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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Keyou Mao (6848774) 02 August 2019 (has links)
<p> This dissertation describes the recent advancements in micromechanical testing that inform how deformation mechanisms in austenitic stainless steels (SS) are affected by the presence of irradiation-induced defects. Austenitic SS is one of the most widely utilized structural alloys in nuclear energy systems, but the role of irradiation on its underlying mechanisms of mechanical deformation remains poorly understood. Now, recent advancement of microscale mechanical testing in a scanning electron microscope (SEM), coupled with site-specific transmission electron microscopy (TEM), enables us to precisely determine deformation mechanisms as a function of plastic strain and grain orientation.</p> <p> </p> <p>We focus on AISI 304L SSs irradiated in EBR-II to ~1-28 displacements per atom (dpa) at ~415 °C and contains ~0.2-8 atomic parts per million (appm) He amounting to ~0.2-2.8% swelling. A portion of the specimen is laser welded in a hot cell; the laser weld heat affected zone (HAZ) is studied and considered to have undergone post-irradiation annealing (PIA). An archival, virgin specimen is also studied as a control. We conduct nanoindentation, then prepare TEM lamellae from the indent plastic zone. In the 3 appm He condition, TEM investigation reveals nucleation of deformation-induced <i>α</i>’ martensite in the irradiated specimen, and metastable <i>ε</i> martensite in the PIA specimen. Meanwhile, the unirradiated control specimen exhibits evidence only of dislocation slip and twinning; this is unsurprising given that alternative deformation mechanisms such as twinning and martensitic transformation are typically observed only near cryogenic temperatures in austenitic SS. Surface area of irradiation-produced cavities contribute enough free energy to accommodate the martensitic transformation. The lower population of cavities in the PIA material enables metastable <i>ε</i> martensite formation, while the higher cavity number density in the irradiated material causes direct <i>α</i>’ martensite formation. In the 0.2 appm He condition, SEM-based micropillar compression tests confirm nanoindentation results. A deformation transition map with corresponding criteria has been proposed for tailoring the plasticity of irradiated steels. Irradiation damage could enable fundamental, mechanistic studies of deformation mechanisms that are typically only accessible at extremely low temperatures. </p>

Gestações gemelares com pesos discordantes: estudo da predição ultra-sonográfica e dos resultados neonatais / Twin growth discordance: sonographic prediction and factors related to perinatal outcome

Machado, Rita de Cassia Alam 01 November 2006 (has links)
A gemelaridade apresenta algumas intercorrências específicas, como a discordância de peso entre fetos e recém-nascidos (RNs). O objetivo do presente estudo foi predizer a discordância de peso do exame ultra-sonográfico comparada à do parto e avaliar a morbidade e a mortalidade neonatais nas gestações gemelares discordantes quanto ao peso. Este foi um estudo retrospectivo, com levantamento dos casos do período de 1998 a 2004, no Setor de Gestações Múltiplas da Clínica Obstétrica do HCFMUSP. Na avaliação da predição ultra-sonográfica, foram inseridas 221 gestações gemelares e, na avaliação da morbidade e da mortalidade, 151 gestações com partos nessa instituição. A discordância de peso foi definida como >= 20%, sendo excluídos os casos de malformações fetais (n=43) e da Síndrome da transfusão feto-fetal (n=24). Para análise da adequação do peso ao nascimento, utilizou-se a curva de Alexander et al., 1998, para gêmeos. No estudo da predição, foram utilizados quatro intervalos de tempo em relação ao parto (0 a 7 dias - n = 96; 8 a 14 dias - n = 66; 15 a 21 dias - n = 58; 22 a 28 dias - n = 59 gestações), somando 279 avaliações. No grupo de 0 a 7 dias, a estimativa da sensibilidade foi de 93,6%, especificidade de 79,4%, valor preditivo positivo de 89,2%, valor preditivo negativo de 87,1% e acurácia de 88,6%. Nos demais grupos, a sensibilidade e a acurácia foram de 95,8% e 84,9%, 95,6% e 84,5%, 90,9% e 84,8%, respectivamente. Em relação à morbidade, 111 gestações eram concordantes (73,5%) e 40 discordantes quanto ao peso. No grupo discordante, 75% das gestações gemelares apresentaram pelo menos um recém-nascido com Restrição de Crescimento Fetal (RCF). Nesta análise, as gestações gemelares concordantes monocoriônicas obtiveram menor média de idade gestacional no parto (34,3 versus 36,2 semanas, p=0,004), menor peso médio (2067 versus 2334 gramas, p=0,0016) e maior tempo de internação (10,6 versus 7,3 dias, p=0,0023) que as gestações concordantes dicoriônicas. Nas gestações discordantes, não houve diferença significativa em relação à corionicidade. As gestações discordantes, com pelo menos um RN abaixo do percentil 10, apresentaram menor média de idade gestacional (35,2 versus 36,8 semanas, p=0,009) e maior tempo de internação (17,5 versus 8,2 dias, p=0,026). Não foi observada diferença significativa de morbidade e mortalidade entre RNs concordantes e discordantes, com pesos entre os percentis 10 e 90. Os fetos menores das gestações discordantes demonstraram maior freqüência de índice de Apgar inferior a 7 (27,5% versus 7,5%, p=0,01). A avaliação da mortalidade não demonstrou diferença significativa em relação aos grupos concordantes (3,7%) e discordantes (4,5%; p = 1,00). No presente estudo, conclui-se que os quatro grupos apresentaram adequada correlação entre a discordância de peso à ultra-sonografia e no nascimento, porém com melhor predição até sete dias antes do parto. A morbidade neonatal esteve relacionada à RCF do menor feto. A discordância de peso e a corionicidade não interferiram na mortalidade neonatal. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of prenatal ultrasound scans to predict fetal growth discordance in twin pregnancies and perinatal morbidity/mortality associated with these cases. This was a retrospective study (1998-2004) involving twin pregnancies that were scanned and had their delivery at our Institution (HCFMUSP). Cases with fetal malformations (n=43) or twin to twin transfusion syndrome (n=24) were excluded. The study of ultrasound scans consisted of 221 twin pregnancies. The final morbidity/mortality study group consisted of 151 twin pregnancies. Birth weight was evaluated based on twin growth charts published by Alexander et al (1998) and weight discordance as a difference >= 20%. Small for gestacional age (SGA) was defined as birth weight below the 10th centile. The study of ultrasonographic prediction of interwin discordance was made using four different intervals between ultrasound examination and delivery (0 to 7 days, n = 96; 8 to 14 days, n = 66; 15 to 21 days, n = 58; 22 to 28 days, n = 59 pregnancies), with a total of 279 ultrasound examinations. In group 0 to 7 days, the sensitivity was 93,6%, specificity was 79,4%, positive predicted values was 89,2%, negative predicted values was 87,1% and accuracy was 88,6%. In the groups 8 to 14 days, 15 to 21 days and 22 to 28 days the sensitivity and accuracy were 95,8% and 84,9%, 95,6% and 84,5%, 90,9% and 84,8%, respectively. Birthweight discordance was observed in 40 sets of twins (26.5%) and 12 cases were monochorionic MC (30%). Twenty five cases (22.5%) in the non discordant group were MC. In the non discordant group, monochorionic pregnancies showed lower gestational age at delivery (34.3 versus 36.2 wks, p=0.004), lower mean birth weight (2067g versus 2334g, p=0.0016) and longer length of stay in hospital (10.6 versus 7.3 days, p=0.0023) compared to dichorionic twins. In the group with twin birthweight discordance, there were no significant differences between MC and DC pregnancies and 75% of the cases had at least one newborn with SGA. These cases were showed lower gestational age at delivery (35.2 versus 36.8wks, p=0.009) and longer length of stay in hospital (17.5 versus 8.2 days, p=0.026). In the discordant group, the smaller twin had a higher frequency of first minute Apgar score < 7 (27.5% versus 7.5%, p=0.01). Perinatal mortality rate was similar in both groups (discordant 4.5% and concordant 3.7%, p=1.0). There were no significant differences in morbidity and mortality between concordant and discordant twins when birth weight was between the 10 th and 90 th centile. In conclusion, there was a good correlation between fetal growth discordance predicted by prenatal scan and actual birth weight discordance. Neonatal morbidity was related to SGA. Excluding fetal malformation and TTTS cases, birth weight discordance in twin pregnancies is not a significantly associated with neonatal mortality.

Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Fütterungsintensität während der Aufzucht auf Milchleistung und physiologische Kennwerte beim Milchrind

Mlaouhi, Amel 23 February 2011 (has links)
In einem Fütterungsversuch mit 15 weiblichen, genetisch identischen Zwillingspaaren wurde der anhaltende Effekt energetisch unterschiedlich konzentrierter Futterrationen auf Körper- und Blutmerkmale zwischen dem vierten und 21. Lebensmonat erfasst. Die gleichen Merkmale wurden an den Tieren auch während der Laktation erhoben, als die Tiere einheitlich gefüttert wurden. Zusätzlich wurde die Milchleistung untersucht. Während der Aufzucht wurden Körpergewicht, tägliche Gewichtszunahme, Rückenfettdicke und Widerristhöhe von der Fütterungsintensität signifikant beeinflusst. Körpergewicht und Rückenfettdicke zeigten vom siebenten bis 15. Lebensmonat die größten Unterschiede zwischen den Fütterungsgruppen. Im Gegensatz zum Körpergewicht, wurde der Fettansatz bis zum 21. Lebensmonat kaum gebremst. Für die Serumkonzentrationen von Insulin, Glukose und beta-Hydroybuttersäure und die Erythrozytenindizes MCV und MCH konnte ein signifikanter Fütterungseinfluss während der gesamten Aufzuchtphase nachgewiesen werden. Kortisol, Kreatinin, ASAT, GGT, GLDH, MCHC, Leukozytenzahl, Thrombozytenzahl reagierten auf den Fütterungsstimulus nur innerhalb bestimmter Altersabschnitte. Bis zum neunten Monat differierte der Insulinspiegel zwischen den Fütterungsgruppen kaum, ab dem 10. Lebensmonat aber sehr deutlich. Es kann daher ausgeschlossen werden, dass der Insulinspiegel im präpubertären Abschnitt die Entwicklung der späteren Milchleistung beeinflusste. Nach dem Abkalben war die intensiv gefütterte Gruppe stärkeren metabolischen Belastungen ausgesetzt und hatte eine geringere Milchleistung als die moderat gefütterte Gruppe. Offensichtlich wurde der Stoffwechsel durch die vorangegangene Fütterung geprägt, da der Fettansatz in der Intensivgruppe bei gleicher Fütterung früher einsetzte und auch intensiver erfolgte. Einige Kennwerte beim Jungtier korrelierten signifikant mit der späteren Milchleistung. Altersabhängige Veränderungen der Korrelationskoeffizienten weisen auf unterschiedlich sensible Phasen für die Prägung der späteren Milchleistung hin. / In a feeding trial with 15 pairs of genetically identical female twins, the effect of feeding intensity on body condition and blood parameters were investigated between the fourth and 21st month. The same traits were analysed on the cows during the first lactation when the animals were uniformly fed. In addition to these traits, the milk yield was investigated. During the rearing period; body weight, daily weight gain, back fat thickness, and withers height were significantly influenced by feeding. The largest differences between the feeding groups in body weight and back fat thickness were seen between the ages of seventh to 15th months. In contrast to body weight, back fat thickness hardly exceeded the 21st month between the groups. The serum concentrations of insulin, glucose, beta-Hydroxybutyric acid, and the erythrocyte indices MCV and MCH showed a significant feeding effect throughout the growing period. Cortisol, creatinine, Aspartate transaminase (AST), y-glutamyltransferase (GGT), Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood cells (WBC) and platelet responded to the feeding stimulus only within certain ages. At age nine months, insulin levels were barely differed between the feeding groups but were distinct as from the 10th month. It can therefore be concluded that insulin levels at the pre-pubertal development affects the subsequent milk yield. After calving, the intensively fed group had more metabolic stress and had a lower milk yield than the moderately fed group. Obviously, the metabolism was programmed in the previous feeding period. There was an early onset and a more intensive fat deposition in the intensive group though; they had the same feeding level. Some traits in young animals were significantly correlated with subsequent milk yield. Age-dependent changes in the correlation coefficients suggest the fact that differences in sensible juvenile phases in traits could contribute to milk yield later.

Evolução neonatal e aquisição passiva de anticorpos IgG séricos e IgA no colostro reativos com Streptococcus B, anti-LPS de Klebsiella pneumoniae e Pseudomonas aeruginosa em gêmeos / Neonatal outcome and passive acquisition of serum IgG antibodies and IgA in the colostrum reactive with Streptococcus agalactiae, anti-LPS of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in twins

Monteiro, Renata de Araujo 16 January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Gestações múltiplas apresentam alta morbidade relacionada a fatores como prematuridade, baixo peso ao nascer e sepse. Em gemelares, a aquisição de imunidade passiva por meio do cordão umbilical e do colostro ainda não é bem conhecida. O objetivo geral do estudo foi descrever a concentração de IgG total e específico anti-Streptococcus B, antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae e antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa no cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos gemelares e a concentração de IgA secretora total e específica destes anticorpos no colostro. O objetivo específico foi analisar a associação entre infecção neonatal e concentração dos anticorpos no sangue de cordão umbilical e no colostro. Métodos: estudo prospectivo transversal de uma coorte de recémnascidos gemelares internados no Centro Neonatal do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP no período de 20 meses. Foram excluídos: recém-nascidos com malformação; mães com infecção ou imunodeficiência. Variáveis analisadas: idade gestacional; peso de nascimento; classificação gestacional; concentrações de IgG total e específicos e IgA total e específicas anti-Streptococcus B, antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae e antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa no sangue de cordão umbilical e no colostro; nutrição enteral; episódios de infecção; desfecho. As dosagens de IgG total foram realizadas por nefelometria e dos demais anticorpos através de ensaio imunoenzimático. Os testes t-Student pareado ou teste de Wilcoxon pareado, teste de Mann-Whitney e teste de Kruskal-Wallis, foram utilizados, considerando-se significante p< 0,005. Resultados: Foram incluídos 57 pares de gêmeos, compondo a casuística de 114 recém-nascidos. A idade gestacional foi 36±1,65 semanas (média±DP) e o peso de nascimento foi 2.304,8 ± 460g (média±DP). As concentrações de anticorpos encontradas foram (média±DP): IgG total 835,71 ± 190,73 mg/dL, IgG anti-Streptococcus B 295,1 ± 250,66 UA/mL, IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa 280,04 ± 498,66 UA/mL e IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae 504,75 ± 933,93 UA/mL; IgA total 210,2 ± 285,3 g/L, IgA anti-Streptococcus B 6640 ± 9526,8 UA/mL, IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa 3231,0 ± 2935,2 UA/mL, IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae 3070,1±2886,6 UA/mL. A concentração de IgG total foi menor nos recém-nascidos prematuros (p < 0,001). Em gemelares com idade gestacional < 34 semanas a concentração de IgG total (p=0,013) e IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa (p=0,032) foi menor. A concentração de anticorpos IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae foi menor nos recém-nascidos pequenos para a idade gestacional (p=0,013). No colostro, houve detecção de IgA total, IgA anti-Streptococcus B, IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae e antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa em 98,1% das mães. A concentração de IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa foi menor no colostro das mães de recém-nascidos prematuros (p=0,013). A concentração de IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae foi menor no colostro das mães com parto antes de 34 semanas (p=0,001). Houve infecção em cinco recém-nascidos, cuja concentração de IgG total foi menor (p<0,05). Os neonatos que receberam colostro apresentaram menor incidência de infecção (p < 0,001). Conclusões: Os anticorpos IgG total e específicos foram detectados no sangue do cordão umbilical em todos os gemelares, comprovando sua passagem transplacentária. Houve diminuição significativa na concentração de anticorpos IgG total nos gemelares prematuros e de IgG total e IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa nos gemelares com idade gestacional inferior a 34 semanas. No colostro houve detecção de IgA total e específica em 98,1% das mães. A concentração de IgA anti-lipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa foi menor no colostro das mães de gemelares prematuros. Nas mães com parto antes de 34 semanas houve diminuição da concentração de IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae, sugerindo que a prematuridade possa ter influenciado a transferência de anticorpos maternos pelo colostro. A maior incidência de infecção no grupo de recém-nascidos, que não receberam colostro e naqueles que apresentavam concentração sérica de IgG total significativamente menor, reforça a importância da proteção anti-infecciosa conferida pela imunidade passiva transferida da mãe / Introduction: Multiple pregnancies have high morbidity related to factors such as prematurity, low birth weight and sepsis. In twins, acquisition of passive immunity through the umbilical cord and colostrum is not yet known. The overall aim of the study was to describe the concentration of total and specific IgG antibodies anti-Streptococcus B, anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae and anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the umbilical cord of newborn twins and the concentration of total and specific secretory IgA antibodies in the colostrum. The specific aim was to analyze the association between neonatal infection and antibody concentration in the umbilical cord blood and colostrum. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study of a cohort of newborn twins admitted to the Neonatal Center of Children\'s Institute, University of São Paulo during the period of 20 months. Patients with malformations and mothers with infection or immunodeficiency were excluded from our analysis. Variables analyzed: gestational age; birth weight; sex; gestational classification; antibody concentrations of total and specific IgG and IgA anti-Streptococcus B, anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae and antilipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in umbilical cord blood and colostrum; enteral nutrition; infection episodes; outcome. Total IgG measurements were performed using nephelometry and the specific antibodies were evaluated by enzyme immunoassay. We used paired Student t test or Wilcoxon test, Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test considering significant p < 0.005. Results: During the study period a total of 57 pairs of twins were included, making the sample of 114 newborns. Gestational age was 36 ± 1.65 weeks (mean±SD) and birth weight was 2304.8 ± 460g (mean±SD). We found the following antibody concentrations (mean±SD): total IgG 835.71 ± 190.73 mg/dL, anti-Streptococcus B IgG 250.66 ± 295.1 AU/mL, anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgG 280.04 ± 498.66 AU/mL and anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae IgG 504.75±933.93 AU/mL; total IgA 210.2 ± 285.3 g/L, anti- Streptococcus B IgA 6640±9526.8 AU/mL, anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgA 3231.0±2935.2 AU/mL, antilipopolysaccharide Klebsiella pneumoniae IgA 3070.1±2886.6 AU/mL. The concentration of total IgG was lower in preterm infants (p < 0.001). In twins with gestational age < 34 weeks both total IgG concentration (p = 0.013) and anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgG concentration (p = 0.032) were lower. The concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae IgG was lower in small for gestational age newborns (p=0,013). There was detection of total IgA and specific antibodies in the colostrum of 98.1% mothers. The concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgA was lower in the colostrum of premature\'s mothers (p = 0.013). The concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae IgA was lower in the colostrum of mothers with delivery before 34 weeks (p = 0.001). Five newborns were diagnosed with sepsis and in this group the concentration of total IgG was lower (p < 0.05). Neonates receiving colostrum had a lower incidence of infection (p < 0.001). Conclusion: This study showed detection of total and specific IgG antibodies in umbilical cord blood for all twin newborn, proving its transplacental passage. There was a significant decrease in the concentration of total IgG antibodies in premature twins and antilipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgG in twins with gestational age less than 34 weeks. There was detection of total and specific IgA in the colostrum of 98.1% mothers. The concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgA was lower in mothers of premature twins. Among the newborns with gestational age less than 34 weeks there was a decrease in the concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide Klebsiella pneumoniae IgA, suggesting that prematurity may have influenced the transfer of maternal antibodies through colostrum. The highest incidence of infection in the newborn group who did not receive colostrum and in those who had significantly lower total IgG serum antibodies reinforces the importance of anti-infectious protection afforded by passive immunity transferred from the mother

Gestações gemelares com pesos discordantes: estudo da predição ultra-sonográfica e dos resultados neonatais / Twin growth discordance: sonographic prediction and factors related to perinatal outcome

Rita de Cassia Alam Machado 01 November 2006 (has links)
A gemelaridade apresenta algumas intercorrências específicas, como a discordância de peso entre fetos e recém-nascidos (RNs). O objetivo do presente estudo foi predizer a discordância de peso do exame ultra-sonográfico comparada à do parto e avaliar a morbidade e a mortalidade neonatais nas gestações gemelares discordantes quanto ao peso. Este foi um estudo retrospectivo, com levantamento dos casos do período de 1998 a 2004, no Setor de Gestações Múltiplas da Clínica Obstétrica do HCFMUSP. Na avaliação da predição ultra-sonográfica, foram inseridas 221 gestações gemelares e, na avaliação da morbidade e da mortalidade, 151 gestações com partos nessa instituição. A discordância de peso foi definida como >= 20%, sendo excluídos os casos de malformações fetais (n=43) e da Síndrome da transfusão feto-fetal (n=24). Para análise da adequação do peso ao nascimento, utilizou-se a curva de Alexander et al., 1998, para gêmeos. No estudo da predição, foram utilizados quatro intervalos de tempo em relação ao parto (0 a 7 dias - n = 96; 8 a 14 dias - n = 66; 15 a 21 dias - n = 58; 22 a 28 dias - n = 59 gestações), somando 279 avaliações. No grupo de 0 a 7 dias, a estimativa da sensibilidade foi de 93,6%, especificidade de 79,4%, valor preditivo positivo de 89,2%, valor preditivo negativo de 87,1% e acurácia de 88,6%. Nos demais grupos, a sensibilidade e a acurácia foram de 95,8% e 84,9%, 95,6% e 84,5%, 90,9% e 84,8%, respectivamente. Em relação à morbidade, 111 gestações eram concordantes (73,5%) e 40 discordantes quanto ao peso. No grupo discordante, 75% das gestações gemelares apresentaram pelo menos um recém-nascido com Restrição de Crescimento Fetal (RCF). Nesta análise, as gestações gemelares concordantes monocoriônicas obtiveram menor média de idade gestacional no parto (34,3 versus 36,2 semanas, p=0,004), menor peso médio (2067 versus 2334 gramas, p=0,0016) e maior tempo de internação (10,6 versus 7,3 dias, p=0,0023) que as gestações concordantes dicoriônicas. Nas gestações discordantes, não houve diferença significativa em relação à corionicidade. As gestações discordantes, com pelo menos um RN abaixo do percentil 10, apresentaram menor média de idade gestacional (35,2 versus 36,8 semanas, p=0,009) e maior tempo de internação (17,5 versus 8,2 dias, p=0,026). Não foi observada diferença significativa de morbidade e mortalidade entre RNs concordantes e discordantes, com pesos entre os percentis 10 e 90. Os fetos menores das gestações discordantes demonstraram maior freqüência de índice de Apgar inferior a 7 (27,5% versus 7,5%, p=0,01). A avaliação da mortalidade não demonstrou diferença significativa em relação aos grupos concordantes (3,7%) e discordantes (4,5%; p = 1,00). No presente estudo, conclui-se que os quatro grupos apresentaram adequada correlação entre a discordância de peso à ultra-sonografia e no nascimento, porém com melhor predição até sete dias antes do parto. A morbidade neonatal esteve relacionada à RCF do menor feto. A discordância de peso e a corionicidade não interferiram na mortalidade neonatal. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of prenatal ultrasound scans to predict fetal growth discordance in twin pregnancies and perinatal morbidity/mortality associated with these cases. This was a retrospective study (1998-2004) involving twin pregnancies that were scanned and had their delivery at our Institution (HCFMUSP). Cases with fetal malformations (n=43) or twin to twin transfusion syndrome (n=24) were excluded. The study of ultrasound scans consisted of 221 twin pregnancies. The final morbidity/mortality study group consisted of 151 twin pregnancies. Birth weight was evaluated based on twin growth charts published by Alexander et al (1998) and weight discordance as a difference >= 20%. Small for gestacional age (SGA) was defined as birth weight below the 10th centile. The study of ultrasonographic prediction of interwin discordance was made using four different intervals between ultrasound examination and delivery (0 to 7 days, n = 96; 8 to 14 days, n = 66; 15 to 21 days, n = 58; 22 to 28 days, n = 59 pregnancies), with a total of 279 ultrasound examinations. In group 0 to 7 days, the sensitivity was 93,6%, specificity was 79,4%, positive predicted values was 89,2%, negative predicted values was 87,1% and accuracy was 88,6%. In the groups 8 to 14 days, 15 to 21 days and 22 to 28 days the sensitivity and accuracy were 95,8% and 84,9%, 95,6% and 84,5%, 90,9% and 84,8%, respectively. Birthweight discordance was observed in 40 sets of twins (26.5%) and 12 cases were monochorionic MC (30%). Twenty five cases (22.5%) in the non discordant group were MC. In the non discordant group, monochorionic pregnancies showed lower gestational age at delivery (34.3 versus 36.2 wks, p=0.004), lower mean birth weight (2067g versus 2334g, p=0.0016) and longer length of stay in hospital (10.6 versus 7.3 days, p=0.0023) compared to dichorionic twins. In the group with twin birthweight discordance, there were no significant differences between MC and DC pregnancies and 75% of the cases had at least one newborn with SGA. These cases were showed lower gestational age at delivery (35.2 versus 36.8wks, p=0.009) and longer length of stay in hospital (17.5 versus 8.2 days, p=0.026). In the discordant group, the smaller twin had a higher frequency of first minute Apgar score < 7 (27.5% versus 7.5%, p=0.01). Perinatal mortality rate was similar in both groups (discordant 4.5% and concordant 3.7%, p=1.0). There were no significant differences in morbidity and mortality between concordant and discordant twins when birth weight was between the 10 th and 90 th centile. In conclusion, there was a good correlation between fetal growth discordance predicted by prenatal scan and actual birth weight discordance. Neonatal morbidity was related to SGA. Excluding fetal malformation and TTTS cases, birth weight discordance in twin pregnancies is not a significantly associated with neonatal mortality.

Evolução neonatal e aquisição passiva de anticorpos IgG séricos e IgA no colostro reativos com Streptococcus B, anti-LPS de Klebsiella pneumoniae e Pseudomonas aeruginosa em gêmeos / Neonatal outcome and passive acquisition of serum IgG antibodies and IgA in the colostrum reactive with Streptococcus agalactiae, anti-LPS of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in twins

Renata de Araujo Monteiro 16 January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Gestações múltiplas apresentam alta morbidade relacionada a fatores como prematuridade, baixo peso ao nascer e sepse. Em gemelares, a aquisição de imunidade passiva por meio do cordão umbilical e do colostro ainda não é bem conhecida. O objetivo geral do estudo foi descrever a concentração de IgG total e específico anti-Streptococcus B, antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae e antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa no cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos gemelares e a concentração de IgA secretora total e específica destes anticorpos no colostro. O objetivo específico foi analisar a associação entre infecção neonatal e concentração dos anticorpos no sangue de cordão umbilical e no colostro. Métodos: estudo prospectivo transversal de uma coorte de recémnascidos gemelares internados no Centro Neonatal do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP no período de 20 meses. Foram excluídos: recém-nascidos com malformação; mães com infecção ou imunodeficiência. Variáveis analisadas: idade gestacional; peso de nascimento; classificação gestacional; concentrações de IgG total e específicos e IgA total e específicas anti-Streptococcus B, antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae e antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa no sangue de cordão umbilical e no colostro; nutrição enteral; episódios de infecção; desfecho. As dosagens de IgG total foram realizadas por nefelometria e dos demais anticorpos através de ensaio imunoenzimático. Os testes t-Student pareado ou teste de Wilcoxon pareado, teste de Mann-Whitney e teste de Kruskal-Wallis, foram utilizados, considerando-se significante p< 0,005. Resultados: Foram incluídos 57 pares de gêmeos, compondo a casuística de 114 recém-nascidos. A idade gestacional foi 36±1,65 semanas (média±DP) e o peso de nascimento foi 2.304,8 ± 460g (média±DP). As concentrações de anticorpos encontradas foram (média±DP): IgG total 835,71 ± 190,73 mg/dL, IgG anti-Streptococcus B 295,1 ± 250,66 UA/mL, IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa 280,04 ± 498,66 UA/mL e IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae 504,75 ± 933,93 UA/mL; IgA total 210,2 ± 285,3 g/L, IgA anti-Streptococcus B 6640 ± 9526,8 UA/mL, IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa 3231,0 ± 2935,2 UA/mL, IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae 3070,1±2886,6 UA/mL. A concentração de IgG total foi menor nos recém-nascidos prematuros (p < 0,001). Em gemelares com idade gestacional < 34 semanas a concentração de IgG total (p=0,013) e IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa (p=0,032) foi menor. A concentração de anticorpos IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae foi menor nos recém-nascidos pequenos para a idade gestacional (p=0,013). No colostro, houve detecção de IgA total, IgA anti-Streptococcus B, IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae e antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa em 98,1% das mães. A concentração de IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa foi menor no colostro das mães de recém-nascidos prematuros (p=0,013). A concentração de IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae foi menor no colostro das mães com parto antes de 34 semanas (p=0,001). Houve infecção em cinco recém-nascidos, cuja concentração de IgG total foi menor (p<0,05). Os neonatos que receberam colostro apresentaram menor incidência de infecção (p < 0,001). Conclusões: Os anticorpos IgG total e específicos foram detectados no sangue do cordão umbilical em todos os gemelares, comprovando sua passagem transplacentária. Houve diminuição significativa na concentração de anticorpos IgG total nos gemelares prematuros e de IgG total e IgG antilipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa nos gemelares com idade gestacional inferior a 34 semanas. No colostro houve detecção de IgA total e específica em 98,1% das mães. A concentração de IgA anti-lipopolissacarídeos de Pseudomonas aeruginosa foi menor no colostro das mães de gemelares prematuros. Nas mães com parto antes de 34 semanas houve diminuição da concentração de IgA antilipopolissacarídeos de Klebsiella pneumoniae, sugerindo que a prematuridade possa ter influenciado a transferência de anticorpos maternos pelo colostro. A maior incidência de infecção no grupo de recém-nascidos, que não receberam colostro e naqueles que apresentavam concentração sérica de IgG total significativamente menor, reforça a importância da proteção anti-infecciosa conferida pela imunidade passiva transferida da mãe / Introduction: Multiple pregnancies have high morbidity related to factors such as prematurity, low birth weight and sepsis. In twins, acquisition of passive immunity through the umbilical cord and colostrum is not yet known. The overall aim of the study was to describe the concentration of total and specific IgG antibodies anti-Streptococcus B, anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae and anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the umbilical cord of newborn twins and the concentration of total and specific secretory IgA antibodies in the colostrum. The specific aim was to analyze the association between neonatal infection and antibody concentration in the umbilical cord blood and colostrum. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study of a cohort of newborn twins admitted to the Neonatal Center of Children\'s Institute, University of São Paulo during the period of 20 months. Patients with malformations and mothers with infection or immunodeficiency were excluded from our analysis. Variables analyzed: gestational age; birth weight; sex; gestational classification; antibody concentrations of total and specific IgG and IgA anti-Streptococcus B, anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae and antilipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in umbilical cord blood and colostrum; enteral nutrition; infection episodes; outcome. Total IgG measurements were performed using nephelometry and the specific antibodies were evaluated by enzyme immunoassay. We used paired Student t test or Wilcoxon test, Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test considering significant p < 0.005. Results: During the study period a total of 57 pairs of twins were included, making the sample of 114 newborns. Gestational age was 36 ± 1.65 weeks (mean±SD) and birth weight was 2304.8 ± 460g (mean±SD). We found the following antibody concentrations (mean±SD): total IgG 835.71 ± 190.73 mg/dL, anti-Streptococcus B IgG 250.66 ± 295.1 AU/mL, anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgG 280.04 ± 498.66 AU/mL and anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae IgG 504.75±933.93 AU/mL; total IgA 210.2 ± 285.3 g/L, anti- Streptococcus B IgA 6640±9526.8 AU/mL, anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgA 3231.0±2935.2 AU/mL, antilipopolysaccharide Klebsiella pneumoniae IgA 3070.1±2886.6 AU/mL. The concentration of total IgG was lower in preterm infants (p < 0.001). In twins with gestational age < 34 weeks both total IgG concentration (p = 0.013) and anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgG concentration (p = 0.032) were lower. The concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae IgG was lower in small for gestational age newborns (p=0,013). There was detection of total IgA and specific antibodies in the colostrum of 98.1% mothers. The concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgA was lower in the colostrum of premature\'s mothers (p = 0.013). The concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae IgA was lower in the colostrum of mothers with delivery before 34 weeks (p = 0.001). Five newborns were diagnosed with sepsis and in this group the concentration of total IgG was lower (p < 0.05). Neonates receiving colostrum had a lower incidence of infection (p < 0.001). Conclusion: This study showed detection of total and specific IgG antibodies in umbilical cord blood for all twin newborn, proving its transplacental passage. There was a significant decrease in the concentration of total IgG antibodies in premature twins and antilipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgG in twins with gestational age less than 34 weeks. There was detection of total and specific IgA in the colostrum of 98.1% mothers. The concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgA was lower in mothers of premature twins. Among the newborns with gestational age less than 34 weeks there was a decrease in the concentration of anti-lipopolysaccharide Klebsiella pneumoniae IgA, suggesting that prematurity may have influenced the transfer of maternal antibodies through colostrum. The highest incidence of infection in the newborn group who did not receive colostrum and in those who had significantly lower total IgG serum antibodies reinforces the importance of anti-infectious protection afforded by passive immunity transferred from the mother

Early adversity, brain development and emotion processing in monozygotic twins

Lévesque, Mélissa 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Cardiovascular disease and hypertension : Population-based studies on self-rated health and health-related quality of life in Sweden

Bardage, Carola January 2000 (has links)
<p>The aim with this thesis was to study cardiovascular disease and hypertension, use of drugs and health from an epidemiological perspective. Various methods - self-rated health (SRH), health related quality of life (HRQL) - the 36-item short form questionnaire (SF-36) - and health utility measurements - the rating scale (RS) and the time-trade off (TTO) methods - were employed.</p><p>Data from the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging (SATSA) in 1984, 1987, 1990, and 1993 as well as a general population survey conducted in Uppsala County in 1995 were used.</p><p>Persons who have cardiovascular disease, both with and without drug treatment, were found to have a lower SRH as compared to others in the population. Longitudinal analyses showed that SRH was relatively stable over time among persons with cardiovascular disease. Both having a low SRH and having cardiovascular disease were associated with a higher mortality rate.</p><p>Hypertensives were found to have a lower HRQL than do others in the general population as measured by the SF-36. The lowest scoring was found in the general health perception scale (GH), whereas role emotional (RE) and mental health (MH) were the scales least affected by hypertension.</p><p>Nearly 20 percent of the antihypertensive drug users reported side effects.The pattern of side effects was similar to that reported in clinical trials. Both hypertension itself and the drug treatment were found to have an impact on the patient's health-state utility as measured by the RS. Comparative analyses showed that health utilities and psychometric quality-of-life instruments were only moderately correlated among hypertensives. </p><p>The results also showed that inequalities in HRQL were present with respect to several sociodemographic factors. </p><p>In summary, this thesis revealed that persons with cardiovascular disease and/or with hypertension experience poorer health than others in the population. The poor health may be caused both by the disease and/or the drug treatment. The results in this thesis also suggested that special attention and care should be directed to persons with cardiovascular disease and/or hypertension reporting ill health. This especially is important given that low HRQL can be a riskfactor for subsequent cardiovascular events or complications which in turn might result in higher mortality rate.</p>

Cardiovascular disease and hypertension : Population-based studies on self-rated health and health-related quality of life in Sweden

Bardage, Carola January 2000 (has links)
The aim with this thesis was to study cardiovascular disease and hypertension, use of drugs and health from an epidemiological perspective. Various methods - self-rated health (SRH), health related quality of life (HRQL) - the 36-item short form questionnaire (SF-36) - and health utility measurements - the rating scale (RS) and the time-trade off (TTO) methods - were employed. Data from the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging (SATSA) in 1984, 1987, 1990, and 1993 as well as a general population survey conducted in Uppsala County in 1995 were used. Persons who have cardiovascular disease, both with and without drug treatment, were found to have a lower SRH as compared to others in the population. Longitudinal analyses showed that SRH was relatively stable over time among persons with cardiovascular disease. Both having a low SRH and having cardiovascular disease were associated with a higher mortality rate. Hypertensives were found to have a lower HRQL than do others in the general population as measured by the SF-36. The lowest scoring was found in the general health perception scale (GH), whereas role emotional (RE) and mental health (MH) were the scales least affected by hypertension. Nearly 20 percent of the antihypertensive drug users reported side effects.The pattern of side effects was similar to that reported in clinical trials. Both hypertension itself and the drug treatment were found to have an impact on the patient's health-state utility as measured by the RS. Comparative analyses showed that health utilities and psychometric quality-of-life instruments were only moderately correlated among hypertensives. The results also showed that inequalities in HRQL were present with respect to several sociodemographic factors. In summary, this thesis revealed that persons with cardiovascular disease and/or with hypertension experience poorer health than others in the population. The poor health may be caused both by the disease and/or the drug treatment. The results in this thesis also suggested that special attention and care should be directed to persons with cardiovascular disease and/or hypertension reporting ill health. This especially is important given that low HRQL can be a riskfactor for subsequent cardiovascular events or complications which in turn might result in higher mortality rate.

Signs of Acquiring Bimodal Bilingualism Differently : A Longitudinal Case Study of Mediating a Deaf and a Hearing Twin in a Deaf Family

Cramér-Wolrath, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation based on a case study explores the acquisition and the guidance of Swedish Sign Language and spoken Swedish over a span of seven years. Interactions between a pair of fraternal twins, one deaf and one hearing, and their Deaf[1] family were video-observed within the home setting. The thesis consists of a frame which provides an overview of the relationship between four studies. These describe and analyze mainly storytime sessions over time. The first article addresses attentional expressions between the participants; the second article studies the mediation of the deaf twin’s first language acquisition; the third article analyses the hearing twins acquisition of parallel bimodal bilingualism; the fourth article concerns second language acquisition, sequential bimodal bilingualism following a cochlear implant (CI). In the frame, theoretical underpinnings such as mediation and language acquisition were compiled, within a sociocultural frame. This synthesis of results provides important information; in the 12- and 13-month sessions simultaneous-tactile-looking was noted in interchanges between the twins and their mother; mediation of bilingualism was scaffolded by the caregivers with the hearing twin by inserting single vocal words or signs into the language base used at that time, a finding that differs from other reported studies; a third finding is the simultaneousness in which the deaf child’s Swedish Sign Language skill worked as a cultural tool, to build a second and spoken language. The findings over time revealed actions that included all the family members. Irrespective of the number of modes and varied types of communication with more than one child, mediation included following-in the child’s initiation, intersubjective meaningfulness and encouragement. In accordance with previous research, these factors seem to promote the acquisition of languages. In conclusion, these findings should also prove useful in the more general educational field. [1] Deaf with a capital ‘D’ is commonly used for cultural affiliation whereas lower case ‘d’, as in deaf, refers to audiological status (Monaghan, Schmaling, Nakamura &amp; Turner, 2003). / <p>Disputationen tolkas till svensk teckenspråk, hörselslinga finns.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 3: Accepted. Paper 4: Submitted.</p>

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