Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe spelling"" "subject:"hhe spelling""
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Fonoaudiologia escolar: proposta de práticas reflexivas de linguagem para o ensino fundamental / Speech pathology in education: proposal of reflexive practices of language for elementary school. College of educationTais Ciboto 30 June 2006 (has links)
O presente estudo, de caráter experimental, buscou relacionar duas grandes áreas - Fonoaudiologia e Educação - tendo como tema principal a promoção de linguagem oral e escrita no contexto escolar. Sucessivos estudos apontam que um índice muito grande de alunos brasileiros chegam à 4ª série sem saber ler e escrever ou com níveis muito baixos de aquisição das habilidades de leitura e escrita exigidas para este grau de escolarização. Diante disso, esta pesquisa teve por objetivos: avaliar e categorizar os níveis de linguagem escrita dos alunos de 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental e estudar e avaliar, por meio de uma pesquisa-ação, os benefícios de uma proposta de práticas reflexivas de linguagem para crianças com aprendizagem adequada para a série em questão, para as que apresentavam um distúrbio de leitura e escrita já instalado e para aquelas com risco para esta alteração. Para a amostra deste estudo foram selecionados 58 alunos de duas turmas da 4ª série de uma mesma escola. Elaborou-se um Programa de Práticas Reflexivas de Linguagem (PPRL), composto de quatorze encontros, em que a pesquisadora aplicou diferentes atividades lingüísticas coletivas para a amostra selecionada. Antes e após a execução do Programa, os alunos foram submetidos a uma avaliação individual com o objetivo de caracterizar o nível de conhecimento que cada um tinha em relação à linguagem oral e escrita. As professoras de ambas as classes também fizeram uma avaliação de cada aluno, por meio de um questionário informativo, avalizaram o conjunto de atividades antes de sua aplicação e estiveram presentes durante toda a execução do trabalho na escola. Após a coleta de dados, optou se por comparar o desempenho dos alunos no âmbito da linguagem escrita, pré e pós Programa, tanto qualitativa quanto quantitativamente. Quantitativamente, observou-se uma diminuição estatisticamente significante da quantidade total de erros ortográficos, bem como uma evolução na produção textual, principalmente quanto aos aspectos de coesão, inferência e contextualidade. Qualitativamente, constatou-se que o PPRL mostrou-se efetivo, ao melhorar o conhecimento geral que os alunos tinham em relação ao ato de escrever, principalmente nos aspectos ortográfico e textual. Conclui-se que as atividades de promoção de linguagem realizadas neste estudo constituem-se em agentes importantes na inclusão dos alunos no contexto de sala de aula, inclusive daqueles que apresentam dificuldades relevantes no processo de aquisição e desenvolvimento de linguagem escrita. / The present study of experimental nature, looked to relate two large areas - Speech Pathology and Education - having as it\'s main theme, the promotion of oral and written language in the school context. Successive studies show that a very large number of brazilian students come to 4th grade without knowing how to read or write, or with very low acquisition levels of reading and writing abilities required at this grade level. Before this, the object of this study was to evaluate and identify the written language levels of 4th grade students in Elementary School, study the benefits of a proposal of reflexive practices of language for children with adequate learning for the grade in question, also those students that presented oral and written difficulties, and those with risk for this alteration. For the study\'s sample there were 58 students selected from two 4th grade classes in the same school. A Program of Reflexive Practices of Language (PRPL) was prepared, composed of 14 sessions, in which the researcher carried out different linguistic activities for the selected sample group. Before and after the execution of the program, the students were submitted to an individual evaluation, with the purpose of identifying the level of knowledge that each one had regarding oral and written language. The teachers in both classes evaluated each of the students. They also evaluated the program activities and were present during the research execution at the school. After collecting the data, the written language performance levels were compared for each student both pre and post program looking at both quality and quantity of completed testing items. Quantitatively, there was a significant statistical reduction observed in the total number of spelling errors. In addition, increased development in textual production, especially in cohesion and inference were noted. Qualitatively, it was noticed that the PRPL proved to be effective by improving general knowledge that the students had regarding the act of writing, especially in spelling and textual aspects. It was concluded that the activities of promotion of language done in this study constituted an important part in the inclusion of students in the classroom context, even those who present relevant difficulties in the process of acquisition and development of written language.
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O domÃnio da ortografia por alunos oriundos da EducaÃÃo de Jovens e Adultos / The mastery of the orthography for students come from of Youngsters and Adults EducationMarilene Barbosa Pinheiro 11 August 2005 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Vencer o desafio de registrar tudo o que se diz utilizando caracteres grÃficos à o ideal da maioria dos jovens e adultos que, por nunca terem estudado, ingressam na escola para aprender a ler e escrever. Para aqueles que ingressaram quando crianÃa na escola e dela saÃram antes de concluir os estudos, o desafio passa a ser, prioritariamente, aprender a escrita convencional, recurso indispensÃvel para sua participaÃÃo efetiva como cidadÃo do mundo letrado. Todavia, o desafio nÃo se limita ao registro apenas. Hà que se escrever ortograficamente. Neste trabalho, analisaram-se textos de 11 alunos oriundos da EducaÃÃo de Jovens e Adultos com o objetivo de analisar os fatores apoio na fala e infreqÃÃncia de leitura como condicionantes de suas dificuldades ortogrÃficas. Buscou-se, tambÃm, descobrir categorias de desvios diferentes das encontradas por diversos autores nos escritos de crianÃas, alÃm de averiguar se os adultos conseguiam verbalizar os conhecimentos adquiridos sobre normas ortogrÃficas. Detectaram-se 744 desvios ortogrÃficos que, apÃs analisados, distribuÃram-se nas categorias letras concorrentes (40.5%), apoio na fala (23.6%), supressÃo de letras (8.1%), troca de consoante surda/sonora (7.1%), junÃÃo inadequada (4.7%), acrÃscimo de letras e uso generalizado (4.3%), segmentaÃÃo imprÃpria (3.2%), inversÃo de letras (0.8%) e outros (3%). Tais categorias sÃo semelhantes Ãs encontradas nos textos infantis e letras concorrentes (40.5%) ocupou o 1 lugar em nÃmero de ocorrÃncias seguida da apoio na fala (23.6%). Dos 11 alunos, 06 (54.5%) conseguiram verbalizar os conhecimentos que possuÃam sobre ortografia e 05 (45%) deles nÃo praticam constantemente a leitura, o que, acredita-se, nÃo favorece um melhor rendimento ortogrÃfico. AlÃm disso, a pesquisa evidenciou que, mesmo alunos que cometem muitos desvios ortogrÃficos, conseguem expressar verbalmente a norma infringida e se autocorrigem. / Winning the challenge of registering everything that is said using graphic characters is the ideal of most youngsters and adults who, never having studied before, go to school in order to be capable of reading and writing. For those who entered at school when they are children and get out before to conclude their studies, the challenge is conventional written, indispensable recourse to their effective participation as citizens of lettered world. Nevertheless, the challenge is not just about the register. It is necessary to write orthographically. In this paper, it was analyzed texts of 11 students come from of Youngsters and Adults Education, whit the objective of analyzing factors of support in oral speech and the infrequency of reading as conditioning of their orthographic difficulties. Also, it was sought to find categories of deflection different of those found by many authors in children written, further to verify if adults succeed in verbalize the knowledgements acquired about orthographic standard. It was detected were distributed in categories: competing letters (40,5%), support in oral speech (23,6%), suppression of letters (8,1%), exchange of consonant voiceless/ voiced (7,1%), unsuited junction (4,7%), addition of letters and generalized use (4,3%), improper segmentation (3,2%), inversion of letters (0,8%) and others (3%). These categories are similar to the ones found in the texts of children and competing letters took the first place in number of occurrence followed by support in oral speech (23,6%). Of 11 students, 06 (54,5%) succeed verbalize knowledgements about orthography and 45% of them do not have constant practice in reading, that is believed, it does not favour a letter orthographic improve. Besides that, the research showed that, even students who make many deflections, succeed in express in a verbal way the infringed standard and correct themselves.
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Mots-outils homophones hétérographes. Leur enseignement à l'école primaire / The Teaching of Homophonous Heterographic Tool Words in Primary SchoolsTallet, Christine 14 December 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est d’étudier le comportement orthographique des élèves de l’école primaire face à l’hétérographie, réalité linguistique difficile à acquérir. Les différentes ressources du système graphique pour distinguer, à l’écrit, ce qui se confond à l’oral constituent un confort pour le lecteur mais une difficulté pour le scripteur, surtout pour les mots grammaticaux les plus fréquents. Pour produire les graphies normées de a/à, la/là, ou/où, et/est, son/sont, on/ont, mes/mais, ce/se, les élèves doivent apprendre la polyvalence des graphèmes et s’affranchir de la correspondance phono-graphologique. La difficulté n’est pas la même pour chaque paire d’homophones. Ces mots-outils sont enseignés par paires formées sur le critère de l’identité phonique. La méthode utilisée en classe repose sur deux grands principes, les procédés de substitution et leur application dans des exercices. Chaque paire a son propre procédé. Les productions écrites et les commentaires métagraphiques recueillis auprès d’un échantillon de 240 élèves scolarisés du CE2 à la 6ème ainsi qu’une enquête auprès des enseignants et l’examen de manuels scolaires ont permis de mettre en regard les méthodes d’enseignement et l’interprétation que les élèves en font. Les résultats de l’analyse témoignent de la difficulté des élèves à mettre en œuvre les procédés appris, en fonction des contextes. Si les élèves sont capables de citer les paires apprises, leurs emplois en production écrite révèlent une insécurité linguistique. Les conclusions de ce travail permettent de formuler des propositions didactiques. / The aim of this research is to study the spelling practice of primary school pupils facing the heterography of homophonic words, a linguistic reality difficult to acquire. The different resources of the graphic system to distinguish, in writing, what is confused orally, constitute a comfort for the reader but a difficulty for the writer, especially for the most frequent grammatical words. To produce the graphics for a/à, la/là, ou/où, et/est, son/sont, on/ont, mes/mais, ce/se, pupils have to learn the polyvalency of the graphemes and get away from the phonographological connection. The difficulty is not the same for each pair of homophones. These tool words are taught in pairs based on identical phonics. The method used in class rests on 2 main principles, the process of substitution and their application in exercises. Each pair has its own process. Written work and metagraphic commentaries taken from a sample of 240 pupils aged 8-12 as well as a survey of teachers and a study of school textbooks allow us to focus on the teaching methods and pupils’ interpretations. The results of the analysis demonstrate the difficulty pupils have putting learned procedures into practice, in keeping with the context. While the pupils are able to quote the learned pairs, their use in written work demonstrates a linguistic insecurity. The conclusions of this work allow us to formulate some didactic proposals.
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L’orthographe lexicale des jeunes Français dans les discours des blogsOlsson, Chloé January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze and study French pupils spelling and more specificallyspelling errors. The study is based on the blogs of 78 young french students where spellingerrors are analyzed based on a typology by Nina Catach (1980). This typology explains whattype of spelling errors that can occur in the French language. La maitrise de l’orthographelexicale du français et de l’espagnol is a study made by Sony Mayard (2007) which explainsthe complexity of the French spelling.The study shows that first of all, the spelling of pupils is not something that can concretely bejudged or cataloged. You can never explain exactly why French pupils have an way ofspelling, since spelling is individual and takes several key factors in to consideration.However, this study presents one approach of how spelling errors can be differentiated andthe possible reasons why they are judged as incorrect. / L’idée de cette étude a été d'analyser et d'étudier l’orthographe française des jeunesinternautes français, et surtout les erreurs d’orthographe. L’étude a été faite sur les blogs de78 jeunes internautes français, sur une plate-forme nommée Skyrock. Les erreursd'orthographe sont analysées avec l’aide de la typologie à six échelles par Nina Catach(1980). Cette typologie explique quelques différentes catégories d’erreurs d'orthographe de lalangue française. La maitrise de l'orthographe lexicale du français et de l'espagnol est uneétude faite par Sony Mayard (2007) qui explique la complexité de l'orthographe française.L'étude montre premièrement que l'orthographe française ne peut pas être jugée oucataloguée. Nous ne pouvons jamais expliquer exactement pourquoi les jeunes Français ontune orthographe atypique car ceci dépend de plusieurs facteurs, tels que des facteursindividuels. En revanche, cette étude présente une façon de différencier les erreursd'orthographe et les éventuelles raisons derrière pourquoi cette orthographe est jugée commeétant incorrecte.
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Analyzing Spelling Errors by Linguistic Features among Children with Learning DisabilitiesJohnson, Christine 03 July 2016 (has links)
In order to spell fluently and accurately, phonology, orthography, and morphology must be integrated and stored into long term memory (Berninger & Richards, in press; Berninger, Nagy, Tanimoto, Thompson, Abbott, 2015). Children with dysgraphia, dyslexia, and OWL-LD have specific deficits in linguistic processing that impede the cross-mapping of these linguistic elements. This study analyzes the frequency and nature of spelling errors produced by children with dysgraphia, dyslexia, and OWL-LD during an academic writing task in order to determine if known deficits in linguistic processing affect the type and severity of spelling errors made by these children.
The present study analyzed error severity and frequency of spelling errors produced by children with dysgraphia (n=13), dyslexia (n=17), or OWL-LD (n=5) during the academic writing tasks obtained in the Berninger et al. (2015) study. In the previous study, students read or listened to computerized lessons about basic mathematical concepts and then typed summaries of what they learned. For the current study, all spelling errors made during the typed summary writing tasks were extracted and analyzed using the Phonological, Orthographic, Morphological Assessment of Spelling (POMAS) and then recoded with POMplexity (a measure of error severity) to determine the severity and frequency of spelling errors made in the linguistic categories of phonology, orthography, and morphology.
Results indicated that the students did not differ in error severity by diagnostic category. However, a qualitative analysis using the POMAS revealed that children from different diagnostic categories produced different types of errors. With respect to error frequency, only students with dysgraphia made significantly fewer errors than students with OWL-LD, and all participants, regardless of diagnostic category produced more errors in typed summaries following the reading condition.
These results are consistent with previous research indicating that children with learning disabilities do not produce deviant spelling errors when compared to typically-developing, age-matched peers or typically-developing, spelling-matched peers (Silliman, Bahr, and Peters, 2006, among others). The current results demonstrate that the spelling errors of children with learning disabilities reflect the expected linguistic breakdowns in cross-code mapping, and that children with learning disabilities may display these spelling deficits beyond an appropriate age.
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Výuka anglických tichých písmen / Teaching Silent Letters to Czech LearnersPospíšilová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis follows up on the bachelor thesis which dealt with the phenomenon of silent letters and which was created by the same author. This bachelor thesis has revealed that Czech learners tend to mispronounce every fifth word containing a silent letter which should be seen as alarming. The diploma thesis therefore tries to find some way how to change this situation. The theoretical part of this thesis focuses on the analysis of various techniques and materials which are concerned with silent letters. In the practical part this materials are adjusted to the needs of the Czech learners in order to create a battery of activities which would cover this area of pronunciation. In the next step these activities will be introduced in English classrooms. In the research we will monitor the progress of the respondents over a larger period of time and assess how effective the created activities are.
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De la variabilité du rapport des enseignants de l’école primaire à l’orthographe appréhendée comme une norme sociale : discours et pratiques / Variability in the relationships primary school teachers have to spelling analyzed as a social norm : speech and teaching practices.Combalier-Combaz-Champlaine, Catherine 23 November 2017 (has links)
Notre recherche étudie le rapport des enseignants de l’école primaire française à l’orthographe appréhendée comme une norme sociale à travers leurs propos déclaratifs et à travers leurs pratiques enseignantes. En France, l’orthographe revêt des enjeux sociaux d’importance. Si l’orthographe est un ensemble de règles provenant du système linguistique, elle est aussi une pratique sociale qui s’impose à tous les utilisateurs. Elle appartient dès lors aux normes culturelles d’une société donnée. C’est pourquoi, nous avons cherché à apprécier l’adhésion des maitres à cette norme et à savoir s’il existait, entre eux, une certaine variabilité dans cette adhésion. Pour ce faire, nous avons opérationnalisé le concept de norme sociale. Nous avons mené 30 entretiens semi-directifs auprès d’enseignants de CM1 et CM2. Leurs réponses ont été analysées grâce à une analyse de contenu thématique et à une analyse statistique. Cela a permis de dégager cinq profils ortho-normatifs qui témoignent d’une variabilité du rapport des maitres à cette norme sociale orthographique et d’établir une typologie. Puis, nous avons cherché à percevoir ces rapports ortho-normatifs lorsqu’ils enseignent en classe auprès de leurs élèves pour éprouver les propos de Jaurès « on n’enseigne pas ce que l’on sait ou ce que l’on croit savoir : on enseigne et on ne peut enseigner que ce que l’on est » et apprécier la présence de leurs logiques d’arrière-fond (Bucheton, 2011). Chaque enseignant montre sa façon singulière d’incarner son profil ortho-normatif et de rendre présente cette norme sociale lors d’une séance d’enseignement d’un point particulier du système linguistique. Ce faisant, il construit le curriculum caché des élèves. / Our research studies how French primary school teachers deal with spelling considered as a social norm through their declarative words as well as their teaching practices. In France, with spelling, important social issues are at stake. If spelling is a set of rules linked to the linguistic system, it is also a social practice which is imposed on all users. As such it belongs to the cultural norms of a given society. That’s why we tried to estimate teachers ’adhesion to this norm and see if there was a certain variability to it among them.In order to achieve this, we operationalized the concept of social norm. We led 30 semi-directive interviews with 4th and 5th year primary school teachers. Their answers were analyzed thanks to both a thematic content analysis and a statistical one. The result highlighted the existence of five “ortho-normative profiles” which shows a variability in the relationship teachers have to this social spelling norm and enabling us to establish a typology.Then, we tried to grasp these “ortho-normative relationships” when they teach in class to test Jaurès ‘s words : “we don’t teach what we know or what we think we know, we teach and can only teach what we are” and thus estimated their background logics (Bucheton, 2011). Each teacher showed his personal way to embody his own “ortho-normative profile” and made this social norm present during a teaching session of a particular point of the linguistic system. In doing so, he builds the pupils’hidden curriculum.
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Teaching Spelling for RetentionHinson, Angelynn Dunagan 01 January 1982 (has links)
Because the teaching of spelling to students above the seventh grade is not a universally endorsed curriculum, it is the purpose of this study to explore varied opinions concerning the reasons and methods for teaching spelling, to develop a specified six week curriculum for the teaching of a spelling unit to eighth graders, and to evaluate the curriculum and its relevance to students of this age. Study and research reveal that most students of middle school age do have spelling difficulties which can be overcome. This curriculum utilizes methods suggested in the related literature for enhancing the study of specified word lists. The resulting data indicates that additional classroom activities do produce positive increases in the attainment of the knowledge of hard-to-spell words. However, the retention level appears to be the same, regardless of the methods of teaching.
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The Effects of Tests and Praise on Children's Hear-write and See-say Responses.Edwards, Bobbie 12 1900 (has links)
Four elementary school children were tested on 120 words containing the short e (e.g., ten, pen) and short a (e.g., tan, pan) sounds. Words were tested in the hear-write (H/W) and see-say (S/S) channels. No programmed consequences were scheduled during baseline (BL) tests 1-3. After BL, an error analysis categorized words based on channel error and topography of error. Praise was delivered during tests 4-6 for correct responses. Children's responses were variable within channel and across channels for a majority of words. By the end of the praise phase, there was a decrease in the number of words with errors, for all children in their error word group. Error topographies began to stabilize for some words during praise.
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Word study: An interactive approach to word solvingWalker, Nancy Watkins 01 January 2000 (has links)
This project addresses the problems some second grade students face when reading and writing due to decoding and encoding confusions and difficulties.
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