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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Real-Time Visualization of Construction Equipment Performance / Realtidsvisualisering av materialhantering på bergtäckt

Palomeque, Carlos January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a proof-of-concept project that aims at modify and reuse existing communication protocols of wireless vehicle to vehicle communication in order to build a prototype of a real time graphical application that runs in an embedded environment. The application is a 2D visualization of the flow of material at a quarry and is built on top of existing communication protocols that enable wireless vehicle to vehicle communication according to the 802.11p standard for intelligent transport solutions. These communication protocols have already been used within the Volvo group in other research rojects, but not in a context of a real-time graphical 2D visualization. The application runs on an ALIX embedded motherboard and combined with the necessary hardware represent one node that makes the communication network. The visualization monitors the position of every active node in the network and the flow of material between material locations and crusher that process the material at the quarry. The visualization is implemented in C/C++ using Qt 4.6.2 Graphics View framework.


Åström, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Från bruksort till BRUKA, med kalkbrottet som gemensam nämnare. Stora Vika har historiskt bestått av en symbiotisk relation mellan ortens tre ”ben”: kalkbrottet, cementindustrin och bostadsområdet. Idag präglas orten av att kopplingen mellan dessa tre element gått förlorad. Visionen med BRUKA är att väcka liv i platsens historiska koppling mellan människa och industri, med kalken som “cementerande” element. Till skillnad från bruk - ett substantiv med fokus på maskin och industri så är BRUKA ett imperativ: en mänsklig handling, en plats för folket att göra till sin. BRUKA förvaltar Stora Vikas arv av att bruka platsens unika råvara, kalken, men istället för den historiska produkten cement är kalken i BRUKA en källa till kunskap för geologiska forskare. BRUKA gjuter nytt liv i Stora Vika bygd i form av arbetstillfällen, aktiviteter samt ekonomiskt tillskott för att stötta upp andra insatser i närområdet och i kommunen i stort. BRUKA visar vikten av att luckra upp gränser och göra bruk av mötet mellan människa och natur. BRUKA sätter återigen ortens ”grande dame”, den unika urkalkstenen, i förgrunden, och låter den bli en generator för arbetstillfällen, kunskapsproduktion, kunskapsdelning och bildning, kreativt skapande och lärande. / From the industrial village to BRUKA, the limestone quarry serves as a common denominator. Stora Vika has always had a symbiotic relationship between its three "legs": the lime quarry, the cement industry, and the residential area. Today, the town is distinguished by the fact that the connection between these three elements has been lost. The aim of BRUKA is to revive the site's historical link between man and industry, using lime as the "cementing" element. Unlike "bruk", the Swedish term for "industry" focused on machinery and production, BRUKA is an imperative: a human action. BRUKA honors Stora Vika's tradition of using the site's unique raw material, limestone, but instead of being turned into concrete, the lime in BRUKA serves as a source of knowledge for geological researchers. BRUKA breathes new life into the Stora Vika village through jobs, events, and financial contributions to other community and governmental projects. BRUKA demonstrates the necessity of bridging boundaries and leveraging the combined power of man and environment. BRUKA brings the local "grande dame," the unique primordial limestone, back into the spotlight and enables it to become a generator of jobs, information production, knowledge exchange and education, creativity and learning.

Mimicking Fire for Post-mining Restoration Success

Wilkin, Katherine M 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study is based at Rocky Canyon Quarry (RCQ), a 200-acre granite aggregate open-pit quarry with chaparral-dominated plant communities located in San Luis Obispo County, CA. At RCQ, the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) of 1975 was interpreted as restoring the landscape to native plant communities. Native plant community restoration projects have occurred there since 1993 through cooperation with California Polytechnic State University Biology Department in San Luis Obispo, CA. I evaluated past restoration at RCQ and researched new techniques to improve chaparral restoration based on the natural processes of fire. Chaparral is an important fire-dominated plant community within the California Floristic Province, which covers about seven percent of California. Typically during a fire, heat immediately acts on Adenostoma fasciculatum (Chamise) seeds/m2 in the soil seed bank. Smoke also reaches seeds on and near the soil surface. Chemical effects of fire, such as smoke and charcoal, are deposited on the soil surface and leach into the seed bank after fall rains. In nature, this results in enhanced germination of the seeds and the beginning of chaparral post-fire succession. Fire effects, both heat and chemical, have been supported to increase seed germination in numerous laboratory and field studies. I sought to utilize natural fire cues, such as heat, charate, and liquid smoke, to develop successful and efficient restoration prescriptions. The most successful restoration technique developed utilized Wright’s Liquid Smoke and heat to increase seed germination of Adenostoma fasciculatum (Chamise), Ceanothus cuneatus (California lilac), and Salvia mellifera (Black Sage) significantly. A new restoration prescription for RCQ based on literature reviews and the above mentioned research is presented.

Kalkbrukstraditioner i ekonomibyggnaderna på norra Gotland : Från Lärbro till Fårö / Lime mortar traditions in the agricultural buildings in northern Gotland : From Lärbro to Fårö

Elsetrønning, Vanja January 2022 (has links)
Under den andra stenbyggnadsperioden på Gotland började bönderna på landsbygden att bygga sina hus utav sten. De hade egna stenbrott där de kunde bryta både byggnadssten och sten till kalkbränning. Stenen brände de i milor eller husbehovsugnar. Även ekonomibyggnaderna uppfördes i sten på Gotland, detta är unikt i ett svenskt och nordiskt sammanhang. Murbruksprover från tio ekonomibyggnader har samlats in, alla gårdarna belägna i det stora kalkstensbältet på norra Gotland. Området är intressant att studera eftersom kalkbruksindustrin växte sig så stor här. En okulär besiktning av murbruksproverna i fält har genomförts, där provets kulör noterats och murbrukets innehåll av exempelvis sand och kalkklumpar med mera beskrivits. Det har tillverkats tunnslip av murbruksproverna för att på djupet kunna analysera dess innehåll och sammansättning. Genom analyserna kan vi spåra hur kalkbrukstraditionerna sett ut ute på landsbygden och vilka lokala traditioner som finns. Resultatet visar att stenen från Lärbroområdet har varierande kvalitet och egenskaper, där både ren och mer eller mindre oren sten bränts och nyttjats i kalkputs och kalkfärg. Stenen har gett ett kalkbruk med vissa orenheter i kalkpastan och inslag av ballastbildande hydrauliska korn, som inte gett bruket andra egenskaper än att det kan räknas som ett luftkalkbruk. Denna kalken är karakteristisk för gården i Vägume, där även en svagt hydraulisk kalk har dokumenterats. Denna har man dock behövt torrsläcka för att kunna göra bruk av den. En grynig luftkalk i vissa fall med inslag av hydrauliska ballastkorn ses också i bruksproverna från Hägvide i Lärbro, Stora Ire i Hellvi och vid Lunderhage i Fleringe där även ren kalkpasta använts. Gotland är känd för sin rena feta luftkalk, så som kan ses i proverna från Risungs i Rute, Gaustäde i Bunge och på Fårö. Det är därför intressant att se att svagt hydraulisk sten använts på Gotland och att de som haft tillgången till denna stenen lärt sig använda den. Hydraulisk kalk fanns även i ett av bruksproverna från Angelbos, denna var starkt hydraulisk och skulle kunna vara ett KC-bruk, eftersom de hydrauliska partiklarna näst intill är glasartade så som klinker. Blandningsförhållandet ligger generellt på 1:2 men även magrare och kalkrikare bruksblandningar förekommer i de undersökta proverna. Proverna är förhållandevis kompakta. I Rute och Bunge har man blandat fetare bruk, de flesta bruksproverna visar ett blandningsförhållande omkring 1:1, vissa något magrare. I Bunge påträffades troligen ett medeltida bruk, det var mycket kalkrikt, innehöll lite sand och många kalkklumpar som delvis bildade ballast. Fetare än 1:1. Det är en kalk som lagrats över länger tid och kan mycket väl ha jordsläckts. Denna traditionen ser vi inte i de andra bruksproverna där kalken släckts och använts direkt. Ballasten i näst intill samtliga bruksprover är mycket finkornig, omkring 0,5 mm och mindre. Inslag av större sandkorn förekommer med även dessa är små. Kalkklumparnas storlek varierar mycket från mm stora korn till 1 cm. De största mellan 2 – 3 cm. Ett modernare inslag och förhållningssätt till bruksblandning påträffades vid Risungs i Rute. Här har luftporbildare tillsatts vilket resulterat i ett bruk med ett kollapsat porsystem som ger dålig beständighet. Kontrasten är stor jämfört med de äldre feta och kompakta 1:1 bruken från Risungs.  Två av proverna innehöll större mängd lera. I provet från Vägume kommer lerinnehållet troligen från sanden som i delar av området är rik på lera, det är det enda provet som kan räknas som ett lerblandat kalkbruk i studien. Detta visar att även sanden kan skilja rätt mycket lokalt inom ett litet område som i sin tur ger bruk med olika egenskaper. I provet från Hägvide ses inslag av tegelröda partiklar som kommer av lerlager i den brända kalkstenen. Den tegelröda kulören kommer av att leran innehåller järnmineraler. I spritputsen har enbart kalk och naturgrus nyttjats, vilket är något ovanligt eftersom det gärna tillsätts lite sand även i spritputs. Det skulle kunna bero på att kalken i sig bidrar med ballast i form av kalkklumpar som gjort att sanden setts på som onödig. En regional variant som setts i flera av de analyserade bruksproverna. Studien visar att lokala material använts under den andra stenbyggnadsperioden på Gotland och att stenförekomsten har lokala variationer i och mellan socknarna, vilket gör att lokala traditioner kan utskiljas. Sanden är i större utsträckning av samma typ i de undersökta områdena, medans det i Vägume nyttjats både lerblandad sand och ren finkornig sand. Blandningsförhållandet generellt är omkring 1:2 vilket överensstämmer det nationala förhållningssättet som kom utöver 1700-talet. Så sätt skiljer sig Risungs och Gaustäde ut där traditionen för något fetare kalkbruk levt kvar. Vägumes lokala tradition där svagt hydraulisk kalk och grynig kalk med inslag av hydrauliska partiklar använts är därför intressant. / During the second stone building period on Gotland, the farmers in the countryside began to build their houses out of stone. They had their own quarries where they could mine both building stone and stone for lime burning. They burned the stone in lime kilns or household furnaces. The agricultural buildings were also built in stone on Gotland, this is unique in a Swedish and Nordic context. Mortar samples from ten agricultural buildings have been collected, they are all located in the large limestone belt in northern Gotland. This area is interesting to study because of the expansion in the lime industry here. An ocular inspection of the mortar samples was carried out during the field studies, where the colour of the sample was noted as well as the mortars content of, for example sand and lime lumps etc. Thin sections were made from the mortar samples in order to be able to analyse its content and composition. Through analysis we gained knowledge about the lime mortar traditions in the countryside and their local traditions.   The results shows that the stone from the Lärbro area has varying quality and properties, where both clean and more or less impure stone was burned and used in lime render and lime wash. The stone has given us a lime mortar with certain impurities in lime paste and elements of hydraulic grains forming aggregate. This type of lime is characteristic for the studied area in Vägume, where a sub hydraulic lime also where documented. The sub hydraulic one would have to be dry slaked in order to use it in mortar. A grainy lime in some cases with elements of hydraulic grains is also seen in the mortar samples from Hägvide in Lärbro, Stora Ire in Hellvi and at Lunderhage in Fleringe where pure lime paste also were used. Gotland is known for its pure and lime rich slime, as can be seen in the samples from Risungs in Rute, Gaustäde I Bunge and at Fårö. Its therefore interesting to see that sub hydraulic lime has been used on Gotland. Hydraulic lime was also found in one of the samples from Angelbos, where the amount of hydraulic binder was high, it could in fact be a KC-mortar, the hydraulic particles remind of clinker. The mixing ratio is generally 1:2, although leaner and more lime rich mortars occur in the examined samples. The mortars are relatively compact. In Runte and Bunge, the lime mortars appear to be fatter, most of the samples show a mixing ratio of around 1:1, some slightly leaner. In Bunge, a medieval mortar was probably found. It was extremely lime rich, containing little sand and many lumps of lime which partly formed aggregate. Fatter than 1:1. The lime that’s been used in this mortar has been stored for a long time and were probably earth slaked. We do not see this tradition in the other mortar samples where the lime was slaked and used directly. The aggregate in almost all of the mortars is very fine-grained sand, with a grain size around 0,5 mm and smaller. Elements of larger sand grains occur. The size of the lime limps varies greatly from mm-sized grains to 1 cm. The largest between 2-3 cm.  A more modern element and approach to traditional lime mortar was found in one of the samples from Risungs in Rute, where air entraining agent has been added. Resulting in a mortar with a collapsed pore system that gives the mortar poor durability. The contrast I great compared to the older lime rich and compact 1:1 mortars from Risungs.  Another interesting result showed that two of the samples contained larger amounts of clay. In the sample from Vägume the sand itself contained clay, which can be seen in parts of the area. This is the only clay-mixed lime mortar in the study. This shows that even the sand can differ quite a lot within a small area, which in turn produces mortars with different properties. In the sample from Hägvide, elements of brick-red particles can be seen in the thin section. This comes from layers of clay in the burnt lime stone. The brick-red colour comes from a clay containing iron minerals.  In the type of lime render that creates a granulated surface, only lime and see gravel have been used, which is somewhat unusual because a little amount of sand is often added. Maybe the sand was seen as unnecessary because the lime itself contributes with aggregate through the lime lumps. A regional variant seen in several of the analysed mortar samples.   The study shows that local materials were used during the second stone building period on Gotland, and that the stone that’s been used has local variations within and between the parishes, which means that local traditions can be distinguished. The sand is to a greater extent of the same type in the investigated areas, while in Vägume both clay-mixed sand and pure fine-grained sand were used. The mixing ratio is generally around 1:2, which corresponds to the national approach that came beyond the 18th century. This is how Risungs and Gaustäde stands out, where the tradition of somewhat fatter lime mortar has survived. Vägumes local tradition where sub hydraulic lime and gritty lime with elements of hydraulic particles were used is therefore interesting.

Stories in Stone: Interpreting history in the context of a museum exhibition

Hamalainen, Bonnie 01 January 2005 (has links)
This project examines opportunities for history exhibition design practices. Research into museum studies and creative work in typography, photography, graphic design and architecture result in curation and design of a prototypical exhibit about the granite quarrying industry of Stonington, Maine.

Amoniti "geslinianum zóny" v české křídové pánvi / Ammonites of the geslinianum zone, Upper Cenomanian (BCB)

Cápová, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
ENGLISH SUMMARY Ammonite assemblage from the Upper Cenomanian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin realtively poorly known. Some species have been described herein for the first time: Thomelites cf. sornayi (Thomel) Euomphaloceras septemseriatum (Cragin) Eucalycoceras pentagonum (Gragin) and Allocrioceras annulatum (Shumard.). These records predominantly come from the M. geslinianum zone sediments developed in the higher parts of the Pecinov member (Uličný et al., 1998) of the Peruc - Korycany Formation. The sediments yielding ammonite assemblage represents the Late Cenomanian transgressive tract, accompanied by anoxic event OAE II = Oceanic anoxic Event II, CTBE) worldwide recorded in sediments and showing an increased content of stable isotope δ13 C. The OAE II is suggested to be connected to marine biota crisis and also the mass extinctionas well. The most affected organisms were benthic forms, due to high anoxic conditions at the bottom of the water column. Morphological features of the shells may, depending on the quality preservation shells (or cores) can be used to paleobathymetric interpretations. Most described species lived at depths of 50-80 m (up to 100m). Pelagic ammonites (i.e. Sciponoceras) lived at depths of up to 50 m. Heteromorphic taxa (Allocrioceras) have occurred at a depth of up to 100 m.

Chert Nastapoka : caractérisation chimique et exploitation au Paléoesquimau, baie d’Hudson, Nunavik

Leclerc, Marianne-Marilou 04 1900 (has links)
Les assemblages lithiques dominent la plupart des sites archéologiques du Nunavik et constituent ainsi une véritable mine d’informations. Le nombre limité de travaux sur les matériaux de la côte est de la baie d’Hudson, nous a amené à nous pencher sur une source présente dans ce secteur. Notre objectif était alors de caractériser la matière première provenant de cette formation géologique, le chert Nastapoka. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi la technique de fluorescence aux rayons X. Les résultats ont permis de constater, en plus des observations macroscopiques, la nature très variable de ce chert présentant une signature chimique complexe. Pour compléter le portrait, nous avons évalué l’utilisation du chert Nastapoka par les Paléoesquimaux par une comparaison d’analyses technologiques déjà effectuées sur les sites GhGk-4, GhGk-63 et IcGm-5. Cet examen a révélé que l’évolution des stratégies d’exploitation des matériaux lithiques dans cette région appui le continuum culturel Prédorsétien-Dorsétien observé ailleurs. / The dominant cultural material on Nunavik’s archaeological sites is lithics. As a result they constitute an important source of information on prehistoric lifeways. The lack of lithic raw materials resarchs carried out on the east coast of Hudson Bay gave us the opportunity to focus on a source in this area. The objective of this thesis research was to characterize one component of the geological formation: Nastapoka chert. In order to do this, X-ray fluorescence was chosen. The results demonstrate that it is difficult to construct a unique geochemical pattern for the source because of its variability. To complete the portrait, we take into account the technological use of Nastapoka chert by the Paleoeskimo groups by comparing three site’s studies (GhGk-4, GhGk-63 and IcGm-5). This analysis of the exploitation of this material reveals a developement from Predorset to Dorset that supports the idea of cultural continuum between the two periods.

Chert Nastapoka : caractérisation chimique et exploitation au Paléoesquimau, baie d’Hudson, Nunavik

Leclerc, Marianne-Marilou 04 1900 (has links)
Les assemblages lithiques dominent la plupart des sites archéologiques du Nunavik et constituent ainsi une véritable mine d’informations. Le nombre limité de travaux sur les matériaux de la côte est de la baie d’Hudson, nous a amené à nous pencher sur une source présente dans ce secteur. Notre objectif était alors de caractériser la matière première provenant de cette formation géologique, le chert Nastapoka. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi la technique de fluorescence aux rayons X. Les résultats ont permis de constater, en plus des observations macroscopiques, la nature très variable de ce chert présentant une signature chimique complexe. Pour compléter le portrait, nous avons évalué l’utilisation du chert Nastapoka par les Paléoesquimaux par une comparaison d’analyses technologiques déjà effectuées sur les sites GhGk-4, GhGk-63 et IcGm-5. Cet examen a révélé que l’évolution des stratégies d’exploitation des matériaux lithiques dans cette région appui le continuum culturel Prédorsétien-Dorsétien observé ailleurs. / The dominant cultural material on Nunavik’s archaeological sites is lithics. As a result they constitute an important source of information on prehistoric lifeways. The lack of lithic raw materials resarchs carried out on the east coast of Hudson Bay gave us the opportunity to focus on a source in this area. The objective of this thesis research was to characterize one component of the geological formation: Nastapoka chert. In order to do this, X-ray fluorescence was chosen. The results demonstrate that it is difficult to construct a unique geochemical pattern for the source because of its variability. To complete the portrait, we take into account the technological use of Nastapoka chert by the Paleoeskimo groups by comparing three site’s studies (GhGk-4, GhGk-63 and IcGm-5). This analysis of the exploitation of this material reveals a developement from Predorset to Dorset that supports the idea of cultural continuum between the two periods.

Le Port de Paris : naissance d'un port industriel (milieu du XIXe siècle-1914) / The port of Paris : birth of an industrial port (mid-19th century-1914)

Lalandre, Alexandre 24 May 2017 (has links)
Le port de Paris ne correspond pas à la définition traditionnelle du terme. On doit observer tout d'abord qu'il s'agit d'un port fluvial. La difficulté de définir le port de Paris tient au fait qu'il consiste en plusieurs types d'installations: canaux, ports à darses, ports sur berges (quais droits et ports de tirage) et donc à des réalités protéiformes. Certains auteurs préfèrent l'expression« ports de Paris», pour en souligner le caractère hétéroclite. Au XIXe siècle, on parlait également des «ports de Paris», c'est-à-dire des installations sur la Seine, par opposition aux canaux. Le port de Paris correspond donc à un ensemble bordé par une soixantaine de kilomètres de rives, dont une partie destinée à la batellerie. La thèse débute à une époque durant laquelle le transport fluvial se trouve confronté aux effets de la concurrence des chemins de fer. Il lui faudra plusieurs décennies pour s'adapter et revêtir une nouvelle fonction, à savoir celle quasi exclusive de pourvoyeuse de pondéreux. Cette conversion s'est opérée essentiellement à travers l'amélioration des infrastructures fluviales. La modernisation portuaire revêtait deux volets, à savoir l'amélioration de l'outillage en vue d'optimiser le conditionnement des marchandises, et celle appartenant à une vision plus globale de la fonction du port de Paris, voire de Paris lui-même. Paris port de mer appartient à cette dernière. On peut avancer l'idée d'une opposition entre un «port réel» et un port «mythique», à savoir une voie alternative visant à transformer la vocation portuaire de la capitale. Des tentatives de réconciliation entre les deux visions se manifestent à travers la création du port d’Ivry, des commissions entre 1911 et 1914 sur la modernisation de l'outillage portuaire. / The Port of Paris does not correspond to the traditional definition of the term. It should first be noted that this is a river port. The difficulty of defining the port of Paris stems from the fact that it consists of several types of installations: canals, ports at docks, ports on banks (straight wharves and pull ports) and therefore protean realities. Some authors prefer the term "ports of Paris" to emphasize its heterogeneous character. In the 19th century, we also talked about the "ports of Paris", that is to designate installations on the Seine, as opposed to canals. The port of Paris thus corresponds to an ensemble bordered by some sixty kilometers of shore, including a part intended for inland navigation This thesis begins at a time when river transport is confronted with the effects of competition from the railways. It will take several decades to adapt and take on a new function, namely the almost exclusive role of provider of weighty. This conversion was mainly achieved through the improvement of river infrastructures. Port modernization had two aspects: improving tooling to optimize the packaging of goods, and integrating a more global vision of the function of the port of Paris, and even of Paris itself. "Paris sea port" belongs to the latter. One can put forward the idea of an opposition between a "real port" and a "mythical" port, an alternative way of transforming the port's vocation to the capital. Attempts at reconciliation between these two visions are manifested through the creation of the port of Ivry, commissions between 1911 and 1914 on the modernization of port equipment.

Systém navigace pomocí GPS pro účely cementárenské technologie / GPS Navigation system for cement technology

Mináč, Ján January 2009 (has links)
This diploma work deals with proposal and implementation GPS navigation system. Work includes described basic types of cement quarry and proposal to create mathematical and software model of quarry. Then work is devoted to possibilities of basic described algorithms for searching the shortest way in graph and two algorithms are described. They are Floyd-Warshall and Dikjstra algorithms. The work describe implementation of Dijkstra algorithm to model of quarry and description of the programs Autec RouteEditor and AQL Control Library. MINÁČ, J. GPS navifgation system for cement for cement technology. Brno: Brno university of technology, Faculty of electrical engineering and communication, 2009. 90 p. Supervisor prof. Ing. František Zezulka, CSc.

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