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Thiol-ene and Thiol-ene-epoxy Based Polymers for Biomedical MicrodevicesVastesson, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Within healthcare there is a market pull for biomedical devices that can rapidly perform laboratory processes, such as diagnostic testing, in a hand-held format. For this reason, biomedical devices must become smaller, more sophisticated, and easier to use for a reasonable cost. However, despite the accelerating academic research on biomedical microdevices, and especially plastic-based microfluidic chips, there is still a gap between the inventions in academia and their benefit to society. To bridge this gap there is a need for new materials which both exhibit similar properties as industrial thermoplastics, and that enable rapid prototyping in academia. In this thesis, thiol-ene and thiol-ene-epoxy thermosets are evaluated both in terms of their suitability for rapid prototyping of biomedical microdevices and their potential for industrial manufacturing of “lab-on-chips”. The first part of the thesis focuses on material development of thiol-ene and thiol-ene-epoxy thermosets. Chemical and mechanical properties are studied, as well as in vitro biocompatibility with cells. The second part of the thesis focuses on microfabrication methods for both thermosets. This includes reaction injection molding, photostructuring, and surface modification. It is demonstrated how thiol-ene and thiol-ene-epoxy both provide advantageous thermo-mechanical properties and versatile surface modifications via “thiol-click chemistry”. In the end of the thesis, two applications for both polymer platforms are demonstrated. Firstly, thiol-ene is used for constructing nanoliter well arrays for liquid storage and on-demand electrochemical release. Secondly, thiol-ene-epoxy is used to enhance the biocompatibility of neural probes by tuning their flexibility. It is concluded that both thiol-ene and thiol-ene-epoxy thermosets exhibit several properties that are highly suitable for rapid prototyping as well as for scalable manufacturing of biomedical microdevices. / <p>QC 20171003</p>
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Valorisation des xylanes du bois : vers la synthèse de copolymères amphiphiles bio-sourcés / Wood xylans value-creation : towards the synthesis of amphiphilic bio-based copolymersChemin, Maud 19 December 2014 (has links)
La thèse présentée propose une nouvelle voie de valorisation des xylanes du bois par l’élaboration de nouveaux polymères bio-sourcés et amphiphiles.Après une caractérisation complète de xylanes issus du bois de hêtre, l’hydrolyse acide en milieu dilué a été optimisée afin d’obtenir des xylo-oligosaccharides d’environ 6 unités xylose par chaîne avec une seule unité acide méthylglucuronique positionnée à l’extrémité non réductrice de la chaîne. En parallèle, l’étude de l’oxydation au periodate de sodium de ces xylanes a été effectuée pour permettre l’introduction d’un nombre contrôlé de fonctions aldéhyde le long de la chaîne. La fonction aldéhyde de l’extrémité réductrice des oligomères de xylane a ensuite été fonctionnalisée par un groupement allyle ou azoture pour permettre leur couplage à des dérivés d’acide gras par ‘chimie click’.Les oligomères amphiphiles ainsi obtenus ont ensuite été étudiés pour leurs propriétés tensioactives et d’auto-assemblage. Ils présentent de bonnes propriétés de mouillage, comparables à celles du Tween®80. Les objets issus de l’auto-assemblage de ces oligomères amphiphiles ont été analysés par DLS et TEM. Ils s’auto-assemblent aussi bien dans le chloroforme que dans l’eau. Les objets formés sont sphériques et de taille micellaire (d ≤ 50 nm). Ces objets ont tendance à s’associer pour former des agrégats, surtout dans le chloroforme. Ces agrégats sont régis par des interactions assez faibles pour être éliminés par dilution. Ils peuvent également être éliminés par simple filtration.Finalement, ce travail de thèse aura abouti à la synthèse de composés amphiphiles totalement bio-sourcés, à partir de xylanes, coproduits potentiels de l’industrie papetière. Grâce à leurs propriétés tensioactives, les applications envisageables pour ces tensioactifs ‘verts’ sont nombreuses. De plus, leur caractère biocompatible et leur auto-assemblage en solution aqueuse en font de bons candidats pour l’encapsulation et la vectorisation de principes actifs. / This thesis work aims to add value to xylans by designing new bio-based amphiphilic polymers.Beechwood xylans were first fully characterized before their acidic hydrolysis. The hydrolysis conditions were optimized in order to obtain well-defined xylooligosaccharides, oligomeric chains of about six xylose units that have only one methylglucuronic acid unit positioned at the non-reductive chain end. Periodate oxidation of xylans was also studied in order to form new aldehyde groups within the xylan backbone in a controlled manner. The xylooligomers were then functionalized from their reductive end with an azide or an allyl group, providing the ability to couple these oligomers to fatty acid derivatives using ‘click chemistry’.The obtained amphiphilic oligomers were finally studied according to their surfactant and self-assembly properties. Their wetting properties were found to be very good, comparable to those found with Tween®80. Moreover, they self-assembled in both chloroform and water, where their structures were characterized via DLS and TEM. The resulting particles formed had a spherical micellar morphology, with a d ≤ 50 nm. However, it was found that the particles had a tendency to form large aggregates, particularly in chloroform. The aggregates could be easily removed, either by filtration or by dilution of the sample, as the forces that govern the aggregation are low enough to allow dissociation with increasing solvent volume.As previously mentioned, this thesis work led to the synthesis of bio-based amphiphilic oligomers starting from xylans, which are a potential byproduct in the paper/pulp industry. Thanks to their surfactant properties, numerous applications can be found for such a ‘green’ surfactant. Their biocompatibility added with their self-assembly nature in aqueous media makes them an attractive molecule for active substance delivery applications.
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Glycolipids : from synthesis and self-assembly studies to the design of original bio-based polymers / Glycolipides : de la synthèse et l’étude de l’auto-assemblage à la conception de polymères bio-sourcés originauxHibert, Geoffrey 28 November 2016 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse traitent de l’étude de glycolipides et plus précisément d’esters de trehalose pour la synthèse de nouveaux polymères bio-sourcés. Des monoesters et diesters de trehalose ont ainsi été synthétisés par estérification des alcools primaires du trehalose avec des acides gras selon deux voies de synthèse. La première utilisant un agent de couplage peptidique ne nécessite pas l’utilisation de groupement protecteur pour estérifier sélectivement les alcools primaires. La deuxième est une estérification sélective catalysée par une lipase. L’auto-assemblage des esters de tréhalose a ensuite été étudié. Les monoesters possèdent des propriétés tensio-actives dans l’eau et le trehalose monoeruçate a la capacité de gélifier l’eau. Les diesters, quant à eux sont de bons gélifiants pour les solvants organiques etles huiles végétales. Par conséquent, des gels ont été préparés dans trois huiles végétales, puis leur morphologie et leur propriété rhéologique ont été étudiées. Ensuite, les diesters ont été fonctionnalisé et polymérisés selon différentes stratégies. Ainsi, des polyuréthanes et des poly(hydroxyuréthane)s ont été synthétisés par polycondensation tandis que des glycopolyesters ont été obtenus par polymérisation par métathèse et addition thiol-ène. Finalement,les propriétés d’auto-assemblage de ces polymères ont été étudiées. Ces derniers peuvent former des nanoparticules par la méthode de déplacement de solvants. / The aim of this thesis was to study glycolipids and particularly trehalose esters for the synthesis of new bio-sourced polymers. Trehalose monoesters and diesters were synthesized by two esterification pathways of the primary alcohol of trehalose with different fatty acids. The first synthetic route is a protective group-free esterification using a peptide coupling agent and the second one is a lipase-catalyzed esterification. The self-assembly properties of the trehalose esters were investigated. Trehalose monoesters showed surfactant properties in water and trehalose monoerucate was even able to form gels in water. The trehalose diesters appeared to be good gelators for organic solvent and vegetable oil. Thus, gels in three vegetable oils were prepared and their morphology and rheological properties were studied. Afterwards, trehalose diesters were functionalized and polymerized with different strategies.Thus, polyurethanes and poly(hydroxyurethane)s were obtained by polycondensation where as glyco-polyesters were synthesized by acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) and thiol-enepolymerization. Finally, the self-assembly properties of these polymers were investigated. The latter were able to form some nanoparticles by solvent displacement method.
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Modular crosslinking of gelatin based thiol-norbornene hydrogels for in vitro 3D culture of hepatic cells / Modular crosslinking of gelatin-based thiol–norbornene hydrogels for in vitro 3D culture of hepatocellular carcinoma cellsGreene, Tanja L. 21 October 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / As liver disease becomes more prevalent, the development of an in vitro culture system to study disease progression and its repair mechanisms is essential. Typically, 2D cultures are used to investigate liver cell (e.g., hepatocyte) function in vitro; however, hepatocytes lose function rapidly when they were isolated from the liver. This has promoted researchers to develop 3D scaffolds to recreate the natural microenvironment of hepatic cells. For example, gelatin-based hydrogels have been increasingly used to promote cell fate processes in 3D. Most gelatin-based systems require the use of physical gelation or non-specific chemical crosslinking. Both of these methods yield gelatin hydrogels with highly interdependent material properties (e.g., bioactivity and matrix stiffness). The purpose of this thesis research was to prepare modularly crosslinked gelatin-based hydrogels for studying the influence of independent matrix properties on hepatic cell fate in 3D. The first objective was to establish tunable gelatin-based thiol-norbornene hydrogels and to demonstrate that the mechanical and biological properties of gelatin hydrogels can be independently adjusted. Furthermore, norbornene and heparin dual-functionalized gelatin (i.e., GelNB-Hep) was prepared and used to sequester and slowly release hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). The second objective was to investigate the viability and functions of hepatocytes encapsulated in gelatin-based hydrogels. Hepatocellular carcinoma cells, Huh7, were used as a model cell type to demonstrate the cytocompatibility of the system. The properties of GelNB hydrogels were modularly tuned to systematically evaluate the effects of matrix properties on cell viability and functions, including CYP3A4 activity and urea secretion. The last objective was to examine the effect of heparin immobilization on hepatocyte viability and functions. The conjugation of heparin onto GelNB led to suppressed Huh7 cell metabolic activity and improved hepatocellular functions. This hybrid hydrogel system should provide a promising 3D cell culture platform for studying cell fate processes.
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Structural Battery Electrolytes / Strukturella Batteri-ElektrolyterÖberg, Pernilla, Halvarsson, Amanda, Rune, Julia, Bjerkensjö, Max January 2021 (has links)
Strukturella batterier är multifunktionella; de tillhandahåller lagring av elektrokemisk energi samtidigt som de bidrar med en lastbärande funktion. Tillsammans möjliggör detta att batteriet kan integreras i karossen hos ett elektriskt fordon eller apparat. Denna multifunktionalitet möjliggör således en avsevärd reducering i fordonets vikt. Kompositmaterialet är förstärkt av kolfiberelektroder, innesluten i en elektrolytstruktur. För att förverkliga detta koncept måste batteriets elektrolyt kunna motstå mekanisk belastning, samtidigt som den transporterar joner mellan batteriets elektroder. Denna studie syftar till att bygga vidare på konceptet av fas-separerade polymerelektrolyter, skapade från polymerisationsinducerad fasseparation via termisk härdning, vilket är en teknik utvecklad av Schneider et al. och Ihrner et al. Vidare undersöks effekten av att dels använda en elektrolytlösning baserad på EC:PC, men även att inkorporera tioler till polymernätverket. Tvärbindningsmolekylerna som användes i denna studie inkluderade trimetylolpropan tris(3-merkaptopropionat) (3TMP), pentaerythritol tetrakis(3-merkaptopropionat) (4PER), och dipentaerythritol hexakis-(3-merkaptopropionat) (6DPER). Dessa skiljer sig i antal funktionella tiolgrupper. Konduktivitet, termo-mekanisk prestanda och strukturberoende egenskaper undersöktes genom tre laborativa faser. Den första fasen behandlade inverkan på elektrolytsystemet av ändrat lösningsmedel, tiol-funktionalitet samt tiolgruppförhållandet gentemot allyl gruppen på den primära monomeren. Sampolymeren innehållandes 6DPER uppvisade bäst multifunktionalitet, varpå denna utvecklades vidare i fas två där en optimal sammansättning fastställdes som bestod utav 45 viktprocent jonlösning. I den slutliga fasen konstruerades en halv-cell baserat på den tidigare optimerade elektrolytkompositionen; den uppmätta kapaciteten visar tydlig förbättring jämfört med tidigare forskning. Resultatet som erhölls i denna studie bidrar till förståendet av strukturella batteri-elektrolyter samt den forskning som en dag kan komma att förverkliga strukturella batterier och dess tillämpningskrav. / Structural batteries are multifunctional; providing electrochemical energy storage synergistically with a load-bearing function that enables their integration into the body panels of electric devices and vehicles. Thus, massless energy can be achieved. As a composite material, it is composed of reinforcing carbon fibre electrodes embedded in an electrolyte matrix. To realize this concept, the electrolyte must simultaneously transfer mechanical load and transport ions between electrodes. The following study builds on a phase-separated polymer electrolyte, created using polymerization-induced phase separation via thermal curing, formulated by Schneider et al. and Ihrner et al.. The impact of the incorporation of thiols for copolymerization and as cross-linking agents for the polymer network was researched along with use of an EC:PC-based solvent. The three thiols studied were: trimethylolpropane tris(3-mercaptopropionate) (3TMP), pentaerythritol tetrakis(3-mercaptopropionate) (4PER), and dipentaerythritol hexakis-(3-mercaptopropionate) (6DPER). These differed in regard to the amount of thiol functional groups present. Ionic conductivity, thermo-mechanical performance and structure-property relationships were studied across 3 laboratory phases. The first phase concerned the effect of thiol-functionality, the thiol functional group ratio relative to the allyl group present in the primary monomer, and the solvent interaction. 6DPER was concluded to be the most promising cross-linking agent. During the second phase, the effect of electrolyte content was evaluated with an optimum of 45 weight% determined. The third phase concluded the study, wherein a half-cell was assembled with the optimized electrolyte formulation showing improved capacity relative to previous studies. The results developed here contribute to the understanding of structural battery electrolyte systems and their continued research to meet application demands.
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From Macro to Nano : Electrokinetic Transport and Surface ControlPardon, Gaspard January 2014 (has links)
Today, the growing and aging population, and the rise of new global threats on human health puts an increasing demand on the healthcare system and calls for preventive actions. To make existing medical treatments more efficient and widely accessible and to prevent the emergence of new threats such as drug-resistant bacteria, improved diagnostic technologies are needed. Potential solutions to address these medical challenges could come from the development of novel lab-on-chip (LoC) for point-of-care (PoC) diagnostics. At the same time, the increasing demand for sustainable energy calls for the development of novel approaches for energy conversion and storage systems (ECS), to which micro- and nanotechnologies could also contribute. This thesis has for objective to contribute to these developments and presents the results of interdisciplinary research at the crossing of three disciplines of physics and engineering: electrokinetic transport in fluids, manufacturing of micro- and nanofluidic systems, and surface control and modification. By combining knowledge from each of these disciplines, novel solutions and functionalities were developed at the macro-, micro- and nanoscale, towards applications in PoC diagnostics and ECS systems. At the macroscale, electrokinetic transport was applied to the development of a novel PoC sampler for the efficient capture of exhaled breath aerosol onto a microfluidic platform. At the microscale, several methods for polymer micromanufacturing and surface modification were developed. Using direct photolithography in off-stoichiometry thiol-ene (OSTE) polymers, a novel manufacturing method for mold-free rapid prototyping of microfluidic devices was developed. An investigation of the photolithography of OSTE polymers revealed that a novel photopatterning mechanism arises from the off-stoichiometric polymer formulation. Using photografting on OSTE surfaces, a novel surface modification method was developed for the photopatterning of the surface energy. Finally, a novel method was developed for single-step microstructuring and micropatterning of surface energy, using a molecular self-alignment process resulting in spontaneous mimicking, in the replica, of the surface energy of the mold. At the nanoscale, several solutions for the study of electrokinetic transport toward selective biofiltration and energy conversion were developed. A novel, comprehensive model was developed for electrostatic gating of the electrokinetic transport in nanofluidics. A novel method for the manufacturing of electrostatically-gated nanofluidic membranes was developed, using atomic layer deposition (ALD) in deep anodic alumina oxide (AAO) nanopores. Finally, a preliminary investigation of the nanopatterning of OSTE polymers was performed for the manufacturing of polymer nanofluidic devices. / <p>QC 20140509</p> / Rappid / NanoGate / Norosensor
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OSTE Microfluidic Technologies for Cell Encapsulation and Biomolecular AnalysisZhou, Xiamo January 2017 (has links)
In novel drug delivery system, the encapsulation of therapeutic cells in microparticles has great promises for the treatment of a range of health con- ditions. Therefore, the encapsulation material and technology are of great importance to the validity and efficiency of the advanced medical therapy. Several unsolved challenges in regards to versatile microparticle synthesis ma- terials and methods form the main obstacle for a translation of novel cell therapy concepts from research to clinical practice. Thiol-ene based polymer systems have emerged and gained great popular- ity in material development in general and in biomedical applications specif- ically. The thiol-ene platform is broad and therefore of interest for a variety of applications. At the same time, many aspects of this material platform are largely unexplored, for example material and manufacturing technology developments for microfluidic applications . In this Ph.D. thesis, thiol-ene materials are explored for use in cell encap- sulation. The marriage of these two technology fields breeds the possibility for a novel microfluidic cell encapsulation approach using a novel encapsulation material. To this end, several new manufacturing technologies for thiol-ene and thiol-ene-epoxy droplet microfluidic devices were developed. Moreover, core-shell microparticle synthesis for cell encapsulation based on a novel co- synthesis concept using a thiol-ene based material was developed and inves- tigated. Finally, a thiol-ene-epoxy system was also used for the formation of microwells and microchannels that improve protein analysis on microarrays. The first part of the thesis presents the background and state-of-the-art technologies in regards to cell therapy, microfluidics, and thiol-ene based ma- terials. In the second part of the thesis, a novel manufacturing approach of thiol-ene-epoxy material as well as core-shell particle co-synthesis in micro- fluidics using thiol-ene based material are presented and characterized. The third part of the thesis presents the cell viability studies of encapsulated cells using the novel encapsulation material and method. In the final part of the thesis, two applications of thiol-ene-epoxy gaskets for protein detection mi- croarrays are presented. / Inkapsling av levande celler i mikrokapslar för terapeutiska ändamål är mycket lovande för frmatida behandling av många olika sjukdomar. Emeller- tid är en behandlings effektivitet i hög grad beroende av vilka material som används för inkapsling och vilken teknisk lösning som används för att ska- pa mikrokapslarna. För närvarande återstår det många utmaningar för att omvandla grundforskningresultat till klinisk verklighet, vilken kräver mer än- damålsenliga tillvägagångssätt för att tillverka mikrokapslar i material som är kompatibla med användningsområdena. De senaste åren har tiol-en baserade polymerer har blivit mycket använda för materialutveckling i stort och för biomedicinska tillämpningar i synnerhet. Med tiol-en kemi kan en mycket stor mängd helt olika syntetiska material framställas, vilket gör tiol-ener intressanta för en mängd applikationer. För närvarande är dock mycket inom denna materialklass outforskat, t.ex. inom material och tillverkningmetodik för mikrofluidiktillämpningar. I denna avhandling används tiol-ener för cellinkapsling. Sammanslagning av dessa teknologier möjliggör en ny typ av cellinkapsling med nya materi- alegenskaper. En mängd olika tillverkningssätt där tiol-en eller tiol-en-epoxi används för droplet-mikrofluidiksystem utvecklades. Core-shell mikrokapsel- syntes för cell-inkapsling baserat på en ny metod för samtidig syntes av både core och shell utvecklades och karaktäriserades. Slutligen utvecklades ett tiol- en-epoxi system för enkel integrering med proteinmikroarrayer på objektsglas. I avhandlingens första del presenteras bakgrund och dagens bästa teknolo- gier för terapeutisk cellinkapsling, mikrofluidik och tiol-en baserade material. I avhandlingens andra del presenteras en ny tillverkningsmetod för mikro- strukturerade tiol-en-epoxi artiklar och samtidig syntes av core och shell för mikrokapslar med användande av mikrofluidik. I den tredje delen presenteras cellöverlevandsstudier för de celler som inkapslats med de nya materialen och de nyutvecklade metoderna. I den avslutande delen beskrivs två specifika fall där tiol-en-epoxi komponenter används för proteindetektion och mikroarrayer. / <p>QC 20171122</p>
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Step-growth thiol-ene photopolymerization to form degradable, cytocompatible and multi-structural hydrogelsShih, Han 17 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Hydrogels prepared from photopolymerization have been used for a variety of tissue engineering and controlled release applications. Polymeric biomaterials with high cytocompatibility, versatile degradation behaviors, and diverse material properties are particularly useful in studying cell fate processes. In recent years, step-growth thiol-ene photochemistry has been utilized to form cytocompatible hydrogels for tissue engineering applications. This radical-mediated gelation scheme utilizes norbornene functionalized multi-arm poly(ethylene glycol) (PEGNB) as the macromer and di-thiol containing molecules as the crosslinkers to form chemically crosslinked hydrogels. While the gelation mechanism was well-described in the literature, the network properties and degradation behaviors of these hydrogels have not been fully characterized. In addition, existing thiol-ene photopolymerizations often used type I photoinitiators in conjunction with an ultraviolet (UV) light source to initiate gelation. The use of cleavage type initiators and UV light often raises biosafety concerns. The first objective of this thesis was to understand the gelation and degradation properties of thiol-ene hydrogels. In this regard, two types of step-growth hydrogels were compared, namely thiol-ene hydrogels and Michael-type addition hydrogels. Between these two step-growth gel systems, it was found that thiol-ene click reactions formed hydrogels with higher crosslinking efficiency. However, thiol-ene hydrogels still contained significant network non-ideality, demonstrated by a high dependency of hydrogel swelling on macromer contents. In addition, the presence of ester bonds within the PEGNB macromer rendered thiol-ene hydrogels hydrolytically degradable. Through validating model predictions with experimental results, it was found that the hydrolytic degradation of thiol-ene hydrogels was not only governed by ester bond hydrolysis, but also affected by the degree of network crosslinking. In an attempt to manipulate network crosslinking and degradation rate of thiol-ene hydrogels, different macromer contents and peptide crosslinkers with different amino acid sequences were used. A chymotrypsin-sensitive peptide was also used as part of the hydrogel crosslinkers to render thiol-ene hydrogels enzymatically degradable. The second objective of this thesis was to develop a visible light-mediated thiol-ene hydrogelation scheme using a type II photoinitiator, eosin-Y, as the only photoinitiator. This approach eliminates the incorporation of potentially cytotoxic co-initiator and co-monomer that are typically used with a type II initiator. In addition to investigating the gelation kinetics and properties of thiol-ene hydrogels formed by this new gelation scheme, it was found that the visible light-mediated thiol-ene hydrogels were highly cytocompatible for human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and pancreatic MIN6 beta-cells. It was also found that eosin-Y could be repeatedly excited for preparing step-growth hydrogels with multilayer structures. This new gelation chemistry may have great utilities in controlled release of multiple sensitive growth factors and encapsulation of multiple cell types for tissue regeneration.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Complex Molecular Assemblies on SurfacesMadaan, Nitesh 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The research presented in this dissertation is focused on the construction of complex molecular structures on planar gold and silicon dioxide surfaces using a variety of surface modification techniques, along with thorough surface characterization at each modification step. The dissertation is structured into six separate chapters. In Chapter 1, an introduction to the importance and implications of molecular level surface modification, commonly employed surface modification methods, and available surface characterization techniques is presented. Chapter 2 shows applications of novel methodologies for the functionalization of gold surfaces using alkane dithiol self-assembled monolayers and thiol-ene click chemistry. The resulting functionalized gold substrates demonstrate higher chemical stability than alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers alone and allow spatially controlled functionalization of gold surfaces with light. In Chapter 3, work on tunable hydrophobic surfaces is presented. These surfaces are prepared using a combination of organosilane chemistry, layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte deposition, and thiol-ene chemistry. These hydrophobic surfaces demonstrate high mechanical and chemical stability, even at low pH (1.68). The pinning of water droplets could be tuned on them by the extent of their thermal treatment. Comprehensive surface characterization using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), spectroscopic ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy, and water contact angles was carried out on the molecular assemblies prepared on gold and silicon dioxide surfaces. Chapters 4 and 5 are focused on the application, data interpretation, and enhancement in sensitivity of different surface characterization methods. In Chapter 4, XPS, ToF-SIMS, and principal components analysis are used to probe a real world corrosion-type problem. This systemic study showed the destruction of a protective coating composed of a nitrilotris(methylene)triphosphonic acid by a low-intensity fluorine plasma. In Chapter 5, enhancement in ToF-SIMS signals is shown via bismuth metal deposition. These surfaces are also probed by spectroscopic ellipsometry using the interference enhancement method. Finally, Chapter 6 concludes this dissertation by describing possible future work.
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Novel Modifications of Styrene-Butadiene and Isoprene RubberSchmitz, Nathan David 14 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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