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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Literatura e representação social das mulheres em Cabo Verde: vencendo barreiras / Literature and social representation of the women in Cape Verde: overcoming barriers

Sonia Maria Alves de Queiroz 27 October 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa comparativamente textos cabo-verdianos de autoria masculina e feminina à luz do tema Literatura e representação social das mulheres em Cabo Verde, com o objetivo de demonstrar como constroem a historicidade das mulheres naquele contexto, com base na abordagem de gênero e numa hermenêutica do cotidiano feminino. Diante do exposto, centramos as leituras nas personagens femininas das narrativas, especialmente as protagonistas, no intuito de acompanhar suas trajetórias de objetos a sujeitos históricos, tendo em conta a complexidade do fenômeno da emancipação feminina em Cabo Verde e a entrada um pouco tardia, todavia decisiva, de produções de mulheres no cânone literário. Buscamos demonstrar, em nossa pesquisa, como a escritura literária masculina de António Aurélio Gonçalves, Baltasar Lopes, Manuel Ferreira, Oswaldo Osório, Teobaldo Virgínio e Virgílio Pires apreende e apresenta realidades femininas, sobretudo por meio da exposição, ao passo que as escrituras literárias femininas de Camila Mont-Rond, Dina Salústio, Fátima Bettencourt, Ivone Aída e Maria Margarida Mascarenhas revelam subjetividades femininas que lançam novos olhares e novos recortes que dialogam o universo representado pela ótica masculina. / This dissertation analyses comparatively Cape Verdean texts of masculine and feminine authorship by the light of the subject Literature and social representation of the women in Cape Verde, with the objective to demonstrate how they build the historicity of women in that context, based on the approach gender and a hermeneutics of everyday women. Given the above, the readings have focused on female characters of the narratives, especially the protagonists in order to follow their paths of objects to historical subjects taking into account the complexity of the phenomenon of female emancipation in Cape Verde and coming a little late, but decisive , productions of women in the literary canon. We demonstrate in our research, such as male literary writings of António Aurélio Gonçalves, Baltasar Lopes, Manuel Ferreira, Oswaldo Osório Pires Teobaldo Virgínio and Virgílio Pires learns and presents women\'s realities, especially through the exhibition, while the female literary writings of Camila Mont-Rond, Dina Salústio, Fátima Bettencourt, Ivone Aída and Maria Margarida Mascarenhas and reveal female subjectivities that cast new visions and new cuts that dialogue the universe represented by the male perspective.

Avaliação dos cuidados diários dos genitais femininos de médicas ginecologistas = Daily care evaluation of female genitals in gynecologyst physicians / Daily care evaluation of female genitals in gynecologyst physicians

Ruiz, Camila, 1976- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Paulo César Giraldo, Rose Luce Gomes do Amaral / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T16:38:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ruiz_Camila_M.pdf: 754661 bytes, checksum: 0af2005c32494829a282f4331f1aabb5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Os cuidados com a genitália feminina quanto à higiene pessoal é assunto de interesse de todas as mulheres. Milhares de dólares são gastos por ano com higiene, vestimentas, uso de produtos para depilação, adornos sem que se determine a eficiência, eficácia, necessidade, consequências ou resultados das mesmas. A forma, frequência e ocasiões não são claras, necessitando de fundamentação científica. Objetivo Avaliar a prática cotidiana do cuidado com a genitália feminina em médicas ginecologistas, incluindo os cuidados diários de higiene, uso de tatuagens e piercings genitais, depilação, vestimentas e uso de absorventes sanitários e hábitos sexuais.Desenho do Estudo: Estudo analítico descritivo. Questionário auto-respondido com 60 perguntas relacionadas aos cuidados diários dos genitais femininos e hábitos de vestimenta, uso de adornos e comportamento sexual foi aplicado em 220 médicas ginecologistas, no período de junho à setembro de 2013 durante congressos da especialidade. O registro e armazenamento dos dados utilizou o programa Microsoft Office Excel. Os resultados foram analisados através de estatísticas descritivas (frequências, média e desvio padrão). Resultados: A média de idade das entrevistadas era de 37,3 anos (DP±12,9), 71,3% eram brancas.A taxa de aceitação foi de 94, 6%. Quase metade (46, 8%) estava formada entre 1 e 10 anos e permaneciam fora de suas casas por períodos acima de 10 horas consecutivas (53,6%). Apesar disto,mais da metade, referiram que tomam 2 banhos por dia (55,9%), A maioria usava apenas papel para secar a vulva após as micções (66,3%).Somente 21,5% lava a região anal com água e sabão após a evacuar, e 48,6% usam desodorantes íntimos com frequentemente. A higiene genital é feita com sabonete líquido por apenas 39% das entrevistadas e 6,8% usam sabonetes bactericidas. Um quinto faz duchas vaginais, 52,7% higienizam-se antes da relação sexual e 78,5% lavam a área genital após o coito apenas com água. O protetor diário (absorventes higiênicos) é usado no período intermenstrual por 41%. Mais de 85% usam roupas íntimas de algodão apesar de que 62,7% usam calças Jeans apertadas. A maioria faz depilação genital (89,15%) e menos da metade destas (48,6%) não usam produtos de hidratação ou para evitar complicações na região. O perfil sexual mostrou que mais da metade das entrevistadas tinham frequência de relações sexuais de 1 a 3 vezes por semana, praticavam sexo oral e anal em 47,2% e 22,2% respectivamente. Mais de 29% delas relataram dor nas relações em intensidades variadas e 24,5% usam condom. / Abstract: The care of the female genitalia as personal hygiene and sexual practice are matters of interest to all women. Thousands of dollars are spent every year on hygiene, clothing, use of products for depilation, ornaments, use of erotic products, without which determine the efficiency, effectiveness, necessity, consequences or results thereof. The form, frequency and timing are unclear and require scientific foundation. Objective: To evaluate the daily practice of care for female genitalia in medical gynecologists, including higyene habits, genital tattoos ands piercings, use of sanitary pads and clothing. Study Way: A descriptive analytical study. A questionnaire was administered to 220 medical gynecologists with 60 questions self-administred , in congress of specialty in the period from june to september related to the daily care of the female genitals and habits of dress, use of ornaments and sexual behavior. The recording and storage of data used Microsoft Office Excel program. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequencies, means and standard deviations) to identify the interrelationships among the most significant variables. Results: The mean age of respondents was 37.3 years (SD ± 12.9) and 71.3% of them are white. The acceptance rate was 94,6%. Almost half (46, 8%) of the gynecologists were between 1 and 10 years of graduation, and 53.6% remain out of their homes for periods over 10 consecutive hours. Nevertheless 55.9% reported taking 2 showers a day, and 52%, washing genitals 2 times per day, in counter point to the fact that only 66.3% use paper to dry the vulva after urination. Only 21.5% wash the anal area with soap and water after bowel movements and 48.6% of them frequently use intimate deodorants. The genital hygiene with liquid soap is made by only 39% of respondents and 6.8% use antibacterial soaps. About 20% make vaginal douches on frequency and time variables, 52.7% sanitize yourself before sex and 78.5% wash the genital area after intercourse, with just water. Daily Protector (sanitary napkins) is used in the intermenstrual period by 41%. The sexual profile found that 50.9% of respondents had frequency of sexual intercourse 1-3 times a week, engaged in oral and anal sex in 47.2% and 22.2% respectively. Over 29% reported pain in varying intensities intercourse and 24.5% them use condom / Mestrado / Fisiopatologia Ginecológica / Mestra em Ciências da Saúde

Brancas de almas negras? = beleza, racialização e cosmética na imprensa negra pós-emancipação (EUA, 1890-1930) / White women, black souls? : beauty, racialization and cosmetics in the post-emancipation black press (USA, 1890-1930)

Xavier, Giovana, 1979- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sidney Chalhoub / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T04:25:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Xavier_Giovana_D.pdf: 23553159 bytes, checksum: 48455bff161cd53573e3132dfabc9ddd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Esta tese investiga as representações femininas presentes em propagandas de produtos de clareamento de pele (bleachings) e crescedores capilares (hair growers) da indústria cosmética, veiculadas pela imprensa afro-americana em Boston, Chicago e Nova York, cidades que, entre os anos 1890 e 1930, passaram por uma série de transformações sociais por conta do fenômeno historicamente conhecido como Grande Migração Negra. Ao considerar o processo de urbanização vivenciado pela população de cor que chegava aos milhares no norte do país, enfatizamos a emergência de um capitalismo negro que tinha no "mercado da beleza" um de seus principais ramos comerciais. Nesse sentido, o estudo do papel de "empresárias da raça" como Annie Minerva Pope Turnbo-Malone e Madam C. J. Walker, à luz das contribuições da Business History, leva-nos a lançar mão do conceito de "cosmética negra", entendida aqui como um conjunto de pequenas, médias e grandes empresas, que conduzidas com o capital e a força de trabalho afro-americanos, tinham como um de seus principais objetivos associar lucro financeiro e defesa da "feminilidade negra", a partir da confecção e venda de manufaturados que prometiam uma "boa aparência" para suas consumidoras. Ao explorar associações ambíguas entre good look e pele clara, a pesquisa também examina a construção de uma noção racializada de beleza específica dos negros num contexto de pós-emancipação. Diferentemente do ocorrido na publicidade da cosmetologia branca, tal noção mostra que companhias afro-americanas como a Poro Hair Beauty Culture, a Overton Hygienic Company e a Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company investiram severos esforços na construção de referenciais visuais que conjugassem honra, distinção e equidade social para as "mulheres da raça". Dentro de uma perspectiva que articula gênero, racialização, classe, cosmética e modernidade, observa-se que ser considerada uma "nova mulher negra", como se dizia à época, não era um feito para todas. Para gozar de tal status era necessário possuir visual discreto, comportamento recatado, alto grau de instrução, mas, sobretudo, pele clara. Assim, ao atrelar físico e comportamento, o referido protótipo marcava a preocupação da comunidade intelectual (editores, jornalistas, publicitários, colunistas, artistas, etc.) em criar representações condizentes com uma noção de "feminilidade respeitada", que, por seu turno, revelava o investimento numa "cultura da pele mulata", facilmente captada pelas inúmeras fotografias de mulheres quase brancas, predominantes nas páginas de dezenas de jornais, revistas e catálogos de beleza da "raça". Nesse sentido, a cosmetologia e a imprensa negras foram duas das maiores responsáveis pela produção de uma "beleza cívica" oriunda de um sistema "colorista" calcado na valorização das mulatas em detrimento das blacks (negras retintas). Fato ainda desconhecido pela historiografia brasileira, tais propagandas descortinam formas múltiplas pelas quais as classes alta e média negras criaram suas próprias interpretações e soluções para questões relacionadas à eugenia, ao higienismo, à miscigenação, à urbanização e à segregação racial, abrindo espaço para futuras investigações sobre uma História Social da Beleza Negra / Abstract: This dissertation examines representations of women in advertisements for skin-bleaching and hair-growing products in the cosmetics industry, which appeared in the African American press in Boston, Chicago and New York. Between the 1890s and 1930s, these cities underwent a series of social transformations as a result of the phenomenon referred to by historians as the Great African American Migration. Analyzing the process of urbanization experienced by the population of color, who arrived in their thousands in the north of the country, emphasis will be placed on the emergence of black capitalism, which one of its greatest commercial interests in the beauty industry. The study of the role of black businesswomen like Annie Minerva Pope Turnbo-Malone and Madam C. J. Walker, and their contributions to business history, leads us to the concept of "black cosmetics." This is herein understood as a group of small, medium and large businesses which, drawing on African American capital and labor, aimed to unite profit with the defense of "black femininity," via the production and sale of products that promised their consumers a "good appearance." By exploring the ambiguous associations between "looking good" and whiteness of skin, the study also examines the construction of a specifically racialized notion of beauty held by blacks in the post-emancipation United States. This notion reveals how, unlike white beauty advertisers, African American companies like Poro Hair Beauty Culture, Overton Hygienic Company and Madam C J Walker Manufacturing Company invested considerable efforts in constructing visual imagery which could confer honor, distinction and social equality on black women. Taking a perspective that brings together gender, racialization, class, beauty and modernity, the dissertation observes how being considered a "new black woman," as the phrase went at the time, was not attainable by all women. In order enjoy such a status, it was important to possess a visual image that emphasized discretion, modest behavior, a high standard of education, but, above all, light skin. Equating looks with behavior, this prototype demonstrated the desire of the intellectual community (editors, journalists, advertising companies, columnists, artists, etc) to create images that chimed with a notion of "respectable femininity." This, in turn, demonstrated a deep investment in a "mulatto culture," easily captured by innumerable photographs of nearly-white women which dominated the pages of dozens of African American newspapers, magazines and beauty catalogues. Thus, the cosmetics industry and the black press were two of the most influential entities in the creation of "civic beauty," derived from a colorist system which favored mixed-race women over black women. Brazilian historiography has yet to examine how such advertisements reveal the many ways in which the black upper and middle classes created their own interpretations and solutions for issues of eugenics, hygiene, miscegenation, urbanization and racial segregation. This, in the future, might lead us to a social history of black beauty / Doutorado / Historia Social / Doutor em História

Corpo e identidade feminina / Body and feminine identity

Mirela Berger 28 September 2006 (has links)
O trabalho tem como objetivo perceber e compreender como as mulheres brasileiras de classe média-alta e urbanas (a partir de 1990) pensam a construção de sua auto-imagem, quais os modelos corporais que influenciam este processo, bem como as técnicas corporais para alcançá-los. Os eixos de análise são as representações corporais, já que uma das hipóteses centrais do projeto é que através da análise do ideal de corpo perseguido pelas mulheres, seja possível ter acesso a todo um sistema de percepção não apenas de si, mas também do mundo do qual estas mulheres fazem parte, já que o corpo pode ser visto como um microcosmo e atesta uma marca social. O trabalho investiga as relações entre corporalidade e identidade para as mulheres da amostra, questionando, entre outras coisas, se a obtenção de um corpo específico é, na percepção das mulheres, fundamental para que estas se sintam donas de um estilo de vida e de um pertencimento social específicos. Investiga a importância da mídia neste processo, bem como os perigos do culto ao corpo, discutindo e alertando, entre outros aspectos, para os distúrbios alimentares. / The work has as objective to perceive and to understand as the Brazilian women of upper-middle class and urban (from 1990) they think the construction of its auto-image, which the corporal models that influence this process, as well as the corporal techniques to reach them. The analysis axles are the corporal representations, since one of the hypotheses central offices of the project is that through the analysis of the ideal of body pursued for the women, either possible to have access all a system of perception not only of itself, but also of the world of which these women are part, since the body can be seen as a microcosm and certifies a social mark. The work investigates the relations between corporalidade and identity for the women of the sample, questioning, among others things, if the attainment of a specific body is, in the perception of the women, basic so that these if feel owners of a style of specific life and a social belonging. It investigates the importance of the media in this process, as well as the perigos of the cult to the body, arguing and alerting, among others aspects, for the alimentary riots.


[pt] A inserção da mulher de classe média/alta no mercado de trabalho, sua busca por realização profissional e independência financeira transformaram, definitivamente, a antiga divisão sexual do trabalho. O dinheiro da mulher no casamento contemporâneo é um marco essencial nas mudanças que ocorreram nas relações afetivo-sexuais da segunda metade do século XX em diante. E é, por isso, que a análise das tomadas de decisão financeira de um casal pode-nos oferecer informações importantes sobre as relações de poder, desigualdade e manifestações de individualidade de cada um de seus membros. Especialmente, entre recém-casados, foco de nossa pesquisa, em que a formação dessa negociação acontece de formas diferentes, envolvendo valores aprendidos nas famílias de origem. Compreender a(s) conseqüência(s) de tais mudanças nos relacionamentos conjugais entre homens e mulheres é de fundamental importância para os avanços nos estudos sobre conjugalidade no Brasil, ainda carente de pesquisas específicas sobre dinheiro e casamento. A presente pesquisa trata do impacto do dinheiro da mulher no casamento contemporâneo e de como a construção das regras nas decisões financeiras são percebidas, vividas, definidas ou, mesmo, questionadas por ela. Para tal, realizamos um estudo exploratório com 12 mulheres recém-casadas ou recém-morando junto, entre seis meses e três anos de união, estando ambos os membros do casal em seus primeiros casamentos, trabalhando remuneradamente, sem filhos e pertencentes à classe média/alta carioca. Seus discursos revelaram que as mulheres reconhecem no trabalho remunerado a possibilidade de possuírem autonomia em suas decisões e de definirem e colocarem em prática hobbies e gostos pessoais. Além disso, a maioria de nossas entrevistadas se diz organizada com o próprio dinheiro, muitas vezes, sendo ela quem exerce o controle e o planejamento financeiro do casal. E de fato, sua autonomia em relação ao próprio dinheiro está mais ligada a assumir a sua administração, do que simplesmente ganhá-lo. Percebemos isso, pois apenas duas de nossas entrevistadas delegam aos maridos o gerenciamento do dinheiro, perdendo poder de barganha naquilo que consideram prioridades pessoais. / [en] The inserction of the middle and upper class woman into the labor market, her search for professional realization and financial independency definitely transformed the traditional work division among couples. The woman`s money in the contemporary marriage is an essential mark that led to changes in the way couples live together since the half of the 20th century. And that`s why an analysis of the financial decision making process in couples is so important to give us information about the power relations, differences and individual characteristics of regular wife and husband. Specially in a just-married couple, objective of our research, where the development and negotiation of these behaviors begins, taking into account each side`s familiar values. To understand the consequence of these changes in the husband/wife relation is key to understand marriage itself. And that subject lacks of studies here in Brazil. This research aims to understand these woman`s money impact in the contemporary marriage. How the couple defines its rules, how they are accepted and questioned upon. The method used consisted of an interview of twelve women that had recently got into living together with someone (from 6 months to 3 years), not necessarily through marriage. To be eligible for the interview both husband and wife had to be on their first marriage, both working, no kids and be part of the middle class or above. Their speeches revealed that women see the remunerated work a way of acquiring autonomy in their decisions and a possibility to develop personal hobbies. Besides that, the majority of the interviewed women says that she is organized with their own money, being, most of the times, her who controls and plans the finances of the couple. In fact, their autonomy is more linked to assume its planning than to simply earn it. That was noticed, since only two of the interviewed women delegate to their husbands the management of their money, what causes them to lose priority on how to decide the way money is going to be spent.

Le labyrinthe en miroirs d’Eva. Le mythe de l’éternel féminin et l’anti-héroïne : du roman au film : Camille/Le roman de Marguerite Gauthier et A hora da estrela/L’heure de l’étoile / Eva and the labyrinth of mirrors. The myth of eternal feminie and the anti-heroine : from novel to film : Camille / Le roman de Marguerite Gauthier and A hora da estrela /The hour of the star

De Iglesias, Edyala 24 April 2014 (has links)
L’analyse critique des personnages féminins de Marguerite Gauthier et Macabéa dans les films – Camille/ Le roman de Marguerite Gauthier, 1936 et A hora da estrela/L'heure de l'étoile, 1986 – cherche à comprendre les mécanismes par lesquels le mythe de l'éternel féminin assure sa continuité comme image-modèle des femmes contemporaines. La compréhension de ce processus ne s’achève que par l’analyse historique d’une mythologie plus ample – celle de la centralité et universalité du regard occidental –, à la base du système de représentation dominant. La première partie est consacrée à analyser les formes trouvés par ce « regard » pour représenter le corps colonisé et le corps féminin comme « l’Autre » du discours colonial patriarcal. La deuxième partie se tourne vers le corps féminin à partir de l’analyse historique du mythe de l’éternel féminin, sa subjectivation par des femmes contemporaines et le rôle de l’imaginaire médiatique dans la re-signification et permanence de ces images stéréotypés. Le personnage emblématique de Marguerite Gauthier, incarné par le mythe Greta Garbo, est au centre de cette analyse critique. La troisième partie s’attache à la réception du mythe et de ses répercussions comme espace de glissements d’identités/altérités. Dans ce parcours, la mise en évidence des personnages de ces deux femmes explicite l’acte narratif comme un acte identitaire, qui permet d’emphatiser la notion de l’« expérience » comme espace d’articulation d’autres subjectivités et d’autres regards, et proposer la mise en question du lien entre cinéma, féminin et récit. / The critical analysis of the personages Marguerite Gauthier and Macabéa in the films -Camille / Le roman de Marguerite Gauthier, 1936 and A hora da estrela /The hour of the star,1986 - seeks to understand the mechanisms by which the myth of the eternal feminine ensures its permanence in contemporary women’s imaginary as an image-reference. The first section of the thesis focus the power of looking by an analytical approach between the stereotypes of the colonized body and the feminine body, identified as the “other” in the colonial discourse. The second section is a historical and critical analysis of the eternal feminine represented by the emblematic personage of Marguerite Gauthier, performed by Greta Garbo, and the resignifications of this myth by the contemporary media. The third section is a critical reflection about the feminine outsider, represented by the personage of Macabéa, by questioning the reception of the myth and its influence on the women’s creative process. This work focuses on the concept of 'experience' as a central element for the articulation of "others' perspectives, while questioning the relationship between film, feminine and narrative.

Fluidity and Solidity in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping

Lindqvist, Linda January 2006 (has links)
C-paper Abstract Title: Fluidity and Solidity in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping Author: Linda Lindqvist The purpose of this essay is to show that fluidity and solidity constitute a central tension on all levels in Housekeeping, and how this tension leads to a choice of either a fluid or a solid lifestyle and view of the world. I focus on fluidity and solidity in gender roles, in memories, in dreams, in nature, and in different perceptions of reality. By taking a closer look at Ruth’s first-person narration (seeing fluidity as not resisting deformation, while solidity resists deformation), we find that the characters in Housekeeping have fluid and solid traits, but that there is no reality that allows mixed manifestations of these. This results in repression of either fluidity or solidity, which creates tension and feelings of loss. Ruth chooses a fluid lifestyle, thus her memories and dreams become mixed with her present, and this also leads her to become a transient, outside gender roles and traditional small town society. Transience in this novel questions all distinctions conventionally made between dream and reality; male and female. In conclusion, this essay highlights how tension between fluidity and solidity is generated on all levels in Housekeeping, and how this leads to either fluid or solid lifestyles since the characters follow a cultural code that dictates a choice between them.

At the Edge of the Forbidden Forest  : Analysis of Gender Characteristics in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Gjelsvik, Julie Marie January 2011 (has links)
This essay will examine the youth novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling. The aim of this essay is to find tendencies of how the novel favours non-stereotypical male behaviour and characteristics. Using gender criticism, the novel and its most central male characters are analysed to highlight their gender characteristics. Symbols and metaphors constitute a part of the analysis for a more comprehensive examination. The results of this essay show that the male characters are divided into two factions, the good side and the evil side. It is evident that the male characters on the evil side are characterised by stereotypical male gender behaviour and the male characters on the good side tend to show a lack of stereotypical masculine traits. The Fantasy genre, which dictates a strong good versus evil storyline, extends this polarisation. The stereotypical male gender roles are therefore opposed and non-stereotypical male behaviour is promoted in the narration by favouring male vulnerability and ridiculing stereotypical masculine traits.

Making Gender Visible : Breaking down the narration in Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn

Arvidsson, Josefine January 2010 (has links)
This essay analyzes the difference between feminine and masculine narration in Stephanie Meyer's final novel in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. The methods used are Narratology, Reader-Response Criticism and Gender Theory. Breaking Dawn is divided into three different books and one of the main characters, Bella, is the narrator in the first and the last book, and the other main character, Jacob, is the narrator in the second book. Bella's and Jacob's narration styles are manifested in the title names and inside the text, and the analysis shows why Bella is a stereotypically female narrator and why Jacob is a stereotypically masculine narrator.

La représentation des figures féminines dans les images enluminées du roman en prose de Lancelot du Lac (XIIIe -XVe siècle) / The representation of female figures in the illuminated images of the Prose Lancelot du Lac (13th-15th century)

Servier, Alicia 05 December 2017 (has links)
Le sujet de notre thèse porte sur la représentation des personnages féminins dans les enluminures décorant les manuscrits du roman en prose de Lancelot du Lac, appartenant au cycle littéraire arthurien du Lancelot-Graal, réalisés entre le second quart du XIIIe siècle et la fin du XVe siècle. Ce roman courtois de chevalerie, qui connaît un grand succès aux XIIIe-XVe siècles, contient un nombre et une variété remarquables de personnages féminins. L’objectif est d’étudier comment l’ambivalence ou l’ambiguïté qui caractérisent la plupart, pour ne pas dire l’ensemble, de ces personnages – à cause, entre autres, de leurs liens évidents ou latents avec un Autre monde merveilleux et d’une nature féminine pensée globalement de manière équivoque au Moyen Âge – se manifestent dans les images. Pour cela, nous procédons à une analyse à la fois iconographique, stylistique et comparative des enluminures ornant vingt-neuf manuscrits du Lancelot du Lac. Nous nous intéressons aussi à la représentation de figures féminines dans d’autres œuvres d’art et littéraires médiévales, pour la mettre en regard avec celle du Lancelot. L’interprétation picturale du roman, opérant la transition entre le personnage littéraire et la figure iconographique, les relations complexes qui se nouent entre les catégories ontologiques (humain/féerique ; féminin/masculin...) dans la conception de ces derniers, sont au cœur de notre travail. Les représentations révèlent une image complexe, mouvante et contrastée de la femme et du féminin marqués par l’altérité, où les éléments issus du texte interfèrent avec la créativité et la culture visuelle des enlumineurs. Elles nous conduisent, de fait, à aller au-delà des stéréotypes imposés notamment par l'Église, au-delà des réalités sociales et historiques, pour améliorer nos connaissances sur l'imaginaire qui se développe autour du genre féminin à l'époque médiévale. / The subject of our thesis concerns the representation of female characters in the illuminations decorating the manuscripts of the prose romance of Lancelot du Lac, which belongs to the Arthurian literary cycle of the Lancelot-Grail, produced between the second quarter of the 13th century and the end of the 15th century. This courtly chivalric romance, which was a great success in the 13th-15th centuries, contains a lot of female characters of a remarkable variety. The objective is to study how ambivalence and ambiguity that characterize most, if not all, of these characters - because of, among other things, their obvious or latent links with a marvellous Otherworld and a feminine nature thought generally equivocally in the Middle Ages - are shown in the pictures. For it, we proceed to an iconographic, stylistic and comparative analysis of the illuminations in twenty-nine manuscripts of the Lancelot du Lac. We are also interested in the representation of female figures in other artistic and literary works of the Middle Ages, to compare it with that of the Lancelot. The pictorial interpretation of the text, making the transition between the literary character and the iconographic figure, the complex relationships between ontological categories (the human/the fairy ; the feminine/ the masculine) in the conception of these, are at the heart of our work. The representations reveal a complex, unstable and contrasting image of the woman and the feminine marked by alterity, where the elements of the text interfere with the creativity and the visual culture of illuminators. In Fact, they lead us to go beyond the stereotypes imposed mainly by the Church, beyond the social and historical realities, to improve our knowledge about the imagination that is developed around the female gender in medieval times.

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