Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe vocational training"" "subject:"hhe vocational training""
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User Experience Forschung Remote: Untersuchung von Gelingensbedingungen der Digitalisierung in der berufichen BildungSchiller, Vincent, Jung, Stefan, Lentzsch, Nicos, Brade, Marius 11 March 2022 (has links)
... Laut Aussage des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie sind wir „längst in einer digitalisierten Welt angekommen. Die Digitalisierung betrifft nicht mehr nur
klassische IT-Unternehmen, sondern Unternehmen quer durch sämtliche Branchen und Sektoren“ (BMWi, o. D.). Zu diesem generellen Trend hat die Corona-Krise wie
ein „Digitalisierungsbeschleuniger“ (Hofmann et al., 2020) gewirkt.. [Aus: Einleitung und Zielstellung]
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Youth Entrepreneurship Among University Graduates in Anambra State, NigeriaNwosu, Mike Chike 01 January 2019 (has links)
Nigerian policy is inconsistent with regard to the promotion of entrepreneurship among young adults in Anambra State that would serve as a guide to becoming self-employed. Most young adults in Anambra State lack information on entrepreneurial characteristics to become self-employed. The issues confronting Anambra State as a result of youth unemployment include increase in crime rate, drug abuse, kidnapping, and suicide rate. Guided by the human capital theory, the purpose of this case study was to explore the entrepreneurship strategies that young adults in Anambra State needed to become self-employed after graduating from universities. Twenty youth entrepreneurs participated in the individual interviews, 5 participated in a focus group, and 5 policymakers participated in another individual interview. Data were coded and analyzed using Yin's 5 step procedure involving compiling, assembling, analysing, dissembling and repeating the entire process three times until the themes emerged. The emerging themes were mentorship, vocational training, and ad-hoc programs. These findings revealed that youth who participated in these programs (mentorship, vocational training and ad-hoc) obtained entrepreneurial strategies and consequently ran more profitable enterprises than those who did not. The implications for positive social change include recommendations to policymakers to expand the mentoring program among young adults and introduce vocational education that could enhance employment rate, thereby improving the standard of living, and create educational programs for university students with the expectation that upon graduation they may be able to develop businesses that may lead to the creation of employment and empower young entrepreneurs towards national growth and development.
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À l’école du travail social. Une sociologie comparée des formations d’assistantes sociales en France et en Italie / Learning social work. A comparative sociology of social service assistant training in France and in ItalyIori, Ruggero 06 July 2018 (has links)
À la croisée de la sociologie de l’enseignement supérieur, de la sociologie des professions et de la socialisation, cette thèse a pour objectif d’interroger la sociogenèse du corps professionnel des assistantes de service social (ou, plus communément, des assistantes sociales) au prisme de sa formation et selon une approche comparative. Formations initiales, continues, professionnelles ou universitaires, ces curricula sont, dans les deux pays, structurées autour de la tension entre forme scolaire et apprentissage professionnel. Cette recherche sur la fabrique des assistances sociales explore cette tension à partir d’une sociologie des étudiantes et des institutions qui les (con)forment. Le dispositif d’enquête combine méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives : entretiens, questionnaires et observations ethnographiques au sein de quatre instituts de formation. Dans la perspective d’une sociologie comparée d’espaces disciplinaires et par suivi longitudinal des étudiantes, de l’entrée à la sortie des formations, on a essayé d’éclairer les mécanismes de socialisation en service social. Dans une première partie, par une socio-histoire des deux espaces nationaux de formation en service social, il s’est agi de s’intéresser à la genèse de ces curricula. En France, cette formation se construit à l’écart de l’enseignement supérieur (à l’exception de certains parcours en IUT), alors qu’en Italie, après être longtemps demeurée à l’extérieur du champ universitaire, elle y a été intégrée au cours des années 1990 et 2000. Explorer les luttes et les échecs dans l’institutionnalisation de cette formation, permet de dessiner des parallèles entre l’universitarisation de cette filière et l’injonction à la professionnalisation dans l’espace de l’enseignement supérieur. Dans une deuxième partie, on a porté notre attention sur les aspirations et les orientations dans le service social. En resituant d’abord chaque choix scolaire dans la hiérarchie des filières du supérieur national, on a identifié trois types d’orientation étudiante dans les deux contextes nationaux en fonction des parcours scolaires, des appartenances de classe et des discours mis en avant par les étudiantes enquêtées. D’une typologie statistique aux récits de vie, on a montré les conditions sociales, individuelles et collectives des raisons d’agir et des parcours socio-scolaires des étudiantes qui s’orientent vers ces formations. À l’aide d’une analyse comparée et transversale de dix trajectoires, on a pu repérer pour certaines une continuité socio-scolaire, pour d’autres un réajustement professionnel ou encore une réorientation sociale. La troisième partie s’intéresse aux mécanismes de sélection, à l’entrée et tout au long du cursus, aux contenus et aux savoirs transmis au sein des quatre centres de formation des deux pays. La sélection, axée selon les structures sur une distance, partielle ou revendiquée, avec les connaissances scolaires, permet de cibler des étudiantes aux profils spécifiques, relevant d’origines et d’expériences sociales distinctives. Tandis que les instituts identifiés comme relevant du pôle scolaire visent davantage des étudiantes d’origines populaires, plus conformes à l’institution scolaire, les instituts du pôle professionnel ciblent les dispositions interactionnelles et une adaptabilité aux conditions professionnelles qui concernent davantage des élèves plus dotées en capitaux. Au final, les instituts de formation participent à un tri progressif des populations, toutes les étudiantes n’arrivant pas jusqu’au diplôme. Entre docilité sociale et adaptabilité au marché de l’emploi, l’apprentissage progressif du métier d’assistante sociale passe par des ajustements, des résistances et des réappropriations d’un ethos singulier, au sein d’un espace professionnel en constante redéfinition. / The goal of this dissertation is to question the social origins of social service assistants (or social workers) in France and Italy. Based on a cross-national comparative design focusing on social workers’ training trajectories, this research combines approaches from the sociology of higher education, sociology of professions and theories of socialization. While social workers’ curricula in the two countries vary across forms of “pre-service”, “in-service”, vocational as well as university training, they generally stem from the tension existing between academic and professional educational systems. This study addresses this tension, focusing on the interplay between students’ social background and the logics of education in social assistance. The research design combines qualitative and quantitative methods, including face-to-face interviews, questionnaires and ethnographic observation at four educational institutions. By comparing the configuration of the disciplinary field in the two countries, and by following students longitudinally from entry to graduation, hence, this study aims to shed light on the process of socialization in social work education.The first section offers a social history of training in social service, investigating the background of the different types of curricula in the two national contexts. While social work training in France generally takes place outside of the high education system, in Italy it was ultimately integrated in the university field throughout the 1990s and 2000s. Exploring the more or less successful process of institutionalization of this specific form of training, allows elaborating on the academization of the social service sector in light of the progressive professionalization of higher education. The second section focuses on aspirations and orientations among social service students. By classifying students’ choices hierarchically in the two national higher education sectors, we identify three main types of orientation, which have to do with a student’s educational trajectory, their class membership, as well as her preferred justification.Based on a statistical typology of students’ life stories, we illustrate the social and academic background, as well as the individual and collective conditions, in which students embarking in this type of education are embedded. The comparative, cross-sectional analysis of ten individual trajectories, in fact, shows that while some students display socio-academic continuity, others experience professional readjustment or even social reorientation.The third section addresses selection mechanisms at entry and throughout the educative path in the two countries, while also focusing on the content and skills within the curricula of the four training institutes under study. It shows that, albeit often claiming otherwise, institutes do not select students based on their school background (previous school experience), but rather target candidates with specific profiles stemming from distinctive social origins and experiences. While institutes belonging to the school cluster target primarily students of working class background in line with the tradition of school institutions, those of the professional cluster target specific interactional predispositions as well as adaptability to professional conditions, which are more frequent among students that are better off in terms of cultural capital. Furthermore, all institutes put forth a progressive selection, as not all of the students ultimately get a diploma. Learning social work takes place at the crossroads between social docility and adaptability to the job market, which implies adjustments, resistances and re-appropriations of the singular ethos of a professional space in constant redefinition.
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Logiques d'utilisation des MOOC en entreprise au prisme des capabilités / MOOC utilization patterns in companies to the prism of capabilitiesConde, Jean 10 December 2018 (has links)
Encouragés voire financés par la commission européenne et par les pouvoirs publics français, les MOOC, en tant que formations flexibles, accessibles à tous et potentiellement certifiantes, font figure de réponse idéale aux injonctions à la formation permanente, portées par les politiques de « flexisécurité » en Europe. En court-circuitant les instances historiques de la formation professionnelle en France, les plates-formes de MOOC facilitent l’accès à la formation et apparaissent comme un moyen pour l’individu d’exprimer sa « liberté » dans « le choix de son avenir professionnel », objectifs affichés des dernières réformes de la formation professionnelle. Mais faute de régulation collective, d’encadrement pédagogique et juridique, le risque est grand de voir l’exercice de ces libertés réservé aux individus les plus autonomes, qui sont également les mieux dotés d’un point de vue sociologique, et ce notamment dans l’entreprise. À partir de l’approche par les capabilités d’A.Sen, cette thèse identifie les facteurs favorisant ou entravant l’accès, le suivi et la conversion des MOOC en pouvoir d’agir réel pour les salariés. Pour y parvenir, a été mise en œuvre une méthodologie mixte fondée sur des enquêtes incluant observations de terrain et entretiens semi-directifs, auprès de participants et de décideurs de la formation dans l’entreprise. Elle met, d’une part, en évidence le fait que les utilisations de MOOC dans les entreprises font l’objet d’importantes inégalités socioindividuelles et, d’autre part, que leur caractère informel tend à renforcer la position de l’employeur dans les négociations conduisant à la répartition des responsabilités relatives à la formation des salariés. Nous proposons, enfin, une typologie des configurations d’utilisation des MOOC. Cette recherche montre que malgré le caractère récent et non institué du phénomène, il est d’ores et déjà possible de distinguer plusieurs logiques typiques, plus ou moins capacitantes, d’utilisation des MOOC dans les entreprises. / Encouraged and financed to some extent by European Commission and the French State, MOOCs are flexible courses, open to anyone and they potentially deliver certificates ; as such, they appear to represent an ideal response to the calls for a mutation of lifelong learning that come along with the politics aimed at developing flexicurity in Europe. In France, MOOC platforms bypass the traditional professional training institutions, and by doing so, could be a potential way for individuals to acquire more freedom to chose their professionnal future. Nevertheless, due to poor collective self-regulation, and due to the lack of pedagogical guidance and legal framework, there is a high risk that only the most seelf-regulated individuals benefit from such opportunities. Through the « capabilities » theoretical framework developped by A. Sen, this research aims at identifying the factors that foster or on the contrary impede the empowerment of employees through MOOCs. In that perspective we followed a mixed method approach based on field observation in organizations, semi-structured interviews and surveys. We show that the uses of MOOCs in companies reveal important inegalities among individuals ; moreover, the fact that they are followed in an informal way tend to benefit employers. We propose a typology of uses in MOOCs, based on their ability to empower employees.
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Språkliga vidder i praktiska ämnen : Språkliga dimensioner inom det Industritekniska programmet på gymnasiet / Linguistic expanses in practical subjects : Linguistic dimensions within the Industrial-technical programme at uppersecondary schoolSebastian, Room January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker vad den språkliga dimensionen består utav inom gymnasieskolansIndustritekniska program, med fokus på det svenska språket. Undersökningen har gjorts medhjälp av intervjuer där sex undervisande lärare på programmet har fått svara på frågorgällande språket och hur det relaterar till utbildningens programgemensamma ämnen ochkurser. Vilken ställning anses språket ha i utbildningen och hur används det i enverkstadsmiljö när det kommer till undervisning? Undersökningen är kopplad till teorier kringlitteracitet och hur lärarnas strategier utifrån detta ser ut när det kommer till hur språketanvänds inom yrket och sedermera det kommande yrket. Genom intervjuerna framkommerdet att språket inom det Industritekniska programmet har en viktig funktion när det kommertill både undervisning och kopplingen till det kommande yrket ser ut. I det praktiska påprogrammet återfinns krav på en språklig kompetens som grundar sig i yrkets fackspråk ochterminologi. / This thesis examines what the linguistic dimensions consists of within the upper secondaryshool’s Industrial Engineering programme, with a focus on the Swedish language. The surveywas conducted using the help of interviews where six vocational teachers within theprogramme have been asked questions regarding the language and how it relates to theprogramme-wide subjects and courses. What kind of position is the language considered tohave within the education and how is it used in a workshop eniviroment when it comes toteaching? The study is linked to theories about literacy and what teacher’s strategies based onthis look like when it comes to how the language is used in the education and the futureprofession. The interviews show that the language within the Industrial Technical programmehas an important function when it comes to both teaching and the coming connection to thefuture profession. The practicality of the programme includes requirements for a linguisticcompetence based on the professional language and terminology of the profession.
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Поддержка системы профессиональной подготовки кадров в монопрофильном муниципальном образовании: анализ и инструменты совершенствования : магистерская диссертация / Support for a professional training system in a single-industry municipality: analysis and improvement toolsГалиаскарова, К. Р., Galiaskarova, K. R. January 2020 (has links)
Проведен анализ профессиональной подготовки кадров в монопрофильном муниципальном образовании Первоуральск. Выявлено, что внедрение практико-ориентированной (дуальной) формы подготовки производственных кадров нуждается в мерах активной государственной поддержки. / The analysis of professional training in the single-industry municipality of Pervouralsk. It was revealed that the introduction of a practice-oriented (dual) form of training of production personnel needs active government support measures.
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STUDIEMOTIVATION I RELIGIONSUNDERVSINING : Undervisningsmetodernas påverkan på elevernas studiemotivation på gymnasiet ur ett lärarperspektivSalometsä, Marianne January 2024 (has links)
Students ‘motivation for religious studies at upper secondary school decrease on a yearly basis. The reasons for this lack of motivation are, among other things, the rising secularization in the Swedish society as well as the methods used for teaching religious studies. The aim of this pedagogic study is to elucidate the challenges connected to the motivation of the students ‘regarding the motivation for religious studies that teachers encounter, as well as to understand how teachers undertake these challenges in their teaching practices. The method used for this study was semi structured interviews with active teachers conducted on the telephone or in person. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed. From this data a number of key factors were selected through thematized content analysis. The result of the study confirms that the motivation of religious studies dwindles in Swedish Upper Secondary Schools. Teachers encounter vast challenges when trying to explain why students should take religious studies, especially vocational students find religious studies superfluous. The teachers who reached the highest degree of attainment reported that they teach in close connection to the students. Furthermore, they aim at using a broad variety of methods adjusted for the different students. Future research ought to study the reception of the subject by the students ‘ and how they perceived their own motivation for religious studies. By interviewing students, you might also collect data representing the experiences and perception of the students.
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The integration of identified employability skills into the Namibian vocational education and training curriculumNaanda, Raimo Ndapewa 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the advent of the 21st century the world has been experiencing rapid changes in
knowledge, technology and information. These changes pose challenges to the
providers of education and training in general and vocational education and training in
particular. The impact of technological advancement and the nature of organisational
changes in the workplace demand skills of an increasingly higher level – particularly
skills in the areas of information technology, problem solving and communication. The
problem identified in this study was that graduates from vocational training centres
(VTCs) in Namibia did not have appropriate employability skills needed at the
workplace, as indicated by Namibian employers. The aim of this study was to identify the types of employability skills considered
important by employers at the workplace and to determine how such skills could be
integrated into the vocational education and training curriculum in Namibia. A literature
review conducted revealed that employers require workers with the following key, core
or employability skills: communication, information technology, working with numbers,
working with others, problem solving and improving one’s own learning and
The population for this study was 493 employers providing on-the-job training or
employing vocational training centre graduates. A total of 244 out of the 493
employers responded. The population of the study represented the following
occupational sectors: auto trades, building construction trades, metalwork trades and
electrical engineering trades.
Data for the study were collected through reviewing the literature on employability
skills, a survey questionnaire to employers and face-to-face interviews conducted with
selected employers during the research. The following questions were explored in the
questionnaire and structured interviews: i) Which employability skills are important at
the workplace? ii) Who is responsible for developing employability skills? iii) If it is the
responsibility of vocational training centres to foster employability skills, at which
educational level should employability skills education be introduced? iv) How should
the acquisition of employability skills be promoted? v) How should employability skills
be assessed? The study found that employers in Namibia considered employability skills such as
teamwork, time management, a positive attitude, problem solving, planning, and
coping with multiple tasks as the most important skills they required from vocational
training centre graduates. Employers further indicated that employability skills could
be developed at family/home settings as well as at school and vocational training
centres and suggested that employability skills education be introduced from level 1
during the first year of training. It was also found that portfolios, observation and
practical assessment were credible approaches for assessing employability skills and
that this should be done in real-life contexts.
Based on the conclusions arrived at in the study, it is recommended that a policy
framework for employability skills be developed and implemented in the Namibian
vocational education and training system. Specific recommendations are made
regarding the following aspects: the type of employability skills; whose responsibility it
is to develop these skills; at which level of training the development of employability
skills should be implemented; how they could best be learned and how the learning of
employability skills could be assessed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die snelle veranderinge op die gebied van kennis, tegnologie en inligting sedert die
begin van die 21ste eeu bied groot uitdagings aan die verskaffers van onderwys en
opleiding in die algemeen en beroepsonderwys en -opleiding in die besonder. Die
uitwerking van tegnologiese vordering en die aard van organisatoriese veranderinge in
die werkplek vereis groter hoërorde-vaardighede as vantevore – veral vaardighede op
die gebied van inligtingstegnologie, probleemoplossing en kommunikasie. Die
probleem wat in hierdie studie aan bod gekom het, was dat gegradueerdes van
beroepsopleidingsentrums in Namibië nie oor voldoende indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede
wat in die werkplek benodig word, beskik nie, soos aangedui deur
Namibiese werknemers.
Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die soorte indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede
wat werkgewers by indiensneming van personeel as belangrik beskou te identifiseer,
en om vas te stel hoe sodanige vaardighede in die kurrikulum vir beroepsonderwys en
.. opleiding in Namibië geïntegreer kan word. Literatuuroorsig het getoon dat
werknemers benodig word met die volgende belangrike, kern- of indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede:
kommunikasie, inligtingstegnologie, syfervaardigheid,
samewerking met ander persone, probleemoplossing en die verbetering van eie leer
en prestasie.
Die navorsingspopulasie vir hierdie studie het uit 493 werkgewers bestaan wat
indiensopleiding verskaf of wat persone in diens het wat reeds hul beroepsopleiding
voltooi het. Tweehonderd-vier-en-veertig werkgewers het uiteindelik aan die
vraelysondersoek deelgeneem. Die motor-, konstruksie- en metaalwerkbedryf, asook
die elektriese-ingenieurswesesektor, is in die navorsingspopulasie verteenwoordig.
Data is ingesamel deur literatuuroorsig te doen oor
indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede, en deur vraelyste en persoonlike onderhoude. Die
volgende vrae is in die vraelys en tydens gestruktureerde onderhoude gestel: i) Watter
indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede is in die werkplek belangrik? ii) Wie is
verantwoordelik vir die ontwikkeling van indiensneembaarheids-vaardighede?
iii) Indien dit die verantwoordelikheid is van beroepsopleidingsentra om
indiensneembaarheids-vaardighede te bevorder, op watter opvoedkundige vlak behoort opleiding met betrekking tot indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede ingestel te
word? iv) Hoe behoort die aanleer van indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede bevorder te
word? v) Hoe behoort indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede geassesseer te word?
Daar is bevind dat werkgewers in Namibië indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede soos
spanwerk, tydbestuur, positiewe houding, probleemoplossing, beplanning en die
hantering van veelvuldige take as die belangrikste vaardighede beskou wat hulle van
potensiële opgeleide werknemers verwag. Werkgewers het aangedui dat
indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede in die huis, in skole en deur beroepsopleidingsentrums
ontwikkel kan word. Hulle het voorgestel dat opleiding in
indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede in die eerste jaar van opleiding by die
beroepsopleidingsentrums vanaf vlak 1 aangebied behoort te word. Verdere
bevinding was dat die assessering van kwekelinge se portefeuljes, waarneming en
praktiese assessering geloofwaardige benadering tot die assessering van
indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede is en dat dit binne die konteks van die werklike
lewe gedoen behoort te word.
Daar word op grond van die bevindinge onder meer aanbeveel dat beleidsraamwerk
vir die ontwikkeling van indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede in die Namibiese
beroepsonderwys en .. opleidingstelsel ontwikkel en geïmplementeer word. Spesifieke
aanbevelings word gemaak ten opsigte van die tipes indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede,
wie se verantwoordelikheid dit is om hierdie vaardighede te ontwikkel, op
watter opleidingsvlak die indiensnemingsvaardighede geïmplementeer behoort te
word, hoe dit ten beste aangeleer kan word, en hoe die leerproses met betrekking tot
indiensneembaarheidsvaardighede geassesseer kan word.
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Politique de formation professionnelle et d'emploi en Haïti : le cas du secteur du tourisme (1980-2010) / Vocational Training Policy and Employment in Haiti : the Case of the Tourism Sector (1980-2010)Doré, Guichard 21 September 2010 (has links)
L'étude sur la politique de formation professionnelle et d'emploi en Haïti met l'accent sur l‟industrie touristique en tenant compte des atouts et de la position géographique du pays. Inscrit dans la lignée théorique du capital humain de Becker G. et faisant le lien entre les problèmes de la formation et le faible niveau de développement, le travail explore les principaux freins matériels et immatériels agissant négativement sur le secteur touristique et subséquemment sur le développement socioéconomique du pays. Adoptant une approche inspirée de l‟analyse systémique de Mélèze J. complétée par l‟analyse stratégique de Crozier M. et de Friedberg E., l‟étude met en évidence les enjeux des acteurs dans le cadre des démarches visant à dynamiser l‟industrie du tourisme en Haïti. Les données de l'enquête et les entretiens réalisés avec des personnalités ayant travaillé dans les secteurs de la formation et du développement ont permis de constater que les moyens alloués au système national de formation professionnelle sont largement insuffisants pour répondre à la demande sociale de la formation. Il a été permis de constater aussi que l'offre publique de formation professionnelle est historiquement faible et géographiquement inégalitaire. Ce problème affecte le stock de capital humain dont le pays a besoin pour assurer son développement socioéconomique.Les efforts déployés au cours de ces dernières années en vue d'atténuer les effets dévastateurs des crises qu'a connues le pays n'ont pas été accompagnés de l'application d'une politique de formation professionnelle en appui aux secteurs dans lesquels on espérait avoir des investissements. Les données économiques de la région et le positionnement géographique du pays autorisent à penser qu'une politique de formation ambitieuse aurait pu remplir une fonction attractive dans les branches d'activité à haute valeur ajoutée demandant moins d'investissement dans lesquelles le pays a des avantages comparatifs, notamment le tourisme. L'étude révèle que l'enseignement professionnel haïtien est déconnecté de l'appareil de production économique qui investit. Ce problème pousse certaines entreprises, pour répondre à leurs besoins, à faire appel à la main-d'oeuvre étrangère tandis que le pays connaît un taux de chômage important. Sous-financés, l'enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle sont victimes de la représentation traditionnelle que certains ont de l'apprentissage. De plus, il n'existe pas un espace formel de concertation et de dialogue entre les responsables des organismes de formation et les dirigeants des entreprises. Ces dialogues, nécessaires et réclamés dans une démarche d'accompagnement, d'anticipation des investissements et de mise en oeuvre des politiques de l'emploi, dans les rares cas où ils existent, sont plus personnels qu'institutionnels. La concurrence pour avoir des contactspersonnels prime sur l'intérêt général. La mutualisation des forces en présence paraît nécessaire afin d'arriver à une lecture partagée de l‟environnement économique, établir un partenariat privilégié et éclairé entre l'appareil de production et celui de l'enseignement pour mieux orienter la politique de l'État dans le champ de la formation professionnelle. Enfin, comme secteur prioritaire de développement, le tourisme, industrie pourvoyeuse d'emplois, ne sera pas profitable à Haïti s'il n'y a pas un effort substantiel pour innover, créer des entreprises nouvelles et les doter des compétences et des qualifications que requiert une économie fondée sur les activités touristiques. La rentabilité du secteur touristique passe également par la création d‟un climat d'affaire propice à l‟investissement direct étranger (IDE), par la levée des principaux freins à la croissance économique, par des actions ciblées relatives aux opérations de marketing et par l'amélioration de l'image du pays à l'étranger. / The study on vocational training policy and employment in Haiti focuses on the tourism industry taking into account the strengths and geographic position. Join in the tradition of human capital theory of Becker G. and linking the issues of training and low level of development, the work explores the main brake material and immaterial acts negatively on the tourism sector and subsequently the country's socioeconomic development. Adopting an approach based on systems analysis of Mélèze J. supplemented by the analysis Strategic Crozier M. and Friedberg E., the study highlights the challenges that the actors face in the context of efforts to boost tourism industry in Haiti. The survey data and interviews with personalities who worked in the areas of training and development have revealed that the resources allocated to the national system of vocational training are largely inadequate to meet the social demand for training. It was also revealed that the public offer for training is historically low and geographically unequal. This problem affects the stock of human capital that the country needs for its economic development.The efforts put forth in recent years to mitigate the devastating effects of crises within the country have not been accompanied by the application of a vocational training policy in support of industries in which one hoped to have investments. The economics data of the region and the country's geographical location that suggest an ambitious training policy might play a role in attracting industries with high added value requiring less investment in which the country has comparative advantages including tourism. The study reveals that Haitian vocational education is disconnected from the apparatus of economic output that invests. This problem leads some companies to satisfy their needs by appealing to foreign labor, while the country has a high unemployment rate. Under-funded, technical education and vocational training are victims of the traditional representation some make about apprenticeship. Moreover, there is no space for formal discussion and dialogue among those responsible for the educational system and business leaders. These dialogues are necessary and acclaimed in a quest for support, anticipation of investment and the implementation of employment policies, in rare cases where they exist, are more personal than institutional. Competition for personal contacts outweighs public interest. The mutualisation of forces in place seems necessary in order to reach a common view of the economic environment, establish a privileged and enlightened partnership between the production apparatus and that of education to better the politics of the State in the field of vocational training. Finally, as a priority sector of development, the industry of tourism providers of employment will not benefit Haiti if it does not make a substantial effort to innovate, to create new businesses and to acquire the skills and qualifications required in an economy based on tourism. The profitability of the tourism sector also means creating a business climate conducive to foreign direct investment (FDI) by removing the main obstacles to economic growth, through targeted activities relating to operations and marketing by improving the country's image abroad.
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The development of job-related education and training in Soweto, 1940-1990Kelm, Erwin 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation analyses job-related education, training
and development in Soweto since 1940. The effect which the
interference of the National Party government had on jobrelated
education for black South Africans in Soweto is
examined, as it is of importance to know that qualifiers
were only permitted to operate as trades people in the
bantustans and not in the "white" cities.
It is discussed that prior to the assassination of prime
minister Dr H F Verwoerd in 1966, the NP government had
little interest in promoting urban black upliftment. Also
mentioned is the economic situation at that time, which
forced the N P government to introduce the Manpower
Training Act, permitting Africans to qualify in trades
which were until 1981 reserved for whites only.
At the eentre of the discussion are the few Sowetan
colleges which deal with job-related education. training
and development in the African township. Despite the
demand for skills training of black South Africans,
training deteriorated and the dissertation investigates
the reasons surrounding the loss of interest in the
communities and why interest groups were no longer
concerned about this type of training.
The dissertation concludes with a possible future
perspective which needs to be implemented to enable
job-related education, training and development in Soweto
to expand. The need to train Sowetans in their own
colleges as opposed to colleges outside Soweto is
examined. / History / M.A. (History)
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