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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

應用探勘技術於社會輿情以預測捷運週邊房地產市場之研究 / A Study of Applying Public Opinion Mining to Predict the Housing Market Near the Taipei MRT Stations

吳佳芸, Wu, Chia Yun Unknown Date (has links)
因網際網路帶來的便利性與即時性,網路新聞成為社會大眾吸收與傳遞新聞資訊的重要管道之一,而累積的巨量新聞亦可反映出社會輿論對某特定新聞議題之即時反應、熱門程度以及情緒走向等。 因此,本研究期望借由意見探勘與情緒分析技術,從特定領域新聞中挖掘出有價值的關聯,並結合傳統機器學習建立一個房地產市場的預測模式,提供購屋決策的參考依據。 本研究搜集99年1月1日至103年6月30日共1,1150筆房地產新聞,以及8,165件捷運週邊250公尺內房屋買賣交易資料,運用意見探勘萃取意見詞彙進行情緒分析,並建立房市情緒與成交價量時間序列,透過半年移動平均、二次移動平均及成長斜率,瞭解社會輿情對房市行情抱持樂觀或悲觀,分析社會情緒與實際房地產成交間關聯性,以期能找出房地產買賣時機點,並進一步結合情緒及房地產的環境影響因素,藉由支援向量機建立站點房市的預測模型。 實證結果中,本研究發現房市情緒與成交價量之波動有一定的週期與相關性,且新捷運開通前一年將連帶影響整體捷運房市波動,當成交線穿越情緒線且斜率同時向上時,可做為適當的房市進場時機點。而本研究針對站點情緒與環境變數所建立之預測模型,其預測新捷運線站點之平均準確率為69.2%,而預測新捷運線熱門站點之準確率為78%,顯示模型於預測熱門站點上具有不錯的預測能力。 / Nowadays, E-News have become an important way for people to get daily information. These enormous amounts of news could reflect public opinions on a particular attention or sentiment trends in news topics. Therefore, how to use opinion mining and sentiment analysis technology to dig out valuable information from particular news becomes the latest issue. In this study, we collected 1,1150 house news and 8,165 house transaction records around the MRT stations within 250 meters over the last five years. We extracted the emotion words from the news by manipulating opinion mining. Furthermore, we built moving average lines and the slope of the moving average in order to explore the relationship and entry point between public opinion and housing market. In conclusion, we indicated that there is a high correlation between the news sentiment and housing market. We also uses SVM algorithm to construct a model to predict housing hotspots. The results demonstrate that the SVM model reaches average accuracy at 69.2% and the model accuracy increases up to 78% for predicting housing hotspots. Besides, we also provide investors with a basis of entry point into the housing market by utilizing the moving average cross overs and slopes analysis and a better way of predicting housing hotspots.

Razionalità limitata e aspettative eterogenee nelle dinamiche economiche / BOUNDED RATIONALITY AND HETEROGENEOUS EXPECTATIONS IN ECONOMIC DYNAMICS

PECORA, NICOLO' 17 December 2013 (has links)
In questo lavoro viene analizzata la possibilità che le fluttuazioni economiche possano essere descritte attraverso l'interazione di agenti a razionalità limitata. Accanto a questa ipotesi, si assume anche che gli agenti sono eterogenei. Questi due elementi si inseriscono all'interno del contesto economico che è visto come un sistema complesso in evoluzione popolato da agenti che interagiscono tra loro impiegando differenti strategie decisionali. Questa tesi si sviluppa su tre modelli di riferimento, sviluppati in capitoli separati. Nel primo si studia un mercato immobiliare utilizzando un modello di equilibrio parziale in cui l'ipotesi di aspettative razionali è sostituita da un meccanismo di interazione fra cartisti e fondamentalisti, che è in grado di generare endogenamente lo sviluppo di fasi di boom e bust. Nel secondo viene mostrato come la selezione evolutiva tra diverse strategie di previsione possa spiegare il coordinamento fra comportamenti individuali. Nel terzo si considera un semplice modello macroeconomico costituito da domanda aggregata, offerta aggregata e una regola di politica monetaria per analizzare aspetti quali l'effetto stabilizzante delle diverse politiche monetarie in un sistema popolato da agenti eterogenei. / We investigate the possibility that economic fluctuations can be explained through the interaction of boundedly rational agents, that is, agents are not assumed to be rational. In deviating from rationality and modeling agents as boundedly rational, it is often assumed that agents are heterogeneous. Bounded rationality and learning in a complex environment naturally fit with heterogeneous expectations, with the economy viewed as complex evolving system composed of many different interacting agents, using different decision strategies. This thesis is built around three main economic frameworks, which are developed in separate chapters. In chapter 2 we study the housing market using a partial equilibrium model in which the rational expectations hypothesis is relaxed in favor of chartist-fundamentalist mechanism to allow for the endogenous development of bubbles. In chapter 3 we present evidence that evolutionary selection among different forecasting heterogeneous heuristics can explain coordination on individual behavior. In chapter 4 we consider a simple model made up by the standard aggregate demand function, the New Keynesian Phillips curve and a Taylor rule to deal with different issues, such as the stabilizing effect of different monetary policies in a system populated by heterogeneous agents.

Wohnbaulandprognosen - Stärken, Schwächen, neue Ansätze

Iwanow, Irene, Eichhorn, Daniel, Oertel, Holger, Stutzriemer, Sylke, Gutting, Robin 02 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Wohnbaulandprognosen werden oft noch sehr normativ aus dem Trend der Bevölkerungsentwicklung und dem steigenden Wohnflächenkonsum der Einwohner erstellt. Unter den Bedingungen des demografischen Wandels gerät diese Praxis jedoch in erhebliche Schwierigkeiten. Warum sind Wohnbaulandausweisungen noch notwendig, wenn sowohl die Einwohnerzahl sinkt als auch die Zahl leer stehender Wohnungen zunimmt? Handelt es sich hier vorrangig um steigende Flächenansprüche der Haushalte oder um Effekte veränderter Lebensweisen? In Schrumpfungsregionen lassen schnelle Einschätzungen zunächst keinen zusätzlichen kommunalen Flächenbedarf für Wohnen erkennen und dennoch nimmt die Flächenneuinanspruchnahme für Wohnzwecke weiter zu. So wird deutlich, dass die herkömmlichen methodischen Ansätze für kommunale Wohnbaulandprognosen nicht mehr ausreichen und weitere Einflussfaktoren der Flächenentwicklung berücksichtigt werden müssen. Neue Modelle, welche die kleinräumigen Nachfrageentwicklungen sowie die Divergenzen zwischen Angebots- und Nachfragestruktur abbilden können, sind noch rar. Der folgende Beitrag zeigt, welche methodischen Stärken und Schwächen kommunale Prognoseansätze haben und stellt wichtige Grundgedanken der kommunalen Wohnungsprognosen des Leibniz-Instituts für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) vor.

Is the housing market in Sweden overrated? : A Study Of The Hypothetical Yield Of The Residential Real Estate In Stockholm

Patey, Julia January 2018 (has links)
This paper presents a method to value the residential real estate portfolio of an economy by summarizing the future discounted values of the net operating income. The motivation for this choice of subject is the concern for a house bubble in Sweden due to the double-digit rise in housing prices which the economy has experienced during many consecutive years. However, the method is general and can be applied anywhere where relevant statistics is available. The challenge to use an income approach to residential real estate valuation lies in the fact that there is no obvious net operating income, as the owner and the end user is in many cases the same person. To solve this challenge, we determine the maximum possible net operating income by taking the households’ disposable incomes and subtracting their expenses. This will be a fictional value for the maximum possible net operating income or the imputed income for real estate owners. When this fictional net operating income is compared to the mean prices of properties, a maximum potential yield to capital invested in residential real estate is extracted. The current number for this maximal potential yield on the Stockholm market seem to be 6,4 percent, 2017. The main contribution of this paper to the science of economy is that it presents a way to use classical fundamental valuation methods to evaluate the price level of residential real estate, that, due to lack of tangible net operating income is not as straightforward as the valuation of the commercial real estate market.

Trh bydlení a riziko bezdomovství v České republice / Housing market and Risk of Homelessness in the Czech republic

Mikeszová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Martina Mikeszová : PHD DISSERTATION - HOUSING MARKET AND RISK OF HOMELESSNESS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC. ABSTRACT The PhD dissertation focuses on the theme of loss of permanent housing together with the problematic of housing affordability in the Czech Republic. In the first part, the objective is to identify the types of households potentially at risk of being unable to afford housing since 2000, and to trace the development of regional differences in the percentage of at-risk households in the Czech Republic. In the regard to the end of deregulation process in recent years, the analysis of housing (un)affordability of "market" rent housing shows the possible social consequences of the process. Owing to the absence of useful aggregate data on incomes and expenditures for different household types in the regions of the Czech Republic, the alternative data sources and the simulation methodology for measuring housing affordability which combines available regional wage statistics and data on market rents were used. The results indicate that the general risk of being unable to afford rental housing and regional differences in housing affordability are both decreasing. Not only the stagnation of market rent growth related to the growth of household income is behind the development. The main reason is the fact that...

Porovnání výše obvyklého nájemného z bytů v lokalitě obce Vyškov / Comparison of Rents of Flats in Vyškov

Studnařová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is a summary describing of the current housing situation in the area of the village Vyškov. It deals with comparing the normal rent of flats in different localities of the municipality and consider amendments to the lease in terms of amenities and size of dwelling. The figures are divided into flats for a 1+1, 2+1, 3+1 and higher. Charting the market and its price in the lease is done both text and graphics.

Regionalisierte Wohnungsprognosen - Grundlage für Flächenbedarfsberechnungen

Iwanow, Irene January 2010 (has links)
Bevölkerungsschrumpfung und entspannte Wohnungsmärkte tragen dazu bei, dass die nachfragenden Haushalte ihre differenzierten Wohnwünsche zunehmend besser realisieren können. Dabei gewinnen regionale Wohnungsmarktanalysen und ‑prognosen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Gerade kleinräumige Wohnungsprognosen können entscheidend dazu beitragen, dass realistischere Abschätzungen der regionalen Wohnbauland-, Wohnungsneubau- und Leerstandsentwicklungen besser gelingen, da die Rahmenbedingungen auf den kommunalen und regionalen Wohnungsmärkten spezifischer erfasst werden können. Im Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) wurde dafür ein spezifischer Prognoseansatz entwickelt, der in diesem Beitrag kurz umrissen wird und dessen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der Kommunal- und Regionalplanung anhand von Anwenderbeispielen gezeigt werden.

Spekulationsköp av nyproducerade bostadsrätter i Stockholm / Speculation buyers of the newly constructed housing market in Stockholm

Olsén, Anna, Stopner, Sonja January 2015 (has links)
Spekulationsköp i nyproduktion av bostadsrätter förekommer i allt större utsträckning och antalet spekulationsköpare har ökat under senare år. Genom litteraturstudier samt intervjuer och enkäter med såväl byggherrar som spekulationsköpare och mäklare verksamma i nyproduktion har spekulationsmarknaden av nyproducerade bostadsrätter i Stockholms län utretts och kartlagts. Den generella spekulationsköparen är en man mellan 25-35 år med varierande kapitalstyrka som vill tjäna snabba pengar. Områden som är mest attraktiva för spekulationsköpare att investera i är centrala Stockholm och närförorter. Byggherrarna är samstämmiga i att spekulationsköp idag utgör ett problem främst med avseende på företagets affärsrisk. Mäklarna upplever inte spekulationsköp som ett problem. Både byggherrarna och mäklarna ser dock svårigheter i att förhindra spekulationsköp av nyproduktion eftersom det är svårt att identifiera vem som är spekulationsköpare. För att komma tillrätta med problematiken skulle samverkan mellan olika byggherrar och deras kundregister behöva komma till stånd, vilket strider mot befintlig lagstiftning. Efter granskning av köpprocessen i nyproduktion anser författarna att de mest riskfyllda spekulationsköparna kan förhindras genom att senarelägga upplåtelsen till tillträdet och då även låta köparen betala hela köpeskillingen som upplåtelseavgift. Idag betalas omkring 10 procent av den totala köpeskillingen som upplåtelseavgift upp till 6 månader innan tillträdet. Detta innebär att dagens köpare av nyproduktion inte behöver erlägga hela köpesumman förrän tillträde men kan ändå överlåta bostadsrätten till annan från upplåtelsen innan tillträde. Detta öppnar upp för handel med hög avkastning till låg insats. / Speculative buying of newly constructed condominiums has turned to be more common and the number of speculative buyers has increased in recent years. Through literature studies, surveys and interviews with developers as well as speculative buyers and real estate brokers within sales of new housing development, the speculation market of newly built condominiums in Stockholm have been investigated. In general, the most frequent speculation buyer is a man between 25-35 years with variable capital strength who want to make quick and easy money. Areas that are most attractive for speculative buyers to invest in are central Stockholm and the inner suburbs. The developers are unanimous in that speculative buying today is a problem mainly with respect to the company's business risk. The brokers do not experience speculative buying as a problem. Both developers and brokers see, however, difficulties in preventing speculative buying of new construction due to that it is difficult to identify who is a speculative buyer. To deal with the problem the developers would have to interact and share customer records, which is contrary to existing law. After examination of the buying process of new construction, the authors consider that the most risky speculative buyers can be prevented by delaying the concession and at that point also allow the buyer to pay the full purchase price fee. Today, buyers pay around 10 percent of the total purchase price as a concession fee up to 6 months before access. This means that today's buyers of new construction does not need to pay the entire purchase price until the access but can still sell the apartment to another person after the concession and before the access. This opens up for trade of high yield with a low effort.

Bostad till salu : En analys av tid-till-försäljning på Uppsalas bostadsmarknad

Eriksson, Fabian, Ajdert, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats har undersökt tid-till-försäljning på Uppsala kommuns bostadsmarknad för lägenheter under året 2021. För att analysera tid-till-försäljning har metoder från överlevnadsanalys använts. Överlevnadsfunktionen och den kumulativa hasardfunktionen har skattats med Kaplan-Meier-skattningen och Nelson-Aalen-skattningen. Därutöver har tre modeller skattats; en Cox proportionell hasardmodell och två 'Accelerated Failure Time'-modeller varav en var en Weibullmodell och en var en Loglogistiskmodell. Resultaten indikerar att tid-till-försäljning har en hög hasard efter två veckor på marknaden varefter en avtagande hasard. Resultaten indikerar att kovariat har en statistisk signifikant effekt på tid-till-försäljning. Grafiska tester indikerar att antagandet om proportionalitet för Cox proportionella hasardmodell och antagandet om den underliggande hasardfunktionen för Weibullmodellen är orimliga. Antagandet om den underliggande hasardfunktionen för loglogistiskamodellen verkar rimlig. Goodness-of-fit indikerar att Weibullmodellen och loglogistiskamodellen var mer välanpassade till datamaterialet än Cox proportionella hasardmodell. / This bachelor's thesis has investigated time-to-sale on the Uppsala municipality property market for apartments during 2021. Analysis has been performed utilising methods from survival analysis. Both the survival function and cumulative hazard function were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier estimate and the Nelson-Aalen estimate respectively. Furthermore, three models were estimated; a Cox Proportional Hazards model as well as two Accelerated Failure Time models of which one was a Weibullmodell and the other was a loglogistic model. The results indicate that time-to-sale has a high hazard after two weeks on the market followed by a decreasing hazard. The results also indicate that covariates have a statistically significant effect on time-to-sale. Graphical tests indicate that the assumption of proportionality for the Cox Proportional Hazards model and the assumption of the underlying hazard function for the Weibullmodell are unreasonable. The assumed hazardfunction of the loglogistic model was found to be reasonable. Goodness of fit indicates that the Weibull model and loglogistic model were a better fit to the data than the Cox proportional Hazardsmodel.

Regime shifts in the Swedish housing market - A Markov-switching model analysis / Regimskiften pa den svenska bostadsmarknaden - En analys med Markov-switchingmodeller

Stockel, Jakob, Skantz, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
Problem statement: Accurate and reliable forecasts of trends in the housing market can be useful information for market participants as well as policy makers. This information may be useful to minimize risk related to market uncertainty. Since the burst of the housing bubble in the early 1990s the price level of single-family houses has risen sharply in Sweden. The Swedish housing market has experienced an unusually long period of high growth rates in transaction prices which has opened up for discussions about the risk of another housing bubble. Business and property cycles have shown to contain asymmetries, which linear models are unable to pick up and therefore inappropriate to analyze cycles. Approach: Therefore, this study uses non-linear models which are able to pick up the asymmetries. The estimated models are variations of the Markov-switching regression model, i.e. the Markov-switching autoregressive (MS-AR) model and the Markov-switching dynamic regression (MS-DR) model. Results: Our ndings show that the MS-AR(4) model allowing for varying variance across regimes estimated using the growth rate of FASTPI produce superior forecasts over other MSAR models as well as variations of the MS-DR model. The average expected duration to remain in a positive growth regime is between 6.3 and 7.3 years and the average expected duration to remain in a negative growth regime is between 1.2 to 2.5 years. Conclusion: The next regime shift in the Swedish housing market is projected to occur between 2018 and 2019, counting the contraction period in 2012 as the most recent negative regime. Our ndings support other studies ndings which indicate that the longer the market has remained in one state, the greater is the risk for a regime shift. / Problemformulering: Noggranna och tillforlitliga prognoser om utvecklingen pa bostadsmarknaden kan vara anvandbar information for marknadsaktorer samt beslutsfattare. Denna information kan vara anvandbar for att minimera risken relaterad till osakerheten pa marknaden. Sen bostadsbubblan sprack i borjan av 1990-talet har prisnivan for smahus okat kraftigt i Sverige. Den svenska bostadsmarknaden har upplevt en ovanligt lang period av hog tillvaxt i transaktionspriser som har oppnat upp for diskussioner om risken for en ny bostadsbubbla. Konjunkturoch fastighetscykler har visat sig innehalla asymmetrier som linjara modeller inte kan uppfanga och darfor visat sig vara olampliga for att analysera cykler. Tillvagagangssatt: Darfor anvander den har studien icke-linjara modeller som kan uppfanga dessa asymmetrier. De skattade modellerna ar variationer av Hamiltons Markov-switchingmodell, dvs. en autoregressiv Markov-switchingmodell (MS-AR) och en dynamisk Markov-switchingmodell (MS-DR). Resultat: Resultatet visar att MS-AR(4)-modellen som tar hansyn till varierande varians over regimerna estimerad med tillvaxten av FASTPI producerar overlagsna prognoser jamfort med andra MS-AR-modeller samt variationer av MS-DR-modellen. Den genomsnittliga forvantade varaktigheten att benna sig i en positiv regim ar mellan 6,3 och 7,3 ar och den  genomsnittliga forvantade varaktigheten att benna sig i en negativ regim ar mellan 1,2 till 2,5 ar. Slutsats: Nasta regimskifte pa den svenska bostadsmarknaden beraknas ske mellan 2018 och 2019, antaget att nedgangen under 2012 ar den senaste negativa regimen. Resultatet stodjer tidigare studier, som tyder pa att ju langre marknaden har varit i ett tillstand, desto storre ar risken for ett regimskifte.

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