Spelling suggestions: "subject:"twins"" "subject:"ewins""
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Gêmeos monozigóticos discordantes para transexualidade : diferenças neuroanatômicas e psicológicasAndreazza, Tahiana Signorini January 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata-se de um estudo de caso exploratório que discorre sobre fatores neuro-estruturais, hormonais, neuropsicológicos e suas possíveis associações, em um par de gêmeos monozigóticos adulto, do sexo masculino, discordantes para o transexualismo. Ambos os gêmeos foram submetidos a entrevistas semi-estruturadas por meio de equipe especializada pertencente ao Programa de Transtorno de Identidade de Gênero do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Aplicou-se o intrumento Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), com o objetivo de avaliar diversas funções cognitivas verbais e não-verbais que contribuem para a inteligência geral e realizou-se Ressonância Magnética do encéfalo, com a finalidade de medir o volume de uma série de estruturas cerebrais. Ainda, a mãe dos sujeitos (o pai alegou não ter disponibilidade em participar) forneceu informações sobre a gestação, parto, condições de nascimento, infância, meio ambiente, alterações clínicas presentes e passadas e eventos incomuns na história de vida dos gêmeos. Em cinco regiões cerebrais foram detectadas diferenças nos volumes de determinadas estruturas, e nas habilidades de linguagem e raciocínio viso-espacial houve divergência entre os gêmeos. Sugere-se que fatores epigenéticos possam estar envolvidos tanto na discordância fenotípica como nos achados deste estudo. / The present work is an exploratory study case that discusses about neuroanatomical, hormonal and neuropsychological factors and their possible associations in one monozygotic male twin pair discordant for transsexualism. Both twins answered semi-structural interviews applied by specialized team from Gender Identity Disorder Program of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil; In addition, they were tested with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) battery that evaluate verbal and non verbal cognitive functions that contribute to general intelligence; and underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure the volumes of specific cerebral structures. The mother of the twins gave information (father did not want to participate) about the pregnancy, delivery, conditions of birth, childhood, raising environment, unusual medical or life history events. Both neuroimaging and cognitive function testing detected different outcome between the twins. In six different cerebral regions differences have been found in the volume of specific structures, as well as in language, visuo-spatial abilities. It is suggested that epigenetic factors could be related to the phenotypic discordance and the findings of this study
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Laminage asymétrique de l'alliage de magnésium AZ31 / Structural and textural design of metallic alloys rolled by non conventional wayForget, Mathilde 08 February 2013 (has links)
L’alliage de magnésium AZ31 présente une très faible densité. Cette caractéristique en fait un matériau apprécié pour la conception de structures légères. La limitation principale de son utilisation industrielle est sa mauvaise formabilité et ce en raison de la texture cristallographique des tôles qui s’avère être peu adaptée aux procédés de mise en forme tel que l’emboutissage. Cette texture résultant du laminage initial, l’ambition de ce travail est de la modifier en utilisant la technique de laminage asymétrique et de mesurer l’impact de cette voie sur la formabilité de l’alliage. Il a été montré que l’asymétrie, produite par un différentiel de vitesses de rotation des cylindres du laminoir, induit systématiquement de fortes instabilités plastiques sous forme de bandes de cisaillement. Des techniques de cartographie sur microscope électronique en transmission (ACOM) et à balayage (EBSD) ainsi que des analyses de texture par DRX ont été utilisées pour analyser les mécanismes physiques concourant à l’émergence de cette instabilité. Il résulte de cette analyse que l’asymétrie du laminage provoque une forte activité du système de glissement basal que ne compense ni les autres systèmes ni le maclage. Ceci conduit à une localisation marquée de la déformation plastique et à la ruine du matériau. / The low density of the magnesium alloy AZ31 makes it valuable for low weight components. The main limitation for industrial applications is the poor formability of sheets during deep drawing type processing. This is linked to the fibre crystallographic texture resulting from rolling. The objective of the present work is to modify the sheet texture through asymmetrical rolling. It has appeared that the asymmetry promoted by monitoring the roll speeds separately induces plastic instabilities through shear banding. The physical mechanisms involved in the instability were analysed with the help of orientation imaging techniques on transmission electron (ACOM/TEM) and scanning electron (EBSD/SEM) microscopes as well as with X-ray measurements. It is concluded that the shear resulting from the asymmetry in roll speeds promotes a dramatic increase of basal slip that neither twinning nor the activities of other slip systems are able to compensate. Such activity induces strain localisation and premature failure of the material.
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Herdabilidade de preditores do risco cardiovascularOliveira, Michelle Vasconcelos de 11 December 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-11 / genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of
cardiovascular risk and that influence can be differentiated by factors characteristic of
each population, age and sex. Aim: To investigate the heritability of anthropometric
and biochemical markers as predictors of cardiovascular risk in men and women of
different age groups, using the method of twins. Methods: A sample of 88 subjects
and of these 52 children and adolescents (08-17 years old) 32 monozygotic (20
female and 12 male) and 20 dizygotic (12 female and 08 male) and 36 adults (18-28
years age) 24 monozygotic (08 female and 16 male) and 12 dizygotic (06 female and
06 male), living in the metropolitan region of Natal / RN, Brazil. Anthropometric
measures were taken as the height, body mass, waist circumference (WC), sum of
skinfolds (ΣDC), fat percentage CUN-BAE, BMI and conicity. Biochemical markers
analyzed were: fasting glucose (GLU), total cholesterol (COL), HDL-C, LDL-C and
triglycerides (TG). After processing the data the index of heritability (h2) = (S ? MZ) / S
? DZ (DZ S ?) X100 was applied disaggregated by sex and age. Results: The
variables showed differential heritability of behavior for men and women, depending
on age. The variables with the highest heritability values were ΣDC, GLU, HDL, TG, in
men and BMI, WC, ΣDC, GLU, HDL-C and TG in women. And more influenced by the
environment variables were: body mass, BMI, Chol, LDL-C in men; body mass and
LDL-C in women. Conclusion: Differences index of heritability by gender for
cardiovascular risk predictors may assist in planning specific intervention strategies
according to gender and stage of life of that individual. It is from the level of
environmental influence that can run interventions for changes of components related
to cardiovascular risk / Os fatores gen?ticos e ambientais contribuem para o desenvolvimento do risco cardiovascular e essa influ?ncia pode ser diferenciada por fatores caracter?sticos de cada popula??o, idade e sexo. Objetivo: investigar a herdabilidade de vari?veis antropom?tricas e marcadores bioqu?micos como preditores do risco cardiovascular em homens e mulheres de diferentes faixas et?rias, utilizando o m?todo de g?meos. M?todos: Amostra composta por 130 g?meos, sendo do sexo feminino 42 monozigotos e 32 dizigotos e do sexo masculino 28 monozigotos e 28 dizigotos, residentes na regi?o metropolitana de Natal/RN, Brasil. Como medidas antropom?tricas foram aferidas a estatura, massa corporal, circunfer?ncia da cintura (CC), somat?rio de dobras cut?neas (∑DC), percentual de gordura CUN-BAE, IMC e ?ndice de conicidade. Os marcadores bioqu?micos analisados foram: glicemia de jejum (GLI), colesterol total (COL), HDL-C, LDL-C e triglicer?deos (TG). Ap?s o tratamento dos dados foi aplicado o ?ndice de herdabilidade (h2) = ((S? DZ S? MZ) / S? DZ) x 100; separado por sexo e idade. Resultados: As vari?veis apresentaram comportamento de hereditariedade diferenciado para homens e mulheres, dependendo da idade. As vari?veis com maior herdabilidade foram: ∑DC, GLI, HDL, TG, nos homens; e IMC, CC, ∑DC, GLI, HDL-C e TG nas mulheres. E as vari?veis mais influenciadas pelo ambiente foram: Massa, IMC, COL, LDL-C, nos homens; massa e LDL-C nas mulheres. Conclus?o: As diferen?as por sexo do ?ndice de herdabilidade para os preditores do risco cardiovascular podem auxiliar no planejamento de estrat?gias de interven??o espec?ficas de acordo com o sexo e est?gio da vida desse indiv?duo. ? a partir do n?vel de influ?ncia ambiental que poder? correr as interven??es para modifica??es dos componentes relacionados ao risco cardiovascular
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Gêmeos monozigóticos discordantes para transexualidade : diferenças neuroanatômicas e psicológicasAndreazza, Tahiana Signorini January 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata-se de um estudo de caso exploratório que discorre sobre fatores neuro-estruturais, hormonais, neuropsicológicos e suas possíveis associações, em um par de gêmeos monozigóticos adulto, do sexo masculino, discordantes para o transexualismo. Ambos os gêmeos foram submetidos a entrevistas semi-estruturadas por meio de equipe especializada pertencente ao Programa de Transtorno de Identidade de Gênero do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Aplicou-se o intrumento Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), com o objetivo de avaliar diversas funções cognitivas verbais e não-verbais que contribuem para a inteligência geral e realizou-se Ressonância Magnética do encéfalo, com a finalidade de medir o volume de uma série de estruturas cerebrais. Ainda, a mãe dos sujeitos (o pai alegou não ter disponibilidade em participar) forneceu informações sobre a gestação, parto, condições de nascimento, infância, meio ambiente, alterações clínicas presentes e passadas e eventos incomuns na história de vida dos gêmeos. Em cinco regiões cerebrais foram detectadas diferenças nos volumes de determinadas estruturas, e nas habilidades de linguagem e raciocínio viso-espacial houve divergência entre os gêmeos. Sugere-se que fatores epigenéticos possam estar envolvidos tanto na discordância fenotípica como nos achados deste estudo. / The present work is an exploratory study case that discusses about neuroanatomical, hormonal and neuropsychological factors and their possible associations in one monozygotic male twin pair discordant for transsexualism. Both twins answered semi-structural interviews applied by specialized team from Gender Identity Disorder Program of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil; In addition, they were tested with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) battery that evaluate verbal and non verbal cognitive functions that contribute to general intelligence; and underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure the volumes of specific cerebral structures. The mother of the twins gave information (father did not want to participate) about the pregnancy, delivery, conditions of birth, childhood, raising environment, unusual medical or life history events. Both neuroimaging and cognitive function testing detected different outcome between the twins. In six different cerebral regions differences have been found in the volume of specific structures, as well as in language, visuo-spatial abilities. It is suggested that epigenetic factors could be related to the phenotypic discordance and the findings of this study
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Gêmeos monozigóticos discordantes para transexualidade : diferenças neuroanatômicas e psicológicasAndreazza, Tahiana Signorini January 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata-se de um estudo de caso exploratório que discorre sobre fatores neuro-estruturais, hormonais, neuropsicológicos e suas possíveis associações, em um par de gêmeos monozigóticos adulto, do sexo masculino, discordantes para o transexualismo. Ambos os gêmeos foram submetidos a entrevistas semi-estruturadas por meio de equipe especializada pertencente ao Programa de Transtorno de Identidade de Gênero do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Aplicou-se o intrumento Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), com o objetivo de avaliar diversas funções cognitivas verbais e não-verbais que contribuem para a inteligência geral e realizou-se Ressonância Magnética do encéfalo, com a finalidade de medir o volume de uma série de estruturas cerebrais. Ainda, a mãe dos sujeitos (o pai alegou não ter disponibilidade em participar) forneceu informações sobre a gestação, parto, condições de nascimento, infância, meio ambiente, alterações clínicas presentes e passadas e eventos incomuns na história de vida dos gêmeos. Em cinco regiões cerebrais foram detectadas diferenças nos volumes de determinadas estruturas, e nas habilidades de linguagem e raciocínio viso-espacial houve divergência entre os gêmeos. Sugere-se que fatores epigenéticos possam estar envolvidos tanto na discordância fenotípica como nos achados deste estudo. / The present work is an exploratory study case that discusses about neuroanatomical, hormonal and neuropsychological factors and their possible associations in one monozygotic male twin pair discordant for transsexualism. Both twins answered semi-structural interviews applied by specialized team from Gender Identity Disorder Program of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil; In addition, they were tested with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) battery that evaluate verbal and non verbal cognitive functions that contribute to general intelligence; and underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure the volumes of specific cerebral structures. The mother of the twins gave information (father did not want to participate) about the pregnancy, delivery, conditions of birth, childhood, raising environment, unusual medical or life history events. Both neuroimaging and cognitive function testing detected different outcome between the twins. In six different cerebral regions differences have been found in the volume of specific structures, as well as in language, visuo-spatial abilities. It is suggested that epigenetic factors could be related to the phenotypic discordance and the findings of this study
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Aleitamento materno em prematuros hospitalizados e no primeiro mês pós-altaLIMA, Ana Paula Esmeraldo 26 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-11-07T12:07:11Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-04-26 / CNPq / Estudos acumulam evidências dos benefícios do aleitamento materno para os recém-nascidos prematuros, como prevenção e redução da gravidade da enterocolite necrosante, retinopatia da prematuridade e sepse. Contudo, mães de prematuros apresentam menores taxas de sucesso na amamentação, conferindo maiores incertezas e preocupações quanto ao aleitamento materno. As barreiras para a amamentação do prematuro são muitas, como as decorrentes de sua imaturidade fisiológica, além das dificuldades relacionadas a sua condição clínica e hospitalização. Embora o início do aleitamento materno possa ser incentivado durante a hospitalização, muitos prematuros são desmamados precocemente, logo após a alta hospitalar. Nesse contexto, faz-se necessário não só conhecer a prática do aleitamento materno do prematuro no ambiente hospitalar, mas também seus determinantes no período pós-alta, para que intervenções efetivas, que possibilitem sua manutenção por tempo oportuno, possam ser planejadas e implementadas. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a situação do aleitamento materno de prematuros durante o primeiro mês após a alta hospitalar. Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal realizado em dois Hospitais Amigos da Criança de Recife, Pernambuco, com 108 prematuros que tiveram alta hospitalar no período de abril a julho de 2014. Para a coleta de dados, foi realizado levantamento de dados em prontuários e entrevistas por telefone com as mães, aos 15 e 30 dias após a alta hospitalar, utilizando-se dois instrumentos semiestruturados com as variáveis relacionadas às características maternas, institucionais e do prematuro. As prevalências das modalidades de aleitamento materno foram estimadas para cada momento determinado: alta hospitalar, 15 e 30 dias após a alta. Utilizou-se regressão logística multivariada para a análise dos fatores associados ao aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) trinta dias após a alta hospitalar. A prevalência do AME na alta hospitalar foi de 85,2%, observando-se uma significativa redução após esse período (75,0% aos 15 dias e 46,3% aos 30 dias após a alta). Após análise multivariada, as variáveis tipo de parto, gemelaridade e peso ao nascer mostraram-se associadas ao AME no 30º dia pós-alta hospitalar (OR= 2,794; OR=8,350; e OR=4,102, respectivamente). Os resultados encontrados evidenciam que é possível atingir boas taxas de AME na alta hospitalar de prematuros, mas que o acompanhamento pós-alta é fundamental para se evitar o desmame precoce. Ter nascido de parto cesáreo, não ser gemelar e ser baixo peso ao nascer aumentou as chances do prematuro se encontrar em AME ao fim do primeiro mês. Apesar de serem todos fatores não modificáveis pela equipe de saúde, seu conhecimento é importante para propiciar dados aos profissionais, no intuito de priorizar ações de apoio e incentivo ao aleitamento materno às mães mais vulneráveis ao desmame precoce. / Evidences of the benefits of breastfeeding to premature newborns are shown by studies, such as preventing and minimizing the necrotizing enterocolitis, retinopathy of prematurity and sepsis. However, newborns’ mothers present lower success rates in breastfeeding resulting in higher concerns and uncertainties. There are several difficulties concerning to premature breastfeeding, such as the ones resulting in their physiological immaturity, their clinic conditions related, and moreover, the fact that they are hospitalized. Although breastfeeding should be encouraged during hospitalization, newborns are early weaned, as soon as they leave hospital. In this context, it is demanding to the health professionals to be learning the breastfeeding practice in the hospital environment, but also its determinants in post-discharge period, so that effective interventions can be planned and implemented making possible the proper and suitable breastfeeding. The objective of this study is to analyze the situation of premature infants breastfeeding during the first month after the discharge. This is a longitudinal study which took place at two Baby-Friendly Hospitals in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Participants were 108 premature newborns who were discharged during the period April to June of 2014. The investigation was based on data survey through medical chart and phone interviews with the mothers, during the 15th and 30th days after discharge. Using two semistructured instruments with the variables related to maternal, institutional and premature characteristics. The prevalence of breastfeeding modalities were estimated for each given time: hospital discharge, 15 and 30 days after discharge. It was used multivariate logistic regression to analyze the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) thirty days following hospital discharge. The prevalence of EBF at hospital discharge was 85.2%, observing a significant reduction after this period (75.0% at 15 days and 46.3% at 30 days after discharge). After multivariate analysis, the type of delivery variables, twin pregnancy and birth weight were associated to EBF in 30 post-discharge day (OR = 2.794; OR = 8.350; and OR = 4.102, respectively). The results found show that is possible to achieve good rates of EBF in the premature infants discharge, but that the accompaniment post-discharge is fundamental to avoid early weaning. The chances to find the newborn in exclusive breastfeeding at the end of the first month is increased by being born of cesarean delivery, not being twin and having low weight at birth. Although all these factors cannot be changed by the health professionals, it is demanding for them to know these data, in order to prioritize actions to support and encourage breastfeeding to the most vulnerable mothers to the early weaned.
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First and second born twins: a comparative study utilizing the Graffiths mental development scales - extended revisedDavidson, Gabrielle January 2008 (has links)
Despite the concept of twins and twinning being a highly explored area of research for many years, limited research has been conducted on the comparison of first and second born twin development. The nature of twins leads people to believe that twins will present with similar characteristics, however, this study explores the possibility that due to their ordinal position they could in fact present with differing characteristics and could differ developmentally. The early holistic development of a child influences the rest of their lives. Concerning twins, the development of individuality and self-knowledge is especially important. Theorists, such as Piaget (1950), propose that child development takes place in stages and that although the order in which children proceed through these stages is the same, the pace at which this takes place can vary. The necessity of monitoring the child’s journey through these stages highlights the value of child developmental assessment. This form of assessment needs to be holistic, needs to involve a multidisciplinary team of professionals and needs to utilize assessment measures that are valid, reliable, culture-fair and standardized. The Griffiths Mental Development Scales-Extended Revised (GMDS-ER) is one such measure. This study, focusing on twin development, aimed to contribute and provide valuable information to a larger research project that is currently under way aiming to increase the applicability of the Griffiths Mental Development Scales-Extended Revised (GMDS-ER) in the South African context. The primary aim of the study, however, was to explore and compare the performance of normal first born and second born twins, aged between 2 and 8 years 4 months old, on the GMDS-ER. The purpose of the study was to generate information on the relationship between first born twins’ general development and second born twins’ general development. An exploratory, descriptive quantitative design was used. Participants were selected through a combination of non-probability purposive, convenience and snowball sampling. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and dependent sample t-tests were employed to compare the General Quotients (GQ’s) of the first and second born twins in the sample. Results showed that no significant differences were found between the first and second born twins’ general development. Information generated from this study contributed to 1) child development research; 2) twin developmental research within a South African context; and 3) a greater group of studies on the GMDS-ER, currently underway in the United Kingdom and South Africa, aiming to contribute to the international credibility of this measure
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Separated by the Child Welfare System: The Journey of One Set of Fraternal TwinsBond, Jocelyne Coan 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study explored the separation of twins in foster care and examined how their lived experiences relate to their interpersonal relationships as adults. Many researchers have studied the long-term impact of nontwin sibling separation in foster care, but little is known about the separation of twins, leaving a significant gap in existing literature. The purpose of this study was to examine the lived experiences twins who were separated in foster care as relates to their interpersonal relationships during adulthood. A qualitative, narrative approach was used to gather the lived experiences of one set of twins. The research questions examined how one specific set of adult fraternal twin sisters interpreted their personal experiences of being separated from each other while in foster care and whether this experience had an impact on their interpersonal relationships. The study relied on the theoretical foundations of attachment theory and family systems theory to support the use of existing literature and to integrate the research findings into current child welfare practice. Through personal interviews, each twin was asked to recall experiences from foster care and comment on the impact of being separated from their twin. Thematic analysis of the interview data and observations of the interview process helped to identify four themes: forming successful attachments, mental health issues, trauma history, and number and type of placements experienced. To encourage social change these results can inform the child welfare system, add to the body of existing research, and influence future placement decisions regarding twins in foster care.
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Interfacing Digital and Physical Twins with a Microservice ArchitectureWintercorn, Oskar January 2022 (has links)
Throughout history, humans have proven to develop and improve their quality of life constantly. Incorporating mechanical principles into otherwise manual labor was one such aspect. Today, introducing mechanization to the industry and steam power is regarded as the first industrial revolution. Since then, a second and a third have followed, introducing concepts such as electricity, automation, computers, and computerization. Finally, in 2011 the fourth industrial revolution was introduced as Industry 4.0 by a project started in Germany, which considers digitalization. Industry 4.0 uses concepts such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing. The goal of these concepts is to be able to further the capabilities of automation in the industry, creating smart factories. A problem experienced today when making changes to the production line is that an immense amount of hard coding is required for the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) controlling the system as well as for the system controlling the factory. The Eclipse Arrowhead Framework addresses these issues by applying a particular set of parameters to all systems within the IT infrastructure. The Arrowheadframework offers parameters such as orchestrator, authorization, and a service registry to each system incorporated within the framework. By applying this, the System of Systems (SoS) and the parameters provided by the Arrowhead framework create a local cloud. In doing so, each system within a factory belongs to its local cloud, building a factory made of a cluster of local clouds. By applying the ideas of Industry 4.0, a proof of concept is created, showing that today’s industry would benefit from using the concepts stated above with digital twins. The thesis explores and proves that, with the help of digital twins, today’s industry can cut down on manufacturing process development. In addition, it reduces the time it takes to apply changes to the production line by enabling machine learning to facilitate human interaction. A model factory created by fischertechnik is used, together with a PLC, as the physical twin in this master thesis. In addition, using Siemens Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software NX, a digital twin is created; this digital twin will communicate with the physical twin to simulate the behavior of the physical twin in real-time. A server has been created and is acting as a hub of communication for both of the twins. The use of the digital twin to communicate with the physical twin will enable tremendous advances in automation regarding industry 4.0.
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Integration of Digital tools in Product Realization ProcessSalaam, Abdul, Mehmood, Sultan January 2021 (has links)
The market has been evolving lately, with the introduction of more and more digital tools that industries are making use to improve their overall operations within the Production process. The integration of digital tools within the Product realization process has major advantages in improving production performance. Many large industries make use of digital tools to digitize their products making them smart products. Implementing these digital tools can be beneficial for reshaping the organization which can lead to better customer satisfaction and improve business strategy. This project explores different digital tools that can be integrated with the product realization process and how these tools contribute to the different production development phases. This thesis presents a detailed study of the digital tools Simulation, Visualization, Emulation, and Digital twins which can be integrated with the product development process. A pre-study is conducted to gather knowledge regarding the application of these tools and further discover how these tools can support the Product realization process and is used to describe which tool works best at which stage of the product realization process, which can be used to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the production process. Implementing these digital tools within the production facility can be associated to smart factory paradigm of the Fourth industrial revolution Industry4.0.This research aims to contribute to the use of digital tools in the production processes and aids in bridging the gap between traditional and modern manufacturing methods. The outcome of this study is to clarify how the above-mentioned digital tools are linked to the product realization process to support an efficient and digitalized production development, also mentioning the strengths and weaknesses of these tools. The resulting analysis has provided a framework developed to support an efficient digitalized production development and preparation process for assembly tasks utilizing human and robot collaboration. This research paper can be used as a guide for companies that want to explore how implementing digital tools in their product realization process and how it may improve their productivity.
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