Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe esource based view"" "subject:"ehe esource based wiew""
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Ergebnisheterogenität in der Strategischen Managementforschung - Analyse und LösungsmöglichkeitenSteigenberger, Norbert 13 January 2011 (has links)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit Methodenproblemen in der Strategischen Managementforschung. Auf Basis einer Meta-Analyse zum Zusammenhang zwischen Ressourcen im Sinne des Resource-based view und der Performance von Unternehmen werden verschiedene Erklärungen für die zu beobachtende Ergebnisheterogenität in den Primärstudien empirisch gegenübergestellt. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die Operationalisierung des Konstrukts "organisationale Leistung" den größten Beitrag zur Erklärung der Varianz der Studienergebnisse erbringt. Die Appropriationstheorie liefert einen überzeugenden Erklärungsansatz zum systematischen Zusammenhang zwischen Leistung und Studienergebnissen.:1. Einleitung 1
1.1 Problemstellung 1
1.2 Forschungsfragen, zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse, Aufbau und Einordnung 5
2. Grundlagen 8
2.1 Die Rolle von Theorie, Empirie und Hypothese in der Wissensgenerierung 8
2.2 Der Leistungsbegriff 19
2.3 Strategische Managementforschung 25
2.4 Zwischenfazit 30
3. Theoriegeleitete Analyse 33
3.1 Überblick 33
3.2 Das Problem der Populationsselektion 34
3.3 Das Appropriationsproblem 44
3.4 Das Time-Lag Problem 70
4 Qualitative Literaturreview 77
4.1 Forschungsansatz 77
4.2 Ergebnisse 89
4.3 Diskussion 96
5. Metaanalyse 99
5.1 Forschungsansatz 99
5.2 Hypothesenentwicklung 103
5.3 Daten und Operationalisierung 106
5.4 Analyse 113
5.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 141
5.6 Abgrenzung und Limitationen 153
6. Zusammenführung und Diskussion 157
6.1 Zusammenfassung der Kernergebnisse 157
6.2 Diskussion und Ausblick 165
Anhänge 174 / The dissertation thesis contrasts various explanations for heterogeneity in strategic management research findings using meta-analytical techniques. I evaluate research results for a well-known research questions in strategic management research, the relation between performance and resources in the framework of resource-based view, and find that the way how the construct ‘performance’ is being operationalized explains a significant part of the observed heterogeneity in research findings, distinctly more than problems like population selection or the unclear temporal link between dependent and independent variables. Appropriation theory is shown to provide a convincing explanation for the observed outcome.:1. Einleitung 1
1.1 Problemstellung 1
1.2 Forschungsfragen, zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse, Aufbau und Einordnung 5
2. Grundlagen 8
2.1 Die Rolle von Theorie, Empirie und Hypothese in der Wissensgenerierung 8
2.2 Der Leistungsbegriff 19
2.3 Strategische Managementforschung 25
2.4 Zwischenfazit 30
3. Theoriegeleitete Analyse 33
3.1 Überblick 33
3.2 Das Problem der Populationsselektion 34
3.3 Das Appropriationsproblem 44
3.4 Das Time-Lag Problem 70
4 Qualitative Literaturreview 77
4.1 Forschungsansatz 77
4.2 Ergebnisse 89
4.3 Diskussion 96
5. Metaanalyse 99
5.1 Forschungsansatz 99
5.2 Hypothesenentwicklung 103
5.3 Daten und Operationalisierung 106
5.4 Analyse 113
5.5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 141
5.6 Abgrenzung und Limitationen 153
6. Zusammenführung und Diskussion 157
6.1 Zusammenfassung der Kernergebnisse 157
6.2 Diskussion und Ausblick 165
Anhänge 174
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Effect of resources and entrepreneurial orientation on growth of small enterprises in Tigray Regional State, EthiopiaAregawi Ghebremichael Tirfe 08 1900 (has links)
The primary objective of this study was to examine how and to what extent
entrepreneurial orientation, firm internal resources and capital structure decisions
affect growth of small enterprises, following the resource- based view on
determinants of growth and static trade-off theory of capital structure as
theoretical frameworks. Regardless of the number of earlier study, there is no
consensus among scholars on determinants of growth due to the existence of
different theories and metrics of growth. Moreover, as the earlier studies were
undertaken in developed countries, their research findings could not permit
generalization on the effect of the explanatory variables on growth in less
developed countries like Ethiopia. Therefore, this research tried to fill the gap in
the existing body of knowledge on determinants of growth by contextualizing the
association of growth with firm specific factors and EO from the Ethiopian
context, more specifically from the context of Tigray Regional State. Besides,
extra variables that were either not considered or might have been tested
separately in earlier studies in Ethiopia were integrated into the regression model.
In this mixed explanatory cross-sectional research, systematic random sampling
techniques and structure questionnaire were applied to collect primary data from
333 small enterprises operating in five urban towns of Tigray region. Dependent
variable of the study was growth of small enterprises, defined as logarithm of
change in number of employees at the time of establishment and time of survey.
The explanatory variables comprise of entrepreneurial orientation with three
dimensions, tangible and intangible resources under the control of a given
enterprises, capital structure decisions, external factors such as marketing related
problems cost and accessibility of infrastructure, government policies and
bureaucracy, business development services were also included in the regression
model. Descriptive statistics, statistical difference tests, multiple regression
analysis and Propensity Score Matching were applied for the purpose of data
analysis with the help of Stata version 12 software. Majority of the small
enterprises demonstrated moderate degree of entrepreneurial orientation and
location nearer to major customers, entrepreneurial orientation, strong financial
position, access to credit and leverage have statistically significant positive effect
on growth of small enterprises which support the resource based view and static
trade-off theory of capital structure as well as the perceived hypothesis. On the
other hand, consistent to the hypothesis, age and size of small enterprises showed
negative significant effect on growth, that supports Jovanovich’s learning model
but against the Girbat’s law of proportionate effect. Moreover, the relationship
between education and growth was found to be non-linear or volatile-growth of
SEs tend to declined until certain level, reached a minimum level after which
SEs with more educated owners tend to grow faster. This implies that unless
owners’ years of education reach a very high level of schooling, a given increase
in years of schooling could not necessarily result into higher growth rate. Based
on the findings, the researcher suggests (i) in order to solve financial constraints
of SEs, stakeholder need introduction of National Credit Guarantee Fund,
Promotion of non-bank financial services, introduce Mandatory Minimum Bank
Loan to small enterprises, establish specialized banking system that specifically
support the small enterprise sector, (ii) provide working premises such as shades
at concessional cost, (iii) facilitate establishment of small enterprise commercial
centers, (iv) strengthen the clustering practices,(v) facilitate provision of adequate
infrastructure at reasonable price, (vi) as TVET completed individuals outperform
in growth rate, educational institutions in Ethiopia need to incorporate
competence based training system and entrepreneurship into their syllabus by
strengthening the industry university linkages / Business Management / DBL
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我國電信業者行動加值服務的新產品開發之研究-以行動音樂服務為例 / A Study on New Product Development of Mobile Services of Tele-operators: Mobile Music王鈴惠 Unknown Date (has links)
透過深度訪談電信業者,並配合相關次級資料蒐集與整理,進行彙整及分析之後,本研究獲得以下之主要結論:1.就策略性資源而言,電信業者掌握行動音樂服務之通路。2.電信業者建構之策略性資源與原有資源具有相關性。3.就新產品發展策略而言,行動音樂發展重點仍在於「強化現有行動用戶忠誠度」。4.電信業者委外動機與型態會影響其新產品發展。 / From 1G, 2G to 3G, the technology of telecommunication developed rapidly. The voice communication service gradually evolved towards the data transmission and the multimedia application and the mobile content services become much more important and diversified than before. Accordingly, tele-operators develop content products actively. However, the development of these products involves with many kinds of knowledge, such as fine art, music, programming, etc. Thus, we would expect that the enterprises have to utilize external resources to develop products timely.
Because many cell phones provide functions of digital music and ring tones can show forth users’ characteristics, therefore, the mobile music becomes one of the most popular service product. However, most of the past studies focused on strategy rather than new product development. Thus, we focus on the new product development of mobile value-added services in the research. The study aims to investigate the questions: 1. What are the strategic resources for developing mobile value-added services? 2. What is the value network to develop mobile value-added services? 3. What is the mechanism of utilizing external resources in the process of new product development? 4. What are the new product strategy and process of developing mobile value-added services? The study takes mobile music as an example to explore how tele-operators can accumulate enterprise resources and better utilize external resources for developing value-added services.
This study applies the deep interview method of qualitative research and secondary data analysis to study tele-operators in Taiwan. The preliminary research findings include: 1.The major marketing purpose of tele-operators’ developing mobile music is to reinforce the loyalty of existing customers. 2. What tele-operators dominate in the mobile music business is the channel. 3. The new strategic resources which the tele-operators build in the mobile music business is highly related to those existed before. 4. What motivates tele-operators to outsource will affect their ways of new product development.
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國際代理關係之維繫與延續 / Maintaining and Developing Relationships with International Manufacturers by Agents酈芃羽 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從代理商的角度,探討代理商如何避免被國外原廠取消代理權,以及 代理商即使面對被國外原廠取消代理權,其仍舊可以繼續生存的策略作為。本研究以交易成本理論與資源基礎理論,分別從國外原廠對當地市場的興趣、代理商與國外原廠的上游關係以及代理商與國內客戶的下游關係三個部分加以分析,探討代理商如何利用上、下游關係中的知識與資源,來維繫與發展與國外原廠之間的關係,避免被國外原廠取消代理權。再者,代理商可以透過運用知識與資源,使其在面對被國外原廠終止代理關係時,降低損失的程度、並提高生存空間。
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創新產品的資源拼湊與價值實現之研究:採新資源基礎觀點之定性與定量分析陳意文 Unknown Date (has links)
然而,創新產品具有「推陳出新」的特質,即強調資源的重組與新組合的實現(Schumpeter, 1912)。不過,關於資源的組合論述,卻過於籠統,並未觸及組合的建構內涵,也甚少探討投入組合的單一素材,其多重應用的可能性,亦即「資源發明」的議題。因此,本研究以人類學家Lévi-Strauss(1966)提出的拼湊(bricolage)概念,探討開發創新商品的資源拼湊與價值實現,以填補資源基礎觀點的不足。
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Hållbarhet och lönsamhet : Förhållandena mellan CSP och CFP i en svensk kontextBergquist, Maja, Tafvelin, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Under de senaste årtiondena har ansvarfullt företagande (CSR) varit ett ämne som erhållit allt mer fokus inom forskning och således även för företag och samhället i stort. CSR är ett ämne som är högst aktuellt då globalisering är ett faktum och medför att de företag som är verksamma idag bär ett globalt ansvar, då dessa är stora aktörer i en värld som kantas av ekonomiska kriser, miljöproblem och humanitär försummelse. Det ökade intresset från samhället för CSR har medfört att företagen idag ser detta som en strategisk investering och företags satsning i hållbarhetsaktiviteter har kommit att erhålla en allt större del av företags verksamhet. Frågan kvarstår om detta endast är en investering som ökar företagets etik och moral eller om det faktiskt är lönsamt, och även om lönsamma företag ökar sin investering i hållbarhetsarbete. En stor mängd forskning har utförts för att undersöka förhållandena mellan hållbarhet och lönsamhet, dock utan att konsensus i forskningsgrenen har uppkommit. Grundat på den nuvarande forskningssituationen syftade denna studie till att undersöka vilken effekt ansvarsfullt företagande har på olika lönsamhetsmått, samt vilken effekt de olika lönsamhetsmåtten har på ansvarsfullt företagande, i företag registrerade på large cap och mid cap på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. För att besvara studiens problemformulering och uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvantitativ forskningsansats brukats och ett urval av företag listade på large och mid cap Nasdaq OMX Stockholm har undersökts. För att sätta ett mått på ansvarsfullt företagande (CSP) har en innehållsanalys av företags årsrapporter och hållbarhetsrapporter genomförts, lönsamhetsmåtten (CFP) har utgått från redovisningsbaserade mått (ROE och ROA) samt ett marknadsbaserat mått (total avkastning). Vidare undersöks även relationen mellan variablerna, CSP och CFP, med en tidsaspekt och kontrollvariablerna storlek, risk, FoU och industritillhörighet har brukats. De teorier som har använts för att förklara CFP:s effekt på CSP är slappa resurser och direktörsopportunism, och effekten CSP har på CFP har teorierna intressentteorin, resursbaserad synvinkel och kompromissteorin använts. Det resultat som framkommit genom de multipla regressionerna som testat studiens hypoteser visar att ROE:s effekt på CSP är positiv, medan både ROA:s och avkastningens effekt på CSP är neutral. Slutsatsen blir således delad då lönsamhetsmåttet ROE visar att företag som har en högre lönsamhet kommer investera mer i hållbarhet, denna effekt knyts samman med teorin om slappa resurser. Å andra sidan visar både ROA och avkastning på en neutral effekt på CSP vilket ej kan knytas till varken slappa resurser eller direktöropportunism. Vidare när istället CSP:s effekt på ROE, ROA och avkastning undersökts visar samtliga på en neutral påverkan. Den slutsats som kan dras från detta resultat är att hållbarhetsarbete ej empiriskt kan säkerställa en högre eller lägre lönsamhet, och varken intressentteorin, resursbaserad synvinkel eller kompromissteorin kan förklara resultatet. Med icke-konklusiva resultat föreslår författarna för vidare forskning inom området där mer forskning i den svenska kontexten är nödvändig.
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[pt] Dada a importância dos provedores de serviços logísticos e
da existência
de uma carência na definição clara das fronteiras entre os
diversos tipos de Party
Logistics - PLs (1PL, 2 PL, 3PL, 4PL e 5PL), a presente
dissertação apresenta
uma proposta de metodologia para classificá-los baseada em
um estudo
exploratório fundamentado em uma análise da literatura
acadêmica. A
metodologia tem por base os conceitos de complexidade
logística, tipos de
contratos, responsáveis pela execução do serviço,
características do investimento,
formas de governança, tipos de relacionamentos,
capabilidades, vantagem
competitiva e agregação de valor à cadeia. A teoria do
custo de transação e a visão
baseada em recursos, auxiliam na elaboração da
metodologia. As características
são associadas aos PLs com o intuito de defini-los e de
indicar uma fronteira clara
entre cada um deles. / [en] Given the importance of logistic service providers and the
existence of a
lack in the definition frontiers among the different Party
Logistics - PLs (1PL,
2PL, 3PL, 4PL and 5PL), the present dissertation presents
a methodology
proposal to classify these Party Logistics based on an
exploratory study supported
by an analysis in the academic literature. The methodology
uses the following
concepts: logistic complexity, contract types, investment
governance forms, relationships types, responsible for the
service execution,
capabilities, competitive advantage, and value
aggregation. The transaction cost
theory and the resource-based view help in the elaboration
of the methodology.
The characteristics are associated to the PLs towards
defining them and indicating
a clear frontier among each of them.
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Capacidades da TI para o processo de inovação na empresa: um estudo de casos múltiplos em empresas inovadorasPetuco, Cintia Frigo 18 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-04-17T18:00:26Z
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Cintia Frigo Petuco.pdf: 1959266 bytes, checksum: c47c4257d0b2c1a65a407e9559530c05 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T18:00:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Cintia Frigo Petuco.pdf: 1959266 bytes, checksum: c47c4257d0b2c1a65a407e9559530c05 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-12-18 / Nenhuma / A inovação na empresa constantemente assume um dos papéis principais na sua busca por vantagem competitiva, diferenciação e melhores resultados. Por outro lado, a tecnologia da informação (TI) é vista como uma das principais áreas estratégicas da empresa e capaz de apoiar esse processo. Analisar que capacidades da TI contribuem para a inovação na empresa, foi a questão direcionadora desta dissertação. Os objetivos específicos traçados tiveram a finalidade de responder a esse questionamento, detalhando que capacidades da TI estão envolvidas nesse processo, entendendo como a contribuição das mesmas ocorre em relação à inovação na empresa, identificando ainda capacidades da TI inibidoras e capacidades da TI desejáveis, mas incipientes ou ausentes atualmente na empresa. Para isso, o estudo contou previamente com uma revisão da literatura, a fim de esclarecer conceitos e características sobre inovação e empresas inovadoras, bem como recursos e capacidades, enfocando especificamente as capacidades da TI. A partir dessa revisão, um modelo teórico de pesquisa foi elaborado, tornando-se a base para a realização posterior da pesquisa empírica, a qual seguiu uma metodologia qualitativa com estudo de casos múltiplos, sendo analisadas três empresas inovadoras do Sul. Os resultados confirmam parte da base teórica inicial, revelando capacidades adicionais. O estudo demonstra que capacidades de infraestrutura da TI de prover hardwares e plataformas, softwares, rede e telecomunicação, mobilidade e indicadores estratégicos, além das relativas aos seus recursos humanos da TI de entendimento e envolvimento com as áreas de negócios bem como de contribuição com novas ideias, são fatores que colaboram significativamente para a inovação na empresa. Além dessas, a capacidade da TI de viabilizar intangíveis como a gestão da informação e do conhecimento, bem como a de realizar a governança da TI através do planejamento e do controle da TI, cooperam com as capacidades citadas anteriormente, a fim de alcançar o mesmo objetivo. Ainda, capacidades da TI inibidoras da inovação na empresa foram destacadas, como entre outras, os bloqueios de Internet, a fila na TI para atendimento às necessidades da empresa e a falta de apoio e de disponibilização das soluções. Os resultados e as conclusões apresentadas discutem e resumem as situações encontradas nas empresas estudadas, contribuindo significativamente tanto para a área acadêmica quanto para a área de gestão de empresas. Em relação à academia, algumas capacidades da TI contidas no modelo teórico de pesquisa original foram confirmadas, bem como novas capacidades foram encontradas e outras foram indicadas como inibidoras da inovação, ampliando estudos anteriores e tendo potencialidade de servir como base para novos estudos. Ainda, possibilita que os gestores utilizem os resultados apresentados como direcionadores de suas decisões sobre quais capacidades precisam ser continuadas, desenvolvidas, melhoradas ou até mesmo eliminadas na empresa, a fim de contribuirem para sua inovação. / Innovation within a company plays a main role to obtain competitive advantages, differentiation and better results. In this regard, Information Technology (IT) is seen as one of the main company's strategic area and IT is able to support this process. Analyzing the contribution of IT capabilities to company innovation is thus the key issue in this dissertation. The specific objectives here detailed consider how IT capabilities can contribute to innovation, and also indentifying its inhibitory and desirable capabilities. The Literature review found in this paper clarifies some concepts and characteristics about innovation and innovative companies and also elucidates IT resources and capabilities. This theoretical model search has been appliedin an empirical research on the basis of qualitative methodology and multiple cases study using three innovative companies from Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. The results confirm partially the initial theoretical basis revealing additional capabilities. Seeking factors that could significantly contribute to company innovation, the study shows IT infrastructure capability to provide hardware and platforms, software, networkinfrastructure, mobility and strategic indictors as well as those IT human resources for understanding and involving with business areas and innovative ideas. In this sense, IT enables information and knowledge management and improves governance through planning and controlling. This study also highlights IT’s innovation inhibitor capability in company as, among others, internet blocking, service queue and lack of adequate support and solutions. The results and conclusions here demonstrated discuss and summarize the elements found in the studied companies contributing thereby to academic area and also to business management area. Regarding the Academy some IT capabilities from the original theoretical model search were confirmed and further others localized as innovation inhibitor expanding thus previous studies and contributing to future productions. From the results here shown managers may guide their decisions on continuation, development, improvement and adequation of innovation in company.
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Estratégias bem sucedidas na interação universidade e empresa: uma análise da trajetória de instituições privadasKoste, Raquel Cecilia Jung 16 August 2010 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-16T21:04:12Z
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22c.pdf: 4652907 bytes, checksum: ab21111b63aa4aebf99649423c80f786 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-16T21:04:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
22c.pdf: 4652907 bytes, checksum: ab21111b63aa4aebf99649423c80f786 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-08-16 / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / O conhecimento é o fator-chave para a criação do novo e a inovação é dependente do capital humano e da cooperação entre as pessoas e organizações. Este estudo qualitativo utiliza o método do estudo de caso e busca compreender a evolução de estratégias bem sucedidas de interação universidade e empresa e identificar os principais diferenciais que explicam os ganhos estratégicos decorrentes das parcerias. A seleção das instituições para este estudo – PUC-Rio e Fundação Dom Cabral e o relacionamento com a Petrobras – considerou o fato de serem de natureza privada, com trajetórias bem sucedidas de relacionamento com empresas e reconhecidas pela excelência no ensino e pesquisa. A trajetória destas empresas é marcada por eventos que permitem observar as implicações dos relacionamentos e da mobilização dos recursos estratégicos para a prática da inovação. O aporte teórico que embasa a análise da interação Universidade-Empresa se utiliza da abordagem da Hélice Tríplice, das Redes Interorganizacionais, da Visão Baseada em Recursos e da Visão Relacional. A análise dos dados coletados apresentou evidências de que o diferencial estratégico das instituições pesquisadas é obtido a partir de posicionamentos e ações estratégicas ao longo do tempo; da capacidade de gerar conhecimento e inovar; da capacidade de conexão com o mercado e de desenvolver novas competências organizacionais; da capacidade de mobilizar recursos internos e de estabelecer parcerias através de relacionamentos interorganizacionais; e da capacidade de atrair e reter talentos que possam contribuir para a excelência acadêmica, a sustentabilidade e a efetiva participação no desenvolvimento social. / Knowledge is the key factor for the creation of anything new and innovation is dependent on human capital and cooperation among people and organizations. This qualitative study uses the case study method and seeks to understand the evolution of successful strategies of interaction between university and industry and to identify key differences that explain the gains arising from strategic partnerships. The selection of the institutions for this study - PUC-Rio and Fundação Dom Cabral and the relationship with Petrobras - considered the fact that they are private in nature, with histories of successful relationships with companies and recognized for excellence in teaching and research. The trajectory of these companies is marked by events that allow us to observe the implications of the relationships and the mobilization of strategic resources for the practice of innovation. The theoretical bases that support the University-Industry interaction are the Triple Helix approach, the Interorganizational Network, the Resource-Based View and the Relational Vision. The data analysis presented evidence that the strategic differentiator of the institutions surveyed is derived from placements and strategic actions over time, the ability to generate knowledge and innovate, the ability to connect with the market and to develop new organizational skills, the ability to mobilize domestic resources and to establish partnerships through interorganizational relationships, and the ability to attract and retain talent that can contribute to academic excellence, sustainability and effective participation in social development.
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Análise estratégica da advocacia empresarial a partir da visão baseada em recursosBreyer, Thiago Beiler dos Santos 18 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-10-26T10:43:14Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Thiago Beiler dos Santos Breyer_.pdf: 2064624 bytes, checksum: 75178b365c1d71570452bfc09234913c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-26T10:43:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Thiago Beiler dos Santos Breyer_.pdf: 2064624 bytes, checksum: 75178b365c1d71570452bfc09234913c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-05-18 / Nenhuma / As transformações empresariais vividas pelas empresas nos últimos anos chegaram ao mundo jurídico com diversos autores em artigos e publicações referindo-se e ao mercado jurídico em transformação, em especial no que se refere à Advocacia Empresarial. Dentre os diversos motivos para esta transformação, apresentam-se a mudança em sua gestão e posicionamento estratégico decorrentes de fatores mercadológicos, tais como tecnologia, sócio econômico, financeiro e os efeitos próprios da globalização. Observa-se, no entanto, que se as organizações empresariais evoluíram e se aperfeiçoaram administrativa e estrategicamente, o mesmo não se podendo dizer da advocacia empresarial, quer por muitos anos permaneceu inerte em sua estratégia, gestão e organização administrativa. Ocorre que a partir de determinado momento, as empresas que, por necessidade, interesse em crescimento ou competitividade vieram a se profissionalizar, passaram a exigir o mesmo de seus fornecedores, dentre eles os escritórios de advocacia empresarial Por tais razões e pelo crescente número de advogados e sociedades de advogados empresariais, se faz presente à advocacia empresarial uma estratégia clara e oportuna e voltada às características da sua indústria, qual seja, a prestação de serviços tendo o conhecimento como elemento precípuo de sua atuação. A Visão Baseada em Recursos (‘VBR’) vem ao encontro desta necessidade estratégica da advocacia empresarial, ao focar a sua estratégia nos recursos internos de uma organização empresarial como elemento norteador estratégico de sua teoria, indo ao encontro dos anseios e necessidades da advocacia empresarial. O presente estudo analisa a estratégia da advocacia empresarial a partir dos norteadores advindos da literatura de campo, Pessoas, Tecnologia, Organização, Preço e Geografia que, alinhados aos conceitos e recursos estratégicos da VBR como referência central para delinear a direção estratégica de um escritório de advocacia empresarial. / Business transformations experienced by businesses in recent years reached the legal world. And several authors in articles and publications refer to the legal market in transformation, particularly in relation to the field of Business and Corporate Law. Among the many reasons for this transformation on Business and Corporate Law, it can be presented the changes in management and strategic positioning due to market factors, such as technology, economic, financial partner and the effects of globalization itself. It is observed, however, that even though business organizations have evolved and improved administrative and strategically, the same can not be said of business and corporate law, taking in account that for many years it remained inert in its strategy, management and administrative organization. It happens that after a certain time, the companies that, by necessity, interest in growth or competitiveness came to professionalize themselves, and began to demand the same of its suppliers, including the Corporate Law Firms. For all this and the growing numbers of lawyers and corporate business lawyers, it is necessary to business law professionals a clear and timely strategy, geared and focused to the characteristics of their industry, namely, the provision of services taking knowledge as essential element of its performance. The Resource Based View ('VBR') meets this strategic need of business law, to force its strategy on internal resources of a business organization as an element and guidance strategy of its theory, meeting the wishes and needs of law business. This study analyzes the business advocacy strategy based on the concepts and VBR resources as a central strategic guidance starting from the this guidance coming from the field of literature, People, Technology, Organization, price and geography that aligned with the concepts and strategic resources of VBR as a central reference to outline the strategic direction of a business law firm
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