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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Translational research on challenges in the treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Kuusisto, M. (Milla) 01 December 2015 (has links)
Abstract In the present study, some of the difficulties in the treatment of the most common malignant lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), were evaluated. Some patients develop local or central nervous system (CNS) relapse after first-line treatment. The treatment of relapsed disease is challenging and despite all efforts, some patients die of the disease. Chemoresistant disease also remains challenging because some patients suffer from refractory disease of a progressive nature. The antioxidant enzymes peroxiredoxins (Prxs) and thioredoxin-1 (Trx) were evaluated as prognostic and predictive markers of DLBCL. High cytoplasmic expression of Prx VI was found to correlate with poor prognosis in patients with DLBCL. Trx knockdown in lymphoma cell culture revealed a possible predictive role of Trx. Trx knockdown sensitized cells to doxorubicin, a widely used chemotherapeutic agent in treatment schemas of DLBCL. Etoposide, another widely used chemotherapeutic agent, on the other hand, killed more native DLBCL cells than did doxorubicin. Patients with high Trx expression at the diagnostic stage of the disease benefitted from etoposide-containing high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation and did not develop post-transplantation relapses which Trx-negative patients did. Antithrombin III (AT III) in cerebrospinal fluid has been suggested to be a biomarker in previous studies of CNS lymphoma. In the present study, AT III was evaluated in patients with CNS lymphoma and with neurological diseases. High concentrations of AT III in cerebrospinal fluid reflected the magnitude of blood-brain barrier leakage and because of this, AT III should not be used as a biomarker in clinical practice. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin osaa yleisimmän pahanlaatuisen imukudossyövän eli lymfooman, diffuusin suurisoluisen B-solulymfooman, hoidon haasteista. Osa potilaista saa ensilinjan hoidon jälkeen joko paikallisen tai aivoston alueen taudin uusiutuman. Uusiutuneen taudin hoito on haasteellista, ja hoitoyrityksistä huolimatta osa potilaista kuolee tautiinsa. Solunsalpaajille resistentti tauti on myös yksi haastavista hoitotilanteista, ja osa potilaista kärsiikin hoitojen läpi etenevästä taudista. Antioksidatiivisia entsyymejä, kuten peroksiredoksiineja ja tioredoksiinia, arvioitiin ennusteellisina ja ennakoivina merkkiaineina diffuusissa suurisoluisessa B-solulymfoomassa. Peroksiredoksiini VI:n korkea sytosolinen ilmaantuvuus korreloi tavallista huonompaan diffuusin suurisoluisen B-solulymfooman ennusteeseen. Tioredoksiinin hiljentäminen lymfoomasoluviljelyssä paljasti sen mahdollisen ennakoivan merkityksen hoitoon liittyvässä päätöksenteossa. Solut herkistyivät tiodredoksiinin hiljentämisen vuoksi doksorubisiinille, jota käytetään laajalti diffuusin suurisoluisen B-solulymfooman solunsalpaajahoidoissa. Etoposidi, joka on huomattavasti myrkyllisempi solunsalpaaja, päinvastoin tappoi enemmän tavallisia diffuusia suurisoluisia B-solulymfoomaa edustavia soluja kuin doksorubisiini. Potilaat, joilla oli korkea tioredoksiinin määrä taudin diagnostisessa vaiheessa, hyötyivät etoposidia sisältävästä korkea-annoshoidosta sekä autologisesta kantasolusiirrosta. Näille potilaille ei kehittynyt kantasolusiirron jälkeisiä taudin uusiutumia kuin taas niitä kehittyi potilaille, joilla oli tioredoksiini negatiivinen. Antitrombiini III:a on ehdotettu soveltuvaksi aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella aivoston lymfooman merkkiaineeksi aivo-selkäydinnesteestä. Tässä tutkimuksessa antitrombiini III:n määrää mitattiin potilailta, joilla oli aivoston lymfooma tai neurologinen sairaus. Korkeat konsentraatiot antitrombiini III:a aivo-selkäydinnesteessä kuitenkin vain heijastivat veri-aivoesteen vuotamisen määrää, ja näin ollen antitrombiini III:a ei tulisi käyttää kliinisessä käytössä.

Les glutathion peroxydases et protéine disulfure isomérases de peuplier : potentialités du repliement thiorédoxine pour la catalyse des réactions redox / Biochemical properties of thioredoxin superfamily proteins catalysing versatile redox reactions

Selles, Benjamin 29 June 2011 (has links)
La formation de ponts disulfure constitue une modification post-traductionnelle des protéines importante pour de nombreux processus physiologiques, jouant un rôle particulier dans le repliement, la catalyse et la régulation de leur activité. Ce travail concerne l'étude des relations structure-fonction d'oxydoréductases de peuplier appartenant à deux familles de la superfamille des thiorédoxines, les glutathion peroxydases (Gpxs) et les protéine disulfure isomérases (PDIs).L'étude biochimique fine de la Gpx5 a permis de montrer que cette peroxydase réduit le peroxynitrite, propriété inconnue pour ce type de Gpx et de détailler plusieurs étapes du mécanisme catalytique (formation de l'acide sulfénique, changement structural entre formes réduites et oxydées, régénération par les Trxs). La dimérisation de la Gpx5 n'est pas requise pour son activité mais pourrait jouer un rôle dans la reconnaissance de certains substrats. Enfin, l'inactivation de la cystéine peroxydatique par suroxydation suggère que les Gpxs pourraient également avoir une fonction dans la signalisation en réponse aux peroxydes.Concernant les PDIs, suite à une analyse phylogénétique détaillée amenant à proposer une nouvelle classification en 9 classes chez les organismes photosynthétiques, la caractérisation biochimique de plusieurs isoformes présentant des organisations modulaires distinctes et appartenant à trois classes de PDIs a été entreprise. Aucune activité enzymatique typique n'a été identifiée pour la PDI-A, alors que les PDI-L1a et -M possèdent à la fois une activité oxydase et réductase. Les deux modules a de la PDI-M catalysent des réactions spécifiques, de réduction ou d'oxydation. / Protein activity and folding can be regulated by post-translational modifications that can impact on their physiological functions. One of these is the formation/reduction of disulfide bridges. The aim of the present work is to study the structure-function relationship of protein members of the thioredoxin superfamily, the protein disulfide isomerases (PDI) and the glutathione peroxidases (Gpx).A precise biochemical study has allowed us to demonstrate that this enzyme is an efficient peroxynitrite scavenger, a new finding for this type of protein and allowed investigating several steps of the Gpx5 catalytic mechanism (i.e. sulfenic acid formation, structural changes between reduce dand oxidized forms, Trx-mediated recycling). We also demonstrate that the dimer form of Gpx5 is not absolutely required for peroxide reduction but probably involved in peroxide specificity. Finally, the capability of the peroxidatic cysteine to be overoxidized brings some new clues in favor of an additional signaling function for Gpx5.Concerning PDIs, a detailed phylogenetic analysis of photosynthetic organisms allowed us to identify 9 classes of PDIs and to propose a new nomenclature that fits all these organisms. The biochemical characterization of isoforms of interest has allowed us to highlight some specificity of PDI-L1a and PDI-M in terms of reduction or oxidation reactions catalyzed. A detailed analysis of PDI-M isoform also indicates that the two Trx modules of this protein show differential oxidation or reduction capacities. We could not detect any activity for PDI-A isoforms, leaving us to wonder whether this enzyme is simply active or possesses highly specific protein partners.

Caractérisation de fonction non photosynthétique pour les thioredoxine plastidiales chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Characterization of non photosynthetic functions for Arabidopsis thaliana plastidials thioredoxins

Née, Guillaume 15 December 2011 (has links)
Les thiorédoxines (TRX) sont des protéines ubiquistes à activité d’oxydoréductase de ponts disulfure de protéines dites « cibles ». Le génome d’Arabidopsis thaliana code une vingtaine de TRX canoniques dont 10 (divisées en 5 types : f, m, x, y et z) sont localisées dans les plastes. Les TRX f sont connues depuis plus de trente ans pour être des régulateurs centraux du métabolisme photosynthétique, mais les approches expérimentales récentes (protéomique, génétique inverse.) indiquent que ces protéines interviennent dans des métabolismes non photosynthétiques variés, notamment le cycle oxydatif des pentoses phosphate (COPP). Ce travail a consisté à analyser in vitro la capacité des TRX plastidiales à réguler les déshydrogénases du COPP qui assurent la majorité de la production de pouvoir réducteur (sous forme de NADPH) dans des conditions non-photosynthétiques. Les résultats obtenus ont été validés dans un système ferrédoxine/TRX reconstitué et ont permis de proposer un modèle de régulation stricte par certaines TRX de la glucose-6-phosphate déshydrogénase chloroplastique G6PDH1 où la TRX f assure la coordination des cycles réductif (cycle de Calvin) et oxydatif des pentoses phosphate. Des approches biochimiques et biophysiques ont permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs modifications de propriétés catalytiques et structurales faisant suite à la régulation redox de G6PDH1 et d’aborder les déterminants des spécificités de régulations. Ce travail in vitro a été complété par une caractérisation in vivo (basée sur l’utilisation de mutants perte de fonction) de l’importance des TRX y dans le contrôle de l’activité G6PDH racinaire, et les processus de germination. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que, dans les graines, ce type de TRX interviendrait dans les processus de levée de dormance et de vieillissement via son interconnexion avec les mécanismes de détoxication des formes actives de l’oxygène. / Thioredoxins are ubiquitous thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases on target proteins. In Arabidopsis, many TRX isoforms are found, especially in plastids where 10 isoforms are found and subdivided into five types (f, m, x, y and z type).The f-type TRX is known for decades as a regulator of photosynthetic metabolism, but proteomics and genetics indicate that these proteins might regulate many non photosynthetic metabolic pathways, such as the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP).In this work, I have examined in vitro the redox regulation of OPPP dehydrogenases by plastidial TRX, the OPPP being a major source of reducing power (as NADPH) in non-photosynthesizing conditions. Biochemical studies were reproduced in a reconstituted ferredoxin / TRX system, allowing to propose a new function for f-type TRX isoforms co-ordinating both reductive (Calvin cycle) and oxidative pentose phosphate pathways. Biochemical and biophysical approaches revealed several modifications of catalytic and structural properties accompanying the redox regulation of G6PDH1, the first dehydrogenase of the OPPP.In vivo studies, using reverse genetics were developed, to analyse the possible role of y-type TRX in the control of root G6PDH activity and germination physiology. Seeds of y-type TRX mutants display an altered behaviour in dormancy and aging. The possible role of y-type TRX in the control of seed germination through their antioxidant function is discussed.

Antioxidant Activity Of The Anti-Inflammatory Compound Ebselen And Its Analogues : Role Of Nonbonded Interactions

Sarma, Bani Kanta 07 1900 (has links)
Although considered as a poison for long time, the importance of selenium as an essential trace element is now well recognized. In proteins, the redox active selenium moiety is incorportated as selenocysteine (Sec), the 21st amino acid. In mammals, selenium exerts its redox activities through several selenocysteine-containing enzymes, which include glutathione peroxidase (GPx), iodothyronine deiodinase (ID) and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR). Although these enzymes have Sec in their active sites, they catalyze completely different reactions and their substrate specificity and cofactor or co-substrate systems are significantly different. The most widely studied selenoenzyme GPx protects various organisms from oxidative stresses by catalyzing the reduction of hydroperoxides by using glutathione (GSH) as cofactor. The chemical aspects of the reduction of hydroperoxide by GPx have been extensively studied with the help of synthetic selenium and tellurium compounds. For example, 2-phenyl, 1, 2-benzoisoselenazol-3(2H)-one, commonly known as ebselen exhibits significant GPx activity by using GSH as cofactor. The anti-inflammatory, antiatherosclerotic and cytoprotective properties of ebselen have led to the design and synthesis of nex GPx mimics for potential therapeutic applications. In the first chapter, the importance of selenium in biochemistry in general and the function of selenoenzyme GPx and its synthetic mimics in particular are discussed. In the second chapter, the importance of ebselen as a GPx mimic and how thiol exchange reaction in the selenenyl sulfide intermediate deactivates its catalytic cycle and the possible ways to overcome thiol exchange reaction are described. The third chapter deals with the first synthetic chemical model that effectively mimics the unusual cyclization of sulfenic acid to a sulfenyl amide in protein Tyrosien Phosphatase 1B(PTP1B). PTP1B is a cysteine containing enzyme where the sulfenic acid (PTP1B-SOH) intermediate produced in response to its oxidation by H2O2 is rapidly converted into a sulfenyl amide species, in which sulfur atom of the catalytic cysteine is covalently bonded to the main chain nitrogen of an adjacent serine residue. This unusual protein modification in PTP1B has been proposed to protect the sulfur centre from irreversible oxidation to sulfinic acid and and sulfonic acids. In the fourth chapter, it is shown that not only the catalytic efficiency of ebselen but also its phosphatase like behavior is important for its antioxidant activity. Ebselen is regenerated from selenenic acid (R-SeOH) under a verity of conditions, which protects its selenium centre from irreversible oxidation and thus reduces its toxicity. The fifth chapter deals with spirodizaselenurane and Spirodiazatellurane. Although the chemistry of spirodioxyselenuranes and spirodiazasulfuranes has been studied extensively due to their interesting structural and stereochemical properties, there is no example of stable spirodiazaselenurane and its tellurium analogues. In the fifth chapter, the synthesis, structure and GPx-like activity of the spirodizzaselenurane and spirodiazatellurane are discussed. In summary, the synthetic sulfenic acids and seleneric acids undergo cyclization to their corresponding sulfenyl amides and selenenyl amides and thus protect their sulfur and selenium centers from irreversible inactivation. We have also observed that selenoxides and telluroxides with nearby amide moieties undergo cyclization to their corresponding cyclic spiro compounds. This unusual transformation of sulfenic acids has been recently discovered in PTP1B. As the redox regulation cycle of PTP1B and the catalytic cycle of GPx are similar we believe that GPx may involve a selenenyl amide intermediate in its catalytic cycle.

De Novo Design Of Protein Secondary And Super Secondary Structural Elements: Investigation Of Interaction Patterns From The Crystal Structure Analysis Of Oligopeptides Containing α,β-Dehydrophenylalanine Crystal Structure Analysis Of Double Mutant M37L, P40S Thioredoxin From E.Coli

Rudresh, * 05 1900 (has links)
ΔPhe an analogue of a coded amino acid phenylalanine (Phe) residue but with double bond between Cα and Cβ atoms, is one of the well studied residue among all the dehydro amino acids, as a conformation constraining amino acid. Due to the presence of double bond Cα=Cβ, and consequent conjugation of ΔPhe ring electrons with Cα=Cβ double bond, ΔPhe gains conformation restricting (constraining) characteristics compared to coded amino acid Phe. ΔPhe which assumes an achiral residue has all its atoms restricted to an approximate plane. Apart from the conformation constraining property, the designer friendly ΔPhe residue has its ability to i) engage in side chain aromatic interactions ii) act as nuclei for C-HLO/N-HLπ weak interactions involving the side chain and/ or backbone atoms, and iii) acquire ambidextrous conformation as observed in many model peptides. It is these properties, which makes ΔPhe, a residue of intense research in the field of de novo protein secondary and super secondary design. Analysis of solid state and solution state structures of containing ΔPhe residues suggests that ΔPhe, in general induces β-bend in short peptides and 310-helical conformation in longer peptides (>4).

Oxidative stress in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma, and TP53 mutations and translocations of MYC, Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Peroja, P. (Pekka) 10 April 2018 (has links)
Abstract Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and follicular lymphoma (FL) are two of the most common lymphomas in the Western world. DLBCL is an aggressive disease with a good response to treatment; about 75% of patients achieve permanent remission after first-line treatment. In patients with relapses or primary refractory disease, prognosis is dismal; only 10–20% of them can be cured, even with aggressive treatments. FL is an indolent lymphoma with a very good response to treatment and slow progression. Median survival with modern treatments is over 15 years. Nevertheless, some patients have short remissions and succumb to disease. Oxidative stress, TP53 mutations, and translocations of MYC, Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 have been linked in many neoplasms to aetiology and poor prognosis. This thesis concerns oxidative stress and redox-state-regulating enzymes in DLBCL and FL, and TP53 mutations and translocations of MYC, Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 in DLBCL. High expression levels of the antioxidant enzyme thioredoxin and a marker of oxidative stress, nitrotyrosine, were related to poor prognosis in DLBCL. In FL, high-level expression of peroxiredoxin was associated with good prognosis. TP53 mutations in specific regions LSH and L3 and concurrent translocation of Bcl-2 were associated with poor prognosis in DLBCL. Not all TP53 mutations predicted survival. High expression levels of Bcl-2 and MYC were associated with poor prognosis in DLBCL. Based on the results presented here, antioxidant function may have protective roles, but also may cause resistance to treatment. TP53 mutations have prognostic roles in DLBCL, but should be further defined. Novel therapies could be developed in connection with these mechanisms. / Tiivistelmä Diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma (DLBCL) ja follikulaarinen lymfooma (FL) ovat kaksi yleisintä lymfoomaa länsimaissa. DLBCL on aggressiivinen syöpä, joka reagoi hyvin hoitoihin, jopa 75 % paranee. Kuitenkin potilailla, joilla syöpä uusiutuu hoitojen jälkeen tai etenee hoidon aikana, on erittäin huono ennuste, noin 10-20 % näistä potilaista voidaan parantaa. FL on hyväennusteinen lymfooma, joka yleensä reagoi hyvin hoitoihin. Mediaani elossaoloaika kaikilla FL potilailla on yli 15 vuotta taudin toteamisesta. Osalla potilaista FL kuitenkin on aggressiivisempo. Oksidatiivinen stressin, TP53- mutaatioiden, MYC, Bcl-2 ja Bcl-6 -translokaatioiden on todettu olevan huonoon ennusteeseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä monissa syövissä, kuten lymfoomissa. Tämä väitöskirja tutki oksidatiivisen stressin ja hapetus-pelkistys reaktioon liittyvien entsyymien osuutta R-CHOP-hoidetuissa DLBCL:ssa ja FL:ssa immunohistokemian (IHC) avulla. DLBCL:ssa tutkittiin lisäksi TP53 mutaatioita, MYC, Bcl-2 ja Bcl-6 translokaatioiden roolia taudin kulussa. Korkea ekspressio oksidatiivisen stressin merkkiainetta nitrotyrosiinia ja antioksidantti thioredoksiinia olivat yhteydessä huonoon ennusteeseen DLBCL:ssa. FL:ssa runsas ilmentyminen antioksidativiisiin entsyymeihin kuuluvia peroksiredoksiineja olivat yhteydessä hyvään ennusteeseen. TP53 mutaatiot LSH ja L3 alueella ja Bcl-2 -translokaatiot yhdessä olivat yhteydessä huonoon ennusteeseen DLBCL:ssa. Kaikki TP53-mutaatiot eivät olleet assosioituneet huonoon ennusteeseen. DLBCL:ssa Bcl-2 ja MYC –proteiinien runsas ilmentyminen IHC:llä arvioituna liittyi huonoon ennusteeseen. Tulosten perusteella solujen hapetus-pelkistystilaa säätelevillä entsyymeillä voi olla dualistinen rooli, osittain suojeleva ja osittain vahingoittava lymfoomissa. TP53 -mutaatioilla voi olla ennusteellista merkitystä, mutta tämä vaatii lisää tutkimuksia.

Studying the Role of Peroxiredoxin 1 in ROS Modulation and Drug Resistance / Etude du rôle de la Peroxiredoxine 1 dans la modulation redox et la résistance aux drogues anticancéreuses

He, Tiantian 04 July 2014 (has links)
Les peroxyrédoxines sont des enzymes essentielles de la cellule. Outre leur rôle d’antioxydant, elles sont aussi des régulateurs de la signalisation cellulaire et des suppresseurs de tumeurs. La péroxiredoxine 1 (Prx1) est la plus abondante parmi les six isoformes de peroxyrédoxines humaines. Elle est fréquemment surexprimée dans plusieurs types de cellules cancéreuses, et on a pu associer Prx1 aux processus de carcinogenèse et de métastase, ainsi qu’à la résistance à la radiothérapie ou la chimiothérapie. Ainsi, Prx1 pourrait donc être une cible anticancéreuse intéressante. Au cours de ce travail de thèse, nous avons d’abord évalué l'impact d’une diminution de Prx1 (Prx1 knockdown (Prx1–)) sur la sensibilité cellulaire à des dizaines de médicaments anticancéreux dont la vinblastine, le taxol, la doxorubicine, la daunorubicine, l’actinomycine D, et le 5-fluorouracile, et d’agents connus pour provoquer la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS), dont le peroxyde d'hydrogène, le 2-phényléthyle isothiocyanate, le β-lapachone (β-lap) et la ménadione. Nous avons mis en évidence qu’une diminution de Prx1 augmente significativement la sensibilité des cellules à l'effet cytotoxique de la β-lap et de la ménadione, deux naphtoquinones possédant une activité anti-tumorale.Nous avons étudié les mécanismes responsables de l'augmentation de la cytotoxicité de la β-lap dans un contexte Prx1–. Nous montrons que la toxicité accrue de la β-lap dans des cellules Prx1– est due à une accumulation intracellulaire de ROS. Cet effet est dépendant de l’activité NADPH quinone oxydoréductase (NQO1) et s’accompagne d’une phosphorylation de c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), protein 38 (p38), extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk) et des mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), mais aussi d’une diminution des niveaux protéiques de la thiorédoxine 1. En se basant sur le fait que Prx1 est une enzyme antioxydante et un partenaire d'au moins ASK1 et JNK, deux éléments clés de la voie MAPK, nous proposons que la sensibilisation à la β-lap, observée après diminution de Prx1, est provoquée par une action synergique entre l'accumulation de ROS et l'induction de la voie MAPK, conduisant ainsi à l'apoptose.Nous avons ensuite étudié les mécanismes responsables de l'augmentation de la cytotoxicité de la ménadione dans le contexte Prx1–. La sensibilité accrue des cellules à l'effet cytotoxique de la ménadione et également associée à l'accumulation rapide et massive des ROS intracellulaire et à une mort cellulaire ressemblant à la nécrose programmée (necroptosis). L’accumulation de ROS induite par la ménadione et très rapidement détectée dans le cytosol, le noyau, et de façon encore plus importante, dans la matrice mitochondriale. Ce phénomène est en corrélation avec l'oxydation importante des thiorédoxine 2 et peroxiredoxine 3, deux protéines antioxydantes localisées dans la mitochondrie. La diminution de l’expression de Prx1 s’accompagne d’une augmentation des quantités tant de l’ARNm que de la protéine NRH: quinone oxydoréductase 2 (NQO2). Cette augmentation de l'activité de NQO2 est en grande partie responsable de l'accumulation intracellulaire de ROS et de la mort cellulaire après le traitement à la ménadione. Nos données révèlent que l’accumulation de ROS dans les cellules Prx1– provient de la résultante entre l’augmentation de leur production par NQO2 au cours du métabolisme de la ménadione et la diminution de leur élimination par Prx1. Enfin et de façon surprenante, selon la nature des naptoquinones (β-lap ou ménadione), les voies métaboliques qui conduisent à l'accumulation des ROS, ou les voies de signalisation et les mécanismes de mort cellulaire impliqués semblent être distincts. / Peroxiredoxins have multiple cellular functions as major antioxidants, signaling regulators, molecular chaperones and tumor suppressors. Peroxiredoxin 1 (Prx1) is the most abundant among the six isoforms of human peroxiredoxins. It is frequently over-expressed in various cancer cells, which is known associated with carcinogenesis, metastasis and resistance to radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Prx1 could thus be an interesting anticancer target. In this study, we first evaluated the impact of Prx1 knockdown (Prx1–) on cellular sensitivity to dozens of anticancer drugs including vinblastine, taxol, doxorubicin, daunorubicin, actinomycin D, and 5-fluorouracil, and of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating agents, including hydrogen peroxide, 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate, β-lapachone (β-lap) and menadione. We observed that Prx1 knockdown significantly enhanced cancer cell sensitivity to β-lap and menadione, two naphthoquinones with anti-cancer activity.We first investigated the underlying mechanisms responsible for the specifically enhanced cytotoxicity to β-lap in a Prx1 knockdown context. Prx1 knockdown markedly potentiated β-lap-induced cytotoxicity through ROS accumulation. This effect was largely NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1)-dependent and associated with the phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), protein 38 (p38) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk) proteins in mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, and a decrease in thioredoxin 1 protein levels. Based on the fact that Prx1 is a major ROS scavenger and a partner of apoptosis signaling kinase 1 (ASK1) and JNK, two key components of MAPK pathways, we propose that Prx1 knockdown-induced sensitization to β-lap is achieved through the combined action of ROS accumulation and MAPK pathway activation, leading to cell apoptosis.We then investigated the underlying mechanisms responsible for the specifically enhanced cytotoxicity to menadione in Prx1– cells. Enhanced sensitivity to menadione was associated with a rapid and significant intracellular ROS accumulation and necroptotic-like cell death. Menadione-induced ROS accumulation occurred immediately in the cytosol, the nucleus, and even more noticeably in the mitochondrial matrix, correlated with significant oxidation of both mitochondria-localized thioredoxin 2 and peroxiredoxin 3. Prx1 knockdown significantly up-regulated mRNA and protein levels of NRH: quinone oxidoreductase 2 (NQO2). Increased activity of NQO2 was largely responsible for menadione-induced ROS accumulation and consequent cell death. Our data indicate that massive ROS accumulation results from the combined effect of increased ROS generation by higher NQO2 activity during menadione metabolism, and diminished Prx1 scavenging activity. Finally and noteworthy, the metabolic pathways that lead to ROS accumulation, downstream signaling pathways and cell death mechanisms appear to be distinct for β-lap and menadione.

Nuclear Factor (Erythroid 2-like) Factor 2 (Nrf2) as Cellular Protector in Bile Acid and Retinoid Toxicities

Tan, Kah Poh 26 February 2009 (has links)
Exposure to toxic bile acids (BA) and retinoic acids (RA) is implicated in toxicities related to excessive oxidative stress. This thesis examined roles and mechanisms of the oxidative stress-responsive nuclear factor (erythroid 2-like) factor 2 (Nrf2) in adaptive cell defense against BA and RA toxicities. Using liver cells and mouse models, many antioxidant proteins known to be Nrf2 target genes, particularly the rate-limiting enzyme for glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis, i.e., glutamate-cysteine ligase subunits (GCLM/GCLC), were induced by BA [lithocholic acid (LCA)] or RA (all-trans, 9-cis and 13-cis) treatment. Evidence for increased Nrf2 transactivation by LCA and all-trans-RA was exemplified in HepG2 by: (1) reduced constitutive and inducible expression of GCLM/GCLC upon Nrf2 silencing via small-interfering RNA; (2) increased inducible expression of GCLM/GCLC genes by Nrf2 overexpression, but overexpression of dominant-negative Nrf2 decreased it; (3) increased nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 as signature event of receptor activation; (4) enhanced Nrf2-dependent antioxidant-response-element (ARE) reporter activity as indicative of increased Nrf2 transactivation; and (5) increased Nrf2 occupancy to AREs of GCLM and GCLC. Additionally, in BA-treated HepG2 cells, we observed concomitant increases of many ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters (MRPs 1-5, MDR1 and BCRP) in parallel with increased cellular efflux. Nrf2 silencing in HepG2 cells decreased constitutive and inducible expression of MRP2, MRP3 and ABCG2. However, Nrf2-silenced mouse hepatoma cells, Hepa1c1c7, and Nrf2-/- mice had decreased constitutive and/or inducible expression of Mrps 1-4, suggesting species differences in Nrf2-dependent regulation of hepatic ABC transporters. Protection by Nrf2 against BA and RA toxicities was confirmed by observations that Nrf2 silencing increased cell susceptibility to BA- and RA-induced cell death. Moreover, Nrf2-/- mice suffered more severe liver injury than the wildtype. Increased GSH and efflux activity following increased GCLM/GCLC and ABC transporters, respectively, can mitigate LCA toxicity. Activation of MEK1-ERK1/2 MAPK was shown to primarily mediate Nrf2 transactivation and LCA-induced expression of antioxidant proteins and Nrf2-dependent and -independent ABC transporters. In conclusion, Nrf2 activation by BA and RA led to coordinated induction of antioxidant and ABC proteins, thereby counteracting resultant oxidative cytotoxicity. The potential of targeting Nrf2 in management of BA and RA toxicities merits further investigation.

Nuclear Factor (Erythroid 2-like) Factor 2 (Nrf2) as Cellular Protector in Bile Acid and Retinoid Toxicities

Tan, Kah Poh 26 February 2009 (has links)
Exposure to toxic bile acids (BA) and retinoic acids (RA) is implicated in toxicities related to excessive oxidative stress. This thesis examined roles and mechanisms of the oxidative stress-responsive nuclear factor (erythroid 2-like) factor 2 (Nrf2) in adaptive cell defense against BA and RA toxicities. Using liver cells and mouse models, many antioxidant proteins known to be Nrf2 target genes, particularly the rate-limiting enzyme for glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis, i.e., glutamate-cysteine ligase subunits (GCLM/GCLC), were induced by BA [lithocholic acid (LCA)] or RA (all-trans, 9-cis and 13-cis) treatment. Evidence for increased Nrf2 transactivation by LCA and all-trans-RA was exemplified in HepG2 by: (1) reduced constitutive and inducible expression of GCLM/GCLC upon Nrf2 silencing via small-interfering RNA; (2) increased inducible expression of GCLM/GCLC genes by Nrf2 overexpression, but overexpression of dominant-negative Nrf2 decreased it; (3) increased nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 as signature event of receptor activation; (4) enhanced Nrf2-dependent antioxidant-response-element (ARE) reporter activity as indicative of increased Nrf2 transactivation; and (5) increased Nrf2 occupancy to AREs of GCLM and GCLC. Additionally, in BA-treated HepG2 cells, we observed concomitant increases of many ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters (MRPs 1-5, MDR1 and BCRP) in parallel with increased cellular efflux. Nrf2 silencing in HepG2 cells decreased constitutive and inducible expression of MRP2, MRP3 and ABCG2. However, Nrf2-silenced mouse hepatoma cells, Hepa1c1c7, and Nrf2-/- mice had decreased constitutive and/or inducible expression of Mrps 1-4, suggesting species differences in Nrf2-dependent regulation of hepatic ABC transporters. Protection by Nrf2 against BA and RA toxicities was confirmed by observations that Nrf2 silencing increased cell susceptibility to BA- and RA-induced cell death. Moreover, Nrf2-/- mice suffered more severe liver injury than the wildtype. Increased GSH and efflux activity following increased GCLM/GCLC and ABC transporters, respectively, can mitigate LCA toxicity. Activation of MEK1-ERK1/2 MAPK was shown to primarily mediate Nrf2 transactivation and LCA-induced expression of antioxidant proteins and Nrf2-dependent and -independent ABC transporters. In conclusion, Nrf2 activation by BA and RA led to coordinated induction of antioxidant and ABC proteins, thereby counteracting resultant oxidative cytotoxicity. The potential of targeting Nrf2 in management of BA and RA toxicities merits further investigation.

Kristallographische Analyse von pathologischen Kristallen, Periplasmischen dömane von ligandfreien CitA Sensor Kinasen und PDI-verwandten Chaperone / Crystallographic Analysis of Pathological Crystals, Periplasmic Domain of Ligand-free CitA Sensor Kinase and PDI-related Chaperones

Sevvana, Madhumati 04 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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