Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bthermal analysis"" "subject:"3thermal analysis""
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Gas Sensors - Micro-Heater Designs And Studies On Sensor Film DepositionSingh, Inderjit 06 1900 (has links)
Current gas sensor technology, although meeting the minimum requirements in many instances, suffers for a number of limitations. Hence, there is currently a considerable volume of research being undertaken at many laboratories of different countries. In the past, all chemical sensors and catalyst were optimized empirically by a trial and error method. Today, however, systematic research and development is becoming increasingly important in order to improve sensors and to find new sensing principles. Obtaining a long term stable gas sensor with improved sensitivity, selectivity, and low cost for mass production passes through fundamental research and material characterization to build new chemically sensitive devices or to improve existing ones. The bottom line in the design and manufacture of modern gas sensors is the transfer from ceramic(of Figaro type) to thin film gas sensors(TFGs). This transfer provides new opportunities for further microminiaturization, power consumption and cost reduction of gas sensors. Therefore, at the present time, thin film gas sensors are the basis for the design of the modern gas sensitive multi-parameter microsensor systems. Applications of these systems include environment, security, home systems, smart buildings, transportation, discrete manufacturing, process industries and so on. Microelectromechanical systems(MEMS) based integrated gas sensors present several advantages for these applications such as ease of array fabrication, small size, and unique thermal manipulation capabilities. MEMS based gas sensors; which are usually produced using a standard CMOS(Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) process, have the additional advantages of being readily realized by commercial foundries and amenable to the inclusion of on-chip electronics.
In order to speed up the design and optimization of such integrated sensors, microheater designs for gas sensor applications have been presented as first part of the present thesis. As heater design is the key part for a gas sensor operation. So 3D simulations have been used to optimize micro-heater geometry. The application of MEMS Design Tool(COVENTORWARE) has been presented to the design and analysis of micro-hotplate (MHP) structures. Coupled Electro-thermal analysis provided an estimation of thermal losses and temperature distribution on the hotplate for realistic geometrical and material parameters pertinent to fabrication technology. Five microheater designs have been proposed in terms of different sizes and shapes in order to optimize the microhotplate structure to be used for gas sensor operation for the specified range of temperature and power consumption.
To produce a gas sensor, which is able to detect LPG leak, thin films of tin oxide have been developed. FR sputtering has been used to deposit gas sensitive tin oxide thin filmls under various deposition conditions. Four different values of pressure in the range from high pressure(5 X 10-2 mbar) to lower pressure (2 X 10-3 mbar), three RF power values 50, 75, 100 W and varied oxygen percentage in sputtering atmosphere (0-18%) have been used to optimize the material properties of tin oxide thin films to study the sensitivity towards LPG. All the samples have been analyzed using various macro and microscopic characterization techniques. Extensive studies have been done on the sensor response for the samples deposited under different conditions. Finally the sample film deposited at 5 x 10-3 mbar, with applied power of 75 W in the presence of 8% oxygen, showed maximum sensitivity towards LPG.
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Modeling and Verification of Ultra-Fast Electro-Mechanical Actuators for HVDC BreakersBissal, Ara January 2015 (has links)
The continuously increasing demand for clean renewable energy has rekindled interest in multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids. Although such grids have several advantages and a great potential, their materialization has been thwarted due to the absence of HVDC breakers. In comparison with traditional alternating current (AC) breakers, they should operate and interrupt fault currents in a time frame of a few milliseconds. The aim of this thesis is focused on the design of ultra-fast electro-mechanical actuator systems suitable for such HVDC breakers.Initially, holistic multi-physics and hybrid models with different levels of complexity and computation time were developed to simulate the entire switch. These models were validated by laboratory experiments. Following a generalized analysis, in depth investigations involving simulations complemented with experiments were carried out on two of the sub-components of the switch: the ultra-fast actuator and the damper. The actuator efficiency, final speed, peak current, and maximum force were explored for different design data.The results show that models with different levels of complexity should be used to model the entire switch based on the magnitude of the impulsive forces. Deformations in the form of bending or elongation may deteriorate the efficiency of the actuator losing as much as 35%. If that cannot be avoided, then the developed first order hybrid model should be used since it can simulate the behavior of the mechanical switch with a very good accuracy. Otherwise, a model comprising of an electric circuit coupled to an electromagnetic FEM model with a simple mechanics model, is sufficient.It has been shown that using a housing made of magnetic material such as Permedyn, can boost the efficiency of an actuator by as much as 80%. In light of further optimizing the ultra-fast actuator, a robust optimization algorithm was developed and parallelized. In total, 20520 FEM models were computed successfully for a total simulation time of 7 weeks. One output from this optimization was that a capacitance of 2 mF, a charging voltage of 1100 V and 40 turns yields the highest efficiency (15%) if the desired velocity is between 10 m/s and 12 m/s.The performed studies on the passive magnetic damper showed that the Halbach arrangement gives a damping force that is two and a half times larger than oppositely oriented axially magnetized magnets. Furthermore, the 2D optimization model showed that a copper thickness of 1.5 mm and an iron tube that is 2 mm thick is the optimum damper configuration. / <p>QC 20150422</p>
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In situ Charakterisierung der Phasenbildung — Konzept und Anwendung der Analyse von Festkörper-Gas-Reaktionen durch GesamtdruckmessungenSchöneich, Michael 22 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Konzept einer druckbasierten Analyse von Fest-Gas-Gleichgewichten hinsichtlich theoretischer wie experimenteller Zusammenhänge untersucht. Hierfür erfolgt eine gezielte Nutzung der Beziehungen von theoretischen und experimentell zugänglichen physikalischen Parametern, um so die Grundlage für eine spätere Anwendung im Kontext der Syntheseplanung zu ermöglichen. Im Speziellen handelt es sich im vorgestellten Konzept um die aus festkörperanalytischer Sicht häufig vernachlässigte Beziehung zwischen dem Dampfdruck von Festkörpern und dem chemischen Potenzial.
Neben der theoretischen Erarbeitung des Analysekonzeptes befasst sich die vorgestellte Arbeit zusätzlich mit dessen experimenteller Umsetzung anhand der Entwicklung bzw. Optimierung der Analyseverfahren der Hochtemperatur-Gasphasenwaage sowie des automatisierten Membrannullmanometers. Abgeschlossen wird die Arbeit zudem durch die anschauliche Vorstellung der praktischen Anwendung des Konzeptes hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Fragestellungen (Theorie vs. Experiment: Quecksilber/Phosphor/Iod, Analyse der Phasenbildung: Arsen/Phosphor, rationale Syntheseplanung: IrPTe, Syntheseoptimierung: Bi13P3I7, Kinetik: FeAs).
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Θερμική ανάλυση ασύγχρονου κινητήρα στην μόνιμη κατάσταση λειτουργίας με την μέθοδο των συγκεντρωμένων παραμέτρων / Thermal analysis of induction motor in steady state using lumped parametersΛυγκώνης, Ηλίας 19 October 2012 (has links)
Η θερμική ανάλυση είναι μια σημαντική περιοχή μελέτης και γίνεται περισσότερο σημαντική για την σχεδίαση ηλεκτρικών μηχανών εξαιτίας της ανάγκης για μείωση του όγκου των υλικών και του κόστους κατασκευής τους καθώς και για την αύξηση της απόδοσής τους. Είναι εξίσου σημαντική με την ηλεκτρομαγνητική ανάλυση μιας και η θέρμανση της μηχανής θα οριοθετήσει την ονομαστική της ισχύ καθώς και την διάρκεια ζωής της μόνωσης. Στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η εύρεση της κατανομής της θερμοκρασίας στο εσωτερικό ενός ασύγχρονου τριφασικού κινητήρα στη μόνιμη κατάσταση λειτουργίας του με τη μέθοδο των συγκεντρωμένων παραμέτρων.
Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο αναφέρονται βασικές έννοιες της θερμοδυναμικής. Γίνεται αναφορά σε διάφορους συντελεστές, παρουσιάζονται οι θερμοδυναμικοί νόμοι και γίνεται σύντομη αναφορά στους μηχανισμούς μετάδοσης θερμότητας.
Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο δίνεται η αναλυτική περιγραφή των μηχανισμών μετάδοσης θερμότητας και παρουσιάζεται ένα απλό δίκτυο μοντελοποίησης με ισοδύναμες θερμικές αντιστάσεις.
Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται σύντομα η δομή, η αρχή λειτουργίας και οι τύποι μιας ασύγχρονης μηχανής. Εδώ επίσης αναφέρονται και οι διάφορες μορφές απωλειών ενέργειας κατά την λειτουργία μιας τριφασικής ασύγχρονης μηχανής. Παρουσιάζεται ακόμη ο υπό μελέτη κινητήρας και αναφέρονται τα θερμοστοιχεία που χρησιμοποιούνται στην πειραματική διαδικασία.
Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο περιγράφεται η μέθοδος θερμικής ανάλυσης με χρήση ισοδυνάμου κυκλώματος θερμικών αντιστάσεων για την μόνιμη κατάσταση. Στη συνέχεια δίνεται το προτεινόμενο κύκλωμα και παρουσιάζονται αναλυτικά οι ισοδύναμες θερμικές αντιστάσεις του μοντέλου.
Τέλος στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο παρατίθενται τα αποτελέσματα της θερμικής ανάλυσης, γίνεται σύγκριση με τα πειραματικά δεδομένα θερμοκρασιακών τιμών που πάρθηκαν από τα θερμοστοιχεία και ακολουθεί η διαδικασία της παραμετροποίησης στους διάφορους συντελεστές που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν είτε υπολογίστηκαν κατά την ανάλυση. / Thermal analysis is an important design area and becoming more important part of the electric motor design process due to the push for reduced weights and costs and increased efficiency. Thermal analysis is of equal importance as the electromagnetic design of the machine, because the temperature rise of the machine eventually determines the maximum output power. The purpose of this study is to record the temperature distribution of the internal parts of an induction motor at steady state using an equivalent thermal circuit with lumped parameters.
The first chapter is an introduction of the thermodynamic theory. The laws of thermodynamics are described and there is a brief report of heat transfer mechanisms.
The second chapter describes analytically the heat transfer mechanisms. Also, an example of modelling using thermal equivalent resistances is given.
The third chapter introduces shortly the operational principles of an induction machine. Here are also referred the various losses that occur during the rotation of an induction motor. The studied induction motor, with the modified stator winding to include thermocouples, is shown.
The fourth chapter introduces the method of thermal analysis using thermal equivalent circuit with lumped parameters. The proposed model is given and its components are described in particular.
At last, in the fifth chapter the results of temperature distribution are given and compared with experimental data of temperature values that are acquired using the thermocouples. Here also takes apart the parameterising of the various coefficients that were used or calculated during this study.
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Caracterização físico-química dos derivados sulfonilidrazônicos - LASSBio-1773 e LASSBio-1774 - empregados no tratamento do diabetes mellitus tipo 2Ibiapino, Amanda Laura January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Fabio Furlan Ferreira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nanociências e Materiais Avançados, 2016. / Diabetes mellitus é um problema de saúde pública com elevado ônus social e econômico. O diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) é o subtipo mais comum e está presente em 90% a 95% dos casos. Atualmente, pessoas portadoras de DM2 têm apresentado um risco elevado no desenvolvimento de alguns tipos de cânceres, o que gera uma maior preocupação sobre a saúde a nível mundial. Diante do aumento da incidência de portadores da doença a cada ano e do impacto mundial que o diabetes vem atingindo, o propósito principal desta tese consistiu em realizar a caracterização físico-química dos candidatos a fármacos - LASSBio-1773 e LASSBio-1774, ambos os compostos apresentam atividade hipoglicemiante e são efetivos na neuropatia diabética periférica. Além da atividade hipoglicemiante, o LASSBio-1774 apresenta também atividade anti-inflamatória, o que faz do composto extremamente promissor para o tratamento do DM2. A caracterização físico-química dos compostos foi realizada pela difração de raios X por policristais (DRXP), termogravimetria (TG), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), dissolução intrínseca (DI) e estudos da predição da morfologia dos cristais pelo método GM (growth morphology method). Pelas análises dos padrões de difração foi verificado que os candidatos a fármacos são de moléculas cristalinas e de baixa simetria. No processo de indexação com os dados de DRXP foi observado que os compostos cristalizaram em sistemas ortorrômbicos, porém em diferentes grupos espaciais. O LASSBio-1773 cristalizou no grupo espacial P212121 e o LASSBio-1774 no grupo espacial Pbca. Pela análise dos dados de TG/DTG foi determinada a estabilidade térmica dos compostos. Por meio dos dados de DSC foram determinados a fusão e a pureza dos compostos. Com os dados de DSC, TG e FTIR pôde-se caracterizar o LASSBio-1773 como uma molécula anidra e o LASSBio-1774 como uma molécula monohidratada. Nas fotomicrografias de MEV e nos estudos da predição da morfologia dos cristais foram evidenciados diferentes formas de cristais para os compostos. Pelos ensaios de DI pôde-se classificar o LASSBio-1773 e o LASSBio-1774 monohidratado como compostos de baixa solubilidade. / Diabetes mellitus is a public health problem with high social and economic burden. The type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common type and is present in 90% to 95% of cases. Currently, people with type 2 diabetes mellitus have shown a high risk of developing some types of cancer, which generate a great concern about health on a global level. Given the increasing incidence of individuals with the disease each year and due to the worldwide impact that diabetes has reached, the main purpose of this thesis was to conduct the physicochemical characterization of two parent compounds - LASSBio-1773 and LASSBio-1774, both compounds exhibit hypoglycemic activity and display an anti-neuropathy effect. In addition to the hypoglycemic activity, the LASSBio-1774 also exhibits anti-inflammatory activity, making this compound extremely promising for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The physicochemical characterization of the compounds was performed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), intrinsic dissolution (ID) and studies of morphology prediction by growth morphology method (GM method). The analysis of the diffraction patterns evidenced that the pharmaceutical candidates are crystalline molecules of low symmetry. Both compounds crystallized in orthorhombic space groups ¿ LASSBio-1773 crystallized in the P212121 and LASSBio-1774 in the Pbca space groups. By means of the TG/DTG data we determined the thermal stability of the compounds. By DSC we observed the fusion and purity of the compounds. With the results from DSC, TG and FTIR it was possible to characterize the LASSBio-1773 as an anhydrous molecule and LASSBio-1774 as a monohydrate one. By inspection of the SEM photomicrographs and the studies of crystal morphology prediction we observed different crystal forms for the compounds. By intrinsic dissolution tests we could classify both LASSBio-1773 and 1774-LASSBio monohydrate as low solubility compounds.
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Untersuchungen der Wärmekapazität von Nanopartikeln und Multilagen mit der nanokalorimetrischen Methode / Heat capacity of nanoparticles and multilayers studied by the nanocalorimetric methodFranke, Emanuel 30 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Contribution à l'étude thermodynamique du système ternaire Fe-Ti-B du côté riche en Fe / Contribution to the thermodynamic study of iron rich side of the Fe-Ti-B systemGospodinova, Maya 16 April 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la nouvelle réglementation sur l'environnement, un objectif d'allègement de 20% des véhicules automobiles doit être atteint afin de répondre aux impératifs de réduction des émissions de CO2. Le développement d'une nouvelle génération d'aciers sous forme de composites à matrice acier Fe-TiB2 est d'un grand intérêt industriel et pourrait être une réponse prometteuse car il permet d'améliorer la rigidité de l'acier tout en diminuant sa densité. L'élaboration de tels produits nécessite une très bonne connaissance de la thermodynamique des équilibres de phases dans les systèmes concernés. Ce mémoire est consacré à l'étude thermodynamique de cette nouvelle famille de composite à matrice acier Fe-TiB2 et plus particulièrement à l'établissement des équilibres de phases liquide/solide et solide/solide dans le système ternaire Fe-Ti-B du côté riche en fer ainsi qu'à la définition du domaine de stabilité du diborure de titane dans les solutions Fe-Ti-B. La démarche employée est une approche couplée d'expériences ciblées (séparation électromagnétique de phases, analyse thermique différentielle, équilibre de phases) et modélisation thermodynamique des équilibres de phases. / To answer the imperatives of reduction of CO2 emissions, an objective of 20% weight lightening of automotive vehicles must be reached. Developing such innovative Fe-TiB2 composites of a great industrial interest could be a promising answer because it allows to improving the rigidity of the steel while decreasing its density. The development of such products requires a good knowledge of the thermodynamics of phase equilibria in the studied systems. This thesis is devoted to thermodynamic study of this new family of steel matrix composite Fe-TiB2 and particularly to the establishment of liquid/solid and solid/solid phase equilibria in the iron richer side of the ternary Fe-Ti-B system as well as to the definition of the stability domain of the titanium diboride in the Fe-Ti-B solutions. This task was performed by a coupled approach consisting in specific experiments (electromagnetic separation of phases, differential thermal analysis, phase equilibria) and thermodynamic modeling of phase equilibria.
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Tratamento de efluente contendo urânio com zeólita magnética / Treatment of effluent containing uranium with magnetic zeoliteCRAESMEYER, GABRIEL R. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:42:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:05:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Obtaining, characterization and application of additives antioxidants derivatives of the main shareholders of the constituents of the bark cashew nuts / ObtenÃÃo, caracterizaÃÃo e aplicaÃÃo de aditivos antioxidantes derivados dos principais constituintes do lÃquido da casca da castanha de cajuFrancisco Jonas Nogueira Maia 23 June 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Organic substrates derived from petroleum such as gasoline, diesel, lubricants, polymers and natural organic products, such as biofuels are, in most cases, susceptible to oxidation process that occurs initially through formation of free radicals, which modifies the chemical characteristics and alters the properties of these materials. Aiming the inhibition or reduction of the oxidative process, many works have been directed to the development of additives that prevent the formation and the action of radical species, called antioxidant additives. From this perspective, the studies carried out in this work relates the application of phenolic compounds obtained from Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (cardanol and cardol), as well as their alkylated, nitrated and phosphorated derivatives in the inhibition of the oxidation processes of organic substrates and the investigation of the mechanism of action these compounds, providing useful information about the relationship between antioxidant activity and the structural composition of these substances. The evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of cardanol, cardol and tert-butylated cardanol was initially developed by electrochemical study and accelerated oxidation tests, which allowed, respectively, the determination of the anodic peak potential (Epa) and induction time (IT). In these experiments, special emphasis was given to cardol and tert-butylated derivative of cardanol, which had the lowest values of Epa (0,66 e 0,68 V, respectively) and provide higher IT values (7,87 e 7,02 h respectively), characterized as the best phenolic antioxidants tested. These tests also showed that unsaturated compounds exhibit antioxidant action superior to their saturated analogues (cardol, cardanol, and tert-butylated cardanol unsaturated had mean values of IT approximately 0.42 hours higher than its analogs saturated). The superiority of cardol and tert-butylated cardanol was also observed in comparison to nitro compounds derived from saturated cardanol, showing that groups donor of electrons has a positive effect on the action of these compounds as antioxidants. The performance of phosphorous compounds derived from cardanol was, in turn, confirmed by thermogravimetric analysis, obtained from biodiesel samples doped with these compounds in ratios ranging from 500 to 2000 ppm. In this study, it was observed that the phosphorous compounds promoted a maximum increase of 18,5 ÂC in the initial degradation temperature of the tested biodiesel sample. Thermogravimetric analysis of cardanol, cardol, tert-butylated cardanol and phosphorus compounds also showed that these compounds exhibited thermo-oxidative resistance larger than commercial antioxidants as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). In general, the results, presented in this work, demonstrated the antioxidant activity of compounds derived from the CNSL, presenting useful means of determining its performance and practical application as antioxidant additive for biodiesel. / Substratos orgÃnicos derivados do petrÃleo como a gasolina, o diesel, lubrificantes, polÃmeros e, produtos orgÃnicos de origem natural como os biocombustÃveis, sÃo, na sua maioria, suscetÃveis ao processo de oxidaÃÃo, o qual ocorre, inicialmente, pela formaÃÃo de radicais livres, que atuam modificando as caracterÃsticas quÃmicas e provocando alteraÃÃes nas propriedades desses materiais. Com o objetivo de inibir ou retardar a oxidaÃÃo, muitas pesquisas tÃm se dedicado ao desenvolvimento de aditivos que combatem a formaÃÃo e a atuaÃÃo das espÃcies radicalares, chamados de aditivos antioxidantes. Nessa perspectiva, os estudos desenvolvidos nesse trabalho referem-se à aplicaÃÃo de compostos fenÃlicos obtidos a partir do LÃquido da Casca da Castanha de Caju (cardanol e cardol), bem como de seus derivados alquilados, nitrados e fosforados, na inibiÃÃo do processo oxidativo de substratos orgÃnicos e na investigaÃÃo do mecanismo de aÃÃo desses compostos, oferecendo informaÃÃes sobre a relaÃÃo entre a atividade e a composiÃÃo estrutural dessas substÃncias. A avaliaÃÃo da capacidade antioxidante do cardanol, cardol e do cardanol terc-butilado foi inicialmente desenvolvida a partir de estudos eletroquÃmicos e testes de oxidaÃÃo acelerada, que permitiram a determinaÃÃo do potencial de pico anÃdico (Epa) e do tempo de induÃÃo (TI), respectivamente. Nesses experimentos, destaque especial foi dado ao cardol e ao derivado terc-butilado do cardanol, que apresentaram os menores valores de Epa, (0,66 e 0,68 V, respectivamente) e proporcionaram os maiores tempos de induÃÃo (7,87 e 7,02 horas, respectivamente), caracterizando-se como os melhores antioxidantes fenÃlicos testados. Esses testes mostraram tambÃm que os compostos insaturados apresentam aÃÃo antioxidante superior aos seus anÃlogos saturados (cardol, cardanol terc-butilado e cardanol insaturados apresentaram valores mÃdios de TI cerca de 0,42 horas superior a seus anÃlogos saturados). A superioridade do cardol e do cardanol terc-butilado foi tambÃm observada em comparaÃÃo aos compostos nitrados derivados do cardanol saturado, mostrando que grupos doadores de elÃtrons tem efeito positivo na aÃÃo desses compostos como antioxidantes. O desempenho dos compostos fosforados obtidos a partir do cardanol foi, por sua vez, comprovado por anÃlises termogravimÃtricas, pelo emprego de amostras de biodiesel dopadas com esses compostos em proporÃÃes que variaram de 500 a 2000 ppm. Nesse estudo, foi possÃvel observar que os compostos fosforados promoveram um aumento mÃximo de 18,5 ÂC na temperatura inicial de degradaÃÃo da amostra de biodiesel testada. As anÃlises termogravimÃtricas do cardanol, cardol, cardanol terc-butilado e dos compostos fosforados mostraram tambÃm que esses compostos apresentaram resistÃncia ao processo termo-oxidativo superior a antioxidantes comercias como o butilhidrixitolueno (BHT). De forma geral, os resultados apresentados nesse trabalho comprovam a aÃÃo antioxidante de compostos derivados do LCC, apresentando meios Ãteis para a determinaÃÃo de seu desempenho e aplicaÃÃo prÃtica como aditivo antioxidante para biodieseis.
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Estudo do polietileno de alta densidade reciclado para uso em elementos estruturais / Recycled high density polyethylene characterization for use in structural membersLívia Matheus Candian 19 September 2007 (has links)
O alto consumo de energia para a produção de metais e de cimento, a pressão em relação à utilização de madeira tropical e a abundância de material plástico vêm contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas e a aplicação dos termoplásticos na construção civil, em elementos estruturais que, em sua grande maioria, são constituídos de madeira, de aço e de concreto. O progresso dos materiais poliméricos pode ser comprovado pelos diversos produtos que estão sendo projetados, principalmente na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, como passarelas, dormentes, marinas, etc. Foi escolhido o polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD) reciclado, por ser um dos materiais poliméricos rígidos mais disponíveis para reciclagem. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização do PEAD reciclado. Foi determinada a composição do material polimérico (PEAD) reciclado obtido no mercado, por meio dos ensaios termoanalíticos: calorimetria exploratória diferencial e análise termogravimétrica. Os resultados mostraram que o material fornecido pela empresa de reciclagem é isento dos contaminantes comumente encontrados nos materiais reciclados e apresenta um grau de pureza bastante significativo. A determinação das propriedades mecânicas, por meio dos ensaios de tração, de compressão, de flexão e de impacto Izod, finaliza o estudo do material analisado. Nesses ensaios, a resistência obtida foi próxima dos valores encontrados na literatura, para o PEAD virgem, e pouco inferior à do concreto e à da madeira. Entretanto, a rigidez do PEAD reciclado foi bem menor que a dos materiais de construção tradicionais, sendo essa sua maior deficiência. Concluiu-se que o PEAD reciclado pode ser aplicado em elementos estruturais, desde que sejam estudadas possíveis formas de controlar sua deformabilidade, como a incorporação de nervuras, a utilização de blendas poliméricas e adição de cargas minerais e de fibras de elevado módulo de elasticidade e resistência. / The use of thermoplastics in civil engineering has been increasing considerably in the last decades. The latter is due to large amount of plastic material and high cost on a production of metals and cement for reinforced concrete, besides the lack of wood. This could be proved by the development of new thermoplastics products, especially in Europe and United States, like bridges, railway sleepers, posts, etc. Recycled high density polyethylene (HDPE) was chosen due to the fact that it is one of the most rigid recycled polymers available on the recycling industry. In this study, recycled polymer has been characterized in order to determinate the recycled material composition available in the market. The characterization of recycled HDPE samples was made by thermo gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. Consequently, mechanical properties were determinated by tensile test, compression test, flexural test and impact Izod. The results of thermal analysis showed that the recycled material is exempt from possible contaminants and has a significant pureness degree. Under tension, compression, bending and impact conditions, the strength was around the pure polymer and little smaller of the concrete and wood. In contrast, the stiffness was much lower in comparison to traditional materials, their worst characteristic. These problems could be overcome through the study of polymeric blends, adding high modulus and strength fibers and charges and adding ribs. Then the recycled polymer could be applied as a structural element.
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