Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urban emobility."" "subject:"urban dmobility.""
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[pt] Do crescente uso da bicicleta em grandes cidades emerge a necessidade de projetos urbanísticos que promovam a integração entre o modal cicloviário e os demais meios de transporte urbano, enquanto processos mais eficientes de manutenção dos caminhos cicláveis enfrentam a descontinuidade na administração pública com suas mazelas como a interrupção de projetos e a ausência de dados históricos. Este trabalho apresenta o conceito de Ciclovia Viável para áreas urbanas de metrópoles considerando o uso de indicadores modelados nas dimensões social, técnica e ambiental. O indicador proposto pode mitigar a ausência de dados estruturados servindo como ferramenta para planos de integração entre os modais e de conservação dos caminhos cicláveis. O quadro teórico revisado aponta para quatorze critérios voltados à avaliação de níveis mínimos de serviços no atendimento a demandas de ciclistas e orientados ao monitoramento da qualidade de ciclovias. O modelo do Índice da Ciclovia Viável é testado empiricamente por meio de levantamentos de campo em três ciclovias mantidas pela gestão pública municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Os seguintes indicadores são registrados: Ciclovia do Flamengo (Índice da Dimensão Social = 0,31, Índice da Dimensão Técnica= 0,88, Índice da Dimensão Ambiental= 0,82); Leme-Copacabana (IDS= 0,30, IDT= 0,82, IDA= 0,88) e Barra da Tijuca (IDS= 0,16, IDT= 0,78, IDA= 0,88). Percebe-se que a dimensão social figura como a menos favorecida nas três avaliações, significando um alerta de insuficiência de ciclovias com acessibilidade às pessoas que residem em áreas subnormais. / [en] The practice of cycling has been following our civilization for over a century. In recent decades, the so-called developed or developing countries have come to consider the cycling mode in their public policies, especially in urban mobility plans.
In recent decades, the application of urban mobility policies by bicycles has gained prominence in the Brazilian scenario, especially in Rio de Janeiro. The history of Rio s bicycle lanes began in 1991, when the first bicycle lanes were built from a program for the redevelopment of the city s waterfront known as the Rio Orla. The program built 23 km of cycle paths intended primarily for leisure.
From 1993, after the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - ECO92, based in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the Municipal Secretariat of Environment of the Rio de Janeiro City Hall was created. In 2010, the city incorporated the Rio - Urban Capital of Bicycle Mobility project into the Urban Mobility Plan - PMU as a transportation alternative and as a modal element for short distances and for the purpose of integrating Bus Rapid Transport - BRT systems. trains and subway.
In 2008, the Rio de Janeiro city cycling plan had the goal of expanding its 150 km network in 2009 to 450 km by the end of 2016. However, a cycling infrastructure is not only sustained by its length, but a set of socio-spatial criteria is required for its effectiveness.
The Ministry of Cities, in its Bicycle Mobility Plan in Cities (Ministério das Cidades, 2007), states that linking with different transport systems is a key factor for bicycles to be adopted by the population while traveling and that urban infrastructure in cities must adapt to this mode.
The observation of the use of bicycles in large cities, with varied and constantly changing technologies and organizations, was the starting point of the research that used a bibliographic review in search of concepts and methods of evaluation of the service level and the quality of the bicycle lanes and cycle tracks.
There are several bicycle lane settings, depending on their applications. Similarly, the concepts of service level and the qualitative evaluation applied to these infrastructures also vary. For this research, these concepts follow those of large metropolises around the world with characteristics of planned cities and contribute to a new concept, built here, called Viable Bicycle Path Index (VBI).
Once the new concept is defined, it is now feasible to develop a model capable of aggregating relevant information for the assessment of bicycle paths. Therefore, after surveying studies on national and international bicycle-related indexes, Brazilian technical standards and norms and urban elements necessary for the formation of a viable bicycle path, this research presents a methodological design with several elements (dependent and independent variables) that represent the landscape around bicycle paths in neighborhoods of the city capital.
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[pt] Esta tese investiga a interação mediada pela tecnologia, a partir de mensagens produzidas e compartilhadas por cidadãos da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro no Twitter e no Facebook, com foco na mobilidade urbana, em seus deslocamentos no trânsito e no transporte público e privado. Os objetivos
deste estudo buscam: i) realizar um exame analítico das atividades e ações na sequência conversacional, descrevendo como são produzidas e interpretadas pelos participantes; ii) analisar os papéis que o cidadão e as ferramentas tecnológicas desempenham interacionalmente em uma estrutura de multiparticipação; iii)
refletir sobre como as atividades e ações que surgem nas conversas virtuais se relacionam à vida social urbana. O estudo está baseado nos suportes teóricos da Análise da Conversa, no contexto virtual, que informam sobre tomadas de turno, atividades e ações, nos conceitos da Sociolinguística Interacional, no âmbito da estrutura de participação e dos papéis dos participantes na produção e interpretação dos enunciados, e nos estudos da ordem social sobre a mobilidade urbana em grandes cidades. A metodologia é qualitativa e interpretativa. Os dados consistem de conversas públicas registradas nas páginas das redes sociais do BRT Rio, do Metrô Rio, do O Dia 24 Horas e da SuperVia, onde os participantes interagem entre si e com as empresas. As mensagens foram selecionadas de acordo com as ações que implementam, contextualizadas no universo da mobilidade urbana. A análise dos dados indica que: i) a disposição dos turnos nas sequências não-ordenadas de encadeamento das postagens demanda novas estratégias de produção de ações na organização da interação, e as expectativas dos participantes se definem a partir da escolha de qual turno anterior realizarão uma ação em sequência; ii) nestas ações surgem interpretações como a de solicitação e fornecimento de informação, notificação, elogio, agradecimento, reclamação, sugestão, insulto, crítica ou de não-responder; iii) motoristas e passageiros desempenham um papel coletivo ao interagir neste ambiente, onde a estrutura de participação torna-se mais complexa ao converter todos os participantes em falantes potenciais e ouvintes ratificados, simultâneos e alternados, configurando padrões de organização social de interação multiparticipativa. O estudo destas novas formas tecnologicamente mediadas de comunicação, com foco na mobilidade urbana em uma grande cidade, atualiza os conceitos acerca dos modelos de interação face a face, do papel do cidadão neste processo e dos fenômenos sociais contemporâneos situados. / [en] This thesis investigates the interaction mediated by technology, from messages produced and shared by the citizens of the Rio de Janeiro on Twitter and Facebook, focusing on urban mobility, during their movements in traffic and in public and private transportation. The objectives of the study seeks to: i)
perform an analytical examination of the activities and actions in the conversational sequence, describing how participants produce and interpret them; ii) analyze the roles that citizen and social network technologies play interactively in a multi participation framework; iii) reflect on how the activities and actions that arise from virtual conversation are related to urban social life. The study is based on the theoretical concepts of Conversation Analysis, in the virtual context, via new technologies, which inform about turn-taking, activities and actions, Interactional Sociolinguistics, in the scope of participation framework and participants roles in the production and interpretation of the utterances, and the
studies of the social order upon urban mobility in big cities. The methodology is qualitative and interpretive. The data consist of public conversations from the social network pages of BRT Rio, Metro Rio, O Dia 24 Horas and SuperVia, where participants interact with each other and with the companies. The messages
were selected according to the actions they implement, contextualized in the universe of urban mobility. The analysis of the data indicates: i) the arrangement of the turns in the unordered sequences of post demands new producing actions strategies on the organization of the interaction, and the expectations of the participants are defined from the choice of which previous turn they will perform an action in sequence; ii) ii) in these actions, different interpretations arise, such as requesting and providing information, notification, praise, thanks, complaint, suggestion, insult, criticism or non-response; iii) drivers and passengers play a collective role in interacting in this environment, where the participation framework becomes more complex by converting all participants into simultaneous and alternated potential speakers and ratified listeners , setting patterns of multiparticipative social organization of interaction. These new
technologically mediated forms of communication, focusing on the urban mobility in a big city, update the concepts about face to face interaction models, the citizen s role in this process and the situated contemporary social phenomena.
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Understanding Transportation Preferences : A Comparative Study of Universities in Buenos Aires and StockholmBrunoni, Lorenzo, Daniel Taiano, Lucas January 2024 (has links)
This study compares transportation preferences among students and staff from two different universities: KTH in Stockholm and ITBA in Buenos Aires. The aim was to identify the factors influencing transportation decisions and their impact on perceptions regarding its usage. A survey was conducted at both universities to gain insights from participants and analyze the collected information, aiming to propose solutions that enhance the quality and sustainability of transportation. This work presents a novel analysis by comparing two cities with seemingly different characteristics in terms of transportation and urban development, with an emphasis on sustainability. The results obtained are positive as potential improvements in both systems could be observed. Moreover, the results have generated ideas to improve the adoption of green and sustainable transportation, without compromising the quality of existing transportation for members of these educational institutions. The importance of environmental awareness and its positive impact on quality of life and urban mobility is highlighted.
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La movilidad urbana en Lima. Análisis desde la forma de la ciudadConto Quispe, Zulema 03 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] La tesis que a continuación se expone tiene por objetivo analizar la relación entre "forma de la ciudad y movilidad urbana" dos variables recíprocas que interactúan y se complementan constantemente. Siguiendo líneas de investigación abiertas en estudios previos sobre esta relación, a través de: factores del uso del suelo, factores sociales y de las características de la movilidad urbana en las ciudades; se describe el escenario actual de la movilidad urbana en el Área Metropolitana de Lima.
Como método se realiza tres análisis consecutivos que se retroalimentan entre sí. El primer análisis y principal tema de investigación de la tesis, sobre la relación "forma de la ciudad y movilidad urbana", analizada a través de los factores del uso del suelo (densidad, diversidad, diseño de la red, accesibilidad al destino, distancia a una parada de autobús), de los factores sociales (características socioeconómicas), y de las características del sistema de movilidad urbana; se describe cómo estas variables han contribuido en la configuración el escenario actual de la movilidad urbana en la metrópoli de Lima.
Un segundo análisis, complementario al primero y aproximativo como futura línea de investigación, sobre cómo diferentes tejidos urbanos y sus respectivos modelos de movilidad, pueden contribuir o no a superar la capacidad ambiental de la ciudad de Lima.
Un tercer análisis, complementario al primero y aproximativo como futura línea de investigación, sobre cómo el modelo de movilidad urbana en el área de estudio, ha transformado la percepción que tienen los limeños sobre el espacio y el tiempo de la movilidad urbana. / [CA] La tesi que a continuació s'exposa té per objectiu analitzar la relació entre "forma de la ciutat i mobilitat urbana" dues variables recíproques que interactuen i es complementen constantment. Tot seguint línies d'investigació obertes en estudis previs sobre aquesta relació, mitjançant: factors de l'ús del sòl, factors socials i de les característiques de la mobilitat urbana a les ciutats, es descriu l'escenari actual de la mobilitat urbana a l'Àrea Metropolitana de Lima.
Com a mètode es realitzen tres anàlisis consecutives que es retroalimenten entre si. La primera anàlisi, i principal tema d'investigació de la tesi, sobre la relació "forma de la ciutat i mobilitat urbana", analitzada a través dels factors de l'ús del sòl (densitat, diversitat, disseny de la xarxa, accessibilitat a la destinació, distància a una parada d'autobús), dels factors socials (característiques socioeconòmiques), i de les característiques del sistema de mobilitat urbana, es descriu com aquestes variables han contribuït a la configuració l'escenari actual de la mobilitat urbana a la metròpoli de Lima.
Una segona anàlisi, complementària a la primera i aproximatiu com a futura línia d'investigació, sobre com diferents teixits urbans i els seus respectius models de mobilitat, poden contribuir, o no, a superar la capacitat ambiental de la ciutat de Lima.
Una tercera anàlisi, complementària a la primera i aproximatiu com a futura línia d'investigació, sobre com el model de mobilitat urbana en l'àrea d'estudi, ha transformat la percepció que tenen els habitats de Lima sobre l'espai i el temps de la mobilitat urbana. / [EN] The present dissertation has been focused on describing the current scenario of urban mobility in the metropolitan area of Lima city, Peru. This is achieved through to develop an analysis about the relationship between the city-form and the urban mobility, in where the parameters considered here in order to describe its urban mobility, are classified into three principal broad groups, which are: land-use factor, social factor and their characteristics of its urban mobility. Thus, only population density, diversity and design of the city, as well as, the accessibility to the destination and distances to bus stations, are considered in the land-use factor. The socioeconomic characteristics are taking account in the social factor. Whilst, urban mobility describes how all of these variables have contributed to the current urban mobility scenario in the metropolitan area of Lima city.
Finally, two different analysis are proposed here as new research branches, which they are in functions of the study previously developed. The first one consists in the study about how the different urban structure areas and its current mobility model are able to contribute (or not) to overcome the environmental capacity of the Lima city. Whilst the second analysis is related to urban mobility model in Lima city and its influence in the perception of its population about the space and time required for urban mobility. / Gracias al Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo – PRONABEC del Gobierno del Perú por permitirme disfrutar de la beca Presidente de la República y hacer posible esta tesis. / Conto Quispe, Z. (2021). La movilidad urbana en Lima. Análisis desde la forma de la ciudad [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167423
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[pt] Embora frequentemente se afirme que o sistema de transporte é um setor
social, economicamente importante e particularmente vulnerável às mudanças
climáticas, ainda há poucas pesquisas sobre sua adaptação. Assim, o objeto de
estudo deste trabalho é a vulnerabilidade e a adaptabilidade do sistema de
transporte urbano frente à mudança climática. O objetivo é identificar o nível de
contribuição atual e potencial dos Planos de Mobilidade Urbana, para a redução
da vulnerabilidade do sistema de transporte, frente à mudança climática. O estudo
parte da análise dos planos de mobilidade das cidades de Belém, São Luís e
Manaus. Para isso, a metodologia segue as orientações de uma pesquisa de caráter
qualitativo, ancorando-se no levantamento bibliográfico, bem como na análise de
documentos e notícias jornalísticas, analisados a partir da técnica de análise de
conteúdo. Em síntese, pode-se destacar que nas cidades analisadas, a Mudança
climática ainda não é percebida como um problema de relevância local. Ainda que
esteja presentes nas diretrizes dos planos de mobilidade ações para a mitigação,
esta não é específica para a mudança climática, sendo somente uma medida
padrão para a redução da poluição nas cidades. Quando trata-se da adaptação do
sistema de transporte para a redução da vulnerabilidade sócio climática, as
políticas públicas praticamente não direcionam ações específicas. / [en] Although it is often stated that the transportation system is a socially,
economically important sector that is particularly vulnerable to climate change,
there is still little research on its adaptation. Thus, the object of study of this paper
is the vulnerability and adaptability of the urban transport system to climate
change. The objective is to identify the level of current and potential contribution
of Urban Mobility Plans to reduce the vulnerability of the transport system to
climate change.
The study starts by analyzing the mobility plans of the cities of Belém, São
Luís and Manaus. For this, the methodology follows the guidelines of a qualitative
research, anchored in the bibliographical survey, as well as in the analysis of
documents and journalistic news, analyzed using the content analysis technique.
In summary, it can be highlighted that in the cities analyzed, climate change is not
yet perceived as a problem of local relevance. Even though actions for mitigation
are present in the guidelines of mobility plans, these are not specific to climate
change, being only a standard measure for reducing pollution in cities. And when
it comes to adapting the transportation system to reduce socio-climatic
vulnerability, public policies hardly direct specific actions.
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The prevalence of illegal parking : The impact of building use on prevalence of illegal parking in CopenhagenMurckova, Lenka January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the impact of building use on the prevalence of illegal parking in Copenhagen. Illegal parking poses significant challenges to urban mobility, environmental sustainability, and urban aesthetics. By focusing on Copenhagen, a city renowned for its progressive urban policies and commitment to green mobility, this research investigates how different building use categories such as commercial, residential, institutional, industrial, leisure, and technical affect illegal parking incidents. Utilizing data from 2021 to 2023, the study employs spatial analysis and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression to analyze the relationship between building use and illegal parking. The findings indicate that commercial buildings have the highest positive impact on illegal parking prevalence, followed by technical and institutional buildings. Conversely, residential buildings, while highly prevalent, show a less significant impact on illegal parking. The study underscores the importance of urban design and effective parking management in mitigating illegal parking. Proximity to public transportation hubs shows a complex relationship with illegal parking, highlighting the need for comprehensive strategies that address both parking demand and public transport accessibility. These findings provide valuable insights for urban planners and policymakers aiming to develop sustainable urban environments.
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Towards Sustainable and Efficient Road Transportation: Development of Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Urban and Interurban MobilityMartí Gimeno, Pasqual 14 March 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El transporte de personas y bienes supone un problema complejo a la vez que un servicio esencial en la sociedad moderna. Entre los distintos modos de transporte, el transporte rodado supone ventajas y retos únicos, gracias a su flexibilidad y operación tanto urbana como interurbana. La creciente preocupación social respecto al medio ambiente afecta también al transporte rodado, pues los vehículos a motor son una gran fuente de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Sin embargo, la digitalización de la sociedad y la aparición de nuevos modelos de transporte indican el potencial de mejora del transporte rodado, que podría adaptarse mejor a sus usuarios a la vez que operar de forma más sostenible.
En esta tesis afrontamos la mejora del transporte rodado mediante técnicas de computación e inteligencia artificial. Esto incluye el modelado de sistemas de transporte mediante sistemas multiagente y su posterior simulación virtual. La operación de las flotas de transporte está determinada por la distribución de tareas, la planificación de las acciones de cada vehículo y su posterior coordinación. Exploramos distintas técnicas y desarrollamos propuestas que mejoran la operación de distintos sistemas de transporte rodado considerando tres puntos de vista: el del operador, el del usuario y, finalmente, el de la sostenibilidad. En otras palabras, apuntamos a obtener sistemas con mayor rendimiento económico y calidad de servicio a la par que un reducido impacto medioambiental.
El objetivo de la mejora del transporte rodado se lleva a cabo desde tres frentes. Primero, se propone un marco de trabajo para el modelado efectivo y la simulación de sistemas de transporte. Esta aportación nos sirve como herramienta para la experimentación del resto de la investigación. Después, la investigación se centra en el transporte urbano, caso de uso para el que modelamos la ciudad como un escenario con recursos compartidos. Proponemos el uso de flotas de vehículos descentralizados para una mayor reactividad del sistema. Mediante un modelado de autointerés, se incentiva a los vehículos a proveer de un mejor servicio a los usuarios a la vez que evitan la congestión de los recursos. Finalmente, con la intención de aportar soluciones innovadoras también a las áreas rurales, se adaptan nuestras propuestas previas para el caso de uso del transporte rural interurbano. En este caso, observamos la necesidad de transporte público flexible y adaptado a los usuarios, con especial importancia en su sostenibilidad económica. Nuestras propuestas de sistema siguen estos principios atendiendo al paradigma del transporte adaptable a la demanda.
Los resultados de esta tesis aportan soluciones prácticas para la mejora de distintos sistemas de transporte rodado, contribuyendo a un futuro de movilidad flexible más sostenible y adaptada al usuario. Como aportación en el ámbito de la inteligencia artificial, las técnicas desarrolladas tienen el potencial de ser adaptadas a campos más allá del transporte como soluciones generales para la distribución de tareas y la coordinación de elementos distribuidos. / [CA] El transport de persones i béns suposa un problema complex alhora que un servei essencial en la societat moderna. Entre els diferents modes de transport, el transport rodat suposa avantatges i reptes únics, gràcies a la seua flexibilitat i operació tant urbana com interurbana. La creixent preocupació social respecte al medi ambient afecta també al transport rodat, doncs els vehicles de motor són una gran font d'emissions de gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle. No obstant això, la digitalització de la societat i l'aparició de nous models de transport indiquen el potencial de millora del transport rodat, que podria adaptar-se millor als seus usuaris alhora que operar de forma més sostenible.
En esta tesi afrontem la millora del transport rodat mitjançant tècniques de computació i intel·ligència artificial. Això inclou el modelatge de sistemes de transport mitjançant sistemes multiagent i la seua posterior simulació virtual. L'operació de les flotes de transport està determinada per la distribució de tasques, la planificació de les accions de cada vehicle i la seua posterior coordinació. Explorem diferents tècniques i desenvolupem propostes que milloren l'operació de diferents sistemes de transport rodat considerant tres punts de vista: el de l'operador, el de l'usuari i, finalment, el de la sostenibilitat. En altres paraules, apuntem a obtindre sistemes amb major rendiment econòmic i qualitat de servei al mateix temps que un reduït impacte mediambiental.
L'objectiu de la millora del transport rodat es duu a terme des de tres fronts. Primer, es proposa un marc de treball per al modelatge efectiu i la simulació de sistemes de transport. Esta aportació ens serveix com a eina per a l'experimentació de la resta de la investigació. Després, la investigació se centra en el transport urbà, cas d'ús per al qual modelem la ciutat com un escenari amb recursos compartits. Proposem l'ús de flotes de vehicles descentralitzats per a una major reactivitat del sistema. Mitjançant un modelatge d'autointerés, s'incentiva als vehicles a proveir d'un millor servei als usuaris alhora que eviten la congestió dels recursos. Finalment, amb la intenció d'aportar solucions innovadores també a les àrees rurals, s'adapten les nostres propostes prèvies per al cas d'ús del transport rural interurbà. En este cas, observem la necessitat de transport públic flexible i adaptat als usuaris, amb especial importància en la seua sostenibilitat econòmica. Les nostres propostes de sistema segueixen estos principis atés el paradigma del transport adaptable a la demanda.
Els resultats d'esta tesi aporten solucions pràctiques per a la millora de diferents sistemes de transport rodat, contribuint a un futur de mobilitat flexible més sostenible i adaptada a l'usuari. Com a aportació en l'àmbit de la intel·ligència artificial, les tècniques desenvolupades tenen el potencial de ser adaptades a camps més enllà del transport com a solucions generals per a la distribució de tasques i la coordinació d'elements distribuïts. / [EN] The transportation of people and goods is both a complex problem and an essential service in modern society. Among the various modes of transportation, road transport offers unique advantages and challenges, thanks to its flexibility and operation in both urban and interurban areas. The growing social concern for the environment also affects road transportation, as motor vehicles are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the digitalisation of society and the emergence of new transport models indicate the potential for improvement in transportation, which could be better adapted to its users while operating in a more sustainable way.
In this thesis, we address the improvement of road transportation by means of computational techniques and artificial intelligence. This includes the modelling of transportation through multi-agent systems and their subsequent simulation. The operation of transportation fleets is determined by the distribution of tasks, the planning of the actions of each vehicle and their subsequent coordination. We explore different techniques and develop proposals that improve the operation of different transportation systems by considering three points of view: that of the operator, that of the user and, finally, that of sustainability. In other words, we aim to obtain systems with higher economic performance and quality of service while reducing their environmental impact.
The objective of improving road transportation is pursued on three fronts. First, a framework for the effective modelling and simulation of transportation systems is proposed. This contribution serves as a tool for the experimentation of the rest of the research. Next, the research focuses on urban transportation, a use case for which we model the city as a shared resource scenario. We propose the use of decentralised vehicle fleets for greater reactivity of the system. Through self-interested modelling, vehicles are incentivised to provide a better service to users while avoiding resource congestion. Finally, with the intention of bringing innovative solutions also to rural areas, our previous proposals are adapted to the use case of rural interurban transportation. In this case, we note the need for flexible and user-friendly public transportation, with special emphasis on its economic sustainability. Our system proposals follow these principles following the demand-responsive transportation paradigm.
The results of this thesis provide practical solutions for the enhancement of different road transportation systems, contributing to a future of more sustainable and user-tailored flexible mobility. As a contribution to the field of artificial intelligence the developed techniques have the potential to be adapted to fields beyond transportation, providing general solutions for the task allocation and the coordination of distributed elements. / Martí Gimeno, P. (2024). Towards Sustainable and Efficient Road Transportation: Development of Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Urban and Interurban Mobility [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203076 / Compendio
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Expans?o urbana e mobilidade: planejando cidades multimodais / Urban Expansion and mobility: planning multimodal citiesRibeiro, Fernando Henrique Silva 23 January 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-01-23 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas ? PUC Campinas / This study has evaluated the condition of the urban mobility in the city of Campinas, Paulo, Brazit. through the application of the tool Index of Sustainable Urban Mobi!?ty (I_SUM), enabling the identification of criticai indicators of urban mobility that should be prioritized by the public administration. Throughout the development of the study, the results of the application of the tool were cornplemented with the analysis of the urban expansion pattern to verify its influence on the city's travei behaviour in order to establ?sh a correlation between expansion and urban mobility. The definition of the urban mobility scenario for Campinas allowed to determine how the guidelines establ?shed until then influenced rnobitity, as well as to enable the identification of criticai indicators that more broadly address the guidelines regarding mobllity, complementing the guidelines defined by the public administration. It was to identify, in Campinas, an evident dependence on the use of cars, as a result of the settlement pattern, which requires the car for travelinq, since there is no prioritization of collective transportation, in addition to the incentive to acquire cars. The cross-checking of the data showed the dose relationship that urban planning and transportation system planning should have in order to harmonize the relationship between settlement patterns and travei behaviour, highlighting the role of prioritization of collective medes and non-rnotorized medes, in order to democratize access to urban space. / O estudo avaliou a condi??o da mobilidade urbana em Campinas atrav?s da aplica??o da ferramenta IMUS (?ndice de Mobilidade Urbana Sustent?vel), possibilitando a identifica??o dos indicadores cr?ticos da mobilidade urbana que devem ser priorizados pela administra??o p?blica. Ao longo do desenvolvimento do trabalho. os resultados da aplica??o da ferramenta foram complementados com a an?lise do padr?o de expans?o urbana de Campinas para verificar sua influ?ncia no padr?o de deslocamento da cidade, a fim de estabelecer uma correla??o entre expans?o e mobilidade urbana. A defini??o do panorama de mobilidade urbana para Campinas permitiu determinar como as diretrizes at? ent?o estabelecidas influenciaram na mobilidade, al?m de possibilitar a identifica??o de indicadores cr?ticos, que abordam de forma mais ampla as diretrizes em rela??o a mobilidade, complementando as diretrizes definidas pela administra??o p?blica. Foi poss?vel identificar, em Campinas, uma evidente depend?ncia do uso do autom?vel, tanto em decorr?ncia do padr?o de ocupa??o, que exige o autom?vel para deslocamentos, uma vez que n?o existe uma prioriza??o do transporte coletivo. tanto pelos incentivos para aquisi??o do autom?vel. O cruzamento dos dados permitiu evidenciar a estreita rela??o que o planejamento urbano e o planejamento do sistema de transporte devem ter para harmonizar a rela??o entre os padr?es de assentamento e os padr?es de deslocamento, democratizando o acesso ao espa?o urbano.
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Mobilités de travail et (re)construction des rapports sociaux au sein d’une communauté Hmong de Chine (province du Guizhou)Carrier, Sébastien 03 1900 (has links)
La mobilité rurale-urbaine est sans contredit l’un des phénomènes les plus marquants que la Chine a connus depuis ses réformes des années 1980. D’une ampleur colossale, elle a constitué un fondement essentiel de sa transition et de son développement économiques. Or, si l’impact social de cette mobilité a été abondamment étudié dans les villes où séjournent les paysans, il demeure peu connu dans leur communauté d’origine, et encore moins en contexte de « nationalité minoritaire ».
Reposant sur une enquête de terrain de plus d’une année, cette thèse en géographie sociale examine la (re)construction sociale dans une communauté rurale et minoritaire (c.àd. Hmong ou Miao) de Chine en lien avec le phénomène de la mobilité de travail. D’une intensité croissante, la pratique de la mobilité de travail par les membres de cette communauté est double. Les migrants sont soit des herboristes ambulants dans les villes de l’espace régional, soit des travailleurs salariés dans les villes orientales du pays. L’utilisation d’une approche du changement social intégrant les sphères du réel et de l’imagination et prenant en compte les dimensions territoriale et économique du phénomène migratoire est originale. De même, l’importance égale portée aux discours et aux actions des migrants et des non-migrants dans le processus de transformation sociale se veut novatrice.
Dans ses résultats, cette thèse fait état, premièrement, d’une refonte des logiques territoriales et économiques de la communauté étudiée sous l’effet du phénomène migratoire. De toute évidence, les fondements géographiques de son territoire se sont récemment complexifiés et multipliés. Désormais, une variété de lieux, de frontières, de réseaux sociaux et d’échelles se dessine dans les configurations territoriales de ses membres. Les implications économiques sont tout aussi patentes. Outre la forte dominance des transferts d’argent des migrants dans les budgets familiaux, les questions du développement et des inégalités aux différentes échelles de la communauté renvoient aujourd’hui essentiellement au fait migratoire.
Deuxièmement, cette thèse montre la forte empreinte laissée par la mobilité dans la sphère sociale. Nécessitant soutien aux extrémités de leur parcours, les migrants sollicitent de plus en plus l’aide de leurs réseaux lignagers, claniques, villageois et matrilinéaires. Et dans ce processus, il n’est pas rare qu’ils enfreignent consciemment les principes hiérarchiques traditionnels de leurs rapports familiaux. Aussi, au travers de la mobilité, des groupes longtemps marginalisés, tels les femmes et les jeunes adultes, ont acquis estime, autonomie et pouvoir décisionnel. Parallèlement, l’ordre social s’est bouleversé. Ce n’est plus le volume de la production agricole, mais le nombre de travailleurs migrants qui détermine aujourd’hui les différentes classes sociales de la communauté.
Finalement, dans le contexte plus large des populations rurales et minoritaires de Chine et du Massif sud-est asiatique, cette thèse fait ressortir l’importance d’aborder la question de l’impact social de la mobilité au-delà des paradigmes de la modernisation et de l’intégration. Contrairement à la plupart des écrits touchant à cette question, il ne suffit pas de porter le regard sur l’influence que les urbains et leur mode de vie soi-disant moderne exercent sur les migrants. Il est également nécessaire de reconnaître les capacités d’initiative et d’innovation sociale des membres de ces populations, migrants et non-migrants. Mais aussi, cette recherche démontre que la question identitaire se doit d’être prise en compte. Les sentiments de marginalité et de subordination demeurent vivaces au travers du phénomène migratoire. Et de tels sentiments semblent se traduire, le plus souvent, par un renforcement des liens sociaux et intracommunautaires au sein même de ces populations minoritaires. / Rural-urban mobility is unquestionably one of the most striking phenomena that China has experienced since the wide-ranging reforms of the 1980s. Besides its unparalleled magnitude, it has been an essential foundation of its economic transition and development. But if the social impact of mobility has been extensively studied in cities where ‘peasants’ (as farmers are called in China) sojourn, little is known of the effects of mobility in their community of origin, and even less when the community belongs to a ‘minority nationality’.
Based on fieldwork conducted over an 18-month period, this dissertation examines the impact of labor migration on the social (re)construction of a Hmong (Miao) community in rural China. Practices of mobility for work purposes are twofold in the studied community: migrants are either itinerant herbalists in close-by cities or factory workers in the eastern cities of the country. An original approach to social change has been used, integrating the spheres of imagination and practice, and takes into account the economic and spatial components of the migration phenomenon. Moreover, this research proposes an innovative theoretical model, by giving equal importance to the discourses and the actions in the process of social change of both migrants and non-migrants.
First, this study reveals the recent remodeling of the spatial and the economic foundations of the studied community. It shows that places, scales, social networks and borders all structure the community’s territory – in both real and imaginary spheres – and that they have become more complex and numerous as a result of the unprecedented circular migration of its inhabitants to and from their village. At the economic level, besides confirming dominance of remittances at the household level, it also appears that development and inequality issues are now addressed by members of the community primarily through the phenomenon of migration.
Second, the results expose the strong imprint of mobility in the social sphere. In need of support, migrants and left-behinds are increasingly seeking help within their lineage, clan, village, and matrilineal networks. In this process, it is not uncommon for them to consciously go against the traditional family hierarchies. Through mobility, long marginalized groups such as women and young adults, have now gained esteem, autonomy and decision-making power. Meanwhile, the social order has shifted. It is no longer the volume of agricultural production, but the number of migrant workers, which now determine the social classes within the community.
Finally, in the broader context of minorities in China and the Southeast Asian Massif, this dissertation addresses the debate about the social impact of mobility beyond the paradigms of modernization and integration. Unlike most of the literature pertaining to this issue, this research provides evidence that it is not enough to focus on the changes experienced by migrants through contact with urban dwellers and their so-called modern way of life. It shows that it is necessary to recognize the capacity for initiative and social innovation of all the members of these minorities, migrants or non-migrants. It also stresses the centrality of the question of identity. Feelings of marginality and subordination remain strong and they do not seem to fade as a result of migration. On the contrary, these feelings seem to most often result in a strengthening of social and community bonds within these minorities.
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Planification des déplacements et développement urbain durable en Champagne-Ardenne : approche analytique des quatre principales agglomérations de la région Champagne-Ardenne / Mobility planning and urban sustainable development in Champagne-Ardenne : Analytic approch of the four main cities of Champagne-ArdenneHasan, Ali 30 May 2012 (has links)
Résumé : La coordination entre les politiques d'urbanisme et de transport, dans un nouveau contexte façonné par la montée en puissance des préoccupations environnementales et des enjeux du développement durable, est plus que jamais recherchée afin d'assurer une meilleure cohérence entre ces deux domaines. Ce travail a pour objectif d'analyser la place des politiques de mobilités urbaines au sein d'une politique plus globale de développement urbain durable.Beaucoup d'innovations et de bonnes pratiques dans le domaine du transport, proposant des modes alternatifs de déplacement, ont été adoptées pour répondre aux exigences du développement durable et surtout pour tenter de diminuer la place de la voiture particulière. Pour ce faire, des actions technologiques et organisationnelles doivent être insérées au sein de formes urbaines alternatives favorisant la ville à courte distance et la mixité et renforçant l'accessibilité (une des facettes du lien entre transport et urbanisme). De ce fait, la coordination et la complémentarité entre les politiques d'urbanisme, d'habitat et de transport ainsi qu'entre les acteurs aux échelles urbaine et interurbaine, doivent être renforcées.Cette recherche trouve son originalité dans l'étude comparative des quatre principales agglomérations de la région Champagne-Ardenne (Reims, Troyes, Charleville-Mézières et Châlons-en-Champagne), agglomérations de taille moyenne qui ont moins été étudiées que les grandes agglomérations. Elle examine comment les questions des déplacements et des mobilités ont été prises en compte dans les documents de planification stratégique de transport (SCoT et PDU). Alors que le lien entre transport et urbanisme se présente comme un des objectifs prônés par la loi SRU, qu'en est-il vraiment de la cohérence entre ces deux domaines en Champagne-Ardenne ? / Abstract : Mobility planning and urban sustainable development in Champagne-Ardenne. Analytical approach of the four main cities of Champagne-ArdenneCoordination between urbanism and transportation policies is more and more demanded in a new context characterized by an increasing concern for environmental issues and sustainable development. This research aims to analyse the role of urban mobility policies within more global sustainable development policies. Many innovative practices have been adopted in order to limit the importance of private cars and to foster alternative modes of mobility. This supposes to integrate technological and organisational actions into alternative urban forms favouring short distance, mixity and accessibility, which needs a better coordination between urbanism, dwelling and transportation policies at both urban and interurban scales.This research takes its originality from a comparative survey of the four main cities in Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, Troyes, Charleville-Mézières and Châlons-en-Champagne, i.e. mid-size cities that have been less studied than greater cities. It appreciates how mobility issues have been taken into account in strategic planning documents (SCOT, PDU). Since the link between mobility and city planning is one of the main objectives of the Solidarity and Urban Renewal act implemented in 2000, how far goes the coherence between these two fields of action ?Key-words : Strategic planning – Mobility planning policies – Urban mobility plans (PDU) – Master plans (SCOT) – Coherence between transport and urbanism – Champagne-Ardenne – Mid-size cities.
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