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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El obstáculo en la comedia de musulmanes y cristianos de Lope de Vega

Sauma Guidi, Carmen Sofía January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

De la communauté de savoir à l’inspiration intime : la petite revue de patrimoine, marqueur de nouvelles identités régionales en France sous la IIIe République / Small magazines about local heritage as markers for a definition of regional identities under the IIIth Republic

Dhermy, Arnaud 14 October 2017 (has links)
Corolaire de l'exode rural et de l'industrialisation, une attention au patrimoine local et à l'espace régional se fait jour en France à la fin du 19e siècle. Cet intérêt se manifeste en particulier à travers le renouvellement et le dynamisme de revues destinées à de nouvelles catégories sociales aspirant à une activité culturelle. Préfiguration du magazine, ces revues contribuent au sein des espaces français à définir des identités régionales. Elle permettent d'élargir les critères de patrimonialisation, auparavant cantonnés à l'histoire, à la littérature et à la philologie, et à démocratiser par la mise à l'honneur des traditions populaires, de la pratique personnelle des espaces (tourisme, environnement) et de leur approche esthétique. Elles tendent aussi à individualiser un rapport jusque-là communautaire aux territoires. Elles marquent enfin le renouvellement d'une vision du patrimoine à base d'héritage et d'atavisme, au profit d'une notion plus moderne de patrimoine d'élection, notamment dans le cadre de l'évasion par rapport au quotidien. / Corollary of the rural exodus and the industrialization, a focus on the local heritage and on the regional area emerges in France at the end of the 19th century. This concern manifests itself through the regeneration and the dynamism of journals intended for new social groups yearning for cultural activities. Prefiguration of the magazine, these journals contribute, inside of French Regions, to the definition of the regional identities. They enable the expansion of the making of heritage, previously limited to history, literature and philology, and its democratization, thanks to the valorization of popular traditions, to the private practice of the areas (tourism, environment) et to its esthetical approach. They also seek the individualization of a so far communal relation to territories. Finally, they rejuvenate a conception of heritage based on legacy and atavism, in favor of a more modern concept of chosen heritage, especially in the context of escaping daily life.

Etude et édition critique annotée de Carlos V en Francia de Lope de Vega / Introductory study and critical edition with notes of Carlos V en Francia from Lope de Vega

Capique, Luc 06 September 2014 (has links)
La production théâtrale du Siècle d’Or espagnol com-prend de nombreuses pièces traitant de sujets historiques con-temporains. L’intérêt pour cette matière historique s’observe particulièrement chez un dramaturge emblématique de cette période : Lope de Vega. Bien que la finalité de cet emploi puisse être variée, elle possède souvent un intérêt extra dra-matique. Le choix des événements mis en scène par Lope de Vega est souvent en lien avec des événements correspondant au moment de l’écriture de la pièce. La comedia Carlos V en Francia, écrite en 1604, fait partie de ces pièces historiques où l’on constate une altération des événements en lien avec l’actualité politique de l’époque. Le travail de thèse ici présenté propose une édition critique annotée de Carlos V en Francia de Lope de Vega, précédée d’une étude introductive centrée, premièrement, sur son aspect historique et son intérêt extra dramatique, puis sur les spécificités des mécanismes drama-tiques mis en œuvre dans cette pièce par le dramaturge no-tamment en ce qui concerne dans le système des person-nages, la versification et la structure. / The theatrical production of the Spanish Golden Age pro-poses numerous plays dealing with contemporary historical subjects. The interest for this historical material can be particu-larly observed in a symbolic playwright of this period: Lope de Vega. Although the purpose of this material can vary, it often possesses an extradramatic interest. The choice of events staged by Lope de Vega is often connected to corresponding events at the time of writing. The play Carlos V en Francia, written in 1604, is a part of these historical plays where we notice an alteration of events in connection with the political current events of Lope de Vega’s time. The work of the thesis presented here proposes a critical edition with notes of Carlos V en Francia by Lope de Vega, preceded by an introductory study which focuses foremost on its historic aspect and its extradramatic interest; and on the dramatic mechanisms de-veloped by the playwright in the system of the characters, the versification and the structure.

Santa Teresa de Jesús y la melancolía : un estudio sobre la enfermedad melancólica en los escritos teresianos

Álvarez-Vélez, Bety 08 1900 (has links)
Religieuse, fondatrice, mystique, docteure de l’Église catholique, et auteur de textes autobiographiques, doctrinaux, épistolaires et poétiques, Sainte Thérèse d’Avila (1515-1582) est l’une des personnalités majeures de la littérature mystique du Siècle d’Or espagnol. Profondément observatrice de la nature humaine, elle a écrit avec une simplicité profonde sur la maladie mélancolique, un trouble des humeurs qui a vraiment affecté la société de cette époque attirant l’intérêt des médecins, philosophes et religieux. Ce mémoire examine à la lumière d’une perspective interdisciplinaire le traitement de la mélancolie dans la littérature thérésienne dans le cadre des idées exposées dans les textes Vida (1562-65), Las moradas (1577) et Fundaciones (1573-1582), appuyées de cas concrets décrits dans les lettres de Thérèse et le livre Procesos de beatificación y canonización de Santa Teresa de Jesús. La première partie expose un survol sur certains traits de la mélancolie conçus dans la pensée occidentale antique et médiévale ainsi que ses influences reformulées par la société espagnole des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Ensuite, il est proposé un dialogue entre Thérèse et le discours de plusieurs textes médicaux, suivi des rapports complémentaires entre ses déclarations et quelques œuvres ascétiques et mystiques d’autres auteurs catholiques de cette période. La deuxième partie fournit l’analyse des mots clés utilisés par l’écrivaine pour décrire la mélancolie ainsi que des considérations naturelles et préternaturelles autour de cette maladie. Finalement, ce travail présente la systématisation de ses causes, symptômes et souffrances, types de mélancoliques et formes de traitement. / Religious, founder, mystic, doctor of the Catholic Church, Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) was a relevant figure during the Spanish Golden Age. Her writings include autobiographical, doctrinal, epistolary and poetic texts. Being a deep observer of human nature, Teresa wrote with deep simplicity about melancholy which was a disease caused by a humor’s disorder that greatly affected society at that time. This fact drew the attention of physicians, philosophers and religious authors. This Master’s thesis examines the treatment of melancholy in Teresa’s literature from an interdisciplinary perspective in the framework of the ideas exposed in Vida (1562-65), Las moradas (1577) and Fundaciones (1573-1582), complemented by some cases described in her letters and in the book Procesos de beatificación y canonización de Santa Teresa de Jesús. The first part exposes a general overview of certain features of melancholy according to the ancient and medieval Western thought, as well as its influences, which were reformulated by the Spanish society during 16th and 17th centuries. Afterwards, this study proposes a dialogue between Teresa and some medical writing’s discourse, followed by complementary connections between her statements and some ascetic and mystical works of other catholic authors of this time. The second part provides an analysis of the keywords used by the writer for describing melancholy as well as some natural and preternatural considerations about this illness. Finally, this work presents a systematization of its causes, symptoms and sufferings, types of melancholic persons and healing treatment variations. / Religiosa, fundadora, mística, doctora de la Iglesia Católica y autora de textos autobiográficos, doctrinales, epistolares y poéticos, Santa Teresa de Jesús (1515-1582) fue una de las personalidades más sobresalientes del Siglo de Oro. Siendo una gran observadora de la naturaleza humana, escribió con simplicidad profunda sobre la enfermedad melancólica, un trastorno humoral que afectaba seriamente la sociedad de su tiempo y atrajo la atención de médicos, filósofos y religiosos. Esta memoria examina a través de una perspectiva interdisciplinaria el tratamiento de la melancolía en la literatura teresiana en el marco de las ideas expuestas en Vida (1562-65), Las moradas (1577) y Fundaciones (1573-1582), complementados por algunos casos concretos descritos en sus cartas y en el libro Procesos de beatificación y canonización de Santa Teresa de Jesús. La primera parte expone un panorama sobre ciertos rasgos de la melancolía según el pensamiento antiguo y medieval así como sus influencias reformuladas por la sociedad española de los siglos XVI y XVII. Posteriormente, este estudio propone un diálogo entre Teresa y el discurso de varios textos médicos, seguido de las relaciones de complementariedad entre sus afirmaciones y algunas obras ascéticas y místicas de otros autores católicos de ese periodo. La segunda parte plantea un análisis de palabras clave utilizadas por la escritora para describir la melancolía, así como algunas consideraciones naturales y preternaturales respecto a esta enfermedad. Finalmente, este trabajo presenta una sistematización acerca de las causas, síntomas y padecimientos, tipos de melancólicos y formas de tratamiento.

Vývoj "Indie Game" / Indie Game Development

Zachariáš, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with development of indie game - independently-developed game. It describes important moments in computer games history. It clarifies terms like golden age of video arcade games and video game crash of 1983. Further it explains history and origin of indie game phenomenon. It describes some of the differences between independent and commercial game development. In next chapter it presents some game engines which are suitable for independent game development. And in the last chapter it describes the design and implementation of game engine and game running on it.

Justas ensoñaciones. Estudio jurídico de los Sueños de Quevedo / Just dreams. A legal study of Quevedo's Sueños

Mundo Guinot, Marta January 2021 (has links)
Los Sueños de Quevedo es una obra satírica que contiene una incisiva crítica social, de la que no escapa la realidad jurídica de la época. Con la ayuda que prestan los puentes metodológicos generados con la combinación de las ciencias literaria y jurídica, en este trabajo de investigación interdisciplinar se analiza el componente jurídico presente de forma dispersa en esta narración ficcional de naturaleza satírica, estudiando su contenido y forma de presentación en base a la clasificación que se propone de los elementos de carácter jurídico. Mediante su comparación con fuentes documentales jurídicas de la época y con el filtro que proporciona el pensamiento pluridimensional filosófico y doctrinal del autor, se pretende además una aproximación a las circunstancias histórico-jurídicas de finales del siglo XVI y principios del XVII, así como, a la visión que tiene Quevedo de la misma y la valoración que otorga a la administración de justicia y a la justicia misma, contribuyendo con ello al mejor conocimiento de la obra literaria, de su creador y de la época en la que se escribió. / Sueños by Quevedo is a satirical work that contains an incisive social criticism, from which the legal reality of the time does not escape. This interdisciplinary research analyzes the legal component present in Quevedo’s fictional narrative with help from the methodological bridges built between the literary and legal sciences. In this paper a proposed classification of the legal elements is used as the basis for analysis of Sueños’ content and form. By comparing the results with legal documentary sources of the time and with the filter provided by the author's multidimensional philosophical and doctrinal thought, an approach to the historical-legal circumstances of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries is also reached, as well as, Quevedo's view and assessment of the administration of justice and justice itself in his contemporary society. The analysis contributes to a better understanding of Sueños, its author and the time in which it was written.

Der Fluyten Lust-Hof : En undersökning av Jacob van Eycks variationskonst

Petersson, Alicia January 2022 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker den nederländska kompositören Jacob van Eycks verk Der Fluyten Lust-hof och den variationsstil som används inom verket. Detta skedde genom studier av Ruth van Baak Griffioens avhandling Jacob van Eyck’s Der Fluyten Lust-Hof och Thiemo Winds avhandling Jacob van Eyck and the Others samt egna studier av variationerna inom verket. Detta kulminerade i sju egenskrivna variationer över den svenska psalmen Den blomstertid nu kommer i Jacob van Eycks ikoniska stil. Genom arbetet har jag uppnått en ökad förståelse om van Eycks liv, hans variationsteknik samt en friare interpretation och stilistisk säkerhet vid framtida framförande av hans musik / This essay investigates the Dutch composer Jacob van Eycks work Der Fluyten Lust-hof and the style of diminution which is used within the work. Previous works about Jacob van Eyck, such as Jacob van Eyck’s Der Fluyten Lust-Hof by Ruth van Baak Griffioen and Jacob van Eyck and the others by Thiemo Wind, as well as my own studies of the work are consulted in the studying of van Eycks variation style. This culminated in seven variations of the Swedish psalm Den blomstertid nu kommer written by my own hand in Jacob van Eycks iconic style. Throughout this work I have gained a better understanding about van Eycks life, his diminution technique as well as achieved a freer interpretation and stylistic confidence when preforming van Eycks music. / <p>Alicia Petersson (1998-)</p><p>Variationer i Jacob van Eycks variationsstil över Den blomstertid nu kommer </p><p>Alicia Petersson, blockflöjt</p>

Resurrecting Lope's Autos

King, Errol LeRoy 09 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
By the turn of the seventeenth century, the auto sacramental quickly became the most elaborate dramatic genre in Spain. Shortly after the Council of Trent, professional playwrights replaced clerics who had previously written autos for the Corpus Christi celebrations held each year, but none were more influential than Lope de Vega in refining thematic, literary, and staging elements and techniques. At the middle of the nineteenth century, critics began to study the genre that a royal decree had banned almost a century earlier; however, few have dedicated much time to Lope's autos. As a result, most critics have misunderstood Lope's contributions to the genre. This study addresses some of the issues that scholars have particularly misunderstood or ignored, namely, Lope's treatment of the Eucharistic theme in his autos, the level of dramatic unity displayed in his Corpus Christi plays, and the contribution of spectacle to the overall performance. Using a textual analysis of three of Lope's autos, I conclude that Lope could and did write profound, unified liturgical plays designed to disseminate Catholic dogma in an effective and entertaining manner. Each of the three autos used in this study, Las aventuras del Hombre, El viaje del Alma, and Los dos ingenios y esclavos, presents a protagonist representing mankind, who must learn to disregard evil influences faced in mortality and turn to Christ and the Eucharist for salvation. These elaborate liturgical performances, whose budgets exceeded those of the popular comedias of the day, all took place in city plazas around the country. In order to understand the deserved popularity that Lope's autos clearly enjoyed in their original setting, scholars need to return to the texts themselves and not merely rely on criticism.

“Hey Batman, What Are Your Parents Getting You For Christmas?”: The Orphan Narrative and Non-Traditional Families in American Superhero Publications

McWilliams, Ora C. 31 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Dom Quixote e o jovem leitor: estudo das adaptações da obra e sua recepção no âmbito escolar (Brasil e Espanha) / \"Don Quixote\" and the young reader: an analysis of adaptations of the work and its reception in the school context

Araujo, Paula Renata de 20 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor um diálogo entre a leitura do Quixote em contexto escolar e os estudos literários, por meio da análise do processo de transferência da obra canônica de Miguel de Cervantes para o sistema literário infantil. Apontamos, neste percurso, as principais questões, enfrentadas tanto por adaptadores da obra quanto por educadores, no que tange à complexa tarefa de colocar a obra ao alcance dos leitores infantojuvenis. Esta pesquisa permite discutir aspectos textuais, históricos e culturais das adaptações, além de sugerir uma abordagem prática da introdução do Quixote em contexto escolar que estimule o empoderamento do leitor infantojuvenil, resgatando seu papel de leitor ativo na própria narrativa cervantina. Palavras-chave: Dom Quixote de la Mancha, Escolarização da leitura, Ensino de espanhol, Adaptação, Literatura infantojuvenil, Formação do leitor, Empoderamento do leitor, Literatura espanhola século de ouro, Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), Recepção de Quixote / This research aims to propose a dialogue between the reading of Quixote in the school context and the literary studies, analyzing it by the process of transferring the Miguel de Cervantes canonical book to the childrens literary system. We focus on the main issues, faced by adapters and educators, in the complex task of providing the work to the childrens readers. This thesis allows us to discuss textual, historical and cultural aspects of the adaptations, as well as it suggests a practical approach to use of the Quixote in the school context, stimulating the empowerment of the childrens reader, and resignifying their active role in the Cervantes narrative.

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