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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Swedish-English Verb Frame Divergences in a Bilingual Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar for Machine Translation / Skillnader i verbramar mellan svenska och engelska i en tvåspråkig HPSG-grammatik för maskinöversättning

Stymne, Sara January 2006 (has links)
In this thesis I have investigated verb frame divergences in a bilingual Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar for machine translation. The purpose was threefold: (1) to describe and classify verb frame divergences (VFDs) between Swedish and English, (2) to practically implement a bilingual grammar that covered many of the identified VFDs and (3) to find out what cases of VFDs could be solved and implemented using a common semantic representation, or interlingua, for Swedish and English. The implemented grammar, BiTSE, is a Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar based on the LinGO Grammar Matrix, a language independent grammar base. BiTSE is a bilingual grammar containing both Swedish and English. The semantic representation used is Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS). It is language independent, so generating from it gives all equivalent sentences in both Swedish and English. Both the core of the languages and a subset of the identified VFDs are successfully implemented in BiTSE. For other VFDs tentative solutions are discussed. MRS have previously been proposed as suitable for semantic transfer machine translation. I have shown that VFDs can naturally be handled by an interlingual design in many cases, minimizing the need of transfer. The main contributions of this thesis are: an inventory of English and Swedish verb frames and verb frame divergences; the bilingual grammar BiTSE and showing that it is possible in many cases to use MRS as an interlingua in machine translation.

Begränsade val eller oändliga möjligheter / Limited choices or endless possibilities

Karlsson, Wilma, le Grand, Emmy Stina, Lindgren, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Med utgångspunkten att kläder kan vara laddade med budskap om identitet, könsroller och barns tidiga uppfattning om dessa budskap formulerades studiens syfte: att förstå småbarnsföräldrars attityder och inställningar till uppdelningen av pojk- och flicksortiment. Studien ämnar vidare att förstå konsumenters bakomliggande drivkrafter vid konsumtion av barnkläder med målet att undersöka om marknadens utbud stämmer överens med efterfrågan. Studien använder en kvalitativ metod med en induktiv ansats. 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med föräldrar till barn mellan 2-7 år där respondenterna samlades in med hjälp av ett bekvämlighetsurval samt ett snöbollsurval. Empirin har analyserats genom tidigare forskning som ansetts vara relaterbara till det insamlade datamaterialet, samt teorier om konsumentsocialisering och Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv. Empiriavsnittet innehåller tre kartlagda teman som identifierat likheter, skillnader och mönster i det insamlade datamaterialet. Resultatet visar att det förekommer ett dominerande ifrågasättande till könsuppdelning av barnsortiment. Utmärkande i resultatet var även hur intervjupersonerna lägger stort fokus på hållbarhet i sin konsumtion och frågan om huruvida inställningen om könsuppdelade kläder hamnar i skuggan. / With the starting point that clothes can be loaded with messages about identity, gender roles, and children's early perception of these messages, the aim of the study was formulated: to understand the attitudes of parents of young children towards the division of boys' and girls' clothing assortments. The study further aims to understand consumers' underlying driving forces when consuming children's clothing, with the aim of investigating whether the market's supply matches the demand. The study uses a qualitative method with an inductive approach, where 12 semi-structured interviews have been conducted with parents of children between 2-7 years old. The respondents were collected using a convenience sample and a snowball sample. The collected data has been analyzed through previous research that was considered to be relatable to the data collected, as well as theories of consumer socialization and Goffman's dramaturgical curve. The empirical section contains three mapped themes that identify similarities, differences, and patterns in the collected data. The result shows that there is a dominant questioning of the gender division of children's assortment. Distinctive in the results was also how the interviewees put a lot of focus on sustainability in their consumption, and the question of their attitude towards gender-separated clothing was identified as secondary to sustainability in their consumption.

Analysis of Customer Behaviours on Customer Reviews and Ratings / Analys av Kundbeteenden på Kundrecensioner och Betyg

Yetis, Alkim, Kavak, Erkut January 2020 (has links)
With the rapid accretion of online shopping, online customer reviews have become a very essential source. An interpretation of this essential source is not fulfilled with every aspect since online customer reviews consists of unstructured information. This paper enlightens the understanding of behavioural analysis on how customers rate and review gender-based products by focusing on two brands in the fashion industry. Since gender-based products are analysed, gender as a search term is used for diversification in terms of product categories. To understand behavioural differences of customers to rate gender-based products, quantitative statistical methods were used. The two-sample t-test investigates if the means of two samples have statistically significant differences. Additionally, the word frequencies are analysed with the quantitative content analysis methodology to procure an answer for how customers review gender-based products for different product categories. The results show that the product categories which consist of the keyword “Men” in their product description have earned a higher average of total number or reviews and star rating. However, the words that customers type have similarities among different product categories and there are not any consistencies in their frequencies. Therefore, our results show that the customer comments are not significantly dependent for the determined gender-based product categories. / Med den snabba ökningen av online-shopping har kundrecensioner på nätet blivit en viktig källa. Kundrecensioner består av information som är ostrukturerad, vilket betyder att tolkningsprocessen av kundrecensionerna försvåras. I denna uppsats är en beteendeanalys genomförd för att belysa förståelsen av hur kunder betygsätter och recenserar könsinriktade produkter. Fokus har lagts på två varumärken inom modebranschen. Eftersom produkterna är könsinriktade används kön som en sökterm för att differentiera produktkategorierna. För att förstå skillnaden i kundernas beteende vid betygsättning av könsinriktade produkter användes kvantitativa statistiska metoder. Ett ”two-sample” t-test användes för att undersöka om det fanns statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i stickprovernas medelvärden. Med en kvantitativ innehållsanalys undersöktes ordfrekvensen för att få en förståelse av hur kunder granskar könsinriktade produkter, inom olika produktkategorier. Resultatet visar att de produktkategorier vars produktbeskrivning består av nyckelordet ”män”, har fått ett högre genomsnitt av antal recensioner samt fått högre betyg. Orden som kunder använder är lika inom de olika produktkategorierna och ordfrekvensen har ingen fast struktur. Resultatet visar därmed att kundrecensionerna inte är signifikant beroende av de fastställda könsinriktade produktkategorierna.

The Challenges Of Young-typed Jobs And How Older Workers Adapt

Reeves, Michael 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study sought to explore the challenges faced by older workers who do not fit the age-type of their jobs and how older workers adapt to overcome those challenges. Specifically, I surveyed a national sample of 227 workers 50 years of age and older, in a wide variety of jobs, on measures of perceived age discrimination and adaptation behaviors. I found that fit, as determined by career timetables theory, but not prototype matching theory, successfully predicted perceived age discrimination. Specifically, more age discrimination was perceived when fewer older workers occupied a job. Additionally, multiple regression analysis showed that career timetables theory, prototype matching theory, and measures of perceived discrimination interacted to predict adaptation behaviors. That is, older workers made more efforts appear younger at work when they perceived age discrimination in jobs occupied by fewer older workers and older women expressed greater desires to appear younger at work when they perceived age discrimination in jobs viewed as more appropriate for younger workers. Although older workers made a wide variety of efforts to appear younger at work, from changing the way they dressed to undergoing surgical procedures, the adaptation efforts believed to be the most effective against age discrimination were more oriented toward enhancing job performance than one’s appearance. It is especially troubling that greater perceived age discrimination was found in young-typed jobs (than in old-typed jobs) given that the number of older workers occupying young-typed jobs is expected to rapidly grow in the near future and perceived discrimination is associated with mental and physical consequences for older adults. Understanding effective adaptations to age discrimination is a valuable first step in helping older workers overcome the iv disadvantages they may face in the workplace, especially when they occupy young-typed jobs. Implications for theory and research are discussed

Automatic generation of proof terms in dependently typed programming languages

Slama, Franck January 2018 (has links)
Dependent type theories are a kind of mathematical foundations investigated both for the formalisation of mathematics and for reasoning about programs. They are implemented as the kernel of many proof assistants and programming languages with proofs (Coq, Agda, Idris, Dedukti, Matita, etc). Dependent types allow to encode elegantly and constructively the universal and existential quantifications of higher-order logics and are therefore adapted for writing logical propositions and proofs. However, their usage is not limited to the area of pure logic. Indeed, some recent work has shown that they can also be powerful for driving the construction of programs. Using more precise types not only helps to gain confidence about the program built, but it can also help its construction, giving rise to a new style of programming called Type-Driven Development. However, one difficulty with reasoning and programming with dependent types is that proof obligations arise naturally once programs become even moderately sized. For example, implementing an adder for binary numbers indexed over their natural number equivalents naturally leads to proof obligations for equalities of expressions over natural numbers. The need for these equality proofs comes, in intensional type theories (like CIC and ML) from the fact that in a non-empty context, the propositional equality allows us to prove as equal (with the induction principles) terms that are not judgementally equal, which implies that the typechecker can't always obtain equality proofs by reduction. As far as possible, we would like to solve such proof obligations automatically, and we absolutely need it if we want dependent types to be use more broadly, and perhaps one day to become the standard in functional programming. In this thesis, we show one way to automate these proofs by reflection in the dependently typed programming language Idris. However, the method that we follow is independent from the language being used, and this work could be reproduced in any dependently-typed language. We present an original type-safe reflection mechanism, where reflected terms are indexed by the original Idris expression that they represent, and show how it allows us to easily construct and manipulate proofs. We build a hierarchy of correct-by-construction tactics for proving equivalences in semi-groups, monoids, commutative monoids, groups, commutative groups, semi-rings and rings. We also show how each tactic reuses those from simpler structures, thus avoiding duplication of code and proofs. Finally, and as a conclusion, we discuss the trust we can have in such machine-checked proofs.

Números naturais parciais / Partial natural numbers

Escardo, Martin Hotzel January 1993 (has links)
Os números naturais parciais são informações parciais sobre números naturais e w. As propriedades matemáticas do domínio de números naturais parciais e de funções que envolvem este domínio são estudadas via o use da teoria dos domínios de Scott. A manipulação formal de naturais parciais é estudada mediante a utilização de um calculo-ג tipado com constantes. Relações com a teoria da recursão são estudadas. É mostrado como funções continuas entre naturais parciais podem representar processos interativos, possivelmente perpétuos. / Partial natural numbers are informations about natural numbers and w. Mathematical properties of the domain of partial natural numbers and functions involving this domain are investigated with the aid of Scott domain theory. A typed ג-calculus is introduced for investigating formal manipulation of partial natural numbers. Relations with recursion theory are investigated. It is shown how continuous functions on natural numbers can represent (possibly perpetual) interactive processes.

Adaptation d'ontologies avec les grammaires de graphes typés : évolution et fusion / Ontologies adaptation with typed graph grammars : evolution and merging

Mahfoudh, Mariem 29 May 2015 (has links)
Étant une représentation formelle et explicite des connaissances d'un domaine, les ontologies font régulièrement l'objet de nombreux changements et ont ainsi besoin d'être constamment adaptées pour notamment pouvoir être réutilisées et répondre aux nouveaux besoins. Leur réutilisation peut prendre différentes formes (évolution, alignement, fusion, etc.), et présente plusieurs verrous scientifiques. L'un des plus importants est la préservation de la consistance de l'ontologie lors de son changement. Afin d'y répondre, nous nous intéressons dans cette thèse à étudier les changements ontologiques et proposons un cadre formel capable de faire évoluer et de fusionner des ontologies sans affecter leur consistance. Premièrement, nous proposons TGGOnto (Typed Graph Grammars for Ontologies), un nouveau formalisme permettant la représentation des ontologies et leurs changements par les grammaires de graphes typés. Un couplage entre ces deux formalismes est défini afin de profiter des concepts des grammaires de graphes, notamment les NAC (Negative Application Conditions), pour la préservation de la consistance de l'ontologie adaptée.Deuxièmement, nous proposons EvOGG (Evolving Ontologies with Graph Grammars), une approche d'évolution d'ontologies qui se base sur le formalisme GGTOnto et traite les inconsistances d'une manière a priori. Nous nous intéressons aux ontologies OWL et nous traitons à la fois : (1) l'enrichissement d'ontologies en étudiant leur niveau structurel et (2) le peuplement d'ontologies en étudiant les changements qui affectent les individus et leurs assertions. L'approche EvOGG définit des changements ontologiques de différents types (élémentaires, composées et complexes) et assure leur implémentation par l'approche algébrique de transformation de graphes, SPO (Simple PushOut). Troisièmement, nous proposons GROM (Graph Rewriting for Ontology Merging), une approche de fusion d'ontologies capable d'éviter les redondances de données et de diminuer les conflits dans le résultat de fusion. L'approche proposée se décompose en trois étapes : (1) la recherche de similarité entre concepts en se basant sur des techniques syntaxiques, structurelles et sémantiques ; (2) la fusion d'ontologies par l'approche algébrique SPO ; (3) l'adaptation de l'ontologie globale résultante par le biais des règles de réécriture de graphes.Afin de valider les travaux menés dans cette thèse, nous avons développé plusieurs outils open source basés sur l'outil AGG (Attributed Graph Grammar). Ces outils ont été appliqués sur un ensemble d'ontologies, essentiellement sur celles développées dans le cadre du projet européen CCAlps (Creatives Companies in Alpine Space) qui a financé les travaux de cette thèse. / Ontologies are a formal and explicit knowledge representation. They represent a given domain by their concepts and axioms while creating a consensus between a user community. To satisfy the new requirements of the represented domain, ontologies have to be regularly updated and adapted to maintain their consistency. The adaptation may take different forms (evolution, alignment, merging, etc.), and represents several scientific challenges. One of the most important is to preserve the consistency of the ontology during the changes. To address this issue, we are interested in this thesis to study the ontology changes and we propose a formal framework that can evolve and merge ontologies without affecting their consistency.First we propose TGGOnto (Typed Graph Grammars for Ontologies), a new formalism for the representation of ontologies and their changes using typed graph grammars (TGG). A coupling between ontologies and TGG is defined in order to take advantage of the graph grammars concepts, such as the NAC (Negative Application Conditions), in preserving the adapted ontology consistency. Second, we propose EvOGG (Evolving Ontologies with Graph Grammars), an ontology evolution approach that is based on the TGGOnto formalism that avoids inconsistencies using an a priori approach. We focus on OWL ontologies and we address both : (1) ontology enrichment by studying their structural level and (2) ontology population by studying the changes affecting individuals and their assertions. EvOGG approach defines different types of ontology changes (elementary, composite and complex) and ensures their implementation by the algebraic approach of graph transformation, SPO (Single pushout).Third, we propose GROM (Graph Rewriting for Ontology Merging), an ontologies merging approach that avoids data redundancy and reduces conflict in the merged result. The proposed approach consists of three steps: (1) the similarity search between concepts based on syntactic, structural and semantic techniques; (2) the ontologies merging by the algebraic approach SPO; (3) the global ontology adaptation with graph rewriting rules.To validate our proposals, we have developed several open source tools based on AGG (Attributed Graph Grammar) tool. These tools were applied to a set of ontologies, mainly on those developed in the frame of the CCAlps (Creatives Companies in Alpine Space) European project, which funded this thesis work.

Números naturais parciais / Partial natural numbers

Escardo, Martin Hotzel January 1993 (has links)
Os números naturais parciais são informações parciais sobre números naturais e w. As propriedades matemáticas do domínio de números naturais parciais e de funções que envolvem este domínio são estudadas via o use da teoria dos domínios de Scott. A manipulação formal de naturais parciais é estudada mediante a utilização de um calculo-ג tipado com constantes. Relações com a teoria da recursão são estudadas. É mostrado como funções continuas entre naturais parciais podem representar processos interativos, possivelmente perpétuos. / Partial natural numbers are informations about natural numbers and w. Mathematical properties of the domain of partial natural numbers and functions involving this domain are investigated with the aid of Scott domain theory. A typed ג-calculus is introduced for investigating formal manipulation of partial natural numbers. Relations with recursion theory are investigated. It is shown how continuous functions on natural numbers can represent (possibly perpetual) interactive processes.

Números naturais parciais / Partial natural numbers

Escardo, Martin Hotzel January 1993 (has links)
Os números naturais parciais são informações parciais sobre números naturais e w. As propriedades matemáticas do domínio de números naturais parciais e de funções que envolvem este domínio são estudadas via o use da teoria dos domínios de Scott. A manipulação formal de naturais parciais é estudada mediante a utilização de um calculo-ג tipado com constantes. Relações com a teoria da recursão são estudadas. É mostrado como funções continuas entre naturais parciais podem representar processos interativos, possivelmente perpétuos. / Partial natural numbers are informations about natural numbers and w. Mathematical properties of the domain of partial natural numbers and functions involving this domain are investigated with the aid of Scott domain theory. A typed ג-calculus is introduced for investigating formal manipulation of partial natural numbers. Relations with recursion theory are investigated. It is shown how continuous functions on natural numbers can represent (possibly perpetual) interactive processes.

Automates à contraintes semilinéaires = Automata with a semilinear constraint

Cadilhac, Michaël 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude dans divers domaines de l'informatique théorique de modèles de calculs combinant automates finis et contraintes arithmétiques. Nous nous intéressons aux questions de décidabilité, d'expressivité et de clôture, tout en ouvrant l'étude à la complexité, la logique, l'algèbre et aux applications. Cette étude est présentée au travers de quatre articles de recherche. Le premier article, Affine Parikh Automata, poursuit l'étude de Klaedtke et Ruess des automates de Parikh et en définit des généralisations et restrictions. L'automate de Parikh est un point de départ de cette thèse; nous montrons que ce modèle de calcul est équivalent à l'automate contraint que nous définissons comme un automate qui n'accepte un mot que si le nombre de fois que chaque transition est empruntée répond à une contrainte arithmétique. Ce modèle est naturellement étendu à l'automate de Parikh affine qui effectue une opération affine sur un ensemble de registres lors du franchissement d'une transition. Nous étudions aussi l'automate de Parikh sur lettres: un automate qui n'accepte un mot que si le nombre de fois que chaque lettre y apparaît répond à une contrainte arithmétique. Le deuxième article, Bounded Parikh Automata, étudie les langages bornés des automates de Parikh. Un langage est borné s'il existe des mots w_1, w_2, ..., w_k tels que chaque mot du langage peut s'écrire w_1...w_1w_2...w_2...w_k...w_k. Ces langages sont importants dans des domaines applicatifs et présentent usuellement de bonnes propriétés théoriques. Nous montrons que dans le contexte des langages bornés, le déterminisme n'influence pas l'expressivité des automates de Parikh. Le troisième article, Unambiguous Constrained Automata, introduit les automates contraints non ambigus, c'est-à-dire pour lesquels il n'existe qu'un chemin acceptant par mot reconnu par l'automate. Nous montrons qu'il s'agit d'un modèle combinant une meilleure expressivité et de meilleures propriétés de clôture que l'automate contraint déterministe. Le problème de déterminer si le langage d'un automate contraint non ambigu est régulier est montré décidable. Le quatrième article, Algebra and Complexity Meet Contrained Automata, présente une étude des représentations algébriques qu'admettent les automates contraints et les automates de Parikh affines. Nous déduisons de ces caractérisations des résultats d'expressivité et de complexité. Nous montrons aussi que certaines hypothèses classiques en complexité computationelle sont reliées à des résultats de séparation et de non clôture dans les automates de Parikh affines. La thèse est conclue par une ouverture à un possible approfondissement, au travers d'un certain nombre de problèmes ouverts. / This thesis presents a study from the theoretical computer science perspective of computing models combining finite automata and arithmetic constraints. We focus on decidability questions, expressiveness, and closure properties, while opening the study to complexity, logic, algebra, and applications. This thesis is presented through four research articles. The first article, Affine Parikh Automata, continues the study of Klaedtke and Ruess on Parikh automata and defines generalizations and restrictions of this model. The Parikh automaton is one of the starting points of this thesis. We show that this model of computation is equivalent to the constrained automaton that we define as an automaton which accepts a word only if the number of times each transition is taken satisfies a given arithmetic constraint. This model is naturally extended to affine Parikh automata, in which an affine transformation is applied to a set of registers on taking a transition. We also study the Parikh automaton on letters, that is, an automaton which accepts a word only if the number of times each letter appears in the word verifies an arithmetic constraint. The second article, Bounded Parikh Automata, focuses on the bounded languages of Parikh automata. A language is bounded if there are words w_1, w_2, ..., w_k such that every word in the language can be written as w_1...w_1w_2...w_2 ... w_k...w_k. These languages are important in applications and usually display good theoretical properties. We show that, over the bounded languages, determinism does not influence the expressiveness of Parikh automata. The third article, Unambiguous Constrained Automata, introduces the concept of unambiguity in constrained automata. An automaton is unambiguous if there is only one accepting path per word of its language. We show that the unambiguous constrained automaton is an appealing model of computation which combines a better expressiveness and better closure properties than the deterministic constrained automaton. We show that it is decidable whether the language of an unambiguous constrained automaton is regular. The fourth article, Algebra and Complexity Meet Constrained Automata, presents a study of algebraic representations of constrained automata and affine Parikh automata. We deduce expressiveness and complexity results from these characterizations. We also study how classical computational complexity hypotheses help in showing separations and nonclosure properties in affine Parikh automata. The thesis is concluded by a presentation of possible future avenues of research, through several open problems.

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