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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategic management of conservation areas: a systems thinking approach to sustaining complex multi-stakeholder organisations

Buys, Adriaan 11 1900 (has links)
Land under conservation is critical for biodiversity. South Africa has not achieved the Aichi 11 biodiversity target, which is set to allocate 17% of terrestrial land as protected areas by 2020. South Africa has, however, been an example, globally, how private conservation can fill the gap. It is essential to optimise how conservation businesses strategically plan for long-term financial and environmental sustainability taking into account complex environmental, societal, and industry variables to keep conservation areas viable under financial pressure. An inductive qualitatively driven concurrent mixed-method research design is followed and results synthesised using a systems thinking approach. The study investigates contemporary generic strategic planning frameworks such as the Porter’s five forces model but found them to have limited use in the conservation tourism industry. The critical variables conservation area managers need to include in their strategic planning are classed in five significant categories, namely environmental, societal, economic, industrial, and business variables. The research proposes a strategic planning framework which includes a strategic planning and iterative phase, taking into account the interrelatedness of the significant variables. / Grond onder bewaring is van kritieke belang vir biodiversiteit. Suid-Afrika het nie die Aichi 11-biodiversiteitsdoelwit bereik wat daarop gemik is om teen 2020 17% van die terrestriële grond as beskermde gebiede te verklaar nie. Suid-Afrika was egter wêreldwyd ’n voorbeeld van hoe privaat bewaring die leemte kan vul. Dit is noodsaaklik om die wyse waarop bewaringsondernemings strategies beplan vir langtermyn finansiële en omgewingsvolhoubaarheid te optimaliseer, met inagname van ingewikkelde omgewings-, samelewings- en nywerheidsfaktore om bewaringsareas onder finansiële druk lewensvatbaar te hou. ’n Induktiewe kwalitatief-gedrewe gelyktydige gemengde-metode navorsingsontwerp word gevolg en resultate met behulp van 'n sisteem denkebenadering gesintetiseer. Die studie ondersoek eietydse generiese strategiese beplanningsraamwerke soos Porter se vyf-kragte-model, maar het bevind dat hulle beperkte toepassing in die bewaringstoerismebedryf het. Die kritieke veranderlikes wat bewaringsgebiedbestuurders in hulle strategiese beplanning moet insluit, word in vyf belangrike kategorieë, naamlik omgewings-, samelewings-, ekonomiese-, nywerheids- en sakefaktore, ingedeel. Die navorsing stel ’n strategiese beplanningsraamwerk voor wat ’n strategiese beplannings- en iteratiewe fase insluit en van die onderlinge verband tussen die belangrike veranderlikes in ag neem. / Umhlaba ophantsi kwenkqubo yolondolozo-ndalo ufuneka kakhulu ekwandiseni ubukho beendidi-ndidi zendalo. UMzantsi Afrika awukafikeleli kwiThagethi LaseAichi Le-11 leendidi-ndidi zendalo, lokusikwa kweendawo ezifika kwi-17% yomhlaba ongengomanzi zibe ziindawo ezikhuselweyo engadlulanga u-2020. Nakuba kunjalo, uMzantsi Afrika uye wangumzekelo, kumazwe-onke, wendlela esingavalwa ngayo esi sikhewu lulondolozo lwabucala. Kuyafuneka kakhulu ukuba ziqiniswe iindlela zamashishini olondolozo-ndalo zokucwangcisa ngobulumko esenzela ukuba imali kwaneendawo-zendalo zihlale ixesha elide. Oku kuqiniswa makwenziwe ngokuthathela ingqalelo iimeko-meko ezingelula zemo-yendalo, nezentlalo-bantu, nezalo msebenzi wolondolozo, ukuze iindawo zolondolozo-ndalo zigcineke zisebenza nakumaxesha okushokoxeka kwemali. Olu phando lwenziwe ngokohlobo-phando oluyi-inductive qualitative research kunye nomxube weemethodi, zaza iziphumo zaxelwa ngokwendlela eyisystems thinking approach. Olu phando luphicothe izikhokelo zocwangciso olunobulumko eziludidi-lunye zexesha elinye, ezinjenge Porter’s five forces. Kodwa lufumanise ukuba ziyasilela kulo msebenzi wolondolozo nokhenketho. Iimeko-meko ezingundoqo ekufanele ukuba zisetyenziswe ngoomanejala beendawo zolondolozo-ndalo kwizicwangciso ezinobulumko zabo zihlelwe zaba kwizintlu ezibalulekileyo ezintlanu, ezizezi: ezeendawo-zendalo, ezentlalo-bantu, ezoqoqosho, ezalo msebenzi, nezamashishini. Olu phando ke luphakamisa isikhokelo socwangciso olunobulumko esiquka ucwangciso ngobulumko olunesigaba sophinda-phindo, nesikuthathela ingqalelo ukuphinyelana kodlelwano lwezi meko-meko zibalulekileyo. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Management)

Home-based HIV counselling and testing : perceptions and acceptance in a rural farming community of South Africa

Kasselman, Olivia 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / South Africa is facing an ongoing public health crisis with increasing and alarming human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) statistics. Farmworkers in South Africa are highly vulnerable and susceptible to HIV. This study involved the farmworker community on a farm in the North West province of South Africa. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and acceptance of home-based HIV counselling and testing (HBHCT) in a rural farming community, using an interactive World Café method to stimulate creative discussions around questions that matter. Thirty-one farmworkers participated in the World Café. This study had an explorative approach and qualitative design. The study did not investigate the number of HIV infections or sexual practices on the farm, and did not offer an HIV test or any other medical treatment to any participant. Data were collaboratively analysed by the researchers and the participants. Content analysis of data was conducted. The findings indicated that majority of the farmworkers had a positive perception of HBHCT, and that there was a serious need for HIV prevention and intervention in this community. Some concerns were raised among the participants regarding the confidentiality of HBHCT, attention should therefore be paid to these concerns. More research is needed to establish linkage to care after HBHCT. It remains unclear whether the migrant farmworker population would be effectively linked to HIV care and treatment without legal identification documentation. The acceptance of HBHCT in the farming community by farmers, should be explored. The study found that there would be a high level of acceptability if HBHCT were to be offered to farmworkers in this region. This study created insight into the HIV care and prevention needs of the local farmworker community, as well as highlighted the barriers the farmworkers face in attending primary healthcare (PHCs) clinics for HIV testing. / Suid-Afrika staar ’n voortdurende openbare gesondheidskrisis in die gesig met toenemende en onrusbarende menslike immuungebrekkige virus (MIV)-statistieke. Plaaswerkers in Suid-Afrika is uiters kwesbaar en vatbaar vir MIV. Hierdie studie het die plaaswerkergemeenskap van ’n plaas in die Noordwes-provinsie van Suid-Afrika geteiken. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die sieninge en aanvaardingsvlakke van tuis-gebaseerde MIV-berading en -toetsing (TSMBT) te ondersoek, deur gebruik te maak van die “World Café”-metode om kreatiewe bespreking rondom belangrike vrae te stimuleer. Een-en-dertig plaaswerkers het deelgeneem aan die “World Café”. Hierdie studie het nie die aantal MIV-infeksies of seksuele praktyke op die plaas ondersoek nie, en ook nie ’n MIV toets of enige ander mediese behandeling vir enige deelnemer aangebied nie. Die studie het gevind dat die meerderheid van die plaaswerkers ’n positiewe persepsie van TSMBT gehad het, en dat daar ’n dringende behoefte aan MIV-voorkoming en - ingryping in hierdie gemeenskap is. Bekommernis is uitgespreek deur die deelnemers rakende die konfidensialiteit van TSMBT, dus moet aandag hieraan geskenk word. Die studie het gevind dat daar ’n hoë vlak van aanvaarding van TSMBT sal wees as dit aan die plaaswerkers in hierdie streek gebied word. Hierdie studie skep insig in die MIVsorg- en -voorkomingsbehoeftes van die plaaslike plaaswerkergemeenskap, en beklemtoon die hindernisse vir plaaswerkers om die primêre gesondheidsorgkliniek te besoek vir MIV-toetsing. / INingizimu-Afrika ibhekene nokuqhubeka kokukhula kwenkinga yezempilo, kanye nokudlondlobala okushaqisayo kwezibalo zegciwane lesandulela ngculazi (HIV). Abasebenzi basemapulazini eNingizimu-Afrika ibona abasengozini enkulu yokutheleleka ngegciwane lesandulela ngculazi. Lolucwaningo lwenziwe emphakathini wabasebenzi basemapulazini esifundazweni sase-North West eNingizimu-Afrika. Inhloso yalolucwaningo bekuwukubona imibono kanye nezinga lokwamukela ukululekwa nokuhlolela igciwane lesandulela ngculazi emakhaya(i-HBHCT) emphakathini wasemapulazini kusetshenziswa Isizinda sokucobelelana ngolwazi (i- World Cafe) ukukhuthaza izingxoxo ezakhayo nokubuza imibuzo esemqoka. Bangama- 31 abasebenzi basepulazini ababambe iqhaza esizindeni sokucobelelana ulwazi (i- World Cafe). Lolucwaningo aluzange luphenye izibalo zabantu abatheleleke ngegciwane lesandulela ngculazi kanye nezinga labo lokuzibandakanya ocansini, futhi aluzange lunike abebebambe iqhaza ithuba lokuhlolela igciwane lesandulela ngculazi(HIV) kanye nokulashwa kwanoma iluphi uhlobo. Imiphumela iveze ukuthi iningi labasebenzi basemapulazini babe nemibono emihle mayelana nosizo lokululekwa nokuhlolela igciwane lesandulela nngculazi (HIV) emakhaya (HBHTC), futhi kunesidingo esikhulu sokuthi kungenelelwe kulomphakathi ukuze kuvikelwe igciwane lesandulela ngculazi (HIV). Kube nokukhathazeka kwababebambe iqhaza mayelana nezimfihlo zokulekelelwa ngokwelulekwa kanye nokuhlolela igciwane lesandulela ngculazi emakhaya(HBHCT),ngalokhoke kufanele kubhekelelwe lokho kukhathazeka. Ucwaningo luveza ukuthi kuzokwamukelwa ukuqala usizo lokwalulekwa nokuhlolela igciwane lesandulela ngculazi (HBHCT) kubasebenzi basemapulazini kulesisifundazwe. Lolucwaningo luveze ngokujulile izidingo zokunakekela kanye nokuvikela igciwane lesandulela ngculazi (HIV) emphakathini wabasebenzi basemapulazini kulendawo, laphinde lwaveza nezithiyo (Barriers) abasebenzi basemapulazini abahlangana nazo mabevakasha emitholampilo (PHCs) ukuyohlola igciwane lesandulela ngculazi. / Health Studies / M.P.H. (Public Health)

A model for the integration of work integrated learning in the technical and vocational education and training colleges in South Africa / Model vir die integrasie van werkgeintegreerde leer in die tegniese en beroepsopleiding en opleidingkolleges in Suid-Afrika / Isibonelelo sokufunda komsebenzi otholakalayo kwezobuchwepheshe nobuchwepheshe bokuqeqesha nokuqeqeshwa kwamakholimu Eningizimu Afrika

Mafaralala, Thomas Matome 13 January 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The majority of the learners completing Grade 12 in South Africa (SA) further their studies in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges (TVETCs). This is because, among other things, colleges seem to be more affordable and accessible in most communities in all the provinces (SA). However, many of these students appear to be struggling to complete their studies owing to failure to complete the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) module, which is a prerequisite for graduating and becoming employable. The researcher was interested to know how the WIL module affects the completion of students’ studies. The researcher approached the investigation as an idealist (constructivist) using a case study design. Data was collected through the semi-structured and focus groups interviews. It was found that, among other things, the WIL module was seldom completed owing to its reliance on the availability of jobs. In addition, the lack of jobs for college students was a result of the curriculum mismatch with employers’ actual needs, in Business Studies in particular. Correspondingly, the Fourth Industrial Revolution threatens job losses, which are likely to affect those with qualifications in Business Studies, hence its selection for this investigation. To address this, the researcher proposed a model which requires the colleges, businesses, government and the communities to collaborate in the creation of projects that cater for the needs of the different communities. Such projects could also help to update the curriculum to be more responsive. In this way, more opportunities for WIL could be created for students. In addition, the researcher proposed three phases for the integration of WIL, and colleges could decide on each depending on their programme specifications. The researcher concludes that no matter how good the models, without collaboration WIL could remain a constraint and qualifications could become meaningless owing to the lack of jobs. Subsequently, the researcher suggests that more research be conducted in line with the development or growth of the business sector. The findings of this study were limited to four selected colleges in the four provinces of SA, yet are applicable and useful to all higher education in the world. / Die meerderheid van die leerders wat graad 12 in Suid-Afrika (SA) voltooi, studeer in die Tegniese en Beroepsonderwys- en Opleidingskolleges (TVETC's). Dit is omdat onder meer kolleges meer bekostigbaar en toeganklik is in die meeste gemeenskappe in al die provinsies (SA). Die meeste van hierdie studente sukkel egter om hul studies te voltooi vanweë die gebrek aan die Work Integrated Learning (WIL) -module, wat 'n voorvereiste is vir die graduering en indiensneming. Die navorser was geïnteresseerd om te weet hoe die WIL-module studente beïnvloed om hul studies te voltooi. Die navorser het die ondersoek benader as 'n idealis (konstruktivis) met behulp van 'n gevallestudie-ontwerp. Data is versamel deur middel van die semi-gestruktureerde en fokusgroeponderhoude. Daar is gevind dat die WIL-module onder andere skaars voltooi is as gevolg van die afhanklikheid van die beskikbaarheid van poste. Daarbenewens was die gebrek aan werk vir universiteitstudente die gevolg van die kurrikulumverskuiwing wat strydig was met die behoeftes van die werkgewers, veral sakestudies. Daarmee saam dreig die Vierde Industriële Revolusie oor werkverliese, wat waarskynlik persone met kwalifikasies uit die sakestudies sal beïnvloed, en daarom gekies vir hierdie ondersoek. Om dit aan te spreek, het die navorser 'n model voorgestel wat vereis dat kolleges, ondernemings, die regering en die gemeenskappe moet saamwerk, en 'n paar projekte skep om in die behoeftes van die verskillende gemeenskappe te voorsien. Sulke projekte kan ook help om die kurrikulum op te dateer vir meer respons. Op hierdie manier kan meer geleenthede vir WIL vir studente geskep word. Daarbenewens het die navorser die drie fases vir die integrasie van WIL voorgestel, en kolleges kan self besluit, afhangende van hul programspesifikasies. Die navorser kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat WIL, ongeag hoe goed die modelle sonder samewerking is, 'n beperking kan bly, en dat kwalifikasies betekenisloos sou raak van wee die gebrek aan werk. Vervolgens stel die navorser voor dat meer navorsing gedoen moet word in ooreenstemming met die ontwikkeling of groei van die sakesektor. Die bevindings van hierdie studie was beperk tot die vier geselekteerde kolleges in die vier provinsies van SA, maar tog toepaslik en nuttig vir alle hoër onderwys in die wêreld. / Iningi labafundi abaphothula iBanga le-12 eSouth Africa (SA) baqhubekisela phambili izifundo zabo emaKholeji wezobuchwepheshe nezokuqeqeshwa (i-TVETCs). Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi, phakathi kokunye, amakolishi abukeka engabizi kakhulu futhi ayatholakala emiphakathini eminingi kuzo zonke izifundazwe (SA). Kodwa-ke, iningi lalaba bafundi libonakala linenkinga yokuphothula izifundo zabo ngenxa yokwehluleka ukuqeda imodyuli ye-Work Integrated Learning (WIL), okuyimfuneko yokuqala yokuthola iziqu nokuqashwa. Umcwaningi wayethanda ukwazi ukuthi imojula ye-WIL ikuthinta kanjani ukuphothulwa kwezifundo zabafundi. Umcwaningi asondele kulolu phenyo njengento efanelekayo (i-constructivist) esebenzisa umklamo wokufunda icala. Idatha yaqoqwa ngokuxoxisana namaqembu ahlelwe ngokwedlule. Kwatholakala ukuthi, phakathi kokunye, imodyuli ye-WIL yayingavunyelwe ukuqedwa ngenxa yokuncika kwayo ekutholakaleni kwemisebenzi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ukuntuleka kwemisebenzi kwabafundi basekolishi bekungumphumela wokungalingani kahle kwekharikhulamu ngezidingo zangempela zabaqashi, ezifundweni zeBhizinisi. Ngokunjalo, i-Fourth Industrial Revolution isongela ukulahleka kwemisebenzi, okungenzeka ukuthi ithinte labo abaneziqu ku-Business Studies, yingakho ukukhethwa kwayo kulolu phenyo. Ukubhekana nalokhu, umcwaningi uhlongoze imodeli edinga ukuthi amakolishi, amabhizinisi, uhulumeni kanye nemiphakathi basebenzisane ekwenziweni kwamaphrojekthi anakekela izidingo zemiphakathi ehlukahlukene. Amaphrojekthi anjalo futhi angasiza ukuvuselela ikharikhyulamu ukuthi iphenduleke ngokwengeziwe. Ngale ndlela, amathuba amaningi e-WIL angakhelwa abafundi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, umcwaningi uhlongoze izigaba ezintathu zokuhlanganiswa kwe-WIL, futhi amakolishi anganquma ngakunye ngokuya ngemininingwane yohlelo lwabo. Umcwaningi uphetha ngokuthi noma ngabe amamodeli amahle kangakanani, ngaphandle kokubambisana u-WIL angahlala eyisibopho futhi iziqu zingaba yizezi ngenxa yokuntuleka kwemisebenzi. Ngemuva kwalokho, umcwaningi uphakamisa ukuthi kwenziwa ucwaningo olwengeziwe ngokuhambisana nokukhula noma ukukhula komkhakha webhizinisi. Ukutholwa kwalolu cwaningo bekukhawulelwe kumakholiji amane akhethiwe ezifundazweni ezine ze-SA, kodwa asasebenza futhi alusizo kuyo yonke imfundo ephakeme emhlabeni. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Strategy practices and praxis: a case of selected South African Business School alumni

Ngwenya, Amkela 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This integrated study examined the nexus between the theory and the practice of strategy. Given the nature of modern-day public and private business enterprises in South Africa and the rest of the world, management education should equip practitioners with knowledge and skills suitable for complex, dynamic, eclectic, and uncertain practice contexts. That is, management education should be playing a critical role in shaping and guiding the business community in the ‘management’ and ‘administration’ of business in the country. However, criticisms in management literature suggest that management education is not relevant to practice. Despite such criticisms, there is relatively little empirical evidence in the country on practitioners’ experiences with the relevance to practice of their management education in general and strategy education in particular. To this end, this study set out to develop a better understanding of the dynamic and nuanced interplay between strategy theory and strategy practice through a survey and interviews with selected business school alumni in professional practice. Statistical analyses were performed on quantitative data, while thematic analysis was performed on qualitative data. The survey findings of the study reveal a positive and significant relationship between academic rigour and practical relevance of strategy theory, while phenomenological findings reveal that practical relevance of strategy theory is largely constructed by practitioners according to their contextual demands. Strategic management appears to rest on the dynamic interplay between strategy theory and strategy practice within a complex and eclectic management environment. / In hierdie geïntegreerde studie is die verband tussen strategieteorie en -praktyk ondersoek. Bestuursopleiding moet praktisyns toerus met die kennis en vaardighede wat die komplekse, dinamiese, eklektiese en wisselvallige omgewing in openbare en private maatskappye in Suid-Afrika en elders in die wêreld vereis. Met ander woorde, bestuursopleiding moet leiding gee in die bestuur en administrasie van maatskappye in die land. In die literatuur word aangevoer dat bestuursopleiding irrelevant is. Daar is egter min empiriese bewys dat bestuursopleiding, en strategieopleiding in die besonder, ontoepaslik is. Om hierdie rede is ‘n studie van die dinamiese en genuanseerde wisselwerking tussen strategieteorie en -praktyk onderneem. Onderhoude is gevoer met en ‘n opname is gedoen onder sakeskoolalumni wat in die praktyk staan. ‘n Statistiese ontleding is van die kwantitatiewe data en ‘n tematiese ontleding is van die kwalitatiewe data gedoen. Volgens die opnamebevindings is daar ‘n positiewe en beduidende verband tussen akademiese stiptheid en die praktiese relevansie van strategieteorie. Uit die fenomenologiese bevindings blyk dat die praktiese relevansie van strategieteorie grotendeels deur praktisyns volgens die eise van hulle konteks bepaal word. Blykbaar berus strategiese bestuur op die dinamiese wisselwerking tussen strategieteorie en strategiepraktyk in ‘n komplekse en eklektiese bestuursomgewing. / Lolu cwaningo oludidiyelwe, lwacubungula futhi lwabukisisa ukuxhumana okukhona phakathi kwethiyori yeqhingasu kanye nenkambiso yokwenziwa nokufezekiswa kweqhingasu ngendlela ephathekayo nebonakalayo. Uma kubhekwa uhlobo nobunjalo bamabhizinisi, ezikhathi zanamuhla, angaphansi kwesandla sikahulumeni kanye nalawo asezandleni zabantu abazimele eNingizimu Afrika kanye nasemhlabeni wonke jikelele, imfundo yezokuphatha kumele ihlomise ongoti bomsebenzi ngolwazi namakhono adingekayo ezimweni zokusebenza ezinobunkimbinkimbi, ezinomdlandla, eziyingxubevange futhi ezinokungaqiniseki kanye nongabazane. Okusho ukuthi imfundo yezokuphatha kumele idlale indima esemqoka ekubumbeni nasekuholeni umphakathi wabamabhizinisi ekuphathweni nasekulawulweni kwamabhizinisi ezweni. Kodwa-ke, ukugxekwa okuvelayo emibhalweni yezokuphatha kubonisa ukuthi imfundo yezokuphatha, ikakhulukazi imfundo yamaqhingasu, ayinakho ukufanelana nokuhambelana nenqubo-nkambiso yokwenziwa komsebenzi ngendlela ebonakalayo nephathekayo. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuthuthukisa nokwakha ukuqonda okungcono maqondana nobuhlobo nokuxhumana okunomdlandla kepha okufihlakele okuphakathi kwethiyori yeqhingasu kanye nenkambiso yokwenziwa nokufezekiswa kweqhingasu ngendlela ephathekayo nebonakalayo, ngokusebenzisa inhlolovo kanye nama-inthaviyu (izingxoxo) nabantu abakhethiweyo abafunde bagogoda ezikoleni zebhizinisi abenza umsebenzi wobungoti. Kwenziwe uhlaziyo lwemininingo egxile ebuningini (quantitative data), kanti futhi kusenjalo kwenziwe nohlaziyo-ngqikithi lwemininingo egxile kukhwalithi (qualitative data). Imiphumela eyatholwa kwinhlolovo yocwaningo ibonisa ubukhona bobudlelwane obuhle futhi obuphawulekayo impela phakathi kwamazinga-bunyoninco ezemfundo kanye nokufaneleka okuphathekayo nokubonakalayo kwethiyori yeqhingasu, kanti futhi ngakolunye uhlangothi imiphumela yocwaningo ephathelene nezigameko nezimo abadlule kuzona ongoti bomsebenzi ibonisa ukuthi ukufaneleka okuphathekayo nokubonakalayo kwethiyori yeqhingasu kuyinto eyakhiwa ikakhulukazi ngongoti bomsebenzi ngokususela ezidingweni eziphathelene nesimo esithile. Ukuphatha ngokusebenzisa amaqhinga namasu athile kubonakala kuncike ekuxhumaneni okunomdlandla phakathi kwethiyori yeqhingasu kanye nenkambiso yokwenziwa nokufezekiswa kweqhingasu ngendlela ephathekayo nebonakalayo ngaphansi kwesimo sokuphatha esiyinkimbinkimbi futhi esiyingxubevange. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Motiviert statt resigniert: eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung der Motivation ehrenamlicher Suchtkrankenhelfer im Club29 in Munchen / Motivated instead of resigned: empirical-theological research on the motivation of voluntary addict assistants at Club29 in Munich

Lippek, Michael 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Summaries in German, English, Afrikaans and Zulu / So vielfältig die Aufgaben sind, sich ehrenamtlich und damit freiwillig und unentgeltlich zu engagieren, so vielfältig sind die Motive, die dabei eine Rolle spielen können. In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird untersucht, welche Motive ausschlaggebend dafür sind, dass leitende Frauen und Männer unterschiedlichsten Alters über Jahre hinweg treu ihren Dienst in einer Einrichtung für suchtkranke Menschen tun und dabei nicht resignieren. Anhand von geführten Leitfaden-Interviews lässt sich dabei erkennen, inwieweit auch christliche Motive eine Grundlage für den ehrenamtlichen Einsatz darstellen. Dazu gibt besonders Joachim Bauer mit seinen neurobiologischen Untersuchungen der menschlichen Motivationssysteme viele Anhaltspunkte. Die durchgeführten Interviews werden mithilfe einer thematischen Inhaltsanalyse bearbeitet und anschließend bewertet. Abschließend werden Vorschläge zum Umgang mit ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern in der Suchtkrankenhilfe formuliert. Diese qualitative Studie leistet einen Beitrag dazu, neue Erkenntnisse über die Motivation ehrenamtlicher Suchtkrankenhelfer zu bekommen, was in dieser Form noch nicht erforscht wurde. / Just as varied as the tasks are for unpaid volunteer work, the potential motives are equally as diverse. This research will examine which motives are critical, for women and men of various ages in positions of leadership, to serve faithfully for years in institutions for addicts and not to resign. From guided interviews, it can be seen to what degree Christian motives form a foundation for this volunteer work. Joachim Bauer’s neurobiological research of “human motivation systems” supplies us with key indicators. The interviews will be performed using a method of thematic content analysis and then rated. In conclusion, proposals for handling volunteers working in the area of assisting addicts will be provided. This qualitative study will contribute new insights about the motivation of volunteers in facilities for addicts in an area that is yet to be explored using this approach. / Net so uiteenlopend as wat die take van onbetaalde vrywilligerwerkers is, is die potensiële beweegredes van hierdie vrywilligers. Hierdie navorsing stel ondersoek in na watter beweegredes krities is en daartoe lei dat mans en vroue van verskillende ouderdomme in posisies van leierskap vir jare getrou dien by instellings vir verslaafdes en nie bedank nie. Uit gestruktureerde onderhoude kan gesien word in watter mate Christelike motiewe of beweegredes die fondasie vir hierdie vrywillerwerk is. Joachim Bauer se neurobiologiese navorsing oor “menslike motiveringstelsels” bied aan ons sleutelaanwysers. Die onderhoude sal gevoer word met behulp van ’n metode van tematiese inhoudsontleding, waarna dit gegradeer sal word. Ten slotte sal voorstelle gegee word vir die hantering van vrywilligers wat met verslaafdes werk. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie sal bydra tot nuwe insigte oor die motivering van vrywilligers in fasiliteite vir verslaafdes op ’n terrein wat nog nie aan die hand van hierdie benadering ontgin is nie. / Njengoba kunemisebenzi ehlukahlukene njengemisebenzi yamavolontiya angakhokhelwa, izisusa zakhona ezibalulekile zibanzi. Lolu cwaningo luzohlola ukuthi iziphi izisusa ezibalulekile, kubantu besilisa nabesifazane abehluka ngeminyaka ezikhundleni zobuholi, abazinikela emsebenzini ngokwethembeka ngokweminyaka abasuke beyibambile ezikhungweni kulabo asebejwayele noma okusegazini kubo okwenza okuthile kodwa bangawuyeka umsebenzi. Kusukela kuyizinhlolokhono eziqondile, kuyabonakala ukuthi yiziphi izizathu zobuKristu ezakha isisekelo salomsebenzi wokuvolontiya. Ucwaningo luka-Joachim Bauer oluqondene nezinzwa noma imizwa "lwezinhlelo zokugqugquzela abantu" lusinikeza izinkomba ezibalulekile. Inhlolokhono ezokwenziwa kuzosetshenziswa indlela yokuhlaziywa okuqukethwe bese ilinganiswa. Uma ngiphetha, iziphakamiso ngokuphatha amalovontiya asuke esebenza endaweni lapho esiza abasuke sebejwayele noma okusegazini kubi okwenza okuthile luzonikwa. Lolu cwaningo olungqala luzofaka ulwazi olusha olumayelana nokugqugquzelwa kwamavolontiya ezindaweni lapho kuhlala abantu asebejwayele noma okusegazini kubo okwenza okuthile okuyindawo esazohlonzwa kusetshenziswa lendlela. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Leadership)

An exploration of the design of job descriptions in the South African Police Service / Incazo banzi yenkcazelo yomsebenzi wamaPolisa WomMzantsi Africa / Ho hlahlisoa ha tšebeletso ea litlhahiso tsa jobe tšebeletsong ea Mapolesa a South Africa

Smit, Lindie 01 1900 (has links)
The research entailed an exploration of the design of job descriptions (JDs) in the South African Police Service (SAPS). A JD represents an official document that defines general duties, tasks, and related job responsibilities. It details the job features and the essential abilities required to perform the job. JDs are fundamental and vital to outline the job duties harmonised with the relevant organisation’s policy, ethos, goals, mission, and vision. Participants in this study were purposefully chosen to conduct semi-structured interviews and focus groups with information-rich SAPS Human Resource (HR) practitioners from both the support and operational career streams, to gain their insights into and viewpoints on the JD processes in the SAPS. The National Head Office: Divisions: Human Resource Utilisation (HRU) and Operational Response Service (ORS) and the information-rich provincial HR practitioners who support and monitor the implementation of JDs in the SAPS were included in this study. The participants were asked to answer open-ended questions that aimed to explore the design of JDs in the SAPS. The interviews were recorded with the participants’ permission. The recorded information was translated verbatim and analysed. The six fundamental themes that emerged are: value and benefits of JDs; processes to coordinate and monitor JDs to ensure effective management; the potential of JDs to enhance police performance; knowledge and skills for designing JDs; attitudes, experiences, and challenges of JDs; and recommendations of electronic JD systems. The topics were delineated using direct quotations from the participants as gained during the interviews. Opinions, experiences, administrative aspects, and criticism of the various features of JDs in the SAPS was explored. In summary, the research recommendations and conclusion were given. The results of this study show there are several factors that can enable and optimise inclusion in the effective designing process of JDs in the SAPS. / Ucwaningo lubandakanya ukuhlolisiswa komdwebo wezincazelo zemisebenzi (JDs) eNingizimu Afrika Amaphoyisa (SAPS). I-JD imelela idokhumenti esemthethweni echaza imisebenzi ejwayelekile, imisebenzi, kanye nemithwalo yemisebenzi ehlobene. It ichaza izici zomsebenzi kanye namakhono abalulekile adingekayo ukuze enze lo msebenzi. I-JDs iyigugu futhi ibalulekile ukuchaza imisebenzi ehambisana nomgomo wenhlangano efanele, izinhloso, izinhloso, umsebenzi kanye nombono. Abahlanganyeli kulolu cwaningo babekhethwe ngenhloso yokuqhuba izingxoxo ezihleliwe kanye namaqembu okugxila abasebenza nge-SAPS Human Resource (HR) abaqeqeshiwe abavela kuzo zombili ukusekela nokusebenza kwemifudlana yomsebenzi, ukuze bathole ukuqonda kwabo kanye nokubukwa kwizinhlelo ze-JD kuma-SAPS. I-Ofisi Eyinhloko Kazwelonke: Izigaba: Ukusetshenziswa Kwemithombo Yabantu (HRU) kanye ne-Operational Response Service (ORS) kanye nabasebenzi abacebile be-HR esifundazweni abanolwazi abaxhasa futhi baqaphe ukuqaliswa kwe-JDs kuma-SAPS bafakiwe kulolu cwaningo. Abahlanganyeli babuzwa ukuthi baphendule imibuzo evulekile ehlose ukuhlola ukuklama kwama-JD ku-SAPS. Lezi zincwadi zabhalwa nemvume yabahlanganyeli. Ulwazi olurekhodiwe luhunyushwe ngokucacile futhi luhlaziywe. Izingqikithi eziyisithupha eziyisisekelo ezivela ziyizi: inani nenzuzo ye-JDs; izinqubo zokuxhumanisa nokuqapha i-JDs ukuqinisekisa ukuphathwa okuphumelelayo; ikhono lama-JDs ukuthuthukisa ukusebenza kwamaphoyisa; ulwazi namakhono wokwakha i-JDs; isimo sengqondo, okuhlangenwe nakho, nezinselelo ze-JDs; kanye nezincomo zezinhlelo ze-JD zobuchwepheshe. Izihloko zachazwa ngokucaphuno okuqondile kusuka kubahlanganyeli njengoba zitholakale ngesikhathi sokuxoxisana. Imibono, okuhlangenwe nakho, izici zokuphatha, nokugxeka izici ezihlukahlukene ze-JDs ku-SAPS kuhlolwe. Ngamafuphi, izincomo zocwaningo nesiphetho zanikezwa. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo ibonisa ukuthi kunezici eziningana ezingasiza futhi zenzeke ukufakwa ekusebenzeni okuphumelelayo kwe-JDs kuma-SAPS. / Phuputso e kenyeletsa ho hlahloba moralo oa litlhaloso tsa mosebetsi (JDs) Lefapheng la Mapolesa a Afrika Boroa (SAPS). JD e emela tokomane ea molao e hlalosang mesebetsi e tloaelehileng, mesebetsi le mesebetsi e amanang le mosebetsi. E hlalosa lintlha tsa mosebetsi le bokhoni ba bohlokoa bo hlokahalang bakeng sa ho etsa mosebetsi. Li-JDs ke tsa motheo le tsa bohlokoa ho hlalosang mesebetsi e lumellanang le leano la mokhatlo o hlophisitsoeng, litokelo, lipakane, mosebetsi le pono. Barupeluoa thutong ena ba ne ba khethiloe ka boomo ho etsa lipuisano tse hlophisitsoeng hantle le lihlopha tse tsepamisisang maikutlo le basebeletsi ba ruileng ba SAPS Human Resource (HR) ba tšehetso le litšebeletso tsa mesebetsi e le hore ba fumane litlhaloso tsa bona le maikutlo a bona ka ts'ebetso ea JD SAPS. Lekala la Sechaba: Likarohano: Tšebeliso ea Lisebelisoa tsa Botho (HRU) le Tšebeletso ea Likarabo tsa Ts'ebetso (ORS) le basebetsi ba ruileng ba profinseng ba HR ba tšehetsang le ho shebella ts'ebetsong ea JDs ho SAPS ba kenyelelitsoe thuputsong ena. Barupeluoa ba ile ba botsoa hore ba arabe lipotso tse bulehileng tse neng li reretsoe ho hlahloba moralo oa JDs ho SAPS. Lipuisano li ngotsoe ka tumello ea barupeluoa. Boitsebiso bo tlalehiloeng bo fetoletsoe ka mantsoe le ho hlahlojoa. Lihlooho tse tšeletseng tsa bohlokoa tse hlahang ke: boleng le melemo ea JDs; e sebetsana le ho hokahanya le ho hlahloba li-JD ho etsa bonnete ba hore tsamaiso e nepahetseng; bokhoni ba JDs ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea mapolesa; tsebo le bokhoni ba ho theha JDs; boikutlo, liphihlelo le mathata a JDs; le litlhahiso tsa mekhoa ea JD ea elektronike. Lihlooho li hlalositsoe ka litlhaloso tse tobileng ho tsoa ho barupeluoa tse fumanoang nakong ea lipuisano. Maikutlo, liphihlelo, likarolo tsa tsamaiso, le ho nyatsa likarolo tse sa tšoaneng tsa JDs li SAPS li ile tsa hlahlojoa. Ka kakaretso, liphuputso le liphello li ile tsa fanoa. Liphello tsa phuputso ena li bonts'a hore ho na le lintlha tse 'maloa tse ka khonang le ho ntlafatsa ho kenngoa tshebetsong e sebetsang ea ho qapa li-JDs ho SAPS. / Police Practice / D. Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)

An evaluation of intelligence analysis in detecting corruption in the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department

Nkhoma, Moses Thabo 01 1900 (has links)
The Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) is one of the South African institutions with growing levels of corruption. This is despite the presence of several anti-corruption strategies as well as institutions implemented to deal with this epidemic. The ineffectiveness of these strategies and institutions is attributed to, amongst others, the application of ineffective detection methods. The under-detection of corruption in the JMPD is affecting road safety, the economy, and the image of the JMPD itself. It is against this background that the researcher sought to establish how intelligence analysis could add value in detecting corruption in the JMPD. A qualitative research approach was applied to investigate this problem. As such, it has been proven that the use of hotlines and the over-reliance on whistleblowers is less effective in detecting corruption in the JMPD. The results have further shown that intelligence analysis may add value in detecting corruption in the JMPD. / Umnyango wamaphoyisa edolobha elikhulu eGoli (JMPD) ungenye yezikhungo zaseNingizimu Afrika ezithola amazinga akhulayo enkohlakalo. Lokhu kungakhathaliseki ukuthi kukhona amasu amaningi okulwa nenkohlakalo kanye nezikhungo ezisetshenziselwa ukubhekana nesifo sobunkohlakalo. Ukungafezeki kwalawa masu kanye nezikhungo kubhekwa ukuthi, phakathi kwabanye, ukusetshenziswa kwezindlela ezingafenele zokuthola. Ukutholakala kwezinkohlakalo ku-JMPD kuthinta ukuphepha komgwaqo, umnotho nomfanekiso we-JMPD uqobo. Kungokumelene nalesi sizinda ukuthi umcwaningi lufuna ukusungula ukuthi ukuhlaziywa ngobuhlakani kungasiza kanjani ekutholeni inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. Indlela yokucwaninga efanele yasetshenziswa ukuphenya le nkinga. Njengalokhu, kuye kwafakazelwa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwama-hotlines nokuxhaswa ngokweqile kwababika ngenkohlakalo akwanele ukuthola inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. Imiphumela ibonise ukuthi ukuhlaziywa kobuhlakani kungasiza ekutholeni inkohlakalo ku-JMPD. / Lefapha la Sephodisa la Teropokgolo ya Johannesburg (JMPD) ke nngwe ya ditheo tsa Aforika Borwa tse di itemogelang maemo a a golang a bobodu. Seno ke kwa ntle ga go nna teng ga ditogamaano tse dingwe tse di kgatlhanong le bobodu ga mmogo le ditheo tse di diragadiwang go samagana le leroborobo la bobodu. Go se nne le nonofo ga ditogamaano tseno le ditheo e amana, mo go tse dingwe, le tiragatso ya mekgwa ya go lemoga go se nne le nonofo. Go nna kwa tlase ga go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD go ama pabalesego ya tsela, ikonomi le setshwantsho sa JMPD ka boyona. Ke mabapi le lemorago leno gore mmatlisisi o ne a batla go tlhomamisa gore tshetshereganyo ya tsa matlhale e ka thusa mo go lemogeng bobodu mo go JMPD. Boitlhagiso jwa patlisiso ya boleng bo ne jwa diragadiwa go tlhotlhomisa bothata jono. Fa go le jalo, go ne ga netefatswa gore tiriso ya megala ya tlhamalalo e e kgethegileng ya tshoganyetso le go ikaega thata ka batho ba ba tlaleyang ga go a lekana go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD. Dipholo di bontshitse gape gore tshekatsheko ya tsa matlhale e ka thusa go lemoga bobodu mo go JMPD. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminal Justice)

Interrelationship between work calling orientation, work engagement and burnout among nurses in the Namibian health care sector

Wambui, Lydiah 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This research investigated work as a calling, the relationship with work engagement and the effect on burnout in the Namibian health care sector. A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenient sample of nurses (N = 261) employed by government and private hospitals in Namibia. Kendall's tau_b correlation analysis indicated a positive correlation between job/calling orientation and total work engagement, and a negative correlation with the burnout sub-dimensions of exhaustion and cynicism/ depersonalisation. The results of this study also suggest that both job/calling and work engagement are statistically related to the respondents’ positive world view, which is an important attribute for quality of life. Additionally, the study revealed that burnout had a partial mediation effect on the interaction between job/calling and work engagement. Selected demographic characteristics had a partial moderation effect on the relationship between job/calling orientation, work engagement and burnout. These findings may provide new knowledge for the design of workplace practices that assess calling orientation, and may enhance work engagement. The study provided a deepened understanding of the interrelationships between work as a calling, work engagement and burnout. On a practical level, the recommendations provided can be used by human resource management practitioners, nurse managers and health care providers to motivate health care workers to become more productive in the provision of quality health care, and to improve the management of employees throughout their employment life cycle. / In hierdie studie is werk as ʼn roeping en die verband tussen werkverbintenis en die uitwerking van ooreising in die Namibiese gesondheidsorgsektor ondersoek. ʼn Kwantitatiewe opname is onder ʼn geriefsteekproef van verpleegsters (N = 261) by private en staatshospitale in Namibië gedoen. Volgens Kandall se tau_b-korrelasieanalise is daar ʼn positiewe korrelasie tussen pos/roepingsgerigtheid en totale werkverbintenis, en ʼn negatiewe korrelasie met die ooreisingsubdimensies van uitputting en sinisme/ontpersoonliking. Die uitslag van hierdie studie dui daarop dat sowel pos/roeping as werkverbintenis statisties met die respondente se positiewe wêreldbeskouing, ʼn belangrike kenmerk vir lewenskwaliteit, verband hou. Afgesien hiervan dui die uitslag daarop dat ooreising ʼn gedeeltelike mediasie-effek op die wisselwerking tussen pos/roeping en werkverbintenis het. Die gekose demografiese kenmerke het ʼn gedeeltelik matigende effek op die verband tussen pos/roepingsgerigtheid, werkverbintenis en ooreising. Hierdie bevindings is nuwe kennis vir die ontwerp van werkplekpraktyke wat roepingsgerigtheid evalueer en dit kan werkverbintenis verbeter. Hierdie studie bied groter insig in die onderlinge verbande tussen werk as ʼn roeping, werkverbintenis en ooreising. Op ʼn praktiese vlak kan mensehulpbronbestuurders, verpleegsterbestuurders en gesondheidsorgverskaffers die aanbevelings gebruik om gesondheidsorgwerkers te motiveer sodat hulle produktiewer in die lewering van goeie gesondheidsorgdienste raak. Dit kan eweneens gebruik word om gesondheidsorgwerkers hulle hele werkslewensiklus deur beter te bestuur. / Lolu cwaningo beluphenya umsebenzi njengobizo lomsebenzi, ubudlelwano bokuzibandakanya emsebenzini kanye nomthelela wokukhathala kakhulu kwabasebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo eNamibia. Isaveyi eyencike kumanani iye yenziwa ngokuthi kuthathwe isampuli efanele yabahlengikazi (N = 261) abaqashwe yizibhedlela zikahulumeni kanye nezibhedlela zangasese eNamibia. Uhlaziyo lukaKendall lwe-tau_b luveze ubudlelwano obuhle obuphakathi kobizo/kokufundiswa umsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya ngokugcwele emsebenzini, kanye nobudlelwano obubi bokukhathala kwezigatshana ezincane zokudangala kanye nokwenza into ngesizathu sokuzinceda wena wedwa/ukuqeda ukuzibheka wena wedwa. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo nayo iphakamisa ukuthi kokubili umsebenzi/nobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya emsebenzini ngokwamanani kuhlobene nombono omuhle wabaphenduli bemibuzo mayelana nomhlaba, okungumthelela obalulekile kwizinga elihle lempilo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo luveze ukuthi ukukhathala kakhulu ngakolunye uhlangothi kunomphumela omuhle wokuxazulula kahle lapho kuhlangana khona umsebenzi/ubizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya emsebenzini. Izimpawu ezikhethiwe zedemografi ngakwenye ingxenye zinomthelela wozinzisa kahle ubudlelwano obuphakathi kohlelo lokungeniswa emsebenzi/obizweni lomsebenzi, kokuzibandakanya emsebenzini kanye nokukhathala kakhulu emsebenzini. Lolu lwazi olutholakele lungaletha ulwazi olusha olumayelana nedizayini yezingqubo zendawo yomsebenzi, okuyizingqubo ezihlola ukufundiswa ngobizo lomsebenzi kanti lokhu kungaqinisa ukuzibandakanya emsebenzini. Empilweni yangempela, izincomo zingasetshenziswa abasebenzi bomnyango wezokuqhashwa kwabasebenzi, abaphathi babahlengikazi kanye nabahlinzeki bezempilo ngesizathu sokukhuthaza abasebenzi bezempilo ukuba babe abasebenzi abaqotho mayelana nokunikezwa kwezinsiza zempilo zezinga eliphezulu, kanyenokuthuthukisa nohlelo lokuphathwa kwabasebenzi empilweni yabo yonke yokusebenza. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

Assessing the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale

Botha, Jo-Anne 02 1900 (has links)
This research project examined the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). The study assessed the construct validity and reliability of the scale as a measure of adult learner self-directedness for diverse groups of adult learners in the South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE) context. The study also assessed whether the factorial structure of the ALSDS was equivalent for adult learners across gender, race and age groups. Furthermore, the study assessed whether the various socio-demographic groups differed significantly on the sub-scale dimensions of the ALSDS; and explored whether a range of socio-biographical factors predicted adult learner self-directedness. This doctoral study has extended the student’s initial exploratory master’s study on the development and factorial structure of the ALSDS that involved a stratified random sample (N = 1 102) of ODeLHE adult learners. The secondary data set involved a random subsample of n = 747 of the original master’s sample data set. Exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM), exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed a three-factor solution for the ALSDS, with 15 items loading onto the three factors. The results provided evidence of the construct (convergent and discriminant) validity and internal consistency reliability of the three-factor ALSDS, including the construct equivalence of the scale’s factorial structure across the gender, race and age groups. Significant differences between age, race and gender groups were observed regarding the scale sub-dimensions. The study advances theory on adult learner self-directedness in ODeLHE contexts and contributed evidence of the validity and reliability of a shortened version of the ALSDS as a useful measure of adult learner self-directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also highlighted. Practically, the study highlighted assessing adult learners’ success orientation in ODeLHE, active academic activity and strategic utilisation of resources as aspects of enhancing their self-directedness. Support practices should be considered for especially females, black Africans and younger learner cohorts. ODeLHE practices should also consider learners’ mark for English, gender, access to library, number of modules and who students support financially as factors influencing learners’ level of self-directedness. / Abstract/summary in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / Die navorsingsprojek het die psigometriese eienskappe van die selfgerigtheidskaal vir die volwasse leerder (ALSDS) ondersoek. Die studie het die konstruk-geldigheid en -betroubaarheid van die skaal geassesseer as 'n maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders vir diverse groepe van volwasse leerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse ope, afstands- en e-leer-hoëronderwyskonteks (ODeLHE). Die studie het ook geassesseer of die fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS gelykstaande was vir volwasse leerders oor geslags-, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Verder het die studie geassesseer of die verskeie sosiodemografiese groepe beduidend verskil het op die subskaal-dimensies van die ALSDS en ondersoek of 'n reeks sosiobiografiese faktore selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders voorspel het. Hierdie doktorale studie het uitgebrei op die student se aanvanklike verkennende meesterstudie oor die ontwikkeling en fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS wat 'n gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproef van ODeLHE-volwasse leerders behels het (N = 1 102). Die sekondêre datastel het 'n ewekansige substeekproef behels van n = 747 van die oorspronklike meestersteekproef-datastel. Verkennende strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, verkennende faktorontleding en bekragtigende faktorontleding het 'n driefaktor-oplossing vir die ALSDS onthul, met 15 items wat op die drie faktore gelaai is. Die resultate verskaf bewyse van die konstruk (konvergerende en diskriminerende) geldigheid en interne konsekwentheid en betroubaarheid van die driefaktor-ALSDS, insluitende die konstruk-ekwivalensie van die skaal se fakulteitstruktuur oor die geslags, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Beduidende verskille tussen ouderdoms-, rasse- en geslagsgroepe is waargeneem rakende die skaalsubdimensies. Die studie bevorder teorie oor selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders in ODeLHE-kontekste en dra bewyse van die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van 'n verkorte weergawe van die ALSDS as 'n nuttige maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders. Psigometriese tekortkomings wat in toekomstige navorsing hanteer kan word, is ook beklemtoon. Prakties gesproke beklemtoon die studie die assessering van volwasse leerders se sukses-oriëntering in ODeLHE, aktiewe akademiese aktiwiteit en strategiese gebruik van hulpbronne as aspekte om hul selfgerigtheid te bevorder. Ondersteuningspraktyke moet oorweeg word vir veral vroue, swart Afrikaners en jonger leerderkohorte. ODeLHE-praktyke moet ook leerders se punt vir Engels, geslag, toegang tot 'n biblioteek, aantal modules en wie studente finansieel ondersteun, oorweeg as faktore wat leerders se vlak van selfgerigtheid beïnvloed. / Le projekthi yocwaningo, ihlola ama-psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). Ucwaningo luhlola i-construct validity nokuthembeka kwe-scale njengendlela yokukala i-adult self-directedness kumaqembu ehlukene abafundi abadala kwisimo semfundo evulekile lapho abantu abafunda bekude esibizwa nge-South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE). Ucwaningo lubuye lwahlola nokuthi ngabe isimo ngamaqiniso e-ALSDS siyalingana yini kubafundi abadala kumaqembu obubili, bezinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye nabantu beminyaka ehlukene. Kanti futhi okunye, ucwaningo, luhlola ukuthi ngabe amaqembu emikhakha ehlukene ngokwe-sociodemographic ehlukene kakhulu maqondana nama-dimention e-ALSDS acutshungulwayo ukuthi ngabe ama-range emibandela yama-sociodemographic abonelela noma aqagela inqubo ye-adult leaner self-directedness. Lolu cwaningo lweziqu ze-doctoral study lubheke nocwaningo lokuqala lwabafundi be-masters ngentuthuko yesakhiwo se-factoral structure ye-ALSDS ebandakanye amasampuli akhethwe nje ngaphandle kokukhetha noma ukubeka imibandela ethize, okwaziwa nge-stratified random sample ye (N = 1 102) yabafundi abadala be-ODeLHE. Isethi ye-data yesekondari yona ibandakanya i-random subsample of n = 747 yesethi ye-data yabafundi bokuqala be-masters. I-Exploratory structural equation modelling, i-exploratory factor analysis kanye ne-confirmatory factor analysis eziveze izixazululo ezintathu ngama-ALSDS kuma-ayithemu angu 15 afakelwe kuma-factor amathathu. Imiphumela iveza ubufakazi be-construct (i-convergent and discriminant) validity kanye ne-internal consistency reliability yama-factor amathathu e-ALSDS abandakanya i- ix construct equivalence ye-scale's factorial structure, ukunqamuleza kumaqembu ngobulili, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye neminyaka yobudala ehlukene. Umehluko osemqoka phakathi kweminyaka yobudala, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye namaqembu eminyaka ehlukene uye wabonakaka maqondana ne-scale sub-dimensions. Ucwaningo luqhubela phambili ithiyori kwizimo zabafundi zokuziqhuba ngokufunda ezibizwa i-adult learner self-directedness kwi-ODeLHE, kanti futhi ithela esivivaneni kwi-reliability ye-version efinyeziwe ye-ALSDS njengesikali esiwusizo kwi-adult learner self-directedness. Okuyizihibe nge-psychometric okufanele kubhekwane nakho ngocwaningo lwangekusasa, kuye kwavezwa kwagqanyiswa. Ngokubonakala ngendlela ebambekayo, ucwaningo lugqamise ukuhlolwa kwempumelelo yabafundi abadala kwi-ODeLHE, umsebenzi omatasatasa we-akhademiki kanye nokusetshenziswa ngendlela yamasu abambekayo kwemithombo njengengxenye yokuthuthukisa i-self-directedness. Izinkambiso zokusekela kumele zibonelelwe, ikakhulukazi kwabesimame, abamnyama bama-Afrika kanye nabafundi abasebasha. Izinkambiso ze-ODeLHE kumele zibonelele namamaki abafundi olimi lwesiNgisi (i-English), ubulili, ukufinyelela emalayibhrari, inani lama-module kanye nokuthi ngabe abafundi bondla obani ngokwezimali njengemibandela enomthelela kwinqubo yokuthi abafundi bakwazi ukuziqhubela phambili ngokwenqubo ye-self-directedness. / Business Management / D.Com. (Business Management)

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