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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


RAFAEL BARBOSA NASSER 15 December 2016 (has links)
[pt] A qualidade de vida nos grandes centros urbanos tem sido motivo de preocupação para governantes, empresários e para a população residente em geral. Os serviços de transporte público coletivo exercem papel central nessa discussão, uma vez que determinam, sobretudo para aquela camada da sociedade de menor poder aquisitivo, o tempo desperdiçado diariamente em seus deslocamentos. Nas metrópoles brasileiras, os ônibus municipais são predominantes no transporte coletivo. Os usuários deste serviço – passageiros – não dispõem de informações atualizadas sobre os ônibus e linhas de ônibus em operação. Oferecer essa natureza de informação contribui para uma melhor experiência de uso diário deste modal e, consequentemente, proporciona maior qualidade de vida aos seus usuários. Em uma visão mais abrangente, os ônibus podem ser considerados sensores que viabilizam a compreensão dos padrões e identificação de anomalias no tráfego de veículos nas áreas urbanas, possibilitando galgar benefícios para toda população. O presente trabalho apresenta uma plataforma na nuvem que captura, enriquece, armazena e disponibiliza os dados dos dispositivos de GPS instalados nos ônibus, permitindo a extração de conhecimento a partir deste valioso e volumoso conjunto de informações. Experimentos são realizados com os ônibus do Município do Rio de Janeiro, com aplicações focadas no passageiro e na sociedade. As metodologias, discussões e técnicas empregadas ao longo do trabalho poderão ser reutilizados para diferentes cidades, modais e perspectivas. / [en] The quality of life in urban centers has been a concern for governments, business and the resident population in general. Public transportation services perform a central role in this discussion, since they determine, especially for that layer of lower-income society, the time wasted daily in their movements. In Brazilian cities, city buses are predominant in public transportion. Users of this service - passengers - do not have updated information of buses and lines. Offer this kind of information contributes to a better everyday experience of this modal and therefore provides greater quality of life for its users. In a broader view, the bus can be considered sensors that enable the understanding of the patterns and identify anomalies in vehicle traffic in urban areas, allowing benefits for the whole population. This work presents a platform in the cloud computing environment that captures, enriches, stores and makes available the data from GPS devices installed on buses, allowing the extraction of knowledge from this valuable and voluminous set of information. Experiments are performed with the buses of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, with applications focused on passenger and society. The methodologies, discussions and techniques used throughout the work can be reused for different cities, modal and perspectives.

Exploring Bikeability / Urban Infrastructure and Bicycle Transport

Hardinghaus, Michael 28 October 2021 (has links)
Zur Analyse von Zusammenhängen zwischen Radverkehr und Infrastruktur kommt eine breite Kombination unterschiedlicher Methoden in einem integrierten Gesamtansatz zum Einsatz. An die Herleitung der radfahrtauglichen Umgebung (Bikeability) über eine Literaturanalyse und einen interaktiven Expertenprozess schließen sich die Operationalisierung dieser Definition mittels offener Geodaten sowie die Bewertung der Einflüsse auf die Verkehrsmittelwahl in einem multinomialen Verkehrsmittelwahlmodell an. Auf der Ebene der Routenwahl werden dann die Einflussgrößen in einem diskreten Entscheidungsexperiment differenziert. Dabei kommen logistische Regressionsmodelle zum Einsatz. Des Weiteren werden Daten aus der Fahrradnavigation in einem Clusterverfahren genutzt. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich ein konsensuales Verständnis von Bikeability unter Abbildung des Zusammenspiels der fünf wichtigsten infrastrukturellen Parameter. Durch Nutzung offener Geodaten ist der entwickelte Ansatz uneingeschränkt räumlich übertragbar und thematisch adaptierbar. Das Verkehrsmittelwahlmodell belegt den stark positiven Einfluss der Bikeability auf die Wahl des Fahrrades als Verkehrsmittel. Auf der differenzierten Ebene der Routenwahl bestätigt sich der besondere Einfluss der Radinfrastruktur an Hauptverkehrsstraßen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen dabei eine Abstufung im Nutzen für den Radverkehr, die dem Ausmaß der baulichen Trennung vom motorisierten Individualverkehr entspricht, sowie spezifische individuelle und strukturelle Implikationen. Neben Infrastrukturen an Hauptstraßen wird durch die angewandten Methoden auch die generelle Bedeutung von Nebenstraßen verdeutlicht und weiter differenziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen dabei den enormen Nutzen von Fahrradstraßen aus Sicht der Nutzenden. Die Erkenntnisse bieten spezifische Anknüpfungspunkte, sowohl für weitere Forschung als auch für Planung und Praxis, die in der Arbeit diskutiert werden. / A broad combination of different methods is used in an integrated approach to evaluate interrelations between infrastructure and bicycle transport. First, the bike-friendliness of the urban environment (bikeability) is defined via a literature analysis in combination with an interactive expert survey. This definition of bikeability is then operationalized using open geodata, ensuring transferability. In addition, the effects of bikeability on mode choice are evaluated using a multinomial logit model. On the detailed level of route choice, the influencing parameters are further differentiated in a graphical online stated preferences survey. Mixed logit discrete choice models are then developed to quantify the trade-offs of interest. Furthermore, extensive data retrieved from a bike routing engine are clustered and analysed to reveal underlying route preferences, without the potential effects of an overt survey situation. Results show a consensus in understanding of bikeability, as provided by experts. This is defined by a stable interaction of the components composing bikeability. The mode choice model proves the strong positive effect of high bikeability on choosing the bike as a mode of transport. On the detailed level of route choice, the particular influence of cycling infrastructure along main streets is confirmed, and differentiated according to the specific design. Aside from specific individual and structural implications, a greater separation from motorized transport generally corresponds with a higher utility for cyclists. Regarding side streets, the results reveal the general importance of minor roads and the enormous benefit of cycle streets prioritizing cyclists. The presented findings may be used for further research and deliver recommendations for planning, which are discussed in the present study.


LÍVIA BEATRIZ BRIGAGÃO DA SILVA 03 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] A concentração da população urbana e a dinâmica das cidades apresentam desafios às administrações públicas municipais em suas tarefas de ampliar e conservar caminhos pavimentados destinados a pedestres, especialmente em metrópoles como o Rio de Janeiro onde a integração entre dois ou mais modais de transporte público é realizada quase totalmente sobre a superfície e por meio de linhas de ônibus, demandando a utilização de calçadas com mais frequência. Embora a Constituição Federal trate dos temas acessibilidade em prédios, portadores de deficiência, segurança viária e mobilidade urbana, as ações públicas voltadas para soluções de tráfego ainda privilegiam modais motorizados. Sem conservação, calçadas com buracos e desníveis estão por toda a cidade. Faltam rampas de acesso para pessoas com mobilidade reduzida e sobram obstáculos que diminuem a capacidade de fluxo para os pedestres, como bancas de jornal mal posicionadas. Inegável é que o planejamento e as respectivas ações administrativas para a gestão de calçadas urbanas necessitam de técnicas que deem conta da dinâmica em lugar de soluções empíricas. Esta pesquisa propõe um modelo de calçada sustentável que priorize as dimensões social e institucional da complexa realidade urbana representada. Um índice de qualidade é proposto para que o gestor público possa diagnosticar e monitorar a conservação dos pavimentos destinados a pedestres. / [en] Pavements for pedestrians were object of attention of rulers since the 17th century, when cities still had no motor vehicles. In the city of Rio de Janeiro, capital of the empire, in 1870, a new urban structure was in process, in total harmony with transportation; the city expanded due to the capacity of the transport network to ensure transportation of the population (Silva, 2008). Figure 1 exhibits the granite sidewalks of Ajuda street, in the proximities of the municipal theater of Rio de Janeiro, in the early 20th century. They offered good comfort and safety conditions even for current demand levels. This example represents a significant advancement in pedestrian infrastructure in comparison to pavings that still prevailed at the time, as the pé-de-moleque (boy s-foot, a Brazilian candy made with crunched peanuts) pavement that emerged in colonial Brazil, still present in neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro and other historical cities of Brazil. Figure 1 also shows an segment in pé de moleque on current Rio Branco avenue, discovered in 2015 upon construction of the light rail vehicle (VLT). Currently, sidewalks may be considered an indicator of human development, within the sustainable human mobility sphere, defined as the displacement manner that prioritizes the individual, respecting same as to what regards proper needs, producing minimal energetic cost, with significant reduction of pollutants emissions and noise levels, restricting use of cars and decreasing their speeds. In this scenario wherein sustainability is considered a guideline for urban development policies, which have among their purposes equity and social justice in the appropriation of land, resources and the use of road space, city walking gains more importance (Gondim, 2001). In Brazil, where more than 80 percent of the population lives in cities, how does the municipal public administration act on the current sidewalks infrastructure? Could a sidewalk quality index serve as a tool to the manager and the proper population, through residents associations to diagnose and monitor the quality of sidewalks? An attempt to answer these important questions is the aim of this work.

Planejamento urbano e transporte urbano de carga: investigação de modelos de integração e aplicação do modelo Freturb em um recorte urbano em São Paulo. / Urban planning and urban freight: integrated moddeling investigation and the application of Freturb Model in an urban area in the city of São Paulo.

Montmorency Silva, Thiago Canhos 16 June 2016 (has links)
A efervescência da cidade moderna somente é possível devido ao deslocamento contínuo de pessoas e mercadorias. A movimentação de bens é trivial para a realização das atividades comerciais, industriais e de prestação de serviços. Sua demanda, entretanto, é condicionada pelos padrões de uso e ocupação do solo e adensamento urbano. Esta pesquisa aborda aspectos da relação entre o transporte urbano de carga e a estruturação das áreas urbanas no Brasil. O principal objetivo é analisar a influência mútua entre a logística urbana e o uso e ocupação do solo no desenvolvimento de áreas urbanas no Município de São Paulo. Dessa forma, foram identificados, selecionados e analisados abordagens, metodologias e modelos aplicáveis à análise e proposição de diretrizes que integrem os condicionantes de desenvolvimento urbano e de transporte urbano de carga. Um modelo selecionado, o Freturb, foi aplicado em um recorte urbano do Município de São Paulo. Localizada na região de Santa Cecília e Higienópolis, a área de estudo foi modelada, primeiramente, de acordo com a sua configuração urbana atual e, em seguida, com as suas predições urbanas para os anos de 2025 e 2030, conforme os parâmetros urbanísticos do novo Plano Diretor Estratégico de São Paulo, em vigor desde 2014. Os resultados da modelagem foram abordados, qualitativamente, sob três categorias, que organizam parâmetros de planejamento e que se inter-relacionam no ambiente urbano: Aspectos do Uso e Ocupação do Solo, Aspectos da Logística e Aspectos do Tráfego Urbano. O trabalhou comparou, ainda, os resultados da configuração urbana atual do recorte urbano de São Paulo, com áreas urbanas francesas, selecionadas no Centro de Lyon e no 4o. Arrondissement de Paris. Essa comparação permitiu analisar a relação entre a empregabilidade e a densidade de movimentos da carga, nas três regiões urbanas. O estudo revelou que a área estudada em São Paulo necessita de mais movimentação de carga e exige mais do viário urbano e/ou é suprida por sistemas logísticos menos organizados, em relação às duas áreas francesas. Ainda, o porte e o perfil do estabelecimento podem incrementar o tempo de carga e descarga em uma área urbana. Finalmente, as predições urbanas, de 2025 e 2030, motivadas pelo novo Plano Diretor Estratégico do Município de São Paulo, permitiram avaliar e compreender os possíveis impactos do adensamento populacional e de empregos na demanda por transporte urbano de carga. E, verificar os possíveis impactos associados, tais como incremento em paradas em \"fila-dupla\" e ocupação viária por veículos de carga. / The effervescence of the modern city is only possible due to the continuous movement of people and goods. The movement of goods is trivial for of commercial, industrial and service activities. However, it is conditioned by the patterns of land use and urban density. This research approaches aspects of the relation between the urban freight transport and the structuring of urban areas in Brazil. The main objective is to analyze the mutual relationship among urban logistics and urban land use parameters on developing urban areas in São Paulo. Thus, applicable approaches, methodologies and models were identified, selected and analyzed, in light of their potential to support the integration of urban development and urban freight transport conditions. A selected model, the Freturb, was applied in an urban area in the city of São Paulo. Located in the region of Santa Cecilia and Higienopolis, the case study area was modeled, firstly, according to its current urban setting and then with their urban predictions for the years 2025 and 2030, according the new parameters of Master Plan of São Paulo, approved in 2014. The modeling results were classified and discussed accordingly to three aspects: Land Use Aspects, Logistics Aspects and Urban Traffic Aspects. The research also compared the results of the case study area located in São Paulo with other French urban areas, selected in the Center of Lyon and 4th. Arrondissement of Paris. Such a comparison allowed analyzing the relationship between the employability and the density of freight movements, in the three urban areas. The research revealed that the area in São Paulo requires more freight movement and urban road space and/or is supplied by less organized logistics systems, with regard to the latter two French areas. Also, the size and profile of the establishment can increase the loading and unloading time of operation in an urban area. Finally, the urban predictions, 2025 and 2030, motivated by the new Master Plan of São Paulo, allowed evaluating and understanding the possible impacts of population density and employment in demand for urban freight transport. And, they also allowed verifing the possible associated impacts, such as the increase in stops at \"double-park\" and road occupancy by goods vehicles.

A system model for assessing water consumption across transportation modes in urban mobility networks

Yen, Jeffrey Lee 05 April 2011 (has links)
Energy and environmental impacts are two factors that will influence urban region composition in the near future. One emerging issue is the effect on water usage resulting from changes in regional or urban transportation trends. With many regions experiencing stresses on water availability, transportation planners and users need to combine information on transportation-related water consumption for any region and assess potential impacts on local water resources from the expansion of alternative transportation modes. This thesis will focus on use-phase water consumption factors for multiple vehicle modes, energy and fuel pathways, roads, and vehicle infrastructure for a given transportation network. While there are studies examining life cycle impacts for energy generation and vehicle usage, few repeatable models exist for assessing overall water consumption across several transportation modes within urban regions. As such, the question is: is it possible to develop a traceable decision support model that combines and assesses water consumption from transportation modes and related mobility infrastructure for a given mobility network? Based on this, an object-oriented system model of transportation elements was developed using the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) and Model-Based Systems Engineering principles to compare water consumption across vehicle modes for assessing the resiliency of existing infrastructure and water resources. To demonstrate the intent of this model, daily network usage water consumption will be analyzed for current and alternative network scenarios projected by policies regarding the expansion of alternative energy. The model is expected to show variations in water consumption due to fluctuations in energy pathways, market shares, and driving conditions, from which the model should help determine the feasibility of expanding alterative vehicles and fuels in these networks. While spatially explicit data is limited compared to the national averages that are used as model inputs, the analytical framework within this model closely follows that of existing assessments and the reusable nature of SysML model elements allows for the future expansion of additional transportation modes and infrastructure as well as other environmental analyses.

Fontes de financiamento para planos de mobilidade urbana: a sistematização das janelas de oportunidade de financiamento geridas pelo Ministério das Cidades

Ruiz, Isadora 13 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Isadora Ruiz (isadora.ruiz@fgv.br) on 2015-10-23T17:44:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 merged Dis (1).pdf: 6340719 bytes, checksum: 1b3f951899e52bffeb10c2ec1ec4e2b3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2015-10-28T15:50:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 merged Dis (1).pdf: 6340719 bytes, checksum: 1b3f951899e52bffeb10c2ec1ec4e2b3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Almeida (maria.socorro@fgv.br) on 2015-10-30T12:42:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 merged Dis (1).pdf: 6340719 bytes, checksum: 1b3f951899e52bffeb10c2ec1ec4e2b3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-30T12:42:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 merged Dis (1).pdf: 6340719 bytes, checksum: 1b3f951899e52bffeb10c2ec1ec4e2b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-13 / This paper aims at systematizing current public fund opportunities for the development and implementation of urban mobility plans in Brazil - projects which are managed by the Brazilian Ministry of Cities. For this aim, this paper first establishes a diagnosis of the present state and history of urban mobility in Brasil, establishes the concept of urban mobility planning, and maps the possible sources of funding for the elaboration and implementation of these plans. Finally, this paper elaborates a systematic comparative analysis of each urban mobility funding opportunity. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a sistematização das janelas de oportunidade de financiamento de elaboração e implementação dos Planos de Mobilidade Urbana, atualmente geridas pelo Ministério das Cidades. Para tanto, foi primeiramente realizado um diagnóstico da Mobilidade Urbana no Brasil, desenvolvido o conceito de Plano de Mobilidade Urbana, bem como identificadas as janelas de oportunidade de financiamento. Em seguida, o trabalho descreve em detalhes cada uma das janelas de oportunidade identificadas, para então sistematizá-las e analisá-las comparativamente.

Smart parking : Network, infrastructure and urban service / Parking intelligent : Réseaux, infrastructures et services urbains

Lin, Trista Shuenying 17 December 2015 (has links)
Le parking intelligent, permettant aux conducteurs d'accéder aux informations de stationnement sur leurs appareils mobiles, réduit les difficultés des usagers. Tout d'abord, nous mettons en lumière la manière de recueillir les informations de parking en introduisant une architecture de réseaux de capteurs multi-saut, et les modèles d'intensité applicative en examinant la probabilité d'arrivées et de départs de véhicules. Puis nous étudions la stratégie de déploiement des réseaux de capteurs et définissons un problème multi-objectifs, puis nous le résolvons sur deux cartes de parking réelles. Ensuite, nous définissons un service Publish-Subscribe pour fournir aux conducteurs des informations pertinentes. Nous illustrons le système dans des réseaux véhiculaires et mobiles et soulignons l'importance du contenu et du contexte du message au conducteur. Afin d'évaluer la résilience du système, nous proposons un modèle Publish-Subscribe étendu et nous l'évaluons dans différentes circonstances imprévues. Notre travail est basé sur la prémisse que les capteurs de parking sont déployés à une grande échelle dans la ville. Nous considérons une vue d'ensemble des services urbains du point de vue de la municipalité. Ainsi, nous faisons la lumière sur deux thèmes principaux: la collecte d'informations sur le déploiement de capteurs et un modèle étendu de Publish-Subscribe. Notre travail donne un guide avant de démarrer un projet de parking intelligent ou tout service urbain similaire en temps réel. Il fournit également une plate-forme d'évaluation valable pour tester des jeux de données plus réalistes, comme des traces de véhicules ou de trafic réseau. / Smart parking, allowing drivers to access parking information through their smart-phone, is proposed to ease drivers' pain. We first spotlight the manner to collect parking information by introducing the multi-hop sensor network architecture, and how the network is formed. We then introduce the traffic intensity models by looking at the vehicle's arrival and departure probabilities, following the heavy-tailed distribution. We study the deployment strategy of wireless on-street parking sensor layouts. We define a multiple-objective problem and solve it with two real street parking maps. In turn, we present a Publish-Subscribe service system to provide good parking information to drivers. We illustrate the system with a vehicular network and point out the importance of content and context of a driver’s message. To evaluate the resilience, we propose an extended Publish-Subscribe model, and evaluate it under different unforeseen circumstances. Our work is based on the premise that large-scale parking sensors are deployed in the city. We look at the whole picture of urban service from viewpoint of the municipality. As such, we shed light on two main topics: the information collection on sensor deployment and an extended version of Publish-Subscribe messaging paradigm. Our work gives a guideline from network-related perspectives for city before launching a smart parking or any similar real-time urban service. It also provides a meaningful evaluation platform for testing more realistic datasets, such as real vehicle traces or network traffic.

Planejamento urbano e transporte urbano de carga: investigação de modelos de integração e aplicação do modelo Freturb em um recorte urbano em São Paulo. / Urban planning and urban freight: integrated moddeling investigation and the application of Freturb Model in an urban area in the city of São Paulo.

Thiago Canhos Montmorency Silva 16 June 2016 (has links)
A efervescência da cidade moderna somente é possível devido ao deslocamento contínuo de pessoas e mercadorias. A movimentação de bens é trivial para a realização das atividades comerciais, industriais e de prestação de serviços. Sua demanda, entretanto, é condicionada pelos padrões de uso e ocupação do solo e adensamento urbano. Esta pesquisa aborda aspectos da relação entre o transporte urbano de carga e a estruturação das áreas urbanas no Brasil. O principal objetivo é analisar a influência mútua entre a logística urbana e o uso e ocupação do solo no desenvolvimento de áreas urbanas no Município de São Paulo. Dessa forma, foram identificados, selecionados e analisados abordagens, metodologias e modelos aplicáveis à análise e proposição de diretrizes que integrem os condicionantes de desenvolvimento urbano e de transporte urbano de carga. Um modelo selecionado, o Freturb, foi aplicado em um recorte urbano do Município de São Paulo. Localizada na região de Santa Cecília e Higienópolis, a área de estudo foi modelada, primeiramente, de acordo com a sua configuração urbana atual e, em seguida, com as suas predições urbanas para os anos de 2025 e 2030, conforme os parâmetros urbanísticos do novo Plano Diretor Estratégico de São Paulo, em vigor desde 2014. Os resultados da modelagem foram abordados, qualitativamente, sob três categorias, que organizam parâmetros de planejamento e que se inter-relacionam no ambiente urbano: Aspectos do Uso e Ocupação do Solo, Aspectos da Logística e Aspectos do Tráfego Urbano. O trabalhou comparou, ainda, os resultados da configuração urbana atual do recorte urbano de São Paulo, com áreas urbanas francesas, selecionadas no Centro de Lyon e no 4o. Arrondissement de Paris. Essa comparação permitiu analisar a relação entre a empregabilidade e a densidade de movimentos da carga, nas três regiões urbanas. O estudo revelou que a área estudada em São Paulo necessita de mais movimentação de carga e exige mais do viário urbano e/ou é suprida por sistemas logísticos menos organizados, em relação às duas áreas francesas. Ainda, o porte e o perfil do estabelecimento podem incrementar o tempo de carga e descarga em uma área urbana. Finalmente, as predições urbanas, de 2025 e 2030, motivadas pelo novo Plano Diretor Estratégico do Município de São Paulo, permitiram avaliar e compreender os possíveis impactos do adensamento populacional e de empregos na demanda por transporte urbano de carga. E, verificar os possíveis impactos associados, tais como incremento em paradas em \"fila-dupla\" e ocupação viária por veículos de carga. / The effervescence of the modern city is only possible due to the continuous movement of people and goods. The movement of goods is trivial for of commercial, industrial and service activities. However, it is conditioned by the patterns of land use and urban density. This research approaches aspects of the relation between the urban freight transport and the structuring of urban areas in Brazil. The main objective is to analyze the mutual relationship among urban logistics and urban land use parameters on developing urban areas in São Paulo. Thus, applicable approaches, methodologies and models were identified, selected and analyzed, in light of their potential to support the integration of urban development and urban freight transport conditions. A selected model, the Freturb, was applied in an urban area in the city of São Paulo. Located in the region of Santa Cecilia and Higienopolis, the case study area was modeled, firstly, according to its current urban setting and then with their urban predictions for the years 2025 and 2030, according the new parameters of Master Plan of São Paulo, approved in 2014. The modeling results were classified and discussed accordingly to three aspects: Land Use Aspects, Logistics Aspects and Urban Traffic Aspects. The research also compared the results of the case study area located in São Paulo with other French urban areas, selected in the Center of Lyon and 4th. Arrondissement of Paris. Such a comparison allowed analyzing the relationship between the employability and the density of freight movements, in the three urban areas. The research revealed that the area in São Paulo requires more freight movement and urban road space and/or is supplied by less organized logistics systems, with regard to the latter two French areas. Also, the size and profile of the establishment can increase the loading and unloading time of operation in an urban area. Finally, the urban predictions, 2025 and 2030, motivated by the new Master Plan of São Paulo, allowed evaluating and understanding the possible impacts of population density and employment in demand for urban freight transport. And, they also allowed verifing the possible associated impacts, such as the increase in stops at \"double-park\" and road occupancy by goods vehicles.

Mise en œuvre des instruments de politique publique allant dans le sens d’une mobilité bas carbone des personnes en milieu urbain / Implementing economic policy-tools for a low carbon mobility of passengers at the urban scale

Papaix, Claire 05 February 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la réconciliation entre le défi mondial du changement climatique et les solutions locales et sectorielles qu'il convient de bien articuler pour contribuer, efficacement, équitablement et de la manière la plus acceptable, à la réduction des émissions de CO2. Plus précisément, nous étudions les conditions pour une mise en place réussie de la politique climatique à l'échelle de la mobilité urbaine des personnes. / This PhD thesis deals with the reconciliation of the global challenge that is climate change and the local and sectoral solutions that need to be accurately designed to remedy to it the most efficiently, equitably and acceptably possible. More specifically, we investigate the conditions for a successful implementation of climate policy at the scale of the urban mobility of passengers.

La mobilité urbaine à Marrakech : enjeux et perspectives / Urban mobility in Marrakesh : issues and prospects

Nakhli, Abdelghani 24 March 2015 (has links)
A Marrakech, circuler dans la ville relève du défi. La ville connaît plusieurs problèmes en termes de mobilité, de stationnement et de transports publics. Les déplacements urbains posent également la question de la fluidité des mouvements, de la sécurité des usagers, de la qualité de vie et de la maîtrise des pollutions sonores et atmosphériques. La mobilité urbaine constitue donc un enjeu actuel et à venir pour la ville de Marrakech. Par ailleurs, la mobilité est un bon indicateur du comportement d’une ville. Comment les Marrakchis se déplacent-ils au quotidien dans leur ville ? Qui se déplace et pour quels motifs ? A quelle fréquence et à quel prix ? Marrakech enregistre 5 millions de mouvements par jour. Sur l’ensemble des déplacements, 60% se font à pied, 21% en deux roues, 15% en voiture et 4% par les transports en commun. Paradoxalement, cette répartition pose déjà des problèmes de congestion et d’insécurité du trafic. Pour quelles raisons Marrakech est-elle arrivée à ce constat ? Quelles sont les mesures mises en place pour améliorer la mobilité urbaine ? D’autres propositions d’amélioration peuvent-elles être apportées en termes de stationnement, de circulation et de transports ? / To drive and to walk in Marrakesh is very demanding. Main issues concerns mobility, parking and public transport. The global approach on urban transportation also concerns the freely flowing, the safety of the users, the quality of life as well as the sound and air pollutions. Therefore, urban mobility is a current and a future issue in the city of Marrakesh. Moreover, the concept of urban mobility is a relevant indicator of the urban policy of a city. How do the unhabitants daily move in their city? More precisely, who moves and what are the reasons that lead people to move? What is the frequency of these moves and what is the price to pay for moving? Five millions of daily trips are counted in Marrakesh. These daily trips share out like this way: 60% are on-foot trips, 21% are two-wheels trips, 15% are car trips and 4% are public transport trips. The paradox consists in this sharing already causes problems of traffic jam and insecurity of the roads. How Marrakech has led to this point? What kind of measures have been chosen to improve urban mobility in Marrakesh? Are there other suggestions that could make the parking, the driving and the transportation to get better?

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