Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1translation forms"" "subject:"atranslation forms""
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Julmust, Must or Christmas Cola? : Translation Strategies for Words for Culture Specific Items in Two Translations of Liza Marklund’s 'SprängarenMole, Richard January 2019 (has links)
Research within translation characterises cultural references as being problematic for translators, meaning they must choose between different translation strategies as to how to transfer these references into the translated text. These strategies are often described in general terms according to how closely oriented they are to the target-culture or source-culture, known as domestication or foreignisation. Translation of literature into English is minimal in world terms and there is seemingly a lack of statistically comparable data concerning the translation of cultural references. This study investigates and compares translation strategies of words denoting cultural references in two translations of the 1998 Swedish Nordic Noir novel Sprängaren by Liza Marklund. The methodology in the study is based on descriptive translation studies, and a categorisation model for types of cultural references is used, as well as an adapted taxonomy model for evaluating translation strategies. Issues addressed are: what types of strategies are used; whether strategies change between translations; how the second translation stands in relation to the retranslation hypothesis and whether any general translation norms are apparent. Results show that a wide variety of translation strategies are used for different types of cultural references, with subtle differences in strategies used in each translation. However, both translations appear to be more domestication-oriented with little overall movement towards to the source culture, as the retranslation hypothesis suggests.
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[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo valorizar o paratexto como espaço de
visibilidade do tradutor. Baseia-se na abordagem teórica dos estudos descritivos
da tradução, com especial ênfase no conceito de normas tradutórias elaborado por
Gideon Toury. A partir do estudo das normas, pode-se compreender e explicar o
comportamento do tradutor e as diretrizes que regeram sua tarefa, o que torna
especialmente visível o processo de mediação e o agente mediador. Segundo
Toury, as normas tradutórias podem ser depreendidas a partir de duas fontes: a
tradução em si e as formulações semiteóricas de tradutores, editores ou críticos.
Para este estudo, selecionou-se um corpus constituído de prefácios, posfácios,
introduções e notas do tradutor, que se insere nesse segundo tipo de fonte. Ao
analisar o discurso do tradutor, procurando explicitar as normas que regeram seu
trabalho, esta pesquisa contrapõe-se à defesa feita pelo teórico norte-americano
Lawrence Venuti da estratégia estrangeirizadora que implica uma escrita de
resistência ao texto fluente como forma de promover a visibilidade do tradutor.
Levando-se em conta que, no Brasil de hoje, a fluência é a marca por excelência
de uma boa tradução, constituindo não somente uma expectativa por parte dos
leitores como um requisito por parte das editoras, propõe-se que o tradutor se
torne visível no paratexto e, não, por meio de intervenções explícitas no texto
traduzido, destacando que ambientes culturais diferentes requerem abordagens
diferentes, e que teorias desenvolvidas em um dado sistema não devem ser
aplicadas em outros sistemas sem os devidos ajustes aos respectivos contextos. / [en] The purpose of this dissertation is to stress the role of the paratext as a
space of visibility for the translator. The study is based on the theoretical approach
of Descriptive Translation Studies, emphasizing the concept of translation norms
developed by Gideon Toury. From the study of norms, it is possible to understand
and explain the translators’ behavior and the guidelines that govern their tasks,
which makes the process of mediation as well as the agent of this mediation
especially visible. According to Toury, translation norms may be reconstructed
from two major sources: the translated texts themselves and the semi-theoretical
and critical formulations made by translators, editors and publishers. From the
second of these sources, a corpus comprised of translators’ prefaces, introductions
and notes was selected. The analysis of the translators’ discourses aims at
reconstructing the norms that govern their tasks. Lawrence Venuti has argued that
the translator disappears behind a fluent text that erases the foreignness of the
original text. Accordingly, he proposes an approach to translation that resists
fluency, stylistic and idiomatic norms as a way of promoting the translators’
visibility. In contrast, the present study argues that it is in the paratext, rather than
in the translated text itself, that the translator may become visible in society. This
study seeks also to show that different cultures require different approaches and
that theories developed in a particular system should not be applied to other
systems without the proper adjustments to their specific contexts.
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[pt] O presente trabalho enfoca a interpretação enquanto
atividade social e o
intérprete profissional como agente em interação com as
outras partes interessadas
em eventos mediados por interpretação simultânea. O
objetivo principal é
caracterizar e explicar as atitudes e crenças do
intérprete para com a sua função
profissional, bem como suas ações e reações com relação
aos outros agentes que
participam dos eventos nos quais atuam. São identificadas
as fontes e naturezas
das pressões e restrições que afetam seu desempenho e a
maneira como a
profissão vem respondendo a elas no âmbito global e, mais
especificamente, no
Brasil. Essas questões são abordadas pela perspectiva do
próprio intérprete,
tomando como foco central suas experiências e expectativas
A atividade de interpretação é caracterizada
historicamente em contraste
com a tradução, e as atitudes predominantes relativas a
ambas as áreas em
determinadas épocas históricas são descritas. São
destacadas as rápidas
transformações ocorridas a partir do século XX, tanto nas
atividades em si como
na sua estruturação profissional e acadêmica. Para
identificar as crenças e atitudes
dos intérpretes e as restrições às quais são sujeitos, são
apresentados os resultados
de entrevistas realizadas com profissionais que atuam no
Rio de Janeiro. Os dados
são analisados com o uso de duas ferramentas teóricas: as
normas tradutórias de
Gideon Toury e os conceitos de habitus e campo de Pierre
São identificadas as normas inicial e preliminares
presentes no mercado
carioca, bem como aqueles comportamentos que indicam a
existência de um
habitus compartilhado na profissão e os que apontam para
aspectos ainda não
consolidados. Quando os dados das entrevistas são
analisados junto às
informações sobre a evolução histórica da profissão, chega-
se à conclusão de que
ela representa um campo ou sub-campo ainda em formação.
São levantadas as
implicações do processo atual de consolidação da profissão
e as possíveis
sinergias com a academia. / [en] This study views interpreting as a socially-oriented
activity and the
professional interpreter as an agent who interacts with
the other stakeholders at
events mediated by simultaneous interpreting. Its main aim
is to describe and
explain interpreters´ attitudes and beliefs regarding
their profession, as well as
their actions and reactions concerning the other agents
who take part in the events
at which they work. The source and nature of the pressures
and restrictions which
affect interpreters´ performance are identified, as is the
profession´s response to
them on a worldwide and national (Brazilian) level. These
issues are viewed from
the perspective of interpreters themselves, taking their
own professional
experiences and expectations as the core focus.
A historical overview of interpreting is presented in
contrast with that of
translation and the prevailing attitudes towards both
areas at given moments in
time are described. The rapid changes as of the 20th
century seen in both the
activities and their respective professional and academic
structuring are given
special attention. In order to identify the interpreters´
beliefs and attitudes and the
restrictions they feel, the findings of interviews held
with professionals who work
in Rio de Janeiro are presented. The data are analysed
from two complementary
perspectives: Gideon Toury´s translation norms and Pierre
Bourdieu´s concepts of
habitus and field.
The initial and preliminary norms present in the Rio
market are identified, as
are those behaviours that indicate the existence of a
shared habitus in the
profession, along with those that point to issues as yet
unconsolidated. When the
data from the interviews are analysed together with the
information about the
profession´s historical development, it is concluded that
the profession represents
a field or sub-field in formation. The implications of the
current process of
consolidation in the profession are raised, as are its
potential synergies with the
academic world.
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Normy amatérského a profesionálního překladu filmových titulků / Translation standards in amateur and professional feature film subtitlingHnyk, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on translation norms of professional and amateur film subtitles. Adopting a descriptive approach, it first tries to establish recommended and actual technical and linguistic norms of translated film subtitles. Then, based on 109 films and corresponding 133 amateur and 101 professional subtitles, it quantitatively investigates which technical norms are actually upheld. The result is that actual technical norms of both groups are markedly different from the recommended ones and also slightly different from each other. Last, it qualitatively compares one amateur and one professional subtitles. Keywords: audiovisual translation, subtitling, amateur translation, fansubbing, translation norms 1
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The translation of children's literature in the South African educational contextKruger, Haidee 28 May 2010 (has links)
Research on the translation of children’s literature in South Africa is currently in its nascent stages. This study aims to provide a comprehensive descriptive overview of current practices in the translation of children’s literature in South Africa, particularly against the backdrop of the educational context. It espouses a broadly causal view of translation, but also encompasses a comparative and process model (see Chesterman, 2000).
Translation is used to a significant degree in the production of children’s books in South Africa. However, it is not clear exactly to what degree translation is utilised, nor is there any information available about how translation contributes to the production of children’s books in South Africa. This study addresses these questions. Based on survey research among publishers, and the analysis of publishing data, it finds that there are significant differences between the ways in which translation is used in the production of children’s books in the various languages in South Africa. Specifically, translation is used much more extensively in the African languages than in Afrikaans and English, with a correspondingly lower incidence of original production in the African languages. Furthermore, the educational discourse has a profound effect on the uses of translation in the production of children’s books in South Africa. However, the educational discourse has a greater determining effect on the production of books for children in the African languages than in Afrikaans and English.
Theoretical discourse surrounding domestication and foreignisation is particularly problematic in the South African context, and findings from a survey among translators indicate that translators from different language groups have different opinions about whether children’s books should be translated using domesticating or foreignising approaches.
The above findings broadly deal with the contextual dimension. They are concerned with how social, ideological and material factors and discourses affect the ways in which translation is used in the production of children’s books in South Africa. At this point the matter of translation theory is introduced. It is questioned to what degree contemporary context-oriented translation theory manages to provide a satisfactory explanation of the South African situation. It is argued that polysystem theory and Toury’s (1995) concept of translation norms provides some explanation of the translational dynamics evident in the production of children’s books in the different languages in South Africa. However, some aspects of the South African situation do not neatly “fit” into polysystem theory, and some parts of the theory therefore have to be mediated or reconsidered, particularly utilising postcolonial and more ideologically sensitive perspectives, to satisfactorily account for the South African situation. This reconsideration leads to a conception of the relationship between translation and its context that is less binary and determinist, with a greater emphasis on hybridity and fluidity.
This contextual dimension of the study spills over into the textual dimension. All of the above contextual and process-oriented factors finally find their precipitation in actual translations. By means of close analysis of a sample of 42 (21 translations and their source texts) English and Afrikaans children’s books intended for leisure reading and for
educational reading, this part of the study investigates the norms evident in the selection of children’s books for translation, as well as the operational norms evident from the translations. The key questions here are why particular texts are selected for translation, and how cultural markers in these texts are handled in translation. The analysis demonstrates that the selection of books for translation (preliminary translation norms) is dependent on contextual as well as textual factors, with ideology and function playing particularly important roles. These roles differ for different types of books, books of different origins, and books in different language pairs. In terms of the operational norms, translators’ opinions about domestication and foreignisation do not necessarily correspond to translation practices. Rather than an exclusive, binary adherence to domesticating and foreignising approaches, analyses of the operational norms evident in translated children’s books demonstrate a hybridised mix of domesticating and foreignising strategies, which vary according to the type of book, the origin of the book, and the language pair involved in the translation process.
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Copy of a Copy? : Indirect Translations from Bengali into Swedish Translated via EnglishFröderberg Shaiek, Christopher January 2019 (has links)
This study investigates indirect translations translated from Bengali source texts to Swedish target texts via English intermediary texts by comparing Pedersen’s (2011) Extralinguistic Cultural References in coupled pairs from all three languages. The purpose of this study is to examine how indirect translations differ from direct translations and to discern whether there are specific translation strategies that translators use when transferring Extralinguistic Cultural References (ECRs) from a third language. The results were analyzed with a perspective based on translation norms, previous research into indirect translation, and the concept of foreignization/domestication in mind. The results show that an indirect translation can be closer to the original source text than the intermediary text it was based on in the first place. This was demonstrated with the Swedish TTs displaying more source-oriented transfer strategies compared to the English ITs, which displayed a higher amount of target-oriented strategies used by the translators. An unexpected finding was noted in the analysis material, namely that misunderstandings or deviations present in the ITs were not necessarily transferred to the TTs, which goes against previous research into indirect translations (cf. Dollerup 2000; Tegelberg 2011; Ringmar 2016). This supports similar results as found in Adler (2016) and Hekkanen (2014). In conclusion, the results suggest that the tendency of high-prestige literature resulting in adequate translations would be stronger than the tendency of indirect translations resulting in acceptable translations in the context of the Swedish target system. The source-oriented strategies in the TTs could also be seen as resistancy to target norms by the translators to create foreignizing translations.
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[pt] O mercado de tradução para legendagem de programas de TV
sofre com a
carência de profissionais, constatação que se baseia numa
experiência pessoal de
doze anos de atuação nessa área. A presente dissertação
busca investigar os
motivos dessa carência e propor as bases para um curso de
formação de
legendadores, a partir de uma perspectiva polissistêmica e
descritivista da
tradução e de uma visão pós-estruturalista do ensino. A
proposta aqui apresentada
fundamentou-se em um levantamento das competências e
habilidades que todo
tradutor para legendas precisa desenvolver, elaborado a
partir de entrevistas
realizadas com importantes atores do polissistema de
tradução para legendagem,
bem como na análise das normas, coerções e mecanismos de
controle com os
quais o legendador se vê obrigado a lidar em sua
atividade. A reflexão
desenvolvida contempla questões metodológicas e de
conteúdo e aborda as
peculiaridades que caracterizam a tradução para legendas,
procurando oferecer
uma alternativa que contraponha uma ênfase na formação ao
caráter de
treinamento que costuma estar associado à maioria dos
cursos atualmente
disponíveis. Pretende-se, dessa forma, garantir a maior
aproximação e interação
entre academia e mercado de trabalho, o que deverá
redundar em benefício para
ambos. / [en] The television subtitling market suffers from a shortage
of professionals,
as has been attested by twelve years of personal
experience in the industry. The
purpose of this research was to investigate the reasons
behind this shortage and
suggest the basis for implementing a course program on
subtitling for TV from a
descriptive and polysystemic perspective on translation
and a poststructuralist
view on education. The proposal presented was based on a
list of competencies
and abilities every subtitle translator must develop,
elaborated from interviews
with important actors in the translation for subtitles
polysystem, and on the
analysis of the norms, constraints and control mechanisms
with which the subtitler
must deal in his or her professional capacity. The
considerations brought forth
contemplate methodological and content issues and tackle
the peculiarities of
subtitling, aiming to offer an alternative to the emphasis
on training rather than on
education which is usually associated with most courses
currently available. Thus,
this dissertation intends to guarantee a greater
interchange between university and
industry, which should bring about benefits for both.
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem por objetivo identificar e analisar questões pertinentes à tradução da literatura infantojuvenil no contexto sistêmico brasileiro com ênfase nas soluções encontradas pelos tradutores perante os desafios tradutórios enfrentados. Com base nos Estudos Descritivos da Tradução e nos pressupostos teóricos de Gideon Toury, André Lefevere e Lawrence Venuti, é feito um estudo de caso de duas traduções brasileiras do clássico infantojuvenil em inglês Mary Poppins de P. L. Travers, de 1934. O corpus envolve, além do texto fonte de Travers, as traduções de Donatello Grieco, de 1967 (Record), e de Joca Reiners Terron, de 2014 (Cosac Naify). Visando à análise macro e microestrutural, os seguintes elementos são investigados: capítulos e títulos; parágrafos, períodos, orações e pontuação; a linguagem (discurso informal e vocabulário); nomes próprios; o lúdico; questões de gênero; situações pedagógica ou moralmente (in)corretas; a imagem da personagem Mary Poppins; e as ilustrações. A hipótese considerada é a de que os tradutores fazem escolhas e adotam estratégias tradutórias conforme as restrições impostas pelas normas de escrita da literatura infantojuvenil nos respectivos contextos históricos. A fim de entender as exigências e normas desse gênero literário, são analisadas também algumas características específicas da literatura infantojuvenil e de sua tradução: o público duplo formado por leitores infantojuvenis e adultos, bem como os efeitos dessa assimetria de poder; a filiação aos sistemas sociocultural, literário e educacional, assim como as restrições e normas tradutórias decorrentes desse contexto; e, por fim, a posição sistêmica periférica e a possível manipulação textual resultante desse posicionamento. / [en] The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze issues specifically related to the translation of children s literature within the Brazilian systemic context focusing on the solutions reached by translators when faced with certain translation difficulties. Based on the Descriptive Translation Studies and the theoretical assumptions of Gideon Toury, André Lefevere and Lawrence Venuti, a case study is conducted involving two Brazilian translations of the children s classic Mary Poppins written in English by P. L. Travers and published in 1934. In addition to Traver s source text, the corpus includes the translation into Brazilian Portuguese made by Donatello Grieco in 1967 (Record) and that of Joca Reiners Terron in 2014 (Cosac Naify). By means of a macro and microstructural analysis, the following items are investigated: chapters and titles; paragraphs, clauses and punctuation; language (informal discourse and vocabulary); proper names; sense of humor issues; gender situations; pedagogic and morally (in)correct aspects; the Mary Poppins character image; and illustrations. The hypothesis is that translators make choices and adopt strategies according to restrictions imposed by children s literary writing norms within historical contexts. In order to understand these requirements and norms, some of the characteristics of children s literature and of its translation are analyzed: the dual audience composed of children and adults, as well as the effects of this power asymmetry; the affiliation to sociocultural, literary and educational systems, as well as the resulting translation restrictions and norms; and, finally, the peripheral systemic position and the possible text manipulation deriving from this status.
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Dazai på svenska : En kommenterad översättning av novellerna 走れメロス – Hashire Merosu (”Spring, Moerus!”) och 富嶽百景 – Fugaku Hyakkei (”Hundra vyer över Fuji”) av Osamu Dazai / Dazai in Swedish : An annotated translation of the short stories Hashire Merosu and Fugaku Hyakkei by Osamu DazaiNielsen, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av två översättningar av den japanska författaren Osamu Dazais noveller Spring, Moerus! och Hundra vyer över Fuji från japanska till svenska samt en analys som ur ett litteratur-vetenskapligt perspektiv hjälper till att fastställa översättningsstrategin – att göra en adekvansinriktad och främmandegörande översättning. Översättningarna följs av en översättningsteoretisk kommentar som fokuserar på de tre problemområdena grammatik och lexikon, menings- och styckesstruktur samt passivering. Ett litteraturvetenskapligt perspektiv för källtextanalysen visar sig vara mycket tillämpbart för dessa texter på grund av deras genre, jag-romanen, som är typisk för japansk 1900-talslitteratur. Källtexterna och måltexterna finns med som bilagor. / This essay consists of two translations of the two Japanese short stories Hashire Merosu and Fugaku Hyakkei (in Swedish Spring Moerus! and Hundra vyer över Fuji) by the author Osamu Dazai from Japanese to Swedish. An analysis through a literary science perspective helps to establish the translation strategy, which is to make an adequate and foreignized translation. The translations are followed by a theoretical translation annotation which focuses on the issues of grammar and lexicon, sentence and paragraph structure along with the usage of the passive form. A literary science perspective on the source text analysis proves to be very applicable for these texts because of their genre, the I-novel, which is typical for 20th century Japanese literature. The source and target texts are available as appendixes at the end of the essay.
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Vem i hela världen säger så? : Normer vid översättning av könskodad dialog i manga / Who on earth speaks like that? : Norms for translation of gender stereotype dialogue in mangaJohansson, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker normer för översättning av könskodat språk. Genusvetare menar att könskodat språk inte bara upprätthåller stereotyper om kön utan också förstärker dem. Därför tycker feministiska översättningsvetare att det är viktigt att vara medveten om vilka stereotyper som översättningar överför mellan kulturer. Denna uppsats behandlar stereotyper om kön i japanska serier, så kallade manga. Med hjälp av den översättningsvetenskapliga metoden sammankopplade par jämförs källtexterna och måltexterna med varandra. Resultatet visar att nästan allt det könskodade språket har utelämnats i måltexterna. Trots att detta gör språket mindre stereotypt blir inte alla karaktärer mindre stereotypa. En karaktär är till och med mer stereotyp i måltexten än i källtexten. Detta visar att utelämning förmodligen inte är ett medvetet val av översättaren för att minska stereotyper. Anledningen till utelämningarna verkar istället vara att det är en norm att utelämna en stor del av karaktärers rollspråk. / This essay investigates norms in translation of gender stereotype language. Gender Studies has for many years claimed that gender stereotypes in language not only maintain gender stereotypes but also reinforce them. Because of this feminist translation theorists stress the importance of being aware of what stereotypes translation can and do transfer between cultures. In this essay the gender stereotypes that are dealt with are the ones of characters in Japanese comics, so called manga. With a methodology from Translations Studies, coupled pairs, it compares Japanese source texts with Swedish target texts. The results shows that almost all of the gender stereotype language in the source texts has been omitted in the target texts. Even though this makes the language less stereotype, it does not make all of the characters less stereotype. One character is even more stereotype in the target text than in the source text. This probably shows that the omissions are not a choice made by the translator to reduce stereotypes. The reason for the omissions seems instead to be that it is a norm in translation of manga to omit a certain amount of the character specific language.
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