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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Särskiljningsförmåga hos geografiska namn : En varumärkesrättslig studie / Distinctive Character of Geographical Names : A legal study in trademark law

Wahlberg, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Enligt grundregeln i 1:5 2 st. 1 p. varumärkeslagen (2010:1877) (VML) är varukännetecken som endast består av tecken eller benämningar som visar en varas eller tjänsts geografiska ursprung inte särskiljande och uppfyller därmed inte kraven för att kunna varumärkesregistreras. Ett varumärke får heller inte registreras om det är ägnat att vilseleda allmänheten i fråga om varans eller tjänstens geografiska ursprung, 2:7 1 st. VML. Dessa två hindrande faktorer har genomsyrat den länge strikta bedömningen av geografiska namns särskiljningsförmåga som genom praxis de senaste åren lättats upp. Det råder dock alltjämt osäkerhet för i vilka fall ett varumärke innehållande ett geografiskt namn uppfyller kraven för registrering.  Varumärkesrätten har under de senaste åren genomgått en stor förändring. Tidigare krävdes starka bevis på flerårig inarbetning för att kunna erhålla ensamrätt till varumärke innehållande geografiska namn alternativt att känneteckensinnehavaren använde sig av namn på exempelvis berg eller floder som knappast kunde utgöra ett geografiskt ursprung för en vara eller tjänst. Det starka frihållningsbehovet med tanken att geografiska namn ska kunna användas fritt av alla har dragits tillbaka något, till förmån för möjligheten att registrera varumärken och därmed erhålla ensamrätt till vissa beteckningar. Den ensamrätt som erhålls vid registrering av ett beskrivande ord såsom ett geografiskt namn är dock begränsad, eftersom vissa beskrivande begrepp såsom geografiska namn ska kunna brukas av alla. Konflikten mellan varumärkesintrång och användande av delar av annans varumärke i enlighet med god affärssed är därför något svårdefinierad. Från att i princip endast vara möjligt att få registrering genom inarbetning eller vid användning av mycket okända geografiska namn eller osannolika ursprungsangivelser fäster man idag stor vikt vid bedömningen av om det finns ett samband mellan varumärkets berörda varor eller tjänster och den geografiska platsen. Det görs också en helhetsbedömning för att avgöra märkets särskiljningsförmåga.

Dopady rozsudků Soudního dvora EU na známkové právo s přihlédnutím k případům firmy L'Oréal / Effects of judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union on trade mark law with further analysis of cases concerning the L'Oréal Group

Kubínová, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses the effects of judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union on a particular company represented by the French transnational corporation L'Oréal Group. In the first chapter I explain the system within which the protection of the intellectual property is realised. Firstly, I define the key concepts of the intellectual property, and then I introduce the means of the legal protection of the intellectual property on both national and international level. The analysis of the trademark law of the European Union follows in the second chapter where I examine its presence in both primary and secondary law, where I describe the roles of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market and where I introduce the most important judicature of the Court of Justice of the EU related to the trademark law. The third chapter is of the highest practical importance as it contains the discussion on the effects of judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the L'Oréal Group in the form of a case study. Firstly I analyse the economic strategy of the group and I assess the importance of trademarks for L'Oréal, then I introduce the most important cases of the Court of Justice of the EU in which L'Oréal has been a party to the dispute. I conclude this chapter with the analysis of the effects of judgements of the Court of Justice of the EU on L'Oréal.

Trademark Protection for the Chinese Market - A study on Swedish retail companies established in China. / Varumärkesskydd inom den kinesiska marknaden - En studie av svenska företag etablerade inom den kinesiska detaljhandeln.

Karlsson, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Blurred Lines : The assessment of detriment to distinctive character in Europe and the requirement to prove a change in the economic behaviour of the consumer

Sanderson, Buster January 2018 (has links)
The extended protection offered to reputed trademarks in article 8(5) EUTMR and in particular the illusive concept of detriment to distinctive character has been causing difficulties for both legislators and courts throughout Europe since the concept was introduced by Frank Schechter in 1927. Detriment to distinctive character, or blurring as it also called, has undergone several changes since its implementation in the first trademark regulation due to case law from the CJEU and no case has had a bigger impact in this area than the Intel judgement. In Intel the court sought to resolve any uncertainties about detriment to distinctive character once and for all by developing the global appreciation test which was to consider all factors relevant to the case at hand. This test was however rather undermined by the introduction of the unsupported requirement that the proprietor had to prove a change in the economic behavior of the consumer. Since Intel, the number of claims regarding detriment to distinctive character has decreased due to the strictness of the requirement and the unwillingness of the court to sufficiently explain what sort of evidence that would effectively prove such change. As it stands, the concept of detriment to distinctive character is in serious risk of becoming redundant due to the current test for blurring not being fit for purpose.

Expedientes N° 15676-2011-0-1801-JR-CI-01 / N° 676684-2016

Reyes Chuquiure, Miguel Angel 02 February 2021 (has links)
En este presente informe se abordará el Expediente Administrativo N° 676684-2016 en donde se analizará la oposición marcaria dentro de la normativa del derecho de marcas. Empieza el presente caso cuando el señor Andrew Michell Olivares solicita el registro de una marca denominada “Candelaria Pilsener”, la cual para el correcto registro se presentó todos los documentos y se realizó los pagos correspondientes. Posteriormente a ello, la empresa Unión de Cervecerías Backus y Johnston, titular de la marca “Pilsen Callao”, presenta su escrito de oposición marcaria toda vez que podría causar riesgo de confusión a los consumidores. En ese sentido, habiendo una oposición marcaria compete a la Comisión de signos distintivos del INDECOPI evaluar y resolver sobre el asunto materia de conflicto. Esta autoridad resuelve, entre otros, declarar fundada la oposición interpuesta y denegar el registro de marca. Ahora bien, teniendo por rechazada el registro de “Candelaria Pilsener”, el señor Michell presenta recurso de apelación bajo el principal fundamento de que el término “Pilsener” es solo una expresión descriptiva que no debería de considerarse para el examen comparativo entre ambas marcas. Finalmente, el Tribunal de Defensa de la competencia y de la Propiedad Intelectual resuelve, entre otros, revocar la resolución de primera instancia y otorgar el registro de la marca “Candelaria Pilsener”. / This report will address Administrative File No. 676684-2016 where trademark opposition will be analyzed within the regulations of trademark law. The present case begins when Mr. Andrew Michell Olivares requests the registration of a trademark called “Candelaria Pilsener”, which for the correct registration all the documents were presented and the corresponding payments were made. Subsequently, the company Unión de Cervecerías Backus y Johnston, owner of the "Pilsen Callao" trademark, presents its trademark opposition statement since it could cause a risk of confusion to consumers. In this sense, if there is a trademark opposition, it is the responsibility of the INDECOPI Distinctive Signs Commission to evaluate and resolve the matter of conflict. This authority resolves, among others, to declare the opposition filed founded and to deny the registration of the trademark. Now, considering that the registration of “Candelaria Pilsener” was rejected, Mr. Michell filed an appeal on the main grounds that the term “Pilsener” is only a descriptive expression that should not be considered for the comparative examination between both brands. Finally, the Court for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property resolves, among others, to revoke the first instance decision and grant the registration of the "Candelaria Pilsener" trademark. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Les litiges en matière de marque : contribution à une étude de droit comparé entre la France, la Chine continentale et Taïwan / Trademark litigation : contribution to a comparative law study between France, Mainland China and Taiwan

Su, Yii-Der 06 December 2017 (has links)
Le droit de la propriété intellectuelle a connu d’importants développements dans le sillage de la révolution technologique et du phénomène de la globalisation. Le droit de marque confère un monopole au profit de son titulaire, qui lui permet d’établir des liens avec les consommateurs, à travers les produits et les services qui sont revêtus du signe protégé : des liens juridiques et des liens commerciaux par l’effet de la communication, de la publicité, de la transmission de l’image de l’entreprise que celui-ci véhicule. Toutefois, les prérogatives attachées au droit de marque rencontrent des limites inhérentes à tout monopole, à savoir le respect de l’intérêt général, fil un conducteur qui gouverne la procédure d’enregistrement de la marque, au-delà, son maintien en vigueur et la détermination des frontières qui séparent ce qui est permis de ce qui est interdit. S’agissant de s’interroger sur les procédures de règlement des litiges, à l’aune de leur comparaison, entre trois systèmes de cultures juridiques très différentes, à savoir la France « berceau » du droit continental et, du droit administratif d’une part, et, d’autre part, deux entités de tradition juridique divergente - la Chine continentale et Taïwan - , on peut relever un renforcement du pouvoir administratif et en même temps, un mouvement d’harmonisation des règles du contentieux. Le renforcement du pouvoir administratif se manifeste à travers l’extension des compétences en matière de droits de propriété intellectuelle. Ainsi, en Chine continentale, les autorités administratives locales peuvent appliquer les lois administratives pour régler avec célérité les litiges de propriété intellectuelle. En France, le renforcement du pouvoir administratif s’exprime avec la transposition future de la directive de 2015 sur l’harmonisation du droit des marques dans l’Union européenne, qui attribue compétence à l’INPI en matière de déchéance et de nullité des marques, au premier degré. L’harmonisation du droit des marques se révèle avec le renforcement du mécanisme de la retenue en douane en Chine continentale et à Taïwan et, par ailleurs, avec l’instauration de juridictions spécialisées, le législateur taïwanais étant le premier entre les trois systèmes juridiques, à créer une Cour en propriété intellectuelle en 2007. / There continues to be significant developments in intellectual property law in the wake of the technological revolution and the globalization phenomenon. This thesis seeks to analyze procedures for settling disputes by comparing three decidedly different judicial systems: France (the « cradle » of Civil law legal system) on the one hand, contrasted with two entities of diverging judicial traditions, namely Mainland China and Taiwan. We will take up two trends in particular: a strengthening of administrative power and at the same time a movement toward harmonizing settlement procedures.The strengthening of administrative power is evidenced by its “specialization” and extension of its competence in the area of intellectual property rights. Thus, in Mainland China local administrative authorities can enforce administrative laws to expediently deal with intellectual property disputes. In France, on the other hand, the growth of administrative power can be seen in the transposing of the 2015 future directive regarding the harmonization of trademarks within the European Union, which attributed competence to the INPI for the first degree examination in the revocation and invalidity procedures.The harmonization of trademarks is also visible in the introduction of a reinforced “customs seizure” mechanism in Mainland China and Taiwan. Furthermore, with the establishment of specialized courts, the Taiwanese legislature became the first of the three justice systems to create an intellectual property court in 2007.

淺析中國大陸女裝品牌的商標註冊與保護現狀 / A brief analysis of registration and protection of the trademark in China——A perspective from women's clothing brands

宋雨桐, Song, Yu Tong Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會經濟的不斷發展,社會物質精神文化生活的不斷豐富,人們可以越來越容易的購買到自己喜歡的衣服,特別是廣大愛美的女生。現如今中國大陸市場上充斥著各種名稱的女裝品牌,本文的研究對象正是這些消費者可以輕而易舉的接觸到的女裝品牌。 本研究通過對商標的基本解釋、意義與類型的歸納,商標註冊保護程序與要件的列舉,綜合分析目前中國大陸商標的註冊與保護概況。在對女裝品牌相關的文獻進行綜述和總結之後,通過資料檢索、統計分析、判決分析等方式,利用網路平台並在不同網路平台中查找那些關於中國大陸常見的女裝品牌。再通過中國大陸商標局檢索出與這些女裝品牌相關的商標註冊情況,這些註冊情況涵蓋了註冊時間、註冊申請人、註冊公告時間、商標專用權期限等,本論文針對這些信息進行整理、分析和總結,得出有關中國大陸女裝品牌的商標概況。通過在中國裁判文書網,檢索商標名稱以及對應的商標申請人的法律判決狀況,以篩選出的女裝品牌為代表,了解目前中國大陸女裝品牌的商標相關的法律問題。最後本論文結合淘寶網品牌總銷量的相關情況,綜合分析商標註冊的多寡對於這些女裝品牌的銷量和該些女裝品牌註冊商標的爭議之間的影響狀況,總結出女裝品牌商標註冊與保護問題的相關建議。 / With the development of society, people can gain more goods they need than before, like some beautiful clothes, especially for women. And nowadays there are many women’s clothing brands exist in the market of China, this article is based on this phenomenon and focus on the brands of women’s clothing which people can easily buy. In this article, the author interpret and define what brand and what women’s clothing brand is. Also, the author will illuminate how to register a trademark in China, and what protection Chinese government and Chinese trademark related laws offer, meanwhile the writer will collect and select the existing women’s clothing brands by searching different information from the internet. Then the writer will search these brands from “Trademark Office of The State Administration For Industry & Commerce of the People’s Republic of China”, collect these brands’ registrant, registration time, publication time, the period of their exclusive rights and so on. The writer will focus on the information above, try to reorganize and analyze the information mentioned above and draw some conclusions from that. The author will search the trademark-related judgment of these selected brands by “China Judgements Online”, as well as collect the sales volume of these brands by “Taobao”. At last the author will use the software of “Excel” and “R” to analyze the data above. After doing all the things above, the author will draw a conclusion and could give some related suggestion on the topic of the registration and protection of the trademarks’ status in China from women’s clothing brands.

Doktrína a judikatura k zákonu proti nekalé soutěži (1927) a jejich vliv na současné právo proti nekalé soutěži / Legal Doctrine and Case Law Related to the Act on Protection Against Unfair Competition (1927) and Their Influence on the Current Law Against Unfair Competition

Veselý, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The subject matter of this thesis is the analysis of the Czech pre-WW2 legislation on unfair competition as laid out by the Act on Protection against Unfair Competition 111/1927 Sb. and the vast body of work concerning its interpretation and application as contained in both doctrinal works and especially the case law of the Czechoslovak Supreme Court. The thesis then attempts to thoroughly compare these to the relevant contemporary Czech case law and theoretical works. To achieve this goal, after a thorough preliminary analysis and selection of the relevant sources (especially applicable case law), the thesis lays out the most crucial legal questions and areas of interest in which the current legal doctrine and case law have been influenced by the pre-war era. The thesis contains thorough analysis of provisions containing vague legal terms, such as "good morals of competition", "business relations" or "average consumer" and attempts to put these into the context of legislation, legal doctrine and case law of the first Czechoslovak Republic. Considerable attention is also paid to the relationship between industrial property law and the law on unfair competition. The focus has been put on providing an analysis of the foundations that had shaped the legal thinking of the first Czechoslovak Republic in...

Ond tro i varumärkesrätten : Särskilt med avseende på i vilken utsträckning det föreligger officialprövningsskyldighet vid bedömningen av frågor om ond tro / Bad Faith in Trademark Law : Particularly to which extent a duty of ex officio examination exists in the assessment of bad faith

Wengelin, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

世界貿易組織下對於地理標示之保護 / The protection of geographical indications under WTO

楊珊妮 Unknown Date (has links)
Due to the globalization of economy, the protection of intellectual property rights becomes very important, not only on a national and local basis but also on an international basis. The evidence is coming from the negotiation and ultimately the inclusion of the TRIPS Agreement, or Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, into the World Trade Organization. In the TRIPS Agreement, one of the protections to a local intellectual property on an international level is the protection of geographical indications, and such protection can be found in Articles 22 through 24 of the TRIPS Agreement. Geographical indications identify goods as originating in a particular territory or region, and also indicate quality by letting consumers know that the goods come from an area where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the goods is essentially attributable to their geographical origin. The protection of geographical indications has always been on the table and been mentioned in various international treaties, and eventually came together under the TRIPS Agreement. The different ways for geographical indications protection is examined in order to understand the different national regulations used in various countries as a tool to protect the geographical indications, hence, to protect intellectual property rights. The major issue regards the scope of protection is the extension of the TRIPS Article 23; diverse opinions and suggestions are coming from US and EU, the two biggest sovereignties. This also can be seen in the result of the WTO dispute case of EC – Trademarks and Geographical Indications. The future developments such as the negotiations for a multilateral system of register for geographical indications, the progress of developing countries toward protection of geographical indications and the involvement of the traditional knowledge, all play very crucial roles on the enforcement of geographical indications protection. This paper will explore all these matters.

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