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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Cultural Creative Industry Parks" and Chinese Contemporary Art—A Comparative Study of Beijing's 798 Arts District and Songzhuang Artist Village

Simon, Lydia Noelle 21 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.


孫建崴, Sun, Chien-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,工藝產業的標竿公司本身所具備的智慧資本,從公司初創時期偏重在「人力資本」與「關係資本」的不均衡狀態,透過智慧資本的建構活動(創造、流通、加值與保護),形成目前各公司的智慧資本在各構面間的分佈漸趨於平衡協調且有明顯成長。此外,各公司均以發展自我品牌為公司重要策略目標,研究中也發現各公司的智慧資本建構活動與此策略目標相符合。 本研究結論如下: 壹、 智慧資本建構的內容層面 一、 工藝產業初創時期,智慧資本在構面間的分佈不均衡,以「人力資本」與「關係資本」為主。發展至今,智慧資本在構面間的分佈漸趨於平衡協調且均有明顯成長。 貳、 智慧資本建構的過程層面 一、 人力資本主要是透過完整的各領域多元化人才的引進、員工的教育訓練(包含美學、行銷、管理、研發設計等)、國內外的資訊與技術交流、研發設計團隊的建立等活動強化經營團隊與員工專業技能的深度與廣度,更透過共同的理念與對公司的認同感加深對公司的向心力,建構了整個人力資本。而人力資本主要是透過建立共同理念、塑造公司文化、強調團隊合作以及提供完整教育訓練來加以保護。 二、 流程資本主要是透過營運流程的改善、引進生產管理的概念、產品品質的要求、大陸設廠以求生產成本降低、知識管理系統(包含資料庫)的建立、新科技的引入與生產設備的研發與取得等活動加以建構。而流程資本主要是透過建立知識管理系統、設置研發資料庫與保護人力資本來加以保護。 三、 創新資本主要是透過持續投入人力資金厚實本身的關鍵技術與其他輔助技術、產品多元化以求技術精進、國內外技術交流以求技術提昇、關鍵技術專利化等活動加以建構。而創新資本主要是透過保護人力資本、申請商標或專利來加以保護。 四、 關係資本主要是透過制訂不同的客戶策略、建立會員制度、產品設計更具特色、推廣藝術教育、結合上下游廠商、與國際通路合作、作品參賽得獎、參加國內外的展覽等活動來加以建構。而關係資本主要是透過建立會員制度、提升產品價值、建立品牌形象與強化夥伴關係來加以保護。 參、 智慧資本建構的策略層面 一、 工藝產業公司除了將建立自我品牌為主要策略目標外,更將發揚工藝文化、將工藝藝術生活化、推廣工藝藝術教育、成立展示館設定為公司目標。 二、 工藝產業公司所建構之智慧資本與自我品牌之策略目標相符合。 關鍵字:文化創意產業、工藝產業、智慧資本、智慧資本建構、智慧資本管理、智慧資本保護 / The research concluded that: 1. In craft companies, the construction of distribution of intellectual capital, which is not balanced in the initial stage, will be equilibrated. in the end. 2. The human capital of craft companies is constructed by recruiting diverse people, training personnel, exchanging technical information between internal and overseas companies, establishing R&D team, and reinforcing centripetal force. To protect the human capital, the companies should establish a common goal, form the business culture, emphasize team work, and provide training courses. 3. The process capital of craft companies is constructed by improving their business process, adopting the system of production management, requesting quality of products, building up factories in China, establishing the system of knowledge management, importing new technical tools, and obtaining equipments of production. To protect their process capital, these companies should establish the system of knowledge management, set up the database of R&D, and guard their human capital. 4. The innovation capital of craft companies is constructed by investing in key and auxiliary technology, developing diverse products to strengthen technical ability, exchanging technical information between internal and overseas companies to intensify technical ability, and obtaining patents. To protect their innovation capital, these companies should obtain a trademark and patents, and guard their human capital. 5. The relationship capital of craft companies is constructed and protected by making different consumer strategies, managing membership, designing innovative products, popularizing craft education, integrating all suppliers and channels, cooperating with international channels, and building up brand image. 6. The intellectual capital established by craft companies conform with the strategically target that craft companies want to develop their brand.

文化創意產業行銷策略之研究:以音樂表演藝術團體為例 / Research on marketing strategies of cultural and creative industry: The case study of music performing arts

張培銣, Chang, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
文化創意產業是人類知識的薈萃,屬於無價的無形資產,透過時代與空間交織出千變萬化的形貌,展現人類的智慧與創意的極致。表演藝術肩負「文化」承傳的使命,發揮「創意」的極限,是文化創意產業的核心,讓人們從庸碌的生活中,找到另一片新的可能。 全球第一個喊出「文化創意」的英國,創造了2001年所選定的十三個創意產業中,創造132萬的就業人口,總產值更高達1,125億英磅的佳績。令各國開始注意起文化創意產業帶來的附加價值,文化創意產業逐步成為全球矚目的新興產業。國內政府目前積極投入文化創意產業,透過強化網路外部性,除了創造更大的獲利空間,同時也為國內的文化環境,提昇更大的產業競爭優勢。 國內的音樂表演藝術活動擁有最多人數參與,也是最蓬勃發展的文化創意產業之一。例如前年流行日本的「交響情人夢」風潮,一路吹回國內,除了成功將趨勢與古典音樂相結合,創造國內的藝文話題外,也成功帶動國內的音樂水準,令參與人數直線攀升。 本研究以組織發展成熟為區隔,分析目前位處組織成熟期的音樂表演藝術團體之行銷策略與經營模式,透過其經驗分享與個案分析方式,與位於組織萌芽期的團體作對比,進一步分析其內外部優劣勢與與整體環境之評估,希望能夠提供未來文化創意產業發展的具體建議。以國內最知名的朱宗慶打擊樂團為例與新創團體-心享交響管樂團為例,本研究分析研究音樂表演團體之成功因素與行銷策略,透過國內外文獻與研究,進一步驗證藝文教育對文化創意產業發展之重要性,提供台灣的文創產業更寬廣的未來。 / Cultural and Creative Industry is an invisible asset which belongs to the whole human beings. It presents in various forms during ages, and it also transformed into the ultimate attainment in the history. Performance Art is the core of the Cultural and Creative Industry, and it develops the appearance of the “Culture” and also elaborates the limits of the “Creativitity”. It provides people to have wide imagination in their day-to-day lives. Even the music performance is the most popular activities in Taiwan, but it is still a huge chanllege to attract more people getting into the concerts hall. More and more groups attepmt to find out a better solution to make their customer loyally and increase the frequency of customer presence to the programs. According to the research, it will be better to understand the customer behavior well or teach them when they were in childhood. The researcher interviews two music performance groups, one is a well-known band, Ju Percissopm Groups; and the other one is a new beginner, Shin-Sharn Wind Symphony Orchestra. After the research, it shows the importance of the education. Meanwhile, it is more essential to link up with the trend and maintain the relationship with the other different groups. For example,” Madame Cantabile”, the famous Japanese Drama which broadcasted couple years ago, it had already promotes the classical music, and it also fascinates lots of new consumers which has never listen to classic music. It made a huge hit to classical music, and it also set an excellent example for the Cultural and Creative Industry.

簡單中的不簡單:簡單生活節的價值共創 / The value co-creation of SimpleLife Festival

高于婷, Kao, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
「簡單生活節」是個自2006年底開始、每兩年舉辦一次、位於台北市中心華山1914文創園區的大型活動,以城市的生活風格為主軸,「做喜歡的事,讓喜歡的事有價值」為號召,內容涵括音樂、市集、論壇等,多元且具創新。活動為期兩天,三屆下來每屆均有超過三萬人入場,更創下上千萬元的消費,不論規模、經營模式在國內皆可說是首見。 在國內開始注重文化創意產業之際,究竟簡單生活節的經營模式為何?活動能持續舉辦的核心能耐為何?需要哪些利害關係人的資源投入?國內對於大型文創活動的價值經營研究較少,本研究以價值共創的角度,探討簡單生活節(1)由哪些人共創,創造了什麼價值,(2)為各利害關係人帶來什麼價值。另外也由主辦者的角度,去探討(3)如何和各利害關係者進行價值共創,以及(4)要讓活動長期經營、價值極大化需要哪些要素。 本研究發現,(1)參與簡單生活節共創的角色有參與者(演出者與擺攤者)、贊助者(最大宗為統一超商)、場地提供者(華山文創園區)、支援平台(StreetVoice),彼此因認同簡單生活風格而集結,其創造的價值為風格型態的品牌價值以及宣傳平台價值,而活動讓(2)參與者得到金錢效益以及增加曝光度、贊助商得到金錢效益和品牌效益、場地提供者得以累積能耐以及增加曝光度、StreetVoice網路平台增加使用者的黏著度。(3)主辦者透過四大基石與利害關係人共創價值:設立支援平台以累積創意能量、讓利害關係者參與設計互動方式、互動密切頻繁、雙方相互提供價值,(4)組織層面須要能體察社會趨勢的領導者,以及藝術和商業頭腦兼具的A型團隊;營運層面需要明確的商業模式,不只在共創過程中和各利害關係者累積長期良好的合作關係,還要能將關鍵資源運用至關鍵流程中,而發展背後的支援平台更是活動長期經營的關鍵。 / SimpleLife festival, a big cultural two-day event in Taipei Huashan1914 Creative Park every two years since 2006, which attracts more than 30000 people and generates considerable income. It is a collaborative creation on lifestyle aesthetics which combines music, markets, exhibitions and lectures, and the scale and business model are very innovative in Taiwan. Hence, what are the values from this event and how to co-create it are the precious issue. This research explains: (1) What values do SimpleLife festival create and who are the stakeholders? (2) What are the values for stakeholders? (3) How does conductor co-create with stakeholders? (4) For conductor, what are the key factors to maximize value of holding SimpleLife festival? The findings of this research demonstrate:(1) Participants, sponsors(7-ELEVEN), place provider(Huashan1914 Creative Park), and internet platform(StreetVoice) are the stakeholders of SimpleLife Festival, they gathered by identifying the same lifestyle concept. It creates brand value of lifestyle and promoting value. (2) Participants get income and promoting value; sponsors get income and generate branding; place provider gains awareness and core competence, and backup platform increases stickiness from users. (3) The conductor co-creates with stakeholders by utilizing four powers: build platform, enhance engagement of stakeholders, interacting frequently, and provide values. (4) For organizations, leaders with trends investigation and a team with both commerce and art brain are needed. For operation, clear business model is needed, not only define clear key resources and key process, but build the backup platform is the key factor of operating in the long run.

Guldägg till frukost och bra betalt : - Vad påverkar reklamares val av arbetsplats

Klahr, Cisela, Forsberg, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
<p>Problem</p><p>Det är viktigt att som reklambyrå ha duktiga medarbetare, eftersom värdet för kunderna ligger i medarbetarnas kreativitet, kunskap och skicklighet. För mindre byråer och byråer utanför Stockholm kan det vara ett problem att hitta duktiga medarbetare med erfarenhet. En förutsättning för att kunna attrahera denna grupp är att veta vad de anser viktigt vid val av arbetsplats.</p><p>Syfte</p><p>Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka olika variabler som påverkar arbetsval hos kreativa arbetstagare, med avgränsning till dem som varit eller är anställda vid reklambyråer i Stockholm, samt att undersöka vilka variabler som skulle kunna få denna grupp att överväga att arbeta på en reklambyrå utanför Stockholm.</p><p>Metod</p><p>Undersökningen utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tolv respondenter, vilka samtliga hade minst två års erfarenhet som strateg eller kreatör vid en reklambyrå i Stockholm samt varit tillgängliga för intervju mellan den 6 november och den 27 december 2007.</p><p>Resultat</p><p>Resultatet i utredningen beskriver målgruppens uppfattning gällande variabler som påverkar val av arbetsplats. I slutsatserna diskuteras vad utredningens resultat innebär för en reklambyrå som arbetsgivare. Utredningen visar på att det för byråer utanför Stockholm kan bli svårt att rekrytera människor som byggt upp sin karriär i Stockholmsområdet och hunnit rota sig där. Möjligheten finns dock om en byrå visar sig stark på de variabler som framkommit som viktiga för respondenterna. I denna utredning blev följande variabler högst rankade som viktiga nog att kunna påverka respondenterna att arbeta på annan ort än i Stockholm: Utmaning i arbetet som helhet, ekonomisk kompensation, professionell utveckling samt arbetsuppgifterna.</p> / <p>Problem</p><p>The greatest asset for an advertising agency is the creativity, knowledge and skill of their workforce. This is what creates value for the agency’s customer. Therefore it is of great importance for the agency to have skilled coworkers. It can be a problem for small advertising agencies and for agencies outside of Stockholm to find employees who are skilled and experienced. In order to attract skilled employees it is of essence to know what these people consider to be important in the job choice decision.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to survey different variables that affect the job choice decision among creative employees and to examine which variables that would make them consider working at an advertising agency outside of Stockholm. The survey was limited to people that were or are employed at advertising agencies in Stockholm.</p><p>Method The survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews. The twelve interviewees all had at least two years of experience at an advertising agency in Stockholm and were available for interview between the 6th of November and the 27th of December 2007.</p><p>Result</p><p>The result of the survey describes the perception of the interviewees on the variables that affect the job choice decision. The conclusions discuss the impact that the results have on an advertising agency as employer. The survey shows that it might be difficult for advertising agencies outside of Stockholm to recruit employees who have built up their career in the Stockholm area. There is however a possibility to succeed if an agency can prove themselves solid when it comes to the variables that the interviewees perceived as important. The following variables were the ones that obtained the highest score regarding the importance when it comes to making the interviewees considering working outside of Stockholm: Challenge in the work, economic compensation, professional development and the work tasks.</p>

Guldägg till frukost och bra betalt : - Vad påverkar reklamares val av arbetsplats

Klahr, Cisela, Forsberg, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
Problem Det är viktigt att som reklambyrå ha duktiga medarbetare, eftersom värdet för kunderna ligger i medarbetarnas kreativitet, kunskap och skicklighet. För mindre byråer och byråer utanför Stockholm kan det vara ett problem att hitta duktiga medarbetare med erfarenhet. En förutsättning för att kunna attrahera denna grupp är att veta vad de anser viktigt vid val av arbetsplats. Syfte Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka olika variabler som påverkar arbetsval hos kreativa arbetstagare, med avgränsning till dem som varit eller är anställda vid reklambyråer i Stockholm, samt att undersöka vilka variabler som skulle kunna få denna grupp att överväga att arbeta på en reklambyrå utanför Stockholm. Metod Undersökningen utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tolv respondenter, vilka samtliga hade minst två års erfarenhet som strateg eller kreatör vid en reklambyrå i Stockholm samt varit tillgängliga för intervju mellan den 6 november och den 27 december 2007. Resultat Resultatet i utredningen beskriver målgruppens uppfattning gällande variabler som påverkar val av arbetsplats. I slutsatserna diskuteras vad utredningens resultat innebär för en reklambyrå som arbetsgivare. Utredningen visar på att det för byråer utanför Stockholm kan bli svårt att rekrytera människor som byggt upp sin karriär i Stockholmsområdet och hunnit rota sig där. Möjligheten finns dock om en byrå visar sig stark på de variabler som framkommit som viktiga för respondenterna. I denna utredning blev följande variabler högst rankade som viktiga nog att kunna påverka respondenterna att arbeta på annan ort än i Stockholm: Utmaning i arbetet som helhet, ekonomisk kompensation, professionell utveckling samt arbetsuppgifterna. / Problem The greatest asset for an advertising agency is the creativity, knowledge and skill of their workforce. This is what creates value for the agency’s customer. Therefore it is of great importance for the agency to have skilled coworkers. It can be a problem for small advertising agencies and for agencies outside of Stockholm to find employees who are skilled and experienced. In order to attract skilled employees it is of essence to know what these people consider to be important in the job choice decision. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to survey different variables that affect the job choice decision among creative employees and to examine which variables that would make them consider working at an advertising agency outside of Stockholm. The survey was limited to people that were or are employed at advertising agencies in Stockholm. Method The survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews. The twelve interviewees all had at least two years of experience at an advertising agency in Stockholm and were available for interview between the 6th of November and the 27th of December 2007. Result The result of the survey describes the perception of the interviewees on the variables that affect the job choice decision. The conclusions discuss the impact that the results have on an advertising agency as employer. The survey shows that it might be difficult for advertising agencies outside of Stockholm to recruit employees who have built up their career in the Stockholm area. There is however a possibility to succeed if an agency can prove themselves solid when it comes to the variables that the interviewees perceived as important. The following variables were the ones that obtained the highest score regarding the importance when it comes to making the interviewees considering working outside of Stockholm: Challenge in the work, economic compensation, professional development and the work tasks.

數位時代下文化創意產業營運模式創新研究 / A research on business model innovation of cultural creative industry in the digital era

王馨晨 Unknown Date (has links)
數位科技蓬勃發展所帶來的數位浪潮,無遠佛屆影響每個人生活與行為,重視與善用科技已是未來產業發展之重要趨勢之一,而文創業者如何因應變千萬化的數位環境,並藉藝術、人文與科技如何整合,並創造更多的能量,是本研究關心的話題。 本研究探討web2.0自2005年興起後至2012年3月七年間之數位科技新趨勢,對文創產業帶來的加值與影響,以內容分析法為主,個案研究法為輔,總共蒐集38個文創營運模式創新中英文個案,利用營運模式四大支柱—營運面、產品面、顧客面、收益面—作為交叉分析的依據,進而歸納出四大構面下,受科技所激發之文創營運模式創新行為(what),此外並更進一步探究其中兩創新個案之轉型過程與經營策略(how)。 本研究共有下列幾點發現: 1. 營運面—數位科技驅使文創業者異業結盟或跨足科技領域經營/網路平台拉近產業上下游距離,造成合作夥伴改變/設計新思維/網路效率提高產品替換率。 2. 產品面—加深消費者體驗/融入趣味化元素/更豐富多元與實惠之產品/創造新型態藝術作品。 3. 顧客面—產品通路不斷創新/社群經營提高顧客互動性與黏著度/創造精準行銷新管道/行銷工具多媒體化並無所不在/開拓年輕新族群/服務升級。 4. 財務面—降低成本/改變內容業者獲利模式/延長產品生命週期,增加獲利能力/集體行銷,創造群聚效應/累積小眾市場,發揮長尾經濟。 欲成功藉科技之力成功推動轉型爭取競爭優勢,文創業者必須了解數位環境經營的特殊性、爭取上層支持、聆聽消費者聲音、保持獲利模式彈性,並搭乘科技轉型列車,不斷解決問題與創新。本研究希冀幫助文創業者深入了解數位科技所帶來之創新與加值,提供其在思考現狀突破以及數位時代下經營之參考。 / Rapid technology advancement brings overwhelming influences on people’s lives and behaviors in digital era. The use of technologies becomes more and more crucial to the development of business. The purpose of this study is to find out how companies in cultural and creative industries improve core competence by leveraging Information and Communication Technologies. This study focuses on latest ICT that is used within 7 years from the beginning of Web2.0 until March 2012. The study includes 38 business model innovation cases with content analysis as the primary research method, to conclude the influence of technologies on 4 business model pillars in cultural creative industry---Infrastructure, product, customer, finance. The thesis also delves into progress and insight of how two cases successfully transform business by using technologies. The finding shows that in order to transform successfully by leveraging ICT, company leaders need to understand the different requirements in digital business environment, to gain as much support from company superiors as possible, to listen to customers, to keep flexibility, and to keep solving problems. The purpose of this study is to help companies in cultural creative industry have better understanding of the digital environment, grab opportunities in time, and keep competitive edges in digital era.


林鈺淳 Unknown Date (has links)
從本質上來看,動畫產業屬於創意內容產業,具有巨大的經濟潛力。動畫影片除了播映產生的直接收益外,還蘊含了龐大的週邊產品授權市場。往昔研究日本動畫產業的文獻,內容多著重描述產業的發展歷史,而在產業運作模式的整體分析部分,往往著墨較少。基於個人對日本動畫產業的興趣,以及創意內容產業與日遽增的重要性,希望能透過一個整體性的架構,剖析日本動畫產業的運作方式,找出產業價值鏈發展的關鍵因素,供產界、學界往後研究日本動畫產業參考。 本研究依照產業價值鏈的研究架構,從次級資料中整理、分析日本動畫產業的發展歷程,希望能夠回答以下的研究問題: 1. 從價值鍊理論的觀點,探討日本動畫產業從1950年代到2000年代的發展歷程以及歷史背景因素的影響。希望能建構出一整體性的日本動畫產業價值鏈。 2. 藉由產業價值鏈的建構過程,釐清日本動畫產業內的重要價值活動,以及彼此之間相互影響的關係。 3. 綜合以上研究,希望能找出日本動畫產業發展的關鍵因素。 本研究之結論可摘要如下: 一、 日本動畫產業的價值鏈的內涵,可分為五個環節來描述 1. 原始創意:「原始創意」乃是動畫作品製作流程中,最早期投入的「原料」。包含動畫作品故事的題材選用、各項設定如人物、場景、美術設定、以及說故事的表現手法。 2. 資源募集:原料備妥後,為了要進入製作動畫的階段,還必須要有資金、人才、以及技術的到位,稱之為「資源募集」。資源募集包含了資金的籌措方式、人才培育的制度機構、以及動畫技術的創新突破。 3. 動畫製作:動畫製作的階段可再細分為許多的細項,但是對產業發展的過程來說,關鍵點不在於製作流程中某一項活動的創新,而是整體製作流程的演進,包含:垂直整合、專業分工、以及動畫製程的改變。 4. 內容流通:動畫作品製作完成後,需要經由種種的通路,將作品的影響力傳播出去。傳播的管道不限於一般的播送通路如電視、電影,也有可能是通過參加影展、參加專為動畫作品設置的競賽、接受某些動畫獎項的評審。此外,在內容流通的過程中,政府法規所扮演的角色,可能是助力,亦有可能是阻力。 5. 價值回收:經過內容流通的階段後,動畫作品的影響力傳播出去,這時候廠商開始透過許多不同的管道,進行價值回收的活動。除了直接針對傳播媒體收取播送的權利金、透過電影院的票房分紅外,透過肖像授權的方式所衍生出來的周邊事業,更是龐大的商機所在。 二、 價值鏈上的各環節存在著互相鏈結的現像 6. 「原始創意」環節的改變,會影響「內容流通」、「價值回收」等環節。 7. 「資源募集」環節的改變,會影響「原始創意」、「動畫製作」、「內容流通」、「價值回收」等全部環節。 8. 「動畫製作」環節的改變,會影響「原始創意」、「內容流通」等環節。 9. 「內容流通」環節的改變,會影響「原始創意」、「價值回收」。 10. 「價值回收」環節的改變,會影響「內容流通」環節。 三、 日本動畫產業發展的關鍵因素,在於完整價值鏈的建立,以及價值鏈內不同環節之間鏈結的強固 11. 在「原始創意」部分,日本動畫題材與表現手法的豐富,是發展歷程每個階段不斷累積的成果。 12. 「資源募集」部分,資金的來源多元、人才的培育制度化、技術不斷的創新,使得日本動畫產業在這部份相當具有競爭力。 13. 「動畫製作」部分,隨著流動通路的改變能夠採用不同的模式;並且發展出兩大軸線:虫製作的「有限動畫」和吉卜力工作室的「精緻製作」。 14. 「內容流通」和「價值回收」部分,新的動畫放映通路不斷的出現,伴隨著各種價值回收的手法開發出來,使得日本動畫產業在周邊商品的行銷上具有相當的能耐。 四、 日本動畫產業價值鏈的分析方式,不僅可應用於動畫產業,更可應用於其他相關之文化創意產業範疇 15. 本研究乃是依據Porter所提出之價值鏈理論作為建構產業價值鏈之工具,並輔以文獻探討中關於文化創意產業經濟特性以及電影產業價值鏈的回顧,將原先Porter之「製造業」思維之產業價值鏈,轉化為「軟體產業」思維之產業價值鏈。 16. 凡是文化創意產業中具有與動畫產業類似之創意投入、內容產製、流通、價值回收之產業,諸如電影產業、遊戲產業、音樂產業……等,都可以本研究所提出之產業價值鏈之分析模式,作為產業發展分析之工具。 / Essentially, animation industry, as a category of creative industries, has great economic potential. They include direct revenue from exhibitions and and there is a big market of related products. Most documents about Japanese animation industry focus on the history of industry development; total analysis of industrial operation is relatively less emphasized. Based on my personal interests in Japanese animation industry and the increasing importance of creative industries, this research will analyze the operation of Japanese animation industry and figure out the key factors in its value chain development. The objective of this research is to answer the following questions: 1. From the viewpoint of value chain theory, to study the history of Japanese animation industry between 1950 to 2000 in order to build a complete industrial value chain. 2. Through the building process of industrial value chain, identify the key value activities and the mutual effects among them. 3. Upon analysis, identify the key factors of Japanese animation industry development. The conclusions of this research can be summarized as below: A. The contents of the value chain of the Japanese animation industry can be described as five core elements. 1. Original creativity: Original creativity is the raw materials of the animation film production which are injected at the early stage, including the story, characters, scene, and art. 2. Resources collection: Before entering the stage of production, some resources are essential, such as capital, human resource, and technology. 3. Production: From the industrial viewpoint, we focus on the change of production process, including vertical integration, specialization and division of labor. 4. Contents distribution: Through various kinds of channels, the influences of animation films are spread out. The channels include television, theaters, exhibitions, contests, and awards. Also, the government and laws play the roles as help or blockage. 5. Value recycle: After the influence of animation films are spread out, enterprises begin to gain value recycle through several ways, such as premium, distribute profits, and especially the sales of related products. B. The five elements of the value chain are connected with different chains. 6. Changes of “Original creativity” have effects on “Contents distribution” and “Value recycle”. 7. Changes of “Resources collection” have effects on “Original creativity”, “Production”, “Contents distribution“ and “Value recycle”. 8. Changes of “Production” have effects on “Original creativity” and “Contents distribution”. 9. Changes of “Contents distribution” have effects on “Original creativity” and “Value recycle”. 10. Changes of “Value recycle” have effects on “Contents distribution”. C. The key factors of Japanese animation industry development are the construction of complete industrial value chain and the strong connections among the chains of different elements. 11. In the part of “Original creativity”, the rich contents about stories and performances of Japanese animations are the results of long-term accumulation. 12. In the part of “Resources collection”, multiple sources of capital, systematic education of human resource and continuous innovations of technology make Japanese animation industry very competitive. 13. In the part of “Production”, variable production processes are adopted according to different exhibition channels. There goes two major production processes: “Limited animation” and “Refined animation”. 14. In the part of “Contents distribution” and “Value recycle”, continuous invention of new exhibition channels and methods of value recycle make the Japanese animation industry very proficient in marketing the related products. D. The analysis methods of this research can apply to not only the animation industry, but also to the other fields within the creative industries. 15. This research transforms the “manufacturing” industrial value chain model mentioned by Michael E. Porter into the “software” one, based on the reviews of documents. 16. The analysis methods of this research work on those industries with similar creativity injection, production, distribution, and value recycle as the animation industry, such as movie, music, video game industries.

松山文化創意園區之空間體驗分析 / Spatial and Experiential Analysis of the Sungshan Cultural and Creative Park

簡瑋君, Chien,Wei-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究擬從個人空間體驗出發,從其角度研究松山文化創意園區空間實際所帶給進入空間的消費者體驗為何。期望藉由消費者的觀點,讓我們檢視個案的角度與發現較貼切、細緻解決問題的方式。進而可以針對現況提出建議與未來的方案參考。為回應上述的研究目的與問題,在研究方法上採取深度訪談與參與觀察法並行。本研究結果顯示,整體空間的利用與運用的感受是正面的。空間的規劃一次滿足不同消費者的需求與提供休憩地方。在空間的規劃是否適當上內容是主要決定因素。例如展覽性質與空間性質不符合、過於商業化。商業空間內容占用整體空間比例過高。其次,利用空間時,是否尊重空間本身歷史與原貌的態度。 在消費空間的佈局設計發現,整體園區中利用不同空間組合、搭配與混搭。創造出空間的層次與體驗。形成不同的消費空間形式。最後,消費者對於文化創意園區的期待與想像,對空間再利用抱持積極與正面的態度。可惜的是,對於松山文化創意園區所延伸出對文化創意產業的定位,與屬於我們的自身文化本質的討論是缺乏的。這也是未來可以再進一步深思研究的方向。 / This study is based on the personal spatial experience toward Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. From the consumers’ point of view, we depict and review the actual spatial experience, so as to find out more detailed and appropriate observations for space utility. It is hoped that this research finding can be used to make recommendations for the current situation and future modification. According to the above research object, the research methodology employs in-depth interview and participant observation at the same time. Major study findings are: 1.The overall experience of space usage is positive. 2.The space provides services and contents to meet different consumers’ needs. 3.The main concern of space evaluation depends on the space contents, for example, the feature of exhibitions is too commercial, and the proportion of space usage for the cultural related events is relatively low. 4.The space is designed for different functions and objectives and thus creates different forms of consumption space. Overall, the respondents have positive and proactive attitudes toward the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park space usage. However, we still need to keep in mind that, whether the true value behind the reused space reflects its cultural and historical contextual experience, is the subject to be pursued in the future.

農產加工業轉型體驗型農企業之研究 / The transformation process of conventional industries from manufacturing to experience-argribusiness

陳佩妤, Chen, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
台灣曾被稱為蘭花王國、植物王國、水果王國,這都在在的說明台灣農業有著得天獨厚的特色,台灣的土壤條件、天然氣候、歷史軌跡、人文智慧等風土條件是其他產業所無法擁有的,台灣農產加工品的風格競爭力是有足夠的力量來替台灣產業找到出路。台灣的消費社會已經從符號消費進入體驗消費,藉由打造品牌,注入文化,營造體驗提供給消費者真實感的附加價值,能夠重新詮釋台灣農產品的獨特與價值,以提升台灣農企業的市場競爭力。過去以生產為主的農產加工業想轉型必須運用文化、創意、美學,橫跨一級農業、二級工業與三級服務業的價值鏈,透過「1+2+3」的產業組合,發揮「1 X 2 X 3」的綜效成為第六產業。 本研究透過體驗型農企業(概念同文化創意產業)的體驗核心要素與真實體驗Authenticity兩個概念,研究農產加工業轉型經營體驗型農企業的過程,透過動態能力的架構探討企業如何調整原有的組織能力與資源,進而建構品牌、營造體驗價值的動態歷程。研究問題如下:(1)農產加工業轉型為體驗型農企業的過程為何?(2)體驗型農企業的內涵為何?(3)體驗型農企業如何藉由營造品牌真實體驗提高附加價值? 本研究發現,(1)農產加工業轉型為體驗型農企業的過程中,經營者是相當重要的掌舵人,不能搖擺。做中學是轉型很重要的助力。更要善用風土資產、產業文化資產當成發展體驗型農企業的武器。(2)轉型成體驗型農企業必須提出生活風格提案,藉由說一個真誠的故事,打造體驗型農企業的獨特形象,做出區隔。(3)藉由包含企業差異故事的獨立空間當作一獨特的媒介元素,品牌說故事的效果能達到差異化。空間經驗的體驗應包含形態、動線、相互作用、活動、背景環境。體驗型農企業的美感體驗打造應該從平面設計⇒產品設計⇒空間⇒城鎮。(4)體驗型農企業需要提供具有教育及忘我的體驗營造深度體驗的營造,讓體驗更加深刻。另一個深度體驗營造的要素是工作人員的服務,藉由工作人員與顧客的互動帶給顧客一場精彩又深刻的表演。(5)體驗型農企業營造品牌真實體驗提高附加價值的時候,要利用農產品的風土條件讓顧客感受到產品的天然性。勇於提供與市面上大部份產品不同的產品於服務,帶來原創性與獨特性的真實。體驗型農企業必須提出獨特經營理念,且真誠地執行,得到消費者影響性的認同。藉由勾起懷舊回憶或歷史的場域空間,與獨特的活動及服務,使顧客無可救藥地注意並喜歡上體驗型農企業提供的體驗。(6)最後必須用自己獨特的方式融合五個面向的真實價值,讓顧客感受到最真實體驗的感動,所以顧客願意花較高的價格購買產品或服務,提高體驗型農企業的獲利。 / Taiwan has been called as the kingdom of plants, the kingdom of fruits. The reason is the unique terrior capital of Taiwan, such as soil, weather, history, and human. By building the brand, putting the culture in, and creating the experience to customer, they could feel the added value and the unique of Taiwan’s agricultural produce. The agricultural processing industry in Taiwan had been regarded as the primary industrial sectors. However, the agricultural processing industry is transforming to Sixth industry, which integrates the primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry by culture, creative and aesthetics. The integration of different industrial sectors (1+2+3) got the synergy (1X2X3). There are two essential concepts in the study, one is the core experience element of experience-agribusiness (the concept is similar with the culture- creative industry), and the other one is Authenticity. Based on the two concepts, the research is to investigate the dynamic constructing process of the agricultural processing industry in Taiwan’s transformation, building brand, and creating the experience value. This research aims to investigate following questions: (1) What is the transformation process form the agricultural processing industries to experience-agribusiness? (2) What are the essential elements in the experience- agribusiness? (3) How does experience-agribusiness to increase added value by building brand? The preliminary research findings include 1. The owner should be determinate, which means the owner clearly know the vision. Learning by doing is the best way to successfully transform. The terroir capital and industrial culture is the very important tool. 2. The experience-agribusiness always tells a life style story to build a unique image. The space is the proper media, which includes shape, movement, event, interaction, and context. 3. The experience-agribusiness provides affective experience, which is educational, obsessed experience. The experience is given by the interaction of staff and customer. 4. The authenticity is the core of added value of experience-agribusiness. By integrating the five elements of authenticity, which are natural, original, exceptional, referential, influential elements. Afterward, customer is willing to pay more for the added value.

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