexual characteristics compatible with gender identity, corresponding to cross-sex hormone therapy. Testosterone is the main hormone used in cross-hormone therapy in this population. Although it is considered safe, when used in adequate doses, few studies are available in the literature regarding the effects of testosterone in this specific population, in addition to including small sample sizes. Thus, the objectives of this dissertation were to systematically review the literature regarding the effects of testosterone treatment on the clinical, metabolic, hematological, lipid and hepatic profile of male transsexual individuals. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, studies were published until May 2016 in the Medline (PUBMED) and EMBASE databases. We included studies that reported interventions with any dose of testosterone and that presented data comparing clinical and metabolic variables before and after treatment For the meta-analysis, only articles that had analyzed the effects of treatment with testosterone undecanoate for 12 months were included. In this way, the effect size was calculated as change in 12 months in relation to the baseline mean value. Search resulted in 391 potentially eligible articles. Of these, 13 met the eligibility criteria and were included in the systematic review. Three were eligible for the meta-analysis. The quality of these studies according to the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale scale was good. Treatment with testosterone undecanoate promoted a significant increase in serum testosterone levels (effect size 6.18, 95% CI: 4.59 to 7.76), hematocrit (4.80, 95% CI: 4.06 to 5.54), hemoglobin (1.54, 95%: 1.10 to 1.98), and systolic pressure (4.74, 95% CI: 2.15 to 7.33). In conclusion, the results of this work suggest that testosterone undecanoate treatment is effective and although it significantly increases hematocrit, hemoglobin and systolic pressure in the first year of treatment of transgender men, these findings are clinically acceptable, evidencing the safety of this treatment.

Efeitos da castração e reposição hormonal tardia no tecido erétil do pênis de ratos Sprague-Dawley / Effects of castration and late hormonal replacement in the structure of rat corpora cavernosa

Alexandre de Freitas Miranda 25 March 2009 (has links)
Estudos em animais e humanos sugerem que níveis adequados de testosterona são necessários para preservar a integridade do tecido eretor peniano. Nenhum estudo prévio confirmou se as mudanças estruturais são reversíveis após longo período de deprivação hormonal. Foi proposto a avaliação, através de métodos quantitativos, as alterações estruturais no corpo cavernoso de ratos submetidos à castração cirúrgica; bem como o papel da reposição hormonal tardia na reversão das possíveis alterações estruturais. Foram usados 25 ratos Sprague-Dawley machos com aproximadamente 12 semanas de idade. Os animais foram divididos em 5 grupos compostos por 5 animais em cada grupo e tratados da seguinte forma: ORQ1 = Grupo submetido à orquiectomia e sacrificado após 1 mês. C1- Grupo controle morto após 1 mês. ORQ2 - Grupo orquiectomizado e morto após 2 meses. C2 - Grupo controle morto após 2 meses. T Grupo orquiectomizado que recebeu, após 1 mês, suplementação com undecanoato de testosterona na dose de 100mg/ Kg subcutâneo. Após 1 mês de reposição hormonal os animais foram mortos.No Resultado Houve uma redução significativa no valor absoluto do colágeno, músculo liso, espaço sinusoidal e área total do corpo cavernoso após 2 meses no grupo castrado, quando comparado ao controle. Em termos gerais a densidade não apresentou nenhuma diferença significativa entre os grupos. A reposição hormonal com testosterona foi capaz de reverter as alterações observadas, demonstrando um aumento dos elementos estudados. A metodologia utilizada permitiu mostrar que valores absolutos demonstram melhor o que de fato ocorre com os elementos observados, eliminando um víeis de análise, quando se consideram os valores relativos. Esses resultados sugerem que a reposição, mesmo quando realizada tardiamente, foi eficaz na reversibilidade das alterações geradas pela castração / Introduction. Studies in animals and humans have suggested that adequate levels of testosterone are necessary to preserve the integrity of penile erectile tissue. No previously reported studies have confirmed if these structural changes are reversible following long-term hormonal deprivation. To evaluate, through quantitative methods, the structural alterations in the corpora cavernosa of rats submitted to surgical castration as well as the role of late hormone replacement in reversing the possible structural alterations. We used 25 male Sprague-Dawley rats who were approximately 12 weeks of age. The animals were divided into 5 groups composed of 5 animals each and treated as follows. ORCHIEC-1 = group that underwent orchiectomy and were sacrificed after 1 month, C-1 = control group sacrificed after 1 month, ORCHIEC-2 = group that underwent orchiectomy and were sacrificed after 2 months, C-2 = control group sacrificed after 2 months, T = group that underwent orchiectomy, and after 1 month underwent testosterone replacement with a subcutaneous single dose of testosterone undecanoate at 100 mg/kg (T); after 1 month of hormonal replacement, the animals were sacrificed. Quantification of smooth muscle, collagen and elastic system fibers in controls and rats submitted to orchiectomy alone and with late hormonal replacement. There were a significant decrease in the absolute values of collagen, smooth muscle, sinusoidal space and total area of corpora cavernosa after 2 months in the castrated group when compared with controls. Overall, as regards density, no significant differences were observed among the groups. The hormonal replacement with testosterone was able to reverse the alterations observed, demonstrating an increase in the elements studied. The method used for this research allowed demonstrating that absolute values are reliable to quantify the structural alterations of corpora cavernosa structures. The results suggest that hormonal replacement, even when instituted at a late stage, is effective in reversing the corpora cavernosa alterations produced by castration

"Continue a nadar": sobre testosterona, envelhecimento e masculinidade / "Just keep swimming": about testorone, aging and masculity

Lucas Tramontano 22 March 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo dessa dissertação é explorar a reformulação da antiga andropausa no diagnóstico de Deficiência Androgênica do Envelhecimento Masculino (DAEM) e seu tratamento farmacológico, que é a reposição de testosterona. Essa "nova" patologia se localiza dentro do escopo da Medicina Sexual, e faz parte, juntamente com a disfunção erétil e a ejaculação precoce, de um avanço da medicalização sobre corpos masculinos. Realizei entrevistas semi-estruturadas com alguns médicos envolvidos no estabelecimento do DAEM. Esses profissionais são urologistas ou endocrinologistas, ou ainda andrologistas, acadêmicos, mas que também mantêm um consultório. A entrevista pode ser dividida em dois grandes grupos, um relativo à definição e diagnóstico do DAEM, e a centralidade do sexo nas queixas do paciente. O outro analisa a terapia de reposição hormonal em si, e as conseqüências para a masculinidade da deficiência de testosterona. Elenquei ainda um terceiro tema, relativo às disputas entre as duas especialidades médicas, e as diferenças nas abordagens dos problemas colocados, que encobriam diferentes concepções de corpo e doença. Por fim, tentei manter gênero e envelhecimento como eixos transversais, que atravessassem toda a entrevista. O objetivo desse roteiro era perceber, sob a ótica desses médicos, como o DAEM é construído tanto na academia quanto na clínica médica, e quais as idéias subjacentes ao seu diagnóstico e tratamento. Portanto, nessa dissertação, pretendo analisar como o DAEM parece se localizar numa encruzilhada, unificando novos ideais de masculinidade e envelhecimento, sob a égide da medicina sexual e seus tratamentos farmacológicos. Porém, para isso, foi preciso antes investigar as mudanças na masculinidade e na velhice, o que as definia antes, e quais os novos desenhos que elas apresentam, para poder vislumbrar sua articulação com a medicalização e/ou farmacologização da sexualidade masculina.

Determining the role of androgen receptor and glucocorticoid receptor in the rodent adrenal cortex through conditional gene targeting

Gannon, Anne-Louise January 2018 (has links)
Androgens are well documented as important regulators of male health, primarily in the maintenance and development of male sexual characteristics. However, a decline in circulating androgens has also been associated with co-morbidities such as obesity, cardiac disease and metabolic syndrome. Previous research has focussed upon the body wide impact of adrenal androgens, however whilst androgen receptor (AR) is abundantly expressed in the adrenal cortex of both rodents and humans, surprisingly little is known about androgen action on the adrenal cortex itself. This gap in our understanding is at least in part due to the perceived lack of suitable animal models. Rodents have largely been overlooked as a model system as their adrenals are unable to produce androgens due to lack of 17α Hydroxylase and 17, 20 lyse activity and they therefore do not have a zona reticularis. However, historical studies using castrated mice showed that removal of androgens leads to the redevelopment of an additional cortex zone known as the transient X-zone. The foetal adrenal is thought to give rise the adult adrenal cortex in human and rodents. These foetal cells are maintained for a period postnatally and regress differently depending on species and sex. In the human this zone is known as the ‘foetal zone’, and the rodent homologue termed the ‘X-zone’. The mechanisms underpinning the regression of the X-zone and its purpose and maintenance postnatally still aren’t clearly understood. To provide a comprehensive overview of androgen signalling in the adrenal cortex, multiple mouse models were utilised. First, Cre/loxP technology was used to ablate AR specifically from the adrenal cortex. Further androgen manipulation was achieved through castration (removal of androgens) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) treatment (increased androgens). The initial study investigates the impacts on the male mouse adrenal. Histology analysis revealed the presence of an X-zone in all experimental cohorts following loss of AR or circulating androgens, confirmed by 20- α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20 alpha-HSD) expression. These data demonstrate that androgens signalling via AR is required for X-zone regression during puberty. However, interrogation of morphology of hCG treated cohorts revealed no phenotypic changes compared to controls, this demonstrates that hyper stimulation with androgens does not negatively impact the adrenal cortex or influence X-zone morphology. Differences in X-zone morphology and 20 alpha-HSD localization prompted cortex measurements which revealed significant differences in X-zone depth and cell density depending on ablation of AR, circulating androgens or both. This suggests that androgens and androgen receptor are working together and also independently to regulate the adrenal cortex. This result was strengthened through analysis of steroid enzyme genes and cortex markers, which revealed that normal AKR1B7 expression was absent following loss of androgens but not androgen receptor. A final part of this study examined the impacts long term androgen receptor ablation and long term castration in ageing animals. A final part of this study examined the impacts long term androgen receptor ablation and long term castration in ageing animals. These results demonstrate that following prolonged loss of androgens that there is no major disruption to the adrenal cortex. Morphology analysis and X-zone measurements revealed that X-zone regression was occurring in mice with long term castration, characterized by a reduction in size and pockets of vacuolization throughout the X-zone. This phenotype is also observed in ageing females with X-zone regression via vacuolization. These data suggest that following prolonged loss of androgens, the male adrenal is feminized and behaves as such. In contrast, AR ablation only, results in an enlarged adrenal with large spindle cell lesions and X-zone expansion confirmed by X-zone measurements. Initial experiments have demonstrated that androgens can work independently of AR to regulate the adrenal cortex. Together these data suggests that AR is required to control the appropriate action of circulating androgens in the adrenal cortex, with loss of AR resulting in off target signalling from circulating androgens in the adrenal leading to spindle cell hyperplasia, X-zone expansion and X-zone mislocation. A second set of studies were carried out to determine the role of androgen signalling in the female adrenal, specifically, if loss of AR leads to the absence of normal X-zone regression during pregnancy. To answer this question the same selective AR ablation model was used. Analysis of litters comparing observed and expected genetic distribution revealed significantly fewer females being born carrying complete ablation of adrenal AR. Morphology analysis of these mice revealed severe cortex disruption and spindle cell hyperplasia similar to that observed in mutant males. Investigation of adrenals following pregnancy revealed that X-zone regression still occurred despite loss of AR. This result shows that X-zone regression in the female is under different regulation compared to male adrenal and occurs via an androgen-independent signalling mechanism. However, loss of AR still leads to anatomical dysregulation of the adrenal cortex. AR ablation revealed changes in glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression in the adrenal cortex. To dissect this relationship further a final study was conducted, attempting to ablate GR from the adrenal cortex also using the Cyp11a1 Cre. Initial observations of these mice revealed excessive hair loss through barbering, curved spines and stressed behaviour when monitored in the cage under normal conditions. Immunohistochemistry was used to confirm GR ablation in the adrenal cortex, however, to our surprise, GR expressing cells were not steroidogenic and thus were not targeted by the Cre recombinase. Despite no GR ablation in the adrenal, morphology analysis revealed severe disruption to the adrenal cortex. The Cyp11a1 Cre not only targets the adrenal but is expressed in the hindbrain. To determine if GR ablation in the hindbrain explains the phenotype, we next used PCR analysis interrogating hindbrain genomic DNA to determine if there was recombination of GR. Results confirmed GR recombination in the hindbrain. Due to the observation of stressed behaviour and adrenal cortex disruption, we wanted to determine if this was a result of hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex. Serum corticosterone was analysed and was elevated in these animals. These data revealed that GR ablation in the hindbrain results in adrenal cortex disruption and an elevated stress response, potentially highlighting a new model to investigate stress disorders and their impact on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Together this data defines new roles for AR signalling in the adrenal cortex and the role of the hindbrain GR signalling in regulating adrenal morphology and function.

Organização social e comportamento reprodutivo de uma população de pôneis da raça brasileira / Social organization and reproductive behavior of the population from Brazilian pony breed

Tarouco, Adriana Kroef January 2004 (has links)
Aspectos relacionados com a organização social e seus reflexos no comportamento reprodutivo de garanhões submetidos a coberturas em sistemas de manadas, não têm sido estudados nas populações domesticadas. Este estudo foi conduzido com os seguintes objetivos: identificar as unidades sociais estabelecidas num grupo de garanhões e de éguas; verificar os fatores envolvidos na estabilidade, na repetibilidade e na composição dos haréns; verificar o efeito do garanhão na atividade de cobertura; estabelecer relações entre os níveis plasmáticos de testosterona e a condição sócio-sexual dos reprodutores; verificar a existência de atividade sexual noturna. Foi realizado em duas estações de monta (Ano I – 2001/02; Ano II – 2002/2003). No primeiro ano, os animais foram acompanhados diariamente durante um período de 12 dias, totalizando 117,02 horas de observação. A duração média dos períodos diários de observação diurna foi de 8,1horas. No segundo ano, os animais foram acompanhados em três períodos de observação (1, 2 e 3) com intervalos de 21 dias entre eles. A duração média dos períodos de observação diários foi de 9,6h e o tempo total foi igual a 203,51h. No Ano I, foram utilizados quatro garanhões com idades iguais a 3, 5 e mais de 12 anos e um grupo de 46 éguas solteiras, com idades entre 3 e 20 anos. No segundo, observaram-se quatro garanhões com 3, 6 e com mais de 12 anos e um grupo de 40 éguas solteiras, com idades entre 3 e mais de 12 anos. As unidades sociais identificadas foram do tipo harém e grupo de solteiros. Os reprodutores com três anos de idade não formaram haréns. Estabeleceram-se relações hierárquicas entre os garanhões e dentro dos haréns. A dominância, a capacidade de luta, os níveis de testosterona e a idade dos garanhões parecem ter influenciado no tamanho e na manutenção dos haréns. Foi constatada estabilidade em sua composição e esta dependeu do status reprodutivo das fêmeas, da dominância do garanhão no grupo e do tamanho do potreiro de observação. Não foi verificada repetibilidade na composição dos haréns. Todos os garanhões tiveram os seus níveis plasmáticos médios de testosterona aumentados, em média, 77,6%, quando foram expostos às éguas e quando formaram haréns (85,6%), embora os do grupo de solteiros tivessem os níveis mais baixos. O total de coberturas observadas no Ano I foi 28. As éguas foram cobertas em média, 1,86 vez, e o número médio de coberturas diárias foi 1,17. O número médio de éguas cobertas /dia foi igual a 1,08. O número médio de éguas receptivas, diariamente, foi igual a 8,5. O tempo médio de duração das coberturas foi igual a 38,4 segundos e o intervalo médio diário entre as mesmas foi de 79,75 minutos. No Ano II, os garanhões realizaram um total de 134 coberturas. As éguas foram cobertas, em média, 2,21 vezes. O número médio de coberturas diário foi 2,1. O número médio de éguas receptivas, diariamente, foi 20,7. O número médio de éguas cobertas/ dia foi 1,78. O tempo médio de duração das coberturas foi igual a 37 segundos e o intervalo médio diário entre as mesmas foi de 104,1minutos. Nos dois anos de estudo foi verificada atividade sexual noturna. O índice geral de prenhez no Ano I foi 79,4% e, no segundo, foi 72,25%. / Aspects related of social organization and its effects on the reproductive behavior of domestics stallions breeding under free range management systems, not have been studied. This study was carried out with the following objectives: to identify the social unities established between stallions and mares; to verify the factors involved in the stability, repeatability and in the composition of harems; to verify the effect of the stallion in the mating activity; to establish the relationship between the plasmatic levels of testosterone and the social-sexual condition of the stallion; to verify the existence of night sexual activity. This study was carried out in two mating seasons (Year I – 2001/02; Year II – 2002/03). In the first year, the animals were accompanied daily during a period of 12 days, totalizing 117.02 hours. The average duration of daily periods of day observation was 8.1 hours. In the second year, the animals were accompanied in three periods of observation (1, 2 and 3) with intervals of 21 days between them. The average duration of daily periods of observation was 9.6h and the total observation time was equal to 203.51h. In each interval of periods of observation, the social unities were disrupted and the mares were separated. In Year I four stallions were used, with ages of 3, 5 and more than 12 years and a group of 46 no lactates mares from the same breed, with ages varying from 3 to 20 years. In the second year, four stallions were observed, with 3, 6 and more than 12 years of age, and a group of 40 no lactates mares, with ages varying from 3 to more than 12 years of age. The social unities identified in the two years of observation were of the harem and the bachelor group type. The stallions with three years of age did not form harem. Hierarchic relationships among stallions and within harems were established. The dominance, the fight capacity, the aggressive behavior, the testosterone levels and the age of the stallions seem to influence the size and the maintenance of the harems. The stability in the composition of harems was observed, and the factors identified in this process were the reproductive status of females, the dominance of the stallions over the group and the size of the observation field. Repeatability in the composition of the harems was not verified. All stallions had their mean testosterone plasmatic levels increased, in average 77.6%, when were exposed to the mares, and when they formed harems (average of 85.6%). The mating activity of the stallions varied individually. The total mating observed in the 12 days from Year I was 28. The mares were mated in average 1.86 times, and the mean number of daily mating was 1.17. The mean number of mares mated per day was 1.08. The mean number of receptive mares, daily, was 8.5. The average of time during the matings was of 38.4 seconds and mean daily interval between matings was 79.75 minutes. In the second year of observation, the stallions performed a total of 134 matings. Considering the three periods of observation, the mares were mated, in average, 2.21 times. The mean number of daily matings was 2.1. The average number of receptive mares, daily, was 20.7. The average number of mated mares per day was 1.78. The average duration time of the matings was 37.0 seconds and the mean daily interval between matings was 104.1 minutes. In the two years of the study, the existence of sexual activity at night was verified. In the first year, the general pregnancy index was 79.4%. In the second year, the general index was 72.25%.

Alterações espermáticas e dos níveis plasmáticos de testosterona em cães experimentalmente infectados por Leptospira interrogans sorovar Canicola

Santana, Lucas Alves de Souza [UNESP] 28 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-02-28Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:35:29Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 santana_las_me_jabo.pdf: 425731 bytes, checksum: b7a11a67ef69a8ebcc72848774e63722 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Conhecendo-se a predileção das leptospiras pelo aparelho urogenital, e a crescente utilização de técnicas de reprodução assistida na espécie canina, o presente trabalho objetivou pesquisar a presença e a ação da Leptospira no sêmen e testículo de cães. Foram utilizados 32 animais, dos quais 20 foram inoculados com uma cepa patogênica de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Canicola e 12 não receberam inóculo algum, sendo considerados animais-controle. Assim, os 32 animais experimentais foram reunidos em quatro grupos de estudo encerrando cinco cães inoculados e três cães-controle por grupo. Os animais do grupo um foram sacrificados após sete dias da inoculação, os animais do grupo dois sacrificados 15 dias após a inoculação, os animais do grupo três sacrificados após 30 dias de incubação e os animais do grupo quatro foram sacrificados após 45 dias da inoculação da cepa patogênica. Após o sacrifício, colheram-se fragmentos de testículo para pesquisa de Leptospira no parênquima testicular pela técnica de coloração de Levaditi. Nos dias zero (dia da inoculação), três, cinco, sete, dez, e a partir daí de cinco em cinco dias após a inoculação da cepa patogênica de Leptospira, foram colhidas amostras de sangue e sêmen. No sêmen, foram realizados exames andrológicos e PCR, no sangue, além da pesquisa de anticorpos pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), foram verificados os níveis hormonais de testosterona. Dos 20 cães infectados, apenas um não apresentou título detectável na prova de SAM no período analisado. No grupo dois, foi verificada uma queda significativa nos valores do vigor e da concentração espermática, nos cães infectados, durante grande parte do período de estudo... / Considering the Leptospira predilection for the urogenital system and the increasing of utilization of assisted reproduction in dogs, this work aimed to search the presence and the role of Leptospira in semen and testicles from dogs. From 32 animals, 20 were inoculated with a pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola strain and 12 received no inoculum, acting as control animals. The 32 experimental animals were distributed in four groups with five inoculated and three control dogs per group. Animals from group one were sacrificed seven days after inoculation, animals from group two were sacrificed 15 days after inoculation, animals from group three were sacrificed 30 days after inoculation, and animals from group four were sacrificed 45 days after inoculation. Testicle fragments were collected after dog sacrifices for searching Leptospira in testicle parenchyma using Levaditi stain technique. Blood and semen samples were collected at day zero (inoculation day), three, five, seven, ten and then by each five days after pathogenic Leptospira strain inoculation. Andrologic exams and PCR were performed with semen. Blood samples were used to detect antibodies using microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and verify testosterone levels. Only one of the 20 infected dogs had no detectable titre using MAT. Spermatic vigor and spermatic concentration had a significant decrease in group two during most part of the study. In three of nine days of semen collection, only spermatic concentrations were significantly lower in infected animals from group three. In this study it was possible to detect Leptospira DNA in semen samples from 16 of the 20 dogs inoculated with L. interrogans serovar Canicola strain. Thereby it was not possible to correlate the decrease of testosterone serum levels in infected animals with those detected in control animals...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)

Capacidade anabólica de Mucuna pruriens em ratos treinados

Tavares, Renata Leite 28 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T15:03:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2653972 bytes, checksum: f933a50cca2b3f9e6bf6fe9b0733c009 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Mucuna pruriens (MP) has demonstrated the ability to increase spermatogenesis and testicular weight in animal model and therefore came to be marketed with the promise of stimulating testosterone biosynthesis even without scientific proof. Thus, this study aimed to test the ability of MP on synthesis of testosterone and verify effects on lipid profile, oxidative stress, liver function and body composition in trained rats. It was produced flour and alcoholic extract of MP, which had nutritional composition evaluated. Wistar rats (n=35) were used to test anabolic activity of MP. They were randomized into control sedentary (CS), trained control (CT), sedentary supplemented with MP (MPS), and trained supplemented with MP (MPT). Trained animals performed resistance exercise protocol during ten weeks and supplemented animals received 250 mg of extract of MP/kg/day. Food consumption and body weight were assessed weekly and weight of liver, testes and visceral fat, total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides (TG), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH ), malondialdehyde (MDA) and animals body composition were measured by absorptiometry dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. MP extract showed 7.6 g of fat, 36 g of carbohydrate, 43.4 g of protein and minerals such as potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. Phytochemical analysis indicated the presence of antioxidants. Chronic supplementation of MP alone or associated with training did not affect biosynthesis of testosterone, testicular development, muscle damage and lipid peroxidation induced by training or body composition. Hepatic markers remained unchanged, but there was a reduction of HDL-C by 19.7% between CS and MPS, 15% between MPT and MPS and 19.9% between CT and MPS (p<0.05). However, also decreased the total cholesterol in 14.7% between CT and MPS (p<0.05), 6.1% between CT and MPT (p<0.01), VLDL-C in 7.9% between CS and CT and 14.9% between CT and MPS (p<0.05) and 55.1% between CT and MPT (p<0.01), TG 52.4% between MPT and CS (p<0.05), 62.5% between CT and MPT and 56.2% between CT and MPS (p<0.01) and visceral fat in 31.3% between CS and MPS, 28.2% between CS and CT (p<0.05), 33.1% between CS and MPT (p<0.01). Reduction in food consumption was observed only in trained groups from the fourth week until the end of treatment. It was concluded that chronic supplementation of MP associated with training did not show anabolic properties and reduced serum HDL-C, but decreased food intake, weight of visceral fat, total cholesterol, VLDL-C and TG. / A Mucuna pruriens (MP) tem demonstrado capacidade de aumentar espermatogênese e peso de testículos em modelo animal e por isso passou a ser comercializada com a promessa de estímulo à biossíntese de testosterona mesmo sem comprovação científica. Assim, este estudo objetivou testar a capacidade da MP sobre a produção de testosterona e verificar os efeitos no perfil lipídico, estresse oxidativo, função hepática e composição corporal em ratos submetidos a treinamento de resistência. Farinha e extrato hidroalcoólico do grão de MP foram produzidos e avaliados quanto à composição nutricional. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar (n=35) para testar atividade anabólica da MP, randomizados nos grupos controle sedentário (CS), controle treinado (CT), suplementado com MP sedentário (MPS) e treinado (MPT). Os grupos treinados realizaram exercício resistido durante dez semanas e os suplementados receberam 250 mg do extrato de MP/kg/dia. Foram avaliados consumo alimentar e peso corporal semanalmente; peso de fígado, testículos e gordura visceral, colesterol total e frações, triglicerídeos (TG), alanina aminotransferase (ALT), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), creatina quinase (CK), lactato desidrogenase (LDH), malondialdeído (MDA) e composição corporal por absortometria de feixe duplo de raios-x (DEXA). O extrato de MP apresentou 7,6 g de gordura, 36 g de carboidrato, 43,4g de proteína e minerais como potássio, ferro, fósforo e cálcio, além de antioxidantes. A suplementação crônica de MP isolada ou associada ao treinamento não alterou a biossíntese de testosterona, o desenvolvimento testicular, o dano muscular e a peroxidação lipídica induzidas pelo treinamento, nem a composição corporal dos animais. Marcadores hepáticos permaneceram inalterados, mas ocorreu redução do HDL-c em 19,7% entre CS e MPS, 15% entre MPT e MPS e 19,9% entre CT e MPS (p<0,05). Em contrapartida, também houve redução do colesterol total em 14,7% entre CT e MPS (p<0,05); 6,1% entre CT e MPT (p<0,01), VLDL-c em 7,9% entre CT e CS e 14,9% entre CT e MPS, (p<0,05); 55,1% entre CT e MPT (p<0,01), TG em 52,4% entre MPT e CS (p<0,05); 62,5% entre CT e MPT e 56,2% entre CT e MPS (p<0,01) e gordura visceral em 31,3% entre CS e MPS, 28,2% entre CS e CT (p<0,05); 33,1% entre CS e MPT (p<0,01). Redução no consumo alimentar foi observada somente nos grupos treinados a partir da quarta semana até o final do tratamento. Conclui-se que a suplementação crônica de MP associada ao treinamento não apresentou propriedade anabólica e reduziu a concentração sérica de HDL-c, mas causou diminuição no consumo alimentar, peso de gordura visceral, colesterol total, VLDL-c e TG.

The effects of dietary Buriti oil (Mauritia flexuosa) supplementation on rat reproductive function

Mosito, Rosemary Boitumelo January 2015 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology: Biomedical Technology In the Faculty of Health and Wellness sciences at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology / Oxidative stress (OS) plays a major role in the pathogenesis of different conditions including male infertility. OS is caused by high amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that exceed the antioxidant ability of a system. The sperm membrane is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and is prone to damage by ROS. Sperm damage decreases motility, concentration and viability. Testicular oxidative stress impairs Leydig cell function and leads to decreased hormonal control as the cells secrete testosterone. Studies have shown the role of antioxidants in the fight against OS. Recently more studies have been focused on the use of natural antioxidants derived from fruits, vegetables, nuts and oils for this purpose. The effects of Buriti oil supplementation have been investigated in the diet and it had been shown that it is rich in carotenoids and vitamin E. This study explored the antioxidant effects of Buriti oil on testicular tissue, epidymal tissue and hormonal function in male Wistar rats. Experiments were conducted for 6 weeks and male adult Wistar rats (10 weeks) were divided into two groups (n=30) for each group. The control group received standard rat chow and water while the experimental group received Buriti oil, rat chow and water daily. Both groups were exposed to natural physiological OS. The plasma, testicular and epididymal tissue samples of both groups were analysed for various parameters. Testicular weight and epididymal weight of rats fed with Buriti oil were significantly increased compared to the control group. Testicular and epididymal MDA levels were decreased in rats fed with Buriti oil compared to the control group. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione (GSH) activities were increased in both epididymal and testicular tissue of the Buriti oil fed group than the control group. Data were expressed in mean ± SEM. In conclusion, our findings suggest that Buriti oil supplementation could prevent OS damage in the male reproductive system.

Alterações espermáticas e dos níveis plasmáticos de testosterona em cães experimentalmente infectados por Leptospira interrogans sorovar Canicola /

Santana, Lucas Alves de Souza. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Raul José Silva Girio / Banca: Luís Antonio Mathias / Banca: José Rafael Modolo / Resumo: Conhecendo-se a predileção das leptospiras pelo aparelho urogenital, e a crescente utilização de técnicas de reprodução assistida na espécie canina, o presente trabalho objetivou pesquisar a presença e a ação da Leptospira no sêmen e testículo de cães. Foram utilizados 32 animais, dos quais 20 foram inoculados com uma cepa patogênica de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Canicola e 12 não receberam inóculo algum, sendo considerados animais-controle. Assim, os 32 animais experimentais foram reunidos em quatro grupos de estudo encerrando cinco cães inoculados e três cães-controle por grupo. Os animais do grupo um foram sacrificados após sete dias da inoculação, os animais do grupo dois sacrificados 15 dias após a inoculação, os animais do grupo três sacrificados após 30 dias de incubação e os animais do grupo quatro foram sacrificados após 45 dias da inoculação da cepa patogênica. Após o sacrifício, colheram-se fragmentos de testículo para pesquisa de Leptospira no parênquima testicular pela técnica de coloração de Levaditi. Nos dias zero (dia da inoculação), três, cinco, sete, dez, e a partir daí de cinco em cinco dias após a inoculação da cepa patogênica de Leptospira, foram colhidas amostras de sangue e sêmen. No sêmen, foram realizados exames andrológicos e PCR, no sangue, além da pesquisa de anticorpos pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), foram verificados os níveis hormonais de testosterona. Dos 20 cães infectados, apenas um não apresentou título detectável na prova de SAM no período analisado. No grupo dois, foi verificada uma queda significativa nos valores do vigor e da concentração espermática, nos cães infectados, durante grande parte do período de estudo...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Considering the Leptospira predilection for the urogenital system and the increasing of utilization of assisted reproduction in dogs, this work aimed to search the presence and the role of Leptospira in semen and testicles from dogs. From 32 animals, 20 were inoculated with a pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola strain and 12 received no inoculum, acting as control animals. The 32 experimental animals were distributed in four groups with five inoculated and three control dogs per group. Animals from group one were sacrificed seven days after inoculation, animals from group two were sacrificed 15 days after inoculation, animals from group three were sacrificed 30 days after inoculation, and animals from group four were sacrificed 45 days after inoculation. Testicle fragments were collected after dog sacrifices for searching Leptospira in testicle parenchyma using Levaditi stain technique. Blood and semen samples were collected at day zero (inoculation day), three, five, seven, ten and then by each five days after pathogenic Leptospira strain inoculation. Andrologic exams and PCR were performed with semen. Blood samples were used to detect antibodies using microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and verify testosterone levels. Only one of the 20 infected dogs had no detectable titre using MAT. Spermatic vigor and spermatic concentration had a significant decrease in group two during most part of the study. In three of nine days of semen collection, only spermatic concentrations were significantly lower in infected animals from group three. In this study it was possible to detect Leptospira DNA in semen samples from 16 of the 20 dogs inoculated with L. interrogans serovar Canicola strain. Thereby it was not possible to correlate the decrease of testosterone serum levels in infected animals with those detected in control animals...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below) / Mestre

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