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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biodegradable hydrogels based on water-soluble chitosan for cell transplant

Gámiz González, Mª Amparo 02 November 2016 (has links)
[EN] The aim of tissue engineering is to develop functional biological substitutes to replace or restore damaged tissues by preparing three-dimensional scaffolds able to accommodate cells plus signaling factors to promote the regeneration of damaged tissue. There is a special interest in developing scaffolds that while providing a favourable environment for cells also possess a degradation rate that can be adapted to the tissue's rate of regeneration. Scaffolds should be porous and possess a pore morphology adapted to the application for which they are designed. They must also be able to hold large quantities of water (hydrogels) while presenting suitable cell/biomaterial interaction. The aim of this thesis is to create chitosan-based three-dimensional porous structures with tunable degradation rates with particular interest in fast degradation rate. Hydrogels of block-copolymer networks were prepared to crosslink the chitosan (CHT) or carboxymethyl chitosan (CmCHT) with either a hydrophobic polymer of low molecular weight, such as poly(ε-caprolactone), (PCL) or a hydrophilic polymer such as poly(ethylene glycol), (PEG). The hypothesis was that the degradation of the cross-linker polymer leaves behind large water-soluble polymer chains (protonated chitosan or carboxymethyl chitosan). However, in spite of chitosan's favourable properties, the polymer has relatively slow biodegradation times in enzymatic media that contain lysozyme and even slower in hydrolytic conditions. Chitosan's physical and chemical properties largely depend on its deacetylation degree (DD). In order to analyze these properties, chitosan was synthesized with various DD ranging from 85% to 45%. Water absorption was seen to rise rapidly as deacetylation was reduced. This would appear to contradict the fact that chitin water absorption (low DD) is much lower than that of chitosan. In order to understand this behaviour, it was analyzed the dependence of the degree of network swelling on the parameters determined by the Flory Rhener theory, the elastic properties of the network and the density of the cross-linking according to the sample's water content. The thermal stability of chitosan according to its DD was analysed by thermogravimetry. Different methods were applied to obtain the activation energy. Electrospinning was chosen as the porous membrane preparation technique as it provides thin membranes that can be handled with fiber sizes in the order of microns. The influence of the electrospinning and cross-linking processes on the thermal stability of chitosan was analyzed. Chitosan and carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogels covalently cross-linked with short chains of poly(ε-caprolactone), (PCL) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) were synthesized. The formation of networks was confirmed by solubility tests with appropriate solvents for each polymer. Hydrogels that absorbed large quantities of water were obtained, with values that ranged between 90 and 5000%. The calorimetric tests together with the Studies on the kinetics of hydrolytic and enzymatic biodegradation showed three different systems: CmCHT-PEG system that can be classified as stable hydrogel, CHT-PCL system as semidegradable hydrogel and degradable hydrogels with degradation kinetics in the order of days for the CmCHT-PCL system. Finally, biological studies were carried out on porous CmCHT-PCL hydrogels. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from pig adipose tissue were then cultivated and the results showed that these networks can be used in the organism in tissue engineering applications with degradation times of around a week. / [ES] La ingeniería tisular tiene como finalidad desarrollar sustitutos biológicos funcionales que reemplacen o restauren los tejidos dañados. Se trata de preparar andamiajes tridimensionales (scaffolds) que sean capaces de albergar células y factores de señalización que favorezcan la regeneración del tejido dañado. Existe un especial interés en el desarrollo de scaffolds que proporcionando un entorno favorable a las células, tengan una tasa de degradación que se adapte a velocidad de regeneración del tejido. Los scaffolds deben ser porosos y poseer una morfología del poro adaptada a la aplicación para la que son diseñados. Deben ser capaces de albergar gran cantidad de agua (hidrogeles) al tiempo que presentan una interacción célula/biomaterial adecuada. El objetivo de esta tesis es el de crear estructuras porosas tridimensionales basadas en quitosano con velocidades de degradación ajustables con particular interés en velocidades de degradación altas. Se han preparado hidrogeles de redes de copolimeros en bloque entrecruzando el quitosano, (CHT) o el carboximetil quitosano, (CmCHT) con un polímero hidrófobo de bajo peso molecular como la poli(ε-caprolactona), (PCL) o bien con un polímero hidrófilo como es el poli(etilenglicol), (PEG). La hipótesis de trabajo fue que la degradación del polímero que actúa como entrecruzador debe dejar grandes cadenas del polímero (quitosano protonado o carboximetil quitosano) que son solubles en agua. A pesar de las buenas propiedades del quitosano, el polímero presenta tiempos de biodegradación bastante lentos en medio enzimático conteniendo lisozima y aún más lentos en condiciones hidrolíticas. Las propiedades físico-químicas del quitosano dependen en gran medida del grado de desacetilación, DD. Con el fin de analizar dichas propiedades se ha llevado a cabo la síntesis de quitosano con DD variando entre 85% y el 45%. Se ha comprobado que la absorción de agua aumenta rápidamente a medida que el grado de desacetilación disminuye. Esto parece contradecir el hecho de que la absorción de agua de la quitina (DD bajo) es mucho menor que la de quitosano. Para entender dicho comportamiento se han analizado los parámetros que determinan la teoría de Flory Rhener, las propiedades elásticas de la red y la densidad de entrecruzamiento en función del contenido en agua de la muestra. La estabilidad térmica del quitosano en función de DD ha sido analizada por termogravimetría. Se han aplicado diferentes métodos para obtener la energía de activación. Como técnica de preparación de membranas porosas se ha elegido el electrohilado, ya que permite obtener membranas delgadas y manipulables con tamaños de fibra del orden de micras. Se ha analizado la influencia de los procesos de electrohilado y entrecruzamiento en la estabilidad térmica del quitosano. Se han sintetizado hidrogeles de quitosano, y carboximetil quitosano entrecruzados covalentemente con cadenas cortas de poli(ε-caprolactona), y poli(etilenglicol). La formación de las redes se ha confirmado mediante ensayos de solubilidad con buenos solventes para cada polímero. En todos los casos se han obtenido hidrogeles que absorben gran cantidad de agua con valores que oscilan entre 90 y 5000%. Los estudios de las cinéticas de biodegradación tanto hidrolítica como enzimática revelan la obtención de tres sistemas que se pueden clasificar como hidrogeles estables, para los hidrogeles formados por CmCHT-PEG, hidrogeles semidegradables para el sistema CHT-PCL y finalmente hidrogeles degradables con cinéticas de degradación del orden de días, para el sistema CmCHT-PCL. Finalmente se ha llevado a cabo estudios biológicos de los hidrogeles porosos de CmCHT-PCL. Se realizaron cultivos con células mesenquimales del tejido adiposo de cerdo (MSCs). Los resultados han revelado que dichas redes pueden ser utilizadas como sistemas de liberación de células en el organismo con tiempos de degradación / [CA] L'enginyeria tissular té com a finalitat desenvolupar substituts biològics funcionals que reemplacen o restauren els teixits danyats. Es tracta de preparar suports tridimensionals (esquelets o scaffolds) que siguen capaços d'albergar cèl.lules i factors de senyalització que afavorisquen la regeneració del teixit danyat. Hi ha un interès especial en el desenvolupament d'esquelets que, proporcionant un entorn favorable a les cèl.lules, tinguen una taxa de degradació que s'adapte a la velocitat de regeneració del teixit. Els scaffolds han de ser porosos i han de tenir una morfologia del porus adaptada a l'aplicació per a la qual són dissenyats. Han de ser capaços d'albergar una gran quantitat d'aigua (hidrogels) alhora que presenten una interacció cèl.lula/biomaterial adequada. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és crear estructures poroses tridimensionals basades en quitosan amb velocitats de degradació sintonizables amb un interés particular de rutes de degradació altes. S'han preparat hidrogels de xarxes de copolímers en bloc entrecreuant el quitosan o el carboximetil quitosan amb un polímer hidròfob de baix pes molecular com la poli (ε-caprolactona), o bé amb un polímer hidròfil com és el poli (etilenglicol). Es tracta d'aconseguir que quan el polímer que actua com a entrecreuador es degrade, deixe grans cadenes del polímer (quitosan protronat o carboximetil quitosan) que són solubles en aigua. A pesar de les bones propietats del quitosan, el polímer presenta cinètiques de biodegradació lentes en condicions enzimàtiques quan conté lisozima i encara més lentes en condicions hidrolítiques. Les propietats fisicoquímiques del quitosan depenen en gran mesura del grau de desacetilació, DD. A fi d'analitzar aquestes propietats, s'ha dut a terme la síntesi de quitosan amb un DD que variava entre el 85% i el 45%. S'ha comprovat que l'absorció d'aigua augmenta ràpidament a mesura que el grau de desacetilació disminueix. Això sembla que contradiu el fet que l'absorció d'aigua de la quitina (DD baixos) és molt menor que no la de quitosan. Per a entendre aquest comportament s'ha analitzat la dependència del grau d'unflament de la xarxa amb els paràmetres que determina la teoria de Flory Rhener, les propietats elàstiques de la xarxa i la densitat d'entrecreuament en funció del contingut en aigua de la mostra. L'estabilitat tèrmica del quitosan en funció del DD ha sigut analitzada per termogravimetria. S'han aplicat diversos mètodes per obtenir l'energia d'activació. Com a tècnica de preparació de membranes poroses s'ha utilitzat l'electrofilatura, ja que permet obtenir membranes primes i manipulables amb grandàries de fibra de l'ordre de micres. S'ha analitzat la influència dels processos d'electrofilatura i entrecreuament amb l'estabilitat tèrmica del quitosan. S'han sintetitzat hidrogels de quitosan i carboximetil quitosan entrecreuats covalentment amb cadenes curtes de poli(ε-caprolactona) i poli(etilenglicol). La formació de les xarxes s'ha confirmat per mitjà d'assajos de solubilitat amb bons solvents per a cada polímer. En tots els casos s'han obtingut hidrogels que absorbeixen una gran quantitat d'aigua, compresa en valors que oscil.len entre el 90 i el 5.000%. Els estudis de les cinètiques de biodegradació tant hidrolítica com enzimàtica revelen l'obtenció de tres sistemes que es poden classificar com a hidrogels estables (per als hidrogels formats per CmCHT-PEG), hidrogels semidegradables (per al sistema CHT-PCL) i, finalment, hidrogels degradables amb cinètiques de degradació de l'ordre de dies (per al sistema CmCHT-PCL). Finalment s'ha dut a terme estudis biològics dels hidrogels porosos de CmCHT-PCL. Es van realitzar cultius amb cèl.lules mesenquimals del teixit adipós de porc (MSCs). Els resultats han revelat que aquestes xarxes poden ser utilitzades com a sistemes d'alliberament de cèl.lules en l'organisme amb temps de degradació de l'ordre d'una setm / Gámiz González, MA. (2016). Biodegradable hydrogels based on water-soluble chitosan for cell transplant [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73070

The Geochemistry of Submerged Marine Landscapes: Lipid, Isotopic and Inorganic composition of Sediment Cores from the Palaeo-landscape of Doggerland

Ben Sharada, Mohammed A.M. January 2022 (has links)
Ten thousand years ago Great Britain was a part of the European continent, where the surface of the North Sea was about 70 metres below present sea level. The large, prehistoric submerged landmass that connected the island of Great Britain to the European continent is now widely known as Doggerland. 85 samples from six different cores, which were collected from this prehistoric landscape, were studied using multi proxy -organic and inorganic- geochemical methods. Thermal analysis determined the organic matter and carbonate content, which were utilized as characterizing indices, dividing each core into various depositional units. In addition, lipid analysis studying three sets of biomarkers (n-alkanes, fatty acids and sterols), was used to distinguish between various depositional environments, especially between terrestrial and aquatic. Furthermore, the cores were mineralogically analysed using the detected clay and non-clay minerals as depositional indicators; significant states such as high and low energy environments, palaeosoil, type of weathering and stone types were identified and used to recognize any mineralogical and thus depositional alteration. Finally, the sulfur isotope analysis identified different sources of sulfur, which were then used as environmental distinguishing proxies. An integration of these analytical results provided a detailed geochemical history of each core; importantly, a Storegga tsunami deposit was detected in core ELF01A. The primary contribution of this thesis was establishing an analytical approach using combined results from a range of analytical methods. The established approach can be used to study the depositional settings for any cored sediments. / Libyan government

Optimální plnění drážky s ohledem na použitou izolaci motoru a pracovního zatížení / Optimal fill factor of slot with respect of used insulation of motor and duty

Samek, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Only in English.

Evaluation of novel metalorganic precursors for atomic layer deposition of Nickel-based thin films / Evaluierung neuartiger metallorganischen Präkursoren für Atomlagenabscheidung von Nickel-basierten Dünnschichten

Sharma, Varun 04 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Nickel und Nickel (II) -oxid werden in großem Umfang in fortgeschrittenen elektronischen Geräten verwendet. In der Mikroelektronik-Industrie wird Nickel verwendet werden, um Nickelsilizid bilden. Die Nickelmono Silizid (NiSi) wurde als ausgezeichnetes Material für Source-Drain-Kontaktanwendungen unter 45 nm-CMOS-Technologie entwickelt. Im Vergleich zu anderen Siliziden für die Kontaktanwendungen verwendet wird NiSi wegen seines niedrigen spezifischen Widerstand, niedrigen Kontaktwiderstand, relativ niedrigen Bildungstemperatur und niedrigem Siliziumverbrauchs bevorzugt. Nickel in Nickelbasis-Akkus und ferromagnetischen Direktzugriffsspeicher (RAMs) verwendet. Nickel (II) oxid wird als Transistor-Gate-Oxid und Oxid in resistive RAM genutzt wird. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) ist eine spezielle Art der Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), das verwendet wird, um sehr glatte sowie homogene Dünnfilme mit hervorragenden Treue auch bei hohen Seitenverhältnissen abzuscheiden. Es basiert auf selbstabschließenden sequentielle Gas-Feststoff-Reaktionen, die eine präzise Steuerung der Filmdicke auf wenige Angström lassen sich auf der Basis. Zur Herstellung der heutigen 3D-elektronische Geräte, sind Technologien wie ALD erforderlich. Trotz der Vielzahl von praktischen Anwendungen von Nickel und Nickel (II) -oxid, sind einige Nickelvorstufen zur thermischen basierend ALD erhältlich. Darüber hinaus haben diese Vorstufen bei schlechten Filmeigenschaften führte und die Prozesseigenschaften wurden ebenfalls begrenzt. Daher in dieser Masterarbeit mussten die Eigenschaften verschiedener neuartiger Nickelvorstufen zu bewerten. Alle neuen Vorstufen heteroleptische (verschiedene Arten von Liganden) und Komplexe wurden vom Hersteller speziell zur thermischen basierend ALD aus reinem Nickel mit H 2 als ein Co-Reaktionsmittel gestaltet. Um die neuartige Vorläufer zu untersuchen, wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt, um kleine Mengen in einer sehr zeitsparend (bis zu 2 g) von Ausgangsstoffen zu testen. Diese Methodologie beinhaltet: TGA / DTA-Kurve analysiert der Vorstufen, thermische Stabilitätstests in dem die Vorläufer (<0,1 g) wurden bei erhöhter Temperatur in einer abgedichteten Umgebung für mehrere Stunden wurde die Abscheidung Experimenten und Film Charakterisierungen erhitzt. Die Abscheidungen wurden mit Hilfe der in situ Quarzmikrowaage überwacht, während die anwendungsbezogenen Filmeigenschaften, wie chemische Zusammensetzung, physikalische Phase, Dicke, Dichte, Härte und Schichtwiderstand wurden mit Hilfe von ex situ Messverfahren untersucht. Vor der Evaluierung neuartiger Nickelvorstufen ein Benchmark ALD-Prozess war vom Referenznickelvorläufer (Ni (AMD)) und Luft als Reaktionspartner entwickelt. Das Hauptziel der Entwicklung und Optimierung von solchen Benchmark-ALD-Prozess war es, Standard-Prozessparameter wie zweite Reaktionspartner Belichtungszeiten, Argonspülung Zeiten, gesamtprozessdruck, beginnend Abscheidungstemperatur und Gasströme zu extrahieren. Diese Standard-Prozessparameter mussten verwendet, um die Prozessentwicklung Aufgabe (das spart Vorläufer Verbrauch) zu verkürzen und die Sublimationstemperatur Optimierung für jede neuartige Vorstufe werden. Die ALD Verhalten wurde in Bezug auf die Wachstumsrate durch Variation des Nickelvorläuferbelichtungszeit, Vorläufer Temperatur und Niederschlagstemperatur überprüft. / Nickel and nickel(II) oxide are widely used in advanced electronic devices . In microelectronic industry, nickel is used to form nickel silicide. The nickel mono-silicide (NiSi) has emerged as an excellent material of choice for source-drain contact applications below 45 nm node CMOS technology. As compared to other silicides used for the contact applications, NiSi is preferred because of its low resistivity, low contact resistance, relatively low formation temperature and low silicon consumption. Nickel is used in nickel-based rechargeable batteries and ferromagnetic random access memories (RAMs). Nickel(II) oxide is utilized as transistor gate-oxide and oxide in resistive RAMs. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a special type of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) technique, that is used to deposit very smooth as well as homogeneous thin films with excellent conformality even at high aspect ratios. It is based on self-terminating sequential gas-solid reactions that allow a precise control of film thickness down to few Angstroms. In order to fabricate todays 3D electronic devices, technologies like ALD are required. In spite of huge number of practical applications of nickel and nickel(II) oxide, a few nickel precursors are available for thermal based ALD. Moreover, these precursors have resulted in poor film qualities and the process properties were also limited. Therefore in this master thesis, the properties of various novel nickel precursors had to be evaluated. All novel precursors are heteroleptic (different types of ligands) complexes and were specially designed by the manufacturer for thermal based ALD of pure nickel with H 2 as a co-reactant. In order to evaluate the novel precursors, a new methodology was designed to test small amounts (down to 2 g) of precursors in a very time efficient way. This methodology includes: TGA/DTA curve analyses of the precursors, thermal stability tests in which the precursors (< 0.1 g) were heated at elevated temperatures in a sealed environment for several hours, deposition experiments, and film characterizations. The depositions were monitored with the help of in situ quartz crystal microbalance, while application related film properties like chemical composition, physical phase, thickness, density, roughness and sheet resistance were investigated with the help of ex situ measurement techniques. Prior to the evaluation of novel nickel precursors, a benchmark ALD process was developed from the reference nickel precursor (Ni(amd)) and air as a co-reactant. The main goal of developing and optimizing such benchmark ALD process was to extract standard process parameters like second-reactant exposure times, Argon purge times, total process pressure, starting deposition temperature and gas flows. These standard process parameters had to be utilized to shorten the process development task (thus saving precursor consumption) and optimize the sublimation temperature for each novel precursor. The ALD behaviour was checked in terms of growth rate by varying the nickel precursor exposure time, precursor temperature and deposition temperature.

Evaluation of novel metalorganic precursors for atomic layer deposition of Nickel-based thin films

Sharma, Varun 17 February 2015 (has links)
Nickel und Nickel (II) -oxid werden in großem Umfang in fortgeschrittenen elektronischen Geräten verwendet. In der Mikroelektronik-Industrie wird Nickel verwendet werden, um Nickelsilizid bilden. Die Nickelmono Silizid (NiSi) wurde als ausgezeichnetes Material für Source-Drain-Kontaktanwendungen unter 45 nm-CMOS-Technologie entwickelt. Im Vergleich zu anderen Siliziden für die Kontaktanwendungen verwendet wird NiSi wegen seines niedrigen spezifischen Widerstand, niedrigen Kontaktwiderstand, relativ niedrigen Bildungstemperatur und niedrigem Siliziumverbrauchs bevorzugt. Nickel in Nickelbasis-Akkus und ferromagnetischen Direktzugriffsspeicher (RAMs) verwendet. Nickel (II) oxid wird als Transistor-Gate-Oxid und Oxid in resistive RAM genutzt wird. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) ist eine spezielle Art der Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), das verwendet wird, um sehr glatte sowie homogene Dünnfilme mit hervorragenden Treue auch bei hohen Seitenverhältnissen abzuscheiden. Es basiert auf selbstabschließenden sequentielle Gas-Feststoff-Reaktionen, die eine präzise Steuerung der Filmdicke auf wenige Angström lassen sich auf der Basis. Zur Herstellung der heutigen 3D-elektronische Geräte, sind Technologien wie ALD erforderlich. Trotz der Vielzahl von praktischen Anwendungen von Nickel und Nickel (II) -oxid, sind einige Nickelvorstufen zur thermischen basierend ALD erhältlich. Darüber hinaus haben diese Vorstufen bei schlechten Filmeigenschaften führte und die Prozesseigenschaften wurden ebenfalls begrenzt. Daher in dieser Masterarbeit mussten die Eigenschaften verschiedener neuartiger Nickelvorstufen zu bewerten. Alle neuen Vorstufen heteroleptische (verschiedene Arten von Liganden) und Komplexe wurden vom Hersteller speziell zur thermischen basierend ALD aus reinem Nickel mit H 2 als ein Co-Reaktionsmittel gestaltet. Um die neuartige Vorläufer zu untersuchen, wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt, um kleine Mengen in einer sehr zeitsparend (bis zu 2 g) von Ausgangsstoffen zu testen. Diese Methodologie beinhaltet: TGA / DTA-Kurve analysiert der Vorstufen, thermische Stabilitätstests in dem die Vorläufer (<0,1 g) wurden bei erhöhter Temperatur in einer abgedichteten Umgebung für mehrere Stunden wurde die Abscheidung Experimenten und Film Charakterisierungen erhitzt. Die Abscheidungen wurden mit Hilfe der in situ Quarzmikrowaage überwacht, während die anwendungsbezogenen Filmeigenschaften, wie chemische Zusammensetzung, physikalische Phase, Dicke, Dichte, Härte und Schichtwiderstand wurden mit Hilfe von ex situ Messverfahren untersucht. Vor der Evaluierung neuartiger Nickelvorstufen ein Benchmark ALD-Prozess war vom Referenznickelvorläufer (Ni (AMD)) und Luft als Reaktionspartner entwickelt. Das Hauptziel der Entwicklung und Optimierung von solchen Benchmark-ALD-Prozess war es, Standard-Prozessparameter wie zweite Reaktionspartner Belichtungszeiten, Argonspülung Zeiten, gesamtprozessdruck, beginnend Abscheidungstemperatur und Gasströme zu extrahieren. Diese Standard-Prozessparameter mussten verwendet, um die Prozessentwicklung Aufgabe (das spart Vorläufer Verbrauch) zu verkürzen und die Sublimationstemperatur Optimierung für jede neuartige Vorstufe werden. Die ALD Verhalten wurde in Bezug auf die Wachstumsrate durch Variation des Nickelvorläuferbelichtungszeit, Vorläufer Temperatur und Niederschlagstemperatur überprüft.:Lists of Abbreviations and Symbols VIII Lists of Figures and Tables XIV 1 Introduction 1 I Theoretical Part 3 2 Nickel and Nickel Oxides 4 2.1 Introduction and Existence 5 2.2 Material properties of Nickel and Nickel Oxide 5 2.3 Application in electronic industry 5 3 Atomic Layer Deposition 7 3.1 History 8 3.2 Definition 8 3.3 Features of thermal-ALD 8 3.3.1 ALD growth mechanism – an ideal view 8 3.3.2 ALD growth behaviour 10 3.3.3 Growth mode 11 3.3.4 ALD temperature window 11 3.4 Benefits and limitations 12 3.5 Precursor properties for thermal-ALD 13 3.6 ALD & CVD of Nickel – A literature survey 13 4 Metrology 17 4.1 Thermal analysis of precursors 18 4.2 Film and growth characterization 21 4.2.1 Quartz Crystal Microbalance 21 4.2.2 Spectroscopic Ellipsometry 24 4.2.3 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 28 4.2.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy 29 4.2.5 X-Ray Reflectometry and X-Ray Diffraction 29 4.2.6 Four Point Probe Technique 20 5 Rapid Thermal Processing 32 5.1 Introduction 33 5.2 Basics of RTP 33 5.3 Nickel Silicides-A literature survey 33 II Experimental Part 36 6 Methodologies 37 6.1 Experimental setup 38 6.2 ALD process 41 6.2.1 ALD process types and substrate setups 41 6.2.2 Process parameters 41 6.3 Experimental procedure 42 6.3.1 Tool preparation 42 6.3.2 Thermal analysis and ALD experiments from nickel precursors 43 6.3.3 Data acquisition and evaluation 44 6.3.4 Characterization of film properties 46 7 Results and discussion 48 7.1 Introduction 49 7.2 QCM verification with Aluminum Oxide ALD process 49 7.3 ALD process from the reference precursor 50 7.3.1 Introduction 50 7.3.2 TG analysis for Ni(amd) precursor 51 7.3.3 Thermal stability test for Ni(amd) 51 7.3.4 ALD process optimization 52 7.3.5 Film properties 54 7.4 Evaluating the novel Nickel precursors 55 7.4.1 Screening tests for precursor P1 55 7.4.2 Screening tests for precursor P2 62 7.4.3 Screening tests for precursor P3 66 7.4.4 Screening tests for precursor P4 70 7.4.5 Screening tests for precursor P5 72 7.5 Comparison of all nickel precursors used in this work 74 8 Conclusions and outlook 77 References 83 III Appendix 101 A Deposition temperature control & Ellipsometry model 102 B Gas flow plan 105 / Nickel and nickel(II) oxide are widely used in advanced electronic devices . In microelectronic industry, nickel is used to form nickel silicide. The nickel mono-silicide (NiSi) has emerged as an excellent material of choice for source-drain contact applications below 45 nm node CMOS technology. As compared to other silicides used for the contact applications, NiSi is preferred because of its low resistivity, low contact resistance, relatively low formation temperature and low silicon consumption. Nickel is used in nickel-based rechargeable batteries and ferromagnetic random access memories (RAMs). Nickel(II) oxide is utilized as transistor gate-oxide and oxide in resistive RAMs. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a special type of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) technique, that is used to deposit very smooth as well as homogeneous thin films with excellent conformality even at high aspect ratios. It is based on self-terminating sequential gas-solid reactions that allow a precise control of film thickness down to few Angstroms. In order to fabricate todays 3D electronic devices, technologies like ALD are required. In spite of huge number of practical applications of nickel and nickel(II) oxide, a few nickel precursors are available for thermal based ALD. Moreover, these precursors have resulted in poor film qualities and the process properties were also limited. Therefore in this master thesis, the properties of various novel nickel precursors had to be evaluated. All novel precursors are heteroleptic (different types of ligands) complexes and were specially designed by the manufacturer for thermal based ALD of pure nickel with H 2 as a co-reactant. In order to evaluate the novel precursors, a new methodology was designed to test small amounts (down to 2 g) of precursors in a very time efficient way. This methodology includes: TGA/DTA curve analyses of the precursors, thermal stability tests in which the precursors (< 0.1 g) were heated at elevated temperatures in a sealed environment for several hours, deposition experiments, and film characterizations. The depositions were monitored with the help of in situ quartz crystal microbalance, while application related film properties like chemical composition, physical phase, thickness, density, roughness and sheet resistance were investigated with the help of ex situ measurement techniques. Prior to the evaluation of novel nickel precursors, a benchmark ALD process was developed from the reference nickel precursor (Ni(amd)) and air as a co-reactant. The main goal of developing and optimizing such benchmark ALD process was to extract standard process parameters like second-reactant exposure times, Argon purge times, total process pressure, starting deposition temperature and gas flows. These standard process parameters had to be utilized to shorten the process development task (thus saving precursor consumption) and optimize the sublimation temperature for each novel precursor. The ALD behaviour was checked in terms of growth rate by varying the nickel precursor exposure time, precursor temperature and deposition temperature.:Lists of Abbreviations and Symbols VIII Lists of Figures and Tables XIV 1 Introduction 1 I Theoretical Part 3 2 Nickel and Nickel Oxides 4 2.1 Introduction and Existence 5 2.2 Material properties of Nickel and Nickel Oxide 5 2.3 Application in electronic industry 5 3 Atomic Layer Deposition 7 3.1 History 8 3.2 Definition 8 3.3 Features of thermal-ALD 8 3.3.1 ALD growth mechanism – an ideal view 8 3.3.2 ALD growth behaviour 10 3.3.3 Growth mode 11 3.3.4 ALD temperature window 11 3.4 Benefits and limitations 12 3.5 Precursor properties for thermal-ALD 13 3.6 ALD & CVD of Nickel – A literature survey 13 4 Metrology 17 4.1 Thermal analysis of precursors 18 4.2 Film and growth characterization 21 4.2.1 Quartz Crystal Microbalance 21 4.2.2 Spectroscopic Ellipsometry 24 4.2.3 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy 28 4.2.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy 29 4.2.5 X-Ray Reflectometry and X-Ray Diffraction 29 4.2.6 Four Point Probe Technique 20 5 Rapid Thermal Processing 32 5.1 Introduction 33 5.2 Basics of RTP 33 5.3 Nickel Silicides-A literature survey 33 II Experimental Part 36 6 Methodologies 37 6.1 Experimental setup 38 6.2 ALD process 41 6.2.1 ALD process types and substrate setups 41 6.2.2 Process parameters 41 6.3 Experimental procedure 42 6.3.1 Tool preparation 42 6.3.2 Thermal analysis and ALD experiments from nickel precursors 43 6.3.3 Data acquisition and evaluation 44 6.3.4 Characterization of film properties 46 7 Results and discussion 48 7.1 Introduction 49 7.2 QCM verification with Aluminum Oxide ALD process 49 7.3 ALD process from the reference precursor 50 7.3.1 Introduction 50 7.3.2 TG analysis for Ni(amd) precursor 51 7.3.3 Thermal stability test for Ni(amd) 51 7.3.4 ALD process optimization 52 7.3.5 Film properties 54 7.4 Evaluating the novel Nickel precursors 55 7.4.1 Screening tests for precursor P1 55 7.4.2 Screening tests for precursor P2 62 7.4.3 Screening tests for precursor P3 66 7.4.4 Screening tests for precursor P4 70 7.4.5 Screening tests for precursor P5 72 7.5 Comparison of all nickel precursors used in this work 74 8 Conclusions and outlook 77 References 83 III Appendix 101 A Deposition temperature control & Ellipsometry model 102 B Gas flow plan 105

Investigations on natural silks using dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA)

Guan, Juan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the dynamic mechanical properties of natural silk fibres, mainly from silkworm species Bombyx mori (B. mori) and spider species Nephila edulis, using dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, DMTA. The aim is not only to provide novel data on mechanical properties of silk, but also to relate these properties to the structure and morphology of silk. A systematic approach is adopted to evaluate the effect of the three principal factors of stress, temperature and hydration on the properties and structure of silk. The methods developed in this work are then used to examine commercially important aspects of the ‘quality’ of silk. I show that the dynamic storage modulus of silks increases with loading stress in the deformation through yield to failure, whereas the conventional engineering tensile modulus decreases significantly post-yield. Analyses of the effects of temperature and thermal history show a number of important effects: (1) the loss peak at -60 °C is found to be associated the protein-water glass transition; (2) the increase in the dynamic storage modulus of native silks between temperature +25 and 100 °C is due simply to water loss; (3) a number of discrete loss peaks from +150 to +220°C are observed and attributed to the glass transition of different states of disordered structure with different intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Excess environmental humidity results in a lower effective glass transition temperature (Tg) for disordered silk fractions. Also, humidity-dynamic mechanical analysis on Nephila edulis spider dragline silks has shown that the glass transition induces a partial supercontraction, called Tg contraction. This new finding leads to the conclusion of two independent mechanisms for supercontraction in spider dragline silks. Study of three commercial B. mori cocoon silk grades and a variety of processed silks or artificial silks shows that lower grade and poorly processed silks display lower Tg values, and often have a greater loss tangent at Tg due to increased disorder. This suggests that processing contributes significantly to the differences in the structural order among natural or unnatural silks. More importantly, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis is proposed to be a potential tool for quality evaluation and control in silk production and processing. In summary, I demonstrate that DMTA is a valuable analytical tool for understanding the structure and properties of silk, and use a systematic approach to understand quantitatively the important mechanical properties of silk in terms of a generic structural framework in silk proteins.

Etude du comportement au vieillissement des interfaces thermiques pour modules électroniques de puissance dédiés à des applications transports / Study of the aging behavior of thermal interfaces for power electronic modules dedicated to transportation applications.

Ousten, Jean-Pierre 21 June 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre des applications transports, et plus particulièrement de "l’avion plus électrique", avec une demande toujours plus présente de réduction d’encombrement et de poids, la tendance est à l’intégration de plus en plus poussée des convertisseurs statiques. L’augmentation de leur densité de puissance et celle des contraintes thermiques, induites par l’environnement dans lequel ces structures sont localisées, deviennent de plus en plus critiques. La gestion thermique de ces dispositifs est assurée par des systèmes de refroidissement sur lesquels sont montés les composants semi-conducteurs via un matériau d’interface thermique. Une gestion performante sera obtenue par la diminution de la résistance thermique globale entre les éléments dissipatifs et le milieu ambiant grâce en autre à l’amélioration du système de refroidissement et des propriétés thermiques des matériaux constituant le module. Or cette interface est un point délicat du transfert de chaleur car elle peut représenter plusieurs dizaines de pourcents de la résistance thermique globale. Elle nécessite donc une connaissance approfondie de son comportement aux sollicitations thermiques. Après un état de l’art sur les matériaux d’interfaces thermiques et les méthodes de caractérisation des propriétés thermophysiques des matériaux, nous proposons la mise en œuvre d’outils expérimentaux et mathématiques permettant de suivre l’éventuelle évolution de matériaux d’interfaces utilisés en électronique de puissance au cours d’un vieillissement par cyclage en température. Pour cela, deux méthodes sont présentées. La première repose sur la mesure de la résistance thermique des interfaces en régime stationnaire avec un transfert de chaleur monodimensionnel alors que la seconde, basée sur une caractérisation transitoire thermique d’un système, permet d’en identifier les constantes de temps et le réseau Résistance-Capacité du système testé. Des travaux de simulations numériques ont été menés sur les deux types de bancs expérimentaux, d’un côté pour pouvoir évaluer les pertes thermiques latérales du banc statiques, de l’autre côté pour montrer qu’il est bien possible de détecter une variation de la résistance thermique d’un matériau d’interface par l’analyse de l’impédance thermique. / In the context of transportation applications, and especially the "more electric aircraft", with an ever present demand for space and weight reduction, the trend is to integrate more extensive of static converters. The increase in power density and the thermal stresses induced by the environment in which these structures are located, are becoming increasingly critical. Thermal management of these devices is provided by cooling systems on which are mounted the semiconductor components via a thermal interface material. Effective management will be achieved by reducing the overall thermal resistance between the dissipative elements and the environment by improving the cooling system and thermal properties of the materials constituting the module. However, this interface is a delicate point of heat transfer because it can represent several tens of percent of the circuit total thermal resistance. It therefore requires a thorough knowledge of their behavior in thermal stresses. After a state of the art on the thermal interface materials and methods for characterizing thermophysical properties of materials, we propose the implementation of experimental and mathematical tools to monitor any change of interface materials used in power electronics during aging by temperature cycling. For this, two methods are presented. The first is based on the measurement of the thermal resistance of the interfaces with a steady one-dimensional heat transfer, while the second, based on a characterization of a transient thermal system, allows to identify the time constants and the resistor and capacitor network of the tested system. Numerical simulations were carried out on two types of experimental benches, on one side in order to assess the lateral heat losses from static bench, on the other side to show that it is possible to detect a change in the thermal resistance of a TIM with the analysis of the thermal impedance.

Investigating mechanical properties of ordinary portland cement : investigating improvements to the mechanical properties of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) bodies by utilizing the phase transformation properties of a ceramic (zirconia)

Almadi, Alaa January 2012 (has links)
The effects of metastable tetragonal zirconia on the properties of Ordinary Portland Cement were observed during which the effect of crystallite size pH on the preparation solution, precursor salt, and the presence of co-precipitates, Fe(OH)3, SnO2 and SiO2 on the crystallization temperature, enthalpy and crystal structure, immediately following the crystallization exothermic burst phenomenon in ZrO2 were measured. Thermal analysis and x-ray methods were used to determine crystallite sizes and structures immediately following the exothermic burst. Comparisons were made for zirconias prepared from oxychloride, chloride and nitrate solutions. The existence of tetrameric hydroxidecontaining ions in oxychloride precursor is used to rationalise low values of crystallization enthalpy. The position of the crystallization temperature, Tmax was not dependent on crystallite size alone but also on the pH at which the gel was made, the surface pH after washing, and the presence of diluent oxides. Enthalpy v r1/2 and Tmax v (diluent vol)1/3 relationships indicate that surface coverage effects dominate a surface nucleated phenomenon. The data established for ZrO2 systems was used to develop tetragonal-ZrO2-SnO2 powders capable of improving the mechanical properties of Ordinary Portland Cement discs. The ZrO2-OPC discs were prepared by powder mixing, water hydration and uniaxial pressing. Vicat needle tests showed that tetragonal-ZrO2 increases the initial setting rate. Microscopy indicated that porosity distribution changes near to ZrO2 particles. Zirconia has also been introduced into OPC discs by vacuum infiltration methods developed for solutions and colloidal suspensions. Comparisons between OPC discs and the OPCtetragonal ZrO2 composites have been made on the basis of diametral compression strength, Young’s modulus, hardness and toughness (K1c), as estimated by the cracked indentation method. Bell-shaped curves are found for the way the mechanical properties are changed as a function of Zirconia content.

Determinação e quantificação das vitaminas C e E associadas em produtos cosméticos / Determination and quantification of vitamins C and E associated in cosmetic products

Almeida, Mariana Mandelli de 18 September 2008 (has links)
A vitamina C e a vitamina E são antioxidantes naturais encontrados em diversas frutas e verduras frescas, em óleos vegetais e germem de trigo. Produtos cosméticos, contendo essas vitaminas em forma de ésteres, têm sido desenvolvidos e disponibilizados comercialmente, ressaltando-se que o aspecto natural dessas induz seu uso em cremes e loções. Por isso, torna-se necessário a validação de metodologias analíticas para identificar essas vitaminas em preparações cosméticas, tanto para o controle da qualidade do produto como para a segurança do consumidor. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a validação das metodologias analíticas para determinação e quantificação do derivado do ácido ascórbico, tetraisopalmitato de ascorbila e o princípio ativo acetato de tocoferila que estão associados nas formulações cosméticas. A técnica de espectrofotometria no ultravioleta (UV) e a análise térmica foram empregadas na caracterização desses princípios ativos. Para a quantificação dos ativos foram desenvolvidas metodologias analíticas empregando as seguintes técnicas: espectrofotometria derivada no UV; eletroforese capilar e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). A metodologia desenvolvida por espectrofotometria derivada no UV não demonstrou ser aplicável devido à interferência dos excipientes presentes na formulação. Para determinação dos ativos tetraisopalmitato de ascorbila e acetato de tocoferila, foi validado um método por CLAE em fase reversa, empregando-se a coluna Synergi Hidro® C18, fase móvel metanol:2-propanol (25:75), vazão 1,0 mL/min e detecçao UV à 222 nm. As amostras foram extraídas sem grande complexidade e os ativos puderam ser determinados em 3 min e 6 min, para o acetato de tocoferila e o tetraisopalmitato de ascorbila respectivamente. O desenvolvimento da metodologia por eletroforese capilar utilizando-se a técnica de MEEKC (Cromatografia Eletrocinética em Microemulsão) usando a microemulsão óleo-aquosa não demonstrou ser adequada para determinação dos princípios ativos em estudo, sendo que o trabalho terá como perspectivas a tentativa da MEEKC usando a microemulsão aquosa-oleosa. / Vitamin C and vitamin E are natural antioxidants found in many fruits and fresh vegetables, vegetable oils and seed wheat. Cosmetics containing these vitamins in the form of esters have been developed and made available commercially, highlighting the fact that the \"natural\" induces its use in these creams and lotions. Than, it is necessary the validation of analytical methodologies to identify these vitamins in cosmetic preparations, both for the control of product quality and for the safety of consumers. The present work aims the validation of analytical methodologies for determining and quantifying the derivative of ascorbic acid, ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate and the active tocopheryl acetate that are associated in cosmetic formulations. The techniques of UV spectrophotometry and the thermal analysis were used in the characterization of these active ingredients. For the quantification of the actives, analytical methodologies were developed using the following techniques: the UV first-derivative spectrophotometry (UVD), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). The methodology developed by UV first-derivative spectrophotometry do not showed to be applicable due to the interference of excipients in the formulation. To determine the actives ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate and tocopheryl acetate, a method has been validated by reverse-phase HPLC, using the column Synergi Hidro ® C18, mobile phase methanol :2-propanol (25:75), flow rate 1.0 mL / min and UV detection 222 nm. The samples were extracted without great complexity and the actives could be determined in 3 min and 6 min, for the tocopheryl acetate and ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate respectively. The development of methodology for capillary electrophoresis using the technique of MEEKC (Microemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography) using the oil-in-water (o/w) microemulsion do not showed to be suitable for determination of active ingredients in the study, and that the work will attempt the prospects of using MEEKC the water-in-oil (w/o) microemulsion.

Análise térmica aplicada à síntese e caraterização de óxidos mistos de níquel e terras raras / Thermal analysis applied to the synthesis and characterization of mixed oxides of nickel and rare earth

Silva, Adélia Maria Lima da 15 January 1999 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sistemático sobre síntese, caracterização e análise térmica aplicada a óxidos mistos dos tipos TR2NiO4 [TR = La, Eu e Y (III)] e TRNiO3 [TR = Pr, Nd e Sm (III)]. Os primeiros óxidos foram obtidos a partir da decomposição térmica de acetatos de terras raras e níquel utilizando-se três métodos distintos: (1) mistura mecânica; (2) evaporação do solvente e (3) cristalização com acetona. Os acetatos simples e binários foram caracterizados por análise elementar, espectroscopia de absorção na região do infravermelho, difração de raios X, TG/DTG, DSC e DTA. Os resultados revelaram a formação de sais binários quando utilizaram-se os métodos 2 e/ou 3. Os produtos da decomposição térmica foram basicamente os óxidos individuais e após tratamento térmico obteveram-se os óxidos desejados. Os óxidos TRNiO3 foram preparados através de três métodos diferentes: (1) mistura de óxidos; (2) precipitação simultânea de hidróxidos e (3) processo sol-gel. Estas amostras foram sinterizadas em temperaturas 650 &#8804; T &#8804; 1000°C e sob pressões de até 70 atm de O2, caracterizadas por difração de raios X, resistividade elétrica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e calorimetria exploratória diferencial. Os resultados indicaram que o método sol-gel produziu óxidos monofásicos. Os outros dois métodos, mistura de óxidos e hidróxidos, produziram a fase desejada e traços dos óxidos individuais. Desta forma, concluiu-se que a escolha do método a ser utilizado é fundamental para a obtenção do óxido misto desejado. / This work reports a systematic study on the synthesis, characterization and thermal analysis applied of mixed oxides type-TR2NiO4 [TR = La, Eu e Y (III)] e typeTRNiO3 [TR = Pr, Nd e Sm (III)]. The first oxides were prepared through thermal decomposition of rare earth and nickel acetates, which were synthesized by three methods: (1) mechanical mixture; (2) solvent evaporation and (3) crystallization with addition of acetone. The simply and binary acetates were characterized by elementare analyses, infrared spectroscopy, X ray diffraction, TG/DTG, DSC and DTA. The results revealed formation of binary salts when was used the second and/or third methods. The products of thermal decomposition were single oxides, but after thermal treatment were obtained the single phase of materials. The last oxides were prepared through three different methods: (1) mixture of oxides; (2) simultaneous precipitation of hydroxides and (3) sol-gel process. Samples were sintered at temperatures between 650 &#8804; T &#8804; 1000°C and under oxygen pressures until 70 atm, characterized by X ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, scanning electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. The results revealed that the sol-gel method produced single phase oxides. The other two methods, mixture of oxides and hydroxides, led to have this phase with traces of single oxides. Therefore, it was concluded that the method used is fundamental to get the desired mixed oxides.

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