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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”RUN, DON’T WALK TO NORMAL” : En multimodal analys av användargenererat innehåll på TikTok / ”RUN, DON’T WALK TO NORMAL” : A multimodal analysis of user-generated content on TikTok

Andersson, Sanna, Bendrik, Klara January 2024 (has links)
The study aims to analyze how user-generated content contributes to the representation ofcompanies in the context of digital trends. Digital marketing has become a norm forbusinesses in all fields and is a constantly changing phenomenon. Due to the overwhelminguse of influencer-marketing, trust in influencers has decreased. This has contributed to agrowing demand for authentic and relatable material on social platforms. Because of this,user-generated content is on the rise, especially on platforms like TikTok, which has becomean arena for digital marketing. This study examines how the brand Normal is portrayedthrough user-generated content through the TikTok-trend “Run, don’t walk to”. Normal is acompany that has become successful through user-generated content and electronic Word ofMouth (eWOM) on Tiktok, especially via the TikTok-trend “Run, don’t walk to”.We have used a qualitative multimodal analysis to study how the company Normal isportrayed in the trend “Run, don’t walk to”. The analysis examines several semioticresources: linguistic, auditory, visual and gestural and the interaction of the semioticresources. To understand the trend, the way users participate and interact is also studied. Wediscovered that Normal is portrayed in a positive way through user-generated content onTikTok. This is due to users' ambitious and authentic videos that load the brand withfavorable value and attributes. Users participate and interact primarily through archivingpurposes that include liking and archiving. Users' participation in the trend manifests itself ina similar way across all videos. The result is consistent with Dallas Smythe's theory ofaudience commodity, as users do not perceive the production of videos as a burden eventhough they contribute to the free marketing of the brand Normal. Users' participation in thetrend and the calls for consumption can be seen as a transaction and payment for an entry intothe consumer society.

CSR communication of Premier League clubs on social media. The impact of winning and revenue

Kunst, Felix January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: In recent years, social media communication has significantly affected the way organizations are sharing information. Social media platforms are shown to be one of the most important forms of communication also for the intent of Corporate Social Responsibility. The purpose of this study was to find out how often CSR is shared across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok and if differences exist between those platforms in frequency, choice of topic, and engagement of fans. Furthermore, the influence of being a winning, midfield, and losing team, and high and low revenue was investigated. Methods: A quantitative content analysis study was chosen as the study design. On the four mentioned social media platforms data was manually collected for Premier League clubs and coded into topics of CSR. The engagement of fans was collected with likes, comments, and shares on the relevant platforms. Results: 6879 total posts were investigated including 272 posts related to CSR content. The highest ratio for CSR posts showed Facebook (5,0%), followed by Twitter (3,7%), then Instagram (3,4%), and at last TikTok (0,8%). However, the highest number of posts was shared by Twitter, followed by Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The topics shared the most on Twitter and Facebook are Public Policy, Safety, and Diversity. On Instagram as well Public Policy, Diversity but also Religion posts were shared the most. TikTok showed only one post related to the topic of Religion. The engagement of fans showed that Twitter has the highest engagement compared to a non-CSR-related post, closely followed by Instagram. An ANOVA analysis showed that winning teams and losing teams share significantly more CSR content than midfield teams. It was also discovered that teams with high revenue post more CSR than teams with low revenue. Discussion/Conclusion: New and major findings of this study suggest that teams in the European market have different factors that can influence the teams sharing behavior than teams from the North American market. The most interesting findings of this study show that revenue and winning may positively influence CSR sharing behavior. These insights should help understand CSR communication in sports organizations and displays the potential new platforms like TikTok and Instagram have.

Var går gränsen för yttrandefrihet? : En kvalitativ studie av Tiktok och Instagrams gestaltning av koranbränningarna i Sverige år 2023 / Where Does the Line for Freedom of Speech Lie? : A Qualitative Study of Tiktok and Instagram’s Portrayal of Quran burnings in Sweden in 2023

Gumabon, Hanna, Nilsson, Hedda January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie utforskade vi framställningen av koranbränning på Instagram och Tiktok i Sverige under 2023 genom att analysera totalt 10 inlägg och 30 kommentarer. Syftet med studien var att belysa sociala mediers roll som plattform för nyheter och information, där kontroversiella ämnen snabbt sprids. Metoden byggde på en gestaltningsteori, vilket innebär hur budskap och information presenteras för att påverka människors uppfattning och tolkning. Dessutom använde vi retorisk och visuell textanalys baserad på fyra strukturella dimensioner för att belysa olika visuella och retoriska element i texterna. Resultaten analyserades i samband med tidigare forskning, och de visade på varierande framställning av koranbränning på de två plattformarna. På Tiktok användes ett kraftfullt visuellt material, medan Instagram fokuserade på mer informativa texter. Nyhetsinlägg på Instagram genererade mest interaktion, medan Tiktok inte visade någon specifik typ av konto som fick spridning, men privatpersoner var vanligt förekommande i vårt urval. I kommentarsfälten framkom diskussioner om yttrandefrihet, lagar, polisens roll och ett tydligt resonemang kring “vi” och “dem”-tankesätt. Dessa resultat indikerar och främjar därmed diskussioner kring hur sociala medier kan påverka samhällsdebatten.

Populärvetenskap mellan fakta, narrativ och  desinformation : Diskursiva praktiker för ”science myth debunking” på Tiktok / Popular science between facts, narratives and disinformation : Discursive practices for ”science myth debunking” on Tiktok

Wiklund, Lotten January 2024 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of how a pervasive digitalization and mediatization takes part in shaping and reshaping the relations between science and society and popular understanding of scientific epistemologies. In recent years, the prevalence of disinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories together with suggestions on how to combat this have come to characterize general discourses on knowledge, science, truth and digital media. Encounters with myths or disinformation can give impetus to what is usually called myth debukning. On social media, there are discussions and debates about whats should be considered as truth and facts and what we should reject as disinformation. The digital platform Tiktok has in a short time become one of the most popular places for digital social interaction and is today part of public discourse. The purpose of this study is to study examples of science myth debunking or the exposure of myths about science on the digital social platform Tiktok. The study shows that discursive practices for myth debunking are formed through the interaction between a variety of human and non-human actors. Myth debunking can be seen as to shed light on scientific development and how scientific knowledge production plays out in interplay with society in general. Understanding the role of science communication as a means of disseminating scientific knowledge in some popularized form separates science from the social and cultural contexts in which learning and reflection usually take place. Here, Tiktok, with its "messyness" and as a place for diversity of expressions, palys an important role.

The BookTube/BookTok Phenomenon: Analyzing Reading Habits of Young Readers in the Digital Age

James, Grace E. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Social Media and Online Hate Speech : A content analysis study on Ethiopian diaspora-owned ethnically segregated social media platforms

Areri, Daniel January 2024 (has links)
The rapid expansion of technology has posed challenges in moderating hateful content on social media platforms, particularly in non-text formats like TikTok videos. This study addresses a significant gap in scholarly research by examining the intersection of TikTok and journalistic content within the Ethiopian diaspora community. The research aims to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of hate speech in ethnic-based social media platforms operated by the Ethiopian diaspora, focusing on two prominent platforms: Ethio 360 Media and Gadaa Media Network (Gadaa MN), representing the Amhara and Oromo ethnic groups, respectively. Employing content analysis methodology, the study examines a hundred TikTok video clips from these platforms, drawing upon the theoretical framework of Framing Theory. This framework encompasses Frame Amplification, Frame Transformation, and Frame Contest, allowing for the identification of distinct patterns in hate speech language and content presentation between the two platforms. Key findings highlight several significant insights: (1) Both Ethio 360 Media and Gadaa MN exhibit similarities in hate speech, particularly in incitement of violence or threats. However, Ethio 360 Media employs uniquely demeaning and dehumanizing language, absent in Gadaa MN's journalistic content; (2) Analysis of hate speech types reveals differences in prevalence and focus within journalistic content, with both platforms engaging in politics-based hate speech but disparities emerging in ethnicity-based hate speech; (3) Examination of targeted entities unveils differing framing strategies, with both platforms targeting the Ethiopian government but diverging in their approaches toward other entities such as the Oromo ethnic group and educational institution; (4) Analysis of news coverage genres indicates variations in content presentation, with Ethio 360 Media relying more on commentary while Gadaa MN focuses predominantly on straight newscasts; (5) Exploration of news coverage areas reveals distinct content focuses between the two platforms, with Ethio 360 Media covering Ethiopia as a whole and various regions within the country, while Gadaa MN primarily focuses on the Oromia Region, occasionally covering foreign countries or regions.

The Next Death of Film Criticism? : The Role of TikTok and Participatory Culture for Film Criticism and Film Festivals

Penn, Marlene January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines the perceived role of democratization and participatory culture for contemporary film criticism and film festivals, aiming to understand the significance of TikTok and other social media platforms for the industry. For that purpose, film critics and film festival representatives from across Europe and various career stages and ages are interviewed to study how they perceive the developments of film criticism in the age of social media to let them create their own narrative. The findings were then discussed in light of participatory culture, gatekeeping theory, and Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field, and cultural capital. Results show that participatory culture enhances the diversity in film discourse and provides younger audiences with entry points into film culture, while also leading to information overload, a lack of filters, and discourse toxification. The line between film criticism and film promotion blurs online, with critics calling for better labeling. As film content on social media shows more characteristics of film promotion, it is not regarded as film criticism by critics. However, it is still considered a valuable asset to the media landscape and film culture. Rather than TikTok and its participatory practices, critics perceive industry dynamics and the crisis of the news media as threatening to their profession. Furthermore, the purpose and role of film critics as gatekeepers are strongly debated amidst the rise of participatory culture. Academic discourse around the topic lacks both the study of TikTok’s relevance for film criticism and qualitative research on how critics and industry professionals perceive the situation. Despite the limitations of interview research, including representation, subjectivity, and quantification constraints, this thesis makes a valuable contribution to both academia and the industry due to nuanced data insights and implications for future research. These include research focusing on other industry players, the audience, and content.

Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Indigenous TikTok Videos

Tubby, Stephanie Marie 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation aimed to expand the current literature's understanding of Indigenous epistemology within contemporary social media environments. The qualitative study used social descriptive analysis from forty TikTok videos and comment threads. The descriptive analysis captured major cultural themes, common informal learning behaviors, and perceptions of Indigenous culture. The findings revealed that Indigenous creators and audiences engaged in questions and answers, personal experience sharing, evaluative feedback, and expressed forms of appreciation to learn with TikTok content. Although the audience perceived Indigenous culture and content positively, community guideline considerations and power challenges to making cultural content available in social media environments still exist.


Lipka, Josua January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka ifall det finns något samband mellan emotionell koppling till de sociala medieplattformarna Facebook, Instagram och TikTok och upplevdidrottsmotivation hos svenska styrkelyftare och bänkpressare. Samt ifall det finns några skillnader mellan könskategorier och tävlingsnivåer. Totalt deltog 93 personer (15-59 år) i studien varav 59 tävlande i kategori kvinna och 34 i kategori man. 32 deltagare tävlade på distriktsnivå, 38 på nationell nivå och 23 på internationell nivå. Data samlades in med hjälp av en webbenkät som i huvudsak baserades på de två befintliga frågeformulären Sport motivation scale-II (SMS-II) och The Multidimensional Facebook Intensity Scale (MFIS). Pearsons korrelationsanalys visade endast ett signifikant samband för TikTok ( p < .01) där en positiv korrelation fanns. Även bivariata regressionsanalyser visade endast ett signifikant resultat för TikTok (p < .01 & p < .001) som visade att en starkare koppling till plattformen kunde förutsäga en högre nivå av upplevd idrottsmotivation. Kovariansanalyser (ANCOVA) visade inga skillnader i emotionell koppling till plattformarna eller i upplevd idrottsmotivation mellan könskategorierna och tävlingsnivåerna. I denna studie upptäcktes positiva samband mellan emotionell koppling till sociala medier och upplevd idrottsmotivation och tidigare forskning har visat på både positiva och negativa effekter av sociala medier på idrottares motivation.Detta är något som kan vara relevant för idrottare, tränare och andra aktörer i idrottares närhet att vara medvetna om. / The aim of the study is to examine if there is a relation between the emotional connectednessto the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Tikok and the degree of perceived sports motivation in Swedish powerlifters and bench-press competitors. And if there are differences between gender categories and competition levels. In total the study had 93 participants (age 15-59) 59 competed in the women’s category and 34 in the men’s category. 32 participants competed at the regional level, 38 at the national level and 23 at the international level. Data was collected via an online questionnaire which was mainly based on the Sport motivation scale-II (SMS-II) and The Multidimensional Facebook Intensity Scale (MFIS). Pearson’s correlation test did only show a significant relation for TikTok ( p < .01) which showed a positive correlation. The same was the case for the bivariate regression analysis where also only a significant result for TikTok was found (p < .01 & p < .001) which showed that a strong emotional connectedness to TikTok could predict a high level of perceived sportsmotivation. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) showed no differences in emotional connectedness to the social media platforms or in perceived sports motivation between the gender categories and competition levels. This study showed a positive relation between emotional connectedness to social media and perceived sports motivation and previous research has shown both positive and negative effects of social media on sports motivation. This can be of relevance for the athletes themselves but also for coaches and other actors close to the athletes to be aware of.

What is the influence of Social Media advertisements on Millennials and Generation Z consumers' behaviors towards dating Apps? A study of Muzz

Al Rabea, Marwan, Faour, Rami, Shekany, Solan January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Background: Social media is becoming more prominent each day. Platforms such as TikTok and Instagram are amongst the top six social media platforms used by Generation Z and Millennials (Dixon, 2023; Ceci, 2023). From a business perspective, it entails that these platforms, as well as social media as a whole, are essential for attracting users’ attention when promoting a product or service. These platforms have changed how people communicate, share information, and behave as consumers. Understanding the factors that affect behaviors on social media platforms is crucial given the growth of niche dating apps that target the Muslim community, such as Muzz. This study intends to examine how TikTok and Instagram advertisements affect how viewers perceive Muzz, its features, expected advantages, and the probability of individuals using the app. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of social media on behaviors towards dating app. This is specified towards Generation Z and Millennials. Ultimately, this study aims to find how this target audience interacts with advertisements and what factors affect their behavior. The findings from this paper can be useful to marketing departments of various companies within the dating app industry as they can begin to improve their marketing strategy to appeal to a new and larger target audience.   Method: The findings from this thesis was conducted through qualitative research including interviews of 10 participants with ages between 19-30 years old. The analysis of these findings was done through a thematic analysis approaching grouping the findings in themes and similarities. Conclusion: The findings and analysis from this report indicate that social media and advertisements presented on social media significantly influence the behaviors of Generation Z and Millennials towards dating apps, specifically Muzz app. The way in which social media has an influence is in relation to three theories/models: Advertising Effectiveness, Consumer Behavior Models and Uses and Gratification Theory. Each of the said models and theories aid in the analysis of how behaviors shift depending on social media presence.

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