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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Vocalizing Pianist: Embodying Gendered Performance

Saiki, Michiko 04 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Hagiographic Feminist Rhetoric: An Analysis of the Sermons of Bishop Marjorie Matthews

Spencer, Leland G., IV January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Den vältränade kvinnan som ett hot motden rådande samhällsordningen : Kampen om den jämlika könsrepresentationen påolympiska sim- och friidrottsarenan

Lindberg, Thomas January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the struggle for equal gender representation in the Olympic swimming and athletics arena. It investigates the relationship in participation and representation between men and women in athletics and swimming from the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896 to Rio de Janeiro in 2016.  When the modern Olympic Games resumed in 1896, they had been recreated by a group of privileged men. These men had created a forum for the aristocratic masculine world and initially had no intention of including women in their creation.  The contemporaries around the turn of the century in 1900 considered women to be weak, inappropriate and that femininity was the exact opposite of everything that the masculine competitive sport represented. Muscle, fitness and sweat were not something that the weak female bodies would be associated with. Man was created for the public sphere and woman for the home domains. The sports movement was a mirror of the prevailing privileged upper-class society and came to conform to the prevailing social and culturally constructed norms that were prevalent in the meantime. The women made a first breakthrough in the masculine sports sphere in the early 20th century and then they managed to make a real breakthrough in the 1920s. This created concern among the privileged men. Should women athletes change in a more masculine direction, would they even lose interest in traditional female responsibilities such as home and family formation?  The struggle for equal representation continued throughout the 20th century and only in connection with the feminine radicalization of the 1960s and 1970s as a real change did it begin to be seen again in the Olympic competition arenas and only after the turn of the millennium has real equality regarding representation been achieved.  In this thesis, I have studied  the athletics and swimming women inclusion to into the Olympic space. I spotlight how the two sports have developed from an equality and gender equality point of view. My survey prove a clear connection and have put figures on men and women's participation and demonstrated inequalities in the Olympic space.

Keeping The Girdle: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Cross-Dressing, and Gendered Communities

Marisa J Bryans (13169511) 28 July 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Gender, anxiety, identity, and Gawain’s impossible choice have long been identified and examined as worth studying in the fourteenth-century alliterative poem <em>Sir Gawain and the Green Knight</em>. By focusing on the different states of dress that Gawain finds himself in, the gendered behaviors he engages in, and the fact that he takes on and wears a piece of woman’s clothing as his own before his final encounter, it becomes clear that Gawain begins to utilize and slip into a gender fluid state of identity. His behaviors in Haut Desert cross gendered lines, but also the lines of private and public identity: Gawain’s fault is revealed at the Green Chapel, when the Green Knight reveals himself to be Bertilak as well as his knowledge of Gawain’s girdle. By taking up the green girdle, Gawain cross-dresses and gains access to alternative courses of action and paths towards virtue and survival. Upon returning to his court, his community must take on the girdle as a token of Gawain himself and integrate it in a way that allows for his gender fluidity to become enclosed within the borders of the chivalric community. Gawain’s survival and the benefit which he brings his court are materially represented by the girdle which stands for both the honorable and shameful, the knightly and the monstrous, and the feminine and masculine. </p>


NATALIA DE TONI GUIMARAES DOS SANTOS 18 February 2022 (has links)
[pt] Ser mãe é atributo universal dos indivíduos femininos da espécie humana, mas a concepção de função materna e do lugar da mãe é constantemente influenciada pelo contexto sociocultural. Assistimos, na atualidade, a uma multiplicidade de destinos femininos possíveis e observamos que novos desafios são lançados à maternidade e, mais especificamente à configuração da preocupação materna primária. Este conceito clássico de Donald Winnicott é definido como um estado materno que tem início no final da gestação e perdura nos primeiros tempos de vida da criança, promovendo a profunda identificação da mãe com o seu bebê, de forma a capacitá-la a atender às suas necessidades básicas. A mulher vive, nesse estado, ao mesmo tempo e paradoxalmente, um ancoramento em si mesma, no infantil que retorna no processo de se tornar mãe, e um silenciamento da subjetividade materna em prol da comunicação proto-simbólica e intersubjetiva com a criança. Nossa proposta nesse trabalho, então, é investigar a experiência feminina no percurso da maternidade e, mais especificamente, analisar como se dá a construção da preocupação materna primária, isto é, quais são as condições para sua instauração bem como os desafios que se apresentam a ela no contexto contemporâneo. A partir de nossa pesquisa de campo longitudinal com mulheres cariocas, de classe média, em idade produtiva e reprodutiva, apontamos para o surgimento de novas nuances no estado de preocupação materna primária, com destaque para a maior expectativa materna com relação à participação do pai nos cuidados com o bebê. Neste campo da construção da maternidade a ética do cuidado se apresenta como elemento central, uma vez que, mais do que o condicionamento biológico da mulher à tarefa materna, o campo do desejo e do simbólico se mostram determinantes nessa empreitada. / [en] Being a mother is not an universal attribute of the female individuals of the human species, but the conception of mother s function and mother s place are constantly influenced by the socio-cultural context. We are nowadays witnessing a multiplicity of female destinies and it is witnessed that new challenges are being introduced to motherhood, more specifically to the configuration of the primary maternal preoccupation. This classic concept of Donald Winnicott is defined as a maternal state that begins at the end of gestation and lasts throughout the early life of the child, promoting a deep identification from the mother with her baby, in order to enable her to attend to her basic needs. In this state, the woman lives, at the same time and paradoxically, an anchoring in herself, in the infant that returns to her from the process of becoming a mother, as well as a maternal subjectivity silencing in favor of the proto-symbolic and intersubjective communication with the child. Our proposal in this work, then, is to investigate the female experience on the path to maternity, and more specifically, to analyze how it occurs the construction of the primary maternal preoccupation, that is, what conditions for its establishment are, as well as the challenges it shows in the contemporary context. Based on our longitudinal field research with middle-class women of productive and reproductive age in Rio, we point to the emergence of new nuances in the state of primary maternal preoccupation, featured the higher maternal expectation regarding the father s participation in the caring for baby. In this field of maternity construction, the care ethics is a central element, once rather than the biological conditioning of women in the subject matter, the desire and symbolic fields are shown as determinants in this endeavor.

Blue Blood and Smooth Skin : Interdependent Relationships Between Feminine Hygiene Product Commercials, Feminism, and Women’s Self-Esteem

Tilborghs, Dionne, Lotz, Nina January 2022 (has links)
The portrayal of women in commercials is intertwined with patriarchal structures and power hierarchies found in Western contemporary society, which stem from the Judeo-Christian binary of a ‘clean/messy’ body as introduced by St. Augustine (354 – 430 CE). This portrayal of women and its effect on their self-esteem, as well as consumerism, have considerable implications for the gender dynamics in modern Western societies. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to explore the interdependent relationship between feminine hygiene product commercials, feminist movements and women’s self-esteem.  The goal of this thesis is twofold. First, a multimodal discourse analysis of four advertisements from Always and Venus will be performed to uncover to what extent feminine hygiene product commercials are adjusting their portrayal of the female body according to feminist movements. Secondly, four qualitative semi-structured interviews will be conducted to examine how the portrayal of women in these commercials affect women’s self-esteem. This thesis’ research draws from feminist theories, Representation Theory, Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), and the Hierarchy of Effects Theory (HET).  The findings of the analysis imply that the companies have made some adjustments in the way they are portraying women in accordance with the feminist movements. However, both the analysis of the commercials and the interviews imply that more improvements are necessary. The thesis comes to the conclusion that feminine hygiene product commercials can affect the self-esteem of women by creating (unrealistic) norms about how a female body should look and function.


LUCIANA TERRA TARGINO 11 June 2024 (has links)
[pt] Zélia Gattai foi uma mulher à frente do seu tempo. Escolheu com coragem enfrentar os lugares destinados às mulheres de sua época e percorreu o mundo. Subvertendo ideologias políticas e sociais conservadoras, a autora sempre esteve do lado pouco conhecido da história. Sua obra memorialista, que consiste em onze obras, relatam sua trajetória a partir de uma linguagem afetuosa, que abre vozes para pessoas que, com ela, palmilharam os lugares onde viveu, nesta tese, chamados de chãos. Chão, em Zélia Gattai, é um lugar não só de moradia, mas de deslocamento para relatar o mundo e de atravessamentos de pessoas, sejam elas conhecidas do grande público, por ela retratadas em suas intimidades, ou pessoas desconhecidas que, por Zélia, viram estrelas. Este trabalho propôs uma revisão literária na obra memorialista de Gattai com foco principal no que essa traz de político, histórico, cultural e afetivo, tendo como objetivo principal o de traçar o perfil intelectual da autora. / [en] Zélia Gattai was a woman ahead of her time. She courageously chose to face the places dedicated to women of her time and traveled the world. Subverting conservative political and social ideologies, the author has always been on the silenced side. Her memoirist work, which consists of eleven works, relates her trajectory using an affectionate language, which opens voices to people who, with her, walked the places where she lived, in this thesis, called floors. The floor, in Zélia Gattai, is a place not only for living, but for traveling to report on the world and for crossing paths with people, whether they are known to the general public, portrayed by her in their privacy, or unknown people who, for Zélia, become stars. This work proposed a literary review of Gattai s memoirist work with a main focus on its political, historical, cultural and emotional aspects, with the main object being outline the author s intellectual profile.

Le diminutif chez Aristophane: une langue de femmes? : une analyse par TALN

Bouchard, William 09 1900 (has links)
Marqueur linguistique très usité dans la comédie, la forme diminutive est une des particularités de la langue d’Aristophane. Comparables au suffixe -ette en français (e.g. maison > maisonnette), les suffixes -ιον et -ισκος sont utilisés par des personnages de tous les genres et de toutes les classes sociales pour exprimer leur évaluation diminutive. Parfois utilisés pour représenter un objet plus petit, parfois pour complimenter et parfois pour exprimer son dédain, les diminutifs sont difficiles à définir et encore plus complexes à démêler des autres formes qui peuvent partager leur suffixe. La première étape de ma recherche a donc consisté à créer un schéma radial capable d’expliquer les différents aspects sémantiques et pragmatiques du diminutif dans le dialecte attique d’Aristophane. La seconde partie de ma recherche a servi de vérification du schéma radial proposé. À travers une méthode établie à partir du schéma radial et de la définition morphologique du diminutif grec, j’ai classé et vérifié les termes trouvés par une application de traitement automatique des langues naturelles créée dans le cadre de cette recherche. Ces données ont également servi à vérifier certaines hypothèses sur la fréquence d’apparition du diminutif et sa variété d’expression dans le sociolecte féminin chez Aristophane. Sujet encore débattu chez les linguistes, la relation entre le genre et l’expression est au centre des préoccupations de la recherche actuelle en morphologie évaluative. L’ensemble de cette recherche se veut donc également une description d’un cadre méthodologique adapté à l’analyse des textes anciens à l’aide de méthodes informatiques. / A linguistic marker widely used in comedy, the diminutive form is one of the distinctive features of Aristophanes' language. Comparable to the suffix -ette in French (e.g. maison > maisonnette), the suffixes -ιον and -ισκος are used by characters of all genders and social classes to express their diminutive valuation. Sometimes used to represent a smaller object, sometimes to compliment and sometimes to express disdain, diminutives are difficult to define and even more complex to disentangle from other forms that may share their suffix. The first stage of my research therefore involved creating a radial scheme capable of explaining the various semantic and pragmatic aspects of the diminutive in Aristophanes’ attic dialect. The second part of my research served to verify the proposed radial scheme. Using a method based on my radial scheme and the morphological definition of the greek diminutive, I classified and verified the terms found by a natural language processing application created as part of this research. These data were also used to test certain hypotheses on the frequency of appearance of the diminutive and its variety of expression in Aristophanes' feminine sociolect. The relationship between gender and expression is still a hotly debated topic among linguists, and is at the heart of current research in evaluative morphology. The whole of this research is therefore also intended as a description of a methodological framework suitable for the analysis of ancient texts with computational methods.

Compulsory Hijab in Iran : Functions and impacts on Iranians’ daily life during 44 years of Islamic State

Shirazizadeh, Fatemeh January 2024 (has links)
No description available.


MARCELLA MESQUITA GRANATIERE 08 October 2024 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese analisa os entrecruzamentos gerados pelo campo expandido (Krauss, 1984) entre a Literatura e a História. Partindo de quatro romances contemporâneos – dois sul-africanos e dois brasileiros –, a pesquisa focaliza na (des)construção e (re)construção das temporalidades do presente em escritas imaginativas no eixo Sul-Sul do Atlântico. Nas obras Por cima do mar (2018), da artista plástica e escritora Deborah Dornellas, e Água de barrela (2018), da jornalista e escritora Eliana Alves Cruz, investigo a experiência do sistema escravista no Brasil Monárquico (1822-1889) e seus espectros no pós-abolição do Brasil República (1889-1959), ficcionadas sob a ótica do ser humano delimitado à condição de Outro. A transição política, o futuro presentificado do pós-apartheid e as sombras do antigo regime são temas aqui abordados por meio dos romances The House Gun (1998), da escritora e militante política Nadine Gordimer, e Spilt Milk (2010), da escritora e médica Kopano Matlwa. Nesses quatro romances, a rememoração (Nascimento, 2006) em um tempo espiralar (Martins, 2021) atravessa diferentes gerações. A fabulação é o lugar dos incômodos encontros entre os espectros do tempo presente-passado e das presenças do tempo futuro-presente. / [en] This thesis analyzes the intersections generated by the expanded field (Krauss, 1984) between Literature and History. Starting from four contemporary novels – two South African and two Brazilian –, the research examines the (de)construction and (re)construction of present temporalities in imaginative writings within the South-South axis of the Atlantic. In the works Por cima do mar (2018) by visual artist and writer Deborah Dornellas, and Água de barrela (2018) by journalist and writer Eliana Alves Cruz, I investigate the experience of the slave system in Monarchic Brazil (1822-1889) and its specters in the post-abolition period of Republican Brazil (1889-1959), fictionalized from the perspective of the human being confined to the condition of the Other. Political transition, the presentified future of post apartheid, and the shadows of the old regime are themes addressed here through the novels A House Gun (1998) by writer and political activist Nadine Gordimer, and Spilt Milk (2010) by writer and medical doctor Kopano Matlwa. In these four novels, remembrance in a spiral time (Martins, 2021) traverses different generations. Fabulation is the site of uncomfortable encounters between the specters of present-past time and the presences of futurepresent time.

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